Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 60: Chance of survival

"Do you know that thing?"

"Know what?" Xu Feng and Yin Jiu obviously didn't know what I was asking. m

I explained helplessly: "It's the end of the world. Don't you know?"

Originally, this kind of thing was very confidential. In order to ensure that it did not cause panic and cause the collapse of social order, all countries are trying to limit the spread of this matter. However, as time goes by, countries' preparations for immigration plans have gradually started. On the right track, and in order to gather as much social resources as possible and gradually transition to the doomsday state, countries have now begun to disclose some doomsday news to some personnel on a small scale.

Xu Feng and Yin Jiu are not ordinary people, and they now know our existence, indicating that this matter is no longer necessary for them to keep secret, so I will no longer conceal this matter and ask directly.

"Apocalyptic?" Yin Jiuyi stared at me with an unbelieving expression after hearing my question: "Are you not feverish? You told me before that you have a companion who can perform body fusion, and now you are telling me again Speaking of the end of the world. I know your dragon fate technology is very good, but you can tell me something good, right? "

I shrugged helplessly, then turned to Xu Feng and said, "Yin Jiu has a problem with understanding, should you believe it?"

Although Xu Feng was not too sure of his judgment, he nodded his head and said, "I think what you say should be true. But the end of the world ... will this really happen?"

I nodded earnestly and said, "The earth is very fragile. Or our solar system is very fragile. The solar system now seems to attract a few iron bars with a magnet. On the one hand, you have to let the surrounding iron bars Rotate it to prevent it from being attracted by the central magnet. On the other hand, make sure that the rotation speed is not too fast, otherwise the centrifugal force of the iron block will be too far away from the magnet to fly out of the system. If the individual is maintaining this system, It can be classified into advanced acrobatics, but the problem is that our solar system is maintaining this balance. Can you imagine how fragile the stability is? "

Xu Feng nodded and said, "I know a little about this. The planets of the entire solar system rely on the gravitational pull of the sun to gather near the sun. Once the rotation speed of these planets changes, they will be attracted to the sun or Flying out of the solar system. Regardless of which one, it is not a good thing. "

I continued after listening to it: "Yes, you are right. Any planet out of orbit will cause the gravitational chaos of the entire solar system. After that, the original trajectories of other planets will also change, and the gravitational balance in the solar system will only have a small Range, beyond this range will cause planets to de-orbit. Several planets in the solar system are not small, they all have the ability to change the stability of the solar system. And now we know that there is a bigger guy flying towards us. So ... "

"What? Some meteorites will hit the earth?" Xu Feng was really anxious. He is not alone, he also has parents, wives and children. If such a world catastrophe happens. Not to mention letting them all survive, even if it is difficult to save only one or two, but as a normal person, how can you calmly watch your family die? Moreover, even if the matter is known in advance, it does not mean that he himself will not die.

Yin Jiu seemed to be beginning to believe a little while listening to our conversation. He looked at me and Xu Feng with a tense expression, but he didn't ask it out of anger. But I explained to Xu Feng. By the way, tell her.

"You have seen the technology of Dragon Margin. We can make man-made monsters and strengthen human beings. We can produce megawatts of energy weapons and even destroy the moon directly from the surface of the earth. But ... we can do nothing about that thing, Because that's not a meteorite at all, but a derailed planet. "

"A derailed planet?" Even Yin Jiu shouted this time.

I answered very seriously: "It is not only our solar system in the universe. There are countless small galaxies like the solar system in the Milky Way alone, and there are countless large galaxies like the Milky Way in the universe. You Can you imagine how many planets there are? "

"The visitors you said are the derailed planets flying from other galaxies?" Yin Jiu asked.

I nodded and said, "The planet we call the Terminator of the solar system comes from a galaxy in the universe, but it has now broken away from the gravitational constraints of the original galaxy stars and came straight at us. We have countless species The method can crush it before it enters the solar system, but if such a massive object enters the solar system, even if it is in a fragmented state, it will completely destroy the gravitational balance of the solar system. Moreover, this guy is a giant planet itself, it is a kind of It almost evolved into a super planet of stars. When it enters the solar system, it will traction with other planets in the solar system. Our calculated orbits show that it will eventually have more than 70% chance of colliding with Jupiter, and then with Jupiter. Fusion into a new star. "

"Do you mean there will be one more sun in the solar system?"

