Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 103: Good man rewarded

Volume 8] Volume 20 Chapter 103 Good People Have Good News


Volume 20 Chapter 103 Good People Have Good News

"Damn, did Zi Ri lie to us? Why is it not so long?" The young man in the surrounded player squad asked.

"It's impossible. Ziri won't ruin his reputation for this little thing. Maybe he hasn't received a signal from far away, maybe he's still on his way." The captain of the team said while struggling to kill the surrounding monsters. .

Speaking of them, their current situation is indeed dangerous, but it is not the danger of losing their lives immediately. The combat power of Wushun is actually very ordinary. The reason why no one dares to come in is because of Wushu's undead character and the amount of terror. Although a few of them have now died, they were all killed suddenly at the beginning of the attack. The remaining eight people were injured, but after supporting them, they will support one. It will still be fine.

Here the captain was talking to the young man, but the woman next to him reminded him, "Captain, I think we'd better break through than this."

"Break forward? Isn't that going to be dead?" The young man was startled. "Now we can't rush forward without rushing out!"

Compared with the youth, the captain's brain is obviously much smarter, and the woman here reacted when he said it. "Yes, everyone rushes forward."

"What? Captain, why are you crazy with your second sister?"

"Fool." A guy next to him took a photo of the young man and reminded him: "There are so many monsters here, we are dead no matter where we rush, but there are many monsters, which means that there are colorful magic crystals or crystal mothers nearby, as long as we can If we find a piece before the mass death, we are not dead. A piece of the worst colorful magic spar can now be sold for more than 20 million. If it is the best, it will easily cost hundreds of millions. The value of the crystal mother is about 7 colorful Three to four times the magic crystal. As long as we can find a colorful magic crystal, let alone we are killed collectively, even if we all lose three levels, it is a good deal. Besides, purple sun is not necessarily not to come, in case people really Is it a long distance before he arrives? He gets the colorful magic spar before he arrives, and then he saves our lives, aren't these tens of millions of white picks? "

Others have said that this is so straightforward, this young man is not really an idiot, and he suddenly responded. "Yeah! The second sister is still smart! Then we rush forward."

-Five minutes later-

"Captain, have we broken into the monster's nest? Why are there more and more monsters?" The young man who was quite in favor of coming over to grab the colorful magic spar was already bruised at this time, and he was facing the three monsters Attacks in turn, forcing him to scramble to survive.

"Don't worry about the number of monsters, just rush forward." The woman who spoke before reminded everyone around loudly. At this time, it was obviously different from the previous situation. At the beginning, they could still gather together to resist, but because there were too many mist souls, and there was an increasingly fierce trend, their team was about to fall apart. Several times, some mist souls rushed into the team, and they almost broke up their team. If it wasn't for the captain's struggling counterattack to barely save the situation, the congregation must have been divided and surrounded.

"Damn monster, I fight with you!" A mage player who had broken one arm by a monster turned into a ghost soul suddenly lowered his head and rushed out of the human wall, then smashed into the monster pile. However, even after entering the monster group, he still did not stop, but rushed forward while blocking the monster's attack with his staff. It can be imagined how tragic it was for a mage to be attacked by many monsters. Although he eventually rushed for seven or eight meters, this is the limit. As he tried hard to continue rushing forward, a monster suddenly bit his wrist with a stick, followed by a cracking bone, and the remaining hand of the guy was directly bitten. . Without the blocking of the staff, many monsters swarmed up immediately, and then drowned him in the monster pile. The outside players could only hear the guy screaming exhaustedly: "Come on ... Come on, all come here, you pervert monsters ... all finished with Lao Tzu." After listening, I heard only a loud noise A circle of red ripples suddenly opened, and the surrounding monsters were instantly cleared away.

This is the only use of the mage in the nightmare zone-human flare bombs.

Although the soldiers can not kill the monster in the nightmare area, they can temporarily destroy the monster's shape, so the soldiers' self-protection ability is stronger than the mage. However, the use of magic is prohibited in this nightmare zone, so the mage becomes a complete waste. However, although the monster's shape cannot be temporarily destroyed like the warrior, they have the ability to completely kill the monster-self-explosion. Although it is a little bit more severe, and although the punishment is a little bit more, this is really a way to kill monsters, so you can't say whether the warrior is stronger or the mage is stronger in the nightmare zone. After all, warriors can destroy monsters on the surface, but a monster will not die. Mages ca n’t deal with monsters on the surface, but they have the ability to kill monsters. This is a disguised balance.

