Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 44: Be a terrorist

"Is it that you hired all the artisans in this city?" The boss spoke unkindly!

He is not polite, and of course I will not have a good face for him, anyway, who is afraid of the game! "What are you doing?"

"Release all your contract for hiring a craftsman at once!" This guy is not afraid of talking loudly and eating his tongue!

"Neuropathy!" I walked directly around him towards the spiral staircase across the square. I don't even care about this kind of idiot!

This guy grabbed my shoulder and turned me back. "Where are you going? I talk to you!"

Bang! I gave him a slap and turned him three times before falling down. "Speak cleanly!"

"Go to you ... (system shield), don't want to live?" While he was being beaten, the people he brought behind had already rushed up, but no one really did.

"What are you doing?" I glared at the group of people, "Don't bother me, I can't do anything about myself!" I turned around and left, and Yang Kun and Crystal Chocolate had to follow. I don't know why the group didn't keep up. We 4 successfully reached the dungeon and entered the underground passage. Yang Kun and I walked in front, followed by Qingzai Manzai. None of us noticed that the last crystal chocolate stopped and put something on the wall, then caught up with us and left the city of artisans.

It's really weird. Seeing those people don't look like good people, why are they so scary! After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think about it. I simply stopped thinking about it! As soon as he left the tunnel exit, Crystal Choco sighed, "Why didn't those guys come after me! I thought they would chase them out!"

"What do you like? PK?"

"No! I just thought they would chase them, so I buried a bomb in the tunnel. I didn't expect it to be useless! It's a waste. That bomb is worth a lot of money!" I'm afraid she was really buried. Bomb!

"What? You've buried a bomb?" I suddenly remembered that the tunnel was the main traffic route to and from the city of artisans. "That's traffic, if other players haven't been there ...! Why didn't you tell us? What bomb did you put? How did it trigger? How powerful?"

"I thought they would definitely catch up! How did people know that these fools were not catching up! You can rest assured that it is a small bomb, not powerful! As long as someone passes by, it will cause a bomb to detonate!"


Boom! I heard a deafening explosion in the middle of the speech. A large ball of fire blew out of the tunnel exit we just came out of, and the mountain shook the gravel and flew! Several of us were standing not far from the hole, and a strong air wave followed by the fireball blew all of us out! Immediately after the explosion's shock wave stopped, two thick smoke emerged from the exits on both sides of the tunnel, and the black smoke billowed into the sky like two black dragons!

Under the protection of the armor, I was not hurt. After I got up from the ground, I patted my body and looked around. Crystal Chocolate leaned against a big tree a few meters away, looking weird! Innocent and slow man lying in the grass on one side and crawling out. But Yang Kun could not find it.

I'll walk up and lift the crystal chocolate. "Where is Yang Kun?"

She leaned on a tree trunk with her left hand holding the neck to move the cervical spine, her right finger pointed to the sky. As soon as I looked up, I saw Yang Kun hanging on the trunk. I laughed a moment, and he was a little angry: "Let me down!"

I laughed and took out the boomerang. My wrists vibrated softly, and the boomerang like a dagger was immediately unfolded. I threw it out, the sharp artifact-level boomerang easily cut off the branch that was about to break. I caught the boomerang at the same time that Yang Kun landed at the same time.

As he got up and patted the soil on his body, he said, "This is a big trouble, I hope no one will find out that we put it!"

I also hurried to warn Crystal Chocolate and Innocent 憨 Manzai. "The two of you must also be tight-lipped and not allowed to say anything!"

The two men immediately nodded like pounding garlic, and Crystal Chocolate looked at the still-smoking hole and said, "Don't say it! I will never say it anyway, if people know that I will live!"

Maybe I went out today without looking at the yellow calendar, in short, things are not going well! We just said not to let people know that we saw a large group of people rushing out of the thick smoke. These people were male and female. Although they may have been in any color before, now everyone has become the same black. One of the female players with only white eyes and white teeth suddenly saw us, and she immediately screamed at the staring boss. "It's them. I saw the girl's stuff. I thought at first that the unwanted equipment was thrown out. It turned out to be a bomb!"

