Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 61: Here comes the rabbit

, Gloucesters! Hephaestus! "A pretty and pleasant voice approached us at a very fast speed. The first one was not very clear. After two, it came directly to us." Hephaestus, you ... eh? How did you ...? "

"Aphrodite. This, you listen to me to explain to you." Hephaestus looked nervously at the newly entered Aphrodite, and at the same time he gave me an eye and motioned to a few of them. The helper moved towards the door to block the route of departure.

Obviously, Hephaestus did not know my relationship with Aphrodite, because we sent her back as a secret mission, and it was impossible to preach everywhere. Therefore, no one at Olympus knows this. thing. Although Medea collects information from the outside world fairly well, he can only collect some superficial information after all, so it is impossible for her to know that Aphrodite is actually ours. If even Medea doesn't know about this, then Hephaestus is even less likely to know. Therefore, Hephaestus still thought that Aphrodite was a member of the Olympians, so he was so nervous when Aphrodite broke in and saw me.

Because of the introduction of Medea, Hephaestus now knows the things between me and the Olympus Protoss, so now he is very worried that Aphrodite ran out to report. This is not just my misfortune. He couldn't even run away. Just because he didn't want that to happen, Hephaestus was nervous when he opened his eyes at me and motioned for his hands to block the door, so as not to let Aphrodite run to tell the truth.

Compared to Hephaestus, Aphrodite's mood was much smoother. She did not worry that Hephaestus knew her identity, nor did she worry that I would be attacked by Hephaestus, because she had fought with me, and knew that Hephaestus was not my opponent, so even if her identity was violent, Lu, the big deal is that the control of Hephaestus and his men by force will not cause much trouble.

Because there was no fear, Aphrodite was just surprised and not nervous. Of course, compared with the two of them, my mood is smoother.

"Hephaestus, don't marry and worry, Aphrodite is his own."

"What did you say?" Hephaestus looked at me suspiciously, then glanced at Aphrodite unsurely.

There was nothing to worry about when Aphrodite was there. Anyway, she was working for me now, and I didn't even mind. What was she worried about?

"Heistos, come here, let's talk to another place." I reached out and greeted Heistos. Hephaestus looked at the surroundings and ordered his men to clean up the mess, and then he followed us back to the palace on the other side. Anyway, the instruments on the other side exploded. Even if he wanted to continue research, there was no equipment available.

After we returned to the palace, Medea also got the news and rushed over. Then I brought several people together to introduce them to the current relationship. After clarifying their respective situations, everyone's conversation immediately became more harmonious. After all, everyone was working for two forces before, but now they have become a family. Naturally, they will be more harmonious than before.

After everyone introduced, Aphrodite immediately grabbed Hephaestus and asked, "What about my equipment?"

Hephaestus, who was also laughing because he didn't have to worry about Aphrodite's confession, immediately smiled when he heard this, and then he suffered bitterly. "So what is Aphrodite?"

"You didn't do it, didn't you?" Aphrodite guessed why Hephaestus was sulking.

Upon hearing these words, Hephaestus explained quickly: "It's not that I didn't do it, I did it. It's just ... just"

"What the **** is that?" Although Aphrodite was a **** of beauty, Hervestus was a **** of fire, but the two of them seemed to be upside down. Aphrodite, a **** of beauty, had a fiery temperament, but Hephaestus, a **** of fire, was an aunt, and slowness could make people have a heart attack. Except when researching equipment, this guy is basically in a state of speed.

There was really no way to be “forced” by Aphrodite. Hephaestus finally could only whisper the situation, but because the voice was too low, Aphrodite did not hear clearly. As a result, when Aphrodite clutched Hephaestus and shook it, Medea suddenly came over and pulled Aphrodite to save Hephaestus, and Hephaestus was saved. Justos also immediately hid behind Medea like a frightened kitten.

"Aphrodite, do you want to make some sense? Hephaestus is indeed a forging speciality, but forging anyway always takes time. Besides, your equipment is specially designed and it is still God. How can such a thing be completed in one day? If you don't mind the downgrade of the equipment, we can play three or fifty sets a day.

Aphrodite was not a bully at first. He heard Medea's words and immediately returned with a more vicious tone, so they quarreled directly.

I watched them quarreling at the same time and it was clear. In fact, Medea was not arguing for equipment, but did not like Aphrodite. Think about it. As a woman, the man he loves is going to marry another woman, even if it is only in name, there is no real existence, that is also a very difficult thing to accept. Because of this, the relationship between Medea and Aphrodite is now a mess. Basically, if it is not because of this fake name, Hephaestus is also protected. The two women fight early. Already.

