Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 4: Many aliens

"President Ziri, your magic pet is really good. Such complex things can be explained in just two look. It is really amazing.

I nodded at the people's bullshit, and then asked directly, "How many of these things are there?"

Wusuo said: "Very many. When we came last time, we rushed in. Many people have been killed by this thing before we can fight with cannibals!"

I nodded and asked, "Do you remember where you are?"

Ursuo shook his head. "No, there are too many guard towers, and we were rushing while fighting. How could we have time to remember those?"

"Then you will follow me next, just give me directions, and the tower will be handed to me."

They both knew my strength, so they directly agreed to my proposal without any objection.

In fact, letting them go behind is to ensure their safety. It only benefits them and does not hurt them, but the other holder of the national weapon seems a little hesitant. I know he has been looking for opportunities to disrupt the operation, and these sentry towers are a good opportunity, but it is not enough to just let them go behind.

I saw all that guy's reaction, but since he hasn't acted yet, I don't plan to pierce him in advance.

Then Uso and they followed me carefully, and they opened a distance of more than five meters with me, in order to ensure that they had a reaction time in the event of something unexpected. After all, my response was very fast. In case an arrow or something was shot from the front, I would definitely be able to flash away, but they may not. Multiple safety distances can always compete for some reaction time.

Uso they said that there were a lot of such towers, but they didn't know if we were lucky, and we didn't encounter that thing along the way. When we carefully moved forward for more than a meter, we saw the second sentry tower. Since it was very early and the sentry tower had not yet reached the attack range, I directly asked Rose Vine to burrow and drag the sentry tower to the ground.

After passing through the location of the sentry tower, we solved two nearby sentry towers, and then we went to the cannibal village. Uso they walked to me with a little surprise

Channel: "I didn't expect it to be so smooth this time. It seems that our offensive line was a bit problematic last time."

"Yeah." Another member of the team turned and asked the other holder of the national weapon, "Harolaw, how did your team scout last time? There is such a sparse place here. Why did you take me to such a dense road over there? We killed so many people, but if the cannibal army was not there that day. Let ’s not grab the right foot of gold, or the whole thing. The teams have to be planted inside. "

When I heard this player, I immediately understood what was going on. Needless to say, this guy must be intentional. Yan Ran didn't know the reason, but he didn't want Uso to find Qi. However, despite being questioned by the people, the holder of the Chinese weapon that was called was actually very angry and said, "How do I know why there are so few sentry towers suddenly? Last time we took the whole food The outer village of the Terran village has been scouted again, and the sentry tower I gave you was the least. How did you know that this sudden reduction was so much? It may be that our last assault made the cannibals realize that the tower is not only capable of early warning. It did n’t help much, so maybe they removed most of the sentry towers. ”

Hearing this guy ’s words is not good for his companions, after all, they are all teammates. It is impossible for them to really turn their backs on him before they explicitly do anything to obstruct the task, at most it is just to complain.

I naturally would not care about the farce between them. After simply observing the surrounding environment, I directly lifted my wrist to the ground, and a ghost worm quickly climbed out of the opening under my wrist, and then quickly disappeared under a pile of leaves.

As the ghosts spread, I quickly grasped the environmental characteristics of the surrounding area, and I also saw for the first time Uso what they called cannibals with the help of the ghost's visual system.

Although I have been listening to Ussau before, they are talking about how these cannibals are different from real cannibals, but I still ca n’t help but think of these cannibals as brown and black, The cannibals wearing leaves and animal tooth necklaces are linked. However, now when I first see these guys, I finally understand that Ursuo they want to say that these cannibals are aliens.

"I trust, isn't this **** a robber?" Yes, the so-called cannibal I see is the same race as the robber in the movie. Of course, there are some differences between the two, at least there are no scales on these cannibals. But these guys' heads are exactly the same as those of the Alien Predator in the movie Predator. Especially the mouth with four fangs that can open to all sides, this thing is one of the signs of the Predator.

"This is what you call a cannibal?" I asked, using a crystal ball to project the visual signal from the ghost worm in front of everyone.

"I told you all, cannibals are only systematically named. These things are more like aliens than cannibals," Uso explained.

