Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 21: So it is

My words scared An Min completely. She looked at me for a while and did n’t respond. How can I answer it? Until we have stepped out of the high-temperature area, I put her down, and she asked with uncertainty: "You do n’t Are you kidding me? "" You can gamble with your life to know that I'm not kidding. "I said again and again:" There are no government forces near here, but we also found nearby There are also some scattered armed forces. We plan to solve them all in the past. Are you going to follow us or return to the gathering point first? But I have to remind you that you cannot report anything even after us. Of course, you Do n’t worry about the danger of returning to the road. We have checked here. As long as you do n’t leave the road and go to the gathering point, you wo n’t run into armed men halfway. ”“ But if an army suddenly comes out, we ’ll What about two people? "

Anmin asked.

"I said I wouldn't have it. What can I do?" "But but ..." "No but. I said no or nothing. If you are really scared, follow us, but in the news you will Don't count on it, it won't let you take it back. "

"Well then! I decided to follow you. An Min suddenly said something towards Chang Bin after saying," You continue to shoot, even if you can't take it back, it's all a practice. " "

Chang Bin did not respond immediately when he heard what An Min said, but instead glanced at our side first, and then nodded slightly after seeing nothing. Of course, I know the careful consideration of An Min. It is nothing more than recording the news first, then going back to seeing if I can keep the information. Of course, although I know their information, I have no plans to control them, anyway, in the end they do n’t expect to take anything out, I do n’t need to tell them now.

After leaving the area of ​​engagement, we were lucky and immediately flew up again and began to provide us with aerial reconnaissance, and we were ready to move to the position of the next armed group. However, An Min and Chang Bin said that they must follow us. We naturally cannot leave them alone, but both of them are very slow. It is obviously impossible to expect them to keep up with us. After thinking for a while, I pushed the mask away and put my fingers in my mouth to whistle, and soon I saw two huge figures flying from the woods beside.

An Min originally thought that we were going to call lucky, but who knew that the creature this time came out of the woods, and when the two big guys approached them, they found that it was actually two dogs. No, in fact, the two never thought that this was a dog, but they thought they looked a bit like a dog, but they didn't think it was really a dog.

I was called over by Bai Lang and Xiao Bai. Their bodies are really close to the shape of a dog. The only difference is that they are too big. 1 Xiaobai has a shoulder height of about one meter and six meters, and is nearly two meters and two meters tall when standing naturally. His body is actually larger than many calves. By contrast, Bailang is even more scary. His shoulder height is about one meter eighth, and his length is more than two meters five. Not to mention calves, even ordinary cows rarely grow to this size. However, despite the large size, Xiaobai and Bailang are not very scary. After all, their appearance is the same as that of a dog, and their white fur is very beautiful, so it is not very scary. Of course, if they open their mouths, it is still tǐng scary. After all, the fangs in that mouth are not beautiful, even if they are steel plates on the outside of the armored vehicle, they can easily bite through and tear them off like paper. .

Because before we entered the gathering point, we were afraid of violent chemical weapons, so Xiaobai and Bailang were not allowed to enter the camp. After all, their bodies are difficult to mix with individual differences méng, and there are not only Chinese people in the camp. So we arranged them outside to be our scouts. Because of this, An Min and Chang Bin both saw them for the first time, and were surprised by their huge size.

"Don't bother you, climb up quickly. We have to deal with other armed forces in a while. The slow speed of you two will drag us down."

Although they wanted to refute, Anmin and the two knew that they were really slow compared to us, so they had to obediently approach Baibi and Xiaobai. Although they are still a little scared of these two big guys, the appearance of Xiaobai and Bailang played a good role in alleviating them, and the two big dogs lay on the ground obediently, which also made them feel at ease.

In fact, if it's a real canine, you can't ride it even if it grows old. In fact, not only dogs, wolves, bears, tigers, and lions cannot ride. This is not only a problem of the xìng grid and body shape. The key is that these animals have problems with the spine structure. During their movements, their entire waists will move up and down violently. If you turn the running horse phenomenon into a smooth extended RV, then these carnivores will definitely be better than running off-road motorcycles running at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour on a dry, cobbled river. The degree is absolutely enough for anyone to spit out all their internal organs.

