Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 58: Mysterious Fire

Volume 20 Chapter 58 Mysterious Fire

"Don't regret it." The two statues were probably angry too, and they were thinking about how to get me through the sea. So they didn't wait for me to confirm, and they swept over with a spear while they shouted.

Wow ... when ... a spear with a howling wind swept across my stand, followed by a metal impact sound of whistling, and at the same time, the position where I was standing suddenly rose like an explosion After a smoke ring, until the fumes fell again, the people couldn't help but take a breath.

I saw the smoke and dust, I still stood there unscathed, and stretched out a hand and pinched the wide gun blade with five fingers, and a flat rocky ground appeared under my feet. Shallow pits covered with spiderwebs with a diameter of more than two meters.

"How is that possible?" Even the stone guard himself was taken aback. There are many people who can avoid his attack, and it is not without them, but it is the first time he has seen a person who can hold the blade of the gun with only five fingers and does not move.

"Maybe it's not up to you." I said, suddenly holding the gun blade up and picking it up, and clicked, the rock under my feet shattered into a finer powder again, and the stone statue over there turned out to be Strength and instability were raised, followed by a real body drawing a half-arc above my head and flying to the other side of the body and banged on the ground.

Although it was the stone guard who fell to the ground, the group watching the distance could not help but shrink their necks as if they had been thrown by themselves.

"God, is that guy abnormal?" A player sighed.

Another player calmly analyzed: "The level is at least eighteen or more, no, at least two thousand, this power is too scary. Even if the basic power is increased to ten, there is absolutely no such output without two thousand levels."

"But there are more than 2,000 people in the game?" A player frowned. "I remember that the guy on the top of the ranking list was only over 1,700?"

"Stupid, Zi Ri has an incomplete masking tool. He can't see his climbing name in the ranking list, but according to some people in the Frost Rose League, Zi Ri's level is over 2,000."

Hearing this voice, a silly guy next to him said weakly, "I'm less than one thousand two thousand, isn't this too unfair?"

"Idiot, there were only a few thousand or hundreds of people before, but then the Frost Rose Alliance and the Russian Protoss had a war, and the Frost Rose Alliance seemed to have won. As the leader and strongest combat power of the Frost Rose Alliance, How many Protoss do you think Ziri has to kill in order to win the battle? "As a fan, the mummy mage knows more than the average person, but after all, he is not one of our guilds. He knows a lot of information, but it needs to be improved. At least, my level is definitely not raised by a single war.

"Fuck, is Frost Rose League all abnormal?" Another player sighed.

An nvxìng player asked with some dissatisfaction: "How do you say people like this? Frost Rose League offends you?"

"It doesn't offend, but you don't know? Half of the top ten on the combat list are people from other people, and the top name is all for them. Do you say this is not abnormal?"

The leader of the smaller group of the previous four groups suddenly said: "Everything in this world follows the laws of nature, and the guild forces are no different. There is universal gravity between the stars, between the guilds and the personnel The same is true. The more powerful the guild, the stronger the attraction, so those powerful players will unknowingly crash into this huge star like an asteroid captured by gravity. "

"The analysis is a bit reasonable, but I think that the Frost Rose Alliance's most powerful planet does not care about its volume, but because it has a gravity hand actively capturing other asteroids."

"What is the hand of gravity?" The weak player asked before.

A nvxìng player next to me pointed at me and said, "That's the one."

While these people were discussing our strength there, there was no pause in the battle on our side.

After the stone guard was dropped on the ground, it seemed to be completely beaten down like a normal person, but I felt that it was more surprised than hurt. This guy's physical fitness is by no means so weak that he can't get up on a shoulder fall. He should be incredible because he was defeated by an opponent who is considered weak.

Although the stone statue guard was smashed and smashed, the other stone statue guard slashed it with a spear without a pause. Before, I just wanted to try the stone guard's strength level to judge their strength, this time I will not go to grab the gun blade again. Seeing the huge spear sweeping over, I landed on the blade of the gun directly, then ran in three steps and two steps along the gun body to the stone guard's arm.

