Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 239: Divide and annihilate

Now this metal maze full of steel thorns is within easy reach of the terrain I prepared specifically for the Hachimanchi snake. This design was remembered by Tai Shang Laojun at the time. m

At first, I just thought that the properties of the Hachichi snake were fire and soil, so I designed a deep water. Water can overcome fire, and all elements of water in the upper, lower, left, and right sides of the deep sea are no longer present. Such an environment can be quite tricky for the Yaki snake, because not only is there nothing he is good at, but there are unfavorable factors.

However, my design was ultimately rejected by Tai Shang Laojun, and the reason is that for the powerful gods such as the Yachi serpent, the restraint in attributes has not affected them much. Because of this reason, the water world I originally designed actually had a very limited effect on the Yagi snake, and I was also partially affected. In this case, the fighting power of the Yaki snake was not much reduced, and I myself slightly Decrease, in this comparison, in fact, the effect of that scene on our two combat effectiveness is almost minimal.

Because the water world scene was ultimately judged to be poor, so under the guidance of Taishang Laojun, I reset the world within a short distance, and in the end I got this steel needle hell.

The steel needle **** where we are now is a map specially developed for the characteristics of the Yagi snake. As a protoss and a beast-shaped creature at the same time, the Bachi snake is a significant difference from the general human-shaped protoss, that is, he actually has two forms, one is human and one is beast. Because the body is a beast-shaped creature, even when they enter the stage of the protoss, these beast-gods cannot fully exert their strength in the human form. Therefore, we often see dozens of high-end Warcraft or monsters in human form, but they immediately appear in their original form and fight again. This is because for them, the body form is actually the strongest state.

The purpose of the steel needle **** that I designed is to limit the beast form of the Yagi snake, because there are obstacles everywhere, and the surface of all obstacles except the ground has more than one meter of steel needles. This environment is not a big problem for human beings. Anyway, the aisle width in this place is more than ten meters. Be careful not to hit the steel thorns. However, although humanoids can operate normally here, but for those big guys. This structure is very problematic. The Hachichi snake will immediately hit the surrounding steel thorns after restoring the body, and when it is still, once he moves, it will be the same as drilling the thorn bushes naked. . of course. As long as the movement speed is not fast, and you pay attention to lower your head, try to curl your body to move, the eight-dimensional snake can also move here. However, he is not here to travel. Although he doesn't know where he has come yet, at least he knows that there are definitely enemies here. So the Yachi snakes also understand. There is no way to use the body to fight here, otherwise the enemy does not have to fight with him, as long as he keeps taking him around the circle, he can hurt himself.

It would have been an ordinary cave. Even the spikes on the wall are not a big deal for the existence of the Yagi snake, but the key problem is the support pillars, floors, ceilings, and those nasty steel spikes. All are made of pure steel and seem to be quite high in hardness. Otherwise, the octopus snake didn't feel such a tingling sensation just now.

In such a steel environment, the powerful destructive power of the Yagi Great Serpent for the Protoss can be suppressed to the lowest point. Even the Protoss, destroying steel is actually the same as ordinary people destroying the earth. Digging by hand can also be digging, but if you destroy a large area, it will definitely take a lot of effort. Although the Divine Serpent is not suppressed here, because the surrounding environment is made of steel, in fact, in terms of the destruction effect, his ability has actually fallen to a state similar to that of a normal person, because he can no longer As if outside, he fought without regard to obstacles. Although the obstacles here cannot completely block his actions, they can definitely hinder them greatly.

In fact, using this kind of environment to limit the action of the Hachiko Serpent is just one of them. I have a second trick that I haven't used.

Here, Tianya is the equipment specially created for me by Tianting at my request. In other words, this thing is actually adjusted specifically for the characteristics of the Yagi snake. In addition to this ability to freely arrange the surrounding environment, the main ability of Tianya is actually the double speed time.

Tianya is a very rare space-time equipment. The internal time flow is not constant, but can be continuously adjusted according to my will. Of course, there is a range for this adjustment. The maximum is eight times the normal time flow rate, which means that there is one second flowing outside. Here is eight seconds.

What can I do in eight seconds? The world sprinter will be able to run a hundred meters.

What about one second? Even a cheetah is only about ten meters away, right?

