Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 82: I lost myself!

The courtyard of the Polaris King is large, but it is not large enough for three dragons to enter! No way, I can only take the dragon girl in! The interior of this yard is almost the same as the outside, and it has no other features except for simplicity! Sitting down at a stone table in the garden, Polaris Jun went to find us a white cloth and wipe the water off. Although we don't feel cold when we have energetic technique, it's hard to refute his face and wiped it out in a pretense!

He changed out of his robe and walked out, sitting at the table, seeing the little dragon girl still floating in the sky and asking, "Why don't you come down and sit?"

"I haven't reached the level yet!"

"You're under 600?"

"Because I encountered a bottleneck, so ...!"

"Oh! That's easy! I have a way to help you break through!"

Xiao Xiaolong said: "I already have a master now, I can't break through until the master breaks through!"

"Master? Who?"

I raised one hand: "Next!"

"It's you! Let's go! What's coming this time? Wouldn't it be for me to break through the bottleneck?" Polaris Jun and I were not so polite to Xiaolongnv!

"Someone asked us to send such a thing!" I took out the dust and old man's letter from the bracelet.

North Star Jun took the letter and looked at it, then tore off the cloth outside the dust. After lovingly caressing for a moment, North Star Jun suddenly looked up and said, "Although this stupid person doesn't believe me, Xuanmen changed to the western temple, but his credibility is still good. He can trust someone to send things back! Well! Seeing you so enthusiastic For your help, I will give you one pill. "Said the old **** poured 6 elixir out of the gourd. "That! One for each!"

This dead old man actually saw that Ling was not a player, and he had expected him to give one more! Actually not fooled! Regardless, it is better to have it than nothing. Take the pill, but we did n’t upgrade immediately. Experience shows that the experience value is almost upgraded. When you leave, you can just kill something to upgrade!

"Yes, Lao Xingjun! I heard that you have a mount called Ying Lang Wan?"

"How do you know?"

"I listened to those little Japanese."

"Are they looking for Shadow Wolf Pill?" Polaris Jun immediately guessed something!

"Yes, they are looking for Shadow Wolf Pills. But now we are looking for it!" I took out the collar. "This thing is supposed to be Kagelang Maru, and Little Japan wants to trade it for Kage Wolf Maru!"

"You say this?" Polaris Jun rubbed a boxy box from his body!

I was dizzy, thanks to the Polaris Jun who was looking for directly, the contents of the shadow wolf pill had already reached him. I carefully took the box and opened it. The box was lined with silk and the shape was quite delicate! Open the box and something like a glass marble appears in the middle of the box. The outer layer of this little thing is transparent and quite smooth! However, a flame-like thing was beating in its central part, emitting a dazzling red light through the transparent part of the outer layer.

"This is the contract beads?"

Polaris Jun said: "I don't know what this thing is called, but I know it has strong energy, but I don't know how to use it! Since the Japanese plan to exchange this collar, the value of them should be similar! Since now The collar is in your hands, then I will give you the beads! "

"Thank you!" I don't want to be polite with him, I will lose money if he changes his mind! Keeping things in hand, it is no good to stay more, and quickly got up and said: "If there is anything else, the young **** wants to retreat first, and the young girl can stay, and we will catch up with us after we leave!"

"Wait!" Polaris stopped me. "I think the energy flow in your body is very strange. I usually have no hobbies and I like to study how the exercises work. I don't know if you want to stay another day!"

I do n’t want to offend him. Since everyone has spoken, I ca n’t resist it. He just said, “I ’m not leaving you in vain. Ben Jun has a set of royal sword art, which is very different from the authentic sword art. Large, mainly because the attack is too fierce, but the defense is insufficient, but in general it is still better than the ordinary sword technique. But the old man created this technique for hundreds of years, no one can learn it! You may have strange powers. Learn! If you are willing to stay, I will teach you this set of exercises, how you see it! "

"Then I'd better respect it than obey!" Haha! It's a fool not to pick it up! Can skills be found everywhere!

"Some people who come with you will go out and have fun first! Or go to the hot spring bubble in the back, it will be very beneficial for future practice!"

"Zi Ri, shall we go to the hot spring first?" Shura Ziyi said.

恩 "Well!" I nodded!

"I will go too!" The cauldron rice jumped.

