Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 153: Task confirmation

Volume 20 Chapter 153 Task Confirmation

The facts proved the mage's guess. After further examining the wall of the tower behind the rock and the ground, the mage finally found a small hole on the ground exactly the same as that of the perforated rock. Looking down this hole, you can directly see The outside garden, and then everyone ran to the garden together to see the so-called pierced kettle said by the old mage who just rushed up. As a result, it was found that there was a line on the ground behind the kettle that could match the ray path. Small hole. / Then the mage reached into the hole with an iron for cleaning the fireplace and tried it, but it was not enough.

Because this time meant super, the mage had already adjusted our fairly high level and adjusted it online, and his mentor, who came later, was also excited to visit our testing activities.

Although the wall of the mage tower was punctured, it is actually very easy to repair. This place was originally tested for magic, so although it is very sturdy, minor damage is still commonplace, so a special one is used here. Something like cement to repair the building, as for the protection magic on the tower, let alone worry. That thing will only repair itself if it has magic.

After this, the follow-up test of the Sakura Yujin no longer needs to be performed. Even one-third of the power can't be blocked. If she zooms in with all her strength, the tower is still a problem, so the mage will give Sakura directly. The rain **** chick set the examination result of the law **** level.

After the cherry rain **** chick was tested by Red Moon, her test was still performed in the same way as the cherry rain **** chick, but was asked to choose a larger magic test. As a result, Red Moon found a She has the strongest ability to attack magic one-third of the magic power, but even so, the rock that was the target was blasted into stone powder, and even the walls of the test room were full of cracks, if not for the magic array. After most of the attacks, even the tower collapsed together.

In view of Hongyue's super performance, the mage could only identify Hongyue's standard of God in the end, but according to his unanimous agreement with his mentor, Hongyue should actually be regarded as a **** or above. In fact, according to their meaning, not only is the red moon, but even the cherry rain **** chick has actually exceeded the standard of the **** of law, even the son of the night is the peak of the law of gods. However, because their highest appraisal standard here is the law god, there is no higher level than this, so both of them can only be awarded the law **** level, in fact, they have already lowered their power evaluation.

After completing the test of Red Moon, the mage's mentor came to me with excitement and said, "It looks like you are the boss when you look at them, so are you better than them?"

I didn't even speak before I heard Sakura Yushin: "Of course, our president is the best."

Hongyue also said, "You do n’t have to doubt this. If you can set up a higher level for me and Sakura Yuchi than the **** of law, then our president must still need a higher level. Our level and He is clearly not a first-class. "

The old mage immediately asked me in surprise, "You are so much better than them?"

I looked at Hongyue and said, "I haven't tried anything, but even if the three of them work together, I can solve the battle in five minutes, and I will not have any serious injuries."

The younger mage said: "If you are really that strong, then we can't test it for you. It's impossible for you to test this level indoors! But do you have the strongest attack skills? Demonstrate one-half or lower power skills? "

"Do you still have targets?"

"Two more."


When I heard the mage, the mage took out another stone target directly from the side, and then I looked at the target and went directly to the side of the stone, and the whole stone flew out immediately. Just while the stone was still in flight, I just reached out and threw out a red light, and followed that rock to burst into the sky powder.

"This is the skill you want to see, but it has only 1.2% of my strongest attack power."

"Dharma God, there are more Dharma Gods than Gods. God, we have four Dharma Gods a day!"

The one who gave us the test this time was a little unconscious, because he was so excited. Not only because he is usually too busy and nothing to be surprised about, but more importantly, he just thought he might be getting rich.

In order to reward and motivate those laboratories to work actively, the king has given these appraisers an additional reward is that as long as they come out of a mage here, they can get a gold coin reward, and if it is an intermediate mage, it is ten Gold coins, the higher the higher the reward. The level of magic **** is already at its peak, so once you find a magic god, the appraisers here will receive a hundred gold coins collectively, and the direct tester can get 10,000 crystal coins. reward.

This 10,000 crystal coins was enough to stimulate people, not to mention four at a time. Forty thousand crystal coins! How many things can I do?

In this ecstasy, his mentor calmly took our test application list and looked at it, and then we were as surprised as the mage just saw the thing, but he was better than him That young mage should be calm. After a short surprise, this person immediately took us to do the rest of the test.

The part after the spell test is the combat test, which is the fighter test. In this project, only the son of the night did not tick, the other three of us have chosen this option. But think about the night child's kid who was limited by the system and even had to rely on teleport instead to walk, and he understood why he couldn't fight.

