Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 144: Leave Japan

From scratch 144_ Chapter XX of the twentieth chapter from Japan Chapter 144 of the twentieth chapter from Japan

Volume 20 Chapter 144 Departure from Japan

"I trust, don't let him come up!"

If the spacecraft was only seen by the Japanese, it would not be a big deal. Even if the deterrent effect of the spacecraft suddenly appearing in front of the enemy is lost, it will not affect the battle. / But the problem is that we are out of the blockade that Masamoto Matsumoto has arranged, and if Japanese players rush to see our spaceship, what do you think Japanese players think?

Of course, Matsumoto also knew that Japanese players could not be brought up, so he immediately turned around and rushed down the mountain as soon as he heard the report from the following person. He also shouted to let us go, but he ran out and was given by me without two steps Tugged. Matsumoto looked back in confusion and looked at me without knowing what I pulled him for.

When I saw Matsumoto's eyes, I explained: "It's useless to rush down like this. Those people rush up like this for a while. Do you say whether you stop or don't stop? Stopping will affect you in the minds of Japanese players. The image is worse if we don't stop it. When we see the existence of the spaceship, we can't even explain it. "

"What do you do? You can't let them rush up?"

"Of course you can't let them rush up, but you certainly can't go alone."

"what do you mean……?"

"We are like this."

——Under the Mountain——

"Don't block the way." A pretty sturdy macho was shouting at a group of people, and at this moment there were a large circle of Japanese ninjas around the group. You can see the badge on your body. These ninjas are all members of Masaru Matsumoto's new Black Dragon Club.

In fact, the people in front of the ninja confrontation were the wave of people who broke through the defense previously reported by Masaru Matsumoto, but they are now surrounded.

After all, Matsumoto Masayuki is not a half-faced sloppy hero of Nobunaga. In reality, Matsumoto Maebaga has received a good education, and his cultural level is far from comparable to Nobunaga. Therefore, he has to arrange many things. Much more than Nobunaga's place. For example, although the cordon of this organization is known as the New Black Dragon Society, generally no one will rush into their defense line, but Matsumoto still conceives various situations that may occur. As a result, this presupposition now works.

Because Matsumoto expects that if someone can break through the line of defense, the opponent must be a faster and more powerful person. Therefore, it is not meaningful to arrange a few lines of defense after the line of defense. It is not a strong combat force to deal with such people. Warriors, but speedy people, so Matsumoto Masa prepared a large group of high-end ninjas as fire rescue teams. Now the facts have proved that Matsumoto's arrangement is very correct. After breaking the front line of defense, those people ran all the way up the mountain, and they were surrounded by the group of ninjas before they could run far. .

In terms of combat effectiveness, these ninjas are not their opponents at all, but because the ninja is too fast and the attack power is high, they cannot completely ignore the ninja's attack, but they want to fight back and cannot hit each other. The trust cannot advance here.

Seeing that his own group of people were surrounded by the opponent's ninja for ten minutes, the leader finally could not help but erupt. Although he forcibly broke through the blockade of the New Black Dragon Society, the opponent actually maintained restraint. During the attack, he stayed strong and only wanted to knock down and not hurt, but now he is really fire, so he never does Regardless of the problem of staying or not, I directly used the big move.

The profession of ninja follows the path of extremes. Use extreme speed and extreme attack power to achieve extreme combat effectiveness. Because of this, the ninjas are notorious for being thin-skinned and belong to the type that dies at the touch. For this kind of profession, the powerful tricks of powerful professions can definitely be lost in one fell swoop, so the ninjas immediately start to step back when they see the other party preparing for the big trick, but even so they still underestimate the coverage of the other big trick. There are two slow ninjas that are retreating just at the edge of each other's attack range. As a result, the guy made a big move and sent the two ninjas directly to Zhenfei.

Two ninjas were missing here, and the other ninjas didn't dare to return quickly because they jealous of the opponent's attack power. At this moment, a gap appeared around the group of people. The leader who had just released the big move immediately greeted his men and rushed up when they saw a flaw. As a result, they broke the deadlock and rushed out of the encirclement and ran up the mountain.

