Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 125: Get rid of the tail

On the two sides of the road where we are, there is a leveling area, but now our place is a triangular area. On the right is a small piece of triangular forest. Only the left side is the real leveling area. We are not here to level anyway, so there is no need to choose anything, we just drill in.

The leveling area here is not the same as the general leveling area. This is a more advanced leveling area, or a difficult leveling area, and its level has exceeded most current players can handle. Difficulty level, so the number of players here is almost zero. Not everyone doesn't want to come, but they can't come.

Because there are few people in the leveling area, this monster refreshes more. Although the system also has a self-balancing system, it will not increase after the number of monsters reaches a certain peak, but anyway, the number of monsters now definitely exceeds the normal number of monsters here. If there are low-level areas, there will be more monsters, which is not a big deal, but this is a high-level area, and with such high-density monsters, most people come in to find death. Fortunately, there are no ordinary people here, otherwise I really wouldn't dare to lead people into this place.

"Did you feel anything?" After entering the forest, I turned to ask Christina. Before I saw that she had raised the large-scale detection technique, with her magic level, the coverage should not be less than one kilometer in radius. This range is already very large in the dense forest.

Christina waited for a while before she said, "There isn't much problem in the sensing range at present. There are unknown creatures 70 meters ahead in the left. But the energy intensity is very low, so it should not be a dangerous creature."

"Then continue to monitor. Let's go a little deeper and pay attention to detect those guys behind us. We must avoid them."

"Would you like to bring them into the mountains?" Radamantis asked us: "Our self-protection ability is very strong. We will take them into the advanced SS area. When they and SS catch fire, we will take the opportunity to withdraw. Go out. There should be no problem, right? "

"At present, this can only be done, but everyone notices that our purpose is to let them crossfire with SS, so that we can evacuate, but don't trap us. We are not here to push SS!"

"You can rest assured, we are not adventurers, we don't have your hobbies." Aphrodite turned and asked Christina: "Do you feel the position of those people now?"

"Three targets were found at five o'clock on the right and back. But they didn't come to our side. I guess they don't know that we have entered the woods. They should be looking for us outside."

"They won't be looking for too long. Let's go and step inside and talk."

Christina said entangledly: "But my sensing range is only 1,200 meters. If we go deep into the forest, I won't see anyone outside."

"No need to stare at you, let my ghost worm go. Your specialty is reconnaissance, not surveillance."

"Well then." Christina also made sense when she heard me.

After unifying the opinions, we started to move towards the core area of ​​the leveling area, which is generally where the SS stayed. As long as we follow those guys who do n’t know how to know our news to follow them, I believe they can no longer pose any threat to us, after all, SS is territorial. Most people will definitely be attacked when they enter.

Like I said, SSs are all territorial. So when we entered the core area of ​​this forest. We were immediately followed by the SS here.

"Attention, eleven o'clock." Kristina reminded us suddenly. Although she also sensed a lot of monsters before, but because there are several protoss driving our own power, most of the monsters automatically bypassed after feeling this breath. Therefore, even in the high-level monster area, we are not blocked at all. However, this time is different. Although it had clearly entered the Divine Presence zone, the creature did not stop, but rushed forward as if it had found a target, so Kristina would remind us.

"Do you know what kind of monster?" Although Kristina's induction does not show the specific data of the monster, but just like infrared induction, you can know the approximate size of the target, and you can feel the speed of the opponent's movement, of course. I think the most important thing is to be able to sense the energy intensity of the other party. Whether the creatures in the game are magic or physics, their combat effectiveness usually has a certain relationship with their energy strength. Although high energy intensity may not necessarily be very powerful, low energy intensity is definitely more garbage.

Kristina began to feel a little serious, and then began to say, "The other party has a very high energy intensity, is bigger than a person, has a moderate speed, and should be a very powerful creature."

"Is it humanoid?"

"No, it should be in the shape of a beast." Chris Dina frowned suddenly, then followed, "No, there is more than one target. There are more than a dozen targets behind us at six o'clock. Damn, we are surrounded. It's up! "

After hearing the words of Christina, Aphrodite asked puzzledly, "Isn't it chaser afterward?"

"No. The information in the induction shows that it is Warcraft, is not small, and is fast. They are tightening the perimeter."

