Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 101: Dayao 1

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" I ran forward regardless of the smoke obstructing the night shadow driving down.

"Fengshen Curse!" A small tornado appeared quickly, but it only disappeared for a few seconds, but this tornado completely sucked up the dust!

Posting visibility has finally recovered, but what I saw in front of me immediately flashed two "¥" symbols in my eyes.

Post "Wow!"

Post "Right?"

Post "I'm not dreaming?"

Post "Oh my God!"

Post ...

Posts: Everyone ’s reaction was different, but everyone was astonished! There is indeed a passage behind the mountain wall that was knocked open, but there are a lot of treasures scattered on this passage, a piece of gold and silver jewelry, dazzling!

Post "Wow! This is so beautiful!" Crystal grabbed a crown made of gold, and then picked up a mirror made of gold, surrounded by precious stones. "This one is so cute! I really like it!"

The plague next to the release badger was similar. He kept jewellery in his storage space without saying a word.

Fortunately, the release went deeper into the channel, and I was not idle. "This one is nice, put away! This one is also very beautiful, I want it! Wow! This one will shine! Oh! That one is so cute! I can't take it anymore! It's so beautiful, I pretend I pretend!

The dragon with three heads hitting the door was completely out of control, and only the tank stood at the entrance silly and didn't know what to do! Suddenly a gust of wind blew by, and the junior Xiao San who ran down the level also rushed over because of falling off the level! Although the primary three of grade 30 is still a young dragon, the special preference of dragons for gold and silver jewelry is not limited by body size!

Post "Little Three, come back!" Ling shouted loudly in front of him, but Xiao San just looked up and then joined the treasure hunt!

Post "Boss? How did you raise it? Why is your magic pet a hobby?" Cauldron teased.

Post "What?"

Post "Like scraping the ground!"

Post "Go to death!" I kicked him off the boar.

The release drove the night shadow across the front pass into the inner valley. Shouting at several dragons: "Stop them all!"

Post a huff, all four dragons stopped and looked up at me. I pointed in front of me and said, "All come and stand!" The four dragons ran obediently and stood in a row.

Post "What the **** are you doing? What does this sound like? Did I move you?"

Release looked at the four-headed dragons with their heads underneath, and made a look that I knew was wrong. I eased people a bit, yes, I know wrong! Suddenly I found that luck, the plague, and the crystal were twisting slightly, I didn't know what I was doing. I carefully noticed that I almost didn't feel dizzy. Although the three large dragons all stood there looking like they were wrong, the tails behind them kept moving the baby around them.

The post "You're so ridiculous! It's so bad! Look at the other three ..." I didn't say anything, because when I was pointing at the third to prepare him as an example, I found that he was scolding the other three dragons Time to pick up the baby next to you! After I found him, he must have been there without knowing what to do. A moldy ring was grabbing at his little dragon claw, and his body was bending there.

He suddenly stood up straight, used the middle head to blow off the dirt on the ring, and then leaned to the left head. "Do you think this is the one we lost?"

The head on the left side of Houyun looked at him and shook his head. "It seems not!"

The head on the right side of the release post also stretched out and looked at it and said, "It really is not! Our one is bigger than this!"

Post "Oh! No!" The middle head looked pretending to look like it. "That's not it!" Throwing it back, the ring drew an arc and fell to the ground behind.

Release actually played double reed here! The three-headed dragon is indeed different from ordinary dragons. Fortunately, they will not speak before level 200! He even knew that he was deceiving!

Post "The four of you immediately poured out everything on me!"

Posting the plague plague looked at me with a dilemma. "the host……!"

Post "Fast Down!"

Post it! Three big golden mountains plus a small golden mountain appeared in front of us, none of these four guys moved slowly!

Post "Nothing?"

Post "Nothing!" The four-headed dragon cried together.

Posting: I said to Lucky and Crystal: "You two have carried the plague!"

Although I do n’t know why, the two-headed dragon did the same.

Post "Shake!"

The release of Lili is up! A lot of messy things fell out of the plague, and the amount was almost the same as what he handed over! Seeing that the plague was gone, I pointed to luck: "It's your turn!"

Post "I'm here!" Fortunately, the wings on both sides were opened one by one, and a lot of things fell out of the wings, more than he handed over!

Crystal and Xiaosan are more conscious. I didn't want to send someone to shake, so I handed everything over.

Release: I picked up a pearly long sword and played with it. "There were a lot of precious stones for the dwarves when we built the city last time! I haven't seen you crazy! How did you do it this time?"

Released the crystal while watching the pile of gems drooling: "Gemstones also have good and bad! The last time are all defective products, the dwarves don't care, but the dragons don't like it! What we want is the best, not good enough! "

The release of the plague plague added: "My brother and I are also members of the royal family, how do those garbage gems look good!"

