Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 120: Rushing to be strong

"Damn, what's going on?" I ran to the sea port of Isinger, and I circled around the port. I didn't find the entrance to the sea temple. In the end, I had no choice but to contact the army god. "I said where is the Temple of Tanah? Isn't it below the harbour? How can I not find it?"

"Just in front of you."

"In front of me?" I looked up in front of me. "What a joke? There is water in front of me."

"Just under the water."

"Under the water?" I looked at the sea water in the port in front of me again in surprise, and then said, "You mean that the Temple of the Sea was built all under water?"

"Of course. Shouldn't Tanah Lot be built on land?"

"But ... if you do this, the height of the building plus the waterproof isolation barrier will deduct at least one-third of the water depth of the port. What if a ship touches the waterproof isolation barrier? Doesn't this affect the port's mooring capacity? ? "

"There is no isolation barrier," the army **** explained: "The sea temple has no isolation barrier, and the entire building complex is soaked in water. You will know the specific situation after going down."

"That line, let me go and see for myself." I said, cut off the communication and went down to the port to look down. After confirming that nothing was seen, I took a step forward and stepped directly into the water. in. Immediately after falling into the water, I started to go downstream.

Essinger's harbour has a water depth of 50 meters because it often needs to moor some super-tonnage warships. This depth is quite an exaggeration for most harbours, and in fact there are usually no ships with such a draught. General big ship. Even for the tens of thousands of tons, the draught depth is generally not more than ten meters. For warships and the like, because the design direction is different from that of cargo ships, the draught will be slightly deeper, but it will not be too deep. . The depth of 50 meters is purely to prevent the insurance depth left in case, so in general it is absolutely deep enough.

Although fifty meters is not too much money, it is almost noon. The lighting conditions are good, and the sea water in the port is relatively clear, so the brightness of the part above 20 meters is pretty good. When I dived to 25 meters, the water surface turned black a little bit, but as I continued to dive, the brightness in the water became higher and higher, and when I dived to more than 30 meters When I saw a large group of buildings underneath.

The underwater building complex and the Temple of Neptune I saw on the Olympus Protoss almost came out of a mold. Obviously, they set up a building complex on our side according to the prototype of the Temple of Neptune. Of course, there are still a few differences. This difference is mainly reflected in the disappearance of the Seven Pillars of God.

I heard Poseidon say it before. The Seven Poseidon Pillars are fixed artifacts that cannot be moved once they are built, so even if they moved out of Greece, Poseidon failed to bring them out. Besides, these Poseidon pillars are very large. Even if they cannot be moved because of special attributes, I think that we alone may not want to get them back.

As the height decreases, the scene below gradually becomes clearer. I don't know if it is because of divine power. The water below seems much clearer than the top, and the bottom sediment, which is inevitable everywhere, is even invisible here. Except that it was soaked in water. The architecture of this place is no different from that on the ground.

At this time, the buildings in the lower part of the building were filled with the shrines of the chaos and order, and the most central part of me was obviously the ones with the highest status. I saw a long time ago that Wei Na was standing in the middle of the moon and was talking about something. Starfire and the peacock are standing on both sides behind her, and the circle of the Protoss that is fanned out in front of her is basically either the Poseidon or the Underworld, but also in other departments, but the number is small, after all, the main source of expansion for our guild The newly demolished Olympus Protoss.

As deities, the senses of these guys are very keen. Wei Na, who was talking, seemed to feel my arrival, and suddenly looked up at me as she spoke. The other shrines also discovered my existence at the same time, so they looked up at me.

"Zi Ri?"

"President," Vena greeted me neatly after calling me.

I waved to signal that they didn't care, and then landed lightly between Poseidon and Vina, then turned to Poseidon and said, "Don't you be notified when this Poseidon is completed?"

"This one……"

I know their Protoss do n’t have this habit, so I did n’t plan to care about it. Seeing Poseidon was a little embarrassed, I quickly took over the topic and said, “Do n’t care, just kidding. You continue to celebrate, I ’m just looking for someone to help me with the task . "

"Out of the task?" The group of guys around his eyes flashed suddenly when they heard the task, and then all of them hovered around, but it surprised me.

