Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 24: The baby dragon is also a dragon

"Hurry up and take us to that pit?" A few minutes before the battle at Little Noon, An Min was persuading him while running after the British.

The British had no interest in An Min's words at all. He continued to run forward and said, "Get away from you crazy woman and push me off the plane. I haven't settled with you yet? This is not an over-civilization We may encounter armed forces around here at any time. You don't want to die if you want to die! "Anmin, who was then pushing away and pulling his arm away from him, continued to run forward.

An Min, who was pushed away, was tripped by the branches under her feet, and her body fell straight backwards, but the mad dog rushed to support her in time. After helping An Min up, the mad dog shouted directly at the British man: "What's the matter with you guy? Even women fight?"

The Englishman didn't even care about what Mad Dog said. He ran and said, "I just pushed her a little bit. Besides, she pushed me off the plane. I pushed her on a flat ground. It's best to stop her and stop making this neurotic woman crazy. "

"What are you talking about? Can you say it again?" When the mad dog heard the Englishman scolding his girlfriend, he rushed up and grabbed the man's shoulders to stop him, and then asked loudly.

The Englishman is now a head of fire. Although the crazy dog ​​is wearing a military uniform, he is an Englishman and is not afraid of the captain of the crazy dog. If the crazy dog ​​is wearing a casual clothes now, he may still be afraid. After all, if two ordinary citizens in two countries fight, it can be regarded as a civil dispute at most. He who wants to be beaten will naturally have to think about it. But the crazy dog ​​was wearing a military uniform, which he was not afraid of. Because soldiers of one country hit citizens of other countries, it is not a civil dispute but a diplomatic incident. Therefore, as long as a soldier with a brain is unlikely to do such a thing. But unfortunately, he miscalculated the form. Although the above theory is true, the premise is that the other party must have a mind and know what is the consequence. But does the crazy dog ​​have a brain?

"I repeat, she's a neurosis, a lunatic. If you want to accompany her, then die. Don't take me to the funeral. I want to live for decades more."

Snapped. With a very clear applause, the Englishman was flew straight backwards by the fan and completed an aerial transfer for a week and a half to catch the Pingsha Luoyan style, and then he slammed the floor directly.

The slap-hit mad dog raised his foot and wanted to step on it, but the officers around him finally reacted in time and rushed to pull him away, of course, the British had also been kicked in the meantime. .

The Englishman who stood up from the ground, bearing the pain, scolded angrily at the mad dog: "When I go back, I must go to the consulate to sue you, your group of savages, yellow-skinned monkeys, Asians, and other people ..." That guy The screaming soon stopped because the head was bleeding, and the reason for the bleeding was that he had just hit a big rock on his head. Of course, it is impossible for the stones to fly up and hurt people. As for the person who threw the stones, it seems that An Min alone can do this kind of thing.

After throwing a stone, An Min ran directly to the guy covering her head and kicked him directly to the ground. Then she turned her head and asked the crazy dog ​​in English, "Jiangshan, you say in this kind of What would happen if an Englishman died in the place? "

The mad dog immediately responded to An Min's words and asked, "What will happen?"

An Min immediately laughed and said, "Of course, nothing happened. You say this place is so chaotic, what ’s weird about a few foreigners dead? Besides, there seems to be a beast here? If there is a corpse lying on the ground, it will It wo n’t be eaten by a beast soon? By then, the corpse capital will not be found. Who knows where this person died? "

"Yes, yes, it makes sense." The crazy dog ​​also responded to what An Min was about to do.

Compared to Mad Dog, the Englishman is obviously much smarter. He understands what the other person is going to do faster than Mad Dog, and then he asks in a panic as he steps back, "What are you doing?"

"Hey, it depends on your choice." An Min said: "If you are willing to take us to that mine, then we won't do anything, but if you insist and refuse to cooperate ... then I can't guarantee What will happen? "

It can be seen from the response of the British just now that this guy is not a very tough person, on the contrary, he is afraid of death, so he just compromised after only hesitating for a few seconds.

"Okay, okay! Do n’t kill me, can I take you all right? Really, why did I run into you lunatic? I can tell you, your junior officer in weird armor said before There are relics vying for by governments. For the sake of confidentiality, all unrelated personnel will be completely killed. You are still running now, you really want to go there, even if you have ten lives, you are not dead enough. "

"It is our business whether we live or not. If you don't lead the way, I can be sure that you are absolutely dead."

"Isn't it possible to lead the way?" The British's last persuasion was also invalid. They could only helplessly take the people to turn to start moving in one direction, and it was only after they had walked for less than a minute. There was a sound similar to the passing of an airplane, and then there was a loud noise not far away, but because there was a tree blocking it, nothing was visible. However, several people knew that it was not safe here, so after hearing the sound, no one reminded them to automatically speed up and ran.

Although they are all struggling to run, the speed of ordinary people is negligible in front of us. Just after the team stumbled and didn't run too far, they suddenly heard the sound of leaves from the trunk above their heads, and then when everyone turned around, they saw a ninja in black jumping from the tree. Come down.

