Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 51: Death battle

There was a sound of wind breaking behind him, and he turned around and raised his shield. when! With a muffled sound, I flew all the way backwards, but finally I was fine and I was not knocked over. But unfortunately I still can't see anything. The stealth ability of this thing is much better than expected! Although Xing Tong broke the invisibility, he couldn't see the guy clearly! In fact, I can't see nothing, sometimes I can see a little outline of it, but this is not enough for me to fight him!

Since I can't see me, I just close my eyes and focus on the hearing. The shadow beast is not a snow monster without a substance. He still makes a sound when he moves, but there must be a meat pad on the bottom of this thing. The sound, only when he moves at high speed, will shake the surrounding air and make a faint sound.

I closed my eyes and my hearing improved. I could feel some slight vibration coming from behind the post. Side by side, carefully guarding the ears in the direction of the sound, the sound seemed to move out from behind the pillars. Suddenly heard a strong inhalation sound, this action is usually accompanied by the animal's preparation for attack, which is a natural reaction of the creature. Feeling this signal in advance, I immediately chopped the sword out in front of me, and the three white sword lights on the blade flew and flew out. My blade storm is now less than my home, and I can control at most three of the nine dragon blades. If there are more, it will not be impossible to hit, but I will easily hurt myself when I return!

的 The shadow beast who just happened to jump up did not expect to hit the rotating blade, and the shadow beast flying in the air had no place but to hit the blade directly. Ding Dong made three crisp sounds, and all three blades were blown away. Three silver blades flashed on the pillar next to it. Because the Shadow Beast was attacked, the original flight path was also affected and it hit a nearby pillar.

睁 I opened my eyes to the pillar that made a sound in my memory and rushed forward to prepare another sword for him, but just halfway through it I felt something under my feet. This soft thing was pulled aside, and I was taken off by the entire belt, but my body continued to rush forward because of inertia, and I also slammed into a pillar. I only heard a gurgling sound, and I felt that there were stars all over my eyes, and I slid down holding the pillar.

I felt something soft under my buttocks, and I actually fell on Shadow Beast. Just listening to the roar, I was suddenly thrown out by a huge force, seeing that I was about to hit another pillar again, quickly adjusted the attitude, and my feet flew back on the pillar. Landed again at the place where the shadow beast was just encountered, this guy is no longer in the original position! It doesn't seem to want a way to be anti-stealth!

"Summon demon butterflies!" A large demon butterfly suddenly appeared around me, and the venomous mist spreading according to my requirements quickly permeated the entire room. The main function of the fog is to interfere with the other person's sight. If I can't see him, at least make him invisible. A large mist quickly blocked the sound of the shadow beast, and it was fun. I can't see him, he can't see me, the two of us started playing hide and seek in the huge space!

I felt the edge of the blade stuck on the pillar and tried to pull it out, but the thing was inserted too deeply for a long time and there was no response! I inserted the holy dragon's tooth into the side of the blade and tried to sheath it, but it collapsed as hard as I could! when! The sound of the blade falling to the ground seemed particularly harsh in such a quiet underground building. The sound of the high-speed movement of the shadow beast immediately came from the opposite side. It was obvious that the shadow beast rushed towards me, but then a heavy object landed Sound, this guy seems to have hit a pillar!

I do n’t know if I was knocked out of motion or afraid to hit the pillar again and slowed down. Anyway, I could n’t hear any more. After carefully removing the remaining two blades, I began to think about solutions. It is not the way to hide here with Shadow Beasts. Although the room has been filled with poisonous mist, I have not received any reports of blood loss. In other words, Shadow Beast is not afraid of toxins!

As soon as He heard the sound of the blade falling to the ground, the Shadow Beast rushed over immediately, which showed that his hearing was good, so he could use the sound to seduce him. I took out a useless junk armor from the bracelet, threw it at the post next to it, and crackled the armor to the ground. Sure enough, there was an inhalation sound behind me, and then a gust of wind blew past me. Really, the shadow beast actually squatted less than two meters behind me!