"What are you doing?" I was surrounded with horror and staring at the big gods like wolves and tigers. I always felt the feeling of hunger in the eyes of these guys. "So what ... are you going to eat me or what?"

Finally realizing his rudeness, the group of protoss huffed and all dispersed. Of course, the so-called dispersal just left me a place to move, not really leave.

"Sorry President, we are so excited." Hades apologized.

"Excited?" I looked at them in amazement and asked, "How excited are you when I find someone to take the task?"

"Let me do it." Weina explained loudly: "Since we have obtained the Collector of Faith Force, the members of our chaos and order protoss have soared in strength every day. But, with With the improvement of strength, we have recently discovered some problems. "

"Question? Is it too much for the power of faith?"

Wei Na nodded queerly: "It really made you right. Our situation seems to be really overwhelming."

"Rely on. Some people have heard that they can eat more, but they have n’t heard of the power of faith. They have to eat too much. You have to say this. Other protoss must not be depressed against the wall?"

The system has so strict restrictions on the cross-border movement of the protoss. There is still continuous war between the protoss everywhere. Why? Isn't it just for the power of faith? It can be said that the protoss around the world are hungry, and their demand for the power of faith has no upper limit at all. At present, the real difference between the protoss of different countries is only the difference between being hungry and particularly hungry, the so-called fullness concept. It is almost non-existent for the Protoss. However, now the chaos and order of the protoss are not only full, but also supporters. If you say this, what would other protoss think? Anyway, envy and jealousy can't run away, and then it is likely to be various revenge. But don't look down on the character of the Protoss, these guys are actually similar to the average person. Envy can also cause jealousy and hate.

"That ... President! Although our words are a bit irritating. But this is indeed the case." Said a Protoss of the underworld standing next to Hades, "I used to be at Olympus The Protoss. It ’s so easy to use the extractor to absorb a little bit of faith. Eight Chengdu has to turn in, and then the underworld protoss can take on most of the Olympus Protoss's external war, and its consumption is unprecedented. It ’s huge. The 20% quota is simply not enough. Besides, the actual control area of ​​the Olympian Protoss is also Greece and a small area around you. You also know that if you have a large place, you will have a small population. .The income from the power of our faith is very small. But now everything is down. The population in this area of ​​China is hundreds of times more than that of Greece, and we have absorbed it over the years. The power of faith has been drained long ago. Now, it can only produce a little absorption. That production is really poor and poor. But in China, it has been thousands of years, and no one has absorbed these discrete The power of faith, it is simply put into the ore mining machine inside the reactor, which is not called the acquisition, which is simply blowout ah! "

The next Protoss shoves this guy away and rushes and says, "Yeah, yeah! All our collectors used to collect less than one year's output of a machine today, and the Olympus Protoss was so There are many people, and there is not much left on each person's head. But we have a total of protoss here. The power of this faith is to collect millions of units and millions of units. We have too much time to absorb them. Like It ’s okay for your companions who have been dug out from the Buddha's gate or other places. They do n’t have to suffer too much, but we came from the Protoss of Olympus. They were all hungry and scared before. This is a sudden belief. As soon as the power is enriched, we can't help but absorb a little more, and as a result, we accidentally eat more ... "


"So we want to exercise as soon as possible to help digest the power of the absorbed faith." This sentence was said by the **** of the Poseidon system that just came, but there was a nodding movement around, obviously everyone has a meaning .

I looked at Wei Na and asked, "How are you? Have you eaten too much?"

Wei Na nodded: "Although we are not so hungry, the power of faith is a good thing for us after all. Who doesn't want to improve their strength as soon as possible? It does n’t matter if you do n’t get it, but this is in front of you, you call us How can I bear it? What's worse is that because the output is too high and there is no place to store it, I have to shut it down from time to time for a while. This feels terrible. So we desperately absorbed and wanted to quickly absorb more One point, so that the collectors can work for a longer period of time, and we can get more power of faith. However, it seems that we still have too little experience in this area. I did not expect that there is an upper limit on the conversion speed of not only the core of divine power, There is even a limit to the rate at which we can absorb it. "

After listening to Wei Na ’s Spark, he immediately said, “It ’s not that we have too little experience with chaos and order. The protoss is so scarce. I did n’t dare to think about it before. I think I ’ve been in Buddhism for so long, and I ’ve lived in high temperature. I ’ve heard that there is a situation where the power of faith exceeds the upper limit. Every time the power of faith that you share is so small, you just absorb it. Even if it is my identity, the power of faith is just It's just half-full, how could we think that the power of faith can still be supported? "

"That's it?" I heard Xinghuo explained: "Now I can understand why you are so excited about going out and walking around. But unfortunately let you know. I can't take too many people out because of this. It's a high-level task, and it requires top people. "

"That's it!" Many oracles sighed and retreated. After all, they have been together for a long time, and everyone knows how capable they are. There is no need to argue about such things.

