Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 105: Dragon's ability

I turned around a bit more, and I was hit by a pen placed at the corner of the table. Everyone watched nervously as the pen fell to the ground. I responded very quickly and caught the pen that was still falling. "Hoo!" The people behind made a sound of exhalation, but the sound of more than forty researchers exhaling at the same time was incredible! The actual volume is only about the sound of ordinary people talking, but the dragon outside immediately caught the sound! His head quickly left the glass, and then stared at us for a long time!

Post Dad shakes my shoulder to let me pay attention to him, then he points to me, then points outside and passes a microphone. I followed his finger and looked at it. It turned out that there were a series of speakers on the opposite corner of the room. If I speak, the sound will be emitted from the opposite speaker, which just can attract attention! Nodded and took the microphone, and then began to negotiate with the dragon into the microphone!

Post "Lucky?" I tried to shout!

The release Dragon turned at a speed that was obviously inconsistent with his volume and turned to face the two horns. Then he looked back at us again. It seems that he still suspects something is hidden here.

Post I continued: "Lucky? Nod when you hear!"

The release dragon nodded immediately, then quickly approached the horn. Then the situation was a little unexpected! He actually inserted his claws into the wall to dig out a tweeter that was close to the wall, and then he easily tore the speaker apart and found it in it, and seemed to want to find me from the inside! Fortunately, two speakers were installed in advance!

Post "Master!" The dragon suddenly spoke with a strange voice, but barely could hear what was said!

Post "How are you feeling?"

Post Fortunately, he looked down at his paw, and then looked back at his wings! "It feels a little awkward! The body seems to be a bit wrong, but I don't know what's wrong!"

Release: I covered my microphone with my hand and looked back at the main researcher: "How did his voice make it sound like a duck!"

Release Researcher nervously said: "Maybe the vocal cords are too dry, it will be fine in a while!"

Release: I let go of the microphone and continued, "Would you move to see if you would be more comfortable?"

Fortunately for the release, he immediately started to move his body and moved for a while: "Much better now!" He went to another speaker and said, "Master? Where are you? I heard you are in the wall, but why don't I feel like it? Anyone there? "

Release: I was taken aback, and quickly turned around and asked the main researcher: "Can he feel that there is no life in the wall?"

Post "It should be possible! He has a bioelectric sensor on his head, his eyes have infrared capability, and the crown on his head can even capture electromagnetic waves! As for hearing! You just realized it!"

Post I turned to my dad and said, "I'll go out! Otherwise, you may feel upset if you are lucky. It would be really difficult for him to start his temper now!"

Post "Be careful then, if you find something wrong, run back quickly. There is an automatic freezing system in that room. If he is not obedient, we can freeze him instantly."

Post "Understand! As long as you can guarantee that luck is in my head, nothing will happen!"

Release: I heard a voice as soon as I got out of the room, and he quickly turned and ran over. "Master? Is it you?"

Post "Well! It's me! Come, back, let's go to the middle of the room!"

Post "got it!" Lucky ran back to the middle of the room immediately. "Is this all right?"

Release: I turned around and waved at the observation window above: "It's okay! Everything is OK! Be as good as a kitten!"

Post my dad's voice from the earphones on my ears. "Let him remember your characteristics!"

Release I immediately asked: "What does he rely on to distinguish different people?"

The voice of the chief researcher who posted the release appeared in the headset. "It's mainly the appearance! The second is the smell, and the bioelectricity! The appearance is already familiar, let him focus on remembering your smell and electromagnetic response!"

Release: I turned back and let Lucky memorize them one by one. After he finished me, my dad ran out of the observation room. Fortunately, he just looked up and saw that they had no action. It seems that it would be good to see him in the game!

The researchers released the experimental equipment quickly. With my appeasement, I was very fortunate to complete all the experiments. Other than taking blood, it was very easy!

