Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 71: Beheading

Ding! The crisp clash of gold and iron struck me, and the blade that cut at me was blocked by another blade. Thanks to Vinda standing next to me, his sword helped me to stop me at a critical moment! I didn't have time to pull out the sword. I used the blade claw to quickly enter and exit the attacker in front of me several times, and then kicked him out dozens of meters away.

What surprised me was that this guy who got me chopped N knife actually stood up without any incident, and it is even more incredible that this guy I have seen! It was the ninja-like monster that I saw when I scouted monster base camp last night. Although it was night, I saw it very clearly. This is the kind of creature I saw last night! I don't know if this is the same as what I saw, but I'm sure they are the same thing.

Yunda quickly responded, took a spear from the soldier next to him, and threw it over. The monster that had just climbed up was nailed low by a wall. But it still hasn't died. The throwing spear that hit the death knight is still alive! Vinda didn't let it live for a long time, quickly rushed up with a sword and chopped off his head, and his blood-sprayed body struggled on the ground for a few seconds before stopping his activity.

"Shadow Killer! It even has this thing!" Vinda picked up a red bead from the body and walked back, passing it to me. "good stuff!"

I took a look at it. It was a glass marble with a red light. Put it away first. "I saw this thing last night. What the thing said to the monster leader, did not expect to arrange to assassinate me! The coaches on both sides actually thought of going together!"

"This thing is a well-known killer. It is level 850 itself. In addition, every time it is a sneak attack, there are also many level 900 monsters who die under it. Unfortunately, I am 100 levels higher than it, and my strength is too much It's up! "

"Fortunately, there is one! If there are seven or eight together, five of them will entangle you, and the rest will definitely not be my opponent!"

I do n’t know if I ’m such a crow ’s mouth, just after finishing talking, 8 black shadows leaped at the same time, and 8 shadow killers appeared at the same time. Along with them appeared a large piece of steel dart. I quickly erected the shield. After a jingling sound, I quickly removed the shield to attack. However, what I saw just now when I took off my shield was a straight knife. I tried my best to bend my body, and then I bent backwards and rolled out with both hands. When the big knife slashed to the ground, the blade did not penetrate the wall one inch deep. If it was cut, it would not be divided into two!

The shadow killer did not have to pull the dagger deep into the ground. It directly gave up the dagger and rushed up again. This guy has six arms. Although he lost his sword, he has four fists and swords in his hands. Although this kind of light weapon has low attack power, it is too fast!

Vinda suddenly flashed over, and a sword slashed the shadow killer in the air. I quickly lifted the shield defense, and the corrosive blood immediately sprayed a large piece of the shield, if I did not see the shadow killer that was killed at the beginning The green blood water will smoke, and I wouldn't think that its blood is still problematic!

The remaining 7 shadow killers arrived at the same time, and 7 machetes cut down on Vinda's body at the same time. There was no way that Vinda could be forced to force a knife to cut down a shadow killer. But the remaining six killers' continuous rapid attacks could only defend Vinda blindly. Suddenly two shadow killers jumped up from the wall next to them, this time they came directly to me! Vinda saw their intentions, but he couldn't find time now!

Two shadow killers rushed up at the same time, I could only use a shield to block. The body of slamming attacks rang and clanged, but I couldn't help it. These guys are more than 300 levels higher than me. I can resist the attacks and play at a super level!

A shadow killer suddenly flipped behind me, and knocked me to the ground with a sweeping leg. His hands gave up the defense of the shield because he wanted to help maintain balance. Another shadow killer immediately took off and prepared to split me in half. .

Yun Weina didn't know when she came over and saw that I was about to be cut in half. She immediately printed on her chest with her hands: "Take my blood as a lead, lift the ban, blood curse!"

红色 A red magic array suddenly flew over her hand, and the six-horse star array directly entered my body, only to feel the whole body began to heat up. Suddenly my body began to beastify. I didn't start the transformation of werewolf. It turned out to be beastly at this time. It seems that it must be Wei Na's masterpiece!

突然 My body suddenly swelled a lot. I seem to be a bit bigger than before, and the huge wings behind it are also metallized, and the barbs are full on it. The sound of howling in the sky is howling! My eyes turned blood red, and the blue magic flame suddenly flared outside my body.

