Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 48: establish

After the problem of building materials was solved, I started to work on both ends of the city. Although it is just a game, building a city is not as simple as it seems.

I was busy until noon when I was pulled by the eagle under the Juling Tower. "What are you doing?" I was holding the financial table in my left hand and holding a sketch of the city gate design in my hand. I was anxious to work with avatars!

Wu Ying showed me the system time. I looked at him in doubt, and didn't understand what he meant! The hawk had a harbinger, and I quickly pacified him: "I'm really busy now and I can't wait for two halves, so don't play the mystery with me, tell me what the **** is going on?"

Maybe Ying was really defeated by me, shaking his head and saying, "Aren't you going to build a city?"

"Isn't this under construction?"

"Do you want system certification?"

"Oh!" Then I remembered that the city function would be officially turned on at noon, so that next Saturday, I would just catch up with the monster siege. After 14 days, it would be the attack time of the Light Temple. This can't be sloppy!

揣 I hurled the documents on my body and quickly followed the eagle to run inside the tower. The central hall in Juling Tower is now our temporary headquarters. Rose and their girls are all here to direct work. A huge desk and report are piled on a huge desk that I do n’t know where to move from. !! Seeing me coming in, everyone immediately stopped the work at hand.

Wu Bailing came to look at the eagle: "Is it time?"

恩 "Well! Almost!"

"Then, Ziri, let's get started!"

"I see!" I opened the bracelet and tried to take out the city scepter from the inside, but I accidentally did not grasp it. The strange big tree seed given by Mei Mingzhi fell out with the scepter. The scepter fell straight to the ground. When the scepter touched the ground, the golden light flashed and the scepter disappeared!

A golden bright spot appeared where the scepter disappeared. After only maintaining it for a second, the bright spot suddenly spread like water ripples and spread out in all directions at a very high speed. If we now look down from the city, we can see that the halo is sweeping the city at a very amazing speed.

In the process of spreading the halo into a halo, the process of neglecting anything is simply ignored to stop Cyclonus from moving forward. The moment Guanghua passed the base of the Juling Tower, a loud noise was heard from the side of the base of the Juling Tower, and a door slit appeared on the wall of the base of the Juling Tower. Then the door slit slowly opened, and one extended downward. The tunnel appeared on the base.

The same stone gates have appeared in various parts of the city. There are many underground city entrances on the ground of Isinger. Because there is no city authorization, these entrances are closed. But now Isinger is resurrected. These in the city The gates opened automatically.

After the halo spread to the city wall, the wall also changed greatly. A row of blue magic lights lit up on the top of the bare city wall. Many huge runes suddenly appeared on the rocks outside the city walls, and these runes also flashed blood red, which looked very strange! The base of the 280 magic crystal cannons on the top of the city wall also rose from the city wall. Although there are no more artillery on them, these infrastructures have been activated. A gate suddenly opened in the direction of the city wall. The hollow city wall originally contained a huge tunnel network, and these hidden exits are now all open.

On the other side of the city, the section of the wall that blocked the waterway suddenly started to sink downwards, and soon the sluice of the entire section of the river completely sank to the bottom of the river, and the two ship locks on the river also automatically opened.

When all of us chased after the golden halo, the halo forward was about to reach the outermost wall, and we can imagine how fast the halo spread.

He rushed to the halo under the city wall without stopping, they continued to rush to a few kilometers outside the city wall before stopping. When the outer ring of the halo flashed suddenly after reaching the maximum range, we all heard a strange sound, feeling like the kind of prompt sound when the seal array was completed.

After the halo disappeared, weird patterns suddenly appeared on the ground under our feet, but these patterns were only black marks, not as glittering as the runes on the wall.

Rose suddenly pointed at a corner of the wall and said, "What's that?"

What we saw in the past was a huge red beam of light, which hit the sky like a searchlight. It can be seen on all four corners of the city. Lark suddenly called out, "We have it too!"

Everyone turned around and found that the magic array in the Juling Tower also emitted a red beam of light with a diameter of more than ten meters. Although the beam of light shined on the top of the Juling Tower, it did not cover it but passed through the top of the tower and shot straight into the sky. .