At the speed of the ninja, even if they ran out, it was easy to catch up. However, before waiting for the ninjas to take it easy, they saw a burst of explosions coming from the mountain, and as the sound continued to blast, it seemed to gradually approach this side.

"What's going on?" One of the group of players who just ran out of the encirclement ran to the macho and asked with some confusion: "Apart from us, has anyone else breached the blockade?"

A female player next to her said: "It doesn't sound like much. This movement is not something that ordinary players can make."

The little player frowned, "Listening to the sound seems to be coming at us."

The muscular macho thought about it and waved violently, "No matter what, we just rush up."

Now that the captain had spoken, the others had to do the same, but before they ran up, there was a sudden blast from the mountain that was different from any previous explosion. Following them, they saw a long sword composed of light beams. Rising up, then chopped down sharply in the direction they were.

"I rely on, the ultimate mystery of Masamoto Matsumoto-the glorious world! Everyone flash!"

Hearing the shout, the people in the team immediately rushed out to the sides like the rat in the nest, but before they completely left the attack range, the lightsaber had split. Just listening to the bang, the position where they stood before the crowd turned into a flame channel, and the air waves generated by the explosion instantly lifted everyone out. The muscular macho just flew up two ninjas with a big move. Unexpectedly, the retribution came so fast, and then he became his own than flew in a blink of an eye.

Immediately after the explosion, those players who were so frightened struggled to get up. One of them spit out the weeds and dirt in his mouth and couldn't help complaining: "Isn't that just crossing the blockade? As for use Does such a big deal entertain us? "

The player's voice has not been heard yet, but a female player next to her frowned: "No, that trick was not for us!"

"Ah?" The player still wanted to hear explanations, but soon he realized that there was no need to explain at all, because when he was about to ask, he saw a purple-black flame suddenly burst out on the hillside in front, In an instant, the woodland on the hillside burned out a straight passage, but before the flame was over, they saw a figure wrapped in a white aperture tumbling through the flame passage, and flew in that person. Less than a second after the passing, another figure almost scared them up at a slow and slow speed, dragging a long-shaped sword that was less than ten meters away in front of them. The place flew over, and didn't even look at them during the period. It wasn't until the man flew past that they jumped from the ground and exclaimed: "Oh my God, it's Purple Sun!"

That's right, in fact, the one who just rolled over is Masamoto Matsumoto, and it is naturally me who is behind a big demon. This is the plan I just told Masaru Matsumoto. If Masamoto Matsumoto had just come down to stop these people, then he would be putting himself on the opposite side of Japanese players, so no matter what he did, it would damage his reputation in the end, it was just a matter of the degree of damage. However, it would be fine if this wicked person asked me to do it. Anyway, I am now considered a super demon king in Japan, and it doesn't matter if the reputation is even worse. On the contrary, Matsumoto ’s reason for blocking it after he did not need to be a villain is easy to explain, as long as he does n’t want ordinary players to be hit by my poisonous hands, it can also improve his positive image in the hearts of Japanese players.

"Matsumoto Masa, don't waste your energy. I just got a new attribute recently, you can't beat me." Immediately after that group of people caught up, I immediately followed Matsumoto Masa in accordance with the preset The good routine started to perform.

Lying on the ground, Matsumoto Masako sprang up while pretending to spit, then looked at me and sneered: "It's just a miss, don't be too proud of it. Is the big move just extra laborious? what?"

"What do you mean by this?" I pretended to be surprised, and then, after a pause, roared suddenly, "What did you do to me?"

Masamoto Matsumoto wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and said proudly: "Nothing, just to show you my new ability. Now your magic will be consumed at a very fast rate, and as long as you can't kill me, or Out of combat, this mana-burning effect will not end. Hehe, Ziri, I'll see if you do n’t have mana or you are not my opponent. "

"Huh, you are lucky today, and we will take another stand next time." After listening to Matsumoto Masaru, I began to follow the usual style of the bad guys in the movie, throwing two ruthless words, and then turned and ran.