I nodded and asked, "You said before that their weapons were advanced. What is it like? I didn't see them with weapons."

Ursuo pointed to a cannibal in the projection and said, "Did you see something on that guy's wrist?"

"What do you mean that looks like a sleeve shooter?"

"No. That's not a long-range weapon, but an energy weapon. When they are about to fight, they will stick out two light blades from the thing on their arms. When they fight, the stuff is like cutting iron. The equipment on us looks like a finger in front of that thing. "

"So exaggerated?"

"What's more exaggerated is the stuff that's behind the back. What do you think that thing looks like?"

When I heard Usol's words, I immediately focused my attention and watched one of the cannibals facing away from us. This guy was carrying a stick-shaped object about one meter two to one meter three on his back. But this object is not straight, its main part is roughly linear, but there is a small turn near the end, it feels like a butt.

When the current structure is very similar to the buttstock, it will appear if you look back. The stick-shaped object is actually like a police shotgun, except that this thing is slightly longer than the ordinary shotgun. The exterior structure is a bit sci-fi because it is covered with a lot of crystal components. However, although the crystal covered by this thing looks at tǐng science fiction, but because the other parts are carved with many old-style huā patterns, this thing does not look like a modern smooth and simple style. Generally speaking, this thing is more like a product of ancient civilization, and it should be a product of science and technology.

"Is this a gun?"

"Exactly, it is an energy weapon." Ursuo said very seriously: "We have eaten this thing in the battle before."

"A real gun?" I asked in surprise: "How powerful is it? What are its characteristics? Such as rate of fire, sustained firepower, precision, etc."

Ursuo shook his head and said, "I don't know what this thing is. It only knows that this thing can be attacked from a long range. One of the farthest I saw was an ammunition shot by a cannibal that flew over three times. After a distance of more than one meter, one of our team members was bombed. "

"Yeah, yeah." Another senior player in the team who participated in the battle also said, "The guy who was bombed off was right next to me. I saw him blown up with my own eyes."

"blown away?"

A senior player interjected: "This weapon shoots out a blue light like a shooting star.

The light group is flying fast, but it is not the speed of light, so it can flash off as long as the reaction is fast enough. However, this light group will explode when it comes in contact with objects, and it is very powerful. "

"Can you fire a weapon that explodes the xìng energy group?" I asked after a moment of contemplation: "So how fast does this thing fire?"

"It should be single." A senior player said: "I see that they have to take a short interval for each shot. It is estimated that the fastest rate of fire of this thing is about two seconds and one, but they shot twice. There is no need for additional work on bullets, and I have not seen cannibals replenish ammunition in combat. "

I nodded and said, "So this is a shotgun that looks similar to a shotgun and can fire blue missions. Its explosive power is equivalent to a rocket launcher, but its rate of fire is as high as two seconds and it may be a weapon with unlimited ammunition?"

"That's almost it." Ursuo nodded.

"What is almost like this?" I suddenly said angrily: "If an army of this equipment appears in China, even our Frost Rose Alliance can't stop them. You said that there are many in the forest before If this kind of cannibal tribe is so powerful, how will your city keep it? "

"No, no, you misunderstood." Ursuo, who was a little angry at me, explained quickly: "This kind of weapon is also very rare among cannibals, and only warriors in their clan can wear it. Ordinary cannibals There is only the energy claw on the wrist. "

"It's pretty much the same." I nodded and said, "You're waiting here first, I'll go and see the situation myself. In case I'm spotted. You need to stop the fledgling cannibals as soon as possible to prevent them from putting their golden right foot take away."


After getting confirmation, I directly turned off the projection and mō went to the inside of the cannibal tribe.

The technical strength of this cannibal tribe is so powerful that the village they live in cannot naturally be as animal shelters. In fact, the village where these guys live is like a small city. In addition to the lack of city walls, the buildings here are even more impressive than those in the cities built by Brazilian players.

The buildings built by these cannibals are almost made of stone, and the structures of these buildings are very solid. You don't need to check. At a glance, you can see that the house is super solid.

Because there are a lot of cannibal warriors gathered near the village, I didn't dare to get too close, just stopped at a convenient place tens of meters away from the edge of the village and no longer moved forward.

