Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 227: Special mausoleum special treatment

Volume 19 Chapter 227 Special Treatment of Special Tombs

According to Corolla's command, we quickly moved the fusion spirit hún to the magic array, and Corolla herself went outside the magic array and began to control the magic array to load magic layer by layer. With the magic circle fully activated, the monster that had been in chaos because of thinking confusion suddenly stopped in place as if he had hit the body fixation spell. In fact, the monster's body is not tied. The reason why it is not moving is because the spirit hún is now controlled, so the body cannot receive the signal from the spirit hún, and it is naturally fixed there.

Looking at the monster completely still in the magic circle, the princess nodded and said, "It looks pretty good."

I turned my head and asked, "Can we start to strip the spirit?"

The princess nodded and said, "Okay. Immediately I started to cut off the connection between his spirit hún and his body. When the spirit hún was disconnected, he smashed his body away. But it's better to be faster. Get rid of that guy in an instant, so that the success rate is relatively high. If the speed of the guy is slow, the spirit hún may be damaged. "

After listening to the princess saying this, I thought about it a little bit, and then let out luck directly: "Fortunately, you are responsible for getting the guy's body out."

Fortunately, he nodded and asked, "Is that all right if the guy's body is broken?"

I nodded: "That body is useless, you just have to get it out."

"I'll understand then. You guys start."

Fortunately, after confirming that I was ready, I signaled that the princess could start, and the princess stripped off that guy ’s spirit hún did n’t cost anything at all. It was almost that my side just notified her that she could start, and she immediately asked lucky He beckoned to signal that he could start. The lucky person who got the signal immediately ran two steps towards the guy in the magic circle, and then turned around suddenly with the sudden force of a sudden impact. The thick tail was blowing over us like a hammer with a whistling wind, and then Slammed into that guy's body.

It feels like hitting an egg with a golf club. What we see is not that monster ’s body flew straight out, but the guy ’s body seemed to explode. It turned into a large piece of blood and turned radially forward. A fan-shaped area sprayed out.

"Damn, can't you just tap it?" Seeing the flesh and blood scattered everywhere, the princess couldn't help turning around and spitting it out, covering her mouth.

After the princess finished speaking, others also expressed indignation at the lucky reckless behavior. Before, we all thought he would fan the guy with his paws, who knew he actually pumped with his tail. You need to know that the dragons only like to use their paws when teasing weak creatures. If a real dragon fights, they usually use their tails to greet them. After all, the scales of the dragons are too thick, and they ca n’t hurt each other with their paws. It's different. The dragon's tail is not the same as the dragon. The dragon's tail is fish tail, long like a fan. It is very useful when swimming, but it is not good for shooting people. The tail of a dragon is basically a long whip from thick to thin. The most terrifying thing is that it usually has a bone structure with different shapes at the tip depending on the type of dragon. Usually it will be a flying spear that looks like a fish. The spearhead-like structure of each will grow into a hammer shape, triangle, spiny sphere or even some other strange shapes, but without exception, the dragon's tail tip is definitely a dangerous shape.

The lucky tail belongs to a more common structure, that is, an arrow shape. The difference is that his pointed end is not a left and right half like a double-edged axe, but a quad fork. This structure determines whether the lucky tail is swept sideways or smashed up and down, basically there is always a sharp blade facing the target. He just smashed his tail clearly to cut the guy, but he may have overestimated the strength of the guy's body, but it was broken, which was a bit exaggerated.

"That's not to blame me!" Fortunately, he looked at the meat block unexpectedly. "I didn't know this guy was so brittle, I just smashed it a bit and he broke it!"

Xiaochun shook her nose while she shouted, "Don't say anything, hurry up and dispose of the minced meat, and you will feel sick!"

Fortunately, he knew that he had made a mistake, and when he heard Xiaochun say that, he hurried up and sprayed the dragon's mouth. That guy did have a powerful recovery function before, and was able to devour the organisms he came into contact with, but that was in the case of a spirited hún. In the case of losing control of the spirit hún, the monster's body will be like a robot without an operating system. Although all the functions should be available, they will not work.

