Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 106: game?

"Wow!" The gold coin that came out behind me saw the building in front of me and froze, because although the building was broken, it did look different. Although the building covered by M's green vegetation is dilapidated, the vibrant colors and various flower embellishments are just right. If there are not some big trees or vines that damage the main body of the building, they will even be grown as adults.

"What do you two see?" The real red that came out suddenly found that the gold coin and I were looking at the direction behind the teleportation point in a daze, so they looked back, and of course they were as shocked as we were. Arrived. "This, this ... this is too spectacular, right?"

"How? Was it shocked?" The sudden voice surprised all three of us. Being the first few in the world's combat power list, gold coins and real red are not the kind of people that can be easily approached by people, so a sudden undetected sound suddenly appeared beside us but surprised us because We have never been approached so easily before.

Despite being startled by the sudden sound, none of us immediately made very exaggerated movements, and just returned to normal with a shake. The owner of the voice just now is obviously not malicious, otherwise it would be better to attack directly. Such a voice only reveals one's existence, which in turn makes the other party lose its biggest advantage. I don't think anyone can beat me on the front battlefield with the real red and gold coins.

"You are the host here?"

"Yes distinguished guest." The owner of the voice responded very politely. And at this time we are also observing the master of the sound ... or the creature making the sound.

In fact, this one who is just talking to us like a gentleman is not a real gentleman, even this guy is not even a humanoid. The thing in front of me was a ball of liquid floating in midair, at least it looked like liquid. The water ball-like thing is about seventy to eighty centimeters in diameter. The interior is basically transparent, but slightly blue. The sphere didn't touch the ground, nor did it have any flying parts like wings. It just floated there, just as high as our heads. And with its words, there will be waves of water ripples on the surface of the water polo.

After seeing this sphere, I and the gold coins finally felt a little relieved, because we finally understood why we didn't notice this guy before. It doesn't have any magic waves on its body, and it doesn't have limbs. It doesn't need to incite the air. It just moves by floating in this way. As long as it is not fast, it will not make any sound. Although our perception is strong, no matter how strong our perception is, we must rely on it. Whether it's sound, temperature, airflow, vibration, magic waves, heat radiation. We can feel more or less even a mental wave. But this guy doesn't have any of the above characteristics, so unless we see it directly, we won't be able to detect its existence.

After answering our questions, the water polo did not stop there, but began to say, "I know you will have a little doubt about my existence, and I will answer it for you in a moment, so please don't ask first. Of course .Before you need to introduce yourself. I, this existence. It has a very great name. Of course, you don't need to know that name. In fact, even if you say it, you can't remember it. "

"Don't you say how do you know we can't remember?" Zhenhong asked suddenly.

Because there is no facial features and no body, we do n’t know what emotion the water polo has to the words of true red. We just know that it pauses for a moment, but next second it suddenly starts to answer: “Since you are so confident, then I can also Say my name, but that's not now, but a brief introduction time. Now it doesn't matter whether you are strong, weak, haughty, humble, mature, or naive. In my case, you are all equal. So please call me the referee first. This is my position, and I like it. "

"Well then referee ... should I call you a gentleman or a lady? Or do you have a gender?" I asked out loud.

"I'm not a creature you usually understand. I'm a kind of being, a kind of being between existence and nothing. So, gender doesn't make sense to me. Of course, because my voice is closer to the pronunciation of men, so you If you feel uncomfortable, you can call me referee, of course, I hope you will call me referee directly. "

"Okay referee. Let's call you that for the time being." I raised the scroll in my hand and said, "We received a task saying that you have what we want here, so we got here to get that thing. Please Tell us what we should do to get that thing. "

"It's so rare that I can actually see the lost scroll. I have to say that you are very lucky." The referee suddenly broke a hose from my body while talking and stretched out in front of me like a hand. Scroll, I will give him the scroll. The thin strip of water rolled around the reel and did not drop. Just like the real tentacles, the water bag rolled the reel back and then shrank into the sphere. As soon as the scroll entered the water polo, it began to burn violently. The phenomenon was amazing. A scroll was burning in the center of a water balloon suspended in mid-air, and it also emitted a gorgeous color flame, just like a huge firework ball. The flames came quickly, and they were completely burnt out in just three or five seconds. The cloth on the reels had all disappeared, and even the middle axis was gone. A mirror, or a mirror-like one, was replaced instead. Display, because there is something like a nebula spinning in the middle of the thing.