It took almost an hour to release, and the experiment ended at 9:30. My dad said to me: "This time you take him to that uninhabited island to see if it is possible to collect samples of Japanese biological weapons! Let's take the first practical exercise of the dragon! Also, after going out Fly high, pay attention to confidentiality! "

Post "I know! But how did the lucky genes come out? You didn't use reptile genetic modification? I don't want genetic instability in the future!"

“That ’s not going to happen. His genetic samples were connected by our researchers one by one, which is equivalent to all of them made by us, without using any existing organism ’s genes to connect, so I just said that he is a human bioengineering. The pinnacle of it! What about? God's power is now in our hands, are you proud? "

Post "Pride is a bit! But more of it is fear! I don't know if it is a good thing for humans to get the power of God too soon!"

Release "Rest assured that only we can completely recombine genes at this stage, and similar technologies will not appear in other countries for a hundred years!"

Post "Yes, you have to tell me something!" I suddenly remembered something important!

Post "What?" Dad was confused by me.

Release: I pointed to luck and said, "What does he eat? Also, his combat style and athletic ability, I need the overall data. To cooperate with him, I should at least know what is the strength of my partner?"

Dad Uncle turned back to a researcher next to him and said, "Go get the manual!"

Post "What? Instructions? Is there a warranty card?" What is dad doing!

The researcher released the e-instruction soon, and I was taken aback by the content. This thing has more than 30,000 pages. Fortunately, it is an e-book. If the physical book is estimated to be normal, a person cannot move!

Released a rough look at the main points, the lucky settings basically retain the settings in the game! His wings can fly, and the speed is quite amazing. It can reach subsonic speed. Although it can't break through the sound barrier, it is also the fastest among existing creatures! The speed of one thousand kilometers per hour is absolutely amazing, and his maneuverability is N times that of an aircraft. In theory, he can make a large-angle maneuver in the air. It is estimated that this flexibility missile does not want to hit him! In addition to his wings, his limbs are also quite strong. The ground running speed can reach 470 kilometers per hour, which is basically a speed that most cars can't reach now! As for the speed in water, it can actually reach 70 knots. It seems that the current torpedo has not reached this speed!

In the aspect of the respiratory system, I found that fortunately, he has two gills in addition to his lungs. It seems that he does not need to worry about underwater sports!

The most complicated part of the whole description is the header. There are various biosensors on the lucky head. His sense of smell is 30 times that of a shark. If there is a blood molecule in the space of the Great Hall of the People, he can accurately distinguish it!

It's even worse to post a squinting eye. His pair is almost a small astronomical telescope. If the weather is good, he can see the craters on the moon directly on the ground! To say an exaggeration, he can accurately count the markings on a wasp's back when he flew over a wasp three kilometers away! And his eyes have the ability to filter polarized light. If necessary, he can filter the spectrum of special wavelengths and incident angles!

Posting hearing is also scary. The receiving frequency is from zero to ten million hertz, almost no frequency he can't hear! What's more, his hearing is extremely sharp, and he can hear clearly at a normal volume within one kilometer, which is an activity eavesdropper!

Post _________________________________________________

Release: In addition to these standard senses, he also has the ability to receive electromagnetic waves. Although he cannot transmit back electricity, he can accurately sense the surrounding electromagnetic waves. If the coding is simpler, he can even accept the on-demand order directly!

The release of bioelectric induction is also his specialty. Like a shark, this sense can effectively provide a blindness of a radius of 200 meters!

Release The last thing is the infrared receiving ability. This organ was obtained by researchers copying the senses of rattlesnake. Anything with heat cannot escape the lucky and sensitive infrared sensor!

I posted a strange organ at the end of the manual. It was located in the lucky upper jaw and consisted of three catheters. The lower edge of the catheter was connected to three huge collection sacs. It may feel like a poisonous gland, but I suspect This thing is for lucky fire breathing! But the only thing in the explanation did not explain what it was used for. I had to ask my dad!

Release Daddy Dad just glanced and said, "That was something that was designed in the later period to improve the attack power, and there is no such thing! In addition to this, there is a special organ on the dragon tail and teeth!"

Post "What organ is it?"