After we were lucky to clean up the minced meat, we quickly gathered to the center of Corolla's **** array, and the fusion spirit hún was bound there intact at this time.

"Is this the fusion spirit hún? How does it feel a little strange?" I asked, looking at the strange spirit hún.

The princess explained: "This spirit hún was fused, but not through the magic circle, but forcibly fused by that guy's body. He devours others, but his spirit hún does not have devouring spirit hún Ability, so these remaining spirits hún have not been consumed, but are forced to start fusion because they are all in the same body. However, I think the time for this spirit hún to fuse may be shorter, so it is not fully integrated. So energy is unstable. "

Ling said, "This is not a big problem. Anyway, there is the great God of Hades, so you can bring it back and let him integrate. He should be an expert in this regard."

"It works. But how can this thing be taken away?"

"Use this." Ling passed a crystal ball directly.

I took the crystal ball and looked at the subordinate xìng, and then touched the crystal ball to the spirit hún according to the instructions. The guy entered the crystal ball in an instant. Throw the crystal ball directly into Fenglong space, and then I let the magic pets clean up and get back on the road.

The mission to the Valley of the Worms is still missing the last graveyard mission, and now I plan to complete this mission. I didn't do this before because I couldn't find where the cemetery was. Now it's different. Corolla just told me she knew the location of the cemetery, and according to her, the cemetery existed before they built the lab.

"Are you sure that mausoleum is underneath?" Corolla and I asked, standing in front of a large swamp of black mud.

Corolla nodded surely: "I have already compared the surrounding terrain. Although the terrain has changed due to rising water levels, this should be the location of the mausoleum."

"Well, at least you explained why I couldn't find this mausoleum after a few laps before!"

Thanks to this time I took so many tasks alone, and Corolla rescued in one of the laboratory tasks knew exactly where the graveyard was. Don't expect to find that mausoleum. Who do you think would be the entrance of the mausoleum under the black mud marsh? If this is a clear lake, some people will consider launching it after finding it on the land, but this quagmire ... Anyway, I would not jump down just for an uncertain possibility.

Speaking of it, even if you really know that the entrance to the mausoleum is under this mud, it is estimated that there are not many people who can dive to find the entrance. First of all, this mud is not a puddle. Even if the water is muddy, the visibility is still a little bit. Whether you have lighting equipment or night vision in this quagmire, as long as you don't have the ability to see through, you are no different from the blind. Second, the mud is rumbling out of bubbles.

I see more of the swamps that bubble upwards. After all, there are often drowned animal carcasses and rotten plant rhizomes in the swamps. These things produce a lot of biogas when they rot. Turn up the bubbles. However, the swamp in front of me is not frothed by biogas. The reason it pops bubbles is because the water is boiling.

We have speculated before that there is a geothermal resource under the Worm Valley, and this is one of the direct evidences. The black mud is more appropriate than boiling bubbles. As the black mud beats constantly, a large group of white steam is spraying out from under the mud pit. Just looking at the pressure of this water vapor, we know that the temperature below can definitely cook most organisms.

"How is this going down?" I was a bit troubled looking at the smokey swamp in front of me. If it was only a mud pit, I could have the rose vine wrap me in the center, and then take me down. The problem is that the mud here has boiled. Even if the rose vine is demonized, it is still a plant. If it continues, it is estimated that it will be stewed into a vegetable soup soon.

Corolla just knows the location of this place, and she has no way to get into the mud pit. After all, she will not be buried in the mud pit. Fortunately, I have a lot of magic pets. Everyone thought that they came up with several plans soon. After repeated comparisons and calculations, everyone finally decided that it would be more reliable to dig the mud pit.

According to Corolla's observations of the surrounding environment, we conclude that the entrance to the mausoleum is not really deep from the ground, so it is possible to dig a mud pit.

Digging the pit itself is actually very simple. Fortunately, these dragons are there. Wouldn't it be trivial to dig a hole in the ground? Although the dragons themselves are less likely to make holes, they have inherent advantages in hardware, and they are really quick to dig. The key is to find a way to prevent the nearby water stream from turning the excavated mud pit into a puddle, but this is also simple, just let the little dragon girl use the water avoidance spell to disperse the water stream. The only trouble is the high temperature below, but this problem is not too big, anyway, the dragon is not afraid of hot, even if they dig out the magma, they can continue to dig, so that frost and snow can be used as a temporary air conditioner.

