Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 93: Labyrinth channel

Volume 20 Chapter 93

During the next inspection, we found two holes in the machine one after another, and found that except for a non-essential pipe that was penetrated through a hole, the other parts were all preserved intact.

/ (Baidu search to win Q coins, read the novel network) Of course, due to the problem of the machine itself, you need to make some adjustments to get it up and running again.

The piranha technician carefully studied the entire equipment and said: "I have checked the machine, this pipe needs to be replaced, and the power stove needs to be adjusted slightly. In addition, we may have to make another casing. The machine cannot be exposed directly in this way. "

"Is it easy to change these things?"

The technician said: "We still have reserves in the pipeline. Just adjust the power furnace and give me a wrench. It will take two hours to get it. Just this shell ..."

"Are there any special requirements for the enclosure? Is it sufficient as long as it is strong enough?"

The technician nodded: "In general, it only needs to be sturdy enough, and there is a gap between the device and the machine for maintenance, and it is best to leave a door that can be opened and closed."

"If that's the case, it's simple," I said directly. "I'll order one on land and come back later."


"Yes. I have a good relationship with Hephaestus, so it should be okay for him to make one?"

"Do you know Vulcan?"

"What's wrong? Any questions?"

"No problem, no problem, just more surprised. Well, since you are looking for Lord Vulcan to customize the shell, then just help us to order a balanced magic array? The original one is almost reaching its limit."

"What kind of thing is that?"

"That's it." The technician handed over a small metal disc as large as a compact disc. I took a look at it and gave it directly to Ariana for her to go to Hephaestus. Custom set, of course, the shell must also be customized together.

After Ariana was instructed to leave, we let the group of monsters under the command of Pepper help to transport the equipment to the place where it had originally fallen. After plugging the equipment into the cave again, we took the time to rest some of the collapsed caves again. During the period, I also asked Brigitte and Everett to weld the steel lining for the entire cave, but it was not easy to seal the cave entrance because the equipment shell had not been returned, but this has also been greatly strengthened. Defense. At least you don't have to worry about falling down on the top of the hole and smashing the machine.

"That's almost all right?" I asked, looking at the cave that had been lined with steel and several steel columns.

The piranha technician also nodded: "It's really much better than before, but it's not the point here. If you can eliminate all the monsters outside, the environment here is not a problem at all, even if you have a layer of steel lining Adding a shell is not a big deal. "

I nodded and said, "Anyway, let's get this right before I say it, and then I will be able to concentrate on solving the monster problem."

Although I said I had to wait for the completion of this before I started to deal with monsters, I actually didn't really do nothing. While waiting for the shell to be in place, I asked Xiaolong to **** the technician to get some replacement parts, and brought back three technicians. Previously, only one person was sent out because the piranha queen did not believe that my strength could **** them here safely, so she only sent me three people in order to reduce casualties. This time the dispatched personnel returned safely, and the queen's confidence naturally improved a lot, so the number of incoming personnel also increased.

When the piranhas sent people here, I also sent people out here, but instead of sending people to fix things, they sent people to investigate the situation.

When the cave wall collapsed, the piranhas were driven out of the original gathering area by the monsters. The newly emerged cave entrance and the dark waters on the other side did not even investigate. As the place where the monsters first appeared, the environment over there can be said that we are now obscured. If we want to clean up the monsters over there, at least we must first figure out what the situation is over there. In case it's not a closed water area, but it's connected to the outside, then even if we clear all the monsters in the hole, it's useless, because the monsters outside can still come back here.

Given that the waters are full of powerful monsters, the pathfinder team must be powerful enough. In the end, after thinking about it, he arranged the partner of Hei Yan and Pepper to explore the road. As a sea queen, Chili can manipulate some monsters with low mental strength, and the large volume and super high attributes of melanin can easily suppress most aquatic creatures. These two powerful existences should be able to be in the monster cave. Go sideways. Of course, the premise is that no monsters like the 8,000-level boss we met before can appear in the monster cave, or even if I go there, I still have to run back with my tail. However, this possibility is basically negligible. After all, this is a map task rather than a single-person task, and the difficulty cannot be as high as that.

Because the time calculation is more accurate, when the piranha reinforcement technician arrived, the custom-made things on the side of Ariana also just returned. That shell wasn't anything high-tech at first. For Hephaestus, three hammers and two axes were done. The balance disk is not low in technical content, but it is also limited, and its volume is not large, so Hephaestus quickly got these two things, plus I let her take it with her when she left. Fenglong left together, so on the way, relying on birds to take steps, stuff also stuffed into Fenglong space, this speed is naturally fast. In the end, the personnel who left on both sides returned, and Chili and Heiyan had not yet come to explore the dark waters over there.