I nodded again: "It's not just as simple as having an extra sun. Planets will undergo a starburst before becoming a star. Its power will be enough to destroy the entire solar system. By then, all planets in the solar system, including the sun itself, will be destroyed. , And then they will re-gather under the gravitational force and build a balanced solar system based on new stars, but that's irrelevant to us, because if we haven't left the solar system at that time, it must have become a pile Cosmic particles. "

"In other words, is disaster inevitable?" Xu Feng asked.

I didn't mean to deceive them, so I answered truthfully: "Disaster is inevitable. We have calculated it countless times. We have thought of various ways. In the end, there is no way to change the final result. And if we destroy this solar system terminator, then it It will enter the solar system in the form of a meteor shower, and by then the scattered meteorites will fill the solar system. It will make our escape more difficult. "

"Escape?" I just heard about the end of the world, no doubt about death, whether it is Xu Feng or Yin Jiu, there is a feeling that they are about to breathe heavily. Suddenly I heard the word escape, and both of them suddenly snapped, and then as if someone about to drown saw a life buoy, almost instinctively grabbed me and asked, "What escape did you say? Is there a way to escape from such a galaxy-like disaster? But the earth will be blown up. Where do we go? "

"The solar system does die, but it's okay as long as you leave the solar system." I pointed directly to the room in front of me and said, "This is part of the escape cabin."

"Escape chamber? Just something like this small coffin can block the big explosion that destroys the solar system?" Yin Jiu looked at me in disbelief and asked.

I had to explain: "Of course this thing cannot stop the supernova explosion. In fact, it may not even stop a shell. But this thing is an important part of escape."

"An important part of escape?"

"Yes. After knowing the news of the end of the day, scientists from various countries gathered to discuss a feasible human preservation plan. In the end, it turned out that the form was actually not as bad as expected. We humans have actually escaped this disaster. technology."

"Do we have such technology?"

I nodded and said, "We can build a spaceship, and then look for a planet similar to the Earth's environment. We can even find a planet with a similar orbit to the earth, and then transform it into a habitable planet."

Xu Feng frowned suddenly when he heard this: "I know I can do this in the universe. After all, the National Space Station has been in the sky for decades. I heard that the couple who volunteered to participate in the full space survival experiment of human beings is already here. The space station has lived in the space station for more than two decades and has not returned to Earth. And they also gave birth to two children in the space station, and they are now normal. This at least proves that in time, it can maintain humanity's long-term survival in space. But ... we can send a few people out of the solar system? How do these people choose? Who walks and who stays? What about the rest? Not really sending away only a few hundred people for human seeds. Others wait for the end to come. ? "

"Like what you said, we can't send everyone away."

"You officials must run again, you bastards!" Yin Jiu suddenly yelled angrily when he caught my collar.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her from the body with a slight force. Compared with my strength, she was too far away. "I'm really surprised that a senior police officer like you is still angry. But don't be stunned by anger, blood is a good thing. Being used by a caring person is an idiot. We really can't take everyone away, but the quota is far from being So pessimistic as you think. The room you are seeing now is the test model of the crew area of ​​the immigration ship. These things like coffins are human maintenance equipment. And no loading bay is a game connector. You lie It can be connected to a virtual network like a helmet. After the immigration starts, we will let all people who meet the immigration conditions enter this loading bay, and then use the super biological computer to move the entire game system of "Zero" to the spaceship A huge virtual world has been established on the Internet. After accessing the game, everyone ’s body is equipped with a cabin maintenance, and there is no need to go offline to solve problems such as eating, drinking, drinking, washing, washing, washing, etc. The cabin will automatically assist the body to complete these tasks. It does n’t appear on the network, so it ’s the same as on the earth. You should go shopping and entertaining. They do not off the assembly line, it is essential for immigrant workers will not affect the normal life. In that case you can rely on these tanks equipped with ultra transport large numbers of people in a limited space, which will greatly increase the personnel carrying amount. "

