Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 206: Confused 3 Steps

Volume 20 Chapter 206 Confused Trilogy

That, of course, was for deterrence. m

Recently, our guild is really updating the mobile angel. The three mobile angels are indeed the latest model of the fifth generation of mobile angels, and even we have several other types of fifth generation mobile angels that have not appeared. However, none of this can change the fact that the mobile angels of the guild cannot complete the dressup in an instant. The retirement of old mobile angels requires step-by-step defense replacement. In this period of frequent battles, it is actually very dangerous to perform large-scale defense replacements. Secondly, with the continuous improvement of Mobile Angel's technology, although our Mobile Angel's combat power is getting stronger and stronger, the cost and production cycle are also rising.

Think of the jointless rock golem that our guild originally made. That thing is a pile of mud engraved with a magic array and some magical guidance materials. Remove the labor costs. The single cost is less than two thousand crystal coins, and A puppet maker can make one in half a day without resorting to any advanced tools. This work is really not long. But now? Let's not talk about the fifth generation of mobile angels. The universal model among the four generations of mobile angels currently equipped, which is the kind of flying marine-type excited angel. The body of this type of mobile angel is completely made of reinforced alloy. The main part of it is steel, and it is also mixed with a lot of magic metal. In order to achieve some functional characteristics, the surface of the mobile angel must be forwarded a lot. Magic crystals and magic gems, you know that the price of these things has never been lower. In fact, this is not the most expensive. The real trouble is the internal structure. Even if the investment in research and development is not considered, the cost of the material and the core system of a fourth-generation mobile angel is definitely not less than 100,000 crystal coins. Taking into account the shell and other messy configurations, a four-generation mobile angel, without considering the research and development costs and labor, has approached the 150,000 crystal coin mark simply by the cost of materials. If the design and research and development costs are also included, the price will reach 200,000 crystal coins, and then the labor and machine manufacturing costs and energy use costs are included. In fact, the real cost of a four-generation mobile angel should be 21 Thousands of crystal coins.

Twenty thousand crystal coins are a matter of nine cattle to our guild, but if you want to form a combat power, you can't just build one. Although the average cost will continue to decline as the production volume rises, this decline is also limited. At least the average cost of our guild has never been lower than 200,000 crystal coins. At this price, as long as we build a thousand four-generation mobile angels, it will cost more than two hundred million, but the actual number of four-generation mobile angels in our guild is much more than this number, but several Times, that is to say we have thrown in at least one billion crystal coins in this respect.

Such an expensive thing is only a fourth-generation machine, and the current price of the fifth-generation machine has jumped up a lot, so we have no way to mass-produce at present, we can only produce a small number of experimental models, and then consider the actual damage situation in the future. Whether or not to add, a preliminary estimate may be based on the strategy of missing one and one, that is, for every fourth-generation machine lost, a fifth-generation machine is produced for replacement, so that after a period of fighting, some of the fourth-generation machines can be gradually replaced. As for the part of the four-generation machine that we have saved, we do not plan to replace it all.

Although the combat power of the fourth-generation aircraft is not as good as that of the fifth-generation aircraft, it is completely sufficient at present. Just as in a rich country, it is impossible for soldiers across the country to carry rocket launchers on the battlefield. Small-power, cheap weapons such as rifles and pistols are always necessary. The same is true of Mobile Angel. The combat power of the fifth-generation aircraft is indeed very high, just like the special forces, but if all the fourth-generation aircraft of the guild are replaced with the fifth-generation aircraft, this is a bit exaggerated. In reality, no country has seen an ordinary soldier without all of them. Special team, right? Therefore, even if the fifth-generation aircraft is mass-produced in the future, it will only be used as a backbone. Like special arms on the battlefield, it will be mixed with ordinary soldiers to fight. It will not replace all the mobile angels on the battlefield with five-generation aircraft. That is too exaggerated, and the efficiency improvement will not be too obvious.

Because we do not plan to mass-produce mobile angels, we do not need to conceal such mobile angels at all, because this can deceive the enemy twice in a row. First we show our five generations of mobile angels, and then let the Frozen Banshee spread the power of this mobile angel, so that our enemies will be scared and panic. After that, they will have several reactions. The first is the loss of confidence, which leads to complete sinking. The second is to start many dangerous plans, that is, to force development. Such results usually have adverse effects. When the US and the Soviet Union fought for the hegemony, the Americans deliberately set up a fake Star Wars plan. As a result, the Soviets desperately followed suit to develop space weapons. The end result was that too much investment caused a huge additional burden on the country, and because The technical conditions at the time actually did not have the basic conditions for such research at all, so no matter how much investment was made, except for a bunch of fringe technologies that were temporarily unavailable, practical things could be said to be nothing. Such a leapfrog research is actually meaningless behavior except for labor and people's financial harm.