这个 At this time, the red lights at the four corners of the city suddenly began to tilt, and they were skewed towards the center of the city at the same time. The four beams of light and the beams of light emitted by the juling tower crossed an intersection point above the juling tower. Strangely, this intersection point did not become brighter due to the gathering of light beams, but a huge black hole appeared. A flame-like extension gradually appeared around the hollow. The extension was beating and deforming, and soon it became an olive-shaped thing.

裂缝 A crack appeared suddenly in the center of this super-large olive. The crack opened suddenly when we didn't know what was going on. At the same time, the beam of light suddenly disappeared, leaving only this strange thing above the Juling Tower. I instantly recognized this huge thing burning with maroon flames. "Eye of Hell! I don't think the magic really has this thing!"

Just after I said this, the crack was finally completely opened, and now everyone is affirming my statement. The huge eyes with only horrible pupils like cat eyes are definitely the eyes of hell. Isinger is indeed a magic capital. This symbol Something with pure power of darkness actually appeared here!

A swarm of cavalry suddenly appeared near the forest outside the city. Looking at their shiny armor and the crusader flag behind them immediately made us understand their identity, that is, the army of the Temple of Light.

Wu Ying ran over anxiously. "Zi Ri! What's going on? Isn't that the Holy Crusade of the Temple of Light? Why did it come so fast?"

"I don't know! I can't control that much now, I'm convening people, we are ready to fight!" It's so **** unlucky, the attack of the temple will come so much in advance! Alni is still in the Dark Temple, and her army is not likely to come so soon. The Dragons heard that I needed a lot of gems to strengthen the city defense and went back to help me carry the gems. Now they may have just arrived at Long Island! Although most of the female players in our guild are present, do they live by them alone? Our future suddenly becomes dim!

"Look over there!" The gold coin pointed at the outermost wall. I saw a turret on the top of that ordinary city wall, which is different from the magic crystal cannon turret with only a base. These turrets are intact with a giant crossbow cannon. Look at the density of Isinger's front wall. There must have been 10,000 crossbow guns!

Even when we were totally at a loss, the Eye of Hell suddenly shot a dazzling red light. At the same time as the Eye of Hell, the Holy Crusade began to strike. The thick beam of light from the Eye of Hell swept across the ground, and the knights of the Holy Crusade who were illuminated immediately lost their bones, and even those caught by the edge of the beam of light would immediately turn to ashes. The beam of light swept across the ground leaving a huge black trajectory, the scorched ground was emitting blue smoke, and there was no grass left where the beam of light passed. Knights, war horses, armors, flags, there is nothing left of everything that is touched, not even the slightest damage!

Although the power of the beam of pillars is huge, the number of cavalry is also huge. Some cavalry rushed to the wall. At this time, the unmanned crossbow guns started. Across the distance we all heard a buzz of bowstrings. The penetrating power of the three-meter-long angry arrow fired by the crossbow gun is unimaginable. Many angry arrows pass through two or three people in a row and nail the last unlucky ghost directly to the ground. Such a terrible attack power It is too unimaginable!


We do n’t know what to do now. A large number of artisans in the city are still working. They ca n’t see outside the city under the city walls. They know nothing except the sound of bowstrings and the beam of the eye of hell. , But we can clearly see it all while standing on the base of the Juling Tower!

Although we did nothing because it happened too suddenly, we really did it ourselves. Isinger ’s urban defense system was really nothing to say. The powerful attack force directly directed the cavalry with a lot of people. Destroyed directly under the city wall, and we have not moved during this period! This is completely the defense behavior of the defense system!

The cavalry who attacked in just ten minutes was completely dead, and there was no one left! All of us who saw it all were stupid, and everyone didn't understand what was going on here! The siege of the Temple of Light that should have occurred two weeks later actually started a few minutes after the city was established, and what is more strange is that our carefully prepared defense plan did not use the entire Light Temple's attacking force because of Ai Singh's automatic defense system and the whole army is gone! How did this happen!

"What are you doing?" Yang Kun stepped from the steps to see that we were all looking in one direction, and he looked back. "Oh! Are you watching the animation?"