"But even if this life support module can meet various physical needs, what about human reproduction?" Xu Feng asked: "Even if I'm not science, I know a little bit about the size of the universe. Maybe ten days and a half months? Let alone the adults on board, even if they are a few years old, their future grandchildren may not be able to wait for the day when the immigration boat landed? What are you doing in the process? Solve the problem of human reproduction? Arrange people to go offline to find a room to do that thing to reproduce human beings? "

I shook my head and said, "It's really impossible for a migrant ship to find a planet suitable for immigration so soon, and if the planet environment needs to be modified. It will take additional time. Conservative estimates that this voyage will also need at least 800 to 1,000 years. Now humans At that time, it must be all dead, so reproduction is necessary. Otherwise, humans will die in space if they cannot reach the destination at all. However, we do not plan to let people exit the system for reproduction, because as long as someone goes offline, they need to There will be tens of times more space than his life support module. To build a special cabin for this purpose, it is better to put more life support modules to save more people. "

"What about breeding the next generation?"

"Artificial assistance." I said directly: "Everyone's consciousness is connected to the game, not asleep. So in the game we can still fall in love and have normal sexual activities. Of course, this will not produce offspring, after all The game is virtual, and the body is not actually in contact. However, we will use artificial auxiliary equipment. If two people do reproduction activities in the game, our device will collect sperm from the man and implant it in the woman. It's equal to their child's appearance. During the woman's pregnancy, the characters in the game will also change, so that everyone's consciousness is the same as in reality. Afterwards, our equipment will assist the pregnant woman during childbirth. In-game There will also be a synchronization state. After the child is born, our device will transfer the newborn and the mother into a dedicated life support cabin. Let the child grow around the mother to about three years old and then transfer to the independent life support cabin. This can ensure the child Long-term contact with the mother's body to ensure normal newborn functioning. Of course, this It's all the operation of the equipment. In the game, everyone will not feel any difference, as if a child was born normally, and this child can also be raised normally, but they are raised only by the child's consciousness. Equipment is being raised in the cockpit. "

"This method sounds like a good solution to the reproduction problem." Xu Feng said.

I nodded: "Not only can it solve the problem of reproduction, the most important thing is that this method reduces consumption. If a person does heavy physical exercise. There must be more food, and our living compartment uses electric current to stimulate the body without producing muscle atrophy. At the same time, it will also keep the cabin personnel at a low neonatal metabolic state as much as possible. In this state, the natural consumption of the human body is about one third of that in the natural environment. In other words, it was used to feed one Human materials can now support three people. This design can save us space and take more people to the maximum. Of course, this whole system also has defects, that is, we must limit the breeding speed. The materials on the spacecraft are It can be recycled, but the recycling ability of the spaceship is limited. In order to bring as many people as possible, we will accurately consume the materials, space, and energy to everyone's standards. Therefore, even if one more person is born, Means that this newborn does not have its own living compartment. So we can only limit the birth rate of the population and use the quota system for offspring. For every old man who died on board, we can allow a newborn to be born, so that there are enough living compartments for newborns. After all, the space on the spacecraft is limited, and what we can guarantee is that the total population will not change. Increase the number of humans, and even we may deliberately limit the amount of reproduction, compress the population through the natural death of the elderly and the birth control of the newborn, and reduce the population to four-fifths or less when boarding the ship. Some materials can reduce the pressure on the equipment, and in the event of something unexpected we have enough capacity to handle it. "

Yin Jiu has seen us for so long, and for the first time affirmed our thoughts. "Yes, this method is very humane. Although it is necessary to apply for a quota before giving birth, it should be simple to ensure that each couple can get one or more birth opportunities in accordance with the natural rate of human renewal. Only those who want two The fertility frenzy of more than one child may be a little depressed. But even with this method of compressing the living space as much as possible, how many people can we take away? It is impossible for everyone to have the opportunity to board the spaceship? "

I nodded and said: "Although the situation is not bad, it is not so optimistic. Now all countries are considering each other and preparing their own spaceships for people in their own countries. Superpowers like China may give some small ones with good relations. The state provides a small number of cabins, and in order to raise funds, it may also sell some cabins to foreigners. In addition to the 100,000 cabins prepared for these foreign personnel, our country can carry its own cargo according to the current progress and should It can be around 1.120 billion, with positive and negative errors within 10 million. "

"1.12 billion?" The two men were clearly relieved to hear the number. Although this number is still a long way from the current Chinese population. But at least half of it is done. If this is the case, the situation is not so bad.

