Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 68: A bold lion is not as good as a sheep

Although Victoria's magic can't last long, the problem is that the opposite Olympians do not know. Even if they can probably guess that Victoria's magic power is running out, they don't dare to charge upwards. Even if you know that the enemy's bullets are almost running out, but they haven't run out yet, you can stare at the firepower now. Forward? So some people may have guessed that Victoria ’s state will not last long, but they will definitely not be brave and rush forward now.

These Protoss of Olympus are not stupid, and Zeus is not stupid. He knows that these guys are thinking about letting others consume Victoria's magic, but you do n’t charge me, but the longer you wait, the magic of Victoria recovers. The more, not only will Victoria's magic not be consumed, but his magic will be replenished.

"Everyone listen, I rushed up to me when I counted to three. His magical power must be limited. The faster we are, the smaller the casualties. The first one rushed to him to stop him from firing. I ’ve been promoted to the level of the Lord God by the arrow person, and I will give him double treatment if he is the Lord God. Whoever waits for me to count up to three or not, or deliberately lags behind, will see half of his power of faith when I see him Supply. Do you all understand? Okay, now I start counting, and everyone is ready. One, two, three punches! "[Search for the latest updates all in.]

Reward and punishment, this time no one dared to play tricks with Zeus. As the three shouted users, the surrounding Olympus Protoss slammed all out of the hiding place and rushed over as fast as we could.

"What a bad luck!" I knew it was bad when I heard Zeus shouting, so I reminded Victoria in advance. When the group of Olympians suddenly rushed out of the hiding place, Victoria Rick did not hesitate to pull the trigger of the golden crossbow. Following the dense golden arrows, they rushed around like a locust, first. What rushed out was a large swath of the Olympus Protoss. Although not all were dead, injuries must be inevitable.

Although Victoria didn't mention it before, I also discovered a special ability of the arrow of fate, which is to ignore defense. There are a lot of equipment with "negative" defense in the game. However, the so-called ignoring defense does not really mean that the enemy's defense is invalidated, but it is greatly weakened.

But Victoria's Fate Arrow really ignores the defense. The few armors worn by the Olympian Protoss are also low-level artifacts, not to mention that there are shields and shields, but this All defense methods are not as effective as window paper in front of the arrow of destiny. Regardless of whether you are a high **** or an invincible barrier, anyway, the arrow of destiny meets them as easily as penetrating through paper, except for the living ones. Nothing can be his.

Although Zeus' reward and punishment conditions are very tempting, "Olympian Protoss" was still slowed by the sudden outbreak of Victoria. Some people even started to run back, but Zeus saw this situation immediately and again He shouted and threw out thunder and lightning to smash the guy who ran away. Seeing that this group of guys didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and began to rush forward at full speed. Of course, their behavior in exchange for a large block fell to the ground. Although Victoria's magic was almost exhausted, her attack was still sharp before she had completely drained her magic. However, although Victoria's attack is very powerful, but the Olympus Protoss is also a strong race, after all, the speed of these guys has instantly increased to the limit, and several ups and downs rushed to us.

Seeing that the longest sword in the hands of the fastest Protoss was about to be chopped on Victoria's neck, I suddenly shouted: "Godland-fit."

Alas, all the ghosts of pets suddenly appeared around me, including Victoria, which instantly vanished. The sword of that protoss must be swept away, and the body fell forward because it couldn't control the power. However, at the same time as he fell down, the other protoss around him were all in a group meal, so he couldn't absorb the momentum, he suddenly turned out of the crowd and rolled to my feet alone.

The guy tried to get up with a little stable posture, but the next second he stepped on his back with a kick and stepped him back to the ground.

Feeling the heavy pressure on his back, the guy immediately burned a layer of gold "color" flame. Its power also increased instantaneously. Even the ground suddenly burst because it couldn't withstand its power, and radiated a "web" of cracks around it. However, just as he was burning with a flame of gold "color" to barely support his upper body, my body suddenly burst into a flame of color "color". The flame burned very violently. As he danced, he could even hear the air explode with a low humming sound. In addition, the color of the flame in the flame was extremely unstable. At first it seemed to be rubbed. "Rainbow rainbows are usually intertwined in a colorful way, but then it is a red" blue "and" purple "beating" chaotic ", but in the end it suddenly turns into a very strange transparent flame.

