Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 240: Deadlock

When Hades and their side were the ghost-handed Nobunaga of the discusser, wouldn't they come out together, they answered the question directly with action. M

I only heard a loud noise, the lava erupted from the top of Mount Fuji suddenly broke off, and after a few seconds, I saw the volcanic crater still bursting like a fireworks suddenly bursting out a continuous burst Large swarms of thick black dots were dragged. After leaving the crater, the smoke on their bodies was gradually dispersed by the airflow, and at this time, the people inside gradually revealed their true colors.

"Sure enough, they came out together." Kristina sighed, looking at the ghost Nobunaga and his men suddenly flying out of the sky.

I was not on the scene. The command right here was actually divided into several parts, but because I left a message before, the battle command was all given to the **** of war, so everyone was not in trouble. Seeing these people flying, the **** of war first counted the number of opponents, and then said to Hades, "It's not bad, there are 87 remaining, including the ghost-handed Nobunaga himself. aims."

"Is there only two digits? A lot less than expected." Peacock said in fear that the world wouldn't mess up.

Aphrodite said, "Is it not good to have a small number? We are a raid this time, and the conversion process of the other party must have been interrupted by us before the end, and it is impossible for a protoss in the volcano to not drown. Protoss are not all able to stay in the lava. So it is enough to say that there are so many left. "

"We have more than two hundred Protoss here, but in fact we can fight for more than thirty." Hades said: "When fighting for a while, remember the president ’s instructions, save yourself is the key, do n’t The enemy is desperate. Those guys on the opposite side are adventurers who can be resurrected after death!

Everyone else who was quite happy heard the words of Hades, and they all remembered the true identity of the people opposite them. These people are all players, they are all resurrectable beings. It was even killed once. They were downgraded, and then came back to life after the resurrection, so terrible!

"So what, everyone pay attention." Rose's voice suddenly came out in the communication crystal. "Everyone pays attention, don't kill someone after the war starts. Use the number of people and our auxiliary weapon to separate and surround the opponent, use the superior force to destroy the target, and then capture the target."

"Catch it?" Everyone was surprised when they heard the order. Although everyone felt that our sneak attack was very successful this time, it is now like this, the other party has only 87 people left. We have more than 30 powerful protoss here, and more than 100 auxiliary ones, plus those horrible mobile angels against the protoss, and so many air warships, and then we have Chris Christina among them. Elite counting. Our strength is actually far beyond the strength of the other side.

In fact, even if the strength of the opponent was not lost in the previous battle, we would not fall behind even if we had scheduled a good group of time and place. The group of ghost-handed Nobunaga are all temporarily strengthened. This strength is obviously at a discount, at least not as powerful as imagined. When they meet our guild, they will definitely lose more and win less. What we were really worried about was never the ghost-handed Nobunaga, but the Yagi snake. This guy is too strong. And unlike the belonging protoss like Tianting, the Yachi serpent now holds the core of the divine power in his hand but does not have a serious protoss. This is like someone on the earth has a nuclear bomb that can be fired at any time, but he does not have country. Therefore, many treaties, conditions, and factors that restrict nuclear powers are useless to him. In other words, the nuclear power of a nuclear power can only lie on the launch pad as a deterrent, but this person's nuclear bomb can be used at any time. This is what makes this man terrible.

The current Yagi snake is actually the same as this nuclear-armed man. He has the core of divine power in his hand, but he is not subject to the restrictions of local protoss. So he can make waves everywhere and do whatever he wants, regardless of whether he is Tianting or Gao Tianyuan Protoss. In terms of total strength, they are actually hundreds of times larger than the Yaki snake, but they all take the Yaki snake because they are too tied. Can't let go of the fight like the Yachi serpent.

Originally, we were not afraid of the ghosts and Nobunaga, but now I have been dragged into the sky by the Yagi snake, and it will obviously be impossible to get out at half past one. So our people don't care much about those Protoss players over there. However, this premise is only to destroy the other party.

Everyone knows that catching a person alive is more difficult than killing him, and that as the strength of the person increases and the gap between the two sides decreases, the difficulty of catching alive will become more and more difficult. Although the protoss of Onizuki Nobunaga are unstable, and they are all new protoss, they have no experience in themselves, but after all, are they protoss? They are not from the cottage, even if the skills are not proficient, many abilities can not be achieved, it is also a protoss. It is not difficult for everyone to join hands to kill such a protoss, but if it is alive ... this is definitely a challenging task.

Everyone was surprised when they heard this question, but few people here are stupid, so after the first surprise, many people reacted by themselves, especially Hardis, who has the most relationship with this matter, asked directly "What do you mean by using a spirit extractor?"

