Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 96: Blocking plan

Chapter 96. Blocking Plans

It didn't take much to explain the situation of the Yaqi serpent to the emperor Jade and a bunch of fairy gods, because the matter itself is very simple, and I only said it all in just a few minutes. M. However, although I said it quickly, the Jade Emperor waited for a long time after I finished talking before I started to respond.

Some unconvinced too white Venus looked at Qinglong and asked, "You really can't beat that nine-headed bird?"

Qing Long nodded and said, "This is not a glorious thing. Do I have to lie to you?"

As soon as Qinglong said this, the fairies at the scene were all in a discussion. Everyone was talking head-to-head with various people to discuss various things. Even the emperor Jade and Dairi came to discuss this issue, The three real behind-the-scenes big brothers in the heavenly courts, Hongjun, Yuanshi, and Lao Tzu, were sitting together to discuss each other.

After a little discussion, the emperor was the first to speak. After all, the court of heaven was under his control.

"If things are exactly as you said, then it is really a troublesome thing. The Hydra bird, which is aliased to the Eight-Big Snake, is not a big deal. The strength may indeed be stronger, but I still have a way to deal with such goods. Yes. It's just ... "

The emperor of the Jade Emperor just said before he came out, "You need not say, I know that you are restricted to make you stuck and cannot support us on a large scale. I am here this time hoping that we can come up with a solution to this problem. .At least it must be guaranteed to prevent the invasion of the Yagi snake. "

"In fact, it's not too difficult to block this Bachi snake." Tai Shang Laojun, who was on the side, said suddenly, "The Four Saints have their own priesthood restraint. Only in their own position can they exert their full ability, so You summoned the dragon and Suzaku to help in Japan, but their strength is actually incomplete. "

"Ah? Anything else?" I looked back and asked Qinglong in surprise.

Qinglong nodded and said, "After all, we are guards guarding the border. How can we leave the post? So if we are not there, we must dispense a part of the power to consolidate the position to temporarily take our place, so as long as you are not in our original post Seeing us, our strength will decline. "

"Then you can get rid of the Yagi snake after you recover?"

"I'm afraid it still can't work." Qinglong added immediately after saying: "Even if we concentrated all our forces. Then we are not the opponents of the Eight Different Serpents, of course, much better than now. If we can reach the third sacred animal, We can absolutely guarantee the defeat of the Yagi Serpent. If the four gather, we can guarantee the capture of the Yaki Serpent. "

"If only the two of you were present, would it be possible to block the Hachido snake?" I asked out loud.

Qinglong and Suzaku looked at each other, and then said, "Not sure. Maybe."

"So what if the opponent's strength improves?" I suddenly asked again.

"That would require at least three of us to show up at the same time," Suzaku said.

I thought about it for a moment and asked, "I don't need to be summoned by your tokens to buy shares. How many people can I help with in Heaven?"

Jade Emperor did not immediately answer my question. But first, he exchanged a look with the leader of Hongjun. Then I looked back and said to me: "Originally, according to regulations, your combat effectiveness is obviously much more than your opponents. We could n’t even help in the first battle, but because of your relationship with Heaven, this situation is special , We will find a way to circumvent some of the rules. But even so, we can only assign at most one Holy Beast to help you. Unless you have suffered a great loss in the first guard battle, so that we can be in the subsequent defense Give you increasing support. "

"But the problem is that if the Yachi snakes attack China. The first must be our Isinger of the Frost Rose League, so. If we ca n’t keep it for the first time, our Isinger will be reimbursed. This loss is too large, I can't afford it! "

"But due to the restrictions of the rules, we can't use too much power to support you at one time without the obvious loss. It is quite amazing to be able to transfer a holy beast!"

After hearing the words of Jade Emperor, I thought for a moment and then said, "Is there any other way?"

The Jade Emperor did not answer after I said it, but remained silent, but soon heard that Erlang suddenly said, "That ... I remember something that can solve this problem."

When the words of Erlang came out, everyone's eyes screamed and all focused. No need to ask us again, Erlang God directly began to say, "In fact, I'm not quite sure, but I suddenly remembered that I had heard about psionic space before."