After the scroll was burned, the referee continued, "Okay guys, now I have accepted the task, and your game can start."

"What should we do?"

"Come with me first, and I will take you to the entrance of the castle." The referee said and took us to the gate of the entire castle. This place is not far from the teleportation point we just left. However, this entrance is rather strange, it is actually inclined downward. In other words, the main body of the castle may be an underground building.

The referee did not take us into the ground, but stopped at the entrance and said to us: "From the moment I accepted the mission, my strength began to select the right opponents to sign up for this competition around the world. If you wish Get the final prize, then try to complete the game and get the champion. The task reward will only be given to the champion, if you fail. The prize will not belong to you. "

"Isn't it about combat missions? Why are we still playing games?" Zhenhong asked softly.

I shook my head and said, "I don't know, it might be something similar to a fighting game."

The referee's efficiency was very high, so we waited for five minutes at the gate and then suddenly came out of a large group of people at the transfer point where we appeared. Because we were so close to the gate, we all saw the howling of those people.

These guys who fell out complained constantly, but soon they quieted down. Of course, the reason was that they saw the huge plant castle like us.

"Okay, people are finally here." The referee suddenly shouted to him there with a loud voice: "Hey. Come through the junior Xinyun children, hurry up. The referee's game, but you can't touch it in your life. Good things from the last few times. Do n’t lose rewards that may come because of slow action. "

When those people were selected, they probably already knew some relevant information. Therefore, they did not hesitate to get up and rushed to this side. Many people also attacked each other and delayed the speed of stacking, anyway, it was a mess.

Looking at the chaotic crowd running over, the gold coins could not help frowning. It's not that she feels that her opponents are too strong, afraid she won't win the championship, but because there are too many opponents. This large group of people conservatively estimates that there are at least 200 people, which is definitely not a small number.

"Do you think there are a lot of people?" The referee actually found out what our expressions meant, and he asked them out.

I simply nodded and admitted: "It's really a lot. I hope your rules are not a solo challenge."

"Of course not." The referee said with certainty: "Be assured. My game used a 50% elimination system in the first few innings. After two innings, there will be at most fifty more. "

"That would be a good system." I nodded in recognition of the system, and the referee started to gather the group of people around us.

Those people hadn't responded much before. But after waiting for the entrance to the castle here, it was an emergency stop, and then all stopped. When they came, they just heard a system prompt saying that their response speed had reached a certain standard. Ask them if they participate in a prize contest, and also tell them what the rewards for winning the championship are, and say that every time they pass, there will be corresponding rewards. That generous reward and the promise of having independent rewards for each level immediately brought a large group of people into the competition, but these people did not expect to see me and the real red here.

I ’m the first in the world ’s combat standings, gold coins are the second in the standings, and the ranking before the standings is 7th. Seventh rose to fourth, while Matsumoto Masa was pushed back one place from fifth to sixth. Of course, because this ranking has just increased, so few people should have seen this change. But even if it is seventh in the combat power list, it is absolutely top-notch, not to mention that there is not only one seventh, but also the first and second.

Originally, I just participated in a competition that didn't know what the benefits were. I didn't expect to encounter a metamorphic master like me and real red and gold coins. This made the players over there feel very lost, because in their impression, To defeat us is simply impossible.