The statue guard saw that I actually climbed to his hand, and immediately released the spear and reached for a shot, but I jumped to the hand that was shot, and then kicked it on his arm. This guy's shoulder.

Feeling that I fell on my shoulder, the guy hurriedly shook his shoulder and tried to take me nòng down. Who knows that I just pulled out Eternal and jumped on top of his head, followed by the fierce eternity that will turn into a hook sickle. The guy pierced his heart.

"Ah ..." The guard of the stone statue is obviously not a simple stone statue. In addition to his emotions, he also has pain. The stone statue guard who was shot into my head screamed and stretched out his hand to pat his head, but I had already pulled out the hook sickle and jumped to his forehead position and jumped down. The guy's big hand was a step away. Photographed behind me.

Flying in the air, I turned around suddenly, my hands stretched out at the same time, and two shouts made two dragon tendons, right in the eyes of the guy. Although it was guarded by a stone statue, the guy's pain caused them to bend forward like a human and bowed down, and I dragged the tendons from his dàng by his leaning forward posture He got on his back, followed me to run up to his vest in two steps, raised the sickle gun to his back, and chucked in.

"Hmm ..." The guy even changed his voice this time, and instead of straightening up and throwing me off, he flew to the ground.

The so-called kills him while he is ill. Since this guy is down, I can't relax. I quickly pulled out the long gun in his vest and rushed to his neck to turn the hook sickle into a long-handled axe. The guy's neck split. Just hearing a click, the ever-changing long-handed Tomahawk easily broke the guy's neck, and then felt a little lag when he hit his cervical spine, but he just cut it in just a little. Finally, as my hand suddenly fell loose, the axe passed directly through the guy's neck and cut his head off.

With the sound of a bang, the guy's head rolled out like this, and finally stopped beside another stone statue guard. This guy has just been beaten. This will be considered as a reaction to get up again and fight again. Who knows that he hasn't waited for him to start, but his companion's head rolled to his feet.

"You ...?" The guy was shocked at seeing his companion's head and didn't know what to say, and a furious spear would rush up.

Seeing his actions, I did not immediately launch a counterattack, but suddenly called a pause. "Don't you know your body's characteristics?" I said, and took a piece of metal card that was slightly larger than a playing card, about one centimeter thick, and pretended to play.

The guy on the other side originally planned to rush up and desperately came to me, but immediately saw the thing and stopped there with a sharp brake.

"How do you ...?"

"Please, the energy movement is so obvious. When you're blind?" I said as I tossed the metal card up and down, and the head of the stone guard guard on the other side kept beating up and down. I thought about coming over to catch it and didn't dare to move.

Maybe it was the reaction that I played him again, the guy suddenly stopped staring at the metal sign and yelled at me: "Take care of me, if you break it, I will try desperately."

"Don't worry, based on the texture of the metal plate and the hardness of the ground, as long as I don't throw it to a height of more than ten meters, there will be no damage to it. But if I pinch it hard, the result will be It's hard to say. "

"you dare."

"Why don't I dare? Because I'm afraid of you? It seems that your strength is about the same as the guy who was killed by me? I can kill him without any harm, and I can certainly kill you. What do you think you can threaten? Come to mine? Of course, you can cry back and call your parents, rest assured, I won't stop you. "

The guy probably hasn't seen me so arrogant, and suddenly he stopped. But after looking at the head of the companion who was next to him, he still made a decisive compromise.

The guy collected his weapon and said to me, "You have passed the test. Give me that metal plate and you can go straight in."

"It's pretty much the same." I said, and then bounced the metal card out, then turned and walked towards Da Mén. The statue guard saw the flying metal sign and rushed to catch the metal sign, but he didn't dare to get angry at me, after all, he was not as good as anyone, and it was only him who made me unlucky. Yourself.

Although he didn't dare to provoke me, the guy didn't forget to make things difficult for me. Originally, after the player completed the task, they were responsible for pushing the large mén to let people in. After all, that mén seemed to be catching up with the large parking lot at the airport. How could such a large mén let them easily open?