"Psionic space?" I never heard the term at all, so I didn't know what Erlang God was talking about.

Now that I don't understand, I turned my eyes to the other people above the hall to see if anyone could explain it, but it turned out that most people were like me, obviously they didn't know about it. However, not everyone is bewildered, at least the Jade Emperor and Rulai next to him, and Hongjun over there should all know this.

My side is trying to figure it out, but the leader of Hongjun, who almost never spoke, suddenly spoke. "Zi Ri."


The real big guy behind Tianting, considering that Tianting's strength is unique among the protoss, so I still care about the leader of Hongjun, after all, his strength is too strong.

After I agreed here, the leader of the Junjun did not make nonsense, and directly said: "The psionic space that Erlang Zhenjun just said is the specific existence of that thing, so you will feel strange. If you use another name, you must not Feels strange. "

"What's the name?"

"The kingdom of God."

"The kingdom of God? You mean the independent world formed by the divine power?"

The leader of Hongjun nodded and said: "The power of the kingdom of God is beyond your imagination. The creator of the kingdom of God can arbitrarily change the laws and rules in it. So in the kingdom of God, his creator is invincible.

I nodded and said, "I'm no stranger to the Kingdom of God, and I've entered it many times."

The kingdom of God I mean is the back garden lent to me by the mother of the earth. That is actually part of the motherland of the mother earth, but this thing seems to be only available to the higher gods. Even the leader of Hongjun has no way to create a kingdom of gods.

I probably guessed my doubts. After I finished speaking, the leader of Hongjun said, "The creation and establishment of the kingdom of God can only be done by the higher God, so we can do nothing. But let's talk. We are not It's really impossible to create a kingdom of God. If we rely on some props, we can create a fake kingdom of God. "

"The kingdom of God is still fake?"

The leader of Hongjun said: "Of course it is not the kind of counterfeit you think. The fake and inferior kingdom of God I said is an incomplete kingdom of God. The internal circulation of this kingdom of God is not stable. Without external assistance, this **** The kingdom cannot support the self-recycling for a long time, and it will eventually collapse. The reason for the **** kingdom of the gods to be genuine is that their **** kingdom can regenerate itself. Don't say you do n’t drive it, even if you Collect resources and hunt animals from it. As long as you do n’t do too much, the world will maintain a balanced cycle of its own. This is the perfect kingdom of God. But. If you only use it to fight the invading snake, then There is no need for a cycle, just keeping the kingdom of God for three or five days should be enough. "

"So we guys are going to get me a kingdom of God, and then wait for the Yagi snake to pack him in with me?" I asked out loud.

The leader of Hongjun shook his head unexpectedly: "No, no, you think of the kingdom of God too simple. Even if you can create a kingdom of God that can be stable for more than ten days, it does not mean that you can make it. That requires a lot of preparation. And it takes a long time. "

"Anyway, isn't it?"

The leader of Hongjun nodded and said, "The eight-dimensional snake that you said should come soon, so we can't finish a kingdom of God for you before. And we don't plan to give you the kingdom of God either. That thing is too powerful. Great. If you get it, at your level, it is possible to reverse and level my heaven. "

"It sounds really good. But you don't plan to tell me what else?"

"I just explained to you the general characteristics of this kingdom of God, and what we are going to help you get is a simpler space based on this kingdom of God."

"Easier? What kind of thing is it that can guarantee to deal with the Yaki snake?"

"I'm not clear with you on what this specific thing is. So, we can show you a sample. If you think it can be used, we will make another one for you."

"Why not just give me one and make it again?"

The answer to me was not the leader of Hongjun, but the fairy of the purple bamboo. "Because that thing is tied to the soul of the user, it needs to be customized when it is produced, and once it is completed, the owner cannot be changed again."

"That's it?" I looked at the Zizhu Fairy and asked, "Did you say that means something is with you?"

Zizhu Fairy nodded and said, "Yes, there is only this set of things in heaven, and it is here with me now, and it is a device bound to my soul, so if you want, you can make another one for you."

I nodded. "Take me to see first."