抓住 "Catch them, they are terrorists!" A group of 'black people' suddenly rushed at us!

I quickly took out two scrolls and gave Crystal Chocolate and Yang Kun one by one, and then I took the innocence slowly and slowly. "See you at the teleportation point!" Hurrying to turn the ring and teleported out, it was really scary! After we reached the Sky City teleportation point, Yang Kun and Crystal Chocolate appeared one second apart. I didn't have a sneaky teleportation volume so I gave them two Sky City!

When Yang Kun came out, the first sentence was: "My young lady, you killed us! This is what you said is the power of small bombs is not great? Then I want to know what the power of large bombs is? Half the tunnel blew up! "

Crystal Chocolate found a bomb from his backpack and said, "Did someone accidentally put it wrong! What should have been put just now is this little power. I didn't expect to throw the giant bomb with excitement!"

Yang Kun blinked at the bomb in her hand. "Brother Ziri, I'm afraid the artisan's problem is going to go wrong!"


"I am afraid that the artisans affected by the explosion just will not perform the contract. In order to fight for it, they will breach the contract even if they are accompanied by money! But the NPC side should not care about these!"

"Isn't there someone else in your company? Ask them to confirm the casualties. Those who have a skill level below 15 don't even have to spend a lot of money, but those above 15 are better to invite, even if you add money. You have to get someone to make an apology! "

"Then I will go back and tell them to work! Please open a private chat, I will contact you at any time!" Yang Kun left the teleportation station and returned to the ghosts.

Yang Kun walked away and turned to Crystal Chocolate: "Now you are restricting the use of zha medicine, you must first apply to me to use zha medicine! If you do n’t listen, kick your trip and announce that you are the world ’s first terrorist, see you How to go out in the future! I can guess what the headlines for Game Express tomorrow will be! "

I do n’t know the life and death of the crystal chocolate and came over and asked, "What is it?"

"Of course, the terrorists found the city of artisans. The city of the largest artisan distribution center was attacked by terrorists. Someone will definitely say how terrible the terrorists are, how terrible the death and injury! Yes, I will take you to me later City, you pay attention to me, if you blow up my wall, sell you for money to repair the wall! "

"5555 ~~ You abuse workers!"

别 "Don't play treasure over there, teleport directly! The destination is called Holy City!"

I arrived at the holy city with two senior mechanics. Although I have a bad relationship with the boss here, I still have to borrow their teleportation team again and again, it seems necessary to get up with Isinger's teleportation team first!

After nearly two hours of walking back and forth in the dense forest, we finally arrived in Isinger, thanks to the Dragon King who cleared a passage for me in the forest outside Isinger, otherwise the skeletons in the forest That's enough for us to die!

When I saw Isinger, the two technicians reacted differently. The performance of Chunqing Manzai is a sigh of majesty, but the first sentence of crystal chocolate is: "How many zha medicines can it take!"

"Follow me!" I took two people through the huge and long gate and entered the city, and they were dumbfounded again. The whole city is now full of dragons busy. Those players who have never seen a dragon see the giant dragons gather for the first time.


The Dragon King's troops have apparently returned, and the surrounding walls are lined with dragons, and they are now helping me clear the mud and debris. Because I didn't ask the elemental people to help, the dragons preparing to watch the war used more extreme methods to clean up the city. Hundreds of red dragons lined up a lot of flammable things directly with Long Yan, and the rest was stone and dried soil. More than thirty silver dragons jointly created a giant teleportation array in the air to inject millions of tons of seawater directly into the city. Small pieces of debris and soil were washed away by the seawater, and then returned to the sea. The only disadvantage is Essien. The sea next to the grid turned into a mud! Other dragons seem to be converging large pieces of rock that cannot be melted or washed away.

The King of Dragons and the large group of fairy dragons are gathering on the top of the Juling Pagoda. I don't know what I'm doing. I asked Crystal Chocolate and Pure Love Manzai to wait for me under the Juling Pagoda, and I rushed to the top of the Juling Pagoda.