The remaining three of us tested from the lowest combat effectiveness according to the advice of the old mage, so the first one to go up was Red Moon. Originally, her strength was above the cherry rain god, but because the test is now fighting, and Hongyue is mainly based on the mage, her fighting ability is actually middle and upper level, and it is okay to deal with ordinary players. Compared to me and the Sakura Yushina, that's a far cry.

"Well, how do I test?" Hong Yue asked after arriving at the fighting test site.

The old mage beckoned directly, and then a dozen magic circles lit up suddenly on the ground next to it, and then a creature slowly rose up in each magic array. These are basically elemental creatures, the most of which are earth elements and water elements. After all, these two elemental creatures are more common and their combat effectiveness is decent.

After watching this large group of creatures appeared, the old mage explained: "Originally, we only needed one or two of them when we did the test, but given your previous exaggerated performance, I don't think that you will use any high standards. It ’s high, so I started all the elemental creatures at once, and directly canceled all their combat power restrictions. If you feel difficult, you can call and pause at any time, they are all set elemental creatures, as long as you hear you cry A pause will stop everything. "

"It sounds amazing," Hongyue said.

The old mage nodded and said: "But there are often soldiers who die undead here, and those guys only challenge one or two elemental creatures. You deal with eighteen at a time, and there is no limit at all. The difficulty is much higher than them. So if you ca n’t do it, you can hurry or stop, or you can use magic directly, but if you use magic to prove that you have reached the limit, I will assume that you have taken the initiative to admit defeat. ”

Hongyue nodded, "What's the problem, let's get started."

After being urged by the Red Moon, the old mage retreated directly to the outside of the field and waved forward. Those elemental creatures who had been standing where they appeared since the beginning of the appearance immediately took a step forward at the same time. With this step, all the elemental creatures came alive all at once, and then rushed towards the red moon.

The battle that was supposed to end soon turned into a protracted battle in the eyes of the old and young mages. They originally thought that the Red Moon would be very strong, but obviously they got it wrong.

Hongyue's main strength is concentrated on the profession of mage. She is not incapable of fighting, but she is very ordinary. Moreover, Hongyue's true melee ability is actually mainly manifested after her werewolf, but in Hongyue It seems that the wolf is a shameful thing, so she would not be a werewolf in this state at all. In fact, Hongyue has so far only used the werewolf to transform in the naval battle that bit me, and no one else has ever seen her use this trick. Therefore, today's environment, she absolutely will not use the skills that are absolutely not used without being forced into despair, and because of this, the close combat effectiveness of Hongyue has always been relatively mediocre, among ordinary players It may be a master, but it is far worse than a professional. Fortunately, these elemental creatures are not very powerful characters, so although Red Moon is more embarrassing, it is not in itself dangerous.

The battle lasted almost half an hour before it ended, and the final result was that Red Moon voluntarily gave up. In the end, there were about three elemental creatures left on the site, but Hongyue himself was getting tired and lying down. After all, standing behind the team and losing magic and fighting with heavy weapons are two completely different concepts. Even if the magical combat power of Red Moon is strong, fighting for so long will still be tired.

Because Red Moon did not get all the elemental creatures, it was impossible to give her the highest level of results. In the end, Red Moon's recognition level was a high-level fighter, which was basically okay with force, but not too high.

After the Red Moon test, the old mage asked if the Sakura Yujin had to adjust the number of elemental creatures, and was rejected directly. Compared to the Red Moon, which mainly depends on magical battles, the Sakura Yujin is actually more inclined to fight with her body. Although her magic is also very strong, more often she only fights by physical attacks, and magic is just a supplement.

After repeatedly confirming that the Sakura Yujin no need to reduce the number of elemental creatures, the test began. The re-summoned elemental creatures are still those types, but the number has been filled, and due to the re-summoning, the blood loss has also recovered.

Compared to the Red Moon, the battle of the Sakura Yujin is obviously more powerful. As soon as the mage announced that the battle had begun, she saw Sakura Yushin holding her weapon that looked like a staff and a spear in both hands and rushed towards the group of elemental creatures. As soon as the two sides came into contact with the Sakura Rain God, they immediately slid over from the two earth elements and slid past them, followed by a horizontal swipe of the wand, and the two earth elements were directly cut off and broken into one. Ground dross.

After easily killing the two elemental creatures, the battle of the Sakura Rain Godling did not stop, but the more they got better, the group of elemental creatures did not touch her side from beginning to end, and the element that lay on the ground in just eight minutes Biological debris, and the Sakura Rain God Hina didn't even breathe, and there was no scar on her body.

