Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 108: guess

Volume 20 Chapter 108 Guess

In this nightmare zone, countless players came back and forth, including the existence of little foxes. However, they were not expelled by the fog, but only I was asked to leave.

Why did you kick me out? Or why treat us differently? The answer lies in the differences between me and others.

I was deported, and no one else would. This shows that I have some characteristics that are different from ordinary people. This characteristic is the reason for my deportation. So what's the difference between me and the average person?

I'm stronger than the average player. That's right, this is a major difference. But what is the powerful use? It is nothing more than to kill the more hazy souls. It seems like this is because I was asked to leave because it was definitely bad for Mist to die. However, if that's the case, and it doesn't make sense, because if I kill Mist Soul and it will make Mist feel uncomfortable, won't others kill it? The self-detonation of the mages can also cause the death of the mist soul. I kill a bunch of kills, they kill one or two kills, do you say that you ca n’t accept others shooting you, and you do n’t care if someone hits you with a knife? Does this obviously make no sense. Therefore, if I was expelled just because I killed Mist Soul, then mage players should also be on the expelled list. But the results showed that this did not happen, only me was deported. This shows that it is not the cause of the death of Mist Soul.

So, if it wasn't for my strength and killing too many mist souls, what could be the reason? It still has to find a difference. The difference between me and the average player. It can be said that there are many differences between me and ordinary players. I'm high-level, I have many magic pets, I'm well-equipped, I'm fast, and so on. However, these blaming together seem to be the difference in combat effectiveness. Well, what we are looking for is a feature that has nothing to do with combat effectiveness or has no direct relationship, a difference that has been ignored. New Chapter of the Templar.hxsk.

Based on these circumstances, I suddenly thought of two different points and extended a key point.

These two differences are: first, I can use magic in the nightmare zone; second, my armor can absorb the soul power of the death fog soul.

The first point may not seem right at first, because besides me, little foxes can also use magic. However, if you think about it, you can see that although the little fox can use magic here, in fact, it has never been used. Hua Xia Bookstore. Except for fighting with me this time, Little Fox has never used magic here. Those mist souls never attacked it. In other words, the only person who really uses magic here is me. In other words, it was only me who really released the standard spells.

The mages also used magic here, just like exploding. However, the self-detonation consumes the magic in the body, not in space. And I consume the magic in space, just like the wizards use magic in the normal environment outside. So, I consumed the magic here. This is the key point I think, and this key point is magic or simply energy.

The magicians used their own magic in the nightmare zone to explode. After the explosion, the magic in their bodies did not disappear, but spread to the surrounding space, which means that the total amount of magic in the nightmare zone increased. However, the magic that I use is a standard way of releasing magic that consumes outside magic, which means that the total amount of magic in the nightmare zone has decreased during the battle. I guess this is the key factor in my deportation.

And that second point. My armor will absorb the soul power of the Mist Soul. I guess this may be one of the reasons. Mist Souls have no substance, they are like energy creatures. The soldiers can't use the skills here, so they can't completely kill the mist soul. The Warcraft changed by the shattered Mist Soul will re-consolidate into Mist Soul, which is not death at all, so the Mist Soul does not lose in the process, and the player does not get experience value. "Hua Xia Library". Hxsk. The self-detonation of the mages can indeed kill the mist soul, it is the real kill. But the self-detonation of the mages just destroyed the energy structure of the mist soul. Energy itself cannot be destroyed, they only transform into form. The destroyed Mist Soul is indeed dead, but the energy in it has not disappeared. If my previous guess is correct, it means that the fog needs energy, so she hopes that everyone will leave energy here instead of taking away or consuming energy.

My armor will absorb soul power, that is, it will completely absorb and save soul energy into my armor. This part of energy will no longer belong to the nightmare zone. In addition, my magic will consume magic power, so for the nightmare zone, I am like a black hole, constantly consuming its energy. More importantly, I not only found the source of magic, but also collected colorful magic crystals and mother crystals everywhere. Be aware that these gems are energy stores, and the energy they absorb is all in the nightmare zone. I took them like this, and naturally took away more energy.

