Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 112: Go to see the emperor

Volume 20 Chapter 112 Meet the Neptune

In fact, the scroll that the fog gave me is indeed a treasure map. The only difference is that this thing is not a treasure map in the nightmare zone, but a treasure map elsewhere. ("" ".) The original owner of this thing is an unlucky guy who once entered the nightmare zone, but unfortunately it was hung here and even the treasure map exploded.

Since it is not the task here, it is not necessary to do it now. After finishing the scrolls, I probably talked to the fog about her future tasks. In fact, it is not a very complicated task, mainly the future city repair of our guild. When she gets up, she is responsible for intercepting players who break into this place illegally. The most important thing is not to let others approach our city.

The city in the nightmare zone is planned to be used as a surprise soldier, so the fewer people who know it exist, the better, so as to have the effect of surprise soldiers. If everyone knows, then our city also has a fart surprise soldier effect what?

After explaining what the fog needs to do, I did n’t rush to leave here, but let the fog restore myself to the way it covered the whole nightmare area, and I returned to the mother who put the crystal mother before. That place started practicing skills.

The place where Mother of the Crystal was found before was almost the center of the nightmare zone. I plan to build our city here in the future, so this site will definitely need to be excavated, so no matter how severe the damage is now relationship.

Originally, the most reasonable practice method in the nightmare zone was to use large strokes to kill the misty souls while practicing advanced skills that were usually not used often because of magical limitations, but after I signed the agreement with the mist, I found that I was depressed. At the moment of signing, the fog was turned on as a member of our guild by default, and those fog souls were all changed by the weapons of the fog, which means that now all of them are the guardians of our guild, and I attack them There is no experience at all. It can only be regarded as a comparison test in the guild.

This discovery has depressed me for a long time, because I originally planned to do a good job in the nightmare zone, but now it is impossible to achieve it. However, although the experience value is not available, at least the attribute of infinite magic can still be used, so although it is not possible to brush the character experience, it can brush the skill experience.

The skill experience in "Zero" is determined based on the number of uses, and there is a very depressing setting, that is, no matter how powerful the skills are, the number of uses required for the final upgrade is the same. "". This setting is not a big deal for low-level skills. Anyway, using it a few times is naturally enough to limit the number of uses, but for advanced skills, this can be troublesome. The reason why advanced skills are called advanced skills is not only because it is powerful enough, but its consumption is quite amazing. Such skills can occasionally be used to reverse the situation. To use them continuously, once your magic is high enough, you must also have patience. After all, advanced skills are not like low-level skills like machine guns. In connection with the suddenness, advanced skills need to be cooled, and the cooling time is generally very long, and some even have a punishment effect. Therefore, advanced skills are either not used. Once used, usually the enemy is dead or you die, because this skill is It will cause huge damage when used, and this skill will cause the user to fall into a short period of weakness after causing damage to the enemy, so as long as you can't kill the enemy once, you have to die. How do you practice such skills?

But I do n’t have to worry about it now. The magical characteristics in the nightmare zone allow me to use large skills with confidence. I do n’t have to worry about the lack of magic power or the harassment of the enemy. So this is the best place to practice skills. Monster kills are a bit wasteful.

Because my magic short circuit is still over nine hours before it can be completely ended, so I can't live without it now, so I have to concentrate on practicing skills. Anyway, such an opportunity will be hard to find in the future.

Although upgrading advanced skills is not easy, the benefits after successful promotion are obvious. In addition to the inevitable result of a great increase in power, there are also several benefits. First, the release speed is much faster, and it does not take half a day to release the skills as before. You have to know that before you zoom in, you will inevitably be accompanied by obvious environmental changes, and the enemy is not a fool. Who will watch you use it stupidly knowing that you are preparing for a big move? So the big move is better, but it ’s useless if it ca n’t be released. Only if the preparation speed is fast enough to launch the enemy before it interferes with itself can this be regarded as a good big move. Otherwise, even your big move can be done once. Destroying the earth and not letting it go is useless.

In addition to the speed improvement, there are two important benefits after the skill upgrade. The first is the reduction in mana consumption. This is very important. Because big moves are usually very powerful, and players usually do n’t zoom in at the beginning of the battle, but when they want to use it, many people will find that the magic has been used because of the previous battle. At this time, if you want to use a big move, you have to face the embarrassing situation of insufficient magic. Therefore, how much magic is consumed is also an important attribute for the big move. In addition, in addition to reducing the mana cost of this big move, an important feature after the upgrade is that it reduces the punishment and cooldown of the big move. The latest chapter of the church.

It is difficult to practice advanced skills because the punishment is too severe. Like my fit skill, do you think this skill is strong? After the fit, I can even escape in the confrontation with Zeus, but once the magic is exhausted, I will not only have to forcibly withdraw from the fit, but also have to withstand more than half an hour of weakness. During this period, I just need to have a level of 500 The above players can easily kill me. Therefore, this skill punishment is a very troublesome thing. Many players dare not to enlarge their moves casually because they are worried that one move will not kill others, and then they will enter punishment time and be killed by others.

From the above factors, it can be seen that the speed of skill release, the level of mana consumption, and the severity of punishment after use are all very important attributes for skills. And each level of skill will greatly improve these attributes, so that the upgraded skills and the skills that have not been upgraded have a huge difference in the use effect. For this reason, many people will be keen to go to the training center in the guild to practice their skills. Although the training center cannot improve your character experience value, the advantage here is that the magic cost is reduced, and the speed of magic return is greatly improved, and most of the skill penalties do not take effect in the training center. Because there are so many benefits, many people would rather take the experience of the characters but also take the money to train the center to practice their skills, in order to upgrade those skills. The so-called sharpening of the woodworker is the reason.