The Purple Bamboo Fairy didn't make nonsense, and as soon as I waved my hand, the space around me suddenly became dark, and then I heard the system prompt sound. "Player Ziri notices that you are about to enter the time acceleration state now, this state may cause your discomfort, please wait patiently for a few minutes, your nervous system will gradually adapt to this state, no need to worry. This state will not cause you Any harm. "

The sudden sound made me stagger. Before I just said that I would enter the world of similar equipment manufacturing in the kingdom of God, but I did not expect this world to carry a completely independent time system that has only recently been added in Zero.

Because "Zero" is an online game, you cannot change the speed of the game time as much as a stand-alone game. For example, many stand-alone games can modify the system clock through plug-ins, thereby tricking the game clock to make the performance of the game faster or slower according to the player's intention. but. Because everyone is under a system for online games, even if you have the ability to modify the local time, you cannot change the timeline change. After all, the main program of the game runs on the server.

However, the timeline system newly added in "Zero" is a very unique system, which is a time differential system running directly on the official server. Because experiments have shown that the human brain can actually withstand a time state that is faster than the actual time flow rate, it is possible to accelerate the time lapse and speed up the game progress. but. In this state, the load on the human brain will also increase exponentially, and once it breaks through a certain critical point, it will cause actual mental damage.

For safety, the way ZERO is now is not to speed up the entire system, but to set some special areas in the game, and the time flow rate of these areas will be faster or full than the actual time. This time zone is still a trial and error stage in Zero, so there are very few zones. And most of them are one-off mission spaces, and are not connected to the main map. No one other than the player who just received the mission is allowed to enter.

It is precisely because this thing is also a model that has only recently been put into use. So I only tried it a few times, but I didn't expect to run into another one here.

That prompt sounded a pause after finishing the previous sentence before continuing: "This time the system acceleration state is initially set to double speed, please be prepared, the system time reset will be completed in five seconds, four , Three, two, one, sync. "

It felt as if everything around me had been lubricated, and I almost fell when I appeared. Unlike the state depicted in many film and television literary works, under the accelerated state in "Zero". What players feel is not a sense of stagnation, but a feeling of lubrication.

The acceleration mentioned in most literary and artistic creations. Usually refers to the acceleration of the human body itself, or even only the acceleration of spiritual will. But the surrounding air is still at a normal flow rate, so in this state, what you want to do needs to face higher air resistance and greater inertial resistance, it feels as if the air has become water. With strong resistance, ordinary people cannot make too exaggerated movements in this state.

However, the acceleration in "Zero" is not only the acceleration of consciousness, but the surrounding environment and your body accelerate together. In this state, people do not feel any resistance, as if you are basically feeling in motion in reality. The effect is less than the obstruction of air. However, because human consciousness is still normal, only the speed of the world has accelerated, so players will feel that their bodies have become over-responsive. Originally, I just wanted to raise my hand, but then I lifted it to the sky with a slight hand. This is not because the strength has increased, but because the reaction has slowed down. In the normal world, you only need to let your muscles contract by a few tenths of a second to raise your arm. But in a twice-speed world, this time needs to be shortened by half. Players often cannot adapt to this speed, so there is no way to control it precisely As a result, the muscle contraction takes too long, and my hand is raised.

This phenomenon is actually a lag of consciousness relative to the body. If an ordinary person's mind is put into the superman's body, this situation will be almost the same.

Although the speed of time has accelerated to twice the normal speed, I am not a human, but a dragon. This speed is of course not a problem for me, so I only adapted to it a little bit, and at the same time, Ziyue also appeared by my side.

"how are you feeling?"

"Do you want to be honest?"

"of course."

"It's a simple world." I answered truthfully.

The purple bamboo fairy first stunned a bit, and then reacted to it slightly raising its hands, the surrounding picture suddenly flashed, and the world around the next second turned into a green bamboo forest, and it was just dark and only two of us were standing. The state in the void disappeared.

After re-observing the surroundings, I nodded and said, "It's still a little bit like this. But, what can you do in this world? The laws of control?"

"No, that ’s something that can only be done in the kingdom of God. This is a false kingdom of God, a semi-finished product, so there is no large-scale control law. You can only modify some simple things. But I think if you want to deal That nine-headed bird should use it to achieve its goal. "

"I don't think this environment alone can suppress each other."