"Two people, I think you better not to quarrel. Your conflicts are nothing more than the status of Hephaestus and Aphrodite. By the end of this mission, you can fully return to normal status. Relationship, after all, Zeus can no longer use this to stab you. "

After looking at each other, Aphrodite and Medea refused to speak again. Although both of them knew the truth of what I said, they were still awkward until the matter was resolved, so they could only keep the status quo and not fight. It's already performing well.

After the two of them calmed down, I said to Hephaestus: "Sooner or later, you have to do the equipment of Aphrodite. Even after joining our Frost Rose League, you still have to continue to research and make various equipment. , So you might as well do it now. "

Hephaestus nodded and said, "I have no intention to be passive, but Aphrodite said that this equipment must be stronger than the last, so I can only find ways to strengthen the equipment. But you also know that our senior forging division makes advanced equipment just like those painters draw, and that also requires inspiration. Sometimes suddenly you have an idea and you can come up with a very powerful equipment, but when you do n’t feel it, you Forcing me to fight, I can only make some super-ordinary products with a good foundation. "

Hephaestus explained a lot to me, and I finally understood it. In the end, these blacksmiths had to wait for inspiration.

The blacksmith's forging technology is equal to the basic ng. How many sets of equipment to attack and defend, these basic values ​​all depend on the blacksmith's basic forging level. This is a skill that does not require inspiration as long as you are proficient. However, although good technology can play high-offense and high-defense equipment, but the additional genus ng rely on inspiration. For example, what is attached to the eternal sword is ng, which ignores defense and penetration, and this is not something that is based on basic technology.

Of course, a blacksmith with a high forging level will have a higher probability of adding ng to the back of the equipment. For example, if Hehuastos hits the equipment, at least he can add up to ten gens, but if he is in a bad mood, , Then it is possible to add only three or five genera ng, and if he happened to be inspired at that time, it is not impossible to add 20 or 30 genera ng.

In short, the technical level of the blacksmith is only a foundation. The state of the blacksmith can largely control the forging of the ng, and what the final equipment looks like. In addition to considering the first two situations, luck is also very important. One.

Aphrodite's equipment belonged to the very best equipment. Originally, the thing was hit by Hephaestus on a whim, and now suddenly he was asked to come up with a set that is better than that, which is a little difficult. Already.

Seeing such sincerity from Hephaestus, I yelled to Aphrodite: "Sooner or later, I will get your equipment, but it is useless to" force "Hephaestus. Wait a moment. "Although Aphrodite wanted to get a good set of equipment now, but she is still my friend now, but she ca n’t help but sell it, so she can only do nothing. nod.

After Aphrodite confirmed, I turned to Hephaestus and said, "Aphrodite gave a step, but you can't relax. Under what circumstances do you tend to have a better state?" He When Heistos heard this, he immediately said: "Generally drinking a little wine will improve my condition, and the better the wine, the better the effect, but this must be controlled, if you drink too much, it will have a negative effect.

There is also something happy that generally works well. Oh yes, sometimes I get very excited about getting some technological breakthroughs. "

"That's easy." I said directly: "Go get the materials ready and we'll get the equipment ready now."

"This, but I'm not in the state right now?" "I will let you enter the state."

"Oh, come on."

Hephaestus finally took me to the furnace that we saw before. It is said that it is only a place for processing primary metals and practicing skills. The reason why it is placed next to lava is to save energy and to facilitate the disposal of waste. .

The forging room that is used to make advanced equipment is actually behind the palace. The forging room here is much cleaner than the flame furnace. The walls and the ground are covered with a special brick that has not been seen before. This kind of brick has many small holes and looks like a sponge.

Of course, its hardness is very high, and it will not deform like a sponge at all.

There are three furnaces in this room, all of which have exactly the same configuration. Of course, these furnaces are not used for lava heating. The basic heat source they use is the very precious advanced flame array, and the fast crystal temperature is fire crystal powder. The fire crystal powder is the powder obtained after the fire crystal is ground. It belongs to a ng consumable, and the flame magic array consumes a lot of magic crystals to drive. In short, this gadget is a money-burning machine. When it starts, it starts to huā money. Most people really ca n’t play. No wonder the financial resources of Hephaestus did not dare to practice with this gadget, it will only be activated when the equipment is formally built.

After seeing the heat sources of these three stoves, I asked Hephaestus doubtfully: "Is it said that there is a lava stove? Why use such a costly stove?"

Hephaestus replied as he prepared things: "The temperature of the lava is only three or four thousand degrees, and even with cyclic heating with a special structure, it can barely be maintained at a temperature close to five thousand degrees. For some advanced materials, this The temperature cannot be melted at all. Besides, the temperature requirements for advanced forging are very strict. The temperature of the lava itself is unstable, sometimes high and sometimes low. Therefore, the temperature of the lava furnace is also unstable. Make up, if you use it to make advanced equipment, it will definitely be scrapped. Although it is a bit expensive, the temperature of the magic furnace Hengbao can be adjusted to the desired temperature at any time, and you can only rely on it when you want to build the equipment. Stolls couldn't help but asked again: "Are you really sure that you can make me excited?" When this furnace is started, it will be all money? "

"You can rest assured that you will forever forget what your name is."