Of course, the above are just ordinary animals. Bailang and Xiaobai are artificial creatures. Although their size determines that they are not very stable when they run, they are at least wise and do not run at full speed. As long as they control it consciously, they can still run very stably.

Although Ling and I are also artificial creatures, we in human form are no better than four tuǐ creatures. There is a project in Longyuan's research institute that specializes in studying the movement of animals. After all, many stepping mechanical devices need to learn from the movement of animals. Therefore, we have specially analyzed the movement of various creatures. Moving way. From the research results, human body structure is actually the least suitable for high-speed movement. Except that it is better to turn to xìng, our body structure has almost no advantages. Even if the strength is the same, a human cannot run past a quadruped. Of course, the quadrupeds referred to here are those that run on the ground. Don't use it as a reference for turtle speed ideas such as sloths and koalas.

When An Min and Chang Bin climbed up Xiaobai and Bailang's back, the two dogs stood up together. The two men sitting on their backs quickly grasped the two tǐng rotating cannons sticking out from their backs. This thing is stretched on both sides of the weapon backpack, just sandwiching the person on the back, plus the barrel of the rotating machine gun itself is very similar to the railing, it is really stable when held.

"Hurry up." After standing up, Bai Lang suddenly turned back and said to Chang Bin on his back, but this sentence made Chang Bin and An Min surprised to forget to grab the gun barrel, until the mount under him moved. Hurry to grab the barrel to stabilize the body. However, the two's thoughts on how dogs can talk soon ended, because they were scared again.

Without the drag of the speed of the two, we immediately began to travel through the woodland at the highest speed. We are all artificial creatures, and our physical performance is definitely incomparable with that of humans. In addition, we have a power armor that can increase strength outside the body. The speed is naturally amazing. As soon as we ran here, the white waves naturally accelerated with them. Although they had not reached their maximum speed, at this time our speed was close to 160 kilometers per hour.

This speed may not feel too much on a straight and wider highway, but if you put this speed in the woods, it is another matter.

An Min and Chang Bin, riding on the backs of the two big dogs, felt that the surrounding trees were whistling and flying backwards, looking up and looking forward, they found a tree rushing towards their own heads. But just when they were about to hit the big tree, the big dog under them suddenly jumped obliquely to let the big tree move forward, during which time Sulou wouldn't drop at all. This feeling of whistling and constantly avoiding obstacles is more thorny than dragging cars in the city, because you will have a sense of tension that will hit things at any time, so that the adrenaline of both people is secreted crazy. Anmin's fingers were all white, holding her barrel, and if she ran for a while, her hands would be completely numb.

Although both were stabbed by this speed, fortunately, our crazy run didn't last long. Soon the team stopped at the top of a hill. After all, Chang Bin is a man. He adapts a little faster, and soon he calms down and starts to pay attention to the situation in front. However, he finds that there is a steep hill ahead. Although the drop is not high, normal people still have trouble. of. In front of this hillside is a large flat area, where there are many thatched houses, and many of them are walking around. If you look closely, you can see that these people are basically carrying guns.

"Bai Lang, 1 Xiao Bai, you two use missiles to blow up a few cars over there, and then suppress them with fire. Don't let the enemy run away ...

Bai Lang nodded, then turned to An Min on Xiao Bai's back and Chang Bin on his back: "Don't hold the gun barrel, and remember to cover your ears." "Ah, ah?" Chang Bin responded quickly She did, but An Min couldn't react, but Xiaobai didn't mean to wait for her. When Anmin hadn't responded, she suddenly felt that her feet had been pushed up by something, and she looked down to see that the metal plates on the sides of the weapon backpack under her **** opened. Then I heard a bang, and two rows of small missiles with the thickness of a human arm protruded from under the open cover. Before Anmin reacted, I heard two beeps. The two missiles had dragged out with white smoke, and then there were two more beeps. Following the village in front, two fireballs burst immediately. , Within two seconds, two fireballs rose. She and Chang Bin saw only four civilian pickups flying into the air by fireballs, and then smashed to the ground.