The referee did not care about the changes in the minds of the group of people over there, but began to say directly after they arrived: "Since the people have arrived, I will officially introduce them. Note that this is also your first level. I will tell you my name now, and then when I finish, please write my name on the magic drawing board in front of you. According to the length you remember, the last half of the staff will be kicked out, and the remaining half will be directly Collect the rewards and go to the next level. But ... Before the game starts, let's adjust the equipment and attributes. "With the words of the referee. We suddenly felt that something was wrong on our bodies. As a result, when we looked down, we saw that all of our equipment was gone, and our personal attributes and all other things were gone. Our current level display is level 20, which is the level just out of Novice Village. The equipment on our body is basic shorts and basic tops, which is basically equivalent to being wiped out. And our personal attributes ... This is not much changed, that is, according to the proportion of the previous attribute points when they dropped to level 20.

Although the referee's intention may be to restore all of us to an equal state, I found that it seems that I and the real red and gold coins still have a big advantage. Although everyone is the same in terms of equipment and level. However, our attributes are much higher than others, because our attribute points are not directly restored to the state of level 20, but reduced to the state of level 20 in proportion to our previous normal state. You need to know that our previous attribute points are not completely added by level. Although most player attributes are added by upgrading, there is another attribute called additional attributes. For example, certain tasks or special items can permanently increase a certain attribute. This attribute is an extra attribute beyond the upgrade. Although the referee reduced our extra attributes as well as the level-increased attributes, these attributes should not be available when the average player is at level 20, and those ordinary players are indeed the same. But the gold coins and me and the real red have a lot of extra attributes. Although there are not many points left after being compressed to a level of 20 by equal proportions, considering that everyone's points at this level are already very small. The proportion of these extra points is exaggerated.

For example, it is like the most important and basic strength attribute. At present, this attribute of most players is on average about 160. At the first level, the basic strength set by everyone is generally around eight o'clock. According to the "zero" setting, the character attribute point is equal to the basic attribute multiplied by the level plus additional attributes. The basic attribute of eight points is one hundred and sixteen, and the power of seven points is one hundred and four, and nine or ten points is one hundred or two hundred. However, my strength attribute now is 372, and the true red is 414. Gold coins 308. The power of gold coins is the lowest, and the reason is simple. In terms of basic attributes, there is not much difference between everyone except me. But because of the later career differentiation, Zhenhong and I have both gained a lot of extra strength attributes. However, the gold coin is a Taoist priest. The additional attribute is mainly spiritual power, while taking into account agility. Strength is not the main attribute of the Taoist priest, so it is added less. This has caused the compressed gold coin to be a bit worse than ours, but even This is much higher than the average player.

After the changes of attributes and equipment were completed, many players there began to cheer. Before, because we were too powerful, they were worried that the game would not receive rewards. I did not expect that everyone would be turned into a newborn state at the beginning of the game. This is tantamount to pulling everyone to a starting line, and they naturally don't worry about it. Of course, this is their guess, because they can't see our three attributes at all, and they don't know that there are additional attributes. As for their attributes, we three saw a lot of them, mainly because those people just asked each other when they looked at the attributes. As a result, someone opened the attribute visibility mode to show others, so we also saw the attributes together.

The referee waited for us to look at the attributes before we started to say, "Okay, please be quiet. The first level is a memory test, so the attributes have no meaning. Do n’t assume that everyone is at the same starting line and you are taking advantage. Even at the combat level. You are only close to the situation facing each other, not that you have more advantages than each other, so don't get too excited. "

The words of the referee made the group of players quiet for a while, but many people were very excited. The referee didn't say anything, but reminded him to start introducing his name. This guy's name is unexpectedly long, probably written specifically to test memory. The entire name actually took five minutes to finish. Although everyone hears the names spoken in their native languages, there is no cheap language to use, because the competition is judged according to the recitation time of the name you remember, so the grammar is concise Mother tongue can't really help here.

After reading the name for five minutes, there was basically no expression on the faces of the people present, even the face of gold coins was quite ugly. After all, things like names are meaningless characters, if someone reads an article. If you have good memory, you can repeat it, but this completely meaningless combination of words is also so long that a normal person can't remember it. Although the gold coin is the second highest player in the combat power list, that is not the memory power list, but being ranked second in the combat power list does not mean that memory is also the second in the world.

