Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 118: Million gun defense line

"Fast flash!"

While looking at the coastline, I suddenly noticed that the mí mist in front of me flashed like thunder, and then I suddenly thought of what the phenomenon meant, and quickly reminded Lucky Dodge.

In fact, even if I do n’t remind lucky, I ca n’t wait to be stupid, after all, the big eyes on his head do n’t look good. This is comparable to the pupil focusing ability of a small astronomical telescope. When I saw the flash over there, he also saw the same picture, and unlike me, I only saw it by the star pupil increase, and Fortunately, there is such a range of senses. What's more important is that people not only have good eyes but also good ears. I just saw the flash, but luckily I heard the roar.

Fortunate to know what was on the opposite side, quickly fold the wings and press them down, then saw three purple meteor-like things dragging the long flame tail from the distance, and then took The harsh whistling sound flashed from above our heads, and then I heard three booming sounds coming from behind us. I glanced back and found out that a stone pillar behind us was the unlucky purple meteor. It smashed into pieces immediately after being hit, and the whole stone pillar was completely smashed without falling down.

Seeing the destructive power of the three purple stars, we didn't even want to be hit, but the other party's goal was obviously us. The big flash we saw before was clearly the muzzle flame of the cannon when it was launched. As for why there is a cannon on the island, this can only be counted on Zeus's head. But then again. "What the **** is this **** gun? Why is the rate of fire so abnormal?" Just after we saw the three shells in front of it smashing the stone pillar, there was another flash of light on the coastline over there, and this time Not three shells, but a huge one from Hula.

It can be seen from the orbit of the shell that some shells clearly originate from the same gun, and the shell of one gun actually appears in a barrage of bō times. What does this mean? This shows that this gun has the ability to fire continuously, and its speed is extremely exaggerated.

"Catch it." Fortunately, watching the barrage coming forward reminded me, and immediately afterwards I felt a sense of weightlessness, and then suddenly the weightlessness disappeared, but the ensuing was extremely terrifying upward. Acceleration, huge propulsion forces me, and I can hardly stand up on my lucky head. Fortunately, this feeling disappeared very quickly, because I was lucky to start rolling when I climbed to the half. I was also spinning along with me. For a moment, I just felt that the world and the earth were spinning. It is the endless alternate flash of the sea.

Fortunately, after several consecutive rolls, luck returned to the climbing state, but it did not rise too high and was forced back to the low-altitude range by the shell again. Obviously, the opponent was not shooting blindly, but was aiming at the target. Flexible xìng is not covered. Such a dense shell bombarded us for a long time. It did not hit us, and it was rarely even rubbed.

"We can't be beaten like this all the time!" Shouted luckily while dodging the shells.

I nodded and summoned Everett directly, then pointed to the lower coastline. Everett immediately nodded and began to deform. As the armor was reorganized, Everett quickly became a collar-like thing. Of course, it is very large, because he is wrapped around Lucky's neck. Immediately after being fixed on Lucky's neck in this form, Everett immediately stretched out two metal rods that looked very thin from both sides, and followed the sticks to turn forward, pointing the discontinuity to the shoreline ahead.

"What are you going to hit with such a small thing?" Lucky asked as he flew.

Everett directly answered the lucky question with action, because the two red beams flew out directly, and then a huge flash of light burst on the coastline. Until the explosion came over, Everett explained: "Although the high-energy ray cannon has a small caliber, it has a strong penetrating power, and it has a strong thermal effect around the launch trajectory, which is ideal for blasting. "It's a good weapon, but don't you think the attack range is a bit small?" Fortunately, it was a speedy side dodge, followed by a purple light flare flew past us. Obviously, Evrit's blow just made the other party scrap one or two artillery, because the bombardment density around us has not been significantly reduced.

"Please, am I a professional gun group, am I not good at this kind of thing?"

I thought about it, and just a row of Evrit and Lucky pushed them back into the training space, followed by the birds appearing under me, and the four long flame tails behind the afterburner burst suddenly. 1

Following us, we started to climb at a very high speed. The cannonball rain below could not keep up with the speed of the birds, and the cannonballs slid over us. However, when the other party calculated the advance and started to adjust in front of us, the bird suddenly turned on one side and followed by a large-angle maneuver, and the barrage was thrown off immediately.

Although the agility of the dragon is quite good, it is too large after all. Under such a dense cannonball rain, it is already the limit to be able to fire away, which is smaller than the flying bird.

His body size and higher maneuverability, so he can easily escape the pursuit of the barrage, let alone those flying cannonballs that hit us, it is simply not even our side.

In the aerobatic flight show with flying birds ’eyes, we are close to the island. At this time, the situation at the edge of the island has fully entered our line of sight, and the mí fog has basically disappeared here. Although the mist can still be felt a little, it has basically not affected the line of sight.

From here we can clearly see that the coastline on the edge of the island is not an imaginary beach, but a neat row of black cliffs. The towering cliff has a drop of at least 60 meters. Many dense openings have been excavated above the cliff. From these openings, it can be clearly seen that a bronze tube with extremely complex roots extends outside the cave. Although I don't know what this thing is, I can guess at a glance that this thing is definitely the source of the shells that just hit us. In other words, these strangely shaped tubular objects are actually gun barrels, and the excavated holes are clearly similar to the hidden gun positions of the dark castle.

In fact, in addition to the running positions in the caves in front of me, there is a running position completely outside at the top of the cliff. The cabinet is more like a cannon in the hole. These violent equipment are easier for people to see their full picture.