Poppy poppy ... "It's really amazing." The old and young wizards and the guards who brought us clapped involuntarily at this time. They obviously did not expect that the cherry blossom gods who looked like drops were actually better than the masters. The sister-like red moon can still play, although it took eight minutes before and after, but she always gave the elemental creatures anyway, so the final evaluation was the early period of the sword god. This evaluation is not the highest, but it can basically be regarded as the existence of extreme cattle fork. After all, according to the old mage and their saying, the sword **** and law **** here are actually a level of existence, and reached the level of the sword god, even if it is a junior, that can also be the first rank of the army. . With such strength, it is already possible to walk sideways here, not to mention that there is another evaluation of the Fa God.

Sword god, law god, double **** level master. Neither of the mages responsible for the identification knew what to say. They already knew we were strong when they did our magic test, but they didn't expect it to be that strong. Today, we have continuously refreshed their guesses about our strength several times, but now it seems that the previous guesses are all inaccurate, and they are a hundred thousand miles away.

After appraising the combat effectiveness of Sakura Yumi, the next person is me. According to previous experience, the old mage temporarily went to get a few magical arrays, and then out of summoning the group of elemental creatures, he also created a lot of Warcraft in the room, and these Warcraft levels are not too low. However, despite such enhancements, the end result still surprised them.

Master they had guessed before that I might be strong, but I didn't expect it would be so exaggerated. They knew I was the leader of the team before, and they saw it. What I excel at is melee. Referring to my previous magic test, it is not difficult for them to estimate how terrible my strength is. However, even if I did countermeasures for this, I still couldn't fully test my strength because ...

Because I only cleared the screen with one move.

There are at least two hundred elemental creatures in the field plus Warcraft. This standard has far exceeded the test requirements of God of War, but the result was that I only cleared the field with one move. In the whole test hall, there was only one piece of elemental dust left after the death of the elemental creatures, and many ruthless Warcraft corpses.

"This, this ..." The old mage looked at me in surprise and asked, "What tricks did you just use?"

"Blade storm. Why? Any questions?"

"Ah no, that's not necessary."

"That's good."

In fact, the old mage now has no idea how to rate me. After giving us the test, he let us rest for a while, and then he led his disciples to the corner and talked quietly.

"Teacher, how do we evaluate them now?"

The old man hated iron and steel and patted it on the head of the young mage: "Do you still need to ask this kind of question? Their strength is no longer within the normal range of human strength. I feel like I ’m giving time to some Playing gods are testing. How can these data be done by humans? "

The young mage said: "In fact, I don't think the general gods have done them, especially their captain, the guy named Ziri. His strength is absolutely capable of competing with the gods."

Even when the two spells were discussing our situation secretly over there, we were actually discussing their problems here, but compared to them, our discussion was more professional.

"Do you guys think there is something wrong with your professional evaluation?" I asked Hongyue them out loud.

Hongyue nodded, "I feel like our strength is set too high?"

Sakura Yu nodded her head and said, "Yeah, yeah. The chairman ’s strength is overwhelming, but what kind of master test, even we can reach the highest level, and listening to their meaning, did not Higher-level titles. What kind of situation is this? Means that there have never been more people here than us? So to what extent do people here have to scrap wood? "

The son of the night also said: "There are the temple knights that were destroyed by us before. From the information we heard from the mage before, the temple knights should be relatively powerful combatants here, but in the end they It ’s because even the chairman ’s miscellaneous summoned creatures ca n’t be beaten, but they are crushed. Is this strength too bad? ”

I thought for a long time and finally thought that this kind of thing is best to be considered by Rose, so I started the ring of love to connect with Rose and told her about our situation and told her all our questions. . Rose gave the answer after a short silence. Because of the broadcast mode, Hongyue and they heard Rose's answer together.

Rose said while thinking: "Listening to your questions, combined with a comprehensive analysis of the various situations we encountered along the way, I think we have more than 90% chance of entering a low-magic mission world."

The so-called low demon world is relative to the high demon world and the undemon world. The real world is actually a low-magic or non-magic world, where there are almost no supernatural forces. As for the main world in the game, it is a standard high-magic world. Here, the real demons walk everywhere, and there is power to move mountains and reclaim seas. And those ghosts, goblins, etc. Here all can only be low-key, because there are too many things that can crush them in this world.

However, the mission world we are in now is clearly a middle-level low-magic world between the main world in the game and the real world. There are magical civilizations and various monsters and monsters here, but all these supernatural powers here are very weak, and even the basic powers of the whole world are ordinary.