The shadow killer who had already jumped had no way to change his posture in the air, and still fell down with a stab. I lifted my right hand to catch the blade, twisted it hard, and the long knife broke into two pieces. The left hand grabbed the neck of the shadow killer who was still falling, turned around, and threw it at another shadow killer who attacked me.

暗 The shadow killer was about to rush up and chop me, and when I rushed to the office, I was thrown back by the companion I threw. Rushing to the next Vader, he was tired of parrying. I grabbed the two shadow killers from the attacking team one by one, and held the two guys together and bumped them. Then I threw the shadow killer in the left hand directly into the sky, and then threw the shadow killer in the right hand like a grenade. I threw it over the outer city wall and flew out of the city range. At this time, the one that was thrown into the sky just fell off. I raised my hand and punched it. I was going to blow it out, but it might be too hard. This guy was caught by me. The smash from the air turned into a blood mist like a blast of eggs.

达 Vida, who had two opponents missing, saw the opportunity, and his wrist turned to kill a killer next to him, but when he wanted to continue to deal with other monsters, he found that there was no one around him.

I looked at my hands in surprise. The strength just now was terrible. These monsters are all 850 killers! I actually killed them like an adult bullying a child. What level of strength is this! At least level 950 Vinda does not have this ability!

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Vinda found that Wei Na fainted beside me, and I hurried over to help her. I knew that my sudden improvement in strength was the result of her magic. But no matter how we shake, she just doesn't respond. She was breathing shortly, her face was bad, and she was cold! It seems that the magic just now is the result of overdraft magic!

Su Weida suddenly said to me: "My sister can't let her work in vain. You can kill more enemies now, so that her sister's sacrifice is worth it!"

"Then you take care of her!" My anger has reached its apex, Wei Na can't have anything, she is different from me, she can't even be with Vidabi. I am a player. Death is a big resurrection. Vinda is a city defense NPC. After death, it can be refreshed in a certain time. As long as the city does not disappear, he will not disappear. But Wei Na is different. She is just a special NPC. If nothing else, this NPC has only one life!

With grief, I jumped into the monster's sea from the wall! A monster was about to jump up the wall, and I stepped on it! Before landing, I took the holy dragon's tooth in my hand. The original flame of **** on the sword and the flame of my body were connected into one. It looks like I am a monster burning with flames!

的 The monsters around me still regarded me as a companion, but they soon realized that something was wrong. The magic dragon suit was fully opened for the first time because I was blessed. A large gray area appeared under my feet. All the enemies approaching it turned gray, and the speed was slow like a slow motion. This seems to be the effect of the cursed land on the boots. The surrounding enemies are cursed and walking at a slow pace is a problem. However, because there were too many monsters, many monsters rushed to my side, but it was strange that they were fighting there without attacking me, and many monsters also hit their own people. Soon I discovered the reason. These guys seemed invisible. Then I remembered that there seems to be a dark world skill on the skirt, which can hinder the enemy's sight and cause the accuracy of the opponent to drop.


Although the monsters attacked indiscriminately, it did not mean that no one could hit me. Finally, the monsters that reacted were pulled away, and some monsters with night vision ability entered me. These guys can clearly see me. Their Attacks are much more accurate. But I do n’t know if it ’s because my defense is rising or what ’s going on. These guys ’attacks are not only soft, but the attack effect is extremely poor. It is probably because of the centering technique on my helmet that can reduce the opponent ’s luck. Each of these guys has the smallest attack, and none of the random skill effects that come with it can come out!

They ca n’t attack normally, I wo n’t be idle, I raise my hand, a row of 9 blades flew together, and the fragments of the sky ’s sword flower fly away, and there are no monsters to resist the attack, the tooth of the holy dragon The degree of sharpness is unparalleled, even if the monsters use weapons to block, they are often divided into two with weapons!

A very fast tiger-headed monster jumped and landed next to me. He held a heavy axe in his hand and smashed at me when he picked it up, and he hit the shield on my shoulders all at once. With a click, there was more blood on the tiger's head monster, and the damage reflex that had never appeared actually took effect. The tiger's head man was equivalent to chopping himself. It has not yet reacted to what happened. A thunder mine, which is almost as thick as it, fell from the sky, and the tiger head turned into a pile of black and gray drifting with the wind and was burned out! Is this the attribute of the shield that uses player-level lightning to retaliate against the striker? I did not expect that the power would be so great!