Through the gap between the plants, I carefully observed the situation in the village.

These cannibals are not a single race, and their social structure should be similar to humans, because I have seen many small children and old people in the village in addition to those big cannibal warriors. However, I did not show female xìng in the village. If this race is not a single xìng breed, then there must be xìng of this race. So I can't tell the difference.

The relatively strong individuals of the cannibals in the village are basically wearing armor with weapons. Although they are armors made of wood or simple metal, their technical strength is definitely not lower than that of humans.

In the middle of the village, many elderly cannibals gathered to process the carcasses of various animals. They cleaned the prey brought back by the adult individuals and put them in some containers to collect them. The children were in the village 〖Guang〗 Fighting each other on the field. It seems that the Jing people have a strong sense of fighting, because their children often fight very hard. Adult individuals do not care about them at all. If human beings are such adults, they must go to the rack in the morning.

After observing the social structure of cannibals, I want to see if there are leaders in these cannibals. Generally speaking, there are leaders in high-civilized social groups. This cannibal should also have a leadership group, but I haven't seen it look like a leader for a long time here. Those cannibals are all busy with each other, and they hardly communicate with each other, so I can't judge where their leadership is, and I even doubt whether they communicate through voice.

When I was thinking about how to find their leadership, there was a sudden boom in the direction behind me. I looked back fiercely and saw a ball of fire rising from the woodland not far away. And accompanied by billowing black smoke.

I realized almost instantly that it was Ussoo that they had been spotted, but looking at the cannibals in the village who collectively put down their hands and rushed to the other side, I eventually chose to stay in place instead of returning to help.

My task this time is to find the Chinese instruments to form the golden right foot, not to help Uso. To put it bluntly, they are here to help me, not to help me. So even if they die here, it has no effect on me. Anyway, the destination has arrived, and the guide is the same. Instead, their violence attracted me a large number of cannibals, so that I could just sneak into the village to find the golden right foot.

With the end of the first explosion, there was an explosion in the woods behind me. Obviously they had already gotten angry with those cannibals, and they seemed to be fighting fiercely. But think about it. The people who followed me were almost all masters except the two guides. They included two holders of the Uzbekistan and Harlow, and the rest were from the largest guild in Brazil. Master. Although these people may not be able to be ranked in the international combat rankings, they are at least not ordinary players, regardless of their level, combat consciousness, or equipment situation, it can be said that they are quite good. It would be strange if such a group of people were killed easily.

Seeing that the last cannibal ran past me and rushed into the forest, I carefully ran out of my hiding place and entered the village. Speaking of them, these guys are really militant.

The whole village rushed at the sound of the explosion. Including those old men and children who had not grown up before, basically all of them rushed into the woods as long as they could move, and the village was even invisible with personal hair.

Although the response of the cannibals was strange, I didn't have time to think about it. They're not in the village just for my convenience.

Although I haven't been to this cannibal village, I heard from Uso before that the cannibals took their golden right foot as their fetish. So I guess this thing will be placed in a more special building in the village. After all, sacred things are different from treasures. Treasures may be put in boxes and hidden in any corner of the horns, but the sacred things must be enshrined in a conspicuous place.

The most striking thing in the cannibal village is undoubtedly the building in the middle of the village, which is obviously several times higher than the surrounding buildings. It is different from the small building of the second and third floors. 〖Central〗 This building in Yango looks like a flat-topped pyramid of the Mayan civilization, and there is a building on the top like an altar. So I judge that the golden right foot is here.

Since I guessed that the right foot of gold might be in that building, I naturally went directly to mō over there. Fortunately, the streets in this village were all straight, and the building in the middle of the center was particularly tall. It can be seen throughout the village, so I ran to the foot of the building with little effort.

I didn't see the bottom of the building in the distance before. I came to the front and found that the bottom part of the building, which was more than three meters high, was all foundation. The main building was above the foundation of this circle.

I climbed the steps along the edge of the foundation to the corridor above the foundation that surrounds the main building, and then I quickly found the main entrance. Immediately after opening the gate, which was five meters high and three meters wide, I immediately saw a magnificent hall.