This layer of transparent flame and the surrounding air have a relatively clear dividing line. You can clearly see its range. In this range, the scenery behind is a bit distorted, but it is almost transparent. It's like an oil film covering the water. However, the transparent flame is not always transparent. His surface will occasionally play a colored "color" light band, and there are also many colored "color" light dots like flying fireflies at a fast speed inside. As if the electrons moving around the nucleus are moving at high speed. Because the speed is too fast, you can even see the light tail pushing nearly half a meter behind them.

As this strange layer of flame suddenly appeared, the gold "color" flame on the guy on the ground immediately began to shift, as if the smoke from a vacuum cleaner was generally drawn into my transparent flame, And as the flame of gold "color" was absorbed, the transparent flame on my body was also dyed into gold "color".

"Huh." I opened my mouth and exhaled a breath of black smoke and Mars before I looked at my hands and said, "It turns out that the cloak's **** is so useful."

That's right, just now, after entering the state of fit, I actually found that "Sex" is activated. The string of numbers that had never been found showed a string of instructions.

There was no way to apply that genre "sex" for a long time. It was not that there was a problem, but that the dragon suit was so strong that the transformation of the cloak was not complete, resulting in the later dragon soul suit becoming an unfinished product. Until just now, with my opportunity to enter the state of the gods, coupled with the killing of several Olympians before, they absorbed their soul power. Now the cloak has finally completed the "sexual" transformation. However, although the transformation is a transformation, this The cost of the transformation is also scary enough, because the string of figures that have remained there before has reached more than 20 billion, and it has suddenly become more than 1,000, and the rest is used to complete the transformation.

Although the "sex" has finally been transformed, but now I am extremely depressed, because after this transformation, the equipment "sex" has not changed. The original number is still the same, which has changed. What's the difference in conversion? However, although the "sex" has not changed, the small parts of the Dragon Soul set have a small box behind them, but at present, there is nothing in these boxes, and I don't know what they are doing. use. And because of this state, it is not convenient for me to study the nature of the equipment, so I can only ignore it for the time being.

It is said that after I watched the changes in the clothing, the protoss who was stepped on my feet was about to become a dead body. The surrounding Olympus Protoss were frightened by the changes of their companions, so all of them were stuck in place for a while, and no one dared to move at all.

Just patronized and looked at the "sex", then I noticed that the protoss under my feet turned into a corpse. Although I don't know why it turned into this, I know that this 80% has something to do with the "sex" of Hades. Of course, I do n’t have time to study now.

I kicked out the guy who had become a corpse on the ground. I directly lifted the eternal hook sickle to dance a gun flower, and then lay on my side. The surrounding Olympus protoss also knew what I was doing I'm trying desperately, but they don't want to die with me, so these guys start to hesitate again. For a moment, you push me, I push you all want others to come first, but push and push, but eventually no one. Moving position.

"A bunch of wastes are thrown away for me." Zeus, the egg of Victoria's fate, had never dared to charge himself. Although he also knew that he was very strong, he was not sure if he could exceed five times the strength of Victoria, because if he could not, he might be affected by the "sexuality" of death. But because he wasn't sure, he didn't dare to try it, which is why he kept letting other Olympians charge. However, now that Victoria and my fox little strawberry are in a state of fit, he is not afraid anymore.

Zeus, who was out of the crowd, rushed out from behind the crowd, and the blue "color" lightning in his hand condensed in an instant. Then he threw it directly at me without any stops, and the opposite Olympus Protoss hurried back. Flash, fear of being injured by mistake.

Looking at the lightning that "shot", a circle of gold "color" around my body suddenly flashed away, and just as it shone, the lightning hit the mask and quickly broke into a blockbuster. The blue "color" arc flowed out of the mask without hurting me at all.

Seeing that Zeus was okay, Zeus was a little confused. His Judgment Thunder is a well-known signature skill in the Olympus Protoss, and I did not expect it to be completely invalid for me. However, before he responded, I did unexpectedly rush towards him.

Originally, Zeus thought I would run, but I did not expect that I rushed forward, but it turned out that he was a little less confident himself.

As soon as he hesitated in his heart, the speed naturally slowed down. When he realized that his momentum was suppressed, I rushed to him.

Looking at me who was already close, Zeus had no time to respond, but convulsed the sword around his waist to fight. As a result, his sword was kicked on the hilt of the sword just after it was pulled out, and the entire sword flew up. Then, while his eyes followed the sword and flew up, I slammed into his chest with the habit of "forward".