When I rushed out of the stairs, I saw the hordes of fairy dragons and the dragon king installing a huge machine to the top of the tower. The main part of this thing is a large ring, which looks like a very large ring! There are many long antenna-like things on the surface of this giant ring. They stand up straight and point at the sky. It feels like a lightning rod installed! The Dragon King is directing the fairy dragons to put this thing on the Juling Tower, and now the thing is almost hoisted.

I didn't ask what this thing was, thinking I knew it was the treasure of the town of the Dragon clan——Leiguang Cannon. I watched the behemoth approaching the top platform of the Juling Tower. Obviously this base had been modified. It just happened to be tightly connected to the Juling Tower. I don't believe there would be such a coincidence. It must be to adapt to Isinger's. The structure was temporarily changed!

As soon as the hoisting was completed, the fairy dragons flew away immediately, and the dragon king flew directly into the tower. "you're back?"

"Well!" I nodded. "How did you come up with this thing? Aren't Juling Towers having defensive enchantments?"

The King of Dragons pointed to the silver dragons that were still watering: "I have so many super magicians, it is not trivial to open a hole in the enchantment!"

"Is this thing a Lightning Cannon? Why doesn't it look like a cannon?"

"This thing isn't a dragon weapon in the first place. What ’s weird about its shape! This is a real city-level defense weapon. Your magic crystal cannon has become a children's toy compared to this! Yes, do you want it? Experiment? "

实验 "Experiment? Can something so powerful be tested?"

"Why not?" The Dragon King suddenly ran to the side of the Juling Pagoda and changed back to the shape of the dragon. He used the sound reinforcement magic to say: "You all land and look for it, don't leave the city area, we have to experiment with the Thunder Cannon!"

Upon hearing this warning, the dragon below immediately found a place to land, and none of them was still in the sky. It seems that this thing can only roughly control the attack position, otherwise the dragon king will not let the dragons find a place to land!

The King of Dragons returned to human form and came over. He took out a bunch of things and handed them to me. I took it and looked like it was a necklace. The chain link is a dragon badge carved from sapphire. "What are you doing for my necklace?"

"This is not a necklace, it is a bracelet! You spread your left hand!"

I stretched my fingers according to the words, and then the dragon king passed the chain next to my thumb and the hand next to the little finger and wound it around the back of the hand. After crossing it, it rewinded the palm of my hand, and finally spared the part on the wrist Stuck after a few laps. At this point, the chain link fell near my palm. The dragon king's rope-knotting technique was quite good. The perfect lock made me wonder how he got around!

"Alright!" The Dragon King pressed the chain in my palm. "Hold it tight when you need city defense, and imagine that lightning strikes will help you strike the enemy! Note that you need to warm up before using it. This thing takes about 10 minutes to prepare from startup to use, but once it starts, The attack frequency is very fast, of course, the so-called fast is relative to its attack power! Also note that this thing can actually attack multiple targets at the same time, you must control it, otherwise it is easy to hurt the companion, This thing is not judged by the enemy. I do n’t leave anything in the past. It ’s not good to do it to myself! There are so many things to note. Let ’s do an experiment now! "

I held the chain in the palm of my hand as I said, and then began to imagine the preparation for lightning strikes. I just heard a sudden low buzz around, like the sound of a high-power electric machine with high voltage electricity. As time went on, the buzzing sound was getting louder and louder, and I could already see arcs flashing on these things like lightning rods. The blue arc swims back and forth between the metallic antennas, and from time to time it also makes electric shocks. The high-intensity current caused the vibration of the surrounding air, and the noisy sound of the current was emitted from time to time.

The King of Dragons looked at the electric forks around him and felt that it was almost warmed up. He pointed at a small hill in the distance and said, "Did you see that small hill? Use it as a target and experiment!"


The King of Dragons still reminded me again uneasily: "Don't focus on it, just stare at your target. This controller is very instinctive, any fluctuation of your mind will make the attack out of control!"

"Okay, I know!" I stared at the hill bag with all my attention, and imagined attacking the hill bag in my head. The electric forks around me immediately felt the fluctuation of my mind. The electric current that was originally evenly distributed suddenly became active, and the noisy sound sounded at the same time. Dozens of electric currents hit each other instantly in the air and turned into a huge rolling blue electric ball. Now I finally know what the Lightning Cannon is! This Lightning Cannon is a spherical lightning maker that can release plasma clouds! Everything just completed was completed within one second. The assembled electric ball has become a spherical lightning that is the size of a basketball, shining dazzling blue light, the surface is constantly flashing an arc, and it is still rotating at high speed .