I just opened the door and glanced at the hall. Before I could take a closer look, I suddenly heard the sound of a metal crash and followed by two light bodies waving at me. Seeing the sudden appearance of the light body, I almost instinctively lowered my head and rolled forward, passed directly under the light body, followed by quickly standing up and looking back. I wanted to determine who was behind me. .

As soon as I looked back, I saw that the light body actually waved again. I hurried back and observed the guy who attacked me by the way.

This is a cannibal, and this is beyond doubt. However, unlike those cannibals who have seen outside before, this guy is not wearing a simple armor made of metal or wood. It is a set of very reasonable structure and gorgeous appearance, but the appearance is very shabby dark yellow armor. Moreover, the biggest difference from the armor of ordinary cannibals is that this guy still has a helmet on his head, and the eyes of this helmet are actually covered by dark red crystals, so it can be said that The helmet is completely sealed.

As soon as I saw the shape of this guy, the other party had already rushed in front of me. He quickly raised his right hand and cut it to my waist. Above the back of his right hand, two light yellow blades. Just like the two lamps, there is bright light.

Seeing that light blade cut over, I was also unambiguous, holding eternity in my hand and gently flicking it, the eternity instantly stretched into a sword shape and I was crossed in front of me, followed by the other lightsaber directly On the eternal blade, but the expected impact did not appear, the light blade on the opponent ’s wrist actually crossed with eternity, and then continued to wave at me, as if a ghost hún passed through a wall, two The person did not produce any collision effect at all.

Although I was amazed that the weapon would not produce any force, I flew backwards for the first time and flashed away the other side's light blade, followed Eternity in my hand, and waved directly, using the idiosyncratic xìng to stretch the eternity away and lengthen It becomes a hook sickle. The weapon of the opponent is not like the lightsaber in the movie. They can fight with each other. This light blade is a simple light blade, just like the light beam of a flashlight. It is nothing. It ’s not a good idea to fight close-handed with an enemy holding such a weapon. The inability to block weapons means that once you fight with the opponent, it may become a injury-for-injury play, and I do n’t want to trade with this cannibal. hurt. His strength is not strong enough to be worth my injury. under these circumstances. Relatively longer and more swinging sickle guns have become the most suitable weapon. At least I can hurt him from the attack range of the enemy. However, that guy is obviously more thief than me.

Just when I used the opportunity of both sides to open the distance to change eternity into a hook sickle, the light blade on the opponent's wrist suddenly extinguished, and then the guy reached out behind his hand and gave the long weapon to Pulled out.

The weapon behind his back is exactly the kind of Uso I saw before that they say is a long-range weapon, but this guy's back does not know why it seems a bit longer than those I just saw. It also seems to be thicker, with a little bit of detail. However, before I could figure out exactly what was the difference, the other party quickly put the weapon up like an end gun and pointed the muzzle at me and pulled the trigger.

The weapon did not emit the explosive sound of gunpowder weapons when it was fired, but it was a very weird whine sound, which sounded a little harsh, and felt like the sound of tinnitus.

Along with that weird voice, a group of blue light beams quickly ejected from the muzzle.

The diameter of the light group is obviously several times thicker than the gun body, and the light group is also emitted by electricity at the moment of forming. Previously, they said that the speed of the light beam shot by this gun was very fast. Now it seems that it is not fake. The light beam flew in front of me almost at the moment of formation. I estimate that the speed of this thing may have been Reached three to four times the phoneme. However, it is a pity that although it is already very fast, it is still too fast for my reaction.

The moment the light group was about to hit me, I twisted to the left like a lightning to let go of half a body position, and the light group also wiped my body and flew in the past, directly banged in and has closed again On Ran's door, a loud noise followed, and a large hole burst out directly on the entire door, and the entire door panel flew out together.

Before, Uso said that the gun was very powerful. I haven't even noticed it. Now it really looks really powerful. When I came in just now, the two doors were actually made of stone, and they were two inches thick. I was not surprised that such a thick stone gate was penetrated through a small hole, but a large hole with a diameter of more than one meter was blown out of the gate. Finally, the entire door panel was blown together.

