Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 85: Ready to go abroad

Speaking of the skills that the tank eats the man named Ikeda, it is really strange, it is actually-peeping at the soul! Speaking of this skill is more like a data display instrument. Under normal circumstances, you do n’t know the attributes of the enemy, but this skill allows you to read out all the surface attributes of the opponent directly, without having to contact him, that is to say, it is not because of peeping be found! As for the so-called surface attributes, those are displayed attributes. Some attributes are invisible to the characters themselves, and those are hidden attributes!

"Hey! Good stuff!" I hold two magic pet eggs and drool three heads! These two are the three golden dragons and the eggs of the fire phoenix!

The golden dragon belongs to the variants of the dragon family, which is a type of freak. Everyone knows the consequences of inbreeding. The Ding Shan of the Dragon is famous, and the inbreeding within the race is very ordinary, so it is not surprising that a three-headed dragon is a freak! Although the Dragon Clan does not exclude these mutant dragons, they generally do not live with the Dragon Clan, but live in seclusion. After all, it is a fact that they have physical defects! However, the category of multi-headed dragons is a special case among the mutant dragons. Most of the mutant dragons have poor combat effectiveness and physical fitness, but multi-headed dragons often have several attributes at the same time, and their physical strength is much stronger than ordinary dragons! I have broken through the 600 level. Fortunately, the three of them are definitely higher than the three-headed golden dragon. That's how he can even tie with my three dragons. This shows what level of fighting power he has!

Not to mention the beacon phoenix, the strength of the genuine phoenix is ​​obvious to all, although it may not be better than the mixed-breed Xiaofeng, but it is certainly not a fuel-saving lamp!

Although the eggs are in hand, I don't plan to hatch immediately because I have some problems to deal with. The position of the magic pet on my body is gone, and there is no way to directly adopt them. Ling and Ariana are still free, but Ling only has one seat left. Arona is only 850. The magic pets linked to her name will not be upgraded to a maximum of 850. This is not good. !! So I decided to put it first.

It's already morning now. Look at the time. They should be online. Hurry up with the magic pets back, but this time you know the road, you can fly back with luck, the speed is much faster! Close the space door. Except for the three dragons and humanoid pets, only darts, white waves, phoenixes, night shadows, and phantoms are left. The others are stuffed back to the goddess of the earth. Everyone knows!

Jumped on the back of the dragon and began to rush back. When I arrived at the old nest of Polaris Jun, I saw the big pot rice on the line, and the time was really right! Seeing my dragon group return, they all came out of the cauldron.

"Is it early to go online?" Fortunately, I jumped down before landing.

The poisoner looked at the gate of the yard: "How did you run outside?"

别 "Don't mention it! I was really exhausted last night!"

Wu Bingbing said: "Our goal has been achieved, shouldn't we go?"

"But I still need to find the North Star King to settle accounts!"


"Forget it, wait for him, I will find a way to make up for the loss myself!"

Polaris Jun, an irresponsible guy, almost killed me, and I must not be cheap! My idea is to remove all the good things in his room. It has been jealous to see his things for a long time. This time just happened to have a reasonable explanation! So I asked Su Mei to take everyone to consolidate everything of the Polaris King into a separate room. This was originally the Alchemist Room of the Polaris King. Because it would explode, it was far away from other houses, and also used wood to prevent moisture. The piles stand up and do not make direct contact with the ground.

When everyone moved things, I went to find a set of pens and started writing messages. The description of the events of last night with vinegar and oil is mainly about how hard I recovered the physical body, and how much loss and damage I suffered in the process, and how deep I was! After writing, I will make some accusations of Polaris' irresponsible behavior. The main purpose is to write me as a victim, and Polaris is the perpetrator. At the end is the most important part-to show the Polar Star King how magnanimous I am, no longer care about the damage caused by his actions, just to get something to compensate for my loss! After writing the message, I took out a garbage dagger from the bracelet and nailed the note to the main house door.

大家 Everyone has moved around here, because I do n’t know what is useful, I just see what I move. We basically took away everything that could move. Cauldron and rice finally looked at the door and said, "This door is good, or should we take it?"

Su Sumei went up and knocked, "The top rosewood, good stuff, tear down!"

That's it, we even dropped the door frame! Afterwards, the window was unfortunate, because Shura Ziyi said that the carvings on the windows were very good! Considering that the glazed tiles on the roof have not been taken away for a long time, otherwise it is estimated that Polaris will be crazy when he returns! However, the fruit tree at the door did not leave us a fruit, so we brought it back to plant in large quantities, and we also had fairy fruit to eat! It ’s a pity that the hot spring can't be taken away, otherwise, hum ...!