可以 I can feel that the spherical lightning with full energy is preparing to fly towards the mountain bun I designated, but at this time, my private chat suddenly heard a very loud voice. The voice comes from A Wei. He is the pro-signal code that I set. It doesn't need me to answer. As long as I'm online, as soon as he calls, the private chat will start automatically!

"Boss help!" A Wei's voice shook my ears!

The sudden sound completely disturbed my attention. All the dragons stared with horror at the electric ball that had flew a distance and suddenly made a roundabout and pierced into the city. The dragons below realized that the electric ball was about to land when they were wrong, and the dragons turned and ran in horror. But no matter how fast the dragon is, it is not as fast as electricity! Although the plasma ball lightning is not as fast as the current, it is still not a speed class with the dragons!

Most of the dragons just came and turned around, and the ball lightning had already landed. The blue spherical lightning did not explode as expected after landing, but swirled at a high speed in the place where it fell, and its volume increased rapidly. Just two seconds after landing, the original basketball-sized lightning ball has become a big guy with a diameter of 3 meters. Then this thing suddenly exploded! The fast-responding dragons have run more than 50 meters in this short 4 seconds, and the slow ones are more than 30 meters, but this distance is not enough!

After the electric ball exploded, no shock wave or the like flew out. Instead, a piece of electric arc blasted in all directions, like a plow. From my point of view, the electric ball itself is like a flower heart, and the surrounding arc is scattered like a blooming flower. Many electric arcs protruded from the place where the electric ball exploded, turned around in the air and plunged back to the ground! Many dragons were hit by scattered currents because they were less able to dodge. Because Tiangang is a little bit bright now, everything that shines is very clear. The dragon that was hit immediately looks like an X-ray, and a blue skeleton shines like a light bulb!

电弧 The arc of flying around like a minesweeper lasted for almost 7 seconds before it ended. The dragons around it fell to the ground, all the same—the whole body was dark and it was emitting smoke! The place where the ground was hit directly has now become a large hole with a diameter of more than 20 meters, and the ground more than 50 meters thick was completely penetrated! Because Isinger is divided into upper and lower layers, each layer is divided by more than 50 meters of crystalline rock. The hard crystalline rock will not collapse when it reaches this thickness ~ ~ Thunderbolt blasted out a big hole!

I watched the huge cave on the ground still smoking smoke, and the giant dragon next to it groaned on the ground, embarrassedly turned to look at the dragon king's face. "Sorry! Mistake! Mistake!"

The King of Dragons was already there, he looked down mechanically before calming down. "Eh! ... Fortunately, there is no direct hit! With the physical strength of the Dragons, you can't die unless you are hit directly! Uh ... you ... still forget it!" The Dragon King was obviously not badly beaten, and could not speak fully It's up!

I was about to appease the depressed Dragon King, and A Wei's ghostly voice sounded in private chat. "Boss, where are you? Come and help!"

The King of Dragons said: "It's your communication! Let's talk slowly! I'll go and see the situation!" After that, he went on. Seeing him look like he is trying to restrain his emotions!

I hurried to a private chat. "What's your ghost name! Do you know what you did to me?"

"Boss! ... Oops ... whatever you have to do, please come to the rescue first and say anything! You can say anything when you go back!"

It seems that A Wei is really in trouble, and I will not talk nonsense. "Tell me the coordinates!"

I quickly jumped off the tower and successfully landed on the ground with the help of wings. The two mechanics are still standing silly at the door! But now their mouths are all O-shaped. The lightning strike was not far away in front of them. Fortunately, the place where they stood was outside the attack range. Otherwise, they would be hit by that type of lightning, and there would be no meeting left! I don't have time to explain anything to them now, let them see for themselves and get to know the environment first, as long as they don't leave the city, nothing will happen. After finding the head, the sober dragon told him to tell the dragon king that I was going to save people, and then quickly opened the teleport ring to reach the coordinates Awei said.

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