The other party was also surprised when he missed it, but he quickly adjusted it and adjusted the muzzle to point at me again. This time, I was even harder. With a sweep of eternity in my hand, the light ball directly flew the light ball out. The light ball flew out obliquely for five or six meters, and finally hit the ground and exploded, blasting the ground directly into a large pit more than one meter.

The guy who saw me flashing a bullet before was already very surprised. Now I can actually deflect the light beam he shot, the guy is even more pronounced, but he still reacted quickly and fired at me again. The gun, of course, was shot by me again this time.

After three consecutive shots were invalid, this guy was really anxious. He directly put a strange thick U-shaped device from the back and put it on the gun. After hearing a click, the thing was directly connected to the gun body. In the middle, then this guy raised his gun at me again and pulled the trigger continuously.

The interval between the previous three shots of the guy was indeed two seconds. This is not different from what Usso said, but when the guy stuck the U-shaped device on the gun, he was as continuous as playing a semi-automatic rifle. He pulled the trigger, and then saw the light bullets pouring at me at a speed of an average of one second.

Looking at the continuous bullets fired by the other party, I didn't panic, but rushed directly with Eternal. I first waved the eternal hook sickle and hit a light shot on the ground and flipped with both hands. I turned the hook sickle gun once and lifted the tail of the gun straight up, followed by my habit of lifting the gun. xìng just turned around, the tip of the gun just turned around and swept one horizontally, then the body turned the tail and followed the sweep to sweep one again, the gun was tilted, the next light bullet was picked up on the roof, and the tail turned Smash one again, and finally hold the hook and sickle in your hand and wave it like a propeller. The flare bullets that flew east and west all flew out, and I was still a little while picking these flare bullets. Move towards the other side.

Seeing me getting closer, the other side was anxious, but his weapon seemed to have a rate of fire limitation, and that would be the case soon. Just when he was in a hurry, the distance between us finally approached within two meters. Immediately after I turned around and flew a light bullet, the gun body immediately flipped downwards and thought about it, only to listen to the sound of a bang, the guy suddenly crooked his hands and held a half of the gun in his arms and ran back. It took a few steps to stabilize the figure. But the next second he was surprised to see the gun body parts he was holding with both hands. The energy gun, which should have been a whole, was cut diagonally from the middle position into two sections, and the middle cut was smooth and flat like a mirror. If it were not for some cut-off places, there was still a fire going out, and some people would think that it was deliberately processed into that look.

when. I forced the eternal hook sickle in my hand to the ground heavily, and I looked directly at the cannibal in front of me and laughed: "Do n’t think that with a gun, I am afraid of you, and tell you, unless your thing can communicate with the organization Speed ​​it up, otherwise don't even try to hit me. "

I say this sentence, of course, not to be handsome, nor to be mad at that guy, but just to do experiments.

Judging from the weapons of these guys, their technical strength should be very strong, and our Frost Rose Alliance has always been leading the guilds with technology, so I will pay special attention to collecting all the technologies that I can access worldwide . Although these cannibals are named cannibals, their characteristics are obviously a group of aliens. The weapons they use are very special and look very powerful. It would be a shame to let such beef things go in vain, so I plan to try to buy them.

Of course, if it is really impossible to buy, even picking up some finished weapons and doing reverse engineering research can also crack some of the technology. But that ’s just a backup plan. Now the best situation is to get their approval directly and pull this guy into our Frost Rose. ”

Alliance camp.

It is precisely because I have the idea to win over this group of guys, that's why I say this now.

Seemingly casual words are just a test to see if they can understand me or even if they can communicate.

"..." After hearing what I said, the other person really responded. The cannibal yelled at me very madly and babbled some words that I couldn't understand.

Although I don't understand the language, I am still satisfied. At least these guys also communicate by voice, so as long as they can crack their language, communication is not impossible. As long as we get a group of creatures that communicate with each other like spirit walkers like a void walker, at least our communication mode is the same.

"Hey what are you guys talking about? Do you speak our words?" I'm still trying to test whether the guy can speak our language, or if he speaks his mother tongue because of his angry habits.