Of course I guessed that the guy was deliberately making things difficult, but I didn't care anyway and ignored him. In his expression with a smirk, I walked directly to Da Mén's mouth, and then looked back at him directly, then reached out and gently pressed on Mén, and Da Mén seemed to be banged by someone hard. It was completely open. In that dumbfounded expression, I walked in with a smirk, and then Da Mén automatically closed it behind me again.

Within that big mén is not the room of Hephaestus, but another hall. The environment here looks much more beautiful than the outside hall. Not only do dòng ceilings and walls pass the decoration of ng heart, the ground is no longer polished flat ordinary rocks, but replaced with smooth marble.

The big mén I entered was a mén at the end of the hall, and across the hall, which was a bit like a promenade, stood a magnificent high platform. The high platform is about five or six meters high, with steps on three sides, and it looks like a pyramid. Located in the center of that high platform is a rather gorgeous fire drill throne. Because the entire seat is carved out of a whole fire drill, it looks like a burning flame from a distance.

Behind this throne is a golden screen. Its shape should be like a burning flame, but it is relatively thin, not a three-dimensional figure.

The high platform was not placed against the wall at the other end of the hall, but a distance from the wall. Although I can't see the situation behind because of the high platform, from the situation in this hall, there should be a mén behind the high platform.

When I was thinking about whether I had to go to see it, a screen wearing a heavy plate armor suddenly came out after the screen on the opposite side. This guy is about two meters tall. Although he can't compare with the stone guards outside, he can still be regarded as a super big man by the standard of normal people.

When this guy came out, he saw that I was a little stunned, and then beckoned to me as I walked over and greeted me. After we stopped in the middle of the hall, he crossed my eyes and looked at Mén's mouth again, and then he questioned, "How can you be alone?"

What I asked him was also a bit vague, not quite sure what he meant. "You asked me why I didn't bring a companion?"

The soldier shook his head and said, "No, I'm asking you about the other two groups of people? Doesn't the adult say that they do three things a day? In addition to you, there should be two talents right. Does it mean that you are alone today Looking for an adult? Or do you have three things to deal with alone, so you drive everyone out? "

"None. I'm just advanced. The rest are still fighting outside. It is estimated that we will be able to separate the winners and lose the other two groups."

The soldier nodded and said, "Wait a minute, wait for them to come in and I will take you in."

I nodded in agreement, and then started chatting with the soldier without a word. Of course, I am not bored and want to find someone. Even if I am really bored, I will open the communicator to contact the army **** to find something for me. A bunch of things were waiting to be dealt with in the meeting, and Hongyue and Rose were busy screaming all day long. It was so easy to find something.

I am chatting with this soldier here for nothing more than two purposes. One is to inquire about the xìng lattice of Hephaestus and so on, so that you can find a suitable entry point for the situation, and also Avoid mentioning something that Hephaestus taboos. In addition to this first purpose, my second purpose is also very simple. I just want to have a good relationship with this guy. I hope that when he talks to Hephaestus, he can help me properly, even if it just helps me. Saying good words or agreeing with my point of view is more useful than saying dozens of words to Hephaestus myself.

In general, the relationship between people is usually proportional to the number of conversations between them. Of course, this refers to the type of mouth that will offend people in most normal circumstances. It will be completely reversed.

Of course, I'm not the type that will offend people by opening my mouth. On the contrary, my affinity is usually quite good. Especially when dealing with these in the game, there is a system with high charm and deterrence, as long as it is not the more violent, it is generally easier to get along with me.

The soldier in front of him is obviously a normal one. Although he is a soldier, but I am not an enemy, plus he is very thick and straight, so we have begun to talk to me as brothers and brothers after we haven't talked for a while . Through our dialogue, I quickly nòng made clear the characteristics of the xìng lattice of Hephaestus. What does this guy ’s xìng lattice say? A little bit awkward, a little bit awkward, in short, that kind of half-silly. Say he's smart, he's really smart, otherwise he won't be able to get so much technical equipment. But you have to say that he is stupid, he is indeed stupid enough, he does not know how to express his emotions, and basically he has little opinion except for technical matters.

After knowing the detailed characteristics of the Heisites grid, I became more confident in this digging action, but compared to the Heisites grid, I found a more important piece of information. And the average person should not expect to know at all.