The last lucky post: "Master, you can do it and let us have fun! Other dragons have their own treasure heaps. A few of us follow you every day, but they don't even have a gem! I don't do it! I It ’s also a dragon! I want gems! I want gold! 555 ~ "Fortunately, I had a nose and a tear!

Post a few girls can't stand it, Rose advised: "They are also hard, and you can give a consolation award is not a big deal!"

Posting "Yes! People are born to die with you, there should be a little benefit if they are not!" Shura Ziyi also advised.

Released: I looked at the bitter-looking Xiaosan, and the tears of the crying Lianli and the plague and crystal that drooled all over the place. "Okay! ..." I made these two sounds, and before I could say anything else, the four dragons in front of me had all returned to the front line of picking up the baby, even the few hills they had just taken out Also gone! "Hey! Listen to me! I haven't finished talking yet!" The shouted for a long time without a response, the dragons were completely crazy!

The release of Lingling prevented me from continuing to shout, "Do not cry, do you not see their eyes glowing green? There is no difference between seeing the dragons of gold and silver jewelry and the wolves seeing blood!"

Post "Okay, pay attention later, the whole army goes forward!" I don't care about those dragons, and I take my troops forward. The dragons moved extremely fast, and the babies they encountered along the way were swept away. Seeing this posture, they were trying to get hold of it!

It's been a while since the release of the entered the valley, the sky has been completely dark, but the surrounding mountain walls have lit up. The mountain here has a lot of glowing rocks, which illuminate the entire valley channel like daylight!

Post _____________________________________________

Released along the way, in addition to gems, we also found something else, such as this one! This is a mountain wall, it is ordinary, and what attracts our attention is the above. There is a skull and a strange skull on this mountain wall. The skull was nailed to the mountain wall by a spear, which penetrated from under his left armpit and from the other side and nailed him horizontally to the wall! Look at the face of the skull, he should be leaving the valley!

Release: We saw torn pieces of rags on the skeletons, which shows a lot of problems. First, this is not an undead creature. The skeleton of the undead is undressed. If a zombie, it should be completely melted and no bones should be left. Everything shows that this guy was a living creature before. Second, this guy is not a soldier. It is impossible for a soldier to wear only a commoner, not to mention this one is so much like a mage robe! Third, this guy hasn't died long. If it's really long, the clothes should be worn out!

Released Ling Ling and Xiaochun carefully studied the bones and confirmed that this is a human bone. The elves do not have such thick bones. Angels or demons should have wings!

Su Mei suddenly ran next to me, she dragged down the robe that had become a rag, and she turned it over to us for a while. It was a magical six-pointed star. "This is the mage of the Holy Word, the senior guard of the Temple of Light, who died here!"

Posting "I can't imagine it! Actually, there is a bright mage who can invade the mountain of death so deep, his strength is definitely not ordinary!" Xiaochun sighed.

Post "There is one more over there!" Amenis found a skeleton in the middle of the road ahead.

Release Everyone came over to discover that this is the skeleton of a personal warrior. The full-cover armor shows that his level is a senior knight, but now he has turned into a skull lying face down! There was also a sword in his vest, and it seemed that this was the cause of his death!

Release: I pulled out the sword and tossed it aside, then I turned over the body of the skull, and his armor was marked with a golden cross on the chest.

Published: "Templar Knight?" Xiaochun recognized this rare sign.

Post "Your manpower is really long!" Ling satirically.

Release Xiaojun Chun immediately defended: "This is the jurisdiction of the European Temple. We are the Asian Temple. What matters to me! The Asian Temple of Light and the European Temple have always had very little contact!"

After seeing Ling seeing Ling, I just blocked her mouth. "Don't quarrel! The light temples in Asia like to attack the territory of the dark temples, and the European temples probably have similar preferences! These may be the temple personnel killed during the retreat!"

Su Sumei suddenly said: "Don't you find it strange?"

Post "What?"

Post "We have been here for so long, why haven't we seen any NPCs? Not to mention the Legion of Mist, not even monsters!"

Post "How do I know!" I look at the four-headed dragon that has run far away ahead. "Maybe the guards here are concentrated near the fortress, or they may be washed like the spirit of the governor!"

Post "Master, come here!" The lucky one in front of me suddenly called back, and I quickly took everyone to follow.

It was released to the dragons that they found that the canyon had reached the end. We suddenly widened in front of us into a huge open space, and a castle stood in the center of this open space. There are caves on the mountains around the clearing! It looks like this castle is responsible for defending it, because I can clearly see the cannon on top of the castle! As for what these caves do, I have no idea!

