Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 69: Win or lose?

The number of monsters is more than just a word that can be described. Even if a word is added in front of it to modify the word, it is still not enough to describe the current situation. The mist surrounded Isinger like a wall, and it receded as it dissipated, leaving behind a dense group of monsters with few gaps where it disappeared.

打开 I opened a private chat and asked the eagle on the wall, "Can you see what kind of monsters? I'm too far here, even if I use Xingtong, I can only see an approximate one!"

The eagle's voice was a little trembling: "The front row is all about 200 levels, most of them are 400 levels, the back is 600 levels! There are a small number of 800 levels at the end, it is estimated that it is the supervision team or something! "

"Do you know the quantity?"

"Wait, I'll ask others! The numbers are too big to estimate!"

Ying Ying looked around, but in the end, Vinda volunteered. Eagle adjusted the private chat to a public mode, so that the next Vinda could also speak inside.

"Vida, can you estimate the quantity?"

可以 "Yes! I often lead soldiers to fight. Visual inspection of the number of enemies is the basic quality of a commander!"

告诉 "Tell me the number of enemies you have seen and the general information, the more detailed the better. Eagle, open the video and let Vinda show me!"

The video signal is quickly connected, and it is much clearer to see the enemy from here. As soon as the camera was pushed, a monster was pointed at. This thing generally maintained a human-like shape, stood on two legs, and had human-like hands!

Because there is no reference, I can't measure the height of the monster visually, but it looks slightly shorter than humans, but they are definitely much stronger than humans. A huge weird head grows around its neck, which looks like a boar's head at first glance, but it is bigger and has no hair on it. Some are only rough skin like loess. The monsters are all wearing rotten clothes like rags. Although they are very torn, at least these things have some intelligence! Compared to the ugly appearance, I am more worried about the things on their hands. These guys obviously don't plan to fight against us with bare hands. They have wide-bladed knives on their right hands, and some even have rotten pot lids on their left hands. Wooden shield! Although the equipment is so rude, they rely on quantity advantages to make them more dangerous than they seem!

Vida said: "This is a 400-level monster named Wild Boar Warrior. It is characterized by slow movements but great power. Generally, they are group activities, but this is the first time I have seen such a large lineup!"

"Originally called a boar warrior! No wonder they have a pig head!"

The camera turned at the creature at the foot of the boar warrior, which is a stranger creature. This thing looks like a lizard, but this is the first time I have seen an eight-footed lizard! And the fangs of this thing are slightly bigger, and the brown-red eyes are flashing bloodthirsty. It seems that they are very hungry now!

"This is a cave lizard, a 200-level monster, usually mixed with wild boar warriors. These lizards are fast, and cooperate well with wild boar warriors, very dangerous!"

What came next was something that was huge and full of hair. This guy's green hair looks like a gorilla. However, the mace in his hand is more scary. It seems that he has turned an entire tree upside down and grabbed it! This big tree is matched with its nearly four meters tall body and full muscles. At first glance, it is a heavy arm like a siege tank!

"This is a beastly ogre. Although it has great strength, it has no brains. As long as you don't get close, you don't need to worry about them. The thing standing next to them is a high-level ogre and a close relative to this ogre, but this thing. Some little magic, it's more troublesome! "

I saw this so-called ogre with the movement of the camera. This thing looks like an orc. It is shorter than its relative ogre, but it has a larger mouth and a distinct hump in its hand. Holding the same giant battle scepter, it is estimated that it can be used as a staff!

"What are those behind?" The camera swept through something that was a lot taller than the ogre.

"It's a Cyclops, a 750-level monster, about 7 meters tall, and very powerful. Don't fight with them close-up, otherwise the 850-level monster rider will be unlucky! But this thing likes to hit people with stones. It is not necessarily safe even if you are not near it! It is recommended to concentrate long-range firepower to destroy them first, because the stones they throw are a great threat to the city walls! "

"I see!" I immediately contacted the city tree with the leaves of the city tree. "Can you see things?"

"It wouldn't work, but there are eyes of **** here, and there are a lot of opal in the city, so I can see anywhere inside and outside the city now!"

很好 "Good! Did you see those Cyclops?"


"Concentrated firepower to blow them all up and leave me alone!"

"I understand!"

All the magic crystal cannons began to gather energy, and a loud noise was heard, and the magic crystal cannons of all angles began to attack. A row of shells fell in the monster pile, and a large cloud of mushrooms rose. Everyone was scared. How could the power of this magic crystal cannon be different from what it was bought before? I feel a lot more powerful!