After sacrificing a mage, the front of the team widened a lot immediately. The team members knew that the opportunity was rare, so everyone didn't waste the mage's sacrifice, took a chance to rush forward a lot, and then ...

Then everyone was dumbfounded.

Originally, because of the fog, their range of sight was only about ten meters. Now, because they moved a lot forward, the place that was originally blocked by the fog also entered the line of sight, and the line of sight in front of them There are actually five or six colorful magic crystals scattered on the edge, and it is even more amazing that these colorful magic crystals actually shine on their own, which means that this is not the lowest colorful magic crystal, but the best. One can take a billion superb colorful magic spar.

"Ah!" It's definitely not a good idea to take a walk on the battlefield. Everyone was dazzled by the colorful magic crystals in front of them, and immediately paid the price. Several mist souls rushed into the crowd, and instantly flew a few people into the mist. After the others responded, there were only five people left in the team. Then, after a rebellion, another person fell to the ground, leaving only four people in the entire team. Captain, previously speaking woman, young man, and a heavy armored swordsman.

"Damn, we're all done!" The young man shouted as he attacked the monster in front of him, trying to protect himself.

Although the captain is also fighting the monster, he is trying to move towards the colorful magic spar, and the armored swordsman and the woman are also following him to try to help. They all know that as long as they move past, even if they only get a piece and then die, as long as the thing does not burst out, they will get rich. Although the level will drop slightly after that, it doesn't matter at all. With this money they can buy better equipment and better medicines. In this way, their leveling speed can rise straight up and they can completely lose the level. Make it up.

The youth saw the captain and they did not answer at all. They had to grit their teeth while cutting the monsters and moved to their side to help them break. When the three of them saw the young man coming over and gave them a break, they headed forward with the captain as the backbone. Because four people back-to-back just sealed the four directions, the combat effectiveness has been significantly improved. At least you do n’t have to turn around to take care of the threats behind. In this way, the safety of the four people is temporarily guaranteed, and the captain who has been blocked by the monsters and cannot move forward finally starts to slow down. He moved forward, but his forward speed was still quite slow. He persisted for almost a minute but moved forward by less than one meter.

"No, so we can't get there!" The woman shouted.

The captain was panting as he looked at the colorful magic spar, which was only a few meters away, and anxiously wanted to accelerate the advance, but no matter how hard he tried, the barely two steps to see the stitches were the limit, and as they moved forward The intensiveness and fighting style of the monsters are changing. They can obviously feel that the monsters are trying to prevent them from moving forward, because the more they move forward, the more crazy the monsters become.

"No way, Captain, I can't stand it!" The young man shouted loudly behind his back, and as he shouted, a monster suddenly rushed to him. The young man struck the monster's head in half with one blow, but just after the monster dissipated, the other monster pierced him out of the atomized body of the previous monster that had not completely dispersed. On the ground. When the young man was pressed to the ground, he could only hold the monster's neck with both hands to prevent him from biting himself, but the monster took the opportunity to scratch his chest with his front paws, and instantly scratched the armor on his chest, blood and flesh. Silk continued to roll out, and it was almost impossible to see the youth.

After the young man was thrown down, the woman quickly turned around and tried to rescue, while temporarily blocking the monsters behind her, but when she turned around, she was immediately responsible for a leopard-shaped Warcraft from her original position. In the past, he struck the back of the heavy armored swordsman on the other side and desperately scratched.

The heavily armored swordsman was originally dealing with the monster in front of him, but he did not expect to be suddenly crawled onto his head by a monster, and he was half a beat slow when he was surprised. As a result, a monster passed through his defense zone. Hit the head of the captain.

The captain responded fairly quickly, blocking the monster, but when he turned back, he was hit by a large monster in front of him and hit the chest.

The woman did not expect that she would cause so much trouble just turning around, but now that she has done it, she should save the young man first, or is it not so much trouble in vain? So she did not change her movements, went up and kicked the monster lying on the young man, then killed a monster that flew up to fill the position twice, and finally pulled the young man back to the armored swordsman, and the armored sword The soldier also got rid of the monsters on his head at this time, but he just recovered his freedom. I did not expect that a monster jumped out from behind a bunch of monsters, and then flew over the heads of the monsters in front, hitting it directly. On his chest. Even if he is a heavy armored swordsman known for his strength and defense, he was smashed for a few steps before he could barely stand. It was only his move that exposed the youth again in front of the monster. Only the monster that looked very strong fell to the ground and bit his face. Fortunately, his helmet is relatively powerful. Although it was bitten, it was not completely deformed. It just continued like this, and it was only a matter of time to hang it.