The guy on the opposite side had apparently lost his temper after hearing my words, but soon he shouted at me in another language.

"Magic text? You say magic text?" Although I don't understand magic text, I understand it, and I have heard the sound of magic text. Just as in reality, even people who do not understand a foreign language can roughly hear the language spoken by the other party in English, French, German, and Japanese. Although I cannot understand the magic text, I can hear that the other party speaks the magic text. "You wait." I said, and immediately let out Ling to beckon.

The guy on the opposite side saw a sudden increase in personal tension, but instead of attacking, he hid backwards. Just now I was able to cut off his weapon under his frontal attack. Obviously, I have proved my force, so he dare not act rashly now.

Ling had been paying attention to my situation before, so as soon as she came out, she talked to the guy over there and said a magic word. The guy on the other side was excited when he heard the language that he could understand, but he seemed to suddenly think of something and stepped back again, and then spoke to Ling Lingli.

I listened to Ling and that guy chatted for a long time, but I did n’t know what they said, but I knew that they were communicating, that is a kind of progress, so I did n’t rush to interrupt them, but waited for them chat.

Although I have patience, how could a clever person like Ling leave me aside and wait? After a few brief exchanges, Ling suddenly turned to me and said, "Zi Ri seems to have underestimated the coverage of the game" Zero. "

Although Ling is only my magic pet, but because she already has a body in reality, she knows that "Zero" is just a game, not a real world. Because of this, she judges many things beyond other intelligence. After all, she knows a lot higher than those.

I heard Ling's words for a moment and then asked, "What are you doing now?"

Ling directly said: "I originally thought that" Zero "only transformed mythic stories and religions around the world into in-game existence, but now it seems that it is not just mythical stories and religious systems that are actually transformed into it."

"What else is there?"

"Well said."


Ling nodded and said, "Do you know the giant statue of Easter Island and some legends of the Mayan civilization?"

Originally, if Ling only mentioned the giant statue and the Mayan civilization, I can't think of anything else, but because Ling said earlier that "Zero" includes not only myths and religions, there is such a premise that I immediately thought of Ling's meaning . "You mean an alien?"

Ling nodded and said, "Zero" is the unification of all the legends in the real world under one system. Not only Western magic, Eastern immortalism, witchcraft in primitive regions, but even American science and technology civilization. Since these things can be unified in a game, you can know that "Zero" actually contains the entire world. "

After hearing what Ling said, I immediately nodded and said, "This is indeed true. In fact, we have seen a lot of evidence before. For example, the Atlantis civilization in Azana's hometown, they are simply one Zhihai Marine Science and Technology Civilization. There are also time and space wanderers who we brought together the masters of the world combat list to eliminate, which should be the products of the parallel universe theory.

There is also the magic system of our guild, these things are also real things. By the way, there are the two red planets in the sky and the shadow planets, which are actually extraterrestrials, but now they are leaning together with the earth where we are. "

Ling nodded: "So" Zero "actually contains a lot of things, and the cannibals in front of it are actually an alien civilization."

"They really are alien civilizations. I know that these technical weapons are not like Earth products, but why do they use magic text?"

Ling explained: "Although there are a lot of real things in" Zero ", we still try to magicize the technological products. These cannibals are actually an alien magic civilization, and their technology is based on magical energy. Like The light blade used before is one of the most common magic weapons. "

"So it is," I thought for a moment, "then how do you ask them to come to earth?"

After listening, Ling said directly, "I have already asked this. According to him, they should have been hunted down by other races, and the spacecraft was wounded, and they couldn't run away before they landed on the earth."

"Fuck, is there another spaceship nearby?"

"This is not there," Ling explained. "He also said that the spacecraft was burned when it entered the atmosphere. These people landed on the lifeboat and the lifeboat was dismantled into parts and made. Various tools. So now they have lost flying technology. "

"it's a pity!"

"It can't be said that it's a pity." Ling said, "Although their flying props were destroyed, they still have some technology, so as long as they have the right tools and production materials, they can still reproduce some of the technology of the year. of."

When I heard this, I immediately said with enthusiasm: "In fact, I don't care about flying technology. Anyway, the creatures in" Zero "are concentrated near the earth. Even if we can conduct space navigation, it is useless.