"Then who are you going to take?" The peacock crowded up and asked me, apparently also interested in going out.

I looked directly at her and said, "You're one."

"Haha, that's great. Eventually, I can move on. I used to be afraid of fighting when I stayed at the Buddhist gate. Once fighting, it will consume the power of faith. It was not enough to eat. This fight will consume more and not enough. Now I do n’t know until I eat too much, and sometimes it ’s a pleasure to enjoy proper activities! ”

Ignoring the peacock's emotions, I looked directly at Hades and said, "My Lord of the Pluto, don't squeeze forward. You are now acting as agent Yan Jun. What are you scaring away?"

Hades, who had stood there desperately to show the sense of existence, was stunned just like a leaked ball by a few words, and several people beside him smirked in fear that he was angry. But it is really beyond control. I couldn't help but say nothing, but the shoulders shook one by one and made Hades even more angry.

"Well, Hades, anyway, you have also been a big brother. Don't sell it there. Keep your guard at Yan Luodian. The strong path of the Protoss of Chaos and Order depends on you.

"Isn't this uncomfortable!" Hades muttered.

I smiled, then turned to Pandora and said, "Pandora, can you and I go with Radamantis?"

Pandora has not yet come to promise. Radamantis next cried out excitedly, not because he was unstable. But he was excited.

What I said before was a joke. The real problem is the improvement of strength. If the protoss directly absorb the power of faith, the conversion rate is less than one percent, but they can absorb 100% of the power of faith that has been transformed by the core of the divine power. However, after the absorption, the strength will not increase immediately, and there will be a strengthening process. This strengthening process is relatively slow, and the speed cannot be improved much by cultivation alone. The easiest way to speed up this transformation process is to fight. It's almost like exercising. You eat a lot of high-calorie and nutritious things every day, and exercise a lot at the same time, all the energy you eat will be consumed, so that your body will be strong soon. Although the Protoss absorbs the power of faith, it wo n’t become fat just by eating like exercise, but if you do n’t fight with light, you really ca n’t improve quickly, you can only slowly increase your strength little by little. However, if, like exercising, absorb a lot of the power of faith every day, and then engage in high-intensity battles, the strength will definitely rise up like a rocket.

Because of the above reasons, getting a chance to fight at this time is a chance for fast-growing chaos and order protoss. For a protoss who desires strength, who doesn't want to get such an opportunity?

"Chairman, please bring me, too?" Aphrodite, in a gorgeous armor, suddenly squeezed from behind, then took one of my arms, and threw at least three pluses while sweetening The sweet voice snored and begged.

"Stop ... Stop ... I stand up!" I stopped Aphrodite, who was still spoiled, and I quickly said, "Don't be spoiled. I was going to bring you, if you slap me again Substitution! "

"Oh ..." Aphrodite, who got permission, immediately jumped up in excitement.

"Hey, sir, that's all right? I'll do the same if you are coquettish," said Persephone, deliberately pretentiously.

"Get out, I don't want to be chased by Hades. You have a husband's wife, so don't mix with this blindly!"

"Are Aphrodite married, too?" Retorted Persephone.

"I don't count that!" Aphrodite immediately protested. "Hephaestus was forcibly assigned to me by Zeus, but not on my own initiative."

Medea interjected: "Hey, you guys quarrel, don't pull my Hephaestus in and say, okay? What's the matter of being bullied?"

Today, because the Temple of Poseidon was completed, and the location is under the water, Hephaestus did not come. After all, he is a Vulcan. It is not impossible to stay underwater, but it will feel uncomfortable. But after all, this was a big thing for Poseidon. He didn't come and was not very good, so he sent Medea to represent himself.