"Are there such things?" I was surprised to watch the fighter who had just whispered a big gossip in my ear to satisfy his performance.

Sure enough, the guy who saw my expression immediately began to explain to me the cause and effect. In fact, men also have the spirit of gossip, which is not the patent of nv people, but usually nv people have slightly more free time than men, plus nv people like to get together, so many people think only nv talent gossip. In fact, men usually just don't have much chance to gossip, and once they get a chance to gossip, they will not hesitate at all.

Although the soldier in front of him looks like a serious guy, in fact, he is very powerful in gossip. At that moment, I even thought that the soldier in front of me was an aunt in the market using the disguise of impersonation.

After seeing my surprised look, the soldier immediately assured me with excitement: "This is absolutely true. You are not people in flames, so you don't know. I'm here every day, how could this kind of news be hidden? I? Lord Hervestus's favorite nv is Miss Medea. As long as Miss Medea said, Lord Hervestus would never object. "

Seeing him say this, I pretended to be unbelieving and said, "No, even if we don't know the relationship between Hephaestus and Medea, don't other Olympians know?"

As soon as the guy heard my doubts, he pointed at me more proudly and said, "Don't you want to understand this? Don't you know the relationship between our adults and the Olympian Protoss? Since that year, I was thrown from Mount Olympus Coming down, our adults have hardly had any contact with other deities of the Olympian Protoss. Just on the two sides, do you think they know? "The guy here suddenly and mysteriously came together to deliberately control After looking at it, he whispered after confirming that there was no third person: "In fact, even if the relationship between our adults and the Olympus Protoss is not as it is now, it is absolutely impossible for the Olympus Protoss to know about this."

"Why?" In fact, I already guessed the reason, but in order to satisfy the guy's eagerness to show off, I still put on a look of "You tell me quickly" and looked at him waiting for the answer.

Sure enough, the warrior said proudly when he looked at me: "This is actually a secret inside the Olympian Protoss. I just tell you, don't you say that you know?"

Of course I immediately nodded and said, "Out of your mouth, into my ear, I let it rot my stomach."

The soldier nodded with satisfaction, then began to say excitedly: "This matter has to start from the nv **** Aphrodite of love and beauty."

"Is the one arrested some time ago, who just ran back in the last two days?" I asked deliberately.

"Yes, that's her. This Aphrodite is the nv **** who is in charge of love and beauty. What do you think she looks like?"

I deliberately pretended to ask unexpectedly: "What do you say can be beautiful? I know it must be beautiful anyway."

"Not very beautiful, but beautiful. Her beauty is almost touched by men. Even Zeus, the **** of the Olympians, has not resisted the beauty of Aphrodite and wants to marry her. . "

"I'm x, aren't I?" I shouted deliberately, "I heard that Aphrodite is Zeus's nv? Zeus is going to marry Aphrodite? Isn't this a luàn suit? ? "

"Well, what is nv?" Said the soldier in a disdainful manner. "As long as the old n stick of Zeus is long and beautiful, who would he dare not go up to now? God and NV gods include his sisters, his parents, and his father's NV, oh yes, in addition to Aphrodite, there is really one of his biological NVs who has succeeded. Think If Hadith hadn't been fast enough at the beginning, I estimate that Chun Zhi's nv **** should have been occupied by Zeus now. By the way, do you know the identity of Chun Zhi's nv god? "

I quickly nodded and said, "Is it Persephone, right? I heard that it is also Zeus's nv, and it seems that her mother's harvest nv God Demeter is the second sister of Zeus. In this way, Persephone is equal to Zeus nv is his nephew nv again? This old n stick, even the descendants of nv and nephew nv want to start, is really an old pervert. "

The soldier said quietly immediately: "Actually you don't know that Zeus has touched more than just the nv gods who are related to him. What humans, demons, and some animals, he has touched. You do n’t know. Many of our Greek monsters are actually descendants of Zeus. "

"Rely on, Luàn * Lun is all right, he is still playing humans and beasts. I'm considered to be a service." In fact, I have known these deeds of Zeus, after all, as a relatively unique existence in the divine realm, Zeus can also be regarded as a **** A wonderful flower in it. Anyway, I haven't seen any other **** group that can transform into him. Generally speaking, the protoss can have three wives and four concubines or find a lover. It is already an exaggeration. Zeus is definitely the unique existence of the entire protoss.

