Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 91: Sad reminder device

Volume 20 Chapter 91 Sadistic Equipment


"Isn't there only one of these things?" This was the last thing that the three piranha members could think of, but as soon as they finished speaking, I directly assigned Aona to be towed away.

Facing the monsters in front of me, I know that I can't do it alone. It is mainly followed by three towing oil bottles, otherwise I can slowly solve these monsters one by one. However, if you don't block them now, the three will definitely not run away. The role of Ariana is to remind them to run fast, it is impossible to really take them to race with the monster. Besides, I still need Arna to show me the way. Without her, I'm in this place like a lost man in the desert.


A golden aperture appeared, and Victoria instantly appeared in front of me. "Do you need any help?"

"Brush the guys in front."

"To understanding."

Victoria now uses the arrow of destiny more efficiently than before. I do n’t know how much it has improved. On the Olympus, so many Protoss of Olympus were unable to move by her suppression. There are only a dozen monsters. Not her limit.

At the same time that Victoria fired arrows of fate to brush those monsters, I quickly began to summon magic pets. If there were more than a dozen monsters when I dealt with the previous monster, I may still be unable to cope. After all, the magic pets were not yet there, but this will be different. Everyone has completed the task and returned to my side. At this time, I am not afraid of anything.

"Sha Yezi."

"Huh? Monster? I'll try to control it." Sha Yezi, who had just been summoned, floated towards the monster in front. The monster obviously did not have a sense of spirituality, so she could not see a pure ghost like Sha Yezi at all, so she had no idea of ​​evasion and was rushed into Sha Yezi's body at once, and then this guy was like an electric shocked insect Suddenly twisted into a ball of twist, followed by another stretch, and then twitched there for a few seconds before it stabilized.

After shaking his head a little, this big monster invaded by Sha Yezi suddenly turned his head and flung towards the same kind on the side. The monster next to him was startled when he found his companion suddenly rushed up, but the companion who followed it bit a bite on him. Although this monster's mouth is more suitable for directly swallowing something smaller than itself. But it's okay to bite.

Of course, such a monster cannot be hung up with a bite. Although it is very strange why a companion attacked itself, the monster is a monster after all, and it is certain that it has no brain. Since it has been attacked, it is only natural to turn around and bite it back. So, the two monsters just bite each other with one bite, and the other monsters around are completely confused, and they can only surpass them and rush towards me.

Sha Yezi's performance was not bad. I thought about summoning the Hell Snake again. Although nothing is too strong offensive. It is also difficult to really kill the target, but the **** snake is definitely a weapon of group warfare. Although the trick of drawing life is not to directly kill people, it is not a problem to make you a half body.

Immediately upon appearing, the jail snake clung to my wrist, then raised his head. The pair of ruby-like eyes stared at the monster group in front. The next second, all the monsters seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer at the same time. It took two seconds to gradually recover and start to move towards We charged, but this speed was at least 60% lower than before.

"Ok, it's much easier now." I pointed forward and said, "Chilli, it's up to you."

Although peppers do not appear to have any characteristics of aquatic species. But they are real queens of the sea tribe. Of course, this sea tribe refers to some sea tribe. In fact, the sea tribe is a collective name, as much as dinosaurs, mammals, and arthropods, in fact, the scope is quite large. Strictly speaking, King Atlantis, that is, Alana, her father can also be regarded as the sea king, and the piranha queen that she just met can also be regarded as the sea queen.

Of course, unlike the kings who rule a certain ethnic group, Pepper was the super queen who controlled a large sea alliance before becoming my magic pet. The types of sea people under their hands are 10,000 units, and the number is amazing. Although ninety-nine percent of them are miscellaneous fish-type monsters, the number of miscellaneous fish is also very strong, not to mention that the remaining 0.1% of advanced creatures are actually quite a lot. After all, the basic number is too large, even if it is a hundred One part is a big number.

Anyway, the status of the queen of the Chili is right. So she has more ways to deal with these sea races than we do. Ariana, they met at least the sea tribe and they fought, but Chili knew how to control them.

Immediately after being summoned, Pepper understood the surrounding situation, and saw that she suddenly pointed her finger at one of the monsters, and then pointed her finger at the other side, and the monster that was originally pointed at her immediately turned to On the side, one turned around and bumped into his companion, and then the two monsters burst into a ball and rushed directly under us, as if we didn't see our existence at all. The remaining monsters did not resist her mental invasion after the pepper appeared. After just struggling for a few seconds, they were all silent by our side, and then turned around like a bunch of puppies and stopped at our feet.