I originally belonged to "sex", which was more exaggerated. In the state of fit, it was "sex" turned several times. Even if Zeus's "sex" slammed into my chest, the whole person lost balance and flew backward. Going out, the group of Olympus protoss standing behind him had no time to react, and they were taken over a lot.

As the **** king of the Olympus Protoss, although Zeus's character is terrible, no one would doubt his strength. Because of his trust in his strength, the Olympus Protoss thought that Zeus could hurt me this time, but what made them break their glasses was that I was not only okay, but Zeus was knocked off.

As Zeus smashed a large crowd, I didn't stop at all, raised my hand and took the eternal hook sickle as a javelin. Although Zeus had just been hit and flew, he was not harmed in any way, so he didn't have any dullness, and immediately lifted his head as soon as he fell down. As a result, he saw the flying sickle. In anxiety, Zeus directly held the Olympus Protoss to help him up twice before blocking himself, followed by the boss who suddenly saw the eyes of the two, and at the same time, a **** wall had been removed from The chest in front of him had penetrated, and the tip of the blood was less than an inch from Zeus's throat.

A drop of bean-sweated beads slipped quietly from Zeus's forehead. Since becoming King of God, Zeus has countless battles, but it's the first time for him to feel the death pressure of a hand-to-hand squad so close.

"Ah!" After a few seconds of pause, Zeus hurriedly threw the two bodies out, and then patted the shoulders of the two Protoss around him and stood up directly towards me.

I had known that Zeus would take it away, so I was ready at the same time that I was throwing a sickle. When Zeus rushed in, two moon blades, one left and one right, smashed into him. With a wave of his right hand, Zeus flew a moon blade with the diamond guard on his wrist, but the other moon blade followed closely. Zeus had to shoot with his hand. Moon Blade, but a blood hole nearly a foot long was left on his own left arm.

The angry Zeus didn't manage the wound on his arm at all, and still rushed towards me regardless of the wound, but because of the blocking of the moon blade, my figure disappeared in his sight for a few tenths of a second, and when he found it again When I was surprised, I found that I actually appeared in front of him, and one of my hands grabbed directly towards his face door.

The face is the part of the human body that is important to protect. Even the Protoss has instinctual action, so when I thought about Zeus's face, he immediately instinctively folded his hands in front of him, and all I wanted was him. This reaction.

With my hands crossed to protect my face, although I protected the key points of my face, I completely exposed my stomach to my attack range. Without a pause, my left hand clasped Zeus's crossed hands, and then he pulled towards me in my dream, and followed his right fist to strike his stomach, which was a sledgehammer. The whole Zeus appeared. With the floating effect, because I was holding my arms, the whole person turned into a flat face-down position and flew in the air.

Taking advantage of Zeus being dozed by this lap, I quickly grabbed his arms and pulled down sharply, and a booming fly in the air Zeus landed directly and smashed the ground into a human-shaped shallow pit. Following the loosening and tightening of my wrist, the whole person turned over and rode on Zeus's back. Then he lifted his right hand, and a sharp blade claws popped out, and then "plugged" towards Zeus' neck.

If this is done by me, Zeus will be half disabled if he cannot die. The reason why he was beaten so badly by me was not because he was not good, but because he didn't face my fighting power. Although he was angry with me, he never regarded me as an equal being, and this subconscious cognition caused him to have a huge psychological gap after being severely beaten. He also faced this gap and made him face to face. I've been taken first and again

He could n’t even find a chance to fight back.

Unfortunately, although my serial attacks have been done perfectly, Zeus is not alone. I saw Zeus beaten by me before, and the gang of Olympians were shocked. This will depend on the killer. They will be regarded as reacting. The fastest Protoss flickered to my back, and then he was cut off by the moon blade that flew back in a half circle without waiting for his shot. But after him, another Olympus tribe finally rushed to my side and slashed at my head. This guy didn't stop my right hand, but chose my head. If I cut it so hard, Zeus would be completely planted today. Of course, if I do that then I will surely be killed. Even if I ’m a player, I do n’t really die, but I believe that after death here, the various punishments of Olympus Protoss are “sexual” which will definitely make me very unpleasant. So I finally gave up the plan to gamble and did not cut it down, but quickly closed it and flew from Zeus like a flea.