After listening to my sigh, the soldier continued, "So say. He wanted to marry Aphrodite is not a big deal at all. However, because Aphrodite was unwilling and determined to resist, So in the end, Zeus had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​marrying her. However, this guy Zeus was very careful. He even refused to marry his own nv, even though this guy actually hated it and even used the power of his **** Aphrodite is married to our master Hephaestus. You also know that Lord Hephaestus looks really bad, which has always been considered a shame in the Olympian Protoss, so those Olin The Protoss do not like adults so much. Zeus Aphrodite married to adults to torture Aphrodite and make her sad, thus punishing her for rejecting her request. "

"This hún egg, I have never seen anyone who can break into this."

"Indeed, the old n stick of Zeus is the worst guy in the world." Because the relationship between Hephaestus and Zeus was so bad, the subordinates of Hephaestus did not have the slightest awe of Zeus, Otherwise, even the guy who likes gossip again is absolutely impossible to say bad things about Zeus. After the guy nodded and acknowledged my point, he went on to say, "Although he hates him, Zeus is the **** king after all, neither Lord Hephaestus nor Aphrodite could resist him, so the two were eventually He was forced to marry. But Lord Hephaestus still liked our Miss Medea, and Miss Medea knew that she could not face Zeus directly, so she thought of a way. "

"any solution?"

"Just brought Aphrodite, and everyone got together and talked about it. We Lord Hephaestus and Aphrodite maintained a nominal husband and wife relationship, and Aphrodite was completely free. What you want to do, it does n’t matter if you find another man, but our adults can always be with Miss Medea forever, but neither party can destroy this nominal marriage, so it is impossible for us to Half provide identity. "

I nodded when I heard this: "No wonder Aphrodite has such a good relationship with your adults. I was still thinking that I would be married to someone I didn't like, and long So ugly ... sorry I didn't say bad things about you adults. "

"It doesn't matter, adults never care about what others say about his looks. Besides, the inner part is the most important thing. Appearance is just a skin layer. With the strength of our adults, if you really want to be beautiful, there are at least dozens of ways to change it. Luo is as handsome. No, he can be even more handsome than Arrow. "

I nodded and said, "Don't say you adults, even I can think of three ways to become handsome. But now I understand why Aphrodite is so good with your adults. It turned out not because they became husband and wife. But because they are now alliance partners against Zeus. "

"Yes, so the relationship between our adult and Aphrodite is very harmonious. It is that Zeus is intentional and makes him think he has failed again."

"No, I do n’t think it. In the current situation, Zeus has really failed. After all, he did n’t get Aphrodite, nor did it harm your adults, and Aphrodite and your adults have also been moisturized. of."

"Hey, that's what it says."

The two of us were in the happy gossip and suddenly saw the big mén that came in before me suddenly opened. Through the large mén, you can see a line of people standing outside mén, and behind them are a large number of corpses. Obviously the battle of hún is over, and it is clear that the team with the largest number of people has been defeated.

There are still two teams left in mén, and I have exactly three teams. The mummy mage team clearly won the final victory, while the other group was the smallest team. Of course, both teams were downsized, and the rest were basically wounded.

That group with the least number is still the group with the least number, because only one person is alive. This is an nv person, wearing light armor, although the protective area is very low, but it is so ngxìng, because after all, there is more lù on the protective part, and if it is more reasonable, it naturally shows xìng. The sense effect comes. However, this nv person is very curious, because when she first came in, I thought she was a twenty-two-year-old young nv, because her identity was very good, and she was very beautiful. All kinds of decorative objects are indeed ngyòu people. However, after she approached me, I looked carefully and realized that this nv person is definitely not a small nv. Although I can't see the specific flaws, I can conclude that she is definitely older than she looks.

In addition to this nv, the rest is naturally the group of mummy mages. Compared to the nv, their group is pretty good. Anyway, there are four people left, which is better than the nv group over there.