The monster was blown up by a shell before it was refreshed. It was not waiting for the troops behind to refresh it. The monsters in the original array suddenly rushed towards the city. Unexpectedly, our shooting caused the siege to start early!

Because the team is chaotic, Vinda is not good enough to introduce me to the monster species, and now the command is important!

"Combat started! Enter the state of war!" I gave the final order on the guild channel and then closed the guild channel. The later command will be responsible by the eagle and Vinda, and my task is to control the Lightning Cannon!

At the beginning of the battle, it was completely chaotic. The 280 magic crystal cannons in the city were fired at will. The raindrops of the shells generally fell in the dense monster community. Each shell could kill a large number of monsters, but the monsters in the flood were not hesitant. Rushed up.

"Arrower ready!" Vinda pulled out his weapon and pointed forward. "Use the zha medicine arrow! Fire!" With a buzz, a large arrow rain flew out. As soon as the arrows with the zha medicine tied to the ground fell, a large group of monsters stood up, but none of them flinched. They stepped on the body of the companion who had fallen in front of them and continued to rush up.

Xun Lei's light gun flashed with electric light, and an electric ball flew out, because the experiment was well controlled this time. Lei Guangqiu's straight head plunged into the high-level monster pile, and immediately a huge arc flower bloomed on the ground. More than 200 Cyclops and a small group of unknown monsters became a pile of flying ash.

The eye of **** on the top of his head began to flash, and three orange beams of light shot out, and the beams of more than two meters in diameter moved quickly on the ground. Everything that was touched was immediately turned into steam even if it was rubbed to the side!

When the former monsters rushed to the place 20 meters in front of the city wall, the defender located at the intersection of the city suddenly turned yellow, and a bright light curtain almost similar to the entity suddenly appeared, and all the fastest monsters rushed into the light. Curtain, I thought that the light curtain could not resist so many monsters, but it actually successfully prevented it! Of course, the light curtain is not invincible, and then the magic missiles flying out of the large-scale Warcraft in the distance from the city hit the light curtain. After a few flashes, the light curtain suddenly collapsed, and the four machines lost their luster at the same time. It actually failed at this time!

The monsters did not hesitate to cross the defense line and rushed towards the wall. But what both them and we didn't expect is that the 4 machines were dim and turned on again, the defensive light curtain was established again, and the monsters that had passed the light curtain were divided into the light curtain! They were greeted by piles of rubble. The stones thrown from the 500-meter-high wall were not much better than bombs, and they were immediately turned into flesh!


Compared to the huge cities, our firepower seems to be a little thinner. The almost crazy impact of monsters cannot be suppressed at all! Seeing that the protective light curtain was broken and restored again and again, more and more monsters near the city walls!

Thirty minutes later, the enemy had completely rushed under the city wall. Our defense was weaker than expected. We originally thought that with our superior firepower, we could control the enemy at least 300 meters away from the city wall. The enemy rushed under the wall. The boar warriors jumped to climb the walls, but the 500-meter-high walls of Isinger were not able to jump up! These guys have super good jumping ability, they can generally jump to ten meters in height, but they are far from wanting to go up the wall!

But another creature that didn't pay much attention to us is in trouble! The low-hole lizard beside the boar warrior actually climbed up the wall. The eight feet of these guys are not white and long. The superior adsorption ability makes these guys more like geckos. The turquoise lizards quickly climbed up the wall and climbed up along the wall. The tall wall quickly turned into a turquoise color, because it was full of lizards!

Only 40 minutes into battle, at 11.40, the first lizard appeared on top of the city wall. All players were scared. The girls did not step forward to intercept the monsters, but instead instinctively stepped back. The monsters rushed to the wall scared everyone. The 72-hour defensive mission only appeared close enemies in forty minutes, which was a serious blow to our morale!

The lizard who climbed the city wall saw no one intercepting himself, and his hissing noise made his arrogant hair growling as if it were a triumphant howl. Just then, the expression on the face of a female elf warrior I brought back from the Sakura Club suddenly changed from fear and shock to anger. No one expected that she rushed up like this, and then chopped the lizard on the extension of the city wall. The 200-level lizard's defense was not ordinary, and it was dropped in seconds! This little move immediately resonated, and everyone realized that it was only a small monster of level 200 that climbed the city wall, something that could be pinched to death like an ant. The confidence that had been lost because the monster attacked the city wall quickly returned. Everyone stepped back to the wall, and the lizard rushed up was sent back under the wall without having time to bite.