The release gate was raised when we looked at the castle in a daze, and a cavalry squad burst out of it. The number of cavalry is small, there are only 9 people, and it seems that they are not here to fight!

The Hussar squad stopped in front of us a few meters away, and a cavalry came out and said, "Here is the mountain of death, and no creatures are allowed to enter! Please return quickly, otherwise don't blame us for force!"

Post "Are the people from the Mist Regiment under the Dark Temple?"

The cavalry squad opposite him was clearly turbulent, and the lead cavalier said: "We are the Legion of Mist, who are you?"

Post "Myself!" Haha! Finally found! I thought I would be here for several days! I didn't expect it! I found the organization that day! I hurriedly said, "Is your supreme commander there? I brought a transfer order from the temple!"

Post "Can we confirm it first?" The Cavaliers were obviously more polite!

Post "Yes!" I quickly took out the soldiers.

A cavalry in the cavalry team ran over, and after looking at the soldiers, he immediately said, "Please follow me!" I just took a few steps, and suddenly he found that there were still many people behind me, and he said quickly: " Sorry, our castle is not too big. Can you let your troops wait outside? "

Release: I immediately turned back and said, "The troops are resting in the open space!"

In the release of Summoning Creature, I only brought Ling and Aimenis together with Night Shadow and Xiaoxue as mounts, and I didn't come to fight, it was useless! Of the players who followed me, only Rose and Sumei accompanied me into the castle, and the rest remained outside.

The Castle was actually quite large, at least much larger than the one my dad bought in reality in Germany, but it was really crowded to enter the 6,000 troops! The outer side of the castle is a building, and in the middle is a large garden, and the rest is not bad.

The release may have been notified. As soon as we entered the garden, we saw 5 knights with black armors all over, and a knight with a large cloak behind them came over to see that they were dressed like me! "Are you the official sent by the Temple of Darkness?"

Post "Yes! Yes! I am here to dispatch troops in the name of the Dark God. The Dark Temple is in need of war and urgently needs reinforcements from the Mist Army!"

Post "I am the acting legionary of the Mist Regiment!" The front knight took out half a letter from his arms.

Release: I immediately understood what he meant and took half of the seal from his arms. As soon as the two seals came in contact, the small bead in the middle suddenly lit up. The knight nodded and took back his half of the soldiers. I took the order from my arms and handed it to him. The knight looked at the order and nodded. "The decree said that it would help you to increase the number of Isinger ’s city defense units to the level mentioned above. How many units does Isinger have now? I will fill in the shortfall for you!"

Post _______________________________________________________

Post Wait! There are loopholes! The order only said to add troops to the number mentioned above, but the other party did not know how many soldiers there were in Isinger. In this case, could I take the opportunity to get more troops back? "Oh! That's it! Essinger's troops have just gone through a big war, and they are almost gone. The rest are all wounded. Basically, you can think that Essinger has no soldiers. You just follow the numbers on the order Just give the soldiers! "

Post "Okay! You wait, I'll go and gather troops!"

Post Knight is stupid 唧 Turn around and arrange the troops, I am so happy! I know the number of soldiers, Al Ni said that I would add troops to: 2 million bone skeletons, 100,000 night seekers, 100,000 shadow monsters, 50,000 demon pupil guards, 10,000 demon knights, and 15,000 dark watchers , Blood Lord 250, Death Knight 25, Acting 5 Death.

Released, but the acting legion leader did not know that Isinger already had: 20,000 seekers in the night, 20,000 shadow monsters, 10,000 guards of the demon pupils, 2,000 demon knights, 3,000 dark watchers, 50 blood lords, death 5 knights. Moreover, according to Alni's meaning, 25 death knights were replenished from this side, and then 5 death knights of Vinda were directly upgraded to proxy death gods. If I supplement it according to the amount of this order, I will be equivalent to earning the entire number of troops in Isinger, and I will have 5 more death agents!

After the release, the total strength of Isinger should be: 2 million skeletons, 120,000 night seekers, 120,000 shadow monsters, 60,000 demon pupils, 12,000 demon knights, 18,000 dark spectators, and 300 blood lords. , Death Knight 25, Acting Death 10. Hahahaha! I'm really genius!

Posts Rose and Su Mei are smart people, they will understand what I mean when they hear me, so now they are smirking at the back.

To be honest, the numbers are very general. When I was taken out of the castle and saw a large force stretching for dozens of miles outside, my heart was still shocked. What a huge army!

Post Knight shakes me. "The troops have already given you. This is a dispatch letter. Please sign here!"

Post "Oh!" Halo! A lot of things!