"Cloak your ears." Before Anmin and Chang Bin woke up from the explosion, they heard a small whining whisper sound on their sides, and then Anmin felt the "railing" she was holding. "It started moving. She let go of her hand instinctively, but didn't cover her ears like Chang Bin did. However, in the next second, the two rotating cannons around her began to growl wildly. The high-speed rotating barrel spurted two flames of more than one meter in length, and the sound formed by the high-speed ejection of the bullet was not clear and recognizable like ordinary firearms. The sound emitted by this machine gun was only one. This kind of sharp buzzing sounded like an whistle blown hard.

With Xiaobai firing first, the rotating cannon on Bailang's body also started roaring. Following the sky, I didn't know where to fly down. Two missiles blasted two cars that had just started preparing to rush out of the village into the road. Two houses. After the missile, the fire whip-like bullets fired by Xiao Bai and Bailang's machine guns swept directly across the ground, sweeping all the chaotic crowds nearby.

If the previous battle was relatively clean, the battle now looks much more brutal. Although Xiaobai and Bailang are genetically modified creatures, they control weapons more accurately than the average person. But machine guns are not designed with accuracy in mind, so the bullet can't determine exactly where to hit the enemy. The power of these bullets is so great that no matter what part of the bullet they hit, they will make the bomber want to be bitten by an invisible beast, and some part of the body will disappear directly.

One of the enemies with the submachine gun ran and suddenly saw his left shoulder turned into a cloud of blood and flew out, and then his left arm also flew with him for more than two meters, and he was directly hit by a bullet The habitual xìng belt turned to the ground, but before he got up, the second bullet exploded directly on his neck close to his head, and then his neck and lower half of his head disappeared instantly, while the upper half His head flew out over a meter before rolling over.

An Min and Chang Bin, who looked at such a **** battle scene, turned pale, feeling that their stomachs were rolling and wanting to vomit, but they were unable to spit out.

Watching the crowd running around in the village below quickly fell to the ground. As soon as I reached out, the four fire whip immediately stopped firing, and the barrel of the rotating machine gun also stopped slowly, but with bursts. The air of gunpowder smell and the gun barrel still holding white smoke are clearly telling the previous horror scene.

When the four tǐng machine guns stopped, I picked up the spear on my backpack! "Everyone starts the sniper mode. 〖From the choice of the target." After hearing what I said, they immediately took out a spear and half-knelt on the ground and started shooting at the house below. The buildings in the village are all constructed of wood and bamboo poles, which can't stop our perspective. As my gunshot first sounded, I saw a man holding an assault rifle flying out from behind a wooden carriage, and the carriage drive in front of him also broke directly on the ground.

The sound of my guns was like starting and firing a gun. They started firing after my guns. People in various hidden places in the village were constantly hit by the huge inertia of bullets and flew from their hideouts. After these people flew out Nor did they struggle anymore. In the precision sniper mode, our accuracy can reach almost 100%, especially when this distance is not far away and there is no wind.

Our sniper lasted just over a dozen seconds. In the chaos, there are not many people who find a place to hide and don't run around. In addition, our shooting speed is very fast, and these people will all be brought to the ground soon.

After confirming that the biosensor scan could no longer find any target, I stood up and waved. Everyone quickly got up and carried the guns and started to move with me. As for the village, we didn't have any interest in watching it.

With a large circle around the column in the counterclockwise direction around the center of the gathering point, we quickly cleared the scattered armed groups around. Although there are still some armed men who have not been killed, they are all small armed forces with less than one hundred and equipped with some backward weapons. We have no time to manage these small armed forces that do not pose any threat, anyway. Too few people can't turn up any storms. Besides, we really want to kill them all. We do n’t have that much time. After all, they have too many organizations. They are scattered all over the forest. Even if we do n’t kill people, we just It would take a day or two to run through the gathering points of the armed forces. We really don't have the energy to get one by one.