Although Chili and Heiyan didn't return, because I can use the spiritual contact to share information in real time with the magic pet, so I know all kinds of information they explore.

According to the current exploration results, the monsters in this dark water are not as dense as imagined. Of course, this has something to do with their ability to scare away the little monsters. However, overall the number of monsters here is still lower than expected. In addition, according to the changes in the water flow, pepper and melanoma eventually found a connecting pipe in that dark water, but the strange thing is that the water over there is inland groundwater, that is, fresh water.

The water area where the piranhas will emit light is actually a salt water area. We are not surprised at this, because we vaguely guessed that the sea is connected to it, so the passage is full of seawater. It is just because of the injection of several small groundwater systems that the salinity of this water area is much lower than the actual seawater, of course, it is still salt water.

The dark waters on the other side were completely independent from the bright waters on the other side. There was a stone wall between them, and the water on the opposite side was connected to the groundwater of the landing ground, so the whole area was a freshwater area.

After understanding the difference in water quality on both sides, I seem to understand why the monsters over there easily do not want to enter the waters over here. As freshwater creatures, those monsters would definitely not run into salt water if they were not forced. Even if the bright waters themselves are not too salty, that's not the environment that freshwater creatures like, so powerful monsters won't enter this area at all.

In addition to the differences in water quality, Chili and Hei Yan also found an extremely dense area of ​​monsters, but because the monsters were too dense, they could not approach them at all. During the period, Hei Yan also tried to force one time, and the result was It has no effect other than triggering a monster riot. It's not so easy to explore the area behind that group of monsters anyway.

While the peppers and melanitis are still investigating the situation in the dark waters, we have taken the time to install the equipment casing, and then welded the cave that had not been completely closed before with a steel plate, but of course the door is still To stay, it is only because there is no suitable material, and the original requirements of the door are not high here, so we just simply welded a lifting gate that moves up and down, but this thing is only to block low-level creatures, even if there is no The lock is not a big deal either.

After the completion of the gravity field stabilizer project, the technicians from the Piranhas got into the machine and started to debug. At this time, the peppers and melanitis sent out to explore the road also came back.

After exploration, we now know that the dark waters opposite are freshwater areas. In addition, although the area of ​​water is injected with groundwater, they are all very fine dark channels, and there is no regular passage for creatures beyond the size of kittens. The total number of monsters in the waters is between 80,000 and 100,000, and there are many, and there are many amazingly large individuals. In addition, regarding the area surrounded by monsters, it is still impossible to break through, so I do n’t know what is behind, but it is certain that there should be the source of monsters, because the closer you get there, the more monsters there are. The more powerful they are.

"It seems that if you want to solve this problem, you have to check the extremely concentrated area of ​​that monster first. No matter what is behind, there must be the key."

"I feel the same way." Pepper said: "The monster gathering in that kind of place is obviously not normal. Besides, to ensure the safety here, sooner or later, we need to clean up the monsters over there, so we still have to go in and have a look. "

I thought about it and said to those piranha technicians: "Since this is the case, let's destroy the monsters first, and we'll leave it to you."

Those piranha technicians nodded after hearing my words and said that they would do their job well, but also asked us to resolve those **** monsters as soon as possible, after all, their group was tortured by those monsters. It is naturally hoped that the monster is as finished as possible.

After saying goodbye to the members of the piranha family, I took the magic pets alone to the junction of the two waters. From this side, the entrance to the dark waters was as deep and horrible as the gate of hell. It is estimated that even Han Mao stood up. However, I didn't have any response to this, and directly killed them with the magic pets.

In fact, I haven't summoned many pets now. Besides, none of my pets are suitable for fighting in the water. At present, besides the little dragon girl temporarily acting as a mount under me in the body form, there are only peppers and black inflammation. The reason why it is said to be mighty is because of pepper. Before reaching here, Chili had controlled eleven monsters, but after a survey in the dark waters, three of those eleven monsters were left, but other monsters were controlled by her a large group, It turned out that we were surrounded by a long group of strange and weird monsters and swam to the area where the monsters were most dense in the dark waters.

Those monsters who were originally because of the dragon girl's Long Wei did not dare to approach, and are now surrounded by such a large group of monsters, which is even more scary. As soon as the monsters along the way found our team, they would immediately turn around and run away, even if there were some people with bad brains, as soon as they came in, they would be rushed by the groups of monsters to eat and eat.