Vida let go of the eagle at this time. Just now the eagle saw this situation and wanted to go up to remind, but was stopped by Vida. "What are you doing to stop me?" Eagle was angry.

"These are only 200-level little monsters, even if they come up, it's nothing, look!" He pointed to the side of the city wall. I saw those 800-level heavy infantry soldiers put their weapons back on their bodies at night, and then picked up the lizards on the wall like garbage to pick up and fell without looking at them, so high As long as you throw it down, it must be dead, maybe you can also kill a few! "Even if the lizards come up, there are 800 people at the lowest level. The gap between them is huge. The lizards can't break their defense. What about climbing up? If you do n’t take this opportunity to let your men know the fun of battle , As soon as more advanced things come up, it's not fun! "

"Make sense!" Eagle finally understood what Vinda meant. Looking at the city wall, Eagle said: "Neither the advanced monsters will climb the walls, nor the low-level lizards will come up. We won't have any problems in defense!"

Vida shook her head and said, "I've always been worried! The enemy looks not simple. I am afraid that these troops have articles. I always feel that there is something wrong, but I don't know what is wrong!"

"Problem?" Eagle looked at the battlefield. "What can be the problem? The outside team has formed a stalemate. They can't get to the wall. Isinger's wall has a durability of more than 10 billion points. It will take them a week to break it. I can't see where there is a problem. But let ’s be careful. Everyone will work harder. Killing more enemies is the safest choice! ”

The whispered, Shura Ziyi next to him ran over, "Eagle, have you seen Ziyue?"


"I want to find someone to take a look on the cloud!"

"On the cloud?" Eagle and Vinda didn't understand what she was going to do.

"I haven't seen the Air Force! The enemy shouldn't have the Air Force! Even if there aren't many, how many?"

"No!" Vinda was too late as soon as he shouted.

A few black spots suddenly appeared in the clouds of the sky. Tens of thousands of glider-like vultures got out of the clouds, and their claws were wolves! Eagle didn't bother me anymore, and notified me directly with a chat: "Attention! In the air!"

"What?" I looked up and startled, so many giant vultures appeared above me!

"Tree of the city! Watch heaven!"

The eyes of Hell also looked up and stared into the air. A huge beam of light captured the figure of a vulture in the air like a searchlight, but what was illuminated by this beam of light immediately disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Countless large crossbow guns on the rampart wall were erected. The horizontal cross range of these strong crossbow made of oil wood is three kilometers, and the firing height can reach about two kilometers. The crossbow, which was more than two meters long and thicker than the arm, immediately flew up, and countless vultures were shot down, but as a result of the scattered fire, the monsters outside the city lost a lot of monsters that swarmed down the city and started hitting my walls!

A few vultures with giant wolves wanted to assault my gathering tower, they hoped to directly occupy this central area. The flying good vulture suddenly fell down like hitting a wall, and a layer of light shell outside Juling Tower flickered and returned to invisible! Fortunately, the Juling Tower has a protective enchantment, otherwise I would have to fight against the giant wolf!

Fortunately, plagues and crystals rose from the ground. My flying pets rushed into the sky. Vultures are only 200-level monsters. Although they can fly, they are unlikely to have beaten dragons. Dragons can easily get creatures 100 levels higher than themselves, not to mention vultures 300 levels lower!

Lucky and plague used all his body, biting with his mouth, clapping with his claws, sweeping with his wings, sweeping with his tail, hitting with his body, the vultures in the sky fell like rain! After Xiaofeng rushed into the sky, she accepted the fire charm of the dragon girl to strengthen the flame on her body, and then flew in and out of the vulture group with a large cloud of fire. The vulture with its feathers completely turned bare. Starlings, black vultures smoky and rolled down with the wolf underneath. The sky above Essinger is like the Berlin air battle at the end of World War II. My magic pets were jet fighters at that time. Now they are intercepting the old piston-type aircraft-vultures!

Ling rode directly on the crystal and flew up. The crystal floated like a fortress in the air and continuously fired magic missiles. Ling used super magic control to guide those magic missiles to hit the target. The dragon's magic was strong and Ling's control was good. , The combination of the two is the real air fortress. The milky magic bullets are scattered like vultures, and they drop down in pieces!