"What? Animation?" I didn't respond for a moment!

"Isn't it?"

"You said we watched animation?" I can't believe it! "I just really saw the attacking unit in the Temple of Light!"

"I know you saw it, but that's not really a siege. Several of the clients I have had this. As soon as the city is established, there will be a plot of enemy invasion. This plot is completely animated animations, throughout the entire process Regardless of whether the players in the guild participate or not, the city side will always win. Of course, if you participate in the battle yourself, the same result! Many people were cheated when they first built the city, thinking it was a real siege, and they were scared. Half-dead, and then somehow won the game. Many people did not know that this was an animation until the victory. The design of the game company was full of fun! I never said this to customers in advance and made them addicted! Really It's fun! "

After listening to Yang Kun's words, the girls with gold coins were paralyzed on the ground. "I was scared to death. I thought it was going to be finished this time!" A lot of sweat had already appeared on the head of the gold coin. It seemed to be really scared just now!

To be honest, I was also scared to death by half. In the best state of the city, the United Dragons and the Dark Temple were fighting together. The battle was not necessarily stable. Actually, we started as soon as we got to the city. Can we not be afraid?

A system message suddenly appeared on our guild channel: "Issinger, the city affiliated with Frost Rose Alliance, was formally established, the guild points increased by 20, and the city entered the construction phase. Within 7 days from now, it will not be within 20 kilometers around the city. Refresh the monsters, and the existing monsters will also leave this area by themselves. After 7 days, the monster siege will officially begin. The duration will be 16 hours. Failure will be forced to dissolve the guild and punish all members to downgrade. Because Isinger belongs to a special address, After the 14th, the Temple of Light will clean Isinger. Please prepare yourself! "

The prompt message is almost the same as our plan. The monster siege 7 days later, and the light temple 14 days later. It seems that we need to hurry up!

The city certification is now over, and everyone is back to their work. I still have to go to the tower to fight the pile of drawings. It ’s really hard!

"What's this?" I heard someone talking before entering the tower.

I ran two steps and came to the tower. "what's wrong?"

"Look at how this is done?" Shura Ziyi stood in the middle of the hall and pointed at the ground.

I have seen what she wanted me to see before I even walked to her—a plant! This is a one-meter-high plant that looks like it has just grown and has not yet matured. However, it can be basically judged that this is a tree. But how can a tree grow in the Juling Tower?

突然 I suddenly remembered that when I took the city scepter, it seemed that I had brought something out. I quickly opened the bracelet to confirm, and sure enough, the seed of that big tree was gone! It seems that it is the seed of this tree that just fell out with the scepter, but this thing should not sprout on the hard hall floor!

Xiaoshu has no difference from the big tree except that it has no fruit. Its shape is a miniature version of the big tree. I curiously put my hand on the branch and wanted to pull it out before it had grown up. The rose vine said that the root of this thing can cover an area of ​​several kilometers, and if it grows up, I will not be able to pull out even Superman!

奇怪 When my hand hit a branch, a strange noise suddenly sounded in my head. "Are you the owner of the city?"

I took back my frightened hands, but the voice disappeared immediately. Is it an illusion? I put my hand up again and the sound reappeared. "Where do I talk to you?"

"who are you?"

"I am Shura Ziyi! Are you all right, Ziri?" Shura Ziyi standing next to me thought I was talking to her.

"Not to you, it is this tree, he seems to be able to speak!"

"Oh? Really? Why can't I hear?"

"It seems like you have to put your hand on the branch to hear it!"

After listening to my words, Shura Ziyi put her hand up, and she immediately showed the same expression as me. It seems that it is indeed a plant that can communicate as long as you touch it!

"Are you the owner of the city?" Xiao Shu asked me the same thing again.


"Hello Lord, I am the tree of the city."

"Tree of the city?" New term! Have not heard!

"It is a plant that manages part of the city's ability. My root system can cover the entire city, and I can control most of the functions you need!"

He Shura Ziyi also heard these words and whispered to me: "It looks like a city central control system!"

Wu Xiaoshu continued: "I have demonstrated my ability in the intruder attack just now! What do you think of my ability?"

"You control the Eye of Hell?" I was taken aback!