In addition to the mummy mage themselves, the other three people in the group are the mage priest mm, a nether guard, and a black knight mm.

Although there are four people left, Mummy Mage and the rest of their group are hurt badly. Except that the Rev. Phantom had no injuries at all, the remaining three were almost all scaly, especially the little girl of the black knight. If the Rev. P. mm was supporting her, it is estimated that she could not stand.

"I x, why is it so miserable?"

I couldn't help but sigh for the situation of these two groups of people, and the soldier over there put away the expression that had been ridiculed with me before, and began to ask seriously: "You are the last one left The two groups of men? "

The mummy mage looked at the nvxìng warrior over there and saw that she didn't mean to speak and stood up and said, "Yes, there are only two of us left."

After listening, the warrior asked the stone guard outside, "Did they all pass the test?"

"Yes, they chose to answer the question, and they have passed the test." At this time through the open mén, I found that the stone statue that I had previously crushed has been resurrected. But I didn't have any surprises about this, because I already knew that the metal card was the core of the stone statue, and the other parts were condensed by magic. In other words, as long as this metal card is placed on the pile of stones, it will naturally re-form into a stone guard.

The battle here heard the report from the statue guard and then turned to the mummy mage and several of them and the nv warrior: "In this case, you come with me." Then he turned and started to the seat without waiting for the other party to agree. Walking back, I hurried to keep up, and the mummy mage immediately ran away. Although they were not injured lightly, it was enough to eat yào at the end of the battle, so several people soon followed.

Bypassing the high platform where the throne was seen before, we went directly to a mén behind the throne. This mén is slightly smaller than the large mén outside, but it is still larger than the height of a human.

After passing through this mén, there is a long corridor, but the corridor is horizontal, and both left and right sides can walk. But because the soldier was leading the way, we turned to the left and followed him.

The corridor is not very long. After less than fifty meters, it suddenly makes a right turn, and then there is an arch mén. There is a layer of red light curtain on the arch mén that is constantly blinking, it looks like the water surface of dàng, but this light curtain does not seem to be transparent, and it is almost impossible to see the back through it Things can only be vaguely seen over there is a relatively large space.

The warrior did not pass directly through the big mén, but stopped outside the mén and turned to take out six red test tube yào bottles from a stone platform beside mén and sent them to us. Looking at our doubtful huò's eyes, he directly explained: "This is a fire-resistant agent. After this mén, the temperature will rise very high. Taking this can ensure that you are immune to the flame within an hour."

"Nice thing." I said, stuffing it directly into Fenglong's space, and then snapped a finger, Xiaofeng appeared instantly beside me, and then held my hand. A layer of red light film spread from Xiaofeng's hand to my body instantly.

The soldier glanced at me, then just smiled and said nothing. This yào agent is nothing extraordinary, although it is more useful, it is not necessary to pay too much attention. Besides, he was so embarrassed to bother me because of the pleasant conversation I had with him.

Mummy mage. Although they and the nv warrior also saw my actions, the warriors who led the way did not speak, and they naturally did not even say it. As for learning how to put away things, they thought about it, but just looked at the red light curtain and eventually gave up.

After they drank yào, the soldiers took us through the light curtain and entered the space behind.

Behind that light curtain was a rather huge rock. The piece of land near the entrance of the light curtain is a large flat, on which luàn is piled up with a lot of ore and unfinished metal embryos. In front of this flat land is a lava river, but it is not a whole river channel, but a small turn. The lava flows from below the rock wall opposite us, then turns a small bend in the dòngxùe and flows out of the dòngxùe from the dòng wall on the right, so only a short section of river can be seen in this dòngxùe.

It is located on the left front side of the flat where we are standing side by side with the lava river. Assuming a huge flame furnace, there are red lights among seven or eight different furnaces, and there is a protruding bucket shape on the right side of the furnace. On the slide, the dark red magma continuously flows out of the furnace, and then flows into the lava river below and is taken out of the dòngxùe together.

Obviously, this huge furnace depends on the temperature of the lava, so obviously no fuel is needed. Of course, in order to control the temperature of the furnace, it is necessary to use some magic devices, but anyway, it is a good genus not to need fuel.