Although I have more than nine hours to spend splurges, and it is in an infinite state of magic, I can't practice all my skills, so I still have to choose. First of all, those skills with low mana consumption need not be practiced. Anyway, they can be practiced anytime. Secondly, those skills that are not commonly used can be abandoned. After all, if the use frequency is not high, it is wasteful to practice even if the level is high. In this way, only a few skills are left for me to practice.

The first is that God's Realm must be maintained all the time. Anyway, this skill does not affect the use of other skills, and this skill is calculated according to the maintenance time. So as long as it is maintained, it is equivalent to leveling. In addition, the remaining skills, such as the four holy beast skills can basically be given up. These skills are really powerful, but the problem is that what I need now is not lethality. So far I haven't encountered any creatures that are completely unbreakable, so I don't lack attack power, what I lack is the speed and wear of the skills. Therefore, the skills of the four holy beasts are directly abandoned, and most of the remaining skills are left and right, and it seems that most of them are not used. Only Ziri ’s physical attack skills are used more frequently. Among them, I personally find it more practical. Blade Blade Storm, Big Sky Wheel Slash, Heart Sword, and Bloom are several skills.

As I have used multiple skills to alternately avoid the cooling time, and the magic is unlimited, in these nine hours, I first focused my heart sword on the blade storm to the full level, and then bloomed in the big sky wheel. Trained to full level. With these skills, you can save a lot of things later in the battle. After looking at the time, it seemed that it was still more than half an hour, and I simply upgraded my other skills to the next level, so that my overall skills improved the power of the first level, although compared with the previous lethality. There is no obvious improvement, but the flexibility of skills has been greatly improved. At least I think that if I face Zeus now, I can use the skills and skills to smash Zeus into a serious injury, of course, provided that Zeus cannot fight desperately with me. Otherwise he's struggling to get injured and come with me for an injury and it's over. As a player, I can greatly surpass in many aspects. The only thing is that the health value is incomparable. At the same level, people generally have more than 100 times the health value of normal players. Even compared with me, it is easy. It's more than ten times more than me, so it's not a good deal to say that it's a bad thing to do a change.


"What's going on?" The fog that had been standing by me watching my practice skills heard me suddenly call her a little stunned.

"Don't be nervous, I just told you to take care of you for the time being here. My magic short circuit time has come. I will also meet with Poseidon, so I will leave it to you first."

"Okay, just leave it to me here. But when do you say the city is planned to be built?" Because the fog can absorb the magic of the magical equipment after the city is built, she is better than me about this matter Come back.

Because I haven't discussed this with other people in the Frost Rose League, so I can't give specific time for the time being. I can only guarantee with the fog that I will arrange it as soon as possible. After bidding farewell and a little bit of reluctant fog, I returned to Greece, and of course the first target was to kill the Sea Emperor Palace directly.

Since Kameida, who was in charge of the reception at the Sea Emperor's Hall, knew that I had left because of a problem with the assimilation ceremony, he also estimated that I would rush back as soon as possible after the recovery, so people were arranged here at the teleportation team. Waiting for me specifically. As soon as I was on the teleportation side, another sea fighter was immediately greeted by us.

"Are you President Ziri of the Frost Rose Alliance?"

"Yes, it's me. Are you ...?"

"Hello, I'm from Haihuang to pick you up."

"Oh, then hurry up."

"Okay, please come with me, Lord Neptune is waiting for you."

"Okay, lead the way."

Although the sea fighter led the way, he could not speed up the movement, but saved the trouble of asking for directions and dealing with guards. So it actually saved me a lot of time. But this guy didn't take me directly to Poseidon, but took me to see Kameda first.

I had greeted Kameda when I left because of a problem with the assimilation ceremony, and this assimilation ceremony was originally a reward from their Poseidon system. I did n’t expect to have such a big mess, but fortunately, it only delayed one day. A little longer, I may have no chance to contact Hades. After all, Zeus's intelligence network is not beautiful. It is possible to conceal a wide range of things such as collective job hopping for a short time. As time goes by, it is a matter of nailing, so this matter cannot be waited at all. Fortunately, at least until now Zeus hasn't found anything, otherwise I won't be able to see Poseidon.

"President Ziri, it's great that you can come back!" Kameta greeted me like I saw my loved ones ~ ~ I didn't have to be so kind to me, but because before It was unfortunate that he got the magic short-circuit incident when he was introduced to me, so he was also responsible for it. In spite of the fact that the incident itself was nothing to him, anyway, something went wrong in the process of guiding me, so he still had to take responsibility. Fortunately, I'm back now, so his responsibility will be much smaller. If in the end I don't meet with Poseidon because of this, his troubles will be great.

Because of the above reasons, Kameda suffered a lot during the time I left, for fear that I would run over before Zeus came back. And now that I ’m here first, he ’s even freed, so he ’s so excited to see me now.

"Is Poseidon free to see me right now?" I probably knew what was going on when I saw Kameda, but I didn't do much, and he was not punished anyway.

Upon hearing my words, Kameda nodded immediately and said, "Free time, Lord Neptune has been waiting for a long time. I'll take you there, right?"

I nodded in agreement and reminded Kameda to help me find a suit of sea fighters to disguise, after all, this is an extraordinary period. It is difficult to guarantee that there is no Zeus eyeliner on the side of the sea shrine. In this case, the people of Zeus found that I met Poseidon The trouble is even greater, if it is blocked by Zeus in the Palace of the Emperor of the Sea, it is estimated that it will be a land and sea war.

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