Everything was concentrated in the alchemy room, and once again I confirmed that there were no moving things in the other rooms. I took out the tooth of the holy dragon and cut off the four wooden pillars supporting the alchemy room. The two dragons, lucky and plague, easily The entire room was hung up with the contents inside.

骑 I rode on Yeying's back and pointed forward: "Go home!" The dragons followed immediately.

Cauldron rice they are now riding on the back of the crystal, I ride on the back of Yeying alone. I just discovered that level 600 is really a watershed. Many skills only appeared at level 600, and many attributes just came into play at this time. Fortunately, all three dragons gained the ability to transform into human form after level 600, and even Xiaofeng and Xiaolong Girls also gained the ability to transform into human form. After reaching level 600, Phantom has reached its full form, its teleport ability has been greatly enhanced and it also has the ability to handle multiple things at the same time! After the 600th level of the tank, the armor of the whole body is metallized, which is completely different from the original bone shell. Now the shell is getting harder and harder. The darts have small wings after level 600, which not only can fly, but also amazing speed! Amynis is less than 600 for the time being, and I don't know what ability, but Ling and Ariana have arrived. Ling gains the ability to stun dark creatures, and Ariana learns magical reflexes! The surface of the rose vine had obvious barbs, which looked amazingly lethal. The change of Bailang is internal and the appearance has not changed, but the avatar has evolved into a full physical avatar. Only two of the previous 8 avatars have attack power. Now 8 of them are all entities and all have attack power! The strangest of these magic pets is the night shadow, and he suddenly has the ability to fly! Night Shadow's four hoofs appeared with four purple flames, and he could run directly in the air in this way, without being affected by gravity.

Our moving team rushed out of the mountain towards Isinger at the fastest speed. The house was too big to bring into the teleportation array, so we had to fly back. Fortunately, we were fast enough. We should be able to go to Ai within a few hours. Singh!


At noon, North Star Jun finally returned to his residence and showed off his great discoveries to his friends. This old guy was full of joy. He hummed in the minor key and walked back, but at the door he found something wrong. The original very beautiful Zhu Qi gate had only one hole left there, and even the door frame was gone! He rushed into the yard, and at a glance, the houses around the yard had no doors or windows, and, like the gates, fell down with the frame.

He suddenly noticed that his alchemy room was now empty! He ran over in surprise and looked at the four broken supports. He roughly understood what was going on! Soon Polestar Jun noticed the only door panel left in the yard, because I left the note on it, so the door was not let us down! Polaris Jun picked up the letter, his hands shaking as he looked at the letter, not sure if he was angry! After reading the letter, he rushed into the study next to him, but saw an empty room. Absolutely empty, we didn't even let things like benches, except the roof and floor in the room! He then looked at the other rooms, all the same, nothing left.

在 At this moment, Polaris Jun suddenly smiled slightly and threw my letter into a ball and tossed it aside. The person who should have been angry actually laughed. I didn't know he thought he was faint! He said to himself: "Hum! I want to fight with me! Take these rotten ones, and I don't care! My baby you can't get them!" He walked to the middle of the yard and moved away. The heavy stone table exposed the ground below. This table is too heavy and the shape is so ordinary that we didn't take it.

After moving the table, North Star Jun turned over the land, and a small wooden board was exposed. "Haha! Sure enough, no one was found!" He lifted the wooden board excitedly. Below is a small dark cabinet made of granite. He took the whole thing out. Polaris Jun carefully opened the upper slate, and there was actually a layer inside.

打开 When the second layer of slate is opened, a yellow brocade box is exposed. Polaris Jun carefully took out the brocade box and opened the lid. There was only a piece of paper in it. This time, Polaris Jun was completely stupid. He took a note with a trembling hand and looked at it, and saw that it said, "Thank you, Xiandan, plus this just can compensate for my loss! I'm welcome. I know that you are a god, you have no desire, you must not care about these things! "

Flop! Polaris Jun fell down, and his mouth was still spraying blood!

At the same time, we are close to Isinger, and I still have a gourd in my hand, which is what makes Polaris Jun vomit blood. There are 200 elixir in Hulu, specially used to break through the 600 level missions! I mean, let the people in the city do the task by themselves. It ’s best to be able to do it on their own, but if the task assigned to them is too difficult to complete, or who is more difficult to complete the task, give it to him. use!