On the surface, the time inside the world is accelerating synchronously, that is, you are faster than others, this is fair to everyone, but actually because everyone's thinking reaction speed is different, after this acceleration, The state of time has a great impact on everyone's actions.

In fact, the only thing that accelerates from the horizon is the time that everyone's body is in. No adjustments have been made to our thinking, so there is a problem here, that is, the body becomes faster, but the thinking can't keep up. Everyone behaves out of control. Originally, I just had to take a step forward. As a result, my legs and feet were responding too fast. I was still waiting for the other foot to land, and my body rushed forward. As a result, I fell because the other foot did not keep up with the rhythm. A big heel.

This is actually just time acceleration, and there is another function called time deceleration at the end of the world. Its effect and acceleration are completely reversed. In this mode, it ’s not that the body reacts too quickly and the thinking ca n’t keep up, but that the body and the speed of thinking increase synchronously. As a result, the speed of thinking on the one hand cannot keep up with the external signals received by the brain, and the other side causes the body to feel It was as if the response was very slow. In this mode, the player's actions will be seriously out of shape, and the mental energy consumption will be very scary. Dealing with those low-powered mage players can make them lose their magical release ability in a short period of time.

Although the Yachi serpent is a protoss, this accelerated environment is still unable to adapt to him. Although I have not turned on time acceleration now, as long as I move a little, the time acceleration will start immediately. By then, Yachi The serpent is absolutely busy.

In fact, in addition to the surrounding steel spikes and the excessively narrow environment here compared to the Yagi snake, there is another thing that restricts the Yaki snake in this place, which is darkness.

The Yagi snake is not a dark creature, at least he doesn't have dark vision. So in such a completely dark place, he has virtually no vision. Although divine power can also be used to replace the eyes, it is an advanced use of divine power, which requires dedicated control, which is actually not so practical.

of course. The Yagi snake can also create a flame to illuminate itself, but there is a problem in it. After using the skills to make himself burned, the Hachichi serpent himself became a huge torch. This torch can indeed play a role in lighting in the dark. But if someone ignites a torch in a dark environment, do you think that the person standing around in the dark saw him first, or did he spot the people in the dark first?

The answer is obvious. The person holding the torch must be found first, because it is the person under the torch. The person holding the torch must be the first to be illuminated, and the brightness is the highest. People around you may be found closer, but it may be slightly farther. Then they can see the person holding the torch, and the person holding the torch should not expect to see anyone at all.

The situation of the Yagi snake is similar. His flame ability is indeed able to light up the surroundings, but this has made him a big light bulb in the dark, he wants to see me. At least it's possible if I get into this dark area, and if I want to see him. It's okay across the distance.

"What kind of person are you?" After watching the surrounding environment, the Eight-Big Snake suddenly yelled at him. "Quick answer, timid rat. Are you going to challenge me when you get me into this place? Since you are going to fight, then come out and fight with me, so what's so hidden?"

Obviously, the words of the Great Snake want me to come out. I didn't care about his shouting, but instead regarded it as the fear of the Yachi snake. There is a saying that the scariest thing is unknown. One thing you don't know is the most fearful thing. Once you see it, this fear is not the most terrible thing.

Although the Hachichi serpent is a protoss, he has not actually experienced too many complicated things. After being rushed from China to Japan, the Yachi snake has always hidden himself and rarely shows up. Although he later joined the Gao Tianyuan Protoss, he did not actually participate in the various affairs of the Gao Tianyuan Protoss. Therefore, the Yaki serpent is not actually like Everyone imagines that life experience is so full.

It is also because the life experience of the Yachi serpent is not as exaggerated as imagined, so his mental quality is not very good. In a completely dark environment like now, unless you have the bat-like ability to locate targets by echo, then the best way to hide is not to speak out as well, because you make sounds in the dark, except to expose yourself Besides, there is no benefit at all. In fact, if I did, I would n’t even start that fire skill. Because flames are not the same as pure beams of light, the range that a flame can illuminate is small, but the distance it can be found is large. In other words, the Hachichi snake just brightened his behavior and actually exposed himself with a higher probability.

Knowing that the Yachi snake was speaking out of fear, I deliberately did not answer. In any case, let the Yachi snake be nervous for a while, even if the tension can not cause any substantial harm to the Yaqi snake, but it can at least consume his physical strength.