The woman found that the youth was thrown again, and immediately attacked the monster who threw the youth, but before she started, the other monster touched her left arm from the back, and the woman originally wanted The falling sword can only turn around and chop on this monster, but she was immediately followed by another monster that touched from the other side and bit her thigh and fell to the ground. The woman came back with a sword and slammed it on the forehead of the monster who bit him with a hilt. He kicked it and kicked the monster on its stomach, but before she got up, she saw it. Three monsters fell towards her from mid-air. Obviously, no matter how she moves, don't expect to completely avoid these monsters in front of her. However, just when her instinctual hands were covering her head and face, and waiting to die, a miracle appeared.

Boom ... A ball of light flying from the side exactly hit the middle of the three monsters that fell towards her, and the other two exploded into pieces with the light ball exploding. As these three monsters were killed, the woman quickly jumped up from the ground, but when she was holding her sword and was desperate, she saw the surrounding monsters demonstrating in one direction with grinning teeth, and there was a large area over there The white light **** fly around as if it were raining. The monsters along the way will be immediately blown into pieces as soon as they are touched. There is no monster that can slightly resist those attacks.

"Zi Ri, it's Zi Ri! Hold on, President Zi Ri comes to save us!" The woman finally recognized me who was flying in the air, and she hurriedly reminded her companions to persist, if it died at the last moment, it would be really Too bad!

"We're here!" The young man didn't know where the strength came from, and he shouted desperately from the monster. Although the captain and heavy armored swordsman did not shout, they felt relieved.

Outside of the strange group on the other side, I am floating in the air like a bomber. There are dozens of light spheres floating in front of me. As long as a monster enters the line of sight, one of the light spheres will immediately break away from this. The array flew over and then blasted the monster into pieces.

"It's really troublesome, there are so many." Looking at the monsters that died around and around, I felt that Lei Lei was not enough, but the skill was not only Lei Lei, so I felt decisive when I felt that there were too many monsters. The replacement skills released a large range of mental storms, and the surrounding monsters suddenly went crazy as if they were crazy, and then many monsters suddenly fell to the ground and broke into pieces after jumping a few times. The mist burned, and while some did not collapse and collapse, they were paralyzed and could no longer move.

Looking at a large area around it, I nodded with satisfaction: "Is that right?"

"President Ziri, help!" The young man over there saw that I finally got rid of the monster's entanglement, and immediately excitedly waved at me and signaled that they were over there.

When I looked up and saw their position, I immediately flew over to them. Although the surrounding monsters were emptied, but as long as the fog did not clear, new monsters could be constantly generated here, so I moved to that side At that time, the monsters on both sides were desperately moving closer to the middle, but their speed was obviously not as fast as mine. Of course, I am not talking about the speed of movement, but the speed of attack. Just when the monsters were desperately rushing to the middle, a large number of thunderballs had formed on my side and blasted out, and the newly formed monsters became **** again.

The use of floating mines in other places before was purely because I wanted to experience the refreshing feeling of infinite magic. It seems that if you have a mobile arsenal around you, all the weapons in it are infinite ammunition, which can let you open up. Then you say that you take a pistol or a big sniper who is always aspiring there and slowly play with it one by one, or you just move a six-barreled machine gun to scan him first? Obviously, normal people will take the machine gun first to enjoy it. After all, it may be very powerful, but whether it is infinite or not, there is no big difference. Anyway, you need a gun, but multi-machine guns are different. Now, if this thing is infinite, the trigger can be pushed down to the bottom, it will be all right.

Although I'm more rational, I can barely be considered a normal person, at least psychologically. So my first reaction after getting infinite magic is to throw out those super magics that I usually do n’t dare to throw casually, and occasionally I can throw one or two super magics out first for normal attacks. Anyway, it ’s a big move to take a shot. .

Of course, in addition to satisfying psychological pleasure, I am not playing blindly. The skills in "Zero" are set with skill proficiency. In addition to improving the skill level, this proficiency can also be used to comprehensively strengthen the power, release speed and consumption of skills. Usually, those small skills are used frequently, and most of them have increased their proficiency. They are both easy to use and practical, but these big moves consume a lot of metamorphosis. And many of the big tricks have side effects or punishment properties, so generally I do n’t dare to use them when it is time to settle. How do you say this skill improves proficiency? It's a rare opportunity to encounter infinite magic today. This is not time to hurry up to practice these usually exaggerated skill levels. When are you waiting?

