Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 106: Golden Magic Spar

The source of magic is at hand, and after confirming all the attributes, I put it away first. As long as the latest chapter of the church is placed in whose storage space, it will become its personal equipment, and it will automatically enter the guild mode after being taken out. However, although I can take this thing now, I ca n’t play its attributes for the time being. After all, I am already in a state of infinite magic. Even if I bring this thing, I will not double it to make double infinite. After all, double Infinite is also infinite.

Seeing that I had put away the source of magic, the fox over there couldn't help asking: "Is something for you, what else is required? If you don't ask, let me go."

"I said, the first step is to give me this thing, and there is a second step later."

"Then how many steps do you have?" The fox was obviously not stupid.

"Don't worry, it's only two steps."

I heard there were only two steps, and the fox was a little relieved. It looked at me and asked, "So, say your second request."

"Actually, it's not a requirement, just to ask you something."

I heard that just asking questions, the fox was even more relieved. He answered very seriously: "You ask, as long as I know, I will tell you. But you must promise to let me go."

I originally wanted to turn this guy into a magic pet, but after fighting, I found that the combat power of this thing is really very weak. It is true that in this nightmare zone, it is actually extremely outrageous. After all, others cannot come in to use magic. After his power and speed, coupled with the unlimited power of magic, even if I am limited by magic If you throw it in, you can't figure it out. At best, you can only protect yourself. ("% Douro Mainland Novel Net% 7 * The reason I can suppress it this time is because my magic has gone wrong, so I will suppress it. Once my magic is back to normal, here I am Still not its opponent.

However, although this guy is very powerful in the nightmare zone, the problem is that the nightmare zone is so big. Once out of here, its strength is at most a level of first-class elementary second-class peak. Creatures of this level do not necessarily need to be taken as magic pets. After all, I'm different from the average player. Everyone has empty magic pets. There is no magic pet, so once you find a magic pet when you are hungry, you desperately want to directly recognize the Lord, regardless of its quality. So I can sort it out. This fox obviously didn't meet my requirements, so I didn't force it to be accepted as a magic pet. Of course, this guy is a powerful creature that adapts to special terrains, so I still have the intention of soliciting, but that's a voluntary premise, and I won't force it to join.

Seeing the fox squatting like a puppy waiting for my question, I began to ask, "First, I have more than one question, so don't worry. First of all, I want to know the environment of this nightmare zone. What's going on? Is there something controlling the fog around here? "

The fox thought for a moment: "I don't know the specific situation, after all, it was already here before I came. However, according to my observations here, the magic banning effect and the fog that persists throughout the year should be natural phenomena It's not artificial. "

"That's to say this environment is hard to destroy, is it?"

The fox nodded. "It should be so. After all, these effects have no sustenance. You can't destroy the whole nightmare zone, right?"

I nodded and said, "Then the second question. (" Are all the colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers here from the source of this magic power? "

This time the fox replied with certainty: "Yes, there are many crystalline carbon distributions here, so a lot of colorful magic crystals and mother crystals have formed over time."

I nodded again and said, "So, what is the kind of golden gem I saw before?" At that time, I just saw the golden crystal fox appeared, and then I did n’t have time to see it all the way, so For the time being I haven't figured out what the golden thing is.

"You said the kind of stone I used to make the nest?" The fox asked.

I nodded.

The fox said immediately: "That is a golden magic crystal, a very special magic crystal."


"Yes. Its magical reserves are very low, much lower than the reserves of colorful magic crystals, probably only equivalent to the reserves of a red magic crystal of the same volume."

"Isn't this thing the same as the red devil spar?"

"No, although it has very low storage, it is extremely stable."

"Stable? Do you mean this thing won't explode?" It is well known that magic crystals will explode. Even our guilds sometimes use magic crystals as bombs, so we can see that How unstable things are.

In fact, it is not easy to detonate the magic crystal, because most of the magic crystal is only in one situation, except that the low-level white magic crystal is particularly unstable and may be crushed, impacted or detonated by high temperature. Will explode, and that is-the limit output.