After setting up the action plan, we started digging down the ground. The situation was similar to what Corolla said. It took a total of five or six meters to dig and we saw a layer of slate, but we obviously thought the problem was simple.

"I rely, where is this door?"

Digging the surface soil is not a complicated task. Fortunately, this part was quickly completed, but the real trouble is the next part. Although Corolla knew the location of the tomb, she did not know where the entrance was. According to her, this mausoleum is different from most tombs. This mausoleum is not as hidden as other mausoleums, for fear of being stolen by the tombs. The surface structure of this mausoleum is said to be the same as that of the palace. It is not only very gorgeous, but also terribly large. However, no matter how large it is, it is also a mausoleum, and there is only one entrance to the underground. If it is not buried, it is not difficult to find the entrance through the surface buildings. After all, we are crowded, and it is quick to find them separately. The key is that the tomb is now buried underground. If you want to find the entrance, you must dig everywhere. If you are unlucky, you may even need to dig the entire tomb to find the entrance. If this is ordinary land, then I will find all the summoned creatures for civil construction, but this is marshland. The mud thing will flow. We dig here, and the mud is flowing over there. When do we have to dig? Even if Frost's ice magic can freeze these muds, but one ton or two is no problem. How many squares of dirt must be dug out in such a large area? In addition, the underground geothermal heat is heating at any time. How much can I live by the frost and snow?

"Can't we make a hole in the tomb?" Corolla asked.

Ling directly said: "It is easy to open a hole, but we are not sure if there are any organs in the cemetery. Although we are not afraid of the organs, it is troublesome if there is a joint organ that causes the mausoleum to close itself."

"Will the mausoleum be self-closed?" Corolla asked questioningly.

Ling nodded: "It does, and the larger the mausoleum is, the more similar organs there are. These mausoleums have several layers of buildings. If an intruder touches a special organ, the middle layer of the mausoleum will self-collapse and completely close the real mausoleum area below Get up. After the collapse of the middle layer, a lot of toxic and harmful substances are often mixed, and it will become very troublesome when excavating. In short, once the self-protection mechanism of this mausoleum is activated, it will take a lot of effort to get in. "

"But if we don't open a hole now, are we going to dig the entire tomb?" Xiaolong asked beside. She was tǐng in favor of Corolla's idea of ​​opening a hole.

I thought about it, "Ling, let's open the hole. Even if we walk in from the main entrance, it doesn't mean that we will never trigger the organ. Even if the middle layer collapses, it is nothing more than to increase the excavation work. Besides, we are not sure whether there is a self-burial device in this mausoleum. Instead of going around in circles for that probability, dig directly. "

After thinking for a while, Ling also agreed with me. She nodded. "In that case, dig straight down, but be careful."

Now that you've decided to punch in, don't be lucky to get help from these big guys. Now the outer slab of the mausoleum has appeared in front of us, there is eternity, the slab is not much stronger than tofu. I turned eternity into a rotary knife like a compass, and then drew a round hole more than one meter in diameter against the surface of the slate. When eternity goes round, it's easy. Just let lucky pull out the round slate with his claws.

Obviously, the outer wall of the mausoleum cannot have only one layer of slate. After lifting off the slate, we see a layer of black gelatinous substance. Ling stretched his hand and touched it, put it in front of his eyes, and nodded, "It's a water barrier made of oil from the sea of ​​warcraft. It doesn't matter. Dig straight down. This thing is not dangerous."

After hearing Ling's words, I immediately started digging with eternity. According to Ling's description, the water barrier made by this kind of sea warfare grease is actually more difficult to deal with than the outer slate. This kind of thing is liquid after the first production is completed, so as long as there are interlayers outside, it is easy to shape. However, as time goes by, this kind of thing will quickly solidify, and finally it will become what is now like jelly. Don't look at this thing, it's as soft as jelly except for being a little blacker, but its toughness is comparable to nougat. In fact, people who often use knives know that compared with something with a certain hardness, this kind of soft and tough thing is the most difficult. Although the cutting pressure will not be too high for this kind of thing, but because it is strong, ordinary tools can't cut it. But this is not a problem for us. In front of eternity, no matter whether it is brown sugar or steel plate, it is no different from tofu.