Seeing the expressions of the two people was slightly relieved, but still quite nervous, I went on to say: "In fact, you don't have to worry, although according to this carrying capacity, there will be almost five or six billion people who cannot board the ship, but these people are not So difficult to select. First of all, don't think that we will rush to run the day before the end of the day. The terminator of the solar system will eventually destroy the entire solar system. We cannot wait to run until the last day. According to our calculations. We survived the explosion at least two or three years in advance, so the rest would not die immediately. "

"Do you want to leave all the elderly?" Yin Jiu immediately guessed what I meant when he heard me.

I nodded and admitted: "There is no way. After all, this is fleeing. It is not travelling. It is not possible to screen in accordance with fair and just methods. Our plan is to first screen the prisoners and the prison term is over eight years. Give up directly. Second screening based on the cause of the crime that is shorter than this number is justified for consideration by ordinary citizens. Give up directly for your own reasons. This will screen out some of the people who are harmful to society. Next It is a physical examination. Although the society emphasizes taking care of the elderly, the sick, and the disabled, if we design a special life-saving cabin for special people, it will inevitably reduce the number of our rescue workers, which means that it may take two to save a disabled person. Human life. Although idealists are clamoring every day that human lives cannot be calculated by numbers, we cannot also be idealists, otherwise these people on earth can get rid of one or two achievements. It is God ’s help. So. For special personnel, we They can only be distinguished according to their physiological conditions. Those who can use conventional cabins can be counted as ordinary citizens. Give up, we can not take care of someone special. Also sick and disabled people. Their life is not more precious than the average person, so we can not pay extra for them, or is in denial of the right to life of others. "

Yin Jiu and Xu Feng both nodded and confirmed this view. Anyway, we are not deliberately discriminating against people with disabilities, but we have made a selection based on the common situation of everyone, such as stumps or language barriers can be the same as normal people. Participation in the immigration program will only be excluded if, for example, the body is seriously deformed or has a severe genetic disease. After all, we need to do interstellar immigration to take away problematic gene samples. It is obviously not as valuable as taking away normal healthy gene samples.

"Even if some of the prisoners are screened out and some of the major megagenes are defective, this quota should not be far behind?"

I nodded and said, "The above-mentioned knowledge aids the screening. The real mass is also the age control. Now that the news is still closed, there are no restrictions. Soon, the major developed countries in the world will start nationality control and no longer accept new immigrants. However, there is no control on immigration leaving, so as to reduce the population pressure as much as possible. Then there are restrictions on fertility, and various measures have been introduced to reduce the fertility rate in a short period of time and minimize the number of new born people. In addition, the State Council Gradually open the news of the end of the world and let the country gradually move to a state of military control, and declare the doomsday completely and ban the birth of newborns three years before the immigration. "

"Why is it banned completely?" Yin Jiu asked, puzzled.

"Because newborns and pregnant women cannot complete the launch process, the process from ground to space will be quite exciting. Previously, only astronauts with special training and wearing a full space suit could withstand this process, and now our technology has greatly developed. It is already possible for ordinary people to tolerate this process, but it is still not within the scope of pregnant women and children under two years of age, and not too weak. This is why we do not give special care to the elderly, the sick, and the disabled, because even Give them a place, and the only thing we will launch into space will be a corpse. Rather than leave the place to someone who can survive the launch phase. "

"But what if we don't cooperate?" Xu Feng asked.

"It is forbidden to announce the end of the day before the birth and pregnancy of the newborn, and to explain to the nationals the reason for the prohibition of fertility. At that time, those who are pregnant will be allowed to continue to give birth, but new pregnant women will be prohibited. If new pregnant women appear, persuade them to perform artificial labor. Abortion, if the other party refuses, then exclude it from the immigration plan. Anyway, even if it is included in the immigration plan, it is absolutely impossible to live into space. Under this system, we still insist on giving birth and we can only choose to abandon them to make room for others. "

"Even if it is controlled like this. The population is still oversized."