Thanks to the white waves today, we were all planning to leave. Su Mei suddenly said that the upgraded elixir did not know if it was there, so we turned over the collected things and there was no such elixir. Later, Bai Lang said that he could smell it, so we spent more than half an hour finally digging out the elixir! With these things, our guild level 600 will pass even if we pass!

The full attack of the Guangming Temple is on the 31st, and today it is the 16th. If you do n’t hurry, it may not be too late! Who knows how long to stay in Europe? It's better to leave early! When I arrived at Essinger, it happened that the eagle was also there, and gave her the gourd directly, and then explained the general matter.

We only set off for an hour in Isinger, this time the personnel changed a little. Isinger wants to build a special sound reinforcement system for Bingbing. The sound of the flute sounded good last time in the city battle, so this time I decided to put in more sound reinforcement systems! Because of debugging, Bingbing must stay! There was no sacrifice in the team, so we had to bring the roses with us. It happened that the two of us had gathered together for a while, and just happened to be out together this time! As for Rose's city management task, she was temporarily transferred to Bingbing, anyway, she doesn't always have to audition!

This time we have added more individuals, the Tao is ruthless. There is a reason to take her. He has been to Europe a few times before in reality. It can be said that he is more familiar with the customs and customs of Europe. At least he will not make a joke!

这次 We did not take the road this time, but drove the Bi Ling out. Of course my pirate brothers followed. There is a reason to take the boat out. China's land borders have been created with thousands of feet of peaks. The borders are artificially divided to prevent premature melees from neighboring countries! In fact, it ’s okay to go to Europe. It ’s just seven of us. Let ’s be lucky if they take us there. The flying height of the dragon is definitely higher than the mountains! The reason I took the boat was to consider the issue of coming back! I'm unlikely to air transport millions of troops back. There are no trains here. The ones that can transport a large number of troops are ships!

During this time, I gave the Biling to the Chuangwang commander. My pirate brothers followed him and fished a lot of things. At least they have towed a lot of boats back from the little Japan. We use our technology to transform them. The boat is more cost-effective! After a long period of accumulation, our fleet of Essinger now has more than 500 warships. Although it is not enough to transport the troops back at one time, as long as we run back and forth for four or five times, we can barely return them. Anyway, not many soldiers this time, mainly skeletons! The bone rack doesn't take up any space, just put it in the cabin!

This time, Chuang Wang is still in charge of commanding the fleet, but he does not land with us. Essinger is still under construction, many materials are not available, and our fleet was opened without any supplies. My plan is to go west along the coastline, and find one when we are about to leave China's territorial sea Port supply.

Our fleet is so fast at sea that Atlantis has great credit. During this time, our trading with Atlantis has never stopped. The unlucky magic crystal is almost the same as the unlucky arms, and the profit is 300%! What we want is gold and technology. After several transactions, we have fully upgraded the speed of the navy with the propeller of Atlantis. Once the port shipyard of Isinger is completed, we can build the propeller ourselves. In the future, I can swim in all directions!

It took us half a day to get to a port called Turtle Porcelain. According to the plan, replenishing ammunition and feeding here would take us to Europe in one breath. It is already night, and everyone goes offline, and the task of replenishment is left to me. In fact, I am also in name. The real person in charge is Ling three of them. Fortunately, they are responsible for acting as cranes. Of course, the crew is responsible for transportation! After explaining the task, I rode into the city by night shadow alone.


The Turtle Porcelain is not as big as the torrent city we were stationed in before. It can only be regarded as a small harbour. There is no regular shipyard. What it can do is simple maintenance and supply! If it's even worse than Essinger, this city is not as big as our port!

The city is relatively small, and we went to the city gate after a short walk. A white horse who was about to turn around and suddenly ran past me gave me a sting. It's okay to be a white horse, but someone immediately caught my attention. Immediately a woman, and a beauty, under normal circumstances, beauty is easier to be remembered, this is the type that is particularly easy to remember! The first time I saw her, I knew where I had met her. But I can't remember where I've seen it before!

女人 Although the woman is beautiful, she is not young anymore. From the appearance, she should be in her thirties. Basically, she can be considered older, but this does not affect her beauty! But how can I not remember where I have seen such a beautiful woman in her thirties! Seeing that she doesn't look like a player, it is probably an NPC, and from her costume, she is a bright sacrifice, and the level is not low! There is a golden sacred emblem on the top of the staff in her hand, and there will not be such an exaggerated staff on the low-level sacrifice!