However, this situation cannot be sustained. In the initial extreme, this is indeed true. Even scattered monsters do not single out so many monster clusters, even if their strength is relatively strong. Besides, the dragon power of Dragon Girl and the queen of the sea tribe of Chili are not fun, generally monsters dare Touch their mold. However, this situation began to change gradually as our team got closer and closer to that monster gathering place.

Initially, we first discovered that nearby monsters began to increase, but those monsters were still hiding from us, but they did not hide as far away as the monsters we saw at first, but only started from a very close distance. Dodge. Even more, I think they are more suitable to make way for us than to avoid us. We can feel that the monsters are indeed afraid of confronting us, but they are unwilling to leave the area, so they just try to avoid our movement route, but they are not willing to go away. And, as we continued to dig deeper, the monsters inside became more advanced. These powerful monsters no longer evaded us deliberately. Although they didn't dare to stop them directly, they did not evade like the monsters outside.

After continuing to advance for a long time in this worse and worse situation, the behavior of the monsters has changed from seeing us to make way, to the point where we do not know to avoid. Although it will not take the initiative to evade, but because of the huge coercion from our large group of creatures, even if it is struck by a monster in our team, it is only a symbolic tusks to deter it. No monster dares to attack it.

However, the above situation finally ended when we advanced to the entrance of a tunnel.

Although this area was very crowded before, there are long monsters like alien creatures everywhere, but the terrain still belongs to open water. The reason why it feels crowded is because there are so many monsters, not because the place is narrow. However, after we walked through these monster groups, we finally saw a huge cave passage with a diameter of more than two hundred meters. Although this channel is still very large, it is definitely a narrow channel compared to waters where the walls are completely invisible. Moreover, there are not too many monsters here. When you look at it from the outside, you only see piles of dense monsters filling the entire passage.

"I rely, why are there so many monsters?"

After hearing my words, Pepper didn't answer, but reminded me: "Master, there seems to be some kind of fluctuation here that is affecting my mental wave."

"Presumably that's what we're looking for." I said again and glanced at the dense monsters in front of me, and then said, "But what do you do with these things? It takes at least a few days to kill each one?"

"Perhaps Lilith would like this scene more," reminded Xiaolongnu.

"Yeah, why did you forget Lilith?" I suddenly responded, and then called Lilith directly.

"Hmm? Is the fish in the water?" Lilith said excitedly as soon as she appeared, because every time she was called by me, there was something to eat. After all, her fighting method was to devour, So fighting is eating for her.

I said to her after Lilith was excited, "Did you see the hole in front?"

Lilith nodded in excitement, and then said, "Do you want to eat all these monsters together? It looks delicious!"

I thought for a while and thought, "Just eat without prejudice to your progress. But if you find something you can't handle, just quit. It might be weird here."

"Understand the master, rest assured, I am immortal." Lilith said that she had rushed into the strange group ahead.

After rushing into the monster group, Lilith first rushed to a monster that looks like a giant maggot with a crocodile head in front of her head. From the comparison of the volume of the two sides, the vicious Lilith attached to the monster seems to be It's a mosquito lying on a person. However, unlike mosquitoes, being bitten by a mosquito can cause itching for a few days at most, but Lilith will soon die if she encounters it.

After attaching to the monster, Lilith slowly fell into the monster's skin like a crocodile sinking into the water. Following the monster's invasion by Lilith, a huge blister suddenly appeared, and then the blisters increased more and more, as if blowing bubbles one on top of the other, and the area was rapidly expanding. The giant monster took less than 20 seconds after Lilith's invasion, and turned into a huge meat ball composed of a bunch of sarcomas. There is no way to see the monster's original appearance ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ This meatball did not stop working immediately after it was formed, but kept creeping. Until ten seconds later, its surface suddenly popped up seven or eight tentacles, and instantly hit seven or eight monsters nearby. Then, those monsters that were touched by the tentacles immediately swelled into a new mass of meat and were pulled back into the body by the tentacles and merged into a larger meat mass. Since then, the meatball has begun to eject the tentacles to the monsters and eat them all the way, and as its volume increases, its tentacle ejection speed and quantity are constantly increasing. Although many monsters felt the horror of the meat mass, they could not escape its claws at all, and were eventually pulled into the meat mass one by one to become a part of it.

I looked at Lilith as if she was sweeping past, and shook her head helplessly and sighed: "No matter how many times I watch, Lilith's fighting style is still such a disgusting person!"

Little Dragon Girl also nodded and said, "I think Lilith is more like a monster than those monsters!"

I just smiled at the words of the dragon girl, and did not continue to feel emotion, but greeted other magic pets: "Anyway the road is at least clear. Let us see what good things in this channel attract so many monsters. Right. "

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