Rose didn't answer directly, but asked Hades if he could use it, and everyone around him understood immediately.

The soul extractor is a kind of thing that Hades brought from Olympus. It is actually a device attached to the Faith Collector. Whether that power of faith collector is the core of the work or the final process of transporting the power of faith, these core components actually use the spirit as the core. Because of such a need, I went to the United States to catch a few protoss sneakily and get back some spirits. It is also because of the gods and souls that I have obtained that the chaos and order of the protoss can now worry about the power of faith.

At this point, everyone should be able to think of it. Since we were able to get the soul back from the United States, it means that we must have a way to strip and bind the soul. The equipment that completes this process is called the soul extractor.

In fact, this is not a big device, at least it can be carried by one person. Although you can't carry it on your back, most of the space equipment can be stuffed, and it can be moved by one person. It's easy to assemble anything.

Using this thing can not only kill the protoss, but also draw the spirits out of it. For the Protoss, as long as the spirit is immortal, the body can be immortal. But once the spirit is gone, the shrine is completely dead.

Although this kind of equipment has been very good for those protoss before, and no mistakes have been made, but this time the target is not those protoss, but players. This player can be resurrected, so we don't know if this spirit extractor will clear the player's level directly after the player's spirit is removed, or will its protoss ability disappear. Or just let the opponent die once, without additional effects. We are not sure of these, but we at least know that we can try them.

Although you know that capturing is not easy, everyone realizes that this is a good way, so after trying to understand, no one will say anything more.

We have a plan here. The ghost-handed Nobunaga has just completed the formation of the formation, and these guys also replenish each other's blood.

We don't care much about their behavior. Anyway, people consume their own medicine and their divine power. Even if we interrupt them now, they will find opportunities to take medicine and treat them with divine power. That actually belongs to dismantling the east wall and filling the west wall. After all, life's strength will still decline after the rise, which is equivalent to letting the soldiers replace the hemostatic bandage with a bullet. Do you think this is a good deal or a loss? Most cases are cost-effective. But in the present situation, this situation should actually be equivalent, that is to say, it doesn't make sense to treat people with ghosts and nobles without treatment.

And, because of Rose's order. In fact, they are better for us.

Because it is necessary to catch the opponent alive, the amount of life of the opponent is actually meaningless. in contrast. If the opponent has more divine power, then when we catch the other side, he will resist, and this process will inevitably increase our capture difficulty. Therefore, in this case, those subordinates of the ghost-handed Nobunaga who are consuming their divine power on the blood are actually beneficial to us.

We have made plans here, and they have adjusted their status over there. Although the blood, the demon, and the like were almost replenished, the medicine on them was almost consumed. You should know that the medicine that can be used by the Protoss is not sugar beans, but the stuff is difficult to produce. This is just like an airplane flying fast, but it requires aviation kerosene. Although the Protoss is very powerful, but the consumables are also high-grade goods, it is hard to find expensive.

Having just settled my troubles, Nobunaga's hand now looks at more than eighty people floating on his side and feels that his spirit is back immediately. However, look at Mount Fuji, which has become a sea of ​​fire below, and several nearby corpses, and the fire of the ghost-handed Nobunaga was discouraged.

"Damn Frost Rose League, **** Ziri, **** Chinese, you all give me death!" After the angry roar of the ghost hand Nobunaga was too lazy to say ruthless words to us, directly to The previous one waved his own people up.

I originally thought that the people on my side were quite strong, but he knew one thing as soon as the action of Nobunaga's hand was done, that is, a powerful guild must not have only a group of powerful players.

Strong players are the foundation of a strong guild, but not all. Just as the ghost-handed Nobunaga rushed up to prepare for a fight with the people on our side, all of us on the side flashed behind the fleet, and then we saw our moving fortress. Hears with all kinds of warships flying in the sky.

If there were only those battleships, the battle was not so big. The key is that Isinger's Mobile Fortress is also nearby. Although I was stumped by the Yagi snake before, I have to say that the rebuilt Essinger Mobile Fortress was quite strong, and knocked down Mount Fuji, and the sideband also played a roll on the ground, almost There was no upside down, but as a result, only some of the internal buildings were slightly damaged, and most of the functions and buildings were not damaged in any way, which can be said to be skin trauma.

Such a sturdy defense is of course due to the use of super sturdy materials. You must know that when I was building the Isinger Mobile Fortress, I used the predecessor Suzaku to destroy the previous Isinger opportunity, and then I gave myself up. It was finally a lot of good things to get rid of the fooling around with the court in Tianting. It was only afterwards that today's Isinger Mobile Fortress was built. Of course, the original efforts have paid off. Today is a very good illustration. If it weren't for the so-called colorful marble used in the repair of the heavenly court at the beginning, it would definitely have been torn apart by the Essinger Mobile Fortress at the time of the Bachi snake.