"I just said that advanced SS is not so easy to deal with." I said to Radamantis and Pandora: "We are not suitable to fight these guys now, will you two use cover spells?"

Many auxiliary spells are not related, for example, cover spells, many of them have. However, in general, the Dark Department is better at obscuration, but I am not sure whether Radamantis and Pandora will be. After all, the underworld deities of the Olympians and the general Dark Department are still very large. difference.

"My obscuration is OK. Need to hide us now?" Pandora asked.

"No. You just need to modify your breath a little."

"Modify?" Pandora apparently didn't quite understand what I meant.

I smiled and pointed myself at me and said, "Erase my breath, and then you attract attention, I will sneak attack on that SS."

Pandora thought for a while: "This is also the way."

We are not afraid of these SS-level creatures, but because we are chasing troops later, we cannot be found, so we try not to fight. If we have a contact battle with the other party, even if we are super strong, the other party is not an ordinary character after all. Even if we can kill in one hit, it is difficult to guarantee that the other party will not shoot before being killed. In order to hide the whereabouts, we will not use those sounds or magic magic fluctuating, but the other party will not pay attention to these. So once we fight, that exposure is almost inevitable. However, if I use my strength, another sneak attack. It is not difficult to control an advanced SS first.

Naturally, as an SS, you have some intelligence, because SS usually has younger brothers. A mindless creature cannot be a leader. of course. For most players, SS won't communicate with you even if they have their brains. In order to communicate with SS, at least several conditions need to be met. The most important first condition is that you and the SS are equal or better than each other. Equality is the only way to talk, and SS people will not care about ants.

Although there are not many people on our side. But the strength is much stronger than those of the SS, which determines. Whenever we want to talk, SS people usually talk to us. It doesn't matter if we can talk about it in the end, but at least they will respond to us instead of just ignore it. And as long as I can preemptively control one of the SSs, then we have the chips. Believe that, the negotiations will become much easier.

After planning, we did not delay time, but started quickly. First I asked Pandora to give me additional cover, then I asked Kristina to do the camouflage again, and finally I activated the stealth ability to sneak on the cross of a nearby tree and crouched there in an ambush. Up.

Earlier, Kristina said that the sensing of beast-shaped creatures, but in the forest, the speed of beast-shaped creatures is very fast. My side was just ambush, and the monster over there was already in our sight.

The number of SSs coming up was not large. There were six in total, which was just the same as ours. This time the guy doesn't seem to be a race. Except for two of them that look very similar, the others belong to different races, but basically they are all beast-shaped creatures with fur. Only one is a bit like a reptile.

Although there are only six creatures in our field of vision, through the spreading ghost worms, I have found more creatures hiding out of our sight nearby. These six should be self-strengthening SS, and the hundreds of targets in the periphery are their little brothers.

"Invaders, tell us where you are." After successfully surrounding us, the largest creature of the six creatures suddenly spoke. Although this reaction is a bit unexpected, it is also reasonable. The intelligence of the SSs is not low, and a group of people on our side are obviously not easy to deal with. It is obviously an unwise decision to rush up, so they actively communicate with us.

"We didn't intend to invade your territory. We entered here just to avoid the followers." The answer came from Pandora. The highest strength here was because of a peacock, but although the peacock is a female, it is actually a pretty reckless guy. It's no problem when you are a thug, in diplomatic negotiations ... unless you want to start a war, it's better not to find her.

"Follow me? Just the garbage?" The talking SS growled angrily: "Look for a decent reason for lying?"

The other person thinks we are lying. The scary strength on our side, even these SSs had to come out and negotiate with us in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts as much as possible, but we said that they were pursued by chasing troops. If they don't know who we are talking about, then that's it. The key issue is that their territory is here. Even our cattle are discovered. How could the followers of the two swords not be found? It is precisely because the other party has seen the strength of the followers in the back, so they will sniff us. A group of people who are more like SS than their group of SS will actually say that they entered here in order to avoid a group of war scum. No one with this mind would believe it.

"Whether you believe it or not. We can't be seen by the group for some reason, even if we hide in the dark, so we are forced to hide here. It's not that we can't beat them, but can't Find."

This explanation of Pandora is of course reasonable. If it is an ordinary person, the other party may not believe it, but the problem is that the group of SS really do not want to offend us. So at last I thought a little bit and still believed in us.