Everyone here originally thought that it was not our group who must have been Americans or local militants, but suddenly they jumped down from the tree into a ninja in black. This sudden change stunned everyone, but the ninja did not hesitate. He immediately bounced and rushed towards this group of people immediately after landing, and at the same time the knife in his hand was raised.

Everyone who saw his actions knew that the visitor was not good. Two of the five officers surrounding the crazy dog ​​ran away with the crazy dog, and the other three drew a gun and fired at the ninja quickly. But to everyone's surprise, the ninja actually swayed the long knife in the air for a while, and as he moved, there was a jingling impact on his knife. And a lot of splashing Mars, as for the bullets shot by the three were all blocked.

The ninjas who rushed to the three men's bullets and rushed in front of the three men, as soon as they landed, flipped the short knife in their hands and slanted them from bottom to top. The three men hurried back, but only heard one of them, one of them had a pistol. The front half of the gun was actually cut off. The man looked in surprise at the half-gun in his hand and even forgot to avoid it. How could the ninja miss such a good opportunity and cut it off immediately, but fortunately his companion pushed him in time, letting him avoid this inevitable danger.

The ninja missed a shot, and immediately changed his target and slashed at the person who pushed the companion, but the other person shot in time, and the ninja had to block the bullet across the side. But this ninja can charge forward with three people's bullets. How can this gun stop him now? After blocking a few rounds of bullets, the officer's gun suddenly clicked, and the sleeve on the gun was stuck directly at the firing position and did not rebound, which was clearly no bullet. The ninja seized the opportunity to step forward decisively and chopped it towards the officer's neck. The officer instinctively raised his hand to block, but with a snoring sound, half of his arm flew directly into the sky, and his ōng mouth There was also a big mouth, but he was lucky. Because of the blocking of his arm, the knife did not directly kill him, but if no one helped, his death would be within a few seconds.

Just when the officer thought he was going to die here, the ninja had already adjusted his attitude and planned to kill the enemy with another knife, but at the moment when the ninja's raised knife was about to swing, a dark shadow suddenly appeared from the side. Rushed out. The ninja felt something approaching, but the opponent was too fast. He turned around and was hit by the shadow directly.

The ninja flew forward for more than ten meters before crashing into a big tree. I didn't know if the tree was broken or his bones were broken. He didn't move anymore after landing. However, at the same time when this guy stopped acting, the surrounding trees suddenly clamored again, and the six ninjas fell towards the newly appearing shadow together.

This rushing shadow is of course our little point. Although it is still a young dragon, it is relative to the identity of the dragon. In fact, Xiao Budian has reached a length of five meters with a head and tail and a height of more than two meters. Although this body size is not comparable to African elephants, it is not too small.

Seeing the six figures jumping down from the tree, Xiao Biao did not pause at all. I saw that he leaned down slightly, and the motors of the two tǐng rotating cannons on both sides of the weapon backpack started at the same time. To the limit, the two orange-red fire whip squirted out of the barrel in an instant. One of the six ninjas who jumped from the air was hit by a bullet as soon as they landed. The powerful firepower of the six-barreled machine gun instantly blasted this guy into a pile of rotten meat, followed by a rapid rotation of the barrel to try to charge The ninja came up and broke in two.

After killing the two, the small side cover of the weapon backpack suddenly opened, and the two roller-like items protruded from both sides. A small missile with a thick forearm was hung around each of the two rollers. I only heard two beeps, and the two missiles flew from the hangers on both sides, and then deftly turned in the air around the two big trees and flew back in a circle, then directly sent the two Jumping up to attack Ninja with a little back, it exploded into the air.

After killing the two ninjas, the missile rack was immediately retracted into the weapon backpack, and Xiaodian closed the machine gun and quickly turned his tail to pump out an approaching ninja, and then rushed forward toward the other ninja. The two jumped at the same time when they were seven or eight meters away, and then they met in the air. The ninja first cut it with a knife, but was bitten by the bite. Then the small body's weight advantage brought him the instant advantage of the air collision. He almost dropped the ground with the ninja at almost constant speed, and at the same time stepped on the opponent's ōng mouth. . The ninja spurted blood directly, and the knife in his hand could no longer be grasped and was dragged off by Xiaodian.

After turning his head and flinging the short knife, he turned back to his head and bit the other's head, tearing it up. He heard a click, and the ninja's head was separated from his body. Spit his head out of his mouth, turned around quickly, and the cannon on his back began to growl again. Fire whip-like bullets swept across the trunk of a large tree and blasted the whole tree into pieces, and then a pile of rotten flew flew out from behind the tree.

Seeing this result, the ninjas hiding around were no longer hiding, and a bunch of ninjas appeared around them after a hurry, and they did not know how they had hidden there before.

After seeing so many ninjas, he didn't dare to cease the fire. The machine guns on his back kept roaring, and many ninjas who rushed over were swept down by him. This type of machine gun can even be blasted directly by armored vehicles. For ordinary monsters, it is basically the same as a smasher. It can knock people flying with a little rubbing, and it must be a big hole for a frontal hit.