First of all, these suspected artillery things can be definitely not artillery. From a structural point of view, these should be energy weapons. The previous artillery shells have also indirectly proved this guess. Those purple tails dragging the tail of the flame are obviously not what the live ammunition should be, but that is by no means the shell of the magic crystal cannon, because the shell of the magic crystal cannon looks exactly the same as the previous shell, but it was fired The speed of the shells is quite slow, and some people are flexible and can even flash past them, but the speed of those shells just exceeded the speed of sound, and at least three times the speed of sound. Such a fast shell is by no means a magic crystal cannon.

The barrels of these guns are not cylindrical, but labeled cube-shaped.

The boxy gun barrel is full of complicated lines, which looks like ancient Egyptian writing. The part behind the gun tube is a huge gun body. The structure of this thing is very complicated. The human scalp is numb just by the pipes and lines outside, not to mention how many things are inside.

In addition to the complicated shape of the gun body and the chic barrel, this gun has a very special place, that is, it has a large bomb nest, the giant bomb nest like a revolver drum almost occupied One third of the volume of the entire gun, its diameter even exceeds the width of the turret, and its top is significantly higher than the cannon itself.

"It looks like a new type of weapon." Asuka flew and teased me as he flew: "Are you very collective? I know you have a collection habit." I nodded and admitted to Asuka's teasing: "It is really worth it Go back to research, but for now ... it's better to let them quiet down first. "

The flying bird drove past the running position at the top of the cliff at a high speed. The cannons seemed to be fully automatic. Even the cannons could not track and aim automatically and fire quickly, and with the roar of the cannon, the huge bomb nest It also seems to spin like a drum of a dryer, but this thing does not seem to throw the shell out. It just sprays high-pressure steam obliquely backward from the four nozzles on both sides when launching, which further confirms this thing. It is actually an energy weapon.

Because we flew over the top of the cliff, the cannons in the dark castles outside the cliff lost their shooting range. [From] The turret located on the cliff can be turned around to continue firing, but just after they turned over the muzzle At the same time, the doors of space opened silently outside the cliff.

"嗷" accompanied by a lucky dragon chant, all my large magic pets jumped out of the space door. Because the artillery has been aiming at me, all the muzzles at this time point in the direction of the island, but fortunately they appeared in the direction of the island, which is equivalent to appearing directly behind the running position. Those cannons who did not know whether it was a fully automatic weapon or a remotely controlled weapon wanted to turn the muzzle immediately after they were lucky, but unfortunately it was too late to adjust the direction at this time.

The first lucky one stepped on the cannon directly in front, followed by a bite and bit the huge mechanical body behind the cannon body, accompanied by a bit of bitter metal distortion, and saw the cannon's The second half was deformed and sunk at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. At last, with the sound of a boom, a group of green smoke was ejected from the barrel, and the cannon was completely scrapped.

The luck that bit a flat gun did not stop there, but immediately ran to the side running position, but this time he no longer destroyed the gun body, but instead slap the gun directly into a bow shape with a paw. . Compared to the huge and strong gun body, the barrel is actually more vulnerable.

Fortunately, all the way to the side was destroying the position one by one, and the other magic pets in the other positions were not idle. Relying on the large size, they completely gave up various small tricks, and completely relied on their own volume advantages to force them Those cannons were all removed from the running position. These weapons can be rotated because they have a fixed rotating chassis at the bottom, and when they are overturned, they completely lose their ability to move. In addition, after Crystal overturned a cannon, it was found that the power pipe was actually connected below the cannon, which means that these cannons actually rely on external energy to work. As long as they leave their chassis, they will immediately lose energy.

Although the magic pets have fast tǐng movements, but because of too many movements, they ended up only cleaning up the turrets in this area where I flew in. No further turrets could be controlled because the cannons were already at this time. Turned around, but before they fired, all my magic pets had been drilled into the training space and disappeared.

The purpose of letting the magic pets destroy the turret is only to leave the turret without being disturbed by the vitality of the turret, and it is not that I want to destroy the entire turret on the island. Although the island is not large, the turret line around the island is only a few tens of thousands of cannons in the top of the circle. It takes at least a day for my magic pets to destroy all of them. It doesn't make sense to destroy all the cannons, right?

After the pets returned to the training space, I did not rush to the island, but turned around and returned to the edge of the cliff. Since the artillery in this area was destroyed and the distant artillery had no firing range, at this time I would not be attacked by artillery as long as I did not leave the ground. The energy gun thing is not good at all. Because the shell has no weight, it will fly along a straight line when launched. Therefore, any artillery principle such as suspending or projectile is useless here. Except for direct shooting, there is no second way to fire this energy gun ~ ~ So although they know I'm here, they ca n’t fire because they are blocked by obstacles. They can only let me swing away come back.

After returning to the cliff, I stood on the edge of the cliff and stretched my head to glance down. After confirming that there were no obstacles, I stepped straight out of the cliff. As I stepped on the air, I fell down immediately, but after a few meters, my wings stretched out. With the power of the fall, I adjusted the flying attitude, and easily glide to a dark castle run. In front of the shooting mouth, followed by a hand on the edge of the shooting mouth, with wings closed, the whole person drilled into the shooting mouth like a flexible water snake.

Originally, I thought that the inside of the firing mouth should be the same empty environment as above, only a cannon was quietly dormant there. After all, the automatic gun above gave me a preconceived impression. However, the fact is that the following runs are not empty but rather crowded.

"Do not move." As soon as I rolled into the firing mouth and landed, I immediately heard a loud drink, followed by a neat bang, and when I looked up, I saw at least 200 people standing in front of me in a semicircle. The shape of the encirclement, and each person held a fine huā-like thing like a rifle, stood in a three-stage shooting array and raised his gun at my head.

"Fuck, this is a big deal!"! .

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