"Okay master, now I can command them."

"Wow, how did you do that?" Sha Yezi, who had just gotten the two monsters, had floated back, she was surprised to see the monsters parked nearby. Then he held the pepper and asked, shaking it.

Chili replied with a smile: "In fact, there is nothing. There is a general thinking wave band between the sea people. As long as you access this frequency band, and then input your own mental energy into it, rely on your own mental force to push across the other's mental defense. The next part is almost the same as playing the puppet. "

Although Sha Yezi is not a type who specializes in soul, she is a grudge, so she must know some of these things, and Chili explained it to her. However, to understand clearly, it is impossible to copy. In the final analysis, this skill relies on mental power to suppress the opponent's thinking. Although the grudge spirit is a spirit body, it is easier to release mental power than ordinary creatures. But if you want to defeat such a large creature, you have to deal with so many at once, which seems a bit laborious. Not as fast as her individual control.

It ’s a lot to talk about. In fact, the monsters rushed to the peppers to control them all. In fact, it took less than five minutes before and after. Aona took the members of the piranha family before they left. I was called back, and when they saw the eleven big monsters parked around, they were all scared and ready to run away. If it wasn't for the advance that Arona, who knew that we were controlling the monster, was pulling, they would probably have lost sight Already.

After being dragged back and confirming that the monsters were really under control, the three Piranha members finally felt relieved. Then after they were relieved, they started to get excited again. In fact, the reason for their excitement is indeed quite correct, because in the process of going to the location of the instrument later, we rarely encountered a monster. The powerful deterrent power of this group of monsters did not dare to approach the surrounding monsters. Even if some relatively strong fool rushed in, they were beaten to death by eleven monster groups.

The three piranha members feel very happy about the current situation. Every time before they entered this water, they were intimidated. Now there are eleven monsters that they thought were completely invincible to protect them. They are naturally very relieved. . However, they think so, but I don't think so.

According to the previous description of the little skull, the monsters here don't seem to like this luminous water area themselves, they prefer the darker waters that are more normal on the other side. Well. If according to this theory, if these monsters are really the top predators here, why do they have to be more comfortable and have more food resources? The dark waters do not stay and they have to run to this area. Oops, and where are the food scarce? Does this make no sense? Therefore, there is only one answer, that is, the dark waters ahead must have more powerful and truly top predators.

Although I had guessed that there must be more fierce monsters in front, until we reached the junction of the dark waters and the light waters. That top predator still didn't show up. Of course, we met a lot of little monsters during the visit, but all of them were swallowed by the eleven monsters we carried, without causing any trouble at all.

"Is this the new hole?" At the junction of the two waters, I asked the three piranha members next to me while looking at the big hole in front of me.

The Piranha guide nodded and said, "Yes, here was a stone wall before, and a big gulp opened after the earthquake. But at first there was no problem. Until one day a naughty little guy was playing with his companions. I hid in this water during hide-and-seek, and then the child never came out again. The next day the clan sent many people to prepare to go in search of the missing child, but it turned out that there were too many people, but instead Attracted a large monster over there. When the monster rushed out, it completely smashed Yan Bi, which had already cracked a lot of cracks, into pieces, and then more monsters chased the monster in front and rushed out to open the hole. It was so big now that our ethnic group had to avoid the area where we live now after that disaster. "

I nodded and began to carefully observe the opening. The shape of the hole is similar to that of a school's sports field. It looks like a rectangle with two semicircles added on each side, but the area of ​​the hole is really a bit larger. Visual inspection of the opening width is at least 200 meters. The area with the largest vertical span is more than 500 meters. It is not difficult to seal such a large hole simply, but the problem is that it is underwater, not as good as construction on land. Second, it is not a safe area to come here. It is not easy to construct in a monster pile. Besides, even if construction is possible, how thick do we have to repair the walls? Monsters haven't hit the wall for so many years before, not because they can't hit. It's because they don't know there is food here. In the cognition of the monster before, this is a wall. Even if it is very thin, then there will not be a monster stupid, and it will bump into it because it is not necessary at all. But now it ’s different. The monsters already know that there is food here. Even if the water environment here does not make them feel very comfortable, no matter what, food is the most important thing. So even if we seal the exit, it is inevitable. Some monster will rush it away.