Originally, after clearing out all the medium and large armed forces, we thought that this mission was okay, but when we were about to return to the gathering point, the reconnaissance satellite in the sky suddenly sent us a warning signal. We quickly turned our attention to the satellite network level, and soon we saw the targets that the satellite found. That wasn't a large weapon, but three aircraft, or exactly three aircraft that could not be found in any international active aircraft catalog.

However, I have seen these three planes. Although I don't know if it is these three, but it can be determined that it is at least the same model.

"This is ..." Ling also seemed to find the problem.

"It seems to be an American power armored special transport aircraft." Skott said directly.

Xiaochun frowned: "Why are Americans here? No one is at this gathering point." "Will it be to another gathering point? Does n’t it mean that countries have division of labor?" Yeyue asked .

"Should not." I looked at the satellite map and said, "The direction is toward us. Seeing this posture, they intend to airdrop directly near the gathering point." "I think we should go back quickly." Ling suggested.

I nodded and said, "The visitor is not good!"

"No, Americans shouldn't be considered completely hostile to us. They don't need to trouble us in this kind of international dispute, right?" Skott said.

Emmys said immediately, "That's not necessarily the case. If the Americans are only here to help the rescue, what troops do they want to send? Why send such secret troops? Isn't their president stuck here?"

Everyone else heard the words of Emilys. Even if the Americans are here to help, it is not enough to send at most Marines. There is no need to send out such top-secret troops? We must know that the American armored force is equivalent to a strategic arm like us. Such a team should never appear in a conventional combat level. For example, no one in the United States is trapped here, and even if there is one, they will never come. For example, this time we came here are actually very strange things. It is estimated that if it was not the relationship between the crazy dog's family, this rescue mission would not have been our turn.

But if Americans are not here to help, are they doing it? Trouble us?

Obviously Americans are not so boring. So ... they have other purposes?

Although we can't guess what they came for, but now that this group of Americans has arrived, we must face it. Looking at the three rapidly approaching aircraft in the satellite map, I can only helplessly say: "It seems our secret can't be maintained this time.

If any ordinary army comes, we can take off those eye-catching things and return to the gathering point, but the problem is that there is a level of existence similar to ours. Although we have to surpass these Americans' cutting-edge technology in combat effectiveness, we only surpass them by a little bit, and we still cannot deal with them carelessly. Therefore, neither our wings nor Yeyue's tail can be replaced. Bailang and Xiaobai also came out. Even when the situation was not right, their family had to come down and join the war together.

Just now our discussions were done on the Internet, so Anmin and the two of them didn't know what we communicated with, they just wondered why we suddenly ran back like something urgent. Originally, she wanted to remind us that we forgot to remove these non-human things from her body, but when she thought that as long as these things were exposed, she would have a chance to report, she refused to remind us.

Of course, we do n’t know about An Min ’s small abacus. We can only roughly judge a person ’s emotional changes without using the ability to read thoughts, so we do n’t know what An Min is thinking at this time, but just feel her Become very excited. Of course, because of the huge gap in strength, we simply ignored her emotional changes.

Although we are fast and closer to the gathering point, when Americans are on the plane, we are running with our feet. It is impossible for us to think that this speed is faster. So when we were a few kilometers away from the gathering point, the American plane flew directly over our heads, and then within our line of sight, a line of fire flickered directly under their plane.

"Quick, the Americans are landing."

I suddenly yelled at An Min and stopped them because they didn't know that Americans were coming. But after we shouted, they found the plane in the sky,

But at this time there were many black spots under the plane coming towards the gathering point below.

"Ah! The bomb! The Americans bombed us!" Anmin shouted instinctively when he saw those black spots.

I turned angrily and cursed, "Shut up, it's not a bomb!"

"Ah?" An Min was stunned by a word, but in the end she closed her mouth obediently and the black spots in the sky quickly fell into the open space near the gathering point.

The black dots dropped by the plane were boxes larger than the two-door refrigerators. They were sprayed with mí color sè, but when they were about to land, a long flame box was sprayed below them. The speed of the fall was a moment, and then it quickly decelerated to a state slightly faster than the parachute. Finally, when the boxes were only more than one meter away from the ground, the flames under the boxes went out, and the box banged directly on the ground.