As a result, the three women flew in a unified motion: "Look for death!"

Everyone went out to play, the girls went to Cannon Hot Springs, and the men went to the fruit forest. The cauldron rice was supposed to take a bath, but after the Polaris Jun said that the fruit here can increase agility, it rushed into Guolin like a wind and vowed never to die!

I was brought into the room by the Star Army and said that I wanted to study my system. "What can I do?"

"You don't have to do anything. Just sit here. I will use Tai Chi array to punch your soul out. After that, your body will enter an unconscious state, which is easy to observe."

"No harm?"

"Am I still called a fairy when there is any damage? Besides, my Taiji Soul Lock is dedicated to this only!"

"I'm still afraid!"

The old **** had nothing to do with me, so I had to pull out a book from the shelf next to me and throw it to me. I caught it instinctively. "what is this?"

"How to use Taiji Lock Soul Formation. How about it for you?"


什 "Why ... what? Dark? What dark?"

gosh! Immortals don't understand foreign languages! "I mean I agree!"

哦 "Oh!" The old fairy whispered, "It's such a good physique that you have a big tongue! What a pity!"

Xi Xizi put the array book in place, and then waited for the old gods to arrange. I saw him holding a whisk and scrambling there like a big jump god, and then started walking around in strange steps, and after a few laps he suddenly went around behind me and looked at my vest as a chapter.

"Ah!" I yelled and rushed forward, and the whole man flew! "What are you doing?" I jumped angrily. But I'm stuck! I'm sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, but I'm obviously here! Two me appeared in the room? Suddenly I noticed the Taiji map in the ground floor of the room. The two dots were shining purple.

I saw the North Star gentleman slowly lifted his hand from my waistcoat. As soon as his hand left my body, he saw my body's black flame suddenly rising up to a height. Thanks to the high roof here, Otherwise I'm afraid to light the house!

Polaris Jun said to himself: "Sure enough! Good negative energy! Come here!" He beckoned to me.


"Can you see me?" I should have become a ghost! When I died before, this is what I am now, but normal death will be prompted by the system, and the soul will be directly transferred to the nearest resurrection mage after two minutes without the healing of the resurrection mage. But now I haven't received any prompts, and I haven't seen the two-minute countdown! It seems that the thing of the North Star can let the soul run around freely, without being restricted by the body!

For my question, North Star Jun responded very much. "Crap! I'm a fairy! Isn't even a ghost invisible to a ghost?"

makes sense! "Yes, can I run anytime now? Is this body temporarily disconnected from me?"

"You can run whatever you want, but your connection will not be interrupted! For example ..." He took out a piece of rune paper and threw it over. I wanted to pick it up, but as soon as I touched it, the rune burned and it quickly turned into a pile of black powder. Polaris Jun shook his head and looked straight: "How could it be so powerful! Angel town ghost charms are burned out! Forget it, look at this, thunder sounds a spell!" The charm thrown again floated on me again, this time just one A big bang happened on contact! With a bang, the rune paper burned instantly to black ash, and I was blown out. Fortunately, the power is not great, I only flew two meters away. But my body suddenly coughed and spewed blood.

Polaris Jun wiped the blood off with a white cloth, and then said, "See? The soul is injured, and the body will react! And ..." He hit my physical forehead with a dusting handle, and as a result I felt pain in the forehead. !! "Do you understand? You are one, whoever hurts each other will feel!"

"I see! But you don't have to blow me with such a powerful charm?"

Polaris Jun seems to see my intention, and without hesitation, flipped two books and put them on the table: "This is the method of making the magical spell of Tianshizhen and the magic seal of thunder sound, here you are!"

"Thank you then! Go ahead and experiment! Is there anything else? I don't mind throwing it!"

"I just let the old man get you scraped away, but how dare I throw things to blow you up!" It seems that the old guy has recognized my true face and wants to cheat by another method!

I followed the old guy until the evening, and they said that they would go offline first. I told them to come back again at noon tomorrow. Polaris is still forgetful of my research, but I feel very bored. "Excuse me, can you let me go offline for a while and come back later?" Although I am a monster, I still want to eat!

"It's okay! You're ready to go! There is Tai Chi's soul locker, and your physical body will not disappear when you go offline!"

"Oh! That's great, I'll come up later!"

