Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 123: Painful and happy solution

From scratch 123_ Volume 20 Chapter 123 painful and happy solution method Chapter 20 Volume 123 Chapter painful and happy solution method

Although Ling and Poseidon had a bad relationship, they were also their own owners at that time. Now their identities have changed, so everyone does not have to continue to be hostile. Of course, they are always uncomfortable, but they do n’t necessarily break out. To the point.


After the two explained each other's experience, I directly urged: "Poseidon, don't you say that energy shock can save you? Ling's energy control level is high, should it meet your needs? "

Poseidon replied affirmatively: "If it is her, it should be fine. Now do as I say."


"First get me out of the water, otherwise the water will block the energy transmission and may not work. In addition, be careful not to let me leave the water completely, because now I need to talk through the water, you must at least have a part of my body Access to water. "

I nodded and started working with Ling, first moved the bed out of Fenglong space and discharged it to the pool, followed by moving Poseidon from the water to the bed, and then pulled one of her into the water While immersing your fingers in the water.

"Okay, is this okay?"

"That's it. Now Ling uses the energy shock to impact my magic palace position."

"Shocking the magic palace?" I looked at Poseidon in surprise and asked: "Aren't you a thousand miles away calling us to help you commit suicide?"

Why did n’t Poseidon hear me and explain, Ling had put his hand on Poseidon ’s forehead and explained at the same time: “It must be that Zeus used energy curing to fix a part of his divine power at the entrance of her palace. The magic circuit is blocked, because the curing energy cannot be melted by the energy itself, so it can only be opened and then decomposed by the physical organization of the body. However, when the entrance of the magic palace is wide and narrow, it cannot be opened from the inside, only Can rely on others to drive away from the outside. "

I nodded after listening: "Then you help her open it."

Ling Chong said with a smile, "I'm happy to help." But I always think her smile seems strange.

Sure enough, as soon as Ling finished speaking, I saw a sudden flash of blue light in her palm, followed Poseidon as if she was sleeping well and suddenly got half an electric shock, and the whole person jumped up, followed by a loud bang Smashed on the bed, the guards outside could not help but shouted and asked me if there was anything. After glancing at Ling, I screamed out and asked what was going on.

Ling explained: "The sensitive part of the magic channel will usually have a clear sense of comfort when it absorbs invisible and invisible magic. What would you think of a hard entity energy group passing through it?"

Ling ’s words made me instantly understand what she meant. What kind of magic channel co-authored with is the same as the sense of inscription on a person. If you touch it a little, you will have a strong sense of excitement. If you use too much force, that stimulation is definitely not the average person. It's OK. Just like hard qigong rarely educates a man's key points to Vajrayana. Even if Poseidon's strength is strong, the magic channel is still extremely fragile, so he was forced to break through an object with brute force. Poseidon, who was still stimulating, jumped up like an electric shock.

Although the body was unresponsive because the magic channel was blocked, I can still see Poseidon sweating obviously after this moment. However ... Ling seemed to be unexpectedly interested in this kind of thing. After a shock, before I reacted, I immediately started a second shock, but this time exaggerated, Poseidon immediately died. Like the fish, the head and tail part of the bed support, but the body is slammed up, the entire back completely off the bed, it feels like a person is about to jump up.

After staying in this convulsive state for three or four seconds, Ling suddenly took his hand off Poseidon's head, and Poseidon suddenly seemed to hang up and the whole person fell back upright.

"Hey, so she won't die?" Looking at Ling's weird smile, I was worried that Ling was playing too much.

What I didn't expect was that although Ling didn't answer, Poseidon who was treated as if he would hang up at any time suddenly answered. "The impact must be continued, otherwise the blockage will be pressed back into the pipeline due to the magical backflow, and it can only be done if you don't want to give up your previous work."

After listening to the other party's words, Ling immediately smiled and said, "Since you have such awareness, then I'm not polite." After speaking, he put his hand on Poseidon's head again, and followed Poseidon again. Go up, and then the whole person was shaking with the fierce trembling, and the whole bed shook with her, even when I and Ling climbed into the bed together. Squeeze the movement of the bed.

Compared with the previous two times, Ling obviously dropped her hand this time. She kept holding Poseidon's forehead for ten seconds without letting go, while the bottom of Poseidon's mouth began to spit out continuously. The bubble scared me quickly to stop Ling. Our goal is to get Poseidon alive and take his men together for rebellion, not to kill Poseidon. But unfortunately, after I stopped, Ling didn't mean to listen at all. Instead, the whole person rode on Poseidon's body and changed his hands to hold her forehead down. I could even see A jump in her fingers cracked.

"Ling, you're gonna kill her like this again!"

"Trust me, she's okay." Ling finished moving his left hand to the center of Poseidon's forehead, then raised his right hand and hit a ringing finger in the air. Xiaochun appeared instantly beside us, and then extended a finger to Ling Fingers point together.

It was as if a burning match came into contact with a large barrel of gasoline. When Ling Yuchun's fingers touched immediately, she immediately heard a loud noise, and I was totally blown out by a shock wave without any time to respond. The villa we were just in was also blasted and smashed instantly. The guards at the door were overturned by the shock wave, and some fell on the lawn outside, and some simply rolled into the lake.

"Hmm ..." I spit out the mud in my mouth and crawled out of a mud pit in the nearby woods. As soon as I came out, I saw a white skirt corner floating in front of me. I looked up instinctively, and immediately saw Xiaochun hanging on the branch. "I said Xiaochun, what kind of plane do you two have? Why did you blow up the house?"

"Although I want to explain it to you ~ ~, do you mind getting me down first?"

I flung out a light blade directly to cut off the branch, and then reached out to catch the fallen Xiaochun backhand and put it on the ground. "Can you tell me now?"

Xiaochun said as she tidy up her clothes: "Ling just discovered that the curing operation added by Zeus on Poseidon has traps. Whoever helps Poseidon to unblock curing, the curing operation will extend to the caster's side If I did n’t care then, not only Poseidon could n’t save it, Ling ’s magic power would be sealed, so Hou Ling asked me and her to create a magic blast with reverse magic power to disperse all the surrounding magic rules. Although this time caused a certain lethal effect, this minor injury is nothing compared to being sealed. "

"Zeus actually set a trap? This guy is really poisonous. Hey, you are here, what about Ling and Poseidon?"

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From scratch 123_ Volume 20 Chapter 123 The painful and happy method of solving spells has been updated!

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