Although tangled, the name must be written. The referee gave us only ten minutes to answer the question. In theory, it was just enough to finish the five minute name. But in fact, most of them stopped after more than ten seconds. Who does not have formal memory training who remembers such a long name? It's not bad to remember the first few characters.

Although most people stop writing for a long time, there are of course exceptions here. Four of the more than 200 players over there were still writing after most of them stopped writing. The three of us were also non-stop, which surprised everyone on the other side, and finally realized that the master was not for no reason. appeared.

I'm still writing seven people including me. One of the other guys stopped after writing for thirty seconds. The gold coin stopped shortly after. The other three people on the other side only held five or six seconds more than the gold coins and stopped one after another. The longest one took only 48 seconds. Right now, only me and Zhenhong are still writing their names. This result surprised everyone.

I am not human. Because of the electronic chip in my head, my memory is basically the same as that of a computer. So don't say five minutes. Even if the referee reads for two months at a time, as long as my memory storage space is not overloaded, I can silently write everything he read in the past two months, and there is nothing wrong with one word. Although there is suspicion of cheating, I remember it anyway.

Although True Red stopped writing, she was human, after all, she stopped writing after one minute and thirty seconds. Not the same as gold coins and those ordinary players on the opposite side. The identity in true red reality is not ordinary, she is not an ordinary person. It is a special person similar to a spy, so it has received special memory training. This time it came in handy.

After Zhenhong stopped writing, someone asked me not to write, it was the first anyway. However, the referee told me not to stop and told us that the level reward of this level is the same as the length of the name we wrote down. I originally planned to stop after seeing Zhenhong stop writing, but when I heard this, I had to silently write out the entire name.

At the end of the scoring, the eyes of the player who was full of text on the opposite side were drawn, and many people clamored that it must have been scribbled, but unfortunately the referee proved that everything I wrote was correct. This answer shocked the guys over there. Many people even discussed whether I was a pervert, and I could say such a long name and just write it completely without saying a word.

Although my results were a bit scary, it didn't take long for everyone to be interrupted by the referee. After the review, the referee didn't say anything, and the scene suddenly snorted for half the people. These people disappeared suddenly and scared the people around them, but after learning that the bottom half of the people were kicked out, everyone didn't react much.

After the group disappeared, the referee began to say again, "Now, the loser has left, and it is time for the winner to get the reward. Based on your previous performance, I will add a certain amount of additional attributes to each of you. Attributes can be freely controlled and will be sent to you after leaving the game. The extra attributes I prepared for each of you are 10,000 points ... "

As soon as this attribute point was heard, the remaining players all jumped up. It is not that they are not calm, but that the number is too large. Although this is a character attribute and not a basic attribute, ten thousand points is by no means a decimal. In terms of strength attributes, a player's base strength usually does not exceed ten points, so we calculate it based on ten points, which is already a way to add points for very strong power players. Ten points of basic power, only 10,000 points to upgrade to 1,000, at present most of the player's level is below 1,200 levels, more than 1,200 levels are the elite of the guilds, 1,400 levels The above are the pillars of the large guilds or the presidents of the second-line guilds, which definitely exist in the range of the superiors. Even if calculated according to the level of 1,400, this player's character strength is only 14,000 points. Counting equipment additions, career additions, and skill additions, those who can increase the affiliate by 80% are ordinary players, those who improve by more than 140% are elite, and those who improve by 200% are the top-ranked players in the major guilds. Even if we calculate by this number. The 1,400-level player originally added ten points of power, and now wears equipment to restore all attributes, and the actual power point is only 42,000 points.

42,000 points of power attributes, this is already the ultimate data of pure elite top elite players, and now suddenly get an additional 10,000 points, what is this concept? Suddenly the strength attribute is increased by a quarter. What a horrible reminder? I just did a simple memory test and got such an exaggerated reward. Who is not excited to change?

But ... that kind of good thing doesn't actually exist, at least not now.

Just as everyone cheered and didn't know how to vent, the referee suddenly spoke. "What's your ghost name? I haven't finished talking. Ten thousand points are all the attributes prepared for each of you. You just remember the proportion of my name in the entire name, which is the actual points you get. Proportion. Of course, everyone will get at least a few guaranteed points. "


The referee's words made the cheering guys look like they were being poured cold water in the winter, and they instantly turned off.