The guy who attacked Zero Soul showed a surprised expression after wielding a sword, but soon his expression changed from surprise to disappointment.

Of course, he was not disappointed because he didn't kill me. What he was disappointed was that I didn't kill Zeus, because this guy was just Apollo.

As a senior member of the Protoss of Olympus, Imam Poirot is one of the most powerful. Although his political status is not as high as his combat power ranking, he is currently suffering from internal and external problems. Among the Pepsi Protoss, strong personal strength is obviously more important than political governance. Just as the status of most of the national family members will greatly increase during the war, the Protoss of Olympus is now in a state of war, so existences such as Imam Poro are highly valued existences. Well, once Zeus died here today, then his Imam Poro could have a chance to compete for the position of this **** king.

Do n’t forget, the Olympus Protoss currently present are basically Zeus's cronies and guards on the mountain in charge. Those guards are only low-level protoss. Their attitude need not be considered at all. As for those Zeus cronies, they are Zeus The existence of the group of interests, and Abobo Luo just happens to be a member of this group. Although Imam Poirot is not very high in the entire Olympus Protoss, he is the second person in this group of unbelievable believers. At present, God Mountain is basically their group of people. Once Zeus dies, it goes without saying that it must be his Imam Poro who temporarily replaced Zeus as the temporary **** king. Even if other high-level protoss came, he was already the interim **** king, and it would be very easy to change this interim into formal at that time. After all, although some of the keys to becoming a **** king are factors of strength, the authority to control the source of divine power is also crucial.

After all, the strength of the protoss comes from the source of the divine power. As long as the control of the source of the divine power is obtained, the divine power of the entire protoss power can be used as a backing. With this ability, even if his Imam Poro had just been injured once by the mother of the earth, his strength dropped so much that he could still deter most of the Olympians.

It is precisely because of this idea that the grandfather Poo Luo just put on the posture of encouraging Wei to save Zhao. He actually did not want to "force" Zero Soul to let me go, but he wanted me to kill Zeus for his life.

Despite losing such an opportunity, it was frustrating, but Imam Porro quickly hid his emotions and rushed forward to continue fighting with me. He is well aware that this opportunity is an unforeseen opportunity, and if it is missed, it cannot be recovered. He had no courage to make a public rebellion in front of Zeus.

At this time, I didn't know the intention of Atang Botangluo, but just watching the intensive offensive of Atang Botangluo had to temporarily back a little bit, and then gradually moved to the vicinity of eternity.

A protoss probably realized that I wanted to get back the house, and in the past, dragged the eternal gift of two people into the distance, but when he was proud to think that his "treason" was successful, I was big. Hold the shield with one hand and carry Atang Botangluo's attack with one hand. The other hand is extended in the direction of eternity behind, and worn on the dead protoss corpses forever and immediately stunned from the two The corpse retreated and flew directly into my hands, and in the course of the flight, it has become a whip sword forever.

Immediately as soon as I started, I immediately slashed it forward. Atang Botang Luo was chopped, and when I saw my sword cut, I used my sword to stop it, but I heard the right one. With a stiff, abnormal sound, he felt that his whole body was sweating, and his body instinctively took a step backward.

It was this step that saved his life. Immediately after retreating, Atang Botang Luo found that the sword in his hand was only half-born, and the Sun God Warframe on his body had a shallow front mark from the left shoulder to the right cross position.

Atang Botangluo was pretty sure that I had not been able to cut his body just now, but the incision on the body was indeed authentic. What does this mean? This shows that the swordman emanating from the eternal sword is enough to break his armor. Bai Yi's sword just missed just now. He was just rubbed by Jian Mang, and the result was more cuts. If he was hit directly, wouldn't it even be possible for a person to take two swords with his armor?

As soon as he thought he was almost divided, Atang Botangluo was a cold sweat. As for the broken sword on his hand, he didn't even have the painful effort. What else is more important than life-saving?

Just when Atang Botang Luo glanced down at the scratch of his body for such a few seconds, I rushed to him again, and his right hand suddenly swung out, and cut across his neck. A Tang Bo Tang Luo Pan's "chaos" can only be blocked with a broken sword. This time he clearly saw the process of the collision of the sword and eternity. There is no stalemate between the two, as if White Wing was using a sharp sword to cut a sugarcane. Although there is a little resistance, there is basically no obstacle to the effect. Eternity goes by smoothly, straightening the blade which is half missing. After that, Eternity didn't stop. He continued to move forward, easily sliding over Atang Botang Luo's shoulder and then being hit by a shield on his other hand.