拦截 Although the interception was very successful, after all, the number of vultures was as high as 20,000 or more. It was already a miracle that my magic pets and cannons in the city could stop most of them. In the end, some vultures broke through the blockade and rushed to a low enough height to throw the giant wolf hanging down.

The first vulture escaped the crossbow gun and lucky pursuit, controlled the wings to dive at a high speed of more than ten meters from the ground, and suddenly loosened its claws. The giant wolf adjusted its attitude in the air and landed accurately on the side of the road. On the roof of a building, the huge impact force immediately lifted the roof around, without collapse it was hard enough! Without a load, the vulture turned its wings and almost wiped the ground and slipped, then climbed up again. However, it was not able to return to the blue sky, and the long-awaited crossbow gun fired it when it reached the apogee.


接着 Then the second vulture swooped down with almost the same posture and angle. A female elf archer who rushed back to carry the medicine gave it an arrow, and the arrow shot into the vulture's wings accurately. The high-speed diving vulture threw the wolf out after hitting the arrow, but it failed to climb up. A vulture that hit the ground stopped at a speed of over ten meters and hit a wall before stopping. Come down. The huge wolf that had been thrown too early fell unfortunately on the eaves of the house and broke his two legs in pain.

After two vultures, there were more vultures. About one thousand vultures successfully reached the bombing height, and more than one thousand huge waves were thrown into the city. In addition to being killed because of a poor angle calculation, more than 900 giant wolves swarmed onto the street in the end!

A battalion suddenly rose from the ground, and several giant wolves became entangled, then slowly turned into dry wolf corpses. Don't get me wrong, this is not the rose vine, but the root of the city tree. This guy has roots all over the city. There were more than 500 wolves that were overcast along the way, and when there were fewer than 400 wolves left when they were near the Dajuling Tower.

I can't control any Leiguang Cannons either. In a private chat, call Bingbing to help me for a while. I jumped directly from the top of the tower, spread my wings, and landed firmly on the entrance of the Juling Tower. Before the giant wolf has arrived, I quickly inserted the gate of the Juling Tower, that is, the Palace of Government, and then came out with the help of the phantom's teleportation. As soon as I came out, I saw giant wolves swarming. This time it was a big loss. I should leave a few people around!

The giant wolf rushing in front is relatively strong, and three jumps jumped from under the base of the Juling Tower. Before it landed, I kicked it up and kicked it down, but the wolves that followed immediately rushed up. They seemed to have assigned tasks in advance. More than two hundred wolves rushed directly at me, and another hundred wolves took turns to hit the door.

I quickly transformed into a werewolf form, and flew to the front door and leaned against the door to block the giant wolf that rushed through the door. Flicking my hands, the blade claws came out of the sheath, and the giant wolf that rushed up was beaten back by me. The grades of the giant wolves are relatively diverse. According to their coat colors, this time they are all gray giant wolves at level 450. I can handle them fairly easily.

I just knocked over a giant wolf, and the other one swooped up again. I didn't know how many claws were hit in my body, thanks to the high defense of this magic dragon suit! Seeing that I was caught by several wolves, the wolves next to me hurry up and started to hit the door. According to their level, as long as 12 giant wolves enter the lobby, we will fail to defend the city!

When I thought of this, I drew a lot of force on my arm, so I just carried the wolf biting my shoulder from the back, and made a spit on his neck, spraying blood on the ground. Unexpectedly, this move was bad. All the **** wolves were crazy, and their strength suddenly increased a lot! I turned back and took out the tooth of the holy dragon. This thing sticks to the dragon's blood. The noble breath can still have a certain deterrent effect on these small things.

But! After a few seconds of hesitation, the giant wolves swooped up again. I slashed more than thirty giant wolves consecutively with one sword at a time to curb their madness. How many wolf corpses are close to seal the door!

The remaining wolves focused on me without paying attention behind them, and a group of shiny little ones climbed up. It wasn't until one wolf became miserable that the other wolf realized that there was an enemy behind. My crystal beetle finally arrived, and the remaining hundreds of giant wolves quickly became wolf corpses. I sat on the ground with my back against the door. It was really terrible just now! Fortunately, the beetles arrived in time, and fortunately, the gate of Juling Tower was hard enough!

The door behind the puppet suddenly opened, and the victim suddenly rolled into the Juling Pagoda. The cauldron rice rushed out of the room with a lot of night hunters. They came to support with a teleportation array, but it was a bit slow!