After cutting the whirring gelatinous layer, a thin wooden board appeared below, which was estimated to be used to shape the rubberized layer. Behind the wooden board is a layer of fired bricks, which is easy to deal with, just cut and throw it out. The brick is further down a layer of something similar to concrete, but the composition does not look like a stone or something, anyway, it is dark and has a high hardness. Of course, no matter how hard you can't stop eternity. After cutting this layer of structure, there is another layer of wooden boards on the lower layer, and then the wooden boards are a layer of stones.

I stood in the big hole already fifteen or six meters deep at this time and looked at the slate under my feet, trying to scold my mother. Which metamorphic tomb is this? This exterior wall is too thick, right? After fifteen or sixty meters of excavation, the mausoleum is not yet excavated. Is the mausoleum all covered with walls, and a small piece of space in the middle of the coffin is impossible?

Depression returns to depression, the digging has to dig. I shoved eternity against the edge of the cave entrance, slammed eternity into the rock easily, and then I grasped the handle and started to circle around the cave wall. After I walked a circle, the slab under my foot was just caught. Cut out a circular area.

After finishing the cutting work, I didn't rush to pull out the eternity. Instead, I picked it on the ground and knocked the slate under my feet with my hand. I wanted to confirm the structure of the lower layer, and then I just heard it abnormally. echo.

"Huh? This is ...?"

"Did you cut it well?" I was listening there, and suddenly I heard the little dragon girl shouting on it. Before I even answered, I heard the little girl shouting, "I cut it and I came down to get things up." what."

Before I cut each layer, the dragon girl came down and used gravity to get all the shredded boards out. Now she plans to jump down again after the estimated time is almost up. However, just after she shouted, I suddenly felt that my feet sank suddenly. At that moment, I seemed to feel weightless, but it just disappeared in an instant. I quickly looked at the edge of the wall in surprise, and it turned out that I saw the new wall sinking from the ground. What does this discovery represent? It means that the slab under my feet is hanging on the ceiling of the inner space of the mausoleum by friction, as long as I now pull out the eternity to loosen the slab, or I jump lightly, this A slate guarantees that Lima will fall.

After reacting, I hurriedly called for the dragon girl to stop, but when I looked up, I just saw the figure of the dragon girl jumping down. "I rely, don't come down!"

"what are you saying……"

As soon as the little dragon girl had finished shouting, she had already fallen to the ground, and the stone slab under our feet took off from the wall and fell straight down. I just felt that the narrow opening around it suddenly widened. At the same time, I also smelled a scent that had been closed for a long time. Then I heard a loud noise, and our body suddenly stopped falling, and it was located in me. The slate underneath turned into a pile of debris, and I myself smashed it on the ground.

I lifted my head from the ground and said, "Fuck, tell you not to come down. What are you so anxious for?"

The little dragon girl snorted: "I already jumped down when you shouted, how can you blame me?"

"Then you must blame me for riding on me now?"

The little dragon girl remembered that she quickly jumped off my back, but she didn't give up. "You stood on my head when I changed back to my body. What's the big deal?"

"You also know that you are back to your true body? Come on, you can set a table mahjong on your head when you become a dragon. I stand on top of you and it is no different from a sparrow on your head?"

"Okay, okay, am I going down?"

"I'm ..." I prepared to get up from the ground while fighting with Xiaolong Nu, but I just stood halfway and suddenly settled. "what sound?"

"Let me see." The little dragon girl said suddenly and raised her right index finger and **** to her eyebrow, followed by her two eyes like two searchlights, and suddenly shot two golden beams of light in front of a large area. The area was golden. But now I would rather she wouldn't turn her eyes into a searchlight, because in the beam of light, we clearly saw countless unknown creatures thinner than chopsticks, wriggling and crawling there. The length of these things is only about thirty or forty centimeters, but because they are very thin, they all look slender and slender. The monster's head has a flower-like opening, and there is a little red dot in the center of it that emits dim light and does not know whether it is the mouth or the eyes. However, what makes us creepy is not their looks, but this dense and tangled mass. You can imagine what it would be like to throw millions of snakes into a swimming pool, and the environment around us is definitely more scary than that now. The little dragon girl and I felt the cold hair of the whole body stood up instantly. Fortunately, when we fell down, this kind of thing directly below was smashed by the slate, otherwise we are now directly falling into the bug pile.