多 In her thirties, a very beautiful NPC is still a high-end light sacrifice. I can't remember any of the characters who meet these requirements. Where did I meet? At this time two NPCs walked past me, two big and one big. The grown-up looks like a father and leads the little girl around. The back of these two people made my thinking clear all of a sudden!

I know where I've met her! Quickly took out the portrait of the lost city owner from my arms and looked at it, yes, it is her! This woman is Anna, the lost wife of the city owner! Damn, I actually let her run past me. Quickly patted Ye Ying's head to signal his U-turn: "Catch up, that's the wife of the lost city master!"

Yeying immediately spread his hooves to catch up. After 600, Yeying's speed was much faster, and the white horse in front was soon caught up. Seeing that White Horse had just crossed a river, we also reached the shore here. The river is wide and there is no bridge. The white horse is a ferry past, but this does not affect our actions. Night shadows will fly now. What a river is! At the elegant pace, I rushed across the water to the other side of the river!

"Madam! Please wait!"

When Anna pulled the reins, the white horse stopped. "Are you calling me? I am a sacrifice of light. You seem to have found the wrong person. You are a member of the dark forces!"

"No no no, I'm not looking for a sacrifice!"

"What do you call me for?"

"I want to ask if your name is Anna?"

"How do you know?" Anna asked strangely.

扔 I threw the scroll in my hand. "Look at it!"

Anna only glanced at me in surprise. "How did you get this?"

"It was given to me by the man in the painting. He also brought a little girl named Tingting!"

安娜 When I talked about Tingting, Anna's eyebrows bounced, obviously her spirit was affected. "Where are they now? Are they okay? Tell me!" Anna finally jumped out of her image and pulled my leg to ask.

"It can also be said to be good or bad! He has now become the city's city master, holding heavy soldiers, very prestigious! As for Tingting, she is the city's daughter and of course the little princess in the city. Everyone will only spoil her. "Anna's expression was better when she heard it here. I continued: "But they are all dead, the city owner and Tingting are already authentic undead, authentic undead!"

"No! How can they ...?"

"Are you talking about betraying the Temple of Light?"

恩 "Well!" Wei Na only had the strength to nod.

"It's simple! He persisted in his knighthood until his death. He did not change. But after he was killed by his companion, the same paladin, he became undead. Because of resentment, he could not rest, so he started Climbing out of the grave! As for Tingting, she died without her parents. She was cut off, and until the moment he died he didn't know what death meant! Like her in a state of loneliness and helplessness It is strange that those who die will not become undead! "

Anna's mood was completely out of control, and she cried, "Tell me where they are, and I want to see them!"

"Your identity ...?" Even if the player, NPC light sacrifice into the lost city will surely be killed by the locked forces!

She threw me the staff without hesitation. "I'm a civilian now, take me there!"

I really did not expect her to be so affectionate, the city owner did not wait! "I don't have time to take you now. Do you have a map? I'll show you the location. Go for yourself!"

"I have!" She quickly flipped out of the map.

I marked the location on it, and handed her my dagger: "This is my belongings. After you go, find someone named Clark to show him this dagger ~ ~ and then tell him You are Anna and he will take you to meet your loved ones! "

"Thank you! Thank you!" Anna couldn't wait to jump on the horse and left, and suddenly she stopped again. "This one……"


"I want to ask you something!"


Wei Weina shook her head. "Never mind, I'm not sacrificed anymore, don't worry about the temple anymore!"

"Even if you don't care about me, tell me about it! If you say so half-heartedly, will you rush me to death?"

"Okay!" Wei Na leaned over and said quietly: "In fact, I just came out because of a major incident. This thing can be said to be absolutely sensational, who knows it will be startled!"

"What the **** is that? Tell me!" Really, anxious for me!

She whispered against my ear and said, "Actually, something serious has happened in the temple recently, and all of our out-of-town sacrifices have been alerted!"

"Isn't anyone going to launch a terrorist attack on the Temple of Light? Do you want to be vigilant? Are you afraid of a suicide bomber?"

Anna said mysteriously, "The vigilance is not to help us resist foreign invasion, but to find something very important! Such things are likely to pass near the temple. The temple can feel this kind of breath, and the Lord of the Light will give The order requires us to report as soon as we find the target! And just now I felt this power, so I chased it! "

"That is to say, the Light Temple has lost something and is looking for it." I remembered the information returned by the spies of the Dark Temple. He said that something had happened at the high level of the Temple and he was panic. It seems that this thing is the reason for their panic! "What the **** are you telling?"

"What I lost this time is ...!"

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