As the distance got closer, I finally saw a ghost image from the direction in which the poisonous mist was blown out. Although the shadow beast itself was invisible, he exhausted the air around him, which formed a black poisonous mist. Empty. I may not be able to see it at a long distance, but at a close distance I can see the outline of the shadow beast from this hollow. But like me, Shadow Beast also discovered my existence because of its short distance. This guy's ears are so good that with good hearing and strong smell he finally confirmed my approximate location. I just touched the bait Shadow Beast and rushed towards me. Just behind me, the Shadow Beast had heard my breathing, but the sudden sound made him mistakenly think it was me, and the result was reckless. Fluttered in the past. If it hadn't been for the armor that I had just thrown out, I would have been thrown out!

This time I completely positioned my position, the shadow beast rushed up without any worry, and I could only bend back, and the shadow beast wiped my face and flew over me. It's dangerous enough, I almost broke my waist! The shadow beast that rushed over turned and rushed over again, and I pushed the shield forward. "Crash!"

The launching skills of the Gnoll and the Shadow Beast slammed into each other. As a result, the two of us fainted together. The shadow beast lay on the ground for a long time without movement. I leaned on the back pillar to numb my arm. It seems that there is not much difference in strength. Although the shadow beast is higher than me, it is not a power monster and my own attributes. The point is more scary. The properties of more than four hundred levels are almost the same as those of other seven or eight hundred levels!

Before Shadow Beast got up, I endured the soreness on the left half of my body and stood up with my right hand, holding a spear, and stunned it, but Shadow Beast woke up at a critical moment, one side turned back.

"Invaders, don't play hide-and-seek between the two of us. How about a serious fight?"

The sudden voice surprised me. "You speak?"

"Don't you hear them all? Hurry up, you remove the mist, and I'm no longer invisible. The two of us can fight one another by our own skills!" The Shadow Beast is still a straight man!

"Okay!" Actually, it's more disadvantageous to hit me like this now. The shadow beast's nose and ears work better than me. Removing the mist and invisibility is in my favor! I waved with one hand, the demon butterflies disappeared, and the black mist slowly dissipated. "It's your turn!"

I saw a faint phantom suddenly appearing a few meters away in front of me, and the shadow became clearer and clearer, and soon the shadow beast appeared. Only now can I really see the true face of Shadow Beast. The so-called shadow beast is actually very much like a giant white wolf, except that he has 13 big furry tails behind him! The shadow beast's eyes are almost diamond-shaped, and the faint green light is scary. I noticed a few main attack positions on him. There were two extra-long sword teeth protruding from his upper jaw. It seemed that the attack power was not low, and his limbs had sharp claws. Looks more scary than my blade! Although teeth and claws are dangerous, it is not these that draw my attention. There is a strange text consisting of red hair on the head of the shadow beast. It looks like a Chinese character, and it is a carcass. Although I know it is a character, I don't know it! This word is not a simple thing. If there is no wrong guess, the shadow beast should be magical. This word is likely to represent some kind of power.

"Okay, let's get started!"

等等 "Wait! What's that word on your head?"

"It's a shadow character! Okay, can we start?"

"Well! Okay!"

While staring at him carefully, I was thinking about the word on his head. Shadow! Does it mean that he will be invisible? Not right! Two hidden is not a word! This image should be an illusion, but it doesn't seem to be appropriate, because he hasn't seen him use an illusion attack!

Suddenly the text on Shadow Beast's head lighted up and then disappeared, and I received the system prompt: "The Shadow Beast sealed your calling ability!" Damn! How can this guy even seal! Seal call ability? Isn't that why you can't get help from the magic pet?


I was thinking, the text on the shadow beast's head brightened again, his image began to shake, and then I knew what his shadow word meant! I saw him shaking for a while, and his ghost appeared, then the three ghosts moved apart in parallel to the two sides except the middle did not move. The two effects that were translated out quickly materialized into two identical Shadow Beasts, and now there are 3 Shadow Beasts in front of me!

I rushed up immediately and wanted to stare at the real shadow beast in the middle before they were mixed. As soon as I rushed into contact with the shadow beast in the middle, I immediately froze, and the stabbed sword was bitten by the shadow beast from the side, and the two of us became fighting strength!