However, before it was to practice skills, and now to save people, you can't let go of it. Although the power of Lei Lei is great, it is really a trivial matter to deal with the mist soul. The best skill to deal with these weak monsters with the change of the fog soul is not the powerful single killing magic like floating thunder, but the number-based spell like the thunderbolt I am using.

In terms of visual effects, this skill of Lei Guangqiu is actually similar to Lei Lei. They all make electric light **** and throw them out. It's just that I can summon up to eight things at once, no matter how much magic I can't resist. Even if the magic is infinite, I can control too much at the same time, after all, my output cannot keep up. But electro-optic **** are different. This is just an intermediate skill, and the consumption is not high, and it is originally a group combat interference spell. I can easily pull out dozens of light **** to bombard the enemy indiscriminately, and if not all at once , That can also be manufactured while launching, so that it can form a continuous and continuous strike effect.

Now the group of people see this scene. I saw a light ball covering my body and flew straight towards them at a height of about one meter above the ground, and there were hundreds of large and small floating around me. Lightning spheres, as if the free electrons outside the atomic nucleus, are orbiting me at high speed, and these light spheres will fly out from time to time during the orbiting process, accurately blasting monsters appearing within a certain range into slag.

"It's so **** handsome!" The young man looked at the monsters that had been forced by them around him and couldn't even get close to me, and I didn't seem to have turned my head to see those monsters. Such a combat power is indeed Too much difference with them.

In the exclamation of the young man, I finally flew to the side of the men, and at the same time, I used the thunderbolt to blast all the monsters close to them into **** before lowering the height slightly in front of them, but still did not touch the ground. "Hmm ... It looks like I'm a little late." There were only four teams left in the other party's original team, which was indeed a serious downsizing.

The young man who admired me just now remembered that many of his teammates had died. He immediately wanted to get angry at me, but I suddenly reached out and stopped his behavior before he responded.

"If you want to blame me for coming here now, then I ask you not to say it, so that everyone is not happy. After all, I am already helping to save people. This is not my obligation, nor my job. ,Do you understand me?"

The captain also came over at this time to push the guy aside, and then said, "Thanks anyway, thank you for coming."

I nodded and said, "Do you want me to send you out now, or do you have other arrangements? Before you make a decision, explain that if you want to go out, I will send my magic pet to take you away from heaven, If you continue to take risks, I won't come back to save you. So ... decide you must do it yourself. "

"Understand that you can save us once and for all, it is a great kindness. We won't have to make inroads," said the woman.

I nodded again in satisfaction, and then said, "Tell me your decision."

"We intend to continue our adventure." The captain replied with a very direct answer.

"If you are for those things." I pointed to a few colorful magic crystals over there, and the other person quickly moved between me and the colorful magic crystals like a scared rabbit. Self-explanatory. However, instead of paying attention to their behavior, I continued to say, "If you are for those things, then I can allow you to take away the ones you can see now, but if you get those ones, What else can you think of, please weigh your strength and say. "

All these people were stunned by what I said. At first they thought I would take the pieces of colorful magic spar. Although they defined the behavior of me to get those colorful magic spar as their own position, in fact, they also knew that the thing should belong to me from any angle. Because if I do n’t come, they do n’t talk about those colorful magic spar, they ca n’t even keep their own lives, so those things have nothing to do with them at all. But people are selfish. What do you choose when you have the potential to gain a fortune and lose it just because of some ambiguity?

The four of them chose to be on their side anyway, and I think most of them will do the same. So they selectively ignored the key role I played here, and directly determined that the colorful magic crystals were discovered by them, and should be theirs. Of course, smart people should see my strength, and infer that they should not be taken over, because they simply do n’t have the strength to grab those colorful magic stones from me, except to make my goodwill towards them hostile. There will be no other gains outside.

However, these people are obviously not smart enough for that, maybe if others encounter this situation, as a bystander they can think of the correct answer. But now they are standing there, facing the hundreds of millions of wealth at their fingertips, not many people can keep their minds, and they are obviously such people.

Just because they chose to get those colorful magic crystals, they have already determined that I would take possession of those things, but they accidentally heard me say that they would give them all the colorful magic crystals that you saw, you said Is this surprising?