Post "Okay!" The knight took the list I signed and said to me: "The Dark Temple is still waiting for you! Come back soon! I will continue to train more troops here, I can't leave here yet It is up to you to protect the temple! "

Post 我 "I will work hard!" I performed a knight ceremony, and then said: "Yes! We saw a lot of gold and silver treasures scattered on the road on our way, I wonder what happened?"

Post "That! That's a treasure from several countries to pay tribute to the Temple of Light. When we went out to train, we got it back by the way. Although we did n’t have much use, it was better than giving the Temple of Light. Later, the Temple of Light also sent for this. We've been killed by many secret agents, and you should have seen them on your way! "

Post "Oh! So! What about those jewelry? Are they still here?"

Post "Of course!"

"Can you bring it back with me? You do n’t keep it, but the Dark Temple needs wealth. Many of the studies we are doing now need a lot of precious metal support, and we have hired a lot of dragons to help combat, those Long has always known money but not people! "

I posted "I have heard of this! Dragons like to gather wealth!" The knight suddenly whispered to my ear: "The dragons over there are the bodyguards sent by the dragons? Looks full. It looks terrific, but the price is definitely not low! "

Posting: I almost got caught by the words of the Cavaliers, he was really pure! But fortunately, they are sitting on the side of the mountain holding jewellery and looking there. It really looks like a standard fortune fan!

Post "Since you understand our difficulties!"

Published the knight knight's hearty words: "I will make people prepare for the horses and horses, and take away all the collected treasures!"

Post "No, I have a space door!" I look at the time! "It will open in another four hours! I'll wait here for four hours and pack everything in before leaving!"

Post "Of course there is no problem!" The knight kindly invited me to the place where the treasure was placed, and of course I have to keep up, but the dragons can't bring it, otherwise they should go crazy again!

The release Treasure Treasure is actually placed in the cave around this clearing. I said that it is good to dig so many holes here! I walked and chatted with the Cavaliers. "Isn't the exit of the Death Mountain blocked by a guild-built city? How did you go out and get the treasure back?"

Post "What? Blocked?" Cavaliers was surprised: "I walked yesterday, is it clear! Who built a city? So fast?"

Post "Isn't it? Was it yesterday?" I was completely confused! "How many exits do you have here?"

Post "Three! What's wrong?"

Post it now! It turns out that the mountain of death is not like a legendary one-passage!

The release knight continued: "I see, you mean the passage with the misty wonderland? That one is just a specially disguised passage to deceive people. The real passage is the other two, but those two passages. The entrances and exits are very hidden, so outsiders have always thought that Death Mountain is the only entrance! "

Post "No wonder!"

Post "Oh! Here!" The knight led me into the cave, and there was a gate inside! Seeing us approaching, the guard at the gate pushed the door open in advance, and the sight inside completely scared me! The caves on the mountain are just exits, and they are all connected together! This huge cave like a large dragon cave is piled with gold and silver jewelry like a mountain. The roses behind me and me were frightened by this huge number! I didn't expect that there would be so many jewelry!

The release Knight introduced: "This is the jewellery we robbed in the past. This side is only half, there is another one opposite! Hope these things can contribute to the battle of the Dark Temple!"

Post "Yes! It must be!" I said something a little bit wrong!

Post I picked up a bracelet from the ground and looked at the property, and the result was that I caught it on the spot! There is no performance data on the property ~ ~ It only says: "Bangle, decorative crafts!" These things are just like the appearance, they can't be sold or used at all!

Posting Su Mei discovered that my expression was wrong. "what happened?"

Post My Majesty with weak hands. "It's fake! It's useless! It's crafts!"

Post "Impossible?" Rose picked up a short knife from the side. "Is it obviously equipped! The attack power is still high!"

Post "What? No?" I walked over and took the gold knife inlaid with precious stones. "It really has attributes!" This small knife is called "Treasure Craft Knife". The attributes below clearly indicate the attack power and durability, and even bring a few good attributes! I tried to equip it, and it really works! This is simply a very normal piece of equipment!

Post Su Mei picked up a ring and looked at it. "This is a craft and cannot be equipped!"

Rose rose strangely picked up the flute, "Really fake!"

Release: I put the knife aside, then picked up a gold shield, "This is equipment, and the defense is full!"

Post "How did this happen? Why is it fake?" Rose asked.

Post Knight came in. "Fake? Impossible! These are real gems and gold, no fake!"

Post "We mean fine!" I perfunctory! As an NPC, it is impossible for a knight to understand the difference between equipment and crafts!

Post "There are true and false in this, we have no time to divide it up, just pack it all up and go back!" I finally decided to use a stupid method! Anyway, those fake crafts are not useless. Fortunately, they do not distinguish between equipment and crafts. As long as they are gold and silver jewelry, they all like it!

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