At this moment, I felt a heat behind me, and a blood spring rushed out. The two shadow beasts next to each other are actually entities! I saw my blood loss report, and their attacks were calculated! The sword in my hand was bitten and could not be pulled out. I simply let go, and the blades of both hands came out of the sheath and beat me directly!

He stabbed at the shadow beast in front of him, and the shadow beast rolled to one side, and two phantoms rushed up. I kicked a shadow beast clone in one kick, and it turned out that there was a blood loss reminder, so the clone has life value! It seems that the clone of Shadow Beast is not as simple as he thought. He directly creates the real entity. In fact, the so-called clone is actually a copy, and he can copy the same clone as himself!

Just as I was flipping one of my hooves, the other avatar flew empty, but the shadow beast rushed up and took me from the air to the ground. The surface of the dragon armor was caught with 4 long white marks. !! After landing, I couldn't bear the pain anymore, and hurried back a few steps to stand on a post. The shadow beast I kicked up and climbed up, and my body fluttered, and two shadow beasts were separated! This time I'm dizzy! Actually avatars can also be avatars, isn't it countless! This avatar has just finished the avatar, and another avatar avatar has two avatars. Now the number of avatars in the room has become 7!

7 Shadow Beasts scrambled in front of me to completely mess up the position, and now I have no idea which one is the clone or which is the real one! A shadow beast suddenly rushed at me, because the shadow beast's clone also had attack power, so whether it was the real body or not, I had to stop the real body to deal with it.

The blade claws crossed in front of him to try to stop the attack, but the shadow beast played with me again, watching the shadow beast rushing forward, but there was no pressure on his arm. The shadow beast wore past me and fell behind me. not good! This is an illusion! Just realizing that it was too late, the other shadow beast jumped off and bit it across my head. When I blocked my arm, Shadow Beast snapped and bit into my right hand. There was a pain in the heart. My left hand was facing the shadow beast's neck. The blade claw penetrated into his throat, and I pulled out a piece of transparent liquid. The power on the right arm suddenly disappeared, the shadow beast banged to the ground, and the system prompted a vital attack! It is really lucky to have a critical attack at such a critical moment!

Although I killed one head, I had to step back. Although the shadow beast was dead, my right arm had been bitten off by him. Now that half of the arm is lying beside the shadow beast's body.

死 The dead shadow beast on the ground flickered and disappeared suddenly. It seems to be a clone, not the body! Unexpectedly, two of the other six Shadow Beasts also suddenly disappeared. This time I understand that the shadow beast itself should be able to separate two clones that are exactly the same as itself, and these two clones can also separate two clones each. However, the avatars directly separated by the shadow beast are physical and attacking, and the avatars are just phantoms!

Although I figured this out, I still couldn't help it. The right arm was completely cut off from the elbow joint. The left hand was still numb because of the impact. There are 4 shadow beasts in front of them, two of which have attack power, and I don't know which two have them!

4 Shadow Beasts approached me, two of them suddenly jumped back and forth, I guess they are phantoms again, and the latter two are entities. With this judgment, I did not manage the two phantoms anymore, and focused on the two entities behind. When the first phantom passed through my body, I was more certain that the latter two were true, but the second phantom I thought was the real body! With a bang, I was knocked out, and then the two unmoved clones rushed forward together.

"Absolute barrier!" This is my last life-saving trick. One of the two Shadow Beasts rushing over was sealed by the absolute barrier, but the other passed through the barrier. Obviously, it is phantoms that can cross the absolute barrier, but I sealed another entity with myself in the absolute barrier!

I can't control so much now, anyway, I have to fight for it anyway! Anyway, I have a chance to be born again! I rushed directly to the shadow beast inside. Although he was very flexible, the ball formed by the absolute barrier was so big and flexible and useless. I clasped his neck with my left hand and shouted in his mouth the soul-stealing mage's skill-soul burst!

The absolute barrier suddenly disappeared automatically, and I fell to the ground with the shadow beast. The bodies of the other three shadow beasts in the hall flickered a few times and then disappeared. It was the true body of the shadow beast that was blasted by me! But I can't see it anymore, because the soul blast just now is an advanced form of self-detonation. There is no damage to the body, but the soul is directly crushed! This is the first time I use this because everyone knows it!