Although we haven't been touched by these things now, these guys alone have obviously found us. At this time they were raising their strange heads to point the red dot at us, and some of them were approaching us slowly.

"Ah ..." The little dragon girl screamed at the moment she saw those disgusting bugs. Although she is a magic dragon, she doesn't know how many times stronger than the bugs, but the ability to bear these disgusting things is not based on strength. Differentiated, otherwise not many people are afraid of cockroaches in reality. In terms of combat effectiveness, even babies are much stronger than cockroaches? But even big men still have a lot of fear of cockroaches. This has nothing to do with personal strength.

Little Dragon Girl's cry was like a start signal. With her screaming, the surrounding bugs bounced off the ground together and rushed at us. Seeing the worms flying towards us, I also had scalp numbness, but fortunately, I had not lost my ability to move.

As soon as the bugs jumped up, I directly hugged the little dragon girl and threw it up, and shouted, "Change. Aura of the sun." With my shout, a small tornado rose from my feet instantly. And rushed all the way to the top of my head. After the whirlwind, I have switched from the purple sun form to the silver moon form, followed by a golden and white halo suddenly dàng from my body. Immediately, the entire room was photographed as white as the white halo. As if it was the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, all those bugs were blown back, and all the insects immediately turned into black dust when they touched the halo. After landing, they were completely invisible.

I quickly stretched out my hands after the scorching sun halo burst, and the little dragon girl just fell again at this time and was taken by me.

"Please, the next time you see the worm hide directly into the training space, don't you scream like this?"

The little dragon girl blushed and jumped from me, then mumbled, "Isn't someone scared? If it's normal, like the bugs just got all the waterspouts, how can you hide it?"

"Okay, you go back to the training space and let me see what's here."

Exploring the mausoleum is not to say that there must be many people, so I have collected most of the magic pets. Of course, authentic exploration of the combination is still necessary. First of all, the combination of Bailang, darts, and Sha Yezi's golden partner must be carried around. Bai Lang was originally a Warcraft specializing in the underground palace. His sense of smell and various characteristics are very suitable for authentic environments. The super speed of the darts determines that he will be the most suitable for being used to step on mines. In a place like a mausoleum, the organization is almost a must-have configuration. If you don't install a mausoleum, you are embarrassed to tell others that this is a mausoleum. Ordinary agencies do not have any problem as long as they dodge, but some agencies can't solve it with the quick response of your eyes. You must be fast enough. Darts can move at the speed of light, so no mechanism is as fast as him. As long as you let him touch the organ and run back quickly, those terrible organs will be scrapped. Finally, the function of Sha Yezi is also indispensable. As a high-level grudge, Sha Yezi's nihilism determines that she can drill into the wall or floor to check the settings of various institutions, and most of the institutions will not be triggered by her. For inspection and cracking of some institutions Sha Yezi may be more convenient than darts.

With the existence of the above three magic pets, the general organs are basically useless to me. Of course, some powerful institutions cannot be solved by being clever, but we also have solutions for such institutions. The first and easiest way is to let the guard of death go to mine. Anyway, most institutions have a limit on the number of times they can be used. Even the magic array institutions with automatic magic return have their own recharge time. As long as you send a few more Death Guards to try out the interval between the two activations of the magic array, you can easily pass through the magic organ without worrying about the activation of the organ. Of course, some agencies may have continuous effects, such as the venom tunnel. This organ is a passage that sinks underwater and needs to dive in. However, this mechanism is usually clean water, but once you touch the mechanism, the water in this passage will be immediately injected with a toxin with great poison and strong corrosion. Once toxin is injected into this water, it will take at least a few months to wait for the toxin to decompose naturally, so it is impossible for such an organ to actively trigger the death guard to solve the problem. However, once we actually encounter such an institution, we actually have a solution, but the aspect depends on the specific situation. Generally, as long as you bring three golden combinations, it is enough to solve the problem.