I wield a sword to protect me with a blade storm, like a meat grinder chasing after the Death Knight in front. Since the enemy can send so many shadow killers to kill me, it shows that there are a lot of things in their base camp. Although the death knight is powerful, but a good tiger can not stand a group of wolves. Now there are "rabbit" nearby. These four tigers can be a hero, but when they arrive at the base camp, there are all wolves!

I ran all the way, the one who blocked me died, basically no monster can block me! After killing the city, the monsters are obviously higher in level. Here is the rear of the monsters. The surrounding area is filled with monsters of level 700 or 800. Fortunately, there are not as many as in the city!

怪物 The monsters are obviously different in strength. Several humanoid monsters surrounded me. The death knight is not far ahead. I can already see them. All these monsters rushed up with their maces. I pinched a monster's wrist in my hand, and used its stick to block the attack next to it. But another monster plunged in and smashed it. Instinctively to defend, metalized wings suddenly blocked in front of me, when the monster's stick was bounced, I just felt a hemp on the wings! It seems that the metal wings are very defensive!

At this time, several humanoid monsters rushed up. I had no choice but to flash their hands and clamp their arms under the armpits after the attack. On the other hand, the right hand holding a few monsters could not be lost, and my hands were controlled!

怪物 Another monster rushed up. This is already the 11th monster around me. I control 4 with my left hand and 4 with my right hand. I still have two under my feet. Where can I deal with it? Seeing this guy hit me with a stick on my chest, my body suddenly burst into a dazzling halo at the moment of being hit. This is the powerful brilliance on the armor, which belongs to an advanced full-range attack magic!

The stubborn aura spread at lightning speed, all the surrounding monsters were blown out and I flew out, but I was flying because of that stick! None of the monsters that were blown up and got up, all died! A large area suddenly appeared around me, and quickly approached the death knight while taking advantage of the gap.

When they caught up with the death knight, they had already killed the base camp I saw. To my surprise, Base Camp has no shadow killer. But the death knight was blocked by many huge rock trolls. Although these guys are only level 850, each skin is thick and thick, and the death knight's attack on them is very bad!

I walked towards it with a sword in my hand. A monster such as a guard came to intercept me. I pushed it out a few hundred meters and then broke a few big trees. Entering the battle area, several death knights were stunned. They had never seen my look, but they knew that I was the owner of the city. They plucked up the rocks, and went up with a sword to divide a rock troll into two stones, and then cut the remaining rock trolls into stones like cutting tofu! The death knight is not a casual meal, while I deal with the trolls, they cleaned up the surrounding mobs thoroughly!

的 At the same time that the last rock troll fell, the tent finally opened, and two identical people walked out. Although I don't know why the monster leader will be two people, but I know that one of them is the guy I saw last night. Both were wearing that type of skirt and short armor, and one of them had a hatchet in his hand, and the other was a very beautiful two-handed epee.

"Just the two of them, kill them!"

The Death Knight immediately rushed up to my instructions. when! Ding! Huh! All four death knights were blown back, and I pulled out the short sword inserted by a little monster next to it and threw it over. I didn't expect this to hurt them, I just wanted to cause an attack so that I could know their attributes through Star pupil!

when! The short blade was isolated. The data shown by Xing Tong was a surprise to me. "Class 999 Bull Lord!" It turned out to be a human-shaped monster, and thought it was a human! No wonder the muscles are so developed, it turns out to be quite a cow!

"Kill!" The bull with the axe rushed straight up. The four death knights who were Zhenfei immediately blocked another wild bull with a sword.

It's much easier for the four death knights to deal with a wild cow. Their side cooperates well, and the wild cow monsters are beaten one after another. But I'm in trouble! The guy with the axe has the same strength as me, and the axe in his hand is not extraordinary. My holy dragon's teeth have been constantly cutting it! Both handles seem to be artifacts, but his axe is still not as powerful as my sword. Every time I slash, I can leave some memorials on his axe!

After a full-scale slash, both men were shaken back for five steps to stand. I touched my waist, and the boomerang fell out. "Well!" The bull cow howled and took a step back, with a big gap in his arm!