Based on the above analysis, I finally confirmed that the biggest difference between me and others is that I took energy away from the nightmare zone, and others not only did not take away energy, but each time someone entered, they also contributed some. This is the biggest difference between me and others. As for the lucky ones who occasionally leave with colorful magic spar or crystal mother, that is really just lucky. It's like winning a lottery ticket. No matter how much you win, the unit that sells the lottery will not lose money. Everyone always buys more money than the prize money, and the usefulness of the winner is to attract more people to buy the lottery. Those who leave with treasures in the nightmare zone do take away energy, but their deeds will attract more adventurers, and then the nightmare zone can earn more magic from them, and then pick randomly in them One or two lucky people, then people will start desperately rushing inside.

Based on these factors, the nightmare zone is a place to absorb magic. The magic power of ordinary people here is actually reduced because the magic power is absorbed. And I just broke the situation, so I was not welcome.

However, although I thought about why I was not welcome, I did not want to leave any more. Because I think of more and more important things. And the thing is-the fog is not my opponent at all, or it simply has no combat ability.

Suppose my first inference is true, that is, the nightmare zone is the place where the mist absorbs magic power. If someone grabs her magic power, she should immediately launch a counterattack. Besides, I took away all the sources of magic, and searched for so many colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers, which caused the fog to lose a lot. If she really cares about these magics, why doesn't she stop me?

Also, after we were first discovered, I was desperately in a hurry, why did she run? If it was to not expose her own existence, then she was caught up by us and why didn't she fight back when I was attacked? At that time there was no possibility of concealment, and I had found her. But she chose to escape. If she is really strong, why does she run? I took the initiative to attack her, and she hasn't fought back yet. This kind of cultivation is a little better, right? And, even if she is really well-bred, how can she suddenly behave so fiercely now? Does this make sense?

Therefore, based on the above, I speculate that the female-like creature called Mist in front of me should actually be weak in combat or even not attack at all. She ran away because she had no attack power, so she wanted to avoid us. It wasn't because she didn't want to fight back, but was beaten after being caught up, but because she didn't have the attack power, she couldn't fight back. After I was completely stripped from the mist, she became fierce, and this was completely bluffing. Because she couldn't run away, she wanted to pretend to be fierce and wanted to see if she could scare me away. This is no longer a solution.

Because I have probably guessed the intention of this guy, I have no intention of giving in at all. She has already begun to play with the empty city plan with me. If I do n’t know, it ’s okay to say that it ’s all guessed. If I still soften, would n’t it be an idiot?

"Hello, aren't you taking the necessary action? Hurry up and I can't wait."

Hearing my words, the fog over there began to roll violently throughout the body. Although there was no change in its appearance, it could be seen that the white mist that made up her kept rolling and rolling in her body, as if at any time Will break out in general. However, despite the violent response in the body, the mist stood still without saying a word. She didn't show any intention to attack, and didn't answer me, just stood there.

Seeing that the fog didn't respond for a long time, I was even more sure that the other party was just playing the empty city plan ~ ~ so I went boldly and shoved her, and shouted: "Hey, you arrive Come back soon? Aren't you going to take the necessary measures? Let me see what your necessary measures look like? "

"Do you really want to see?" After a long pause, the fog finally spoke. However, the sound was very cold, which made me a little confused.

Actually I'm playing drums in my heart now. Although I can confirm the previous part, I don't dare to completely determine whether the fog has combat effectiveness or not. I just think that she is more likely to have no attack power. After all, the little fox stayed here for so long before, even if it didn't do anything harmful, if the opponent really has combat power, it is unlikely to let it go. However, although I inferred that the fog is not combative, there is another possibility that makes me very uneasy.

The possibility is that the fog may be combative and very strong, but she has to pay a price to use combat power, and it is very expensive. If this possibility is true, it can also explain why the fog has not fought with me, but has taken the initiative to escape. After all, the price of fighting is too high, so naturally she can tolerate it, and if she can't fight, she won't fight.

However, if that's the case, wouldn't I now be holding a horse-horse? I hope this possibility is wrong

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