As the boxes fell to the ground, the red lock light on the side of the box suddenly jumped to the unlocked state of the green light, and then the cover on the front of the box blew out and followed, as if wearing A robot-like steel man walked straight out of the box.

"They landed," said An Min, riding on Xiao Bai's body and watching the box landing in the distance.

"You don't need to say it, we see ourselves," I said to them again. "You go down first, and hide in the woods next to us. We may fight in a while. I probably can't care about you then."

I say this not because of fear of American strength, but because of another signal in the satellite network, and this time the aircraft is more special. This is a missile, but it is large and slower than ordinary missiles. The giant missile on this side has not yet landed, and two quite exaggerated transport aircraft emerged from the satellite signals over there. The speed of this thing is also very fast, and it seems that the target is still ours.

"What the **** is going on here? Why are the elite troops all over the world running this way?" Skott asked skeptically when he saw the new type of transport on the screen.

Ling turned to me and said, "I think we better go back to the camp and ask the person in charge here. I think we must have missed important information in our battle report."

"I think so." Don't let An Min and Chang Bin go down first, I directly asked Scotia to stop the Americans and the others rushed back to the gathering point with the fastest speed.

The gathering point has become a bird of surprise at this time. They just saw what had just fallen. At first, they thought it was a bomb. After all, they had never seen the airdrop without a parachute before. But when I fell to the ground, I discovered that those things were actually robot-like things. However, some observant people still found that instead of robots, they were powered by armor, just because there were no signs on these things, so they didn't know which country they were. Of course, they can at least be sure that these are not things of the local regime. After all, this gadget is too high in technology. For such a country that does not even have a fighter, do you expect him to build power armor?

The defenders here were even more afraid because they knew they weren't natives and they didn't show up. Unlike those civilians, the army knows more. This kind of international rescue operation can be carried out by a bunch of journalists while conducting propaganda and interviews. There is no need to do the same as a thief. And these guys do n’t even have a sign on their faces. Is this normal rescue? I also knew with my toes that it was definitely not the case.

When we knocked on the gate, the guards here just glanced and quickly opened the door for us. Only after we came in did they notice the wings behind us in surprise. Before that, they were all paying attention to the mech landing there. Pay attention to us, just know that we are back when we see us in the distance, and then we did n’t pay much attention to them. Now when we get to the nose spot, they finally discover our great changes. In fact, it ’s okay to have a pair of wings behind them. Yeyue ’s big tail and two big polar bear-like dogs are their most surprised thing, only to be surprised and surprised that this group of soldiers are not stupid enough to take guns directly Pointing at us at the monster.

Of course, the group of civilians who saw that we were as good as the savior before was not so good. They directly screamed and hid as far as possible from us.

The middle-aged girl and the crazy dog ​​who had been so scornful to us before were also watching the fun on the playground, but they were shocked when they found out we were back. At first they also planned to run, but finally hesitated and walked over when they saw An Min.

I've seen them for a long time, but I didn't care about them, this would not be the time for them to be delayed. After getting An Min and Chang Bin down directly, I said to the British official around me: "Who really decides this gathering point?" The officer looked at me suspiciously for a second, and then said: "Now is I am in charge, but the troops and personnel of various countries are only under my control for the time being, and my powers are still independent. "

When I heard this, I frowned directly: "Then call the top leaders of the three countries’ military and civilians. I have something to ask, it is very urgent. I have trouble to inform Zhao Jie who came with us Let him come over together. "

Because the rank of that officer was lower than ours, he became second-ranker after Zhao Jie arrived. Now when I say this, I will send someone to inform you directly. I used the Internet to directly connect with the sensory signals of Sköte while they were not here, and then looked at the situation outside through their eyes.

At this point, the group of Americans had all come out of the box and gathered less than one hundred meters outside the wall, but the twenty-one knights of the Segway blocked them.

Several of those Americans are negotiating with Scott, and it's just a matter of time before things turn out. Fortunately, the person I was looking for arrived before they really started working there.