Magic crystal is like a battery. If you let it release magic power, it is equivalent to discharging the battery, but in the process, the structure of the magic crystal itself will also be unstable due to the impact of magic. However, this instability has a critical point. According to the different structure of different magic crystals, there is a proportional formula for magic crystals to release magic power. This proportional formula is not provided in the game. Each guild or individual has its own set of proportional formulas, which are summed up from the lessons of blood. Like our guild, there is even a special institute to test the limit output of each kind of magic crystal. How fast the output speed will cause an explosion, and how fast it will not, this degree is very important. Being able to find a higher and more stable output ratio means that the law of the use of the magic crystal itself will be given greater play, which will enhance the overall strength of the guild.

For example, one of the most important reasons why the popular magic crystal liquefaction technology can be popular is that the liquefied magic crystal has broken the limit of the output energy level of the magic crystal, not that the liquefied magic crystal will not explode, but We can control the scope of the explosion by controlling the amount of liquefied magic crystals, just like the gasoline exploding in the cylinder of a car engine. This controllable explosion can provide ultra-high energy output without endangering the equipment itself. But the inseparable magic crystal is relatively troublesome. Because this thing cannot be separated, it must control the output, otherwise the entire crystal will explode together when it explodes, and the power generated by the explosion of the large crystal is that the device itself cannot. Resistant.

It is precisely because the magic power of magic stone's instantaneous output is much smaller than its actual reserves, so the magic stone is still acceptable in terms of durability, but the instantaneous output is very unsatisfactory. For example, the output of the constructed lifeforms produced by our guild has not been able to go up, because the output power of ordinary magic crystals is not enough. When the power is large, the magic crystals explode. If the power is small, these powerful combat machines cannot be driven. It was not until the advent of liquefied magic crystal technology that our mobile angel forces began to enter the practical phase, because the liquefied magic crystal can be used in a small amount of injection to break the limit output limit in disguise.

However, even with the liquefied magic crystal technology, our mobile angel is still not perfect, because the liquefied magic crystal technology only breaks the output limit in disguise, it does not actually solve this problem, it just makes it less fatal. . This is also why the top mobile angels in our guild still use colorful magic crystals instead of liquefied magic crystal steam, because the effect of using liquefied magic crystal steam is still inferior to regular higher magic crystals anyway. Stone is comparable. However, the scarcity of colorful magic spar is also a fact, so the number of our senior mobile angels has never been higher.

Just now the fox said that the characteristic of the golden devil spar is stability, does that mean that the output power of this thing is high?

"Hey, fox. You said that this thing is stable, how stable is it? What is its ultimate output time?"

The limit output time of a magic crystal refers to how long a magic crystal can fully release its magic power without exploding. Of course, this ratio will be explored by each line by themselves. ~ ~ So everyone is not exactly the same, and because the size and quality of white magic spar are different, this time itself is not completely stable. Usually we refer to the standard output time of one kilogram of standard-quality magic crystal. Like white magic spar, the limit output time of our guild is currently in the range of 513.276 seconds to 518.744 seconds, but for safety, our current standard is 520 seconds. In other words, a one-kilogram white demon spar can only release all its magic power within 520 seconds at the fastest, and it may explode as soon as possible. As for the higher-level red magic spar, this output time is even longer. Of course, this is not to say that the output of the red devil spar is inferior to that of the white devil spar, but because the storage capacity of the red devil spar is too large, so even with a larger output, the time it takes for a standard quality red devil spar to release its own magic power It is definitely much longer than the white magic spar. Higher-level magic crystals certainly have greater output speeds, but their limit output time range is larger than one. Obviously, as the level increases, the capacity of magic crystals will obviously increase faster than the output growth rate. A lot faster.

However, what I am most looking forward to now is to know how much the output of this golden magic spar is.

"Instantly." The fox replied with certainty: "The golden magic spar can release all the magic of light itself in an instant."

After hearing this answer, I felt a sense of suffocation. Unleashing all magic in an instant? How big is this output?

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