Everyone often sees many people acting swiftly in a crisis and reacting quickly, but when these people escape from the sudden outbreak of crisis, they immediately feel tired and want to sleep. This is because high nerve tension is actually a kind of physical exhaustion. Not to mention various coping strategies, even if you don't do anything, the nervousness alone is quite exhausting.

I don't speak now, and to maintain the silence here is to consume the physical strength of the Yagi snake in advance. Once his physical strength can no longer support me, I have the opportunity. To cope with such a high-level existence, I must use everything that can be used, only in this way can my chances be greatly improved.

Regardless of what's going on inside the Tianya Great Snake, the outside world is completely out of order.

As the Yagi snake crawled out from under Fuji, the ghost-handed Nobunaga and his more than a hundred men who had been transformed into protoss finally climbed out of the rolling lava one after another.

Although these people have received divine power transformation, their own abilities and attributes are not the same, and for reasons of luck, these are transformed into members of the protoss. The proportion of their strength improvement is not exactly the same, and in the end, their strength status is also uneven.

This strength is different, and the state of being attacked at the time is different, so these players are not exactly the same speed away from the lava pit.

The first person to come out is not the strongest ghost hand Nobunaga in this group, but a Japanese samurai professional Japanese player we have never seen before.

The guy climbed out of the rolling lava like a **** demon with a red mask. However, it can be seen that the timing of this guy's activation of the protective cover is not completely accurate, because some clothes such as streamers exposed in the gaps in the armor of his body were basically burned and broken, and his face The black ash also shows that this guy was burned miserably.

Although when this guy came out, I had already entered the remote world because of the Yachi serpent, but before I left, I had given a battle order, so the players who called our guild executed my order well.

As soon as the player emerged, he saw something in front of him suddenly fly towards him. In a panic, he quickly lifted a knife and slanted the first Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Missile flying at him to give him a stab, but he didn't expect that the cut Liquefied Magic Crystal steam would explode. Although the liquefied magic crystal steam that has been decomposed is because the shell is cut, the pre-installed liquefied magic crystal steam did not explode the power in the design, but this time it was just to lift the player from the lava. He went out, and then one of his head and foot plunged into the lava pit. Thanks to the red layer on his body, it didn't disappear. So although I fell a bit, but this time did not cause much horrible damage to this player, but just shook it a little dizzy. It's just that his nightmare has just begun.

The guy being lifted off just felt a little confused. But as soon as I got up, I felt a kind of hair all over my body. Although he didn't see anything, the guy felt such a feeling. But he didn't know what it meant.

In fact, if this situation is a veteran protoss here, you can teach him, this is actually a kind of prediction, the divine power's pre-perception of danger. With this ability, the Protoss can detect dangers in advance and evade them, so the Protoss is normally difficult to calculate.

Unfortunately, although this perception ability is very sharp, the problem is that the guy in front of him was strengthened into a protoss. In addition to the energy attribute on his body becoming divine power, and the total amount of energy has improved, he is still the previous one. Players, nothing special at all.

It is precisely because he has no idea that the divine power has such a side effect, so the player is completely unaware that he is facing danger. So, just when he was still stupidly climbing up from the lava to see who had just launched a missile and bombing him, the result was that when he looked up, he saw a large hole facing him in the distance, and that The outer circle of Dadong seems to be a gun barrel. Looking down, there seems to be a battleship flying in the sky.

"Baga ..." When it was clear that the ship was a warship, the guy was completely awoken suddenly, and his slightly stunned head that had been shaken because of a missile hit was completely clear. Come here, but unfortunately it is too late to react at this time. In anxiety, the guy quickly bent down, leaned slightly forward, and then crossed his arms in front of him. At the same time, he stood up a defensive barrier in front of his arms and intended to carry the attack.

His side was just ready for the defensive stance, and the gunboat on the opposite side immediately followed a sudden flash of light, and a large purple beam of light beamed into it, instantly hitting the shield in front of his arm, and then A dazzling flash. The shield is swaying like a candle remaining in the wind in the light, as if it would extinguish at any time, and more terribly, a powerful force is being transmitted from his arms to his body. Therefore, the body of his current protoss is also somewhat unbearable. The horrible thrust pushed him from the lava to the ground so stiffly, and he felt that his arms and chest were very hot, and he felt like he couldn't hold it.