I just read the referee's name for five full minutes. To reach the one percent ratio, memorize names for at least three seconds. This is one percent that everyone can remember, and in fact can be left behind. Remember the name for at least ten seconds. That is more than three percent. However, even if it is 4%, it is only 400 points. Although it can't be said less, the truth is not too much.

Everyone in this pot of cold water is heart-chilling, but also excited. Gold coins received about a thousand points of attributes, while true red was more than two thousand. And I got the full amount. Although our attributes are too much more than normal players, this value does not mean so much to us as ordinary players. But after all, it's not small, so everyone is quite happy.

Get the first level. The next stage is the second game. The referee didn't seem to let us delay, he summoned us together and said: "The second game will start next. The content of this game is very simple." The referee said a sudden flash, and then we I found that I had two more keys in my hand, one string in each hand, and the heavy one in my hand. "In your hand is the key to the basement of the castle in front of you, but there are many doors in the basement, most of which are fake doors. There are only fifty-nine doors, which is equal to half of your number. What you have to do is go Go to the entrance hall of the basement with the **** in front of you, and then use the keys in your hands to open the gates and walk in. Even if you pass, note that these gates are actually portals, and each gate allows only one person. Someone enters the back gate It will disappear automatically. In addition, the keys in your hands are exactly the same, and the gates are the same whether they are true or false. Whether you open the right or wrong, as long as you open a door, the key will be It disappears automatically. If you have n’t found the correct door after you have used all the keys in your hand, it will fail. Oh, yes. This test has a time limit. After I started, I did n’t find the right one in ten minutes. People at the gate, even if they have the key in their hand, fail. OK, please be prepared and wait for my signal. "

After the referee explained the rules, he flew to the top of the downward ramp and hovered there, and then suddenly flashed again, and saw a double-digit number suddenly appeared in the mirror with the nebula shining in his body—six ten. After the number appeared, the referee said that it was a countdown before the start, and when the number became zero, he could start running.

After the referees counted, those players ran to the ramp door and started grabbing positions. Although the entrance to the ramp is very wide, there are more than a hundred people here, and the entrance can only allow a maximum of twenty people side by side. In this way, the people behind are obviously going to suffer. If you can fight, people in the back row can also kill those who are blocking the way through the battle, but the referee said in advance that no aggressive behavior is allowed before entering the lobby, including pulling and shoving are fouls and directly eliminated. Faced with such a rule, everyone had to rush to grab the position before the end of the countdown, after all, pushing something is not a foul.

Although the players over there almost rushed into a group, I did not intend to participate, and directly grabbed the gold coins and real red that also wanted to grab the position in the past and ran in the opposite direction.

Although the real red and gold coins do not know what I mean, I am the president. They believe that I will not do such strange things for no reason, so I did not struggle, but quickly turned around and followed me. Although some players over there noticed our move. But I didn't understand what we were going to do, so I didn't follow up, but continued to grab the position.

I ran out of those people with real red and gold coins and then ran while saying with a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Go pick the mushrooms. One person is enough."

Although very puzzled, neither the real red nor the gold coins hesitated, and quickly ran to the edge of the forest over there, and when one broke a large mushroom, he started to run back with me.

This mushroom is not an ordinary mushroom, but a super giant mushroom. The top of the mushroom is not flat, but looks like a strawberry, slightly rounded. Because the mushroom stalk and cap are not tightly connected. So you can get it off with a slight fold, and then we start running back alone with a mushroom.

"Dig." I shouted to True Red and Gold Coins as I ran back, now I'm not afraid that anyone else will hear it anyway.