Although Medea is the woman of Hephaestus. But unlike Hephaestus's character, Medea's character definitely belongs to the type that does not suffer at all. You are good to her, she will remember, but if you want to take advantage of her, she will immediately grab it back, and she will never lose anything.

Faced with the topic of war that might turn into a woman, I hurriedly stopped them and said, "Okay, well, I'm here to pick someone to do the task. I'm not here to serve as a mediator in the neighborhood committee. If you have any questions, go back and quarrel Come on. There are so many people in the battle this time, what are the other people doing? Just follow me. "

"Chairman, is there such an opportunity afterwards?" Medea suddenly remembered and asked, this time everyone's attention was immediately concentrated again, after all, they also wanted to go out to exercise.

"Without the follow-up mission, I ca n’t reply to you now. This time there may be a conflict between us and the Takatenhara Protoss in Japan. In addition, we have to add an Hachichi snake, so the situation is chaotic. I used to take this time. People first step on it. If the situation is good. Then there will definitely be a large number of tasks, but if the situation is worse. Then it may not be. "

"Hopefully the situation will turn for the better!" Said Medea.

Other protoss also expressed hope.

I said with a smile: "We ordinary people say that the gods are blessed if they have any wishes. You are such a miserable group of gods that you cannot find a person to pray for."

"Who said no?" Spark said, "Can we pray to a higher god."

"It's a pity people don't care about this."

I talked about the situation with this group of protoss. After they all understood, I took Aphrodite and they left here. After returning to the shore, I asked the **** of war to inform me of Kristina. Came to the meeting, and soon the station staff arrived.

Chris Dina thought that it was a normal task, and when we showed up on her side, she immediately froze. "Chairman, what task are you doing today? Why are you all protoss?"

"I will introduce you to specific tasks on the road. Now run with me to the Academy."

"Ah? This time will not be testing new equipment again, right?" Cristina asked.

Radamantis explained to her on the side: "It should be a divine war."

"That's good."

"Okay, come with me first."

With Christina, they ran to the academy and the first thing I saw was Woma. She seemed to be carrying a bunch of people to assemble a machine, but I didn't come to see her. So I didn't bother her, and she led someone directly to the academy to get inside.

My real purpose here is to see if there are any new achievements on the Protoss Institute. Because our guild has the convenience of guild protoss, I asked them to set up a research institute specifically for protoss, the purpose of which is to test various methods of combating and protecting the protoss. On the one hand, it can increase the fighting power of the Protoss in chaos and order. On the other hand, it also increases the self-protection ability of players in our guilds when facing the Protoss. As for letting ordinary players against the Protoss ... I have basically never considered such a thing. Even if a method can be worked out, it is definitely something piled up by astronomical funds, and it is definitely not worth promoting.

"President?" A group of researchers at the Protoss Research Institute were not busy. I saw it when I came in.

"Aren't you supposed to be very busy? Why are you all standing here in a daze?" I asked, looking at the house in doubt.

"No president, we just discovered a very interesting phenomenon. If it can be applied to weapons, it should be able to suppress the divine power."

"What? There is still this kind of thing? Then how do we protoss mix?" Aphrodite asked in surprise.

"Not so exaggerated, just suppressing a little divine effect, and making ordinary weapons have the possibility to harm the protoss, but it is not easy to do it. Besides, we have just discovered a general principle just now and want to make It is estimated that there is still some distance. "

I comforted Aphrodite and said, "What are you worried about? Even if this thing is done, it is also our guild. You are our guild protoss. We won't hit you with this kind of thing. Say it again If this thing is really easy to use, I will equip all the deities of the Chaos and Order Protoss with this weapon. Will you take advantage of other protoss later? "

"Yes. The president makes sense." Pandora nodded. "How good the weapon research in the guild is to deal with the enemy. It only benefits us and does not hurt. Of course, confidentiality work must be done. Once the secret is leaked If that's the case, that's not necessarily a good thing. "

I also nodded and said, "This makes sense. The reason why our guild's research units want to separate an area is because they are afraid of leaking technical information. Although Essinger has been hacked many times, our institute has not been attacked once. Invaded. What our guild absolutely does in terms of technical protection is not leaking. "After I said it, I turned to the researchers there:" Future technology, let's ignore it. We are going to go to Japan with Yagi Snake or It was the people of the Gao Tianyuan Protoss. Did you have any completed equipment for the Protoss on our side? We can just strengthen our strength and test the effects of weapons by the way. "

"Yes, yes," a researcher suddenly walked around from behind the crowd and shouted, "There are still many things on our side that haven't been tested yet. Quickly. Take the things out to the president to see."