Although this feels bad, fortunately the attack did not last long. The beam was over in just over two seconds. Then the guy immediately put down his hot arms and felt that there was no pain in his body.

He thought it was over, who knew that he had just lowered his arm and looked up at the warship opposite. As a result, it turned out that more than a dozen cannons on the battleship turned to their side. The next second he saw a circle of smoke rising from the cannons on the battleship, but not a second later. He was overwhelmed by a violent explosion.

It is said that the body of the protoss is truly extraordinary. Although it is densely covered by artillery of this scale, this guy is persistent. of course. It is inevitable that the whole body is dark and some armors are cracked. However, anyway, at least he carried it, this is an indisputable fact.

Despite being a little embarrassed, this guy finally survived. It's just that although he is alive now, this has not changed his overall ending. I haven't had time to thank myself for the increase in defense. The guy immediately felt the hair on his body standing up again.

With the previous experience, this guy finally found a way out. Realizing that it was a red signal, he quickly looked around to find the source of the danger, but as soon as he looked up, he was dumbfounded.

The danger is indeed there, and it is seen. It's just over his reaction limit.

The guy suddenly looked up and saw not the warship just now, but three warships with different shapes facing him in a horizontal and vertical orientation, and then the next second he saw all the visible sights of those warships. All of the gun barrels that had arrived turned on, and then he felt pain all over his body. As for how it hurts ... he couldn't feel it now.

It was attacked by the side guns of the three battleships. If the average player has hung up, I don't know how many times. Don't say it's a corpse, maybe the equipment on your body has been gasified, right? However, he is a protoss, so he carried the attack, but the result was a bit miserable. There are at least thirty fractures in various places on the whole body, and in addition, the divine power of the body is almost consumed. What is more terrible is that there are only a little more than one third of life left. Such horrible damage is actually not much for a protoss. In addition to being thick and durable, the protoss is also characterized by fast recovery, whether it is injury to the body, or the value of life and divine power, anyway, these consumed things Recovery is very fast, you can restore a seven-eighth-eighth. However, we have no plans to let him recover slowly.

Just before the dust around him had spread, a gust of wind suddenly blown off the surrounding smoke, and then this guy saw a beautiful, white and lovely lady falling from the sky, and then ... He has hundreds of swords.

It's not for fun, it's really a few hundred swords. This guy was nailed with more than a hundred flying swords from head to toe, and there was almost nowhere up and down the body to insert anything further. This horrible attack is not so much about killing people as it is about separating corpses.

Looking at the player who was completely out of gas, the gold coin fingers were slightly lifted, and the more than one hundred flying swords inserted into the guy immediately emptied, but because so many flying swords receded together at the same time, the guy's body was also Bring it up. Seeing the corpse floating, the gold coin frowned slightly, and then the fingers made a relaxing movement, and the next hundred or so flying swords flickered away instantly, and the flesh and blood of that guy also scattered away. The scene was like a bomb in a human body, and instantaneously saw pieces of minced meat of various sizes splashing around. If the gold coins were not blocked by a light film, it is estimated that they must be poured through.

"Hey, get one." The gold coins watched Fei Jian spread out and turned back to Zhen Hong who was one step behind.

Really screaming, "Well said that you are not allowed to grab, you are still running away, is it too skinny?"

"I don't think this is a problem with gold coins." Kristina helped the coins and said, "I think the main problem lies in the exaggeration of Zi Ri. I think Zi Ri means that let us take these protoss seriously. Players, it ’s not really that we besieged. The three of you and I are all in the top five on the combat list. Of course, three of them can't be averaged. When the gold coins are shot, the guy will become muddy. We did n’t even start I see that those warships can be clustered, but the three of us are still the most separated, and there are protoss in our guild. I do n’t think there is a need to squat one. It depends on the strength of the people of Hades. Even if the Hachichi snake came out by himself, wouldn't it matter if you didn't fight for three days and three nights? As for such a dozen people squatting one? Look at your guy over there. How can you tell someone to come up for a breath! "

Of course, Kristina's words had a certain effect, but the effect was reversed. Afterwards, the battle turned into a group of people there to grab monsters and play, and various masters and protoss grabbed the newly emerged ghost-handed Nobunaga.