Real red and gold coins saw me digging a hole in the mushroom's stipe connection, and immediately started digging, because the mushroom was very soft, so when I ran back, I had dug a half-deep hole. Sixty seconds elapsed at the entrance of the cave, although those players were very confused. Or someone guessed something but couldn't care less about it. Rush straight down. But I didn't run in. Instead, let the real red and gold coins continue to dig. It took ten seconds to hollow out the inside of the big mushroom to accommodate a person. I immediately jumped in, and then rushed into the hole with inertia. Real red and gold coins immediately saw my behavior and came over and jumped into the mushroom.

Although the mushrooms are not very round, they can roll at least. This ramp has a 30-degree inclination angle. It can be said that it is very inclined. Normal people cannot run at full speed on it because the ground is wet and slippery, and they will wrestle when they run fast. After the fall, the friction of the human body could not make them slide down the ramp. I can only get up and continue running, so speed must be affected. but. It ’s different when we roll down like this, we do n’t need to slow down at all, and because the **** is getting more and more steep, so our speed is getting faster and faster, it takes almost thirty seconds to catch up with the guy who runs first and Lightning over the past.

"I do, don't bring this!" The group of people at the back saw the three big mushrooms rolling down immediately, but unfortunately there was no time to regret this time. In fact, their bad luck has not completely ended here, because the **** not far ahead of them suddenly began to increase the inclination into a sixty degree inclination. Now it's not just us, even they are already rolling and sliding forward on the ground. After all, this angle can no longer stand. You know, the ground here is a mossy slab, not a non-slip mat. This thing is not much more than the ice surface. Who lives there?

Sliding down the ramp, the speed of the crowd was getting faster and faster, and then a big bend of 70 or 80 degrees suddenly appeared in front of it. The real red and gold coins slammed into the beveled wall, and then the mushroom burst. The whole person turned and rolled and turned and flew out from the side exit, but followed by a burst of craggy bones. sound.

Even after the sharp curve, the ramp was completely over, and the hall was more than three meters forward, but I and the real red and gold coins were now turned dizzy, walking was unstable, and I could only stumble forward. However, these guys are more unlucky than those of us who are similar to drunk cats.

It ’s uncomfortable to hit a wall at 80 kilometers per hour. We had a mushroom to stop it, so we were just shaken a bit, but they actually touched the wall directly. Many people had fractures of varying degrees, of which there were still several One directly broke off the cervical spine.

Death is eliminated here, so those people are out. The fractured guys can still move, but they are dragging injuries, and the speed is not as fast as those of our three drunk cats.

"Boss ... Boss, how do you find so many doors?"

After entering the hall, we were dumbfounded. This hall is like the ancient Roman Colosseum. We are at the bottom of the playing field, and there are stands around it that extend upward. But now there are no spectators in the stands, but the gates are filled with circles. Judging by the scale here, I am afraid that this venue will not have tens of thousands of gates.

I supported my dizzy head and glanced at the environment, then looked down at my feet, and then said to the really red ones, "Follow the footprints. Someone used these doors."

My body shape caused the real red and gold coins to suddenly react, so they separated and ran out along a wet footstep.

Because I found the right way to open the door. So none of the three of us had any accidents. We found the right door for the first time, and then after we entered, we found ourselves in a very gorgeous old castle hall.

"Huh? What's the situation?" We got dizzy as soon as we entered the lobby, and it was clear that after a scene, we restored our previous negative state. However, the house in front of him is surprising.

The lobby where we are located is obviously a room that is often taken care of, the furniture and carpets are all new, and the lobby is spotless and looks very clean. After looking around for a while. We didn't find the referee, but found a large sign on the gate behind.

The gold coin walked over and read the notice: "Be aware that from entering here, the third quest has started. Your task is to find your lost level and equipment in this castle. There are many rooms in this castle. You Equipment and levels are randomly placed in some of the rooms here. Please find them as soon as possible and enter the castle basement, where I am waiting for you. "

"I depend. It turned out that we got the reward for the second level to start the third level ahead of time!" This time I understand why the referee didn't wait for us to issue prizes here. It turned out to be a reward. We arrive before everyone else, so we can search one step ahead. This is equivalent to the third level we started first. And others are still completing the second task.