After this attack, I did not continue to attack Atang Botangluo at all, but suddenly turned around and rushed towards the crowds of ordinary Olympians. The purpose of my combination this time is to run away, not to kill here at the Holocaust Hall, and A Tang Bo Tang Luo is desperately here to make no sense at all.

Although Atang Botangluo probably guessed my intention, he didn't dare to catch up, because just after I flashed away, the shoulder armor on his shoulder suddenly fell off, and then he turned to look At that time, the skin of his shoulder just cracked a red line slowly, and a drop of blood cells gradually leaked out of the red line, and soon a blood flow gathered from his shoulder.

After feeling a little scared, I touched the shoulder and confirmed that it was only a flesh wound that did not cut off the entire shoulder, and Atang Botang Luo was slightly relieved. Don't look at the wound just cut into the skin a few millimeters, just to the extent that it will make people blood, but don't forget. Atang Botang Luo is not shirtless fighting me. The hit just now was the result of cutting off his excalibur and penetrating his artifact armor, and in the end my sword was not exhausted, but was broken by his shield. Without that, the sword would definitely take him in half, at least one arm could be removed.

Just as Amber Poro was scared to examine the wound, I had rushed to the crowd of Olympians over there. These guys were not very resolute against me at first, and just now I saw that I almost killed Zeus, and beat Apoboluo to a life-threatening situation. This time, they were even more afraid to rush up.

In fact, with the strength of this group of protoss, even if they can't beat me, as long as they go together, it is easy to hurt me, but everyone has selfishness, especially in this unstable time, if it is the Olympian protoss When they were strong, everyone was united and united as one, and naturally they were invincible, but now (Hardies), they have just defected as a whole, and the Poseidon line is a bit too big, and the internal part of the God line is caused by a series of events Intriguing, people's hearts are trembling. In this situation, who has the hard work?

If they dare not, the more their strength cannot be exerted, and the more their strength cannot be exerted, the more people die.

From the moment I rushed into the crowd, I clearly felt that the surrounding Olympus Protoss battle was not strong, and many people swayed in front of me and hurried back to others. Anyway, I was also the culprit for this phenomenon. When I looked at the situation, I immediately understood half of it. Then I didn't want to kill anyone, and rushed towards the edge of the square. The protoss who held me back did the same as I thought. When I saw me approaching, they pretended to block it, and then immediately backed away.

Now if I can live broadcast the situation of the whole square, I must be shocked. The Protoss of Olympus did not have the will to resist at all, and they always collapsed with a single blow. As a result, it looked as if hundreds of Protoss on the square I had killed alone fled. What's the point of containment? This is clearly a lion (dog) driving the flock.

The Protoss of Olympus certainly shouldn't be so weak in front of me, but this is the result of unsteady will. Troops who dare not fight are hard to win. Unless the power gap between the third world countries is bullied like Americans, and the gap in power is too wide, otherwise they will not be able to exert their combat effectiveness.

The strength of the Olympus Protoss is indeed better than me, but that is the overall strength, not one. Yes, some of them do have strong individual strength, and there are quite a lot of them, but nowadays, no matter how strong they are? Are buffaloes on the grasslands stronger than lions? But the buffalo is still eaten by the lion because they are timid. Except for some male "sex", they scarcely dare to fight against the lions. Otherwise, as long as one third of the buffalo can see the lion At that time, don't be afraid of the lions, and rush up, this will turn into a lion and a buffalo, don't even want to eat it, or you can't save your life.

The current Olympians are the buffaloes. They are strong, but they are scared. Except for Zeus, few people dare to fight with me. This is why I alone can drive such a large group of Olympians to run around.

The first time Zeus, who was just rescued and got back up, saw the first time I was alone in the crowd of the Olympian Protoss. Zeus was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, but he couldn't do anything now. The onset, because he also knew that the current Olympus Protoss was quite unstable. If he was "pressed" too quickly, he would still have an adverse effect. So, the only thing he can do now is lead by example.

when. I just felt so easy to kill. I suddenly felt a flash of gold in front of me, and then the eternal sword was caught by two axes. This axe was obviously not an ordinary product. Although the axe blade broke the boss, it was not at least directly eliminated. , And equipment that can achieve this effect in the face of eternity. Taking it out is something that can laugh at the weapon rankings.