Hearing my promise, Hephaestus could only start the magic furnace with suspicion. This gadget is similar to ordinary thermodynamic machinery, and it must be warmed up before starting, but because this gadget is a high-precision device and can only use magic energy, the preheating process needs to consume a lot of magic crystal energy. If it is our guild, using the rechargeable [Central] central power core, the consumption is not much, after all, our average energy cost is much lower. However, Hephaestus does not have such technology. He uses the most basic magic array to extract energy. This method is easy to use, but the energy extraction efficiency is very low. If our equipment can be obtained from a magic crystal, One hundred units of magic energy are drawn from the stone. This magic array can extract 40 units even if it is very efficient. Because of these reasons, the stove of Hephaestus can be said to be huā money as soon as it is ignited, and it is also the huā's particularly fast one. It's no wonder that Hehuastos was unwilling to start because he was too stingy.

Huaistos came to me after starting the furnace, then looked at me and asked me how to make him excited, followed by the lively Aphrodite and Medea, and they were also curious and looked at me. .

While they were staring at me together, I dragged a large crystal communicator out of Fenglong Space. Although I also have an earbud-type communicator, the next work requires this large machine to complete.

When I set up this gadget, Hephaestus was always asking about the principle and operation of this thing. He was very interested in all kinds of technical things, but the crystal communicator was completely different from his technology. He has a technical system, so he does not understand.

After I set this thing up, I immediately started the communicator, and with the rotation of a crystal probe, the projection screen immediately appeared in the void.

I stepped forward to make a screen shot with "fuck" with my hands, and after clicking a few choices, I pulled out a list of technical information, and then said to Hephaestus next to him, "Go and see."

Hephaestus had already moved around when I saw those diaries and wanted to come forward to "fuck" it, just because I was there and he was embarrassed to push me away. Now I heard that I could use it and immediately rushed up.

The crystal communicator is completely a motion-sensitive "operation" operation. The interface is simple and terrible. In addition, Hephaestus has seen me "operation" for a while before, so I have roughly understood how to "operation" operation.

After getting the right to "fuck", he immediately opened a directory that wrote the principle of composite metal construction. After clicking a few times on the new directory that popped up, a large amount of information was popped up. In addition to the accompanying text description, there are a lot of illustrations and dynamic presentations, which are more vivid than multimedia teaching software.

"This, this ..." After seeing those things, Hephaestus didn't know what to say, and he began to consult these materials happily. After quickly reading the iron-based metal, I flipped through the other metal components, and finally returned to the higher level directory to select the introduction of the effect of temperature on the metal structure, and then continued to watch what Xing was screaming.

While Hephaestus was flipping through the documents in an upbeat manner, I suddenly patted him, and then passed a wine bottle directly before he responded. After receiving the wine bottle, Hephaestus instinctively took a sip. During this time, his eyes never left the picture, but just after he swallowed the wine, Hephaestus, who was still specializing in information, suddenly He froze for a moment, then looked at the bottle in his face with surprise.

"This wine ...?"

"Qiongyuyu" Liquid ", Tianting's secret immortal wine, is only available at special banquets. How about it? It tastes good?"

Hephaestus shouted, holding the bottle, "This is the most delicious wine I have ever had.

It's just perfect. Are all the drinks that I drank before this one boiled water! "

"Drink as much as you like, you can read the information while drinking."

Hephaestus heard the suggestion and thought about the problem of the information ~ ~ So he immediately pulled out the information and started to read the information while drinking. During the period, he continued to scream with enthusiasm.

Seeing that Hephaestus was in a semi-crazy state, I gathered and walked to Medea and asked, "Is he almost in a state like this?"

Medea looked at Hephaestus, who was going crazy, with a little surprise. "I have never seen him so crazy." Then she turned to Aphrodite and said sourly, "This time you are cheap. It's up! "

hatch. Aphrodite snorted, but the pride in it was felt without the need to listen.

"Haha, I have an idea. I want to create the perfect set of equipment." Hephaestus suddenly dropped the flask and the information, turned around, grabbed a few pieces of material, rushed to the side of the stove, and began to work. Obviously he has entered Status now.

After seeing the start of Hephaestus, I greeted Aphrodite and said, "It seems that there is nothing to do with Lou. You can tell me what you have gained in the past two days."

"Okay," Aphrodite immediately said, "I happen to have something to report."! .

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