"If we help you kill all the chasers ... will you leave here?" SS asked tentatively.

Pandora immediately nodded. "Of course, we would appreciate it if we could."

SS nodded, then suddenly looked up at me and said, "Can the friend in the tree also come down?"

The reaction from the other side made me hesitate for a moment, and then I suddenly understood that I jumped off the tree. "Sorry, we are not very relieved. I'm afraid you rashly exposed our whereabouts, so ..."

The SS shook his head and said nothing. Then he turned around and told the mobs hiding nearby: "Pass my order. Go and kill all the invaders behind."

There was no response, but there was a sound in the surrounding forest, and it could be heard that many things were moving.

Because the other party has promised to help, the atmosphere on our side has also been somewhat relaxed. Aphrodite asked the SS over there with curiosity: "Zi Ri has been added with masking to hide the magic wave and breath, and there is also a layer of camouflage and stealth skills. How did you find him? ? "

The SS didn't answer, just pointed to his nose. Aphrodite was no fool. The reason was understood almost immediately.

Masking is said to mask the breath, but the breath does not refer to smell. It is its own energy fluctuation, which is completely different from the smell. If it is a humanoid. Such camouflage can usually be mixed up, but the problem is that the group of SSs here are all beast-shaped creatures. Although most of the creatures in the game are fictional, most of them are modeled after reality. For example, humanoid creatures usually have higher intelligence, while animaloid creatures generally have better physical fitness. Although this sense of smell has nothing to do with physical fitness, it is also one of the retention capabilities of animal-shaped creatures. It can be said that most animal-shaped creatures have good noses. I'm squatting there like a living person, the smell is inevitable. The other's nose is better than the dog's Turin. If he can't smell it, it must have been made by the other.

With the help of this group of SS, the outside chaser was killed in almost five minutes and was completely cleaned. Even a few people waiting outside on the road did not run away, and were given seconds by the monster that suddenly broke out of bounds Already. This place was originally a high-level monster zone, which is not something that ordinary players can handle. These people did not expect to need to deal with these monsters before, so they were simmered without any precaution.

Seeing the corpses of those people, we didn't stay here too much. After expressing our gratitude to the group of SS, we left here. Of course, the other party was relieved that we could leave. Although they talked hard, they could also fight for a dead net or something, but the question is, who can work hard if they can live together?

Because the convoy sent by Matsumoto Masa was attacked, we could no longer use the convoy to cover it. It is not yet known how the information was leaked out, and of course it is not ruled out as an accident, but no matter what, we cannot bet our luck. It is so important that Matsumoto is undercover in Japan. The energy and financial resources we put in to this end are unimaginable. Seeing that a large number of goods have been received now, it would be a pity if it was exposed.

"What do you do now?" Masamoto Matsumoto asked us in the communicator. We got in touch with him as soon as we came out and discussed what to do next.

I replied in the newsletter: "Your people should stop contacting us, so as not to expose our relationship. We have now completed the task, and even if it is discovered by the people of the Yachi Great Serpent or the Takatenhara Protoss, it is not a big deal .Rather you need to be careful. "

Matsumoto nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take care of the team and try to minimize the impact."

"No, don't cover this up. Instead, let it be preached. It's better to know it all."

"Ah? Why?" Masamoto Matsumoto apparently didn't understand why I would let him preach the matter ~ ~ Don't understand? "

"Yes, indeed." Matsumoto admitted without hesitation: "It does not quite understand. It should be said that this kind of thing should be eliminated as much as possible, so as not to be found out by our counterparties. But you let us spread it out like this. ...? "

"You don't understand." I didn't explain, but asked instead: "Do you know who did this thing?"

"Not sure for the time being, but there is only one person who wants to do so."

Although Masamoto Matsumoto didn't say it, I know that what he said must be Nobunaga, and I'm 80% sure he is him. At present, Japan's leadership belongs to either Matsumoto Masaka or Nobunaga Onitsuka, and the Hachi-Qi snake and the Takatenhara Protoss are, after all, the same. The game is the player is playing, not playing, all, the player, that is, the talent in reality is dominant, and always only assist. Don't look at the current Hachichi snakes in Japan, but it's only a moment, but after that, you still have to look at the two player leaders, Matsumoto Masa and Onomi Nobunaga. RQ

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