"Lift? Is it big?"

The researcher over there replied, "Not all of them are large, but there are a few that are not small."

"Then you have to think about it. It's too big to carry."

"It's still up to you to decide for yourself. We are only making equipment. How to use it is still up to you."

I nodded and waited for them to get things out, but the researchers didn't wait long, and several things were soon carried out.

The first piece of equipment I saw was a sci-fi style. To be honest, this thing is not like magic products, but rather like alien equipment. This item is not small. The length is more than two meters and five, and the whole shape is flat gourd. A bit like a guitar. But it is not so obtrusive, the front and back are very rounded, and many places are exposed with energy pipes. After installing the power crystal, it will still glow, it looks like an electronic product. Because this thing has a weird shape, it doesn't look like a cold weapon, so I didn't figure out how to use this thing in a while.

There are still a few things that follow this thing. But the volume is much smaller. At least not so scary. If this thing is erected, the building will be similar to the heavy tower shield used by standard mobile angels. If such a big thing is a cold weapon. The size of some of us here is really not fun.

After everything came up, I heard the researcher over there introduce us. In order, the first thing introduced was the biggest thing. According to this researcher. This thing really is not a cold weapon, and what matches its appearance is that it is an energy weapon that emits a short blue light beam. Although its firing principle is a regular magic array principle, the sound and light effect alone is similar to the laser cannon in science fiction movies. The beam will fly randomly every time it is launched, and it will explode when hit. Of course, the main function of this gadget is not as simple as a handheld laser cannon. The reason it is really powerful is that this thing can neutralize the divine power.

To put it simply, after this thing hits the Protoss, it will quickly consume the Protoss's power. Although it cannot directly damage the Protoss, but if it is hit continuously, the opponent will soon lose the divine power and appear a short period of weakness, and then continue to be shot. , That's almost the same effect as ordinary people. Therefore, it may be okay to use this kind of thing by itself, but once this thing is hidden, it will be a protoss nightmare.

"How much power can this thing neutralize with each launch?" Pandora directly asked a more critical question.

The other party quickly replied: "This depends on the launch power. The launch power of this weapon is adjustable. There is no lower limit for the minimum power. It can be turned off and the maximum output can kill 150 armors. . "

"One hundred and fifty o'clock?" Pandora asked, rather surprised. "What is the launch speed of this thing at its maximum power? What about the endurance?"

"This is a test product. We have a power crystal. If it is mass-produced, it should use liquefied magic crystal steam as a power source in the future. At maximum power, it will take about eight units of liquefied magic crystal steam to fire. For battery life, it depends on how much liquefied magic crystal steam storage equipment is provided to it. But you also know that the eight units of liquefied magic crystal steam don't actually have much volume, so even if the fuel tank is built in, Without reducing the size, this weapon can be guaranteed to fire at least tens of thousands of times in a row. However, the limitation of actual endurance is not the supply of liquefied magic crystal steam, but the bearing of some key components in it. Ability. Because this weapon will have a magic compression effect inside when it is launched, the reaction chamber will be subject to repeated magic shocks. Even if an absolute magic inert metal such as Adamantite is used, considering the cost, the reactor will be at most If you can stick to 10,000 rounds, you must change it, otherwise it will explode. There is no continuous shooting too fast. Problem In addition to the bearing capacity of this reaction chamber, the magic resonance tube is also one of the restrictions. To ensure that this weapon has 10,000 rounds of ammunition changed in a stable and stable manner, then the interval between continuous firing must be at least seven seconds the above."

"If it is more than seven seconds, then it is calculated according to the eight magic. The maximum rate of fire of this thing is a little more than seven rounds per minute. How much is it? Can the aging parts be recycled? Did you just say that the reaction chamber is made of gold? That thing is not cheap. "

The researcher explained there: "A reaction chamber requires about three hundred crystal coins. Although fine gold is expensive, we use coating technology. So the amount is very low. As for recycling, this can be done. "

I thought about it: "In that case, the price is acceptable. Of course, the premise is that this thing is powerful. And it can't be broken frequently. At least you must ensure that you can't shoot after the problem, and you can't accidentally hurt the user."