"Boss! Are you too fast?"

"Aren't you fast? I'm going to be slower and the door will be penetrated! Leave 8 people to guard the door, and the other city walls will go!" I rolled over and jumped up. "What about Bingbing?"

Cauldron rice fingers are on the top: "Go up!"

I quickly ran into the teleportation array in the Juling Tower and chose to teleport the teleportation array at the top of the Juling Tower. This thing is better than an elevator! Bingbing has stood in my position and started to attack with the operation of the Lightning Cannon. Although not very skilled, there are monsters outside the city anyway.

"Come on!" I replaced Bingbing and started to operate the Thunderbolt Cannon to accelerate the attack.

Bing Bingbing looked at my blood channel: "Need some recovery?"

I didn't answer and just nodded. Bingbing immediately blew the silver flute, and the wonderful music made the whole body comfortable. The Eye of Hell suddenly turned to look at us, and then returned to its original position. At the same time, the entire Juling Tower began to glow with a faint blue-green fluorescence, and the sound of Bingbing's flute was expanded N times and spread throughout the city. !! I did not expect Juling Tower to have this feature!

"Don't go back to the city wall, just blow the soul song here to suppress the enemy!" Since there are such good weapons, make good use of them!

Suddenly the tune changed suddenly, the powerful requiem made the attributes of monsters outside the city drop a lot, and the pressure on the wall suddenly felt reduced! Although the monsters outside the city were suppressed, because of the large number of monsters, they generally pressed against the city walls.

Because the ammunition is limited, the rocket launcher has finally been fired, and the monsters under the city are dense enough. Now firing can just kill the enemy to the maximum! With an order from Vinda, 100 rocket launchers fired simultaneously. I can see the smoke rising from the city wall standing so far across the Juling Pagoda, and the rocket gun dragged a ribbon of zha medicine cable over the monster's head. When the rocket burned the last point to propel the fuel, it plunged into the monster pile, and the next line of explosions sent all the monsters in this line to the sky. A huge gap suddenly appeared in the very dense monster sea!

大家 Everyone planned to cheer for a while, but we couldn't laugh anymore! The blasted channel was quickly filled by the monsters next to it, and the monsters in the back filled immediately, and the entire monster sea returned to its original appearance! A dozen meters of corpse mountains have been piled up under Eisinger's walls at this time, and the monsters behind are still rushing upwards. It seems that they have plans to level the walls with corpses!

"What's that?" The eagle's voice in the closed private chat was surprised.

Open the star pupil and turn the zoom function to the maximum. I saw the monster's siege team suddenly separated several channels, and countless Cyclops ran over. The battle began for more than three hours, and these guys left the rear for the first time. Although we concentrated the firepower to suppress it, many Cyclops ran into the shooting blind spot under the city wall. I can't see what the monsters are doing now, and the dead zone of the gunfire is also my blind spot!

Wu Ying opened the video for me to watch the city, and I saw two Cyclops holding a wrist clasp hand in hand. I felt very familiar with this action, but I didn't remember what it was! Just when I was about to remember, the monsters told me the answer! The third Cyclops jumped on the clasps raised by the two Cyclops, and then the two Cyclops threw them together. The Cyclops took off with the power of the throw, and easily jumped up to a height of 500 meters to the wall, and the surrounding female players jumped back scaredly.

The two night hunters immediately made up for it, one person with one sword, and one kick with force and kicked this guy down. However, more Cyclops were thrown up. They struggled with the night hunting, and the player level was too low. They couldn't help the monster battles around 800!

My soldiers weren't enough, they were all entangled. Although the 750-level Cyclops are obviously not the opponents looking for in the night, they are only 50 levels away, and the fight will be normal for a while. It was because of this that the boar warriors below and a level 50 monster called a fast-knife monster were thrown up one after another. It was really unexpected. Although there were no siege equipment, the monsters created so many with their own bodies. Means of siege!


At the beginning, with the advantage of quantity, we could barely control the situation, but over time, more and more monsters were thrown on the wall, and our situation became more and more dangerous! After insisting for a few hours, Vinda also dropped the original pupil pupil guard who had been firing outwards on the wall and began to support the guards in the city at a close range. Although this stabilized his position, the speed of monster deaths outside the city dropped significantly. As a result, more monsters were thrown up!