I took the chance and rushed up, picked up a sword from the bottom up, and his axe spun out in the sound of heavy wind breaking. Boom! The axe stuck in a tree trunk that fell to the ground. Before I was happy, I was hit by the sword in his fist! The Dragon's Tooth spun and flew out and plunged into the ground without reaching the hilt. You can imagine how sharp it is?

的 Without weapons, we immediately entered a rogue play. I punched up with a punch, but he held my fist with his left hand! His right fist clung to him also came over, and I took the gourd and caught his fist. So the two began to work hard, keeping their bodies leaning forward. We both wanted to squeeze each other over, but our strength was similar, there was no way to suppress each other! Both had bursts of blue muscles on their heads, and the muscles on their arms were terrible, but only I knew that the blue tendons on my head could not be seen through the armor! We are now staring at each other with the expectation that we can kill each other with our eyes! We were so deadlocked for a few minutes with no results! what did you say? Kick him? Have you figured it out? We are so powerful now, as long as I have one foot off the ground, the other foot will immediately fracture! Not to mention the current two legs, even if there are two more, it is impossible to kick people!

At this time, it was time for me to show my superiority as a human. Suddenly withdrawing my strength and giving way to the side, the bull cow couldn't hold it and flew out. By the way, I supplemented him by his strength. The Niubi landed on the horse and fell, but he jumped up immediately.


"Oh!" The wild cow screamed suddenly, then turned. His head turned back to a bull's head, and the muscles on his body suddenly skyrocketed, bursting the armor! Reaching out to me, the axe that had been inserted in the wood shakes a few times and suddenly flew up and rushed at high speed. I blinked, the axe flew past and landed in his hand accurately. The minotaur holding the axe stared at me with blood-red eyes, and two nostrils continued to emit red flames. Suddenly, he rushed up again. I certainly won't fight against him. Raise your hand and start to print: "Fan Blade Flurry!"

The blade formed by a large white cyclone flew over like a ox, but unexpectedly, he rushed up like he couldn't avoid it. My wind blade was almost all in, and there were N big openings in his body, but he still rushed forward without deceleration. Quickly hold the magic, press one hand to the ground, a black circular area appears at the same time under my feet and the place of the Holy Dragon's Tooth. I saw the Dragon's Tooth quickly immersed in the black area, and my hand gripped in the black hole in the void, and pulled up, and the Dragon's Tooth was drawn out following my hand. Weapon in hand, and immediately slashed with a sword.

I do n’t know if he did n’t dodge and traded me a knife. This guy counts me as strong as he is. If I cut hard, I ’m sure to fall first! Alas, I opened a big, one-foot-long mouth on his stomach, and I was blown away with a tight clue. Lafira, who was fighting another bull-evil, saw me being shot and he jumped over quickly to catch me.

The barbarian monster who won the cheap wanted to continue to fight, but did not expect a thunder to fall. The stupid hit my shield just now, the vengeful Sky Thunder immediately changed him from forward to backward! He landed on the ground after being blown up a few meters, rolled out ten meters on the ground, and crashed a small tent before stopping!

Since the death knight who was missing one person was also unable to support it, Sith was blown out with a fist, and Oman was beaten with a minute. The sly Renault knew that the situation was not right and quickly retreated.

When I fell to the ground, I was in a coma, and the blue magic flame on my body was gone when I was blown away! My transformation also disappeared, and it returned to its original state automatically.

The barbarian with a sword wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and while holding our sword to guard us, he walked to the collapsed tent: "Brother, get up, their boss is dead! We two together Get rid of the remaining 4! Did you hear it? Brother? ... Are you okay? Brother! "The more he shouted, the more he felt wrong, and quickly opened the collapsed tent. There is a huge pool of blood on the ground. My magic dragon gloves have the obscenity du skill. As long as the skill is successful, the wound that was injured at that time must be treated with light or dark sacrifice, otherwise the medicine will continue to bleed until death! The wound that is torn by the obscene skill will not heal by itself, the wounded will die!

The wild bull monster holding a sword dug out his brother quickly, and turned over only to find that the wound on his brother's stomach had turned black, and the blood flow was not endless! The death knight knew that it would not be cheap to stay like this, so they raised me and ran. Although the player's pet space has been cancelled, NPCs can still use it. Summoned his own steed, and the Death Knight immediately took me out.