"This can be assured. Even if the problem is calculated, it will at most be scrapped and will not hurt the user." The researcher assured.

Aphrodite sighed: "One shot can destroy one hundred and fifty units of Divine Armor. It seems that we, the protoss, will not be confused in the future!"

Pandora also nodded and asked, "Ladamantis, how much of your divine armor is I? I'm not the main battle type, maybe not as much as you."

Radamantis also nodded: "I have three thousand seven hundred."

Pandora nodded and said, "Sure enough. I'm only two thousand nine!"

Aphrodite sighed in surprise: "Why are you so many? I'm only eighteen!"

Kristina was even more surprised to say, "So if you attack Aphrodite with this thing, wouldn't it take just 12 shots to make her an ordinary person?"

Pandora shook her head and said, "It can't be counted! We are not stakes, we will hide."

"That's it." Aphrodite followed, "If we dodged. Ordinary people's agility would probably not be aimed at. If you want to hit us, you need to cross fire. Moreover, the opponent must have a certain tactical cooperation. If there are too few weapons, then only character can be used. "

Cristina asked: "But isn't Mobile Angel able to precisely aim?"

"It's unlikely." Aphrodite shook his head. "Our protoss react very quickly. What the mobile angels can lock are ordinary people, which may not be effective for us."

The next researcher thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible. I heard that there is a pilot-type mobile angel for the Protoss at the Mobile Angel Research Center, which is said to be a sniper model. They can't send everyone a sniper weapon. Research the request, this thing is actually designed to respond to that request. "

Pandora nodded: "If it is a sniper type for the Protoss, then it is really possible to hit it. If I have seen a type 2 mobile angel for the Protoss, the combat power is really strong. If it is a sniper type, use If this thing is not good, it can really threaten the protoss. Especially the body like the Yaki snake. "

Kristina shook her head and said, "I do n’t think about you, the Eight-Big Serpent. He is a protoss of the monster evolution, different from you."

I heard and reacted. "Yeah. The Yaki snake is a monster. If you replace it, it should be a super-level Warcraft evolved into a god. Although they are all protoss, the protoss evolved from Warcraft are still a little different from you?"

Radamantis nodded: "This is true. The combat attributes of the Protoss evolved by Warcraft are exaggerated. Their magic armors are basically ten times as much as ours, and their health is also scary, but Spell skills are generally bad, and they don't grow as fast as us. "

"Whether it works or not, hold it first, and talk about it later." I just put the stuff into Fenglong Space, and of course I will ask if the sniper-type mobile angel for the Protoss is finished . If there is one, take two weapons out and test them together. If it is not completed, then you can only use the second generation to use the mobile angels for the protoss to make up.

"Do I need to introduce how to use these things?" The researcher pointed me at other things on the ground and asked me so urgently.

I nodded and said, "Of course I want to introduce. You don't say how do I know what this thing is doing? But you can say a little bit simpler."

"Okay." The other side nodded. "The first thing I'll introduce to you is a kind of defensive equipment ..."

The researcher's expressiveness is pretty good, and the functions of these things are quickly introduced in simple and understandable words. I did n’t bring any of them because I did n’t use them. I just took a few things. After bringing these things, I greeted Aphrodite and they went to the Mobile Angel Institute together. The work over there is much more busy than here.

Our Frost Rose Alliance's Mobile Angels are now one of the selling points. Research funding is naturally skewed. However, as soon as the funding for research is tilted, researchers here will not be able to completely idle. Fortunately, there are two top-level mobile angel research experts here including Jia and Norin, and Woma also occasionally helps here, so it's not too hard.

Hearing that I wanted that special sniper-type mobile angel, Noreen immediately asked: "Do you have matching equipment? The sniper-type close combat power is not as good as the second-generation mobile angels for the Protoss. If you are not suitable I do n’t want to take away your weapon. This is an experimental machine that has just been completed, in case it is damaged by you. Our efforts will be wasted. ”

"Rest assured, we have already got the matching weapon. Besides, we are only experimenting with the effect of use. I will install it as soon as I find it inappropriate, and I will not break it."