I can already see the fighting power on the city wall. I opened the guild channel and ordered: "Put all the rockets out, then give up the outer wall and retreat to the second city wall! Notify Vinda and give all his demon knights. I mobilized to the port! "Closed the guild channel and turned to Bingbing Road:" Go outside the port and let the Biling come back! "

Although weird, everyone followed my order. Not many rockets were fired quickly, and a lot of monsters outside the city was cleared up! Because there was no backup, the monsters on the wall were immediately repelled. Although the monsters retreated, Vinda decisively led everyone to use the teleportation array to evacuate to the second city wall. This is a very wise move. If you see the victory in front of you, you will continue to stay on the outer wall and wait for the monster that was blown up behind The brigade rushed up again, and even retreat was impossible at that time! Essinger has a place. We do n’t have three walls. We still have a tower to stay, but we have no one. We cannot waste human resources. Everyone ’s sacrifice is a major loss!

Almost just retreated to the second city wall, and a dense group of monsters appeared on the first city wall in front! Under the control of the city tree, the defensive barriers at the four corners of the city wall slowly descended. It is good to have a lifting mechanism on the city wall. Don't worry about the weapons being used by the enemy after the city wall falls. The crossbow artillery by the wall slowly penetrated the wall like the defense system, and the monsters only saw the bare wall. The most amazing thing is that when the monsters went up to the wall, they found that Isinger's wall was even active on both sides! These rampart walls, which were originally used to resist the bows and arrows shot outside the city walls, also acted as railings. It was not fun to fall off the 500-meter-high wall. But now the rampart wall of the city wall is actually submerged into the city wall with the war equipment, and the bare city wall has become a very dangerous place.

Although the monsters on the wall did not have the protection of the wall, anyway, the city wall was two kilometers wide, and it was impossible to fall down without walking. But what made them even more unexpected was that the walls suddenly began to deform. The middle part of the originally leveled city wall suddenly started to rise, and the blame on both sides of the city wall began to drop. Soon the top of the originally leveled city wall became a steep **** with a middle high and low on both sides. People standing on it would slide to both sides unconsciously. I accidentally rolled to the wall and fell off! Looking at the monsters that were crackling and falling on the outer wall, everyone was relieved!

之后 After retreating to the second wall, we can only use the crossbow cannon to attack nearby monsters, and the magic crystal cannon can only be used to attack the enemies outside the city wall! The first action after the monsters rushed in was to start destroying the building. As long as the city destruction rate reached 75%, they also won. But the monsters were depressed again. All the buildings in the city were only completed more than half. This is what we discussed at the beginning. The houses were not completed. Each building was left a bit unfinished. As long as it was not completed, the houses were destroyed. No matter how great the damage is, it will not be destroyed. As long as you continue to use it, it will automatically return to the state before it was destroyed, which means that the unfinished building is actually invincible!

Although the intelligence was not high, the monsters quickly realized that the building could not be destroyed, so these guys stopped.

Although the height of the second layer of the city wall was originally only 450 meters, it was caused by the foundation being lifted at the time. In fact, the vertical drop of the second side of the city wall was about 700 meters. For the siege side, the second layer The city walls look higher than the first floor! And because the second Zeng city wall is obviously not as large as the first floor, my troops are much denser than before, so that I can form a quantitative advantage per unit area, plus our level advantage is very large, so in fact The second wall is better guarded than the outer wall, the only inconvenience is that the fire of large weapons is restricted!

已经 It has been 8 hours so far, everyone is exhausted. I do n’t know if the time set by the system is up or the monsters are going to take a break, the monsters rushing into the city have retreated to the roots of the outer wall. The system announcement sounded at the right time. "The first day of defense was successful. 8 hours have passed. The two sides have ceased fighting. The attackers will continue to treat them as fouls! Now it is 20:00 Beijing time, and the second round of attacks will begin after 16 hours. Days of war situation and distribution of rewards! "After a few seconds of suspension, the system announcement sounded again:" This personal experience calculation has ended, please check the attributes yourself to confirm the upgrade! "

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard the upgrade sound. I opened the property and took a look. Good guy, I'm level 545, and I upgraded to level 40 in 8 hours. This is a good business! Although I am a bit tired, it feels good to upgrade!

The announcement continues: "The list of special commendations is as follows:

A super hero: Player Shura Ziyi, accumulate 3 points in the city, and reward the low-end artifact suit Athena's blessing.