Since it's time rush, of course it should be fast. I swept the situation here and said: "It looks like this house is very big, we are separated, you are really red, you go to the second floor, after you go up, first explore the room on the right, you are responsible for gold coins The right side of the first floor. I am responsible for the left side of the first floor. Whoever searches for their part first goes to the left side of the second floor. Everyone speeds up the process and finds other people's parts first.

"What if everyone can only take their own things?" Gold Coin asked.

I frowned and said, "Then the previous plan was canceled. Everyone has to search all the rooms in the real house. It will depend on luck if it can be completed as soon as possible!"

After the explanation, we did not delay, everyone separated immediately. As for the other players ... they were still dragging their legs and hands in the second level to find the door.

There are two doors on the left side of the lobby on the first floor. I can only choose the one that is close to the front door. I can't find the error after going to it anyway.

As soon as I entered this room, I found a very bad thing, that is, we ignored the difficulty of this task. I thought it was just looking for something, but found that it was not the case at all. As soon as I entered the room, I found two heavy armored swordsmen with iron barrels standing in the room. The two guys were posing near the table in the center of the room, but as soon as I came in, they immediately moved and rushed towards me.

"I'm leaning!" As soon as I saw the situation, I was so frightened that I turned around and retreated from the door that just came in, but when I closed the door in front of me, I heard a click, and the door was directly smashed into a hole. A long sword protruded out of the door and almost chopped on me.

Gold coins and real red hadn't run far this time, and they all looked back when they heard the sound. I quickly reminded: "The plan has changed! Don't run first, come back and help me!"

Originally thought it was just a search task, of course, it was faster to find it separately. But there are enemies here, so you can't simply compare speed. If you want to fight, of course, it ’s better to focus on your strength, especially our current attributes are almost gone. The shorts and shorts are bare-handed. When you come across this can of iron, how do you let me fight? Is it impossible to bite with teeth?

Hearing my voice, the real red and gold coins ran back immediately, but the soldiers in front of them were faster. A big foot popped out of the door with a click, and then the other party broke through the door and got out.

I reacted quickly, backed up quickly, and then took advantage of the opportunity to change the sight of the other person when he went out. He kicked him on the instep of the other person. The guy suddenly fell on the ground with an unstable center of gravity, and I went up quickly Once he got to the guy's back, he kicked the guy who wanted to get up again.

True red and gold coins were fast enough. I quickly ran over to help hold the guy together. I quickly grabbed the guy's helmet and lifted it, pulling it down.

"I rely, samurai?"

Without the helmet we immediately saw the true face of this guy. This is a dry gray head, and the hair on the head is almost gone. The dried meat like beef jerky is wrapped on the head, and the surface is gray, obviously not a living person.

When I found out that the other party was an undead, I gave up the intention of stabbing him with a grabbed sword, because it would not work at all. But when I was about to stand up and chop his neck, another samurai behind was already there. In desperation, I had to turn around and dodge the attack of the guy, and the real red and gold coins were also veterans of the battle, and then immediately released the guy and retreated.

I thought this was a big problem ~ ~ Who knows that the guy who came out stepped on the back of the guy directly and stepped on the other person's body to get up, and then he passed The companion's body chased after me, and there was nothing to help the companion on the ground stand up.

"Haha, these guys are weak!" The gold coins saw the problem at a glance. Although these two undead are wearing armor, they are definitely not orthodox undead creatures, and they are not black knights, because their intelligence is obviously defective, and they walk very slowly. Although they walk faster than normal people, they cannot keep up with the speed of humans. Obviously a super low-level undead creature.

"I'll just say that! We are like this now, the referee directly arranged the two undead knights. Isn't this a dead end? It seems to be a misunderstanding. In this state, the opponent cannot arrange an exaggerated enemy."

"Have you both done your analysis and come over to help, okay?" I shouted while fighting with the robbed sword and the new fighter in front of me. This undead's movement is not fast at the moment, and it is a bit stiff, but it is very powerful, and conservatively estimates that it is more than three times my strength, so despite the faster speed, I still obviously suffer. "Hurry up, I can't hold on if you don't come again!" RQ

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