Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 207: invite

"How could this be? How could the Dragon Clan be split into five parts? What is the current situation of Dragon Valley now?" Wu Shinn asked with excitement. m

"Sorry, I have never heard of Longgu, but if you want to know, you can consider going to our guild station when you are free. I will let Hong Yan tell you."

"Red inflammation?"

"He is one of the guardians of our guild, and your kin."

"Do you mean Hong Yan is a dragon?"

"Yes, and an epic dragon like you."

"Are you talking about red lightning?"

"Red lightning?"

Wu Shining said a little enthusiastically: "Red Lightning is the hero of our dragon family. Although he is not my age, he is my junior, but his strength is very good, and he has done something very bad for the Dragon family. In the event, he won the title of red lightning in that battle. "

"I'm really not sure about this. Hong Yan didn't mention our title to us, but we know Hong Yan is an epic dragon, but a very powerful being."

"Should be right." Wu Shining said: "The epic level is not so easy to reach. If he is a dragon and happens to be called Hong Yan, then it can only be red lightning. After so many years, I did not expect that the dragons actually happened so big. I knew that I shouldn't have left the Dragon family at the beginning. "

"The division of the Dragons is caused by both civil unrest and external troubles. Even if you stay there, it doesn't make much sense. Once such things as ambition arise, it is not so easy to destroy them. But although the Dragons are now divided, what do they do? It ’s pretty good. The most important thing is that apart from the protoss, the dragons are still the most top-level creatures, and even humans ca n’t shake their status. "

"Although our dragon family has many shortcomings, our talents are too powerful, so it is normal for the dragon family to surpass the general race. Because I did not know the situation before, I have been living here in seclusion, but the dragon family did not expect it to happen. It seems that it is time to go out and meet the current descendants of the Dragon. "

"Your idea is good, but it may not be realized in a short period of time. The Dragons now live in overseas islands and use large magic barriers to block the entire island's space unless they know the entrance or have Dragon members open from the inside. Otherwise, even the Protoss will never get in. If you want to meet the current Dragons, I suggest that you come to our guild first to meet Hongyan when you are free. I will help you to introduce the Dragon King on Long Island. Come and come in contact with you, and then if you want to go to Long Island and talk to the Dragon King directly. "

Wu Shan nodded my knowledge. As a member of the Dragon clan, of course he knows the magical power of the Dragon clan. As for blocking the islands ... this defense measure is also normal. After all, the Dragon clan has changed from a unified whole to a scattered state like several Dragon islands. This will reduce the sense of security for any dragon, so a protective barrier will become necessary.

"That being the case, I will definitely visit your guild when I have time."

Wu Shan finally agreed to go to our guild, and I did n’t expect a conversation to say one two three four five, so I mixed my face first, and then arranged an opportunity to meet next time. Even if it is done. After all, no matter how powerful I am, I can't just run away an epic dragon in a few words.

After talking to Wu Shan, I went to the Sith Speaker. The other party was supervising those responsible for ore mining to write equipment function requirements. I was almost finished when I came over. Because this matter was completed sooner, the benefits were gained earlier, so I was not impatient, but just waited patiently for them to draw up a report.

Fortunately, the staff of the Dark Council is very efficient. Soon the letter of intent for the mining equipment was completed, and I left the Dark Council first with this thing, but I did not go directly to the Dark Elves. side. Although the people in the dark council have already passed on the message to the black elves, after all, it is impossible to directly issue a document such as a diplomatic note, and it can only be explained through some channels. This method of information transmission determines that the information transmission of the Dark Council used to take some time to work, so I did not wait here stupidly, but first brought the equipment manufacturing requirements back to Isinger.

"This is the letter of intent for the mining equipment, right?" When I put what I brought back from the dark council in front of the player in charge of mechanical design in this bank, he immediately guessed the identity of the object . After all, just after leaving the Darkness Council, I contacted the God of War to help me notify me here to receive information and start designing new equipment.

Immediately after I confirmed that this was a letter of intent, the player immediately began researching this not-so-thick letter of intent. Of course, he is not the only one who studies this, there are many players who are studying with him. That letter of intent has been taken apart and the gutter has been divided into many pieces of paper, and then everyone is separated, one piece of paper for each person, so that the speed is the fastest.

After about two hours, I got a new plan report. This is the thing that was sorted out by the players and after studying the letter of intent of the Dark Council.

"President, we have researched and analyzed these equipment requirements ~ ~ According to the information we have obtained, we can confirm that these are no problem settings." The player directly handed me a plan The report then continued: "There are the principles and approximate structures of some of the equipment we initially designed. As long as it is a little fuller, we can follow this production equipment. However, there are still some special ore mining that may be a bit troublesome."

"What is the specific situation?"

"We ca n’t determine the specific situation, and most of the equipment can find a complete solution through tackling the problem. The mining of only one kind of ore may be a bit cumbersome. I checked our various scientific and technological materials and found that We don't have any equipment capable of mining this ore. "

"What the **** is so troublesome?"

"That's it." The player handed the opened book directly to me, and pointed at it: "It's this mineral, its existence environment is so strange, we have almost no way to mine!"

"What's this ... what's his grandpa's thing?" I just collapsed when I saw the report.

(To be continued) q

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