"It's pretty much the same."

In Noreen's warning eyes, I finally succeeded in bringing out an experimental sniper-type mobile angel, but because it is a trial type, it has not yet been adjusted. Now this mobile angel is just a mechanical freak. Except that the middle part of the body is full of various mechanicals, its limbs and head are similar to skulls. It looks awkward and awkward. Especially after the energy weapon for the Protoss was installed, it felt like the big side and the small side would fall down at any time.

"Can this thing be used?" Aphrodite asked, uneasy looking at the mobile angel.

"Anyway, it's for testing. It can't be used or not. We didn't expect it to help us do anything." Cristina said sharply.

At the words of Kristina, Radamantis felt right. So no longer care.

After all the guild matters were dealt with, we used the Isinger's teleportation array to reach the Point City, but now the Fulcrum City is a bit miserable. Although the Hachichi serpents stunned each other because of a problem with the Takatenhara Protoss, Japanese players have never given up their desire to erase the Fulcrum City from the Japanese map. Therefore, despite the mess between the Hachichi snake and the Gao Tianyuan Protoss, we have to be consciously or unintentionally brought into the battlefield, and then both sides will throw magic on this side intentionally or unintentionally during the battle, anyway, it is with us make trouble.

However, although neither the Gao Tianyuan Protoss nor the Hachichi Great Serpent is a good thing, we are not entirely in vain. Because he had vented with Tianting in advance, Tianting's protection against Fulcrum City was very strong during this time. Although the frontal attack of the Yachi Great Serpent could not be blocked, the situation where the Yachi Great Serpent and the Gao Tian Yuan Protoss only accidentally injured this side by accident. , Can still hold up. However, although Point City is now considered Chinese territory and enjoys the protection of heaven, this is overseas territory after all. According to the internal information leaked by the Emperor Jade Emperor, the support and protection of the native protoss on their own territory is actually different. Such as the original land that is originally in its own territory, the protection will be very strong. If it is the land grabbed by the player in the external expansion war, although it will also be considered as the protection of the country, the protection cannot be as strong as the native land. Moreover, the protection of such an independent city overseas will be much weaker. If a city group is formed and a large fixed territory is established, the protection can be strengthened. These should all be regarded as a kind of system setting, which is used to stimulate the territorial battle between players in different countries with special additional restrictions.

Because the protection is not strong enough, we have to support the Fulcrum City, although it is still there, but it has been beaten to pieces. It is said that the city was destroyed twice before, and it was recaptured within a few hours, so now the fulcrum city is still in our hands, but the urban area is not what it was before, and there are even some Japanese styles in it. The defense building was repaired after the Japanese attacked. They originally planned to use these buildings to fight with us in city lanes, but unfortunately, the heavenly soldiers who supported us would be too sharp. They were kicked out every time they were about to stand on their heels, so they left a bunch of Japanese-style defenses. Architecture still fails to control our city.

"Huh ... what awful!" Looking at the wall facing the inland side of Japan, Chris Dina couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, the city wall on this side can no longer be called the city wall, because 10% of the city wall on this side has been drained, and the rest are sections of battlements similar to the fortifications. The walls in most areas have become The debris and rubble that fell to the ground disappeared in some sections or even the entire section ~ ~ It was obviously a powerful spell that blasted away at one time, otherwise the wall bricks would not be gone.

I glanced at the dilapidated walls and stopped paying attention, but said: "The Fulcrum City was originally defined as the frontline competition area between the two countries. This situation is actually the most normal. What we are concerned about now is not this. Let ’s go and see what we can start with before we talk about it. ”

"How to choose this goal?" Aphrodite asked. "Will we be found if we go to reconnaissance? In the event of encounters with the opposing forces, wouldn't our plan be ruined?"

Kristina said with a smile: "You are too underestimated the guild's intelligence network? Is such a thing still under investigation? Just ask directly."

"Ask?" Aphrodite asked in amazement. "You ask the Japanese, can the Japanese tell you?"

Christina and I didn't answer the question, but smiled at each other. Few of the Protoss guilds in Matsumoto ’s guild know about it. People who have no need to know about it will not tell it, so even within the chaos and order Protoss, few people know this. RQ

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