"Zero" is not a space exploration game after all, so the technology is not very useful.

I just want to know if they can build the kind of weapon he just took, and if there is more power, even if it is larger. "

"I'll ask later." Ling turned around and the guy started talking again, but soon she turned back again: "I have good news and bad news now, which one do you want to hear first? ? "


"Good. The bad news is that they can no longer manufacture any of the original weapons and equipment. All of the existing weapons are some of the original weapons left over, and as they are continuously used, more and more are damaged, and they cannot repair them. , So soon they will completely lose this weapon. "

"What's the good news?"

"The good news is that they have the design drawings and principles of the tenon weapon. As long as there are enough processing equipment and materials, they can regain the ability to produce this weapon."

"Haha. Great. Ask them if they would like to join our guild and tell them that we have enough technical reserves to help them restore their original civilization."

After listening to Ling, he first exchanged a few words with that guy. The guy seemed to be very responsive at first, but then calmed down obviously after Ling told him for a while. This time they talked for a long time before they said to me: "They have no objection to joining us in principle, but with conditions."

Of course, I knew that the other party could not immediately bow to court when they heard that I was going to take them in. People are not stupid, why should I be your little brother? If you want to receive a little brother, you have to give benefits. You can try to find a company that can recruit people if you just work and don't pay. Therefore, conditions are normal. If the other party heard that I had the intention to keep them, they rushed over and hugged my tutu and said that they would confuse me later, then I dare not ask for it!

"What conditions do they want? Is it harsh?"

Ling shook his head and said, "I don't think it's too much, it should be acceptable."

"What are the conditions?"

"First, he requested that all of them must be sent to Isinger after joining." Ling said here and added: "They have asked me about our situation before, and they said that they did not like the tropical rain forest environment. "

When I heard this request, I didn't answer it immediately, but frowned, "Usso said that their tribe was in the entire rainforest. How can we transfer so many people?"

After Ling heard, he immediately turned his head and talked with the guy again. After the guy explained with some dancing, Ling only turned his head and told me: "He said that as long as they transfer people from this village and several nearby villages, Just fine. "

"Ah? They don't want to go with their companions?"

"That's not it," Ling explained. "They said that the real tribe is actually only more than 2,000 people. The so-called cannibals in the tribe are hybrids of some people in their tribe and outside humans. They do not recognize those creatures as their kin, but because they are indeed rich in blood, so those tribes have always been under their protection and supervision. Now they are moving away and do not intend to take these mixed blood together. .They think it's enough to protect these mixed races for so many years. "I nodded and said," If there are only two thousand people to move away, it will be very simple. What other requirements did he say before? "

"Well, there are three other requirements. This second requirement is to ensure that they can often participate in battles in the future. He said that they are all warriors, and fighting is their life, so they require frequent participation in the war. Even if we do not fight, Even if they are going to fight a few battlefields for them, they have to fight. "

"I rely, these guys really refer to the race made by the Predator, and they even have the same hobbies! Isn't it easy to want to fight? Are you afraid of fighting without a fight as long as you have the strength? This is no problem.

What about the next condition? "

"The third condition is that we have to provide technical support and various equipment and production materials, as well as human resources to help them recover their technology as much as possible. Although there are no specialized scientists among them, there are some people such as repairmen, So how much can restore some of the technology of the year ~ ~ so they hope that they must help them to complete the technology recovery work unconditionally. "

"This is a condition? Even if they don't want to recover, I'm afraid they will force them to recover.

This passed directly. What's the other one? "

Ling continued: "I have said that their conditions are acceptable. The first three are not considered at all. The last one is also similar. They require that after joining, they will be treated the same as our own. No They can be discriminated against because they are alien races. "

"Of course it is for sure. As long as they join us, they are their own people, and natural people are of course treated the same way. Besides, they still have the race of both soldiers and scientists, so the treatment of such cattle is better than other races. Some of it. "

Ling nodded and said: "Then I will tell him we agree."

I nodded and just wanted to agree, I suddenly heard a blast, and then saw Uso flew in with black smoke from the outside.

"I rely, what's the matter with you?"! .

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