At this time, in addition to the fighter who brought us in, there were six human beings, or six humanoid creatures. One of them was very ugly, not only humpbacked, but also the guy who had stunned it was obviously Hephaestus. After all, the appearance of this guy was too easy to identify.

Except for Hephaestus, one of the remaining five is a warrior dressed like the warrior who led us. He should be a guard of Hephaestus. In addition to this, there are four guys. One of them was a dwarf with a big hammer in his hand and was beating a red-hot metal bar there. In addition, there is another guy who should be a slayer in the long run. He must be over three meters tall, but at this time the guy is squatting on the ground with a small hammer and is carefully hitting a tiny metal block. I don't know what it is doing. The last two creatures did not see a race, either humans or other races closer to humans. The two of them are about two meters tall, with muscles all over their bodies, looking like barbarians. The other is also over eighteen meters tall, but very thin. She has pair of glasses on her fair face, holding a book in her hand, and standing beside Hephaestus, talking about something, if not the throat is very Obviously I almost thought this was an NV.

The soldiers who brought us in let us wait here first, and then ran to Hephaestus to make a brief announcement. After hearing the briefing, Hephaestus glanced up at us and asked for something. After the latter turned to the barbarian, he limped towards us.

"You are the last victor." As soon as he met Hephaestus, he congratulated us first, and then went straight to the topic. "So now, you can tell what you need me to do, I will give you the corresponding tasks, and I will help you complete your requirements after completion. Of course, the desire must be related to my ability, other things I can't help. "

When Hephaestus was talking, I kept paying attention to him and I could see that this guy was really kind. According to the custom of the protoss, mortals are generally not seen in the eyes. Even if I have such strength, there are still gods in heaven who look down on me. Although they can't beat me at all, this doesn't prevent them from maintaining that inexplicable superiority. However, Hephaestus apparently did not have such a habit. He was quite gentle when he spoke to us and did not have any sense of arrogance. Of course, this may be related to his experience. After all, Hephaestus was thrown down Olympus in an hour, and he never entered the range of Olympus since then, which means that he has not touched the Olympian **** world, so his xìng It is understandable that it tends to be more common.

After speaking the rules, Hephaestus glanced around us and asked, "Who will come first?"

Anyway, everyone has a chance to ask for it, so now we are no one rushing to talk, but looked at each other politely, anyway, it does n’t make any difference to say it later. In the end, when they saw that they were silent, I simply said to the nv warrior with only one person over there: "Nv soldiers have priority."

The other party didn't quit when they heard this, and nodded to me, then stood up and said, "All right. I'll say what I want first."

The requirements of the nv people are very simple. They just want to transform the equipment on their body. Of course, they must be very strong. Hephaestus also immediately responded to this request, first telling her that she could fulfill her wish, but she needed to get a few items. The nv also knew the rules, so they left happily after receiving the task. Anyway, it is said that Hephaestus's tasks are usually not too complicated, and Hephaestus rarely makes excessive demands ~ ~ so basically there is no possibility of failure. Of course, because of this reason, the competition for the three places accepted by Hephaestus has become the most deadly level.

After the nv left, the mummy mage also made his request to help him transform a set of mage equipment he prepared into a set of equipment exclusive to his profession. Because the basic materials are already available, this task is not too difficult. Hehuastos just let them take out the equipment first, and after they have been identified, they tell them that they need their help to complete this work, so their The task is to stay and fight. Of course, in addition to this requirement, they also need to provide some materials and money, but the mummy mage obviously had prepared them, and the materials were actually prepared in advance.

After designing the transformation plan for the beautiful man, Hephaestus moved his attention to me, but he first noticed Xiaofeng. After all, as a **** of fire, Hephaestus could see Out of Xiaofeng's Phoenix itself.

"Tell me where you are?" Hephaestus looked at me and asked, "The person who can bring the black phoenix is ​​definitely not a normal product, and this suit on your body should be a robe, is it? It can never be strengthened by killing a few people. You have definitely killed gods, and more than one. I am curious, what do you come to me with your strength? You never want to kill me to absorb the soul to strengthen the cloak Right? "

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