不是 "No! The Eye of Hell is automatic, and those crossbows on the walls are under my control!"

"Halo! It turned out to be an advanced urban network system! So the image of this tree here is your central control system?"

"Almost! In the future, if you have any instructions, you can tell me directly here, as long as you touch me with your hands, you can communicate with me. I am still small and can only control some things. When I grow up, the gates here, I can control the sewers, defense systems, and traffic changes at will! "

"How do you grow up? Do you need watering? You can't grow up here but you can't get the sun!" Shura Ziyi took good care of the trees.

"I don't need sunlight, my life is the life of the city, and watering is not necessary. Although my roots will not appear in your sight, but actually have spread throughout the city, I can get what I need, Don't worry about you! "

We talked with this little tree for a while, and then everyone went to do their own work again. I now know why there is no way to identify this kind of tree in Mei Mingzhi, because he will only become a real city tree if he grows in the city council hall, otherwise it will be an empty shell!

In the next two days, I helped the stonemason to mine hundreds of millions of tons of building materials and piled up several mountain of materials. The next construction work depends on these things!

Although there are many basic materials such as stone and wood near Isinger, it is troublesome to find some special materials. I was forced to come again to the city of dedication. After all, the League of Goddess is the second largest guild. Although there is not much hoarding in terms of materials, they should have a way to buy it!


I came to the League of Gods headquarters one time last time, but because I was born with poor memory and Lu Chi, I still could not find it. Unlike last time, a row of guards stood at the gate of the League of Goddess.

"What?" I was stopped as soon as I passed.

"I'm looking for your chairman!"

"President Hongyue is not here now!" It was very kind to stop my girl from speaking.

不在 "Not here? Do you know where she is now? I have something urgent!"

"Sorry, the whereabouts of the president cannot be revealed to you for the time being!" The guard's little girl is very dedicated!

At this time, a group of people came out of the guild. The one headed by me I also knew was the MM named Binger when I came last time. She obviously also recognized me, after all, I was too special in equipment, and few people were so exaggerated as I am!

"You were the last person?" Binger still frosted like her name!

对 "Yes, I'm here to find your president. Do you know where she is?"

"Just contact her with a private chat!"

"I contacted, she closed the private chat!"

"I can't help then!" Binger answered coldly.

这个 At this moment, the cauldron rice suddenly ran over from behind. "Boss, I finally found you!"

"It's you!" Binger saw the cauldron rice, and his original calm eyes suddenly turned into a stormy sea!

The big pot rice was startled by this shout. After looking up and seeing Binger still standing on the steps, the boy ran away without saying anything. "Hey! Don't run!" I heard Binger's cry, cauldron rice ran faster! Binger caught up with the skirt hem, but the long skirt used by the female mage was obviously not suitable for sports!

The girls behind me didn't know where to bring the two unicorns. A girl dressed as a soldier rode on the unicorn and then led another empty unicorn to catch up. Binger saw the unicorn brought by his companion quickly jumped up and began to chase the big pot rice on time. "They are a group!" Binger, one of the girls standing at the door after they ran away suddenly called at me, and the result was conceivable, a large group of small MMs swarmed up!

不 It is a fool not to run at this time! A person walked up to the roof of the building opposite me. "Stop don't get me wrong, I don't know that person!"

"Who did you lie to! He just called your elder brother! The sisters caught him!" But it was completely chaotic. Many small MMs rushed into the building under my feet to come up and grab me. There were also rows of soldiers and mages running out of the building next to them. It seems that someone called the people in the guild to help!

I really can't help it, a MM who fell to the ground and wanted to explain to the MM who took the lead, but when she saw me approaching, she immediately waved the staff and started preparing for magic! "Ready to attack!" A call came suddenly next to him, and he turned around to see a familiar picture-the execution ground! I felt like I was going to be shot. Opposite were the neat three rows of crossbowmen. The first row was lying on their back, the second row was half-kneeling, and the third row was standing. Of course, the arrow pointed at me! Behind them, there are still a large number of archers who are preparing to throw high shots.