"Drink, isn't this the King of God?" I started to taunt when I saw Zeus' "face" appearing behind the axe. "What's wrong? You're slowing down again? I said you want a half-time break and say" Why? "Why should anyone ask for" chaos "?"

Zeus listened to me. But suddenly there was a force in my hand, and the double axe pushed me forward and then bounced out, and then I was angry: "Don't talk to me. I know your skill. Today you can even say that you are dead. , I want you to lie here and never open your mouth again. "

"Oh, you're so confident? Try it. Can't you handle me?"

Dealing with Zeus can't be the same as dealing with the gang of shrimp soldiers and crabs. Zeus is a big return ss. He must have a minimum of respect for others. Remember that I have heard people say that respecting your enemies means respecting your life. Because despising your enemies represents paralysis, and paralysis is often life-threatening, especially on the battlefield.

Zeus rushed up when he heard me. He knew that I must play a big move, and he also heard about the Temple Hill that Yehui and Huihua had been hacked by me, so he was very afraid that I would smash the Olympus. The strength that reaches our level is basically humanoid nuclear bombs and human flesh map artillery. As long as they can afford the cost, they can add traces to the surface of the earth that can be directly seen with the flesh from space. That is normal. Zeus knew I had this ability, so he didn't want me to make a big move. So he jumped on without hesitation. However, the moment he fluttered, I disappeared.

Zeus, who suddenly lost his target, suddenly made a sharp brake, but because of his habitual nature, his body continued to slide to the position where I had just disappeared. At the same time, he quickly launched his divine power to scan the surrounding environment, hoping to find my figure, but unfortunately, he scanned and found nothing. However, just when he thought I had used any spell to leave, it was fortunate that Zeus didn't respond slowly, and leaped back suddenly. The blade brushed his arm, leaving only a new blood hole on his arm.

"It's a pity, I didn't expect your reaction to be quite quick." Just after Zeus flashed away, my figure reappeared, but my position was where I was standing just now, and I didn't move at all.

In fact, just when I rushed out in the crowd of the Olympian Protoss, because the fighting pressure was not great, I took the time to click the box behind the equipment name, and found that two options popped up, one of which was equipment Enhancement, the other is equipment upgrades.

Since the instructions are relatively simple, I just saw at a glance the usefulness of the two functions. Both of these functions make the equipment stronger, the only difference is that they are temporary "sex" and the other is permanent "sex".

Equipment enhancement is a temporary "sexual" enhancement. After activation, the soul power absorbed after killing the enemy will be consumed, and then the equipment will enter an enhanced state. In this state, the equipment will continuously consume soul power, and will not be interrupted unless it is actively stopped or exhausted. Of course, during this period, the equipment will continue to maintain this enhanced effect state, and its nature will undergo some uncertain changes, and each time it is random, it is impossible to determine what it will strengthen. Once the soul power is exhausted, or the enhancement is destined to be cancelled, the soul power will stop falling, but the equipment will immediately return to the normal state before the enhancement. This is the effect of reinforcement.

That equipment design and enhancement is different, its effect is permanent "sexual." As long as "sex" is invested in soul power points, the equipment can be strengthened for a period to make it stronger. However, this strengthening is also random. It is not sure what effect will be strengthened, but one thing is certain, that is It will only be stronger and not weaker, but the direction in which it becomes stronger is uncontrollable.

This permanent "sexual" strengthening is obviously more cost-effective than temporary strengthening. After all, he is benefiting from a "sex" payment for life, and once it has been upgraded, the temporary strengthening is also used to strengthen it based on the strengthening effect. That is to say, powerful equipment will be better after being temporarily strengthened. However, although this permanent enhancement is particularly expensive, it also has disadvantages.

Permanent "sex" enhancement Although "sex" has a higher price ratio, each time you need "sex" to pay a lot of soul power, and the value is usually exaggerated. If you do n’t have enough soul power, it wo n’t work. You ca n’t start using it and strengthen it, because the Dragon Soul set just drained the soul power when you completed the transformation of the Undergarment. Now there are more than 1,000 left, which is not enough.

In addition, there is a problem with the permanent gun flower. The stage strengthening effect is not as good as the temporary strengthening. If the family member's permanent gun flower will increase one hundred points to "sex", then the temporary strengthening will strengthen two hundred points.

