Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 89: A horrible party than the execution ground

Volume 8] Volume 20 Chapter 89 More terrible banquet than the execution ground


Volume 20 Chapter 89 More Fearful than the Execution

I originally heard the screams. I thought it was Prometheus who was attacked, so I rushed in with a weapon. As a result, when I landed, Prometheus was sitting right next to the wall. Hugging my head and hiding, and in front of him was a circle ... monster?

That's right, it really can't be considered human. Although the creatures in front of us have the basic shape of human beings, their physical appearance is indistinguishable from that of humans. These guys are covered with a layer of dark green scales, which look like fishes with chemical pollution. They had bare hair on their heads, and had only a skin derivative like a cockscomb. In addition, the eyes of these guys occupy at least a quarter of the face, and they look like they have two fried eggs on their faces.

Except for the particularly large eyes, these guys don't seem to have noses. They had only two holes in their noses, and they couldn't see the protruding feeling at all. There is also a big mouth with a large blood basin, which is really big, and it can be grinded directly to the ears, and the fangs full of mouth are not arranged neatly. The inside one is messy and looks super scary. .

After seeing the appearance of these guys, I immediately confirmed their race. Yes, these guys are so-called piranhas. In terms of pedigree, they should actually be close relatives to the mermaid family, but the difference in appearance is indeed a bit large. I said that the skeleton wizard who was caught outside looked a little strange. The original problem was the appearance. At that time, I found that the eye socket of the small skull was very large, but because the eye socket was not directly related to the appearance of the eyeball, I did not expect that the piranha could grow like this. And that mouth. There is no tooth in the mouth of the little skull, so I don't know that the teeth of the piranhas are not human-like structures, but full of fangs.

It seems that the members of these piranhas turned into skeletons, but they looked better.

I just saw that Prometheus was dragged out. Actually it was just that the piranhas wanted to help Prometheus leave the small cave. However, Prometheus was scared by the appearance of the other person, so that kind of misery was issued. Barking. In other words, even though these guys are a little scary, they are actually pretty good.

After figuring out the situation, of course I put away eternity for the first time, then turned and kicked Prometheus. "Don't call it, do you think you are a soprano? People just want to help you out, what's your ghost calling?"

"Well? Aren't you going to eat me?" Prometheus looked up at the piranhas who were staring around him, and although they were still scared, they began to feel a little embarrassed. After all, he is also the president of the famous Greek guild, and was actually scared into monsters by monsters. Thanks to the fact that no one else is here except me today, otherwise his brilliant image will probably be completely finished.

Seeing that Prometheus finally reacted, I did not close him again, but turned to ask the piranhas: "Hello everyone, I am a messenger from the ground, and I want to repair the sea-land connection teleportation array. I do n’t know here Who is the leader, or can he pass on behalf of him? "

Although these guys are very scary, the system determines that they are humanoid intelligent creatures, so my super charm and coercion attributes are effective for them all. Immediately after hearing my words, a small group of people walked out of the crowd. Among them, there is only one person at the forefront, followed by about a dozen people. They should all be lower-level beings. According to their figure and what they wear, this group of people should be the leading class here.

Before coming in, I and Little Skeleton asked about the royal system they implemented here. Unless there was a rebellion, the hereditary royal family would lead the entire ethnic group. It ’s a pity that the little skulls are too sad to come in with me, so I ca n’t let him point out the identities of these people, but according to his introduction, I also roughly judged that the group of people who came out was the royal family here. Members and their senior officials.

At the front of the line is a very thin-looking piranha member, but the equipment on the other side clearly shows that this guy is the king here. Sure enough, after getting out of the queue, the other party immediately said with an extremely sweet soul-stealing voice: "Hello outsider, I'm the queen of drawing here. How do you call it?"


If you only look at the figure, the person in front of you really meets the female standards. The waist is very thin, the hips are slightly wider, but not exaggerated, and the **** are also noticeably swollen. The s-curve is still very good. However, plus the green skin with obvious yellow spots on the outside, this perfect figure is not perfect at all. In addition, the voice of the other party sounded pretty beautiful just now. If you pull out a few records, it will definitely sell. Of course, the premise is that people can't know what she looks like, otherwise I don't expect to sell one of them except for some unique enthusiasts and professional musicians. Speaking of Ariana, it seems that her voice is also very good. From this point of view, the piranhas are really close relatives to the mermaids. At least the inheritance of this perfect voice is right, but I do n’t know how the two look. Evolved into two extremes!

"Hello Her Majesty, I am the President of the Frost Rose Alliance, Ziri, because I need to meet Lord Poseidon for some things, so I hope to open the land and sea transmission channel. I encountered a nobleman on the way here before. The undead that the members turned into after they died, I learned from him about the location of your hiding place and the plight you encountered. "Although the other party didn't ask, I think I should first talk about how to know their hiding place. it is good. After all, from another perspective, if you prepare a secret hiding place yourself, and a stranger suddenly finds you suddenly and accurately, wouldn't you be nervous and curious about how the other person found you? As for talking about my resurrected little skull as an undead encountered, this is mainly because I am afraid of the other party's taboo. After all, undead creatures are not a popular race. Even if the setting in "Zero" does not set the undead as the enemy of the mainland like in some fantasy literary works, at least they are not a popular race. So, just in case, I didn't tell the truth, otherwise if the other party refuses to cooperate because of this matter, then it will be troublesome!

After hearing my comment, the other party finally felt relieved, and then the queen said, "Anyway, for the first time in many years, our piranhas have a guest visit, so please follow me to the banquet hall. Let ’s have a welcome party and by the way talk about resuming the transmission channel. "

Of course I will not refuse this request, but soon I regret it. If I knew that the food of the piranhas was this kind of thing, I should talk about the cooperation content at the gate, and then go away immediately. It's a pity now that I have come in, and I can't help running.