"Limiting newborns can reduce the population pressure by tens of millions, and then restricting terminally ill patients. Immediately exclude immigration programs for terminally ill patients who are already incurable. Anyway, they will not live long, and they will die in the middle of immigration. On the way, it is better not to board a boat and leave a place for those who can live a long time. In addition, the remaining population pressure will be borne by the elderly. Comprehensive scores are based on each elderly's life, physical health, occupational score and number of relatives In the end, a sufficient number of elderly people will be screened to ensure that the remaining number can be immigrants. We predict that after the implementation of this plan, the age line may reach the level of 60 or even 58 or 59, which is higher than this age Unless the body is particularly strong or has special irreplaceable abilities, such as a master of painting and calligraphy, a scientist, etc. Others may not get a quota. "

"How do you ensure that all elderly people can enjoy fair screening opportunities?" Yin Jiu asked.

I shook my head and said, "We cannot guarantee. There will be loopholes in the perfect system. If I implement it, I can guarantee that there will be no unfair situation in my hands. But the problem is that I have only one person. Eventually In the process of statistics, screening, and so on, it is definitely necessary to cooperate with many people. These people cannot hope that the screening can be carried out fairly like me. They also have their own parents and even grandparents. So they will hope that some of them will get immigration places, and in the meantime, people from all walks of life in the society, people with connections and wealth will find ways to contact these workers, and then use intimidation to lure them. Wait for a series of means to yield and help you modify some data as you wish. These are things that can be imagined but almost unavoidable. No matter how severe the system is, some people dare to find out, not to mention the big decision that can determine life and death. , How many people will not risk it? "


"We have a way to put an end to this injustice, but the price to pay for this will be that more people will not be able to board the immigration ship. So, what we can do is to use various systems and audit methods to create maximum trouble for those people. Make them unable to easily complete this method of obtaining quotas, as for other we really can not do it anymore. Otherwise, we will lose weight because of small things. "

Although Yin Jiu was obviously not very satisfied, he still didn't say much. Xu Feng also rounded off the field and said, "This **** will happen everywhere. As long as it is as small as possible, it is not unrealistic to expect one."

"There are still too many people in our country, otherwise it would not have been so hard." Yin Jiu lamented: "If we are like the United States or European countries, we will surely take them all."

"Yes, who calls us so many people!" Xu Feng also sighed.

"Do n’t think of things as simple as you think. Things are not as simple as you think." I explained: "Although Europe has a small population, its manufacturing capacity is relatively low, and now when it comes to technical cooperation, in fact, all countries have left their cards. No one has taken out all of his technology. Europe has suffered in this regard, and lacks key technologies, so the spacecraft it manufactures has less manpower than we do. "

"Then they are worse than us?" Xu Feng asked.

I shook my head and said, "No, although their production capacity is not as good as ours, they also have a smaller population than us, so the final ratio of personnel transportation is actually not as much as ours. Almost every major country has 10% to 10%. Twenty people cannot be transported. Even in the United States, more than 13% of people cannot get immigration quotas. Of course, compared with countries such as Africa and South America, developed countries can at least transport most of the people. The country that built the space migrant ship is the real tragedy. Except for a few capable people who can leave with other countries' ships, most people can only stay and die. "

"Will those who are left behind and countries that cannot emigrate be psychologically distorted because of jealousy and hate, and they will have to be buried with them when they die, and then they will be killed with nuclear weapons?"

I nodded and said, "This is very likely to happen, so we are born."

"You are used to suppress civilians?"

"No. We are star navigators, pilots and maintainers of immigration ships, and guards." I said, "Humans have a limited lifespan. Immigration as long as one thousand years is not easily done by humans, if there are pilots on the way Too big to carry out spacecraft control and maintenance, then there must be replacement personnel. These replacement personnel need training and operating experience, and to complete this requires them to leave the life support bay. Once these people plow the life support bay, it will take several times or even several times Ten times the space and material consumption, and at the same time, adapted to the beautiful and dreamlike environment in the network, suddenly appeared in a white, feeling extremely cold inside the spacecraft. There will definitely be many people who do not want to stay in the spacecraft and want to return Network world. Under this circumstance, there is no doubt that we need to train a few more people as spares. In contrast, those of us who are super strong and tireless are better choices, and our lifespan determines that we can always keep the boat on. Until you send your children and grandchildren to your destination and build the earth's ecosystem. What's more important is that we have physique It is determined that we can leave the earth after all ordinary people have taken off, and we can guarantee that we can fly even if we are retaliated. Therefore, we are the insurance of the China Immigration Plan, as long as we do not have problems. Immigration plan is not There will be problems. "

"It turns out you are so important!"