This group of people in charge was quite suspicious of me. One of the people in charge of the British civil affairs was still very angry, because he was busy directing everyone to pack and prepare for the transfer.

I chose to ignore this person ’s complaints first. I opened my mouth to make them quiet, and then I did n’t circle them. I cut into the subject and said, “I think some of you have concealed something. I want to know what it is now. "Wait a few seconds. After seeing this group of people just looking at me, I didn't mean to answer at all, and then I said," You have also seen our appearance, and I don't tell you any official phrase. I Acknowledge that we are genetically modified organisms, something that is explicitly prohibited by international law, and we have two more exaggerated companions who have not fallen in the sky. We are China ’s strategic power and will never appear in front of the general public Power, even if it appears, it will appear in the usual state, just like you did when you first saw us. However, a group of people wearing power armor has just fallen outside. I can tell you that those are Americans, And they are not wearing the semi-finished products in the research and development that you see in the news. Those are at least leading modern technology Two hundred years of real power armor. Do n’t ask the Americans how to make it, anyway, they are there and they will rush in soon. In addition, our satellite just sent information indicating that there are two German aircraft and one A launch vehicle from Japan also flies here.

I can tell you clearly that the plane contained German secret forces, something similar to autonomous robots. The rocket may contain a bunch of monsters, not creatures with human appearance and higher intelligence, but real biochemical monsters. "At this point, I deliberately paused for a while to give them time to digest, but considering that the matter is already urgent, I only waited for more than ten seconds and then said," These troops are special forces that are frozen in various countries. It will not be used for general operations. But now they appear here by accident, so what do you think they did? Anyway, I don't think they are here to save people. To put it in a bad language, all of you here are not qualified to work for any of them, and now they come together. Therefore, they must come with a purpose. But what are they doing here? ""Yes! What are they doing here? "Zhao Jie also questioned Huò at this time, but I didn't bother him, but said directly:" I need you to answer the case now. " What are they doing here? Someone or some of you must know something. Those guys can't come here for no reason. You must have something important here to attract them. Then, please tell me what it is, or you will have to die here together. I can tell you very clearly that I do not have the strength to ensure your safety under their hands. I can defeat them, but you will definitely die. However, if you are willing to cooperate, I may be able to find a way to keep you alive. "I have been observing the expressions of several people when I said this. The expressions of the soldiers in the nose were unchanged, except that the expression of the person in charge of the UK was obviously flickering and struggling.

Seeing him like this, I stepped forward and squeezed his clothes collar to pull him in front of me. "Sir, what do you think you should know? As a gentleman, it is not a good habit to pull someone to die with you."

After all, this guy is not a hard-edged soldier. He just exists as a contractor. For a person like him, the psychological quality cannot be as strong, and the result is that I scared him immediately and collapsed.

"I said, I said, please help me out!"

"Come on, what do you know?" This time it wasn't just me, but everyone else screamed together. They used to be suspicious, but now that they have softened, they finally understand.

For a long time, this group of people were pulled into the water. It turns out that someone really knows something here.

The Englishman said violently under the anger of everyone: "That's it. Just five days ago, there was an accident in the tunnel No. 3 of our company ~ ~" The person in charge of civil affairs said: "Is this known as a collapse? I heard that an underground road boring machine was also broken. How many people have died? "The Englishman said bitterly," It's not a landslide. " "

"Not a landslide? Is that a plan?" Everyone asked susceptibly.

The Englishman hurriedly said, "In fact, we actually dug through an underground hole xué. The original formation was suddenly cut through a large hole, and then the surrounding rock layer collapsed, and the entire boring machine fell below. Went to the empty hole. After the accident, we sent people to see if the workers in the roadheader were rescued. As a result, we found that the place was very large. And at the bottom of the hole, we found something. . "

"What is it?"

"A spaceship. A very large spaceship. It is larger than an aircraft carrier and is all-metal. Unless the legend of Atlantis is true, that thing is definitely not a product of earth civilization." Now I can fully understand Already. Underground voids, huge spaceships. This **** thing is one thing with our fourth special zone. No wonder nations are rushing in, and this is the snatch! !! .

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