Because the monster command is some distance away from the battlefield, the monsters backed up did not rush back until this time, but they could not run away. The death horse of the death knight could only eat ashes behind!

The distance between the two sides was getting bigger and bigger, but I do n’t know when the following chase became another species, and a large group of strange beasts chased up. These things are all creatures that land on all fours. They run very fast, and they are pulled into the distance!

The jolt of the steed horse woke me up from a coma, and I was riding on a horse with Rafaila. "What happened to me?"

Paula Fira was glad to see that I woke up. "Master City Lord was just stunned by the attack of the Nigger!"

"Oh! Where are we?"

"We are running!" Renault saw me awake and let the war horse approach us.


When Lucis pointed to the back, I knew what was going on at a glance! "Has the mission been completed?"

"No!" Oman said a little embarrassedly: "The wild bull monster fighting with you seems to be finished, but the wild bull monster fighting with us seems to be slightly injured!"

"You don't want to kill him by the way!"

"The enemy's high-level troops have returned. If we are surrounded by monsters of level 700 or 800, even we will suffer!"

I suddenly noticed at this moment that we didn't seem to be running towards the city. "Where are you running?"

"We want to get around from the side of the city, the main gate is controlled by monsters, and it is not very convenient when there is chasing behind!"

停 "Stop, don't run in this direction, run over there!" I pointed at the forest in front.

"What are you doing there?"

I didn't answer that he just contacted Scot with contact. "You can start!"


I saw a large row of cavalry suddenly coming out of the forest in front, a total of 15 cavalry, 500 columns, neatly lined up next to the forest. Skott turned around and shouted something, then began to command the steed slowly to move forward, and the cavalry in the back followed.

The knights of death now know what's going on, the ambush is here!

The cavalry team slowly walked past the chasers behind us. The war horses slowly paced in small steps, and then the speed became faster and faster. The pace became a trot. Coordinating the pace, and soon the scattered pace became only one rhythm. Skott waved his weapon again to point forward, the cavalry began to accelerate again, and the trot gradually turned into a dash. Watching the smoke gradually increase behind the cavalry, you know that the speed is getting faster and faster.

Finally, the sound of the cavalry's running became a thunderous rolling sound, I know it was the sound of the group charge. We turned around to avoid the cavalry square, but the monsters behind us were too late to dodge.

From the wall, you can see the black cavalry square and the colored monster square collided together. These monsters that are good at speed are not the opponents of the heavy cavalry. They were knocked down at the first contact, and the cavalry behind them followed. Step on it, and use your own spear to make a living better and make up again!

The horsemen had no intention of slowing down after they flattened the chase, and they rushed towards the monster front according to yesterday's plan. The monsters facing the city did not expect a heavy riding team from the side ~ ~ and the number was so huge! All the monsters were messed up, and the cavalrymen turned and ran before they even arrived. However, all the low-level monsters ran, and some monsters in the seven or eight hundred level wanted to be hard-topped based on their strength. Once the 850-level demon knight launches the charge and reaches the highest speed, the death knight must avoid its frontier. How can these guys who do not have a high level of demon knights be opponents?

As soon as the two camps came into contact with each other, the monsters were knocked to the ground in the rumble of horseshoes, and they were greeted by horseshoes and spears. On the roses on the city wall, they all saw the spectacular cavalry charge. The black matrix of the cavalry was like a banner. The colorful monsters in front of it fell like pieces of rice in the rice field.

Paula Fira watched vigorously and shouted, "Let's help, too?"

Oman looked at me. Obviously he wanted to participate. As a defensive force, they would not necessarily encounter this kind of cavalry charge, so they all wanted to participate, but after all I was here, they could n’t take me adventure!

I barely jumped from the horse. "Go ahead! I will summon the dragon to come and pick me up!"

Each of the four people had grateful gazes. I added: "When you get there, you just have to kill the enemy. You still have to listen to Skoth, you know?"

"I see!" The four men couldn't wait to catch up.

There was a wolf wolf in an area assaulted by an iron rider in the monster camp, full of corpses and seriously injured people still humming. The death knight chased along the channel, and on the way, he made up for some who did not die.

It took five minutes for the Hussars to rush from one side of the monster camp to the other, and under the order of Skott, the team immediately dropped their heads, which in turn impacted the enemy array again!

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