It was supposed that even these men under the command of Nobunaga's ghosts were temporarily strengthened. The strength is unstable, but not so badly killed. But this time we were a surprise attack. In addition, our previous strategy blasted Mount Fuji and buried all these people under the lava. By the time they crawled out of the lava, they had actually lost half their lives. Now the Nobunaga and the Yaki snakes have no idea where they are going. They are besieged by groups of great gods and experts on our side without organization. It ’s not strange that it ’s strange.

I will not talk about Cristina and gold coins. Hades and Peacock Pluto, even if they become guild protoss, their strength has declined, but the power of the year still exists after all. Extremely ruthless role. Ordinary protoss encounter any of them is not easy to deal with, now these protoss newcomers of the ghost hand Nobunaga have to pick N. Moreover, it was still attacked. There was no way to fight it back. Almost everyone was covered by fire as soon as they burst into the air, and then they were fired several times. The divine power on my body is almost consumed, and finally I will come to the group of gods to fight them, who can hold it?

A group of people on our side were playing with the "mocking mouse" there. Suddenly we heard that Wei Na, who had been sitting on the side and not moving, opened her eyes and said, "The core of our divine power senses a huge Divine power fluctuates. It should be some kind of communication connection. It may be that the other person's continuous death has alerted them. "

This so-called continuous dead refers to those Protoss players, of course. It was normal for these people to die after being covered by lava, but they were hung up on a large scale. This is not normal. Although Nobunaga's ghost hand is still unknown, as the president of the ghost league, of course, he can check the casualty list of his guild. It has just been confirmed that Nobunaga's hand has found that the list of his casualties is gradually expanding, and the deaths are quite intensive. This phenomenon clearly shows that the people here are being slaughtered, not natural death. So Nobunaga's hand began to use divine power for communication connections, hoping to organize his own people to resist our attacks. Although we haven't seen our troops before, Nobunaga's hand has previously heard reports of the invaders from below, and the Yagi snake has told him that Isinger's Mobile Fortress has arrived, so Nobunaga's hand knows that we will Outside, it was just that he didn't expect that his injuries would be so severe.

Here the ghost-handed Nobunaga spared no effort to start long-distance command, and those Japanese players who climbed out of the lava one after another suddenly didn't take the risk. These people were aware of the dangers outside, so they chose to dodge in the magma temporarily. Although soaking in the lava needs to consume their divine power to resist the high temperature of the lava, it is better than rushing out one by one and then being killed one by one.

Under the command of the ghost-handed Nobunaga, these people quickly gathered together, and because of the lava block, and the place was just bombarded by the radiation cannon above Isinger ’s mobile fortress, the energy fluctuation was very chaotic. For a while, I didn't know where they were.

Since neither side could take the initiative, the battlefield naturally quieted down. Of course, the quiet is only the two sides of the battle, but Mt. Fuji does not mean to be quiet at all ~ ~ That guy will be happy.

"These guys seem to have assembled for a while." Seeing this, Big Wheel Peacock Ming said beside him.

Hades inserted the black lance in his hand and said, "No matter how many people they come out, we just have to go together. Just now we have killed so much, I don't believe that the Yagi snake has the ability to strengthen it. Thousands of protoss. Even if there is so much divine power in his core of divine power, he may not be willing to use it. "

In fact, Hades's guess was right. If all the power of faith in the core of the power of the Bachi serpent is completely used up, this time the Bachi serpent is actually capable of strengthening a thousand protoss players. However, the Yachi serpent is planning to counterattack China, and once he set foot on the Middle-earth land, he will inevitably encounter the power of heaven. Because the Yaki serpent knows the power of the heavenly court very much, he left most of the power of faith to use when planning to fight against the heavenly court. This led to the strengthening of only 200 people this time, and because half of the strengthening We were assaulted, so in fact only more than 100 people completed the reinforcement.

Just taking advantage of the horror of the subordinates of the ghosts and nobles one by one to climb out of the face, we have already killed more than 20 Protoss players. So Hardis was very convinced that there were absolutely few left.

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