Because Isinger's mobile fortress failed to break apart in the end, and there was no damage, so now they are unlucky. Although there are a few of these flying warships that are quite large and firepower is very fierce, can you be more vigorous than the fortress city? The artillery on an Isinger Mobile Fortress is actually equal to hundreds of times the number of artillery in the general system city. This is not to mention, we have also installed N types of various assault weapons on the Mobile Fortress of Isinger. Although these items are not numerous, there are many types. And the attack methods of various partial doors can be said to be invincible. Can such a fortress city have weak firepower?

The former Nobunagai was blinded by reason because of emotional factors such as anger and regret. Twenty, because they now have different strengths, he felt that he had become a god, so he did not put our Isinger mobile fortress in his eyes. Already. The result is tragedy now.

Those guys are flying well. Suddenly I saw a large black shell smashing in front of me. At first, these protoss still planned to hide, but after seeing it clearly, they began to carry it hard, because these shells were so dense that they occasionally ran into their own explosion. It's really not that big, and considering the speed of the cannonballs, even the speed of the ghost-handed Nobunaga's assistant. Their neural response can't keep up!

The tragedy had just flew forward, and they were mixed back by the cannonball rain from the moving fortress of Isinger, and because everyone had hit at least ten shells, the group had just recovered. Immediately after the rise of the amount of blood and divine power, a small cut.

It was melancholy to have been exposed to a cannonball rain for no reason, but they soon tasted the encounters of those order-losing companions who had previously hung up. The shell was followed by a dense bombardment of the energy beam. And because the beam weapon is not as difficult to control as the drop of the cannonball, the accuracy of these things is quite terrible, so these people suffer collectively. They were all hit by countless beams, and many thought they would be cooked. In the end, although I was unfamiliar, I was blackened.

The super-depressed group of Japanese players are now disgusted with Isinger's Mobile Fortress. However, they didn't know that there were no more casualties among them, not because they were strong enough, but because we were worried that they would reappear after being killed, and then appeared in the form of a protoss, so we planned to catch them. If we really want to kill ourselves, there will definitely be two more beams in the beam attack just now.

What? Why do you ask for two more?

Forgot the two defensive mother trees we just transplanted to Isinger Mobile Fortress? That thing is a super weapon that has made our group of chaos and order protoss almost unstoppable! You said that if we were to draw cold sons and let the two defensive mother trees mingle in those beams, there would be two more ... not to mention more, it would be no problem to kill two people, right?

"I'm so angry!" Growled angrily Nobunaga. "Coward of the Frost Rose Alliance, don't you dare to fight our Japanese Samurai upright?"

Despite the atmosphere, the guy Nobunaga is not completely stupid. He was not stupid enough to rush forward against our firepower. Although it doesn't take much time to rush at their speed, people on our side can also rush. If the two sides rush forward together, then the final result is most likely that everyone will start a scuffle in front of the fleet.

What does it mean to fight in front of our Frost Rose League's Isinger Mobile Fortress and Fleet? Of course, it means that the cold gun has been drawn. ~ Although most artillery are worried about accidental injury and cannot fire, there are definitely no fewer than a hundred weapons on the moving fortress that can accurately lock the target and fire, and the most terrible is Isinger's Mobile Fortress itself is actually a very troublesome weapon. Don't forget that Isinger's Mobile Fortress has a magic absorber on it. Because of the existence of this thing, as long as Isinger moves the fortress nearby, all the guild's combat units are equivalent to carrying a magic supplement. Fighting with a group of guys who can't run out of magic. Can you imagine the result?

It is precisely because Nobunaga's hand knows that rushing to the company and the chaos and order of the protoss clash with us are basically not cheap, so Nobunaga's hand did not let his people continue to charge, before being fainted, now He calmed down. However, if you do n’t rush back, you ca n’t fall in momentum, so the ghost-handed Nobunaga shouted out the previous paragraph, which meant nothing but saying, “We ’re not going to beat you, just because you have a moving fortress behind , So we suffer. "

"Ghosthand Nobunaga, you guy is really more and more shameless. Why didn't you say that when you sneaked up on us? Now that you have got the power from the Yaki snake, this will be a decisive battle?" Rose's The sound suddenly appeared around everyone through the broadcast on Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and the loud sound of the volume shook the ghost-handed Nobunaga, who was a little dizzy.

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