"It can't be said to be important, it can only be said to be of great responsibility."

"Anyway, the ordinary people's immigration plan still falls on you. I think you are still very important." Xu Feng said suddenly and remembered: "Will you bring us here would not be Let's live in now? "

I shook my head and said, "Of course not to live in. Instead, use this instead of a game helmet. Don't you say there is no helmet? Use this, just lie in."

Yin Jiu nodded and said, "It just feels like enjoying the cockpit of the migrant ship in advance."

I said with a smile: "In fact, I don't feel anything. After connecting to the game, you have no perception of your body. It is impossible to feel your own body. Oh yes, I just forgot to ask. You both have accounts in the game. ? Even if you only stay in the city and coach us, you still need an account of at least 20 levels? "

Yin Jiu asked back with his arms folded: "Do you think I am an alien? How can I not have an account for a game as famous as" Zero "? Let me tell you, I have not only an account. My character already has more than 1,300 Level, already considered high-end players. "

Xu Feng also nodded: "I have an account too. But it is not as high as Yin Jiu. My account is now just 1,100, but the equipment is not bad. Oh right. Let me tell you a little secret, we are actually in the game I've seen it. "

"Ah?" I asked Xu Feng with surprise, "Have we met?"

Xu Feng said with a smile: "You don't know, my account is actually a member of the Frost Rose Alliance, and once again I fought with you in Japan. At that time we were guarding the city walls, and it seemed that I could not stop them, Suddenly we jumped over the wall from our heads and fell outside the city, and then immediately knocked out a large area of ​​Japanese players and monsters. I saw you then, but you didn't see me. "

I nodded and understood. No wonder he didn't remember him. It turned out to be a meeting in that situation, and it wasn't a formal meeting, it was just a passing away.

"What's your game character's name?"

"Great bull."

"It's really tough!" I said and then turned to Yin Jiu and asked, "What about yours? The account name, and where is it now?"

"My character is called Law Enforcer under the Moon. But everyone likes to call me Law Enforcer directly. My character is now doing a serial mission on the China-India border and cannot leave for the time being."

"Then you first report to Isinger, I will tell your name to the **** of war, hey, forget to say it. The **** of war is a battlefield command computer, but there is a player identity in the game as a cover. Now he In fact, he is the big steward of our guild. He is in charge of all the trivial matters. When you get to Isinger, you can find any enquiry with a communicator. As long as you let him report to the army god, the army **** will send someone. Go and pick you up. As for Xu Feng, since you are our guild, then you will wait outside the Executive Hall of the City Council of the Sky City, and I will be there in a while. "

"Okay, let's go online." Xu Feng said to the platform and asked, "How to use this?"

"I haven't logged in your usage information yet. Wait a minute, I can use it after you set it up. After you come here, your dedicated cockpit will be automatically sent over to meet you. When you think about it, go offline first, The remaining part is voice operation, which should be very simple. When connected to the game, it is also a voice operation. Just speak to the screen in front of it and tell him that you want to connect to the game, and the system will automatically connect you. "

"It's really convenient." After Xu Feng said, a life support module had moved over. I just helped them apply for it.

"Well, you two go in."

Under my guidance, both of them quickly entered their respective living quarters. The robotic arm quickly sent them back to their cabin, and then I left the room and returned to my room to reconnect to the game.

After the screen flashed back into the game, I first ran to the small square outside. Although my offline location is very close to here, because Xu Feng came online first, he arrived earlier than me.


Seeing me coming, Xu Feng or Da Niu always called out. When I came to him, I first looked at Xu Feng's characters up and down, and then said, "I didn't expect you to use this kind of meat shield warrior with little technical content. I thought you would use more technical skills. Like assassins. "

After hearing my words, Xu Feng laughed directly. "Actually, the movements of the characters in the game are more difficult than the actual technical skills. Even the flexibility of this shield warrior is not comparable to that of real people, so using this not only does not affect my performance. Instead, it allows me to say this. With physical strength to the extreme. "

I nodded and said, "You have a good grasp of the characters. Did someone guide you in choosing a profession?"