There are only three ways to prevent monsters from rushing through the wall. The first is to leave the guard to watch here; the second is to physically strengthen the wall to the point where the monster can't hit it; the third is to directly install the magic protection system. This is the safest.

The first of the three methods is obviously unreliable. The second method sounds good, but it is a bit difficult to implement. To build a solid line of defense for such a large opening is almost like rebuilding a wall. If it were on land, I would n’t frown, even if I had to build a house and shut all the monsters in. The 800,000 engineering troops supported by the Frost Rose Alliance are not for fun. A medium-sized city in three days, this efficiency can scare people out, and building a defensive wall is like playing a family. The problem is that it is not repairing on the ground, but in the water. We do have 800,000 engineering soldiers, but less than 8,000 can do underwater work. And a lot of equipment and materials are unusable in water. At least don't count on quick-drying cement. Underwater construction can only be welded with a steel structure into a frame, and then used as a rust protection layer. Finally, bar-shaped stones are installed on both sides to assist. This is the only construction method. In that case, the investment will be huge and the construction period will Grow to an unacceptable level. The most important point is that this investment is only for one task, which is obviously a bit unreasonable. As for the magic barrier or something, I never even thought about it. With that money, I might as well buy a magic spar as a bomb to count down the whole place, why bother to build a protective barrier so hard?

In the end, after measuring for a long time, I still gave up the plan to block the entrance, but it was not impossible. But the cost is unacceptable. "Sure enough, we still need to clear the monsters here!" I sighed helplessly looking at the huge hole.

"What? Clear?" The piranha member in charge of the defense next to me looked at me in surprise, thinking I was crazy. "So what, President Ziri, aren't you kidding me?"

"How? Do you think it's impossible?"

Although the other party didn't answer, the meaning was obvious. I just couldn't figure it out. Although they were excited for a while just after getting control of eleven monsters, they also gradually reacted after they got here, knowing that what we control is never the strongest monster here, so now they are still I think the monsters here will be so powerful that we can't figure it out.

I didn't bother to explain their doubts. The best way to explain it is to use the results to prove it. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether they believe it or not, so I don't need to rush to explain.

"Anyway, let's take a look at that device?" I shifted the subject and suggested.

The three piranha members nodded, and began to lead the way to where the instrument was located. I originally thought that the difficulty of this task was to deal with those monsters, but obviously I underestimated the task.

"This, this ..." When we reached where the device was supposed to be, we saw a huge pothole, but. There are now only a bunch of metal support brackets fixed to the wall and severely twisted in the pothole. As for the so-called equipment ... I haven't seen it anyway.

Chili swam to the gap to check the section of the rock and the location of the broken metal bracket. Then he said, "There has been an impact here. The other party should not be directed at the device. It may have been accidentally hit or caused by the head. Rub it. "

"If this is the case, the equipment should be nearby. The water flow here is very gentle and will not affect the landing point. Inferred from this logic. East and West have achieved the bottom of the water," said Aona.

When I heard the words of the two, I nodded and said, "Go down and talk."

After getting the confirmation, everyone started to dive together. Chili also carefully checked the rock wall near the original location of the device along the way. As a result, a scratch mark and some more than 30 meters were found. Metal fragments, from which we can basically determine that the equipment has rolled to the bottom of the water.

Dive all the way down the rock wall ~ ~ Because the rock wall itself has an inclination to our side, the falling equipment is equivalent to rolling down a slope, so it can perform from time to time along the way Some impact and scraping marks were found. However, it is quite pleasant to find one or two of these traces to help us confirm that we have not found the wrong direction, but we can't be happy after seeing so many traces.

The piranha member in charge of the defense asked a little worriedly: "This way rolled down and hit so many times, can that thing still be used?"

The piranha member who is engaged in technology said something uncertain: "There is a protective shell on the outside of the device, and there is a large gap between the device and the device itself. In theory, it should not be broken. But this road is rolling and It was hit. I'm afraid the internal parts of the device will be damaged due to vibration. Although the device itself has no moving parts, there are still some precision parts that cannot be vibrated. However, this may not be correct. Only then can I know. "

Although we were all scared by the impact of this road, but we went along such obvious traces, and we did not take a detour. We found the so-called equipment directly. It's just that when we saw it, everyone felt a little puzzled. Looking at this smashed thing like rotten lychee shells in front of us, we have basically given up no hope. If this thing works, it would be a miracle!

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