"So what?" With Zizhu Fairy's words, I suddenly heard the system prompt again.

"Attention. The world mode has changed and the current world will accelerate to six times the speed. Please be prepared."

There was no countdown this time, just as soon as the voice fell, I felt my body shake again. There is no change in the surrounding environment, but the body suddenly feels like it will rush out with any thought. This is the result of speeding up. If it were in reality, I would accelerate my thinking, because neither the body nor the surrounding environment accelerated, so attributes such as air resistance and body inertia would greatly reduce my speed. And help me quickly adapt to the control of the body, but here the body and the world are accelerating together. As a result, I feel that the body is not as flexible as it is, and it feels like I can't control it.

If you have played a racing game, you will understand that some lightweight premium sports cars will be over-sensitive to steering compared to heavy sports cars. Such lightweight sports cars tend to be fast, but almost uncontrollable for novices. Because if you just touch the direction car, you will be off the track. My current body probably feels this way, and the response is not ridiculous. The response speed is too high. Little control.

"What state can you accelerate time to?" I asked out loud.

"It depends on your ability to bear it," said Zizhu Xianzi. "I don't care. This speed can be infinitely increased, but if there are adventurers like you in the space, time will be limited. If you ca n’t bear it, Time cannot be added. "

"Do you mean if I have this thing, as long as I don't pull other adventurers into a speed they can't afford. Can I increase this speed infinitely?"

The Purple Bamboo Fairy nodded and said, "It's almost like that."

After hearing this, I can fully understand the purpose of this world. To put it simply, it is to occupy the home court advantage. First, the world inside is your own. So usually you can come in to familiarize yourself with the environment and take advantage of the location. of course. For the existence of the Yachi serpent, geography is useless. However, the time flow rate problem is also a problem that the Yaki snakes cannot avoid. Although usually faster than the player's reaction speed, there is an upper limit to this reaction speed. And, it's important that your quick response doesn't mean you can adapt to sudden changes in this speed.

If you have time to accelerate the world, then you can adapt to this feeling. After a long time, you will be able to play the combat power normally in this world after acceleration, and your opponents will be busy because they are completely unsuited to this environment. This is the greatest power of this space.

"I see. If there is such a thing, I think it should not be a problem to get the Yagi snake."

"That being the case, let's go out first." As Zizhu Fairy finished speaking, the scene around us suddenly changed, and we returned to the Ling Xiao Bao Dian next second. The emperor Jade Emperor was still waiting for us.

As soon as I saw me, the Jade Emperor over there asked immediately: "How's it? Can it still work?"

I nodded and said, "If there is such a thing, support me with a sacred beast, and then I will draw on my own team, and it is not a problem to get the Yagi snake. However, I want to know that this thing can force the Yaki snake into What if he doesn't come in? "

Jade Emperor did not answer directly after I finished speaking, but looked at the Zizhu Fairy. Zizhu Fairy immediately replied: "This thing can pull people forcibly, but only if there is no fierce resistance from the other party, just like your performance just now. If you were struggling to take the initiative at that time, you would come out immediately, and you would not be able to enter at all. "

"What to do?" I looked at the Zizhu Fairy and asked, "The Eight-Discused Snake is not a fool. How could he drill into it by himself?"

"I don't have a good way to do this," said Zizhu Xianzi. "After all, this is not the full version of the kingdom of God. Besides, even the full version of the kingdom of God has no ability to forcibly pull people."

The Taibai Venus on the side said to me, "Isn't Ziri good at deceiving people? Huo that nine-headed bird tricked him into it."

"Cheat in?" I was a stunner first, and then suddenly laughed again. "Yeah! Why did you forget this method? Okay, I have a way to let the Yachi snakes obediently drill into me, but how long will it take you to make this thing? Yachi snakes are not patient guys . "

Hearing this, the Taishang Laojun over there said, "You don't need to worry about this. It only takes two days for production, and it is impossible for the opponent to go to war in such a short time, right?"

"It's not a big deal for two days. Then you can get it done as soon as possible. I'll go back and check the situation first."

"No problem, that's it."