Xu Feng nodded and said, "There is a guy in the army who specializes in the simulation of fighting in" Zero "told me, like those of us who are soldiers, if we don't want the combat skills in the game to destroy the physical habits in reality, the most A good way is to use this seemingly heavy shield warrior. Because this shield warrior is the most flexible feature of a normal person, only the combat skills trained by the shield warrior can come in handy in reality. "

"It really turned out to be a master, I found it all. But I'm going to Japan in a while, and the mission is sneaking in. So I'm afraid it will be inconvenient to take you with me."

"No, this is a good time for training." Xu Feng said, "I don't need to worry about my flexibility. Although I am not an assassin, but I sneak into what I am absolutely not familiar with. I just follow you and can just drop in. How to dive right in. "

"Since you say that, let's do it together. Anyway, there are double insurances for this invasion. We will storm the secret invasion, and we don't have to hide it."

"Can you storm? What kind of place should we dive into?"

Xu Feng and I explained the secret weapons of mass destruction made by Nobunaga's hand, and then talked about our plans. Xu Feng nodded immediately: "It's a very good plan, and a secret dive can be turned into a storm at any time. It is really a foolproof plan."

"It's not foolproof, it's just a small risk." Before I suddenly remembered it, it seemed that Rose urgently called me on the line. I forgot all about it before, and then I immediately started the ring of love and contacted Rose. "What's the matter? What's the matter? Suddenly, my son-in-law told me to come online?"

As soon as Rose saw it, I immediately said, "I'm in Fulcrum City. I'll tell you more about the specific situation when you come over. Come on."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Since it was so urgent for me to get Rose to come online, it was definitely not an ordinary thing, so I immediately pulled Xu Feng directly into the transnational transport array and flew it to the fulcrum city on the other side of Japan.

The appearance of Fulcrum City is very different from the last time I came here. I almost thought that I had passed the wrong place in a teleportation battle. Half the place in the city is smoking, there are ruins everywhere, and it looks like a severely affected area.

"I depend, what's the matter?" Although Xu Feng is a player of our Frost Rose League, he was a soldier with very little online time and had not been to Fulcrum City for a long time. However, when he came here last time, there was still a scene of prosperity, and he never imagined that it would become like this now.

I can understand the situation of cities. After all, Masamoto Matsumoto has basically unified Japan with our secret help, and our country's power has gradually withdrawn from Japan. It can be said that apart from this fulcrum city, there are only a few offshore islands left by the Japanese. It is precisely for this reason that almost all players in Japan are eyeing the Fulcrum City, hoping to destroy it as soon as possible in order to completely regain Japan's entire territory.

Because of the enthusiasm of Japanese players, the Fulcrum City has hardly stopped fighting in the recent period of time. Twenty-four hours a day, no hour is quiet and no fighting occurs. The only difference is the peak. The fighting is more intense in the period, and the number of combatants in free time is less.

Fighting of such intensity, and without stopping for more than a week, let's say the Fulcrum City has been beaten like this, and I'm really glad it can stand here. Of course, there is also a large part of this because Matsumoto Masa has never come forward to organize a formal battle against the Fulcrum City ~ ~ Otherwise, the Fulcrum City will certainly not be able to hold on.

When I was out of the teleportation array, I immediately used the communicator to ask for the position of the rose, and after I knew it, I took Xu Feng directly.

At this moment, Rose was a small conference room in Fulcrum City. There was still a player beside me who didn't remember the name, but it seemed to be one of the men we assigned to Matsumoto Masa.

"Chairman." The player greeted me as soon as I came in.

I nodded and asked directly, "Is there anything so urgent?"

Rose pointed at the player, and the other party immediately said, "In fact, it was a message from a spy that Masamoto Matsumoto planted on Nobunaga's side saying that this morning Nobunaga took a shipment from the sea with someone. It looks like a huge number, and all were shipped to the secret warehouse where we suspected that weapons of mass destruction were hidden. "

"That is to say, it is likely that Nobunaga's reception this time is another batch of weapons of mass destruction?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support Is my greatest motivation.) RQ

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