We now want the Russians to be hostile to other relations with us, or to be nervous about hostile guilds against us, so that they may enter into a state of advanced research like the Soviet Union then, and as a result, they will slow down their own development. .

In fact, in addition to advanced research in the game, there is a similar situation of excessive challenge. For example, for some difficult tasks, everyone knows that it is too difficult under normal circumstances, and will not take risks to try, but hope to wait until the strength is increased to ensure safety before doing it. However, because of the stimulus of our guild, these hostile guilds may lose their calm because of our existence. Many people will risk trying tasks that are beyond their ability. As a result, they lose more than they pay. Level, loss of medicines and other inputs also take a lot of task time, which will seriously affect the development of a guild. Therefore, if we over-express our strength, it is very easy to cause the enemy to panic and cause wrong judgment.

Of course, although in most cases our actions will lead to beneficial results for us, we cannot rule out special circumstances. For example, if the Americans and the Soviet Union fought for hegemony at that time, if the Americans came up with a fake plan and the Soviets took it seriously, they would come up with a practical space warfare system. At that time, people did not have any space warfare capabilities. The Soviets suddenly developed a space weapon, and the Americans could only wait to be bombed because the strategic balance no longer exists. However, just like what happened in the end, the probability of such an accident is really very low, and it is almost impossible to happen.

Those guilds will misjudge the strength of our guilds from the messages sent by the Frozen Banshee, and choose to risk their own strength. They do have the possibility to complete some tasks that they would not dare to take, but how much benefit can one or two people bring? In order to catch up with us, we must constantly challenge these extreme tasks. It is true that there is a certain probability that a person will jump straight from a high-rise building without any protection, but if you jump three times a day without jumping for a month, it is definitely a spiritual event. Even if these guilds can complete several tasks that exceed their level, it is impossible to complete all of them. As long as they complete less than one-third of the total number of tasks, the loss is definitely more than the investment. In fact, Even if luck completes some super-difficult tasks, the total proportion will usually not exceed one percent, let alone one-third.

It is for the above reasons that we have deliberately arranged this display so that the Frozen Banshee can experience the powerful strength of the five generations of mobile angels in our guild. At that time, let the guilds facing us fight desperately for such mobile angels that we can't even mass-produce, and we just sit at home and wait to see the joke.

Although this plan is already very vicious, these are not all of it. This plan is derived from roses, and like the evaluation given by gold coins, the plan of roses has never been the most poisonous, only more poisonous.

Although the five generations of mobile angels have been completed, we will not let them appear before the public in the subsequent battles, and there will be limits, and we will fight only when we are sure that they will not be exposed. The advantage of this is that the enemy will only hear about the existence of such a mobile angel, but will never see it. After the guild has paid for it, we will use five generations of mobile angels to make gimmicks, and use it as an empty city. Encroach on the interests of those guilds. Some benefits can certainly be gained in the early stages, and those guilds in the later stages will inevitably resist, and once they resist, they will realize that the five generations of mobile angels in our guild simply do not exist, because we have never shown such a maneuver before them. angel. The only source of this news was the Frozen Banshee ~ ~ Those who lost the guild would guess that we did not have five generations of mobile angels, and the news of the Frozen Banshee would be accused of false news, so Reduce the trust of the Frozen Banshee between us and our hostile guilds. This is tantamount to separating the Frozen Banshees from the camps of our hostile guilds.

In fact, here is the second step of the plan. The first step is to intimidate those guilds, give them pressure and force them to take risks, and thus bear the loss of failure. The second step is to split the hostile forces. Even if they later realize that this is our conspiracy, they will not be able to cooperate as before. Suspecting this kind of thing is like weeds. Once it takes root, it is not so easy to clear it.

As for the third part of the plan, this part is relatively simple. When the Frozen Banshee and those guilds have a suspicion, and then those guilds think that there are no five generations of mobile angels, we can use this situation to choose a most valuable target to send all five generations of mobile angels at once. Let them be thoroughly exposed. By the time the guilds saw five generations of mobile angels and realized that they were doing their tricks, we had enough of them, and they had nothing to think about except regret.

Red Moon smiled happily when she watched the Frozen Banshee who confronted the three and five generations of mobile angels. After this battle, the plan called Confused Trilogy will be officially launched. As for how much damage can be caused to those who are hostile to us, it depends on their luck.

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