After I decided on how to deal with things in Tianting, I quickly returned to Isinger. As for the special device, it is said that a lot of materials are needed, but Tianting will take care of it, and it will be delivered to the door after it is done. Don't worry about it.

The test spacecraft of our guild is fast. Although it was teleported back before, in the delay of heaven, by the time I returned to Isinger, the spacecraft had been in port for a while. God of War detected that I had entered Isinger and sent a notice telling me that everyone was in the meeting room, so I went directly to the meeting room.

The door of the conference hall of the guild headquarters was opened, and there was already a circle inside. A few of them were on board before, and the think tanks and other leaderships that were not particularly high in combat were also here. Besides, except for us. On the conference table in the center of the room, there were also four virtual shadows floating in the sky, namely Matsumoto Masa, August smoked, Sakura Rain God, and Blazing Dragon Girl. The four of them now use four large communicators to connect to our conference room. Basically, it is no different from attending the meeting in person.

"It looks like everyone is almost there. Matsumoto is congratulating you on what is happening now." Seeing me coming in, Hong Yue, who was a little anxious before, said immediately.

Matsumoto Masako over there didn't hesitate to hear Hongyue's words, and immediately began to say, "After you left, I talked to the Yagi snake about some of the core of divine power. Now what I want to know is, What did Bien think. Are you sure you want to give the Yagi serpent that way to increase faith? "

Blazing Dragon Hime followed immediately after Matsumoto Masayuki said, "Yeah, yeah, this problem is very serious. The Yachi snake is already so strong, once you provide him with enough faith. Then the core of his divine power will soon exert an exceedingly imaginative combat power. At that time, I am afraid no one can control him? "

Both Hongyue and Rose wanted to speak after hearing this. But I first reached out and stopped their speech. I looked directly at the shadow of Matsumoto Masako in the air and asked, "What do you say next to the Hachimantai snake. When we left, it seemed that the Hachimantai snake had already existed. One intention. Has he finally decided to join you? "

Matsumoto Masako paused before he said, "Not yet. Hachichi snake might want to understand it later, and after that, Nogizuki Onomi asks about something in front of us with Hachichi snake, and Hachichi snake I also agreed. We had no position to refute at the time, so we could only let them talk in secret, and we could not stop such things. "

"I didn't expect that the ghost-handed Nobunaga had this courage." I sighed.

The eagle also said, "In front of your face and the secret investigation of the Hachichi serpent, this is tantamount to tearing your face openly, and this kind of thing can be done by noble people."

Rose explained to Eagle: "Big Eagle, you don't understand the situation. We have used the power of faith to seduce the Hachido serpent to join Masamoto Matsumoto. They were also present at the time, and it can be said that he was probably able to see The subsequent development, so he knows that if he does not make any effort, the Hachichi snake will immediately join Matsumoto Masa congratulate them, so he was forced to be anxious at the time, and he had to do it if he didn't do it. "

"That's what it says, but isn't he afraid you will get revenge on him for doing this?" Takamatsu Matsumoto asked them.

The answer was not Masaru Matsumoto, but August smoked next to him. "I don't think that Nobunaga's hands don't care anymore. Our relationship with Nobunaga's hands can't say that there are any good aspects. When we first appeared, we basically were already hostile to Nobunaga's hands. The state, only later, because of public opinion issues in Japan, the two sides entered into a moderation period, but if you want to come, the ghost hand Nobunaga is definitely not convinced. After the mass destruction weapons incident, there are secret warehouses and Collaboration with the Hachiko Serpent is all about dealing with the Frost Rose Alliance, but isn't it actually meant to deal with us and Masamoto Matsumoto by the way? "

Matsumoto Masaha also said: "Yeah! Recently, his relationship with us has eased a little bit, also because we found the Russians in the warehouse city, which confirmed that there was a collusion between the ghost-handed Nobunaga and the Russians. The reason for the national justice is to ask those presidents to keep them secret. It is equivalent to selling the ghost-handed Nobunaga for a big face, which only slightly eased his attitude towards us, but later he definitely wanted to understand, although he would still accept We have this feeling, but we won't be as touched as we were then, and he definitely won't relax the interest. "

"That is to say, there is no such thing as turning your face between you now?" Eagle asked.