Two first-class heroes: ... "The system rewards are very many. About 300 people got things before and after. The highest one was Shura Ziyi and a set of artifacts. The lowest one was an elite weapon. Good! The reason why so many people are rewarded is because the number of enemies killed is too high, and our players are too few. As a result, it is a big deal to get a point on everyone's head! Shura Ziyi is the first to be Reported, and then she had a set of dazzling armor in her hand. As a result, she started to smirk holding the equipment so that more than 300 people had finished reporting. She hadn't slowed down yet, and the cauldron rice looked at the equipment next to her. Red, the kid got an artifact-level glove, and it is said that he can kill people empty-handed!

After reporting the player's reward, the next is the guild reward. "Given the fact that the guild points have broken through a lot of basic points, it is particularly rewarded that the city where Frost Rose League belongs is able to build a fully covered armed turret. In addition, a hyperspace temple will be built for the city for free. The temple will pass through the transfer point in the city The site will be designated by the president after the end of the city war. The temple will be located in a separate virtual space and will not occupy urban land. The award has been awarded, and I hope everyone will continue to work hard. "

Reward me if I don't care, but the 40-level promotion is fun! Everyone was excited to celebrate each other, and then I was kicked off the line to rest. I stayed with the eagle, and tomorrow's battle must be re-planned!

的 My idea is very risky, but if it succeeds, maybe it will bring back to life! Because the walls have become smaller and the defensive forces do not need to be too dense, I plan to transfer the 2000 Demon Knights out of the city to join my Iron Rider. The sea is not the focus of monster attacks. Today's 8 hours, all sea monsters have been cleaned up. Now our port is equal to open. With the help of Bi Ling, the 2000 Demon Knights were transported out of the city, and then landed quietly outside the city. I found Skott, who was sent in advance, and he had more than 5,000 dark iron riders beside me. The new monster rider and the dark iron ride were mixed together. We designed an impact formation with a width of 500 people. There were exactly 2,000 monster riders in a column. Then I connected my iron rider to the back, about a pair of 11 people. This is equivalent to a cavalry square of 500 rows and 15 rows. The first 4 rows are all ghost knights, and my iron rider is behind. The advantage of this formation is that the impact width is large enough, and it has sufficient lethality. The demon knight has a high level, and even if it is a death knight, it can be knocked over by a collective charge. The monster is definitely to sweep the leaves in the autumn wind. , Even if not dead, step on a serious injury!

整理 Organized the team so that they did a little coordination training, gave command to Stegoth, and then we sneaked back to the city. After all, the eagle is an ordinary person. The 8-hour battle is more tiring than going to work. After returning, he immediately went offline to rest. I saw that everything in the city was almost handled and quickly went offline. It was not that I wanted to sleep, but that people had three rushes and too much water in the morning!

After solving it, it was time to replenish the energy. The old chef in the cafeteria still brought me a lot of food with a smile on his face ~ ~ In fact, the food intake was also good. Many delicious foods in the past I can eat a little bit, and then I will eat it. Now I can add it all at once!

After eating a meal at the sea, I went outside to the base to ventilate. After doing some simple activities, I went to various departments of the security forces to run a lap. It will take 6 hours to get back online. I don't need to sleep. There are still more than four hours. Silly to wait!

I have a circle and come back with more than an hour left, go to the forum first. The first thing I saw was a guild that claimed to be the Northern Alliance announced absolute leadership over northern China, followed by countless people who scolded it, but watching all of them spoke anonymously knew that the guild was very powerful. No pseudonyms are allowed in the forum. The login account is the player's game account, one for each person. Those who do not want others to know their names can choose to log in anonymously, but they cannot use pseudonyms.

I looked for a long time in the back and actually let me see an announcement about the profession of the animal trainer, titled "The Book of All Animal Trainers". The originator of this post is a space mage. This guy will create a hyperspace cage, which is used to put magic pets and demon servants. Because the system cancels the pet space, many players are not used to it, so this guy sees business opportunities. He designed this thing with his own expertise. Posting here is only for advertising. After watching numerous posts, I know that most people want a cage! I do n’t know if he has a large cage. My pets are not only large but also large. I ’m afraid that ordinary cages are difficult! Anyway, write it down and talk later!

After visiting the forum, I posted the videos of the last few Japanese hunters on the forum to remind everyone to pay attention to these Japanese, and then directly connect to the game to log in. Six hours finally arrived!

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