After saying her guess, Rose began to explain: "According to Ziri's description, those temple knights who are considered masters here should already be considered high-end force, but they are only goods of five or six hundred levels, even Ziri's The unicorn warriors can crush them. According to the mage who helped you test before, the magical strength of the night child is already the peak of the level of the magic **** level they can recognize. But what is the status of the night child's strength? How about? According to the level conversion, in fact, only about 1,500 levels of strength.

If the 1500 level is the peak power of high-end force here, what is the average state of high-end force here? One thousand two? That's just the strength of ordinary players. "

Hongyue asked, "Doesn't that mean that the people in our guild come here basically to be the peak strength of the people here, even beyond their cognitive scope?"

"No, it cannot be said that it is all beyond the scope of cognition." Rose said: "In fact, according to the information we have collected, the gods of this world are as real as the gods of the main world, not a fictional spirit. In other words, there is a special level of gods on top of general cognition, but because local people do n’t think that mortals can become gods, they do n’t add the gods as a level to the professional level. However, They dare not add us but they can add them, that is to say, Ziri, where you are now, is actually a **** walking on earth. "

"Fuck, that's all right?"

Rose followed, "In fact, I don't think it's just you. Gold coins, Kristina, Matsumoto Masaga, True Red and Red Moon, August smoked, Blazing Dragon Hime, Purple Moon, and Sakura Rain Gods. The top ten will basically be considered gods. "

Hongyue suddenly asked: "What we are doing is the ruling guild task. Before entering, the system also specially reminded that this task is extremely difficult, but if this is really a low-magic world as you said, after these people have arrived here, Almost everything has become a god-like existence, so how difficult is this task? Throwing a group of adults into kindergarten and playing confrontation games with children can also be called difficult tasks? "

"No, that's why our task is particularly difficult."

"Ah? Why?" It wasn't just Hongyue, but even I and Yingyu were asked together there.

Rose explained: "In fact, I think I already understand the content of this task."

"You found the task?"

"In fact, it is not a task, but we have nothing to do except this task."

"Isn't that what you're talking about?" I finally remembered what Rose meant.

This world is a low-magic world. The strength of all creatures is very weak. Even ordinary creatures are at the top of the 1500 level, even if they are the sky. In the upward direction, they are the world of the gods, and the average level of our people has exceeded 1,500. Hundreds of levels, which means that we can actually be regarded as a **** team. A **** team fell into such a world, and the system also told us that this is a difficult task, so what can we fight? Obviously it is impossible to fight against human beings, and then the rest is only those gods.

As soon as I talked about the other people in God, they all reacted, and then everyone frowned. It ’s not like we have n’t done it before, but it ’s based on strong guild logistics support. At that time, we were not the only person who entered the mission, and we brought a lot of mobile angels for the Protoss, and there were even special feeding versions of the liquefied magic crystal steam mobile angels. After that we rely on various magical props and the entire The financial resources of the guild almost piled the group of protoss to death. In addition, the protoss that were attacked by us were not very powerful protoss, and those protoss were actually half-disabled before we launched the regular attack. But under these conditions, we still win quite hard.

But now, we have no support and no supply. What's worse, we are going to face a group of very complete protoss. The only good news is that the number and overall strength of the opponent may not be as sturdy as the protoss in the main world, but since it is a protoss, even if it is not so sturdy, it is estimated that it will not be worse. To fight against a group of these guys, it is no wonder that the system tells us that the task is extremely difficult, so it seems that it is really high and very powerful.

"If our enemy is really a Protoss, what should we do now?" The son of the night asked.

Sakura Yuchi shouted without thinking, "Of course, first find the place of the protoss through the temple, and then try to destroy it."

"No ~ ~ We can't do it that way, otherwise our failure might be as high as 70%," Rose stopped.

"What then?"

"Contact the king here as soon as possible through your current professional laboratory. Since he is against theocracy, I believe that he would like to see all the gods finished. Use his strength in the world to become our backing to replace the Frost Rose Alliance. That part of the supply and support function, as soon as possible through the temple forces to find out the specific situation of the other tribe served by the other party, at least you must first find out where they are. Another important thing is to try to crack down on those protoss Status. No matter which world ’s protoss are supported by faith, once the people here do n’t believe them, then even if we do n’t take a shot, they will die out of mana over time. Of course we do n’t have that much time to wait for them to slowly Starvation, but as long as it can be interrupted, even reducing the number of believers and reducing the level of faith will be of great significance to our battle. "

"Ok, now that all the plans have come out, then proceed as planned." I clapped my hands and closed the communication. Then I turned to the two mages who were still discussing and shouted, "Have you finished your discussions?"

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