Matsumoto nodded and said, "So his behavior at that time was completely taken for granted."

"This is not the key. The key is what the ghost-handed Nobunaga said in the end to the Yagi snake?" Su-mei asked.

Matsumoto shook his head and said, "This is the problem. We couldn't eavesdrop on their conversation at that time, so we didn't know what the Nobunaga had said. But it can be felt that the Yagi snake has a little more to us Alert, it's just that he still covets the power of the faith we have promised. "

After we heard this, we were all thinking, and after a while Su Mei first asked: "Did you observe the expression of the Yaki snake?"

"Surely, we take it very seriously."

"So what kind of state was the Yakushi Serpent at that time? Was he just wary of you, or did he react emotionally?"

"What is an emotional response?" Sakura Yumi asked.

"Well ... it's the kind of closeness or hatred, of course, it won't be so obvious and extreme. But there should be something more inclined to see."

"To say this inclined expression ..." Sakura Yushin paused for a long time, seeming to be remembering. In the end, he was sure: "There should be no negative emotions. Just being cautious, it's like worrying that we will hurt him, but I want to feel closer."

Su Mei and Rose looked at each other immediately after listening to this answer, and then Rose said, "In this case, I think it should be Nobunaga's hand and Yachi Oha said something bad about you, but it should not have caused Ba The dislike of Qi Dashe just made him wary of you. "

"Can you guess this?" Sakura Yushin asked in surprise.

Su Mei nodded: "At least I feel the same as Sister Rose, so the probability of error is not high. I don't know the specific situation, and I can't determine whether the ghost-handed Nobunaga has given some promises or benefits to the Yagi snake."

Suddenly Matsumoto said, "Even if it gives any benefit. It should not be comparable to the Faith Force Collector we promised. After that, the expression of the Yaki Snake is obviously coveted by our Faith Force Collector. So the benefits of the ghost-handed Nobunaga must not be compared with the power of our faith. "

Rose nodded, "I agree with your judgment on this point. For a being with a divine core, the power of faith is everything. Nothing can be more tempting than the power of a stable and large amount of faith. But I It should be no small to think that the Yaki serpent received the temptation from Nobunaga's ghost hand, otherwise the Yaki serpent would not hesitate. "

Suddenly I thought of a problem and interrupted them with a voice: "In fact, I think this is a good thing."

"Huh?" The people around were all confused, only Rose and Su Mei suddenly reacted after a few seconds of stunning.

Rose said suddenly, "Yeah! Really, I fell into a misunderstanding! Just thinking that we have to fight for the Yagi Snake to enter the forces of Masamoto Matsumoto, we have forgotten that the most important thing now is to prevent the Yaki Snake from Recently attacked on us. We need more time to prepare. "

Su Mei also said: "Yeah! Thanks to Brother Ziri's cleverness, otherwise it will be bad. Brother Matsumoto, don't rush to respond to the Hachi-do snake, let him doubt you can get it. The reliability of the power of faith. "

"Ah? Why?" Had been thinking about how to **** the Yaki snake from Nobunaga's hand ~ ~ This was suddenly asked to push the Yaki snake back in turn, Matsumoto was congratulating for a moment A little overturned.

Seeing that Matsumoto and others haven't responded yet, I had to explain it out loud: "It's actually very simple. You think. The eight-dimensional snake is no matter whether he joins Matsumoto's side or the ghost-handed Nobunaga side, he will change. The guild protoss, and the reason he cannot attack us is that the identity of the regional protoss restricts his actions. Once he becomes a guild protoss, this restriction does not exist. With the character of the Yachi serpent, I do n’t think He has the patience to wait, so once he becomes a guild protoss, he will definitely start the war against us at the first time, no matter whether he is with Matsumoto or Nobunaga, we cannot stop him. "

"But what does this have to do with our push back against the Eight-Big Snake?"

"Of course it matters, because as long as we downplay the reliability of the power of faith, the Yachi serpent will hesitate to join Matsumoto-kun, but the temptation of the power of faith is too great, and he will certainly not give up. Hesitating will not become a guild protoss in a short time, naturally it will not be able to quickly launch a counterattack against us, right? "

"High!" RQ

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