They choose to think that they should get those colorful magic spar, which is only a self-centered way of thinking. In fact, they are clear in their hearts that the thing should belong to me, so they will be so surprised when I propose something to them.

In fact, I'm not stupid. If there are only a few colorful magic crystals there, of course I will not be polite to them. After all, things should be mine anyway. Indeed, without their help, I would not have come here, and I would not have been able to get those colorful magic spar, but the same, do n’t expect them if I do n’t come. In addition, in terms of the output of the colorful magic crystals, my ratio is far more important than them, so even if they admit that they found that the colorful magic crystals can get a part, it is impossible to give them all.

Of course, I also understand the above principles, and I did exactly that, and the reason ... is on the ground behind those colorful magic crystals.

Everyone knows that the level affects more than just the little data displayed on the property panel. It actually affects many aspects of the player. In addition, with some pedigree advantages, I have far exceeded vision and hearing. Ordinary people. Because of this, the situation I see is different from what they see.

These guys see nothing more than a few colorful magic crystals lying on the edge of their vision range, but what I see is more colorful magic lying on the land behind these colorful magic crystals The spar and a small amount of crystal mother, and until the end of my line of sight, there are still more colorful magic spar extending to that side, and the denser the farther away. What does this mean? From a close perspective, this shows that there are a bunch of colorful magic crystals and mother crystals behind. From a distance, the mother of the kind we might have guessed, which can make the mother of the crystal, is probably not far ahead. After all, other areas are so large that one or two pieces of colorful magic crystals or crystal mothers can be found scattered, but here they are appearing in pieces, and the more dense they are, the more they move forward. This does not require me to draw a distribution map at all, and I can directly see the distribution law with the naked eye.

Just because I can see the horrific colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers in front of me, I think that as a discoverer, it should be appropriate to give them a few colorful magic crystals in front of them. However, I doubt that when they see the more terrifying colorful magic crystals and mother crystals in front of them, they will no longer be limited to this colorful magic crystals in front of them because of human greed. There is no end. For them, suddenly obtaining the colorful magic crystals worth hundreds of millions in front of them is already a step-by-step cross-border transportation, but as long as they see the hundreds of hundreds of billions of colorful magic crystals behind them After contacting the mother of crystal, if they were only allowed to take away these hundreds of millions of colorful magic spar, they would not feel that they had made a profit, but would feel sad that they had lost, and that they had suffered greatly. Although as a bystander you may find this unreasonable, when you are in it, this is the direct response of everyone. The so-called ignoring the true face of Lushan, just because of being in this mountain, is probably the case.

No matter what I think, the four people on the opposite side have not found the colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers at least until now, so they haven't completely gone crazy for the time being, but they are just greedy.

After a short period of horror, the most restless young man finally took the lead and asked, "Do you really want to give us those colorful magic crystals?"

I quickly nodded and asked him back: "Do you think it's interesting to lie to you? If you want to grab it, just kill you. Do you think you have the ability to resist? Oh no, I don't even need to do it at all, I Just stop the ongoing fire suppression. Those monsters will naturally solve you, they did a good job before. "

At this point, the four people finally recovered a bit of reason ~ ~ They only remembered at this time. The reason why they can stand here quietly and discuss the ownership of these colorful magic crystals with me It was entirely because during the conversation, I was still bombarding the monsters in the vicinity with successive thunderballs. As long as my suppression operation stopped a little, they would be drowned by the surging monsters immediately.

After thinking about the situation in front of them, the four finally calmed down, and after discussing with each other in a small voice, the captain stood up and said, "Sorry, President Ziri, we were temporarily fainted by the interests. Now I want to come It ’s true that we should take all of these things. Of course, we really want them too. After all, this is all money. Who would not get through with money? You say yes? However, since you said you gave all these things We, I do n’t think it ’s just a joke, we should play it, it should be true. It ’s just that I do n’t understand your motivation. Although the external comments on you are pretty good, it just means that you are very trustworthy, but you ’re thin and fame This kind of thing doesn't seem to be related to your habits? "

The words of the other person made me laugh. "Hahahaha ... you are really very smart. Well, I don't want to go round the corner with you, just say it directly. You may have guessed it. The colorful magic spar you can see is only part of it, and it is still after the fog There are many colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers, the number is much more than this. Although you ca n’t take a colorful magic crystal without my help, after all, I am also because of you

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