"You don't have to come up until noon tomorrow. How many things did you scrape me in the afternoon?"

Ha ha! In the afternoon, I did a lot of things from old guys, most of them skills. I just do n’t have the skills that I usually use. This time, I can make enough money! "That's goodbye!"

After I (soul) disappeared, the old **** said: "Uncle (bai)? When will I become uncle?"

第一 The first thing after going offline is to eat. Does the people take food as the sky! On the way back to the room after eating a pass, I just met the director of the security department of the base. He gave me a video recording card, which made me somehow! Originally wanted to follow up, but there was no shadow as soon as he turned around. It was indeed the Security Section, and there was no shadow and no trace!

This is a dedicated video card that cannot be read by ordinary machines. It must be used on the internal host of Dragon Edge! I had to go to the main conference room, where the terminal could read this. Insert the card into the card reader, then open the big screen and start watching.

After the screen flashed, the background was a laboratory, and it didn't look like Long Yuan's industry! Several people walked into the picture, they all wore special chemical protective clothing and couldn't see their faces! These people put a shiny box on the table, and opened it carefully. I recognized the contents of the box at a glance-the whole person expert 2.0! I rely, isn't this the jar that the Japanese took away?

This time I carefully studied the picture. The picture is very clear and the place where it is placed is very clear. Also, a person wearing chemical protection clothing also came to adjust the picture position. This is not the name of our spy monitor. It should be the original internal equipment of the Japanese laboratory, but the video was made by a Chinese spy. The date displayed on the screen is at 3:30 pm last Saturday, and today is Thursday. It seems to be a record of a few days ago!

研究 In the picture, the researchers carefully pressed the password on the jar, but made two consecutive errors. That person did n’t enter any more, but walked to the camera and said something, but I could n’t understand it. Fortunately, there was a Chinese translation on the side of the screen. It was probably added by the spy himself. The researcher said: "No, the password you bought is fake! It has been twice, and if you enter it incorrectly, it will be destroyed automatically!"

外 An off-screen sound sounded: "Cut it with a low-temperature cutter!"


The researcher picked up the thing. As soon as the picture changed to a room full of hoarfrost, it seemed to be a cold storage! The jar has been placed on a strange machine, and several robotic arms carefully and violently cracked the jar. This machine has a huge spout that can use extremely cold liquid to condense the tank to prevent the automatic destruction system from starting. The jar was opened after about five minutes. But the condensation system does not seem to be able to defeat Longyuan.

的 The liquid crystal display on the jar suddenly turned on, and a few scared researchers got up and ran! Three squares began to appear on the display, things like gambling machines! The three squares began to spin, and several researchers were surprised to see that the display on the display turned slower and slower and finally stopped. The first box appeared with the skull symbol representing the chemical poison, and then the second box also stopped. The display inside was a warning sign of radioactive items much like an electric fan. Stuff is a symbol of biological pollution made up of three crescents!

A few researchers looked at each other, then looked at the jar in doubt. After waiting for ten seconds, nothing happened. Just when they wanted to go up to see what happened, a small hole suddenly opened under the jar, and a large pool of purple oil flowed out from it. These things quickly dropped on the cutting machine below. In a burst of smoke, the cutting machine melted like ice cubes! The liquid didn't stop there, it was seeping downwards, and the ground had already seen obvious depressions!

Little Japan exclaimed in Japanese: "It's a biological acid! Quickly! Evacuate the researchers below! The floor is about to burn through!"

As soon as the voice fell, the contents of the jar finally burned through a foot of thick reinforced engineering plastic floor, and then the liquid continued down, burning through the pipe layer between the two research facilities. After leaving the freezer, the corrosion rate of bio-acids accelerated significantly, quickly dissolved through the ceiling of the lower base, and the jar rolled all the way to the lower research room!

The screen switches again, apparently to the monitor of the lower laboratory! The strength of bio-acids far exceeds the estimates of Little Japan. The corrosion resistance of plastics is very high, but in the presence of bio-acids, it seems like aqua regia (a mixture of three major industrial strong acids, which is known to melt even gold and silver) The iron was melted off! Researchers at the lower level were overwhelmed by what suddenly fell from the sky. Seeing that the floor on this level was also burned through, the jar continued to fall down. The screen changed several monitors successively, and the bio-acid finally no longer penetrated downward after continuously burning through the 7-layer experimental area. During this period, several small Japanese tried to remove the jar with things, but everything that came into contact with the jar was immediately melted by the biological acid!