The room was silent for more than ten seconds, and the shadow beast fell to the ground and stood up shaking. It is indeed a 800-level monster. My self-explosion can't kill him! After the shadow beast got up and looked at me, I was about to leave and suddenly saw me crawling up and down. Although the summoning ability was sealed, Xiaofeng's resurrection ability made me reborn!

As soon as I got up, I felt my right arm hurt. Looking down, my right arm was still half-cut! Shadow Beast seems to be dizzy. "You ... why didn't you die!"

"Aren't you dead?"

"But I'm almost there, you little invader should not be so powerful!"

almost? Could it be that he is almost out of blood? Not bad! I thought of the best way to deal with him, and that is to subdue him into a magic egg! It happens that this guy is so powerful that he can be handed over to Ling or Ariana as a magic pet, which can be used by me without taking up the number of my magic pets!

I'm YY cool over there, Shadow Beast has launched an attack. Although I dodged the attack sideways, I was taken down by his big tail. This guy doesn't have so many tails! Quickly got up and prepared to capture him, but at this time I remembered that my right hand was gone! The capture skills are only available with the right hand. Now I only have one left hand and I do n’t know what to do! I looked around and suddenly saw that my half-stretched arm was not far away.

The shadow beast who turned his head fluttered again, and I took off at the same time as him, but my goal was to have my arm next to me. The Shadow Beast flew again, but I successfully flew to my arm. Hold your right arm with your left hand and connect it to the blurry fracture. Hope you can use your skills! What I didn't expect was that after I connected the broken arm, I heard the system prompt: "The blood of the sleeping Phoenix was awakened by the gas of killing, and the self-healing function of the dragon suit was unsealed!"

盔甲 The broken lipstick on the arm of the arm flashed, a halo appeared at the fracture, and the armour that was bitten off with the arm was automatically connected, and it was exactly the same as the new one. At the same time, a red light flashed on the chest, and the opening torn by the shadow animal was automatically restored!

Although the recovery of the armor made me very happy, I still can't rest assured, because my arm is not connected, the armor is connected, but my hand is still broken! However, you can still use the capture skills barely!

It seems that the shadow beast was not badly injured. After standing for the second time, he stood there and stared at me but remained motionless, and was panting very hard! He didn't move just for me to capture. A left hand dragged his right hand and used the capture against the shadow beast. The result was obvious-failure! Shadow Beast felt my intention and took a breath and rushed again. I rolled away to give up the attack, turned around to capture again, and failed again!

影 兽 this time is not as good as last time ~ ~ turn speed is much slower, but he still rushed over. As I hid to the side, I lifted my left hand and fired the dragon's tendon on the opposite post. The tip of the zipline was deeply inserted into the pillar with the barb arrow and got stuck. The pillars circled, and the zipline was quickly straightened. The Shadow Beast, which was much slower, even lost its judgement. He bumped into a straightened zipline and was stirred up! He fell on the ground this time, but did not move, although he did not hang up.

I quickly got out of the body behind the stone pillar and used the capture again. The Shadow Beast immediately felt that he looked up but didn't get up. It seems that he has only left his breath! Suddenly I felt a crisis approaching while I was proud to use capture continuously. When I looked back, I saw another Shadow Beast less than two meters away from me. My first thought was when he became a avatar! I did not believe and looked back at the dying Shadow Beast over there. His body flashed and disappeared. Damn, I was deceived!

The shadow beast around him was extremely messy, and his right front leg was tightly closed on the body without falling, it seemed to be broken. His right eye also turned gray, and was probably blind. This is the body that is bruised all over the body, the one who was just weak has always been fake! This guy not only has strong skills but also a high IQ. At first, I felt that his attack defense was lower as a level 800 monster. I did not expect that his level of 800 was reflected in intelligence!

This disabled shadow beast slammed at me, how can I hide from a distance of two meters! He simply closed his eyes and used his last capture. The white light of the shadow beast flying in the air disappeared, and a white pet egg fell into my arms along his flight path. Haha, it was a success! My 13th pet is here!

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