放 "Let's go!" The commander of the other party called out, hula hurrying a large arrow rain flew over. It's too late to hide, there should be no problem in defense, ordinary arrows should not miss me! Hold the mercury shield with one hand in the direction of the arrow rain. A hemispherical shield appeared in front of me and blocked me all inside. After a crackling noise, the arrow rain passed, and the ground around me was stared into a hedgehog. Only the land covered by my protective shield was not covered by the arrow rain!

Obviously, the archers of the other party did not expect my protection ability to be so good. I did n’t have time to wait for them to make a second attack. Mercury's defense strength was based on my magic value, and let them fight like this. Going down my magic value should be gone!

The current situation is really troublesome. The Goddess League knows only a few people. The Red Moon is not here. Binger runs after the cauldron and rice. The rest of the people now think that I am a bad guy. It is really troublesome! The most annoying thing is that I still ask for others for a while, and it is not good to play heavy hands! What a trouble!

"Stop! Stop now!" A girl suddenly ran out from the headquarters of the League of Goddess, and she was actually calling!

I don't know what her position in the League of Goddess is, but anyway it seems that the rank is not low, and the people around them immediately stopped attacking. I was still stupid standing in the middle of the road waiting to see what she was going to do. Although she shouted, it didn't mean that she was helping me. Maybe she just felt that the current attack method was wrong and wanted to adjust it!

The girl who just appeared ran all the way to me. "Are you the purple day of the Frost Rose League?" The other party actually knew me!

恩 "Well! It's me, may you ...?" I really don't remember! "I seem to be a bit impressed, but I can't remember it!"

"You don't know me, we haven't met formally!" The other person's words almost made me a big follower! It ’s polite to help!

I had to smile awkwardly, "How do you know me?"

"I just said we have n’t met formally, not that we have n’t met. The two of us have actually seen each other! Maybe you do n’t remember. I was the chief sacrificial commander of the League of Goddess during the Battle of Consecration. When you talk to the president, I am standing to the left of the president! "

I'm clear about what she said, but I really don't remember. At that time, how could I have thought about the men brought by Hongyue! "Do you know where your president went? I'm looking for her!"

"President!" She thought for a moment: "President went to the branch of Goddess City in the morning for a meeting, I don't know if it is still here!" She looked at the system time and continued: "It's almost noon, It should be back soon! "

"Purple Sun?" Said Hongyue coming from behind! "Why are you free to come to my poor place?"

Wu Hongyue's words sounded irritated as soon as she heard them, but think about how long I haven't contacted her! Something is really wrong! "I've been busy recently, I'm really sorry!"

"Come and talk!" Hongyue took me into the courtyard of the guild headquarters. This is almost exactly the same as the branch of Goddess League in Goddess City, even the sculpture of a girl riding a unicorn in the middle of the small square is exactly the same!

哪里 "Where did you buy this sculpture in your guild? Why are they exactly the same?"

Wu Hongyue glanced at the sculpture and said, "This is the original Goddess City ~ ~ We brought it over!"

I say it! I thought Goddess League had a sculptor! If you can just borrow it!

Wu Hongyue took me into the living room of the meeting, and after a brief sentence with his men, he turned to me and said, "Say! What is it?"

"I was looking for your help!"

"Ask me for help? Don't you see which city is looking for me to help you occupy it?" Hongyue's personality seems to have changed a lot recently, she didn't look like this before!

"I'm not asking you to fight, just borrow your contacts, I hope you can help buy something!"

"What's acquired?"

I passed the list and Hongyue picked it up and looked at it. "Do you have a city?"


"You ...!" She seemed to want to get angry, but didn't know why it didn't come out! "Forget it, I have most of these things, I will sell them to you at my purchase price!"

"Thank you so much!" I didn't expect that Hongyue had everything, which helped me save things!

"Don't thank me first!" Hongyue interrupted my thanks. "I didn't give it for free. I have a request! If you can help me complete my request, I can sell it to you at the purchase price. If you can't complete it ..." After a pause, she continued: "I will Here you are, but the price doubles! "

"What are you asking for?"

She didn't say it directly but handed me a roll of paper. I opened it and it looked like a map. And this is not a map of a region, but an internal structure of a building. What kind of building has such a large area?

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