After arranging the team, I first switched myself from Silver Moon to Purple Sun. After thinking about it, I summoned Xiaochun again. Of course, this time not to ask her to help us who heals, but let her act as lighting equipment. Although the three golden partners and I have night vision, they still see things in the dark tunnel. But there is a disadvantage of night vision ability, that is, there is no sense. Even though a creature with night vision can see things after entering the dark area, everything will turn black and white. This black and white vision is sufficient for fighting and moving, but if you want to find the organ, it will be very troublesome without color vision. So I finally summoned Xiaochun to help us light up. Not only is her lighting adjustable, but it can also illuminate a large area like a shadowless lamp, so that it will be much more convenient in the event of a battle.

After observing the light for a while, I first determined that this should be a fork. The hole we made was very coincident, right in the middle of this room. Looking at this location from our station, we can see that there are eight forks on the wall leading to different directions. In fact, there is only one thing like the road. Too many times is better than no road!

"Where do we go with so many roads?" Sha Yezi hesitated as he looked at the fork in the surrounding circle.

I shook my head and said, "I don't know. I haven't been here before. Besides, we came in through holes. At least if we came in from the entrance, we still knew the general direction. Now I don't even know where we are at the tomb. "

Xiaochun suddenly said, "In fact, I don't think we should go in any direction."

"Ah? What shall we do? Go out?"

Xiaochun pointed to the bottom of his foot and said, "The most important place in the mausoleum is the burial chamber, and the burial chamber of a mausoleum is usually at the bottom of the mausoleum or at the geometric center. We are now no matter where the mausoleum is, at least a little Certainly. The tomb is definitely deeper than where we are, so instead of digging directly down this floor, we have to open a hole, and we don't care about digging more. "

I nodded and said, "It makes sense. You flash away first, and I dig down to see. But you can't just dig like this. The surrounding passages are best explored." I said, and summoned a lot of death. Guards and ghost worms. These summoned creatures who are not afraid of death are definitely the best pathfinders.

After sending out the pathfinder teams, I started digging down. With the previous experience of punching holes, this time I can become more proficient. Besides, this is already inside the mausoleum. Compared with the outer protective layer, the walls between the passages inside the mausoleum will definitely not be thicker than the outer wall of the mausoleum, even if it is thick, so the speed of burrowing is significantly faster this time. When I cut a layer of slabs more than one foot thick, a thin layer of wooden board appeared below, and the wooden board was a sandwich made of the black solid material, but it was thinner than the outer wall. A lot, just a few centimeters thick. Below this layer of black material is another layer of slate, but this time I learned smart. I used eternity to poke a hole in the middle of the slate, and then pulled eternity out. Through the hole, I easily found that there was nothing underneath, which proved that the remaining layer of stone slab was the ceiling of the lower layer ~ ~ Since the stone slab is the channel, this layer of slab cannot be simply dug wore. I first divided eternity into two parts, one part passed through the hole just pierced, enlarged the front end and blocked the slate to prevent it from falling, and then used the other half to become a cutting knife to continue cutting the slab. After I completely cut the slate in the cave from the surrounding slate, I grabbed the eternally changing clip in the middle and lifted it up. The cut slab was dragged directly by me.

The layer below the slate was immediately connected to the room on this floor, but because there was a lesson from the previous bug, I did n’t rush this time, but let Xiaochun throw a flashing ball first. Go in. If there are monsters with vision in it, this one is enough to stun them all. After the flashing ball burst, Xiaochun immediately threw another lighting technique on the lower floor, and then I jumped down.

As soon as I jumped into the passage below, I immediately regretted it. Although I flashed it once with a flashing ball, the flashing ball is not a bomb after all. The strong light can only stun creatures with eyes, and it is useless for those things without eyes. Unfortunately, this room is just full of eyeless creatures, and I also know all these creatures, that is, the kind of big earthworm-like disgusting bugs that I just met on the upper floor, and it is still a large dense crowd.

"I trust, isn't it all in this mausoleum?" @.

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