Wait for a while, Little Japan got strong alkali to cover the acid solution, and waited for a long time before I dared to move the jar. At this time, the first skull that was shaken was not bright, it seemed to be over! Little Japan was about to clean the tank, and suddenly the entire laboratory began to panic. A large number of people fainted, some had a nosebleed, and some were shocked. Those bioacids are not simply highly corrosive, in fact, their most important function is toxic! Most of the people in the lower research area did not wear chemical protection clothing, and suddenly a large area was poured!

The panic has not ended, and the second square on the jar began to flash, which was a radioactive warning sign. A little Japanese said: "Skulls appeared just now, and then came out a poisonous super bio-acid. If this sign flashes, will it not be a nuclear bomb?"

When I just finished speaking, I saw that the lid on the bottom of the jar fell off by myself, a small speaker appeared on the lid that had fallen off, and a voice appeared, and it was in Chinese. "Little Japan, do you know how terrific? Good things come behind! Please enjoy slowly! Long live the People's Republic of China!" After the voice was over, the speaker rose up and destroyed itself!

At this time, three jars were suddenly extended on the jar without the lid, and stood up! A small triangular stick appeared in the hole at the bottom of the tank without a lid, and this thing was still shining green! The picture suddenly disappeared, and a voice over in Chinese appeared. "Because the neutron radiation bomb exploded, all the electronic equipment in the base was scrapped!"

When the screen re-lighted, it was already outside the base. In the screen, a person wearing a full chemical protection salutes the screen, and then the camera shakes, showing that it was taken by him. Seen from here, it seems to be at high altitude! The shooting location at that time should be the roof of a tall building!

The camera aimed at a clearing, and then began to zoom in. After waiting for about ten seconds, the ground in the open space suddenly exploded upwards, and a flashing thing flew out. The picture keeps tracking this thing until it lands.

The picture got closer, and finally I saw it clearly. This is half of that jar. It doesn't look like it was blown off, but it fell off by itself! This part suddenly exploded again, and hundreds of small things flew out in smoke. The picture captures one of them. This little thing seemed to be made of paper and burned out in the air, but the yellow powder inside the paper pill was scattered. The fine yellow powder drifted with the wind and immediately diffused into the air.

之后 After all the pellets have been spread, the half of the tank on the ground suddenly begins to soften, and finally the half of the tank is turned into a pool of green solution. If you don't pay attention, it is easy to be mistaken for a piece of paint!

The screen turns into a snowflake at the end, and after a few seconds, the screen reappears. This time is very interesting. It is a Japanese newsletter. Of course, Japanese is spoken, but there is a translation. The content is roughly a report of an explosion in a gas pipe below an open space in Japan. Little Japan really edited it. The base was bombed and it was actually interpreted as a gas pipe explosion!

The screen is dark again, and when it lights up again, it becomes our country's news webcast! The date displayed on the screen is the 13th, this Tuesday! "The international news is broadcast below! At 3.40am today, Beijing time, more than 30 people were suddenly admitted to the Tohoku Hospital in Japan. According to a reporter's investigation, all of these patients are suffering from a disease. There is a serious tendency to violence! The International Health Organization suspects this is a new infectious disease! "

The picture suddenly jumped to yesterday, that is, the news on the 14th. "The strange disease that appeared in Japan yesterday has spread to more than 30 cities across Japan. At present, more than one million people are infected. The major hospitals across Japan are overcrowded! The United Nations Health Organization has identified this strange disease as The fastest-seeking disease I've seen so far! According to a reporter's investigation, a patient was first raped in a Huxian hospital last night by a nursing nurse. Later, the nurse left the hospital and disappeared on the way to the police station. The nurse was found in Lingshang County near Huxian County, but she has developed symptoms. Later, the nurse was admitted to the local hospital, but at 12 noon, most of the patients and doctors in the hospital had the same symptoms. There was an outbreak on the flight from Tokyo to Tokyo, and everyone on board was infected. The plane crashed out of Tokyo because the driver lost consciousness. At 2 pm, the disease appeared in Tokyo. Two hours later, the city announced Martial law, but at this time more than 300,000 people have been infected. As of the time of writing, 1.7 million people have been affected. Infection, and the situation is deteriorating still further! "