"The mouth of this is a flamethrower. Three tubes are connected to each of the three ducts. These three things have special uses! The three ducts are designed to be sprayed separately or used together! The leftmost one is inside It was the purple oil you used in Japan last time! "

Post "You said the kind of bio-acid last time?" I was very impressed with that thing, but the weight of a small bowl actually burned through several layers of experimental areas in Little Japan!

Post "Yes, that's the thing! The last ones were pulled from his glands! This dragon can spray this kind of thing alone to corrode something too hard!"

Post "Is he okay by himself?"

"Except for his collection sac, no other part of him can fully resist this acid! But rest assured, his body is still resistant to his acid, as long as it is not too much, it will not generally cause harm. ! "

Post "Oh! What are the other two channels?"

Post "The pipe on the right is a liquid that is easily vaporized, as soon as he leaves his body, a white mist will form!"

Post "I heard that the legendary dragon can swallow clouds and fog, but you don't need to design a special smoking device, right?"

Announcing Dad said angrily: "Do you think it is ordinary smoke? This liquid is actually very toxic, as long as it comes into contact with the skin of the animal, it will immediately kill this creature. But this kind of fog is very It ’s unstable. If there is sunlight, it can only be maintained for more than ten minutes and it will decompose into several harmless gases. Even if there is no sunlight, it will only last for an hour! "

Post "That's better! Save long-term pollution! By the way, shouldn't he be afraid of this thing himself?"

Post "Not afraid! He is immune to his poison!"

Post "What is the pipe in the middle? Isn't it fuel?"

Post "No! The one in the middle is sprayed with a five poisonous, colorless, odorless, non-corrosive, non-combustible liquid. This liquid is as volatile and very unstable as the liquid that makes poisonous mist!"

Post "What do you want it to do?"

The release "It is usually useless, but if his toxin and acid are mixed and then contacted with this liquid, a deflagration will occur immediately! The burning temperature we tested is 4700 degrees, which is enough to melt the steel! And after burning, it will only Generate some harmless gas, it won't pollute the environment! Look! Dad is suitable to open his mouth, lucky to look at me, I nodded, and he opened his mouth obediently. Dad's telescopic rod pointed at the spray pipe: "You see, the three nozzles are all forward, and the exit of the middle one is under his nose, which means that it is far away from the other two! When he needs to spray fire At that time, the three liquids would only come into contact with each other more than two meters away from his head, so the fire was very safe and would not burn to himself! "

Post "How much are these ingredients stored? Will they run out?"

Release "His body will secrete these things automatically, but the speed is limited. The secretion amount in one hour is enough for him to spit fire for one minute! After his three collection pouches are full, he can spray for half an hour continuously. How about? Should it be enough? "

Post "Enough! Absolutely enough!" I don't expect him to make steel. It can be stopped for a few seconds at a time, and some half-hour reserves are sprayed!

Release Dad continued, "In addition to this fire-spitting ability, we also added him the electric eel discharge ability!"

Post "Isn't it?" How much electricity should such a big generator carry?

Post "Don't be nervous! There is no electricity everywhere! The electrical current we designed is mainly concentrated in his several parts!" Dad held the telescopic stick as a pointer and showed me one by one: "Teeth, claws, tail, The horns can be discharged, and they are controlled separately. It is not necessary to work all. The dragon can decide whether to let these parts be charged! "

Post "Oh! Got it! What about the voltage?"

Release "Because there are many sensory organs on the head, the voltage is too high to hurt the brain, so there is only 3,000 volts. 10,000 volts can be generated on the paw, and 50,000 volts on the tail!"

Post I look lucky, my heart beats endlessly! Although I am a superman compared to ordinary people, I am lucky enough to kill me at any time! "What a terrible generator!"

Release "You are wrong, after all, he is a creature. Although the output voltage is high, he can't hold it for too long. Generally the discharge time is within fifteen seconds. If he is not afraid of getting tired and forced to insist, continuous discharge for 40 seconds is OK But that discharge, as long as he faints as soon as he finishes, normally it will not have any negative impact on him if he remains within fifteen seconