Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 101: Real treasure

Volume 20 Chapter 101 Real Treasure

Soon after I left the group, I was in luck, or haplessly encountered a crystal mother of amazing value. (Net 7 * It is necessary to know that the crystal mother is the core ore of the magic spar. This kind of thing is almost a fully automatic banknote printer, and even paper and ink are not needed. How can I not be so impressed by such an exaggerated thing? The most important job I have here besides leveling is to find these mother crystals and colorful magic spar. Now I suddenly find out how can I not stand it?

In fact, I already knew after hearing about the expedition's experience that these crystal mothers and colorful magic crystals should actually be regarded as bait. Therefore, the first time I saw this crystal mother, I knew that there would be a lot of mist souls, but I did not expect that the number would reach such a process. The surrounding monsters seemed to never finish, and every time I killed one, a mist of mist would immediately separate out and form a new monster. If it hadn't been for the fact that I had absorbed the soul power and increased experience points every time, I would have thought that I hadn't killed a monster. After all, the number of these guys is a bit scary.

"Hey, Ling, is there a way to solve this situation?" I screamed at Ling while trying to chop the monsters around me. Now in this nightmare zone, it is basically equivalent to the field of forbidden magic. I can use magic normally because of the short circuit of magic power, but they have not short circuited. Even if they are my magic pet, they still ca n’t use any magic power here. , So except for myself being able to fight here, all my other pets are almost abolished. This does not mean that they cannot fight. In fact, they can still disperse the mist souls in front of them, but they are only dispelled. It has basically no effect except to temporarily lose their combat power. Anyway, after they are dispelled, they can gather again at any time. .

After hearing my shout, Ling was not in a hurry. She seemed completely indifferent and said, "What should I say? Actually, I think you should have thought of a solution."

"Ah? What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

Ling helpless explained: "Think about your current situation, you will understand."

"My current situation?" I started thinking about my current situation while fighting. To say this situation, the only thing I can think of is the magic short circuit. Since the magic is short-circuited, my magic will be extremely powerful, and at the same time, my magic power will be amazingly fast. After all, as long as there is magic in the surrounding space, my magic will not be exhausted. Of course this The attributes are the same as they are, because the excessive magic flow speed will lead me to be burned by the magic, so even if there is such a powerful effect, I cannot use it. But ... it seems that the magic here is limited? Does that mean ...?

"Damn, I finally understand what I've forgotten!" I said, suddenly holding up the chin of a tiger-like beast that rushed up, lifted his head, and wiped his neck with his right hand for a moment, and instantly tiger-shaped Warcraft disintegrated into a pile of smoke and burned quickly. Immediately after killing the monster, I inserted Eternity on the ground and shouted, "Thunder shines."

Kaka Kaka bang ... A thunderbolt that was as thick as a water tank suddenly fell from the sky and banged directly on top of my head, followed by me as the center, a white electro-optic ring suddenly spread to the surroundings, those who saw me kneeling on one knee The ground intends to take advantage of the mist soul that was immediately cleared by a ring of lightning, and my experience value also jumped up a lot.

"Wow ha ha ha ... Is that how infinite magic works?"

I have to say that the power of habit is really terrible. Even people like me will inevitably be dominated by habit sometimes. Obviously I came here to level up because of the current abnormal situation. As a result, I still forgot my current state, and still used the usual fighting methods to fight the monsters. But why should I use the usual way of fighting? In normal battles, I usually use ordinary attacks, and occasionally interspersed several skills to reverse the battle or control the field. This is a very normal fighting method, and most players also fight like this. However, the reason for this fighting method is that players need to save the magic that is not much, to release the super-powerful and super-expensive skills in order to obtain the maximum effect. But why should I save magic now? I am in a short circuit state of magic, which means infinite magic. Now that it is infinite, what shall I do to save it?

"His grandfather, should the magic be unlimited and use all the tricks to bomb it all the way! It's so amused that I actually forgot this kind of thing!" I whispered to myself while erecting the eternity just pulled out in front of me. , Then hold the hilt with both hands, and blink at the same time. Just listening to the buzz, a hundred-meter-long giant chopping sword made of pure red swordsman suddenly appeared above Eternity, followed me to eternally lift Eternity above his head and chop forward vigorously, and the red above The lightsaber immediately followed me and slammed forward. Just listening to the loud noise left, the entire nightmare zone shook violently, and in front of me was a 100-meter-long completely fog-free vacuum zone, and, in this straight line There is also a straight ditch that is five or six meters deep and 100 meters long.

Although ordinary attacks can also kill the mist soul, but even with my fighting skills can kill these guys with one sword, but that speed still can not keep up with the speed of the monsters. But when I let go of my skills, it was completely different. The skill is either a super powerful single attack type or a large range kill type. Even if I cut monsters without skills, it's one sword at a time. Naturally, I don't need those single skills to increase damage, so I use all the powerful range killing skills. Not to mention, the effect of such wild bombing is really not good, and it feels so good to bomb a large area with one stroke.

It's so exciting on my side, but Ling seems as if I'm not arrogant enough, and actually reminds me, "Don't patronize alone to kill? Fit! You don't worry about the magic power now, fit is enough, punish the time What magic will not appear before it is exhausted. What are you afraid of now? "

I wasn't really stupid, it was just unexpected, Ling reminded me that I thought of more things. "Damn, I actually forgot those things!" I said, and started the fit with a single thought, and then all of my magic pets appeared and merged into my body. It was almost a moment of my attributes. Just like a horse, the watch jumped up by a single digit. After the integration was completed, I looked at the magic value again, and found that the number was constantly shaking. Yes, it is jitter. It has been jumping back and forth between full value and one or two points of consumption, which means that my current speed of absorbing magic is completely faster than the speed of consuming magic. If I look at it in this state, if I keep the status quo, in theory, I can almost always stay in a fit state without having to quit. This effect is really exaggerated. Of course, to know if you can really use it infinitely, you have to lose a few skills first. After all, I'm just in a state of fit, and I haven't fight yet, and using skills in battle is inevitable, so you must look at the skills first. Is the speed of consumption faster than the speed of magic recovery?

Since you want to test the rate of consumption, you can't use general skills, preferably the most expensive ones, and what are the most magical skills on my body? This is of course. I suddenly bounced a cyan scale with my thumb, and when it started to fall, I grasped it in the palm of my hand and stuck it behind my neck. "Now let's try the full version of Qinglong, what is it?"

That's right, the thing I just took out is the blue dragon inverse scale. This thing not only allows me to summon the blue dragon's true body, or temporarily transform into a cottage version of the blue dragon, but also allows me to directly use all the blue dragon's spells. Of course, in addition to summoning the true body, it only consumes the number of promises and does not consume magic power, the other two must be supported by magic power, so even if I have this thing, it is rarely used normally. After all, Qinglong's skills are like nuclear weapons. How can one throw them when they come up? But now? Anyway, the magic is infinite, try it.

After attaching the blue dragon inverse scale, the air around me suddenly appeared a bit distorted, and then I heard a crackle, and a short arc suddenly passed by me. However, this miniature lightning seemed to be a start signal. The air around me suddenly began to continuously discharge, and large and small arcs were around me like a group of crazy silver snakes. Some even directly spotted nearby plants. Burned and gradually burned.

With more and more electric arcs, I as a whole gradually began to lose gravity and floated slowly, but I didn't rise much, but stopped just ascending a foot. At this point, I can clearly see a white faint aperture in the side, and on top of the aperture, various large and small arcs are entangled in crazy twists, as if they would break through the aperture and fly out .

Within the aperture, my entire body is closed like an angel, my arms are opened slightly backwards, my body leans forward slightly and moves forward slowly, and as I move, the one that surrounds me The aperture also started to move, but all the trees or weeds that were touched by the aperture would explode at the moment of contact with the aperture, and then burned violently.

After flying a few meters in this way, I suddenly opened my eyes and turned to look at the side, followed by a sudden hula hover above the aperture on my body and flew out dozens of electro-optic **** to block the trees and bushes in front. All blown up, and even the surrounding fog became thinner due to these thunderballs. However, after the trees blocking the road blasted off, the light ball stopped because I had seen the people behind the trees.

Behind the big tree that was cleared was not a monster, but the group of people I just met. I was surrounded by monsters not long after I left them. If they hadn't discussed my business for a while before I got on the road, I should have come here. Just now I continued to use the big tricks, so naturally they couldn't be unresponsive, so I ran over to see what was going on. And then the thing was that I was treated as a hidden monster, and then the hidden trunk was all blasted into a torch by a brain. If they didn't flash fast enough, it would be estimated that even they were blasted into fragments. Don't underestimate the light **** just now. This is not a lightning ball thrown by the lightning mage. This skill is called floating thunder and is one of the common skills of Qinglong. Do you think who is Qinglong? That's one of China's Quartet defenses. The lower limit of strength is 10,000. The upper limit is unknown. Where do you think the power of such skills can be reduced?

The people frightened by the electric ball just stood there stupidly watching me floating in the air, although they suspected that this might be me, but because the dragon spirit suit and silver moon's vow suit were on my body after the start of the fit There has been a fusion, so now this set of things looks just like before, but not exactly the same, which is why those people dare not confirm that it is me. However, they are still clever and run without turning around. After all, even if this is not me but a monster, they should know that just by bombing the skills just now. Running at this time is dead, so they all stand there and dare not move. Afraid to cause my attack.

As they watched me one by one in fear, when I was afraid of a sudden attack, I slowly floated in front of them, then pushed the mask up and looked at them and asked, "You came to deliberately follow me. Follow me or do you think someone else is fighting?

The moment I entered this nightmare location, my black hole-like skin color returned to normal. At this time, everyone was relieved when they saw my face. Although I don't know why my equipment changed suddenly, as long as they are not monsters, they don't have to worry about being killed.

It was the same woman who spoke to me before and said, "We just heard the voice and thought that someone was thinking about it in the battle."

I nodded and said, "If you do n’t just want to come in and visit, then it's best not to follow me. Because I will definitely wipe out all the monsters and ore in the front, and you ca n’t find anything in the back, you might as well go another way. . But when in danger remember to use the transmitter, I will save you. Then, see you later. "I clicked on my eyebrows with my right hand, then turned and floated in the direction that I used to go forward, and during the movement The light spheres around him never stopped. Everything that was in the way, whether it was a tree or a monster, was all shattered. Anyway, I want to test the limit of the short-circuit state. Saying that this feeling of extravagance is really great for his grandpa!

When I opened the road with Lei Lei, the chins on the other side were all about to fall. Until I walked all the way, the young player asked stupidly, "Isn't it impossible to use magic here?"

"It's power is down, it's not impossible," said the mage beside him, lighting a small flame on the tip of his finger.

The young man said in surprise: "The power is still so great? Is it enough to go out? Besides, is he magical? What do you think he is doing? Magic washing the floor?"

In fact, this young man is also half guessed, and my magic is temporarily unlimited. It ’s just that the magic power is not as exaggerated as he thought. I dare to play here this time now. I really do n’t have so much magic to throw floating mines like this. Of course, it is not to say that it is absolutely impossible. For example, the space-time lock that was activated by using the ring of commandments when you attacked the headquarters of Buddhism last time can do the same thing, but that kind of thing requires the permission of all the Protoss, so it is very troublesome to apply . Unless there is a heavy campaign, I will definitely not go to great lengths to apply for that stuff.

While the group guessed my magic, I was looking at my attributes. Qinglong's floating thunder is really not a general skill, the power is great, and the consumption is indeed exaggerated. Every time I use a floating mine, the magic value will be dropped and dropped, but almost the magic will be full immediately after the skill is completed. Now that I understand it, there is no need to worry about the lack of magic power. I now look like a heavy machine gun with unlimited ammunition. What I need to worry about is not enough ammunition, but whether the barrel will be overheated and scrapped because of continuous firing.

Sure enough, after contacting with a mine to blow up a large area of ​​the surrounding forest, I began to feel that my body was obviously hot. According to Ling ’s explanation, this is the initial table of magic overload. Thanks to this is a semi-forbidden area, it will only overheat when I use too much magic. If I am in a normal environment outside, I miss a magic and miss it. I guess I burned it first.

Anyway, this overheating phenomenon is still within the controllable range, so I don't have to worry too much, as long as I feel that the heat can't stand it, just stop for a while. Of course, slowing down the skill release speed slightly can also cool down, anyway, as long as the total amount of magic power used per unit time does not exceed a certain range, no dangerous situation will occur.

"Hey, if this situation can be maintained forever." I looked at the property and sighed to Ling: "This feeling is really good, if it can continue, I can go to Zeus to his mother now Not recognizable. "

"Don't dream about it ~ ~ That's impossible." Ling said: "The phenomenon of excessive assimilation does not happen every time, and each series of elements can only accept assimilation. What you assimilate this time is darkness Department, even if you change one department each time and you can encounter assimilation every time, you can only encounter this situation more than ten times. Besides, in addition to this kind of place, if you dare to play outside, I guarantee You'll be ugly. "

"Is it just a fantasy! But then again, why are there so many colorful magic crystals here? Do you think there will be something like a crystal mother?"

Ling had been paying attention to my physical condition before, and didn't think much about anything else, but I reminded her that she had reacted too. The magic crystal ore is because of the existence of the crystal mother zài, which will form a magic crystal ore over a long period of time, so how come so many crystal mothers and colorful magic crystals here?

"Damn, there must be a mother ore that can make large quantities of crystal mother crystals and colorful magic crystals!"

"What? The crystal mothers that can produce mother crystals? I rely on, how can this kind of thing be let go?"

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