The screen jumps again. This is today's news webcast. Now at eight thirty, this news should have been more than an hour ago. "The strange disease that has recently occurred in Japan has fully spread. The Chinese government has closed all routes to Japan this morning and ordered all aircraft from Japan to make a U-turn and return to the aircraft that has landed. Countries all over the world have already terminated their flights to Japan, and some ships preparing to sail to Japan have also been forced to dock or return to nearby countries! According to the Japanese side, this strange disease may be caused by some unknown virus! It is not yet available Finding a solution can only take quarantine to minimize the number of infected people! "

另一 "Another news. New symptoms of strange diseases in Japan today, please read the report!" The picture was taken by a traffic surveillance camera on the streets of Tokyo, Japan. I saw many people naked on the street, standing everywhere. And these people seem to be ... fading! I can only say so! Some are two pairs of men and women, some are two men, some are two women, and even more outrageous are people holding trash bins and street sculptures shaking desperately there! The entire screen was full of mosaics. Thanks to the motivation of CCTV staff, so many mosaics are also OK! However, it is necessary to ensure that the audience knows what is happening and that no limit shots can appear. It seems that this method is better!

Once the screen turns, the place is very familiar. It is the parliament hall of Japan. It used to appear in the news here when watching TV. But now this hall is the same as on the street. A large group of people are messing around there. The area of ​​the mosaic on the screen is more than two-thirds of the picture, but you can still see what is going on!

I laughed while watching and almost didn't laugh at me. It was really interesting. It is indeed an advanced version of the whole expert. Exit the video memory card and see that it's almost nine o'clock. I hurried to the base restaurant.

The old cook was surprised to see me: "Did you just finish eating? Are you hungry again?"

"No! Turn on the TV, CCTV! I want to watch the whole news!"


Time is right, nine o'clock news. The reports are basically about this strange disease. Japan asks other countries to provide assistance, but when countries hear that this thing is so contagious, they dare not send people easily, they are all there to play Taijiquan with the Japanese, you push me! Some countries have really given assistance, but they all send planes to drop things to their destinations, and they do not land at all! None of the medical support required in Japan! As the saying goes, starving to death is a small misstep and a big one. Although foreigners don't necessarily think so, no one wants to go to Japan after hearing the symptoms of this disease. Do you think! The medical staff are all nurses. Those women are not afraid of death. It is nothing to rescue the wounded on the battlefield, but what kind of **** do the patients catch here? Who dares to go!

After reading the news, the old cook's chin is falling off. He hasn't watched TV these days and just saw the news startled him.

"How do you feel?" I asked him!

"Isn't this something for us?"

"Haha! That's a new product! Is it effective?"

"I don't know if I'm strong or not ~ ~ But let it go! This thing is so cool!"

By the way, I asked for another one, and said, "Unfortunately, it is not fatal! Otherwise, it can be destroyed in one fell swoop!"

"Why don't you use something lethal?"

"This involves a lot of things, which is hard to explain to you!"

恩 "Well!" Although the veterans didn't pay much attention to the rules and regulations, the confidentiality regulations must be remembered! What you let you know is what you listen to, and what you do n’t let you know is not heard!

I quickly eliminated the food in front of me and quickly ran back to the dormitory to go online. Who knows what Polaris Jun did with my body when I was away, and if something happened, it would be me!

After connecting the system and going online, my soul appeared in the house of Polaris King, but the situation in front of me made me a little dazed! What about my physical body? In the middle of the room, there is a pile of black ash in the middle of Taiji Lock soul array. It looks like the chair where my body is sitting is burned, but where is my body?

I ran to the door nervously and wanted to push the door out. I reached out and found that I could not touch the door. I forgot that I am now a soul. Quickly ran out, but the garden was empty, not only my physical body and Polaris King were not there, even the lucky ones who should have been left behind were gone!

I quickly looked at each room and no one was there! No hot springs, no fruit trees, no gardens! Searched all over the mountain valley, not even personal hair. There isn't any pant in the whole mountain valley, the only one I don't need to pant now! Where did my flesh go?

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