That is to say, in the short period of time, temporary reinforcement can be more effective in fighting. Of course, it is not cost-effective in the long run. However, if you encounter an enemy that is difficult to deal with, it is worthwhile to use it temporarily. After all, that kind of enemy generally hates powerful After killing, you can not only have a large experience value, but also directly get the soul power supplement, and do not suffer.

When I was transferred to the current battlefield, I suddenly disappeared because of the use of temporary reinforcement. I chose to strengthen the phantom cloak, so the invisibility "sex" has changed. The original invisibility "sex" can only be kept standing. Completely invisible, as long as it moves, it will leave an air-distorted image, so it is easy to be found. Now this genre is transformed into super invisibility. Even if it moves, it will not show any traces. Without moving, you can avoid detective spells. Just after Zeus scanned with divine power, he still didn't find me because I hadn't moved the place. As a result, even Zeus' divine scanning failed.

Because the temporary strengthening has no cool-down time, and it will continuously consume the soul power when it is activated, I have now cancelled the enhancement. I just started it and consumed three points of soul power. The average is two seconds and one point. This speed is really scary. Yes, I dare not keep driving.

Looking at the new wound on his arm, Zeus almost saw a substantive flame in his eyes, but his heart was turned over. Although he was pretending to be angry, he was making troubles. He didn't know how I had escaped him just now. In the investigation and investigation, he could feel that there were no spatial fluctuations around, indicating that I was not using space spells, but his divine power scan did not find anything, so she was surprised and clear that a way to escape the divine power scan What does the stealth skill think.

"What's wrong? Why don't you attack?" Although I saw Zeus's angry expression, I knew that he was absolutely afraid, because anger can be disguised, but anger behavior was not. If he was really angry, he should be rushing Come regardless of fighting with me, instead of yelling at me here, he now behaves like a puppy screaming at people, not really fierce but just a manifestation of fear.

Zeus was also angry when he heard me deliberately irritating his language, but he was really a bit jealous of my stealth ability, so he didn't know for a moment if he wanted to rush up, but just looked at other Austrians around him. After the Limbus Protoss, he made up his mind.

It can be said that if only we are here today, maybe Zeus has let me go. He is better than me, but after realizing my endless ability, he also started to be afraid and worried. He was almost killed by me before. He has already defeated his confidence, and now he continues to follow my fighting instructions because there are too many Olympians around. As their **** king, he cannot lose this dignity. If he gives up today, then he will give up tomorrow No refunds.

The determined Zeus suddenly rushed forward, and then my eternity collided with one of his axes again, but the picture of the last stalemate did not reappear. Instead, it flew out half a time. With the axe, I slashed the blood flower cut off on Zeus's shoulder in one fell swoop.

Because I held my eternity with an ax last time, Zeus intends to repeat the trick this time, but this time he separated the two axes, one slashed at my head, "forcing" me to use eternity to stop, the other He slashed to my waist and wanted to cut my waist, but he didn't expect that I could use Soul Power to strengthen the equipment. I saw his attack posture just now and I knew what he was doing, so I strengthened eternity. The axe eternally held by each other was cut off without any hindrance this time, and then lost the bound eternity, and I chopped down a bloodstain on Zeus's shoulder. If it doesn't work, I have to let him take off one arm.

With a shoulder injury, Zeus could only stand on his hind legs. The swept axe had to stand in front of me to stop my subsequent attacks. He was really afraid. Zeus actually valued his life less than the position of the God King.

Unlike when he was fighting for the position of King of God, he was young, impulsive, and had nothing. Just like most people in the world, the superior life and the enjoyment brought by power have allowed him to strive for a winning heart. The more they have nothing, the more likely they will be desperate, because they have nothing to lose. Zeus is She could lose too much, so she didn't dare to fight.

Zeus now regrets death. Originally, when I first dispatched the golden thread, Zeus instructed the guards to set a trap. I expected to catch a small fish that stole things in one fell swoop. I didn't expect to have a Godzilla on the Internet.圌 Riding a tiger is difficult.

Looking at the situation right in front of him, Zeus is not retreating now, neither is he advancing. He is anxious when he sweats out, but when he is the hardest, he still has to pretend to have a brave expression. His voice suddenly passed into his ears.

"You **** dared to appear here! Today I will let you know how powerful our Olympus Protoss is."

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