A few people over there saw that I was going to run, coupled with the previous conversation, they immediately realized that they should hold me, but when they rushed out, they heard Matsumoto shouting: "Don't go, you can't hold him back. ! "

Those who heard Masaru Matsumoto's words were too late to react. One second is enough for such a short distance. The female ninja player who rushed to the forefront was cut into two pieces by a sword with a weapon from me even after a pause. After waiting for others to respond, she threw out a few swords, and immediately killed a few more. In the end, the muscular man saw that he was alone in the blink of an eye, and he forgot that my weapon could not be blocked in the panic, and he wanted to carry it hard across his epee, but I was cut off with a single sword. With the blade, he cut off his left half shoulder again. Under severe pain, the guy could only give up resisting his teeth and rolled to the side, but before he rolled out two times, my sword suddenly broke away and became a barb covered with barbs, and then followed me His wrist trembled, and the whip tip suddenly stood up straight to his throat as if living.

The guy rushed to grab with the only hand left in surprise, but he never expected that eternity would still have a cutting rule even if it turned into a whip, so his hand was passed through without any effect at all, tight Following the whiptips, he pierced his eye socket directly into the brain under his shocked eyes, and then the whiptips suddenly opened as if exploding, cutting his head into a dozen slices like cut watermelon. Then I suddenly collapsed and dragged back.

After easily killing this group of people, I directly flicked the whip to shake off the blood beads, then turned around and flew back to the inner side of the canyon. Matsumoto Masa also chased up at a high speed to continue the performance. After all, the player will not really die, even if killed in the game, it will become a soul form, so even if we kill these people, we cannot stop performing immediately. It's better to do a full set of drama, I don't want to fall short.

When we returned to the interior of the canyon, the first half of the spacecraft had left the narrowest part of the canyon. The remaining stern part was still in the canyon, but because the widest part had passed, the problem was no longer serious. .

Matsumoto looked at the spacecraft that was gradually accelerating and turned to me and said, "Chairman, you go first, and let me handle it here."

I nodded and reminded: "The rubbing marks left by the spaceships on the cliff should be cleaned up, otherwise, if a professional sees it, they may find that it is not a trace left by the battle."

Matsumoto nodded and said, "I'll use a big move to destroy the surrounding mountains once you leave. I shouldn't see anything."

"Anyway, you own it. This spaceship is still a semi-finished product. Many things have not yet been installed, and I will not wait for you here. You must pay attention to this with the Russian fleet, and bring the two fleets to one place as soon as possible."

Matsumoto thought about it and asked, "Which fleet is in standby at Isinger?"

"It's the Fourth Fleet. Why? Any questions?"

"No, I'm afraid that if the Third Fleet is at home, the mood of the sailors may not be controlled well. After all, many of our ships are drawn from the Third Fleet, and people on their side don't know that we are in between. Relationship, and suddenly seeing their own ship serving on our side, I'm afraid they will think of something. "

"You don't have to worry about this. The ships have been converted to you before. Even the people in the Third Fleet may not recognize them. The only people who can recognize these ships are the shipyard workers, but they are not the Navy. It is impossible to see these ships at sea. "

Matsumoto nodded and said, "I'm just afraid of accidents. Since it's not the Third Fleet, it doesn't matter if they know them."

I nodded in affirmation of Matsumoto's seriousness, and then greeted Matsumoto's seriousness and turned to chase the spacecraft.

The speed of the spacecraft passing through the narrow section was obviously increasing, and when I caught up with the spacecraft, the hull was almost completely out of the canyon. When I entered the bridge, I heard the captain shouting, "Speed ​​up to fifteen, pay attention to maintain the heading, and speed up to thirty after the hull has completely passed through the canyon."

"You don't have to be so careful. The front is the open area. Add it directly to fifty. We rush over."

The captain heard a moment of hesitation and felt he didn't really need to be so careful, so he directly ordered to increase the speed to fifty. As the speed increased, the hull quickly passed the narrowest passage, and the captain saw the distance between the two sides was gradually widening and let the crew increase the speed to one hundred.

Although the speed of 100 kilometers per hour is actually quite fast, because the spaceship is too large, there is no sense of speed when standing inside the bridge, but the captains are all professionals, so although they do n’t feel fast, they No further acceleration.

After passing this valley, there is an open flat woodland in front, but because of its large area and itself a compound monster area, don't worry too much about being seen. After all, the trees in this place are too lush. Even if the sky can be seen occasionally, only a large palm is left, so there is basically no possibility of seeing the spaceship in the sky.