Although it is not small to show great power, there are too many ninjas around. In addition to the ground, several ninjas have appeared in the surrounding trees, and many ninjas have climbed over the branches above them.

Suddenly, several ninjas jumped off the branches above their heads at the same time. Two of them were blasted in the air by the muzzle raised by Little Dot, and two were shot dead by Little Dot as soon as they landed, but three Ninjas were It landed on Little's back.

As soon as the three ninjas fell on Xiaoduodian's back, they picked up a short knife to insert it. Xiaoduid felt someone on their back, and as soon as they twisted their bodies, a lazy donkey rolled. Although Xiaobudian is comparable to an armored vehicle, you can't really think of it as an armored vehicle. He is a living creature, and flexible is far from being comparable to armored vehicles. The ninjas probably didn't expect that Xiaodian could still roll, and they were directly turned to the ground, and then Xiaodian's huge body turned directly over them.

Although he is not as heavy as his parents, one or two tons is still included in the weight of the weapon backpack. Although these ninjas are biochemical monsters, they would not be crushed to death in such a simple way, but they are definitely injured. And they didn't intend to let them go. When one rolled over and rolled back, they immediately turned back and opened their mouths. A spit of dragon Yan directly turned the three ninjas into three torches.

The little things that were only used to complete the task are now really out of the flames. Long Yan was a life-saving thing to him, and now it has been used directly, and since the restrictions have been released, there is no need to control it at all. Looking at the ninjas who rushed over, Xiao Biao opened his mouth and sprayed three fireballs in front of him. With three explosions, a large number of ninjas fell directly on the edge of the woods. This fireball didn't look big, but it was unexpected that the power was like an aerial bomb.

After the three fireballs were sprayed out, the weapon backpack behind Little Buddy opened again, and then only heard the sound of crickets, and the two missile turntables kept spinning to hit the missiles all at once. In the woods, she went out like a heavenly girl, and a bunch of missiles gave the surrounding ninjas a gray-faced ashen.

After all the missiles were fired, Xiaodian started violently bombarding with machine guns. The ninja that had not been relieved from the continuous explosion was instantly smashed into a large piece, but although the firepower of this machine was fierce enough, the ammunition consumption was equally scary. Although this weapon backpack is not small, it still can't stop shooting continuously. After almost screaming for almost a minute, the two machine guns suddenly stopped at the same time, looked at the smoking gun barrel, and looked back helplessly, then jumped straight up, and the lock on the weapon backpack automatically Bounce open, and the backpack turned to the ground.

After throwing off the weapon backpack, he opened his mouth and shouted at the front. The ninja over there thought that he was about to set off the fireball again, and hurried to hide on both sides, only to wait for a while before seeing the fireball before continuing to rush forward.

After calling, Xiao Diao shook his body directly as if preparing for the activity, and then he raised the dorsal fin that had been pressed by the weapon backpack to his body.

Xiao Budian's dorsal fin is a bit like a fish fin, but the spikes on his dorsal fin are more obvious, and the thing can indeed be used as a weapon.

After completing the preparatory activities, Xiao Biao rushed directly towards the group of ninjas, completely ignoring those ninja swords, slamming the front ninja into one, and then struck the second ninja across his head, shook his third ninja, and smashed the third ninja. Fei, followed by a mouthful of dragons, ignited the approaching ninjas, then turned around and slammed one claw before death, and then flew one with wings, and finally turned and smashed the two nearby ninjas together with their tails.

Crazy dogs who haven't responded since they were young, they are completely open at this time. In front of Xiaobudian, these ninjas are like little cashmere chickens that have not grown feathers. Even if they sometimes watch a dozen people ninjas rush out The admiral surrounded him, but he rushed out at a blink of an eye ~ ~ but think about it too. If you find a group of ordinary people who each send a machete to attack a shovel, and you are not allowed to attack the driver, it is estimated that the effect will be similar to now.

This group of ninjas is certainly better than ordinary people, but their strength and smallness are still far worse. It's right to think about it. After all, the small figure is posing there. Because of the large muscle mass, even our strength is far from being a small opponent. What's more, these ninjas are only defective products made by people with incomplete technical information. Their power is far worse than that of us, and it's nothing compared to being small. Of course, Xiao Budian can play for so long without losing money, and his scales have also played an important role. After all, the ants bite the elephant, and even if they are not too strong, if they are cut, this will be over. It's a pity that Xiao Diao is a dragon. He has scales made of ceramic armor. The ninjas' knives can't cut this thing at all, so it seems that Xiao Diao was hit badly, in fact, he was not injured at all.

If there is a normal person here, it may be long gone, but unfortunately, the small ninja monster is a defective product, and the intelligence is not good. He knows that he can't cut and still rushes up. As a result, the more he rushes, the more he dies. However, their charge was not completely useless, at least they got the time to keep the crazy dogs.

"Ha ha, finally found it." Just as Xiao Budian was fighting with the group of ninjas, a guy wrapped up in silver and white mechanical armor suddenly appeared in everyone's sight. !! .

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