Because they are close relatives, the piranhas also have the same waterproof door technology as the mermaids, but the mermaids are richer, so they made a big cover to cover the entire city, while the piranhas only Waterproof doors are installed at the entrance of each building, so their gathering place is full of water, but the inside of the building is dry.

This banquet hall is naturally under the protection of waterproof doors like other buildings. The inside is completely dry. However, because I was forced to relocate halfway through, the facilities here were rather simple. Compared with the gorgeous ballroom of the mermaid, the ballroom of the piranha is basically the level of the indigenous tribal chiefs' hut. Moreover, after each other's "good food", Prometheus and I turned green immediately.

Looking at the various foods in the large washbasin dug out of the stone in front of me, I almost had the urge to spit out the overnight dinner together. Theoretically, the contents of this bowl are all seafood. You have to cook it well. The taste is actually very good, and this one is absolutely natural and pollution-free food, and the health effect is first-rate. It's a pity that these things are a little too fresh. Look at the unknown tentacle-filled meat ball, but it is still wriggling and waving its tentacles and wrestling with a sea bug that looks like a mutant cockroach. How do you say this makes me eat? Anyway, Japanese sashimi has to be sliced ​​first? Have you ever seen someone holding a live animal? I heard that some Guangdong compatriots dare to eat this, but I ’m not a Cantonese, let alone another Cantonese, so I am desperately suppressing the feeling of gastrointestinal cramps to prevent vomiting, and at the same time I have a pair on my face Smiling expression and dialogue with the queen.

"Hey, Ziri. Can I not eat this?" Prometheus asked me with a frowning expression on his face.

With a smile, I leaned my head back a little, but still whispered in the direction of the queen, "Keep a smile, don't move if you don't want to eat, but don't show it. If possible, find something that can be swallowed and taste . "

After hearing my words, Prometheus could only helplessly try to put on a smile to deal with it, but after trying for a long time, he finally only showed an ugly expression than crying, and I did n’t criticize him too much. After all, there is such a disgusting thing in the food bowl under the nose, and the surrounding seats are still filled with weird creatures that challenge the ugly limits of human beings. At this time, it is really hard to maintain a smile.

After the first food bowl was brought up, some legendary court maids sent other complementary foods. Of course, no matter the looks of the court maids or the shapes of the complementary foods, it was still a headache!

After the dishes were served, the two teams of so-called dancers entered the banquet hall and began to perform dances, but in my opinion, this is indeed a group of magic dances. Of course, even if it is ugly, we have to make a very admirable look Look, after all, this is a matter of politeness.

Fortunately, Wu Ji is just a show that does not jump from the opening to the end. Immediately after the end of a song, evacuated the banquet hall.

After the banquet hall could be quiet again, the queen began to invite everyone to dinner. Of course, because we were guests, the queen gestured to us. Looking at the other person's eyes has been on our side, I know that it is no good to not eat. Of course, I wouldn't jump into the fire pit by myself, so I took the Prometheus next to it for granted, and the latter obviously didn't feel it there, but the ghost worm I sent sent him to bite on the butt. I still have to eat after a bite.

Looking down at the pile of so-called food for a long time, I finally found something that looked less disgusting. "Haha, there is kelp."

Although the kelp is raw, it doesn't look disgusting anyway, and it doesn't taste too bad when it is eaten raw. However, just as I was excited about finding the kelp and starting to chatter, the voice of Prometheus grumbled.

"What? You actually have kelp over there? Why am I not there?"

After hearing the grieving voice, I secretly turned my head and glanced at Prometheus, only to find that he was holding the kind of meatballs covered with tentacles that I saw before, and biting his mouth full of green slime. Call a disgusting.

Although we all took a bite, the queen over there no longer paid attention to the food issue when she saw us moving, but began to cut into the topic and asked about the restoration channel.

"President Ziri, how did you cooperate with the cooperation you mentioned earlier? If you want to clean up the monsters outside, we are really powerless. You have also seen that we have to hide here to avoid monsters If there is a way to fight it, we will not be forced to move! "

"Of course I understand this, so I have no intention of letting you send troops to help. The cooperation I said just hopes that you can provide me with intelligence support, and also to find out what kind of instrument technicians resume work. As for the problem of monsters, I will go to the scene first to see the situation. If the problem is not serious, I will close the entrance and exit of that monster water area, and then clear the flowing monsters in this water area. If the monster there is too fierce to block the entrance and exit, Then I might kill all the monsters over there to help you clean this up completely. "

"But those monsters are very powerful ~ ~ Can you kill them all by yourself?" The piranha queen was obviously skeptical of my strength.

Of course I will not argue with the other party because noisy is useless. "His Majesty can rest assured that I have cleared a monster on the way. That monster is only a miscellaneous soldier in my opinion, so I think that even if the monster in the monster waters is stronger than that, it should not be What a big problem. "

"Since you are confident, then do it. As long as you can ensure the safety of the waters, we will definitely send a technician to debug the machine." The queen's meaning is obvious. She obviously still does not believe in my strength, so everything is just a look My action, if it is determined that it is all right, she will send another person as a matter of course. As for me, of course, I am not worried. I came to them just to communicate in advance, so whether they believe or not does not matter. As long as I can guarantee the safety of the waters, they will believe if they do n’t believe it after seeing the facts. If I ca n’t guarantee the safety of the waters, even if they trust me, they wo n’t be able to restore the sea and land connections, so their attitude is not important.

After the business talk, the banquet could not end immediately. After all, this was a welcome dinner instead of a business meeting. So after the talk, we had to eat, just watching the pile of lively food. I regret that I didn't shirk it before. Welcome feast! This is a real evil!


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