Because there were no obstacles above the woodland, we simply increased the speed to 300, and we flew out of the forest range at this speed in less than twenty minutes.

According to Matsumoto Masa, the road outside the woodland is a road, and it is a kind of heavy traffic, but Matsumoto Masa has already closed the intersection on both sides in advance to temporarily close the section we will pass on the road.

While no one was on this road, we also accelerated the speed of the spacecraft to three hundred and fifty, and then just a blink of an eye passed through the road without forests covering the sky. After the spaceship passed, the player who stood in the middle of the road and blocked the road was the player we sent to Masamoto Matsumoto to help him order the line to be completely blocked. Although those Japanese players who were intercepted were very confused about what the new black dragon would suddenly block the road for no reason for ten minutes, but because the spacecraft passed from the sky, leaving no trace at all, so these people apart from doubt Also found nothing.

"How long will it take us to return to the sea at this speed?" Hongyue looked at Lin Hai, passing by, and turned to the captain.

The shipyard glanced at the dedicated magic map display, and then calculated for a while: "If there is no accident ahead, we can return to the sea in two hours."

The crew member operating the engine next to him heard the data and asked the captain: "Our energy looks lower than expected, can we speed it up?"

The captain wanted to agree to come, but think about starting the mirage system in case of trouble, so he didn't dare to calculate the energy just right, so he could only reject this proposal, otherwise he would run out of energy in advance , Then there will be nowhere to cry.

Although the captain rejected the request to accelerate again, he did not reduce the speed again. The speed of three hundred and fifty can be said to be quite fast. We almost crossed a large number of uninhabited areas almost in a hurry, and finally reached the coastline more than twenty minutes earlier than expected.

Crossing the coastline is the sea area facing Japan on China's side. Of course, there are also Japanese boat activities here, but Matsumoto also arranges patrol boats to temporarily block all areas on our route that may see us. Thanks to this blockade line, we smoothly crossed the territorial waters of Japan and entered the territorial waters of China.

Originally according to the original plan, we should bypass the Japanese island from the north side of Honshu Island, and then drive directly to Isinger to replenish energy. You are now in a position that deviates from the originally planned route. Because of this deviation, we don't seem to need to wait for Isinger to resupply.

"Let's go to Misty Island first." After reading the chart for a while, the captain hit Misty Island.

Red Moon glanced at the chart and agreed, but I nodded. Different from Hongyue, I am very familiar with the Misty Island. After all, I bought the place, and since it became our guild territory, this island just located in the gap between China and Japan ’s territorial sea has completely changed. We attacked Japan's forward base. When our guild invaded Japan on a large scale in the past, in addition to the valuables transported by the logistics team, most of the common consumables were transported here by ships, so the misty island is a very important strategy for us. Support point. Even though Japan is now in our hands in a puppet manipulation, it still has not lost its value here. After all, Matsumoto's dominance in Japan is not so easy. We need to get some special supplies for Matsumoto Masa, so he can compete with other Japanese guilds to compete for the first Japanese guild. s position.

Because of the important strategic value of Misty Island, not only does it have a complete port and warehousing system, it also has the Bank's second largest logistics reserve base in addition to first-line combat cities. The number of spare magic crystals stored here is almost one-sixth of Isinger's, and if all these magic crystals are given to a guild, then the guild will not need to buy magic crystals for at least one year. Already.

Now that we both agreed to go to Misty Island first, the crew immediately began to steer the spacecraft to Misty Island. Because Misty Island is much closer than Isinger, and now out of the Japanese control zone, the captain also relaxed and directly ordered to speed up to five hundred. Although the energy consumption is exaggerated in this way, the supply will be available anyway, so we don't care about this consumption.

Because there is no reference object on the surface of the sea, in addition to feeling a little push back at the moment of speed increase, as long as you do not get out of the cabin, you will not feel the current speed of the spacecraft. But I don't like to stay in the cabin, so now I'm standing on the dragon's bow of the bow, blowing hair.

"It's strange that the protagonist is always used to standing on the bow of the movie to face the sea breeze. It turned out to be so cool." The girl and lady, Hongyue, were obviously indifferent. I climbed to the gun barrel of the bow and stood, and she stood on the other gun barrel, and this crazy girl was bullier than me. I was just standing in the middle and back of the dragon head and holding the dragon horns in hand, but she was standing directly at the tip of the dragon nose, and her hands spread out to pose a shape that embraced the world.

"Hey, aren't you afraid of falling?"

"Have you just entered the game?" Hongyue turned around and looked at me and said suddenly: "By Ziri, I always wanted to ask you some time ago, but I never had time."

"What do you want to ask?"

"That's it." Hongyue dragged the root scroll from Fenglong space and held it in her hand: "This is the branch mission scroll that we got for the national mission before our guild. Somei asked me if you would take this task."

"What do you mean?" I know the national mission, because that's what I applied for in person. It may be that the design is not thoughtful enough before. When the game is initialized, I hope that each country can become a unified whole, that is, a guild in a country, except for guild members, there are only some free players. Two guilds exist. However, the actual development of each country illustrates a problem, that is, it is not easy to unify a country. Not only China, but the United States, Russia, and European countries are also very difficult to truly unify. There are simply few countries that can achieve complete unification according to the initial settings of the system. Therefore, the system felt that it would not be possible to wait for the unification of the country, so the system changed the rules of the game, that is, a new concept called the governing guild was added. This is like a political party in reality.

Parties like Democrats and Republicans in the United States can be understood as guilds. In the game, these guilds are set up as parties, and as long as the guild's strength reaches a certain standard, the guild is eligible to participate in the competition governing guild.

Once you become a ruling guild, you can gain many of the privileges granted by the system. The first rule in Shouxian County is that all freedoms within the country will be the target of this guild, which means that it will give you a lot of labor that you can command. Of course, for the normal operation of the country, you cannot mobilize all these freedoms, but even if you do not mobilize all of them, as long as you can use one or two of them, it is already a huge force. You should know that although the strength of freedom is almost zero, their number is dozens of times that of players. This huge base means that what they can do is absolutely beyond your imagination.

Of course, the benefits of ruling guilds are not just simple to be able to command freedom. There are also a large number of benefits later, all of which are very tempting, so all guilds are interested in this.

Adhering to the system's consistent style, high risk and high return. Although the benefits of the ruling guild are terrible, the method of obtaining them is also terrible. The first one is to obtain sufficient war value, and this war value cannot be obtained by civil war. In other words, to obtain this war value, you must Combat externally.

Fortunately, before our guild, there have been large-scale conflicts with player guilds in many countries, especially the war between Japan and Russia, which has wiped out a lot of war values ​​for our guild. However, I did not pay much attention to this matter after I applied for the qualification of the ruling guild. I didn't expect that Red Moon suddenly gave me a branch without scrolls, which made me a little inexplicable.

As a result, the scroll was opened, and I immediately understood the meaning of Red Moon. After all, the scroll was very detailed. According to the introduction on the scroll, a guild is only eligible to apply to become a governing guild if the four basic attributes of guild reputation, guild number, guild total assets, and guild total combat power all meet the basic requirements set by the system. If any of these four items fails to meet the standards, even if the other three items are extremely high, he is not eligible to apply for the title of the governing guild.

After meeting the requirements, the second setting of the system is to see your enthusiasm. The system does not force any guild to be the ruling guild. Even if you meet the standard, as long as you do not apply, the system will not put you in the calculation range.

The Frost Rose League met the system requirements because I applied for this ruling guild seat before. However, the system will not make you a ruling guild so simple. After you have completed the first two, you need to complete the third test.

What Red Moon just gave me is the third test, but this test has a certain degree of freedom, that is, the system does not force us to do which task, but gives three solutions for us to choose.

Hongyue and Rose have seen three options before, and the decision proposed by Su Mei is the scroll in my hand, which is the third option in the three tasks.

The three task choices given by the system are actually the same difficulty. The choice is nothing more than to let you find a project that is best at you. The first of the three missions we received was a guild battle mission. The content was that the guild entered a special map, then defeated a country there, and completely occupied it for ten days. After ten days, as long as the country was not recaptured Any city is considered to pass.

The difficulty of this task can be said to be relatively low, because we checked the details of the task scroll, the area of ​​this country is actually very small, and there are only 27 cities in total. With our strength, we can definitely win steadily. . But trouble came out.

Special missions are not to say that others have to wait for you while you are doing the missions. In fact, during the time we accept the missions, the main map of the surrounding game will still develop in the normal state, that is, the enemy can still treat us. Guilds fight guilds, but all of us can't get out of the task. What do you say about the city of our guilds? Ten days is enough for a lot of things to happen, so we do n’t dare to take the first task at all. Even if we win that task, it ’s estimated that the outside cities wo n’t be able to keep it. If you do n’t believe it, you can imagine that in the real world, if all American troops and weapons suddenly disappeared in an instant, they will reappear after ten days, and you will see what happens to the United States. This is even more serious when the enemy knows that these weapons will not return after ten days.

When we do the task of governing the guild, the system will notify the whole country, so the secret room is impossible, and once other bad guilds know that our guild players will not return within ten days, what do you say they will do? I dare not bet anyway.

Remove the first personal task, the remaining second task is slightly better, but it is also very daddy.

The second mission is still to participate in the guild, but not to open another map, but to fight against other guilds in the game. Once we have taken on this task, the system will issue a notice to the world, inviting all guilds from all over the world to attack us together. The time is still ten days. Within the past ten days, all enemies killed by our guild will not lose rank, do not lose experience, and do not explode equipment, but they will be eligible to participate in combat permanently after being killed three times in a row. In addition, within the ten days, all the drugs and disposable items consumed by players during the attack on our guild will be compensated once in ten days, which means that the ten days of death that they fought with us are free of punishment. And the combat expenses are all reimbursed by the system. However, under the premise that consumption and punishment are not counted, they kill our guild players or get the equipment they own, and the experience they get from killing us will be retained. In this way, attacking us in these ten days has become a zero-risk high-return. Even if some people worry that we will retaliate afterwards, it is estimated that there will still be many people involved, and those guilds that are already hostile to us are even more Will miss such a good opportunity.

Our Frost Rose League is very powerful, but it is still too arrogant to challenge the world. What's most headache for us is that our loss system in these ten days will not be reimbursed, which means that the dead are really dead. The equipment will explode, and the consumables will not be replaced. If it is used, it will be used up. You must pay for it yourself.

This clearly shows that it is impossible for anyone to take over the unpleasant task, so we of course give up directly. Well, in fact, we can only choose this third one.

I glanced at the scroll, and finally found the third content, and then after reading it, I agreed with Sumei's decision, because compared with the two previous deadly missions, this third mission is at least Considered normal.

The content of the third task is the same as the first task, but it is better than the first task. This task can choose the number of people, and at least only twelve people are required, and the maximum is two. Fourteen people participated.

Regarding the candidate for the task, the system gave two requirements. The first requirement is to directly designate the chairman and deputy chairman, the guild finance director, that is, the four people, Red Moon, Eagle and Rose, must participate ~ ~ The remaining quota system is also limited, that is, these people must It is the guild management, that is, a senior member, and the level cannot be lower than 1,200. Then the next condition is that the selection of personnel needs to be random, that is, the system requires us to provide a list of twenty-four qualified personnel at a time, and then we decide how many people to go by ourselves. If we choose the maximum twenty-four, the system will change from Of the twenty-four people we provided, twenty people were randomly selected and the four of us were exactly twenty-four people. If we only choose twelve people to participate, the system will randomly choose eight people from the twenty-four people to participate. Of course, the other people will follow this rule. Anyway, I think that it is impossible for me to completely determine the participants. After all, even if we choose There are also four extra random numbers for the maximum limit of twenty-four people, but this error should have little effect.

I held the scroll and looked at Hongyue while saying: "Although this task is quite troublesome, it seems that this is more reliable. Let's choose this one."

Hongyue nodded and took the scroll that I handed back: "Then I said to them like this, just when Misty Island arrived, we will use the island's teleportation array to go back first? If the task is not long, finish it first and then say . "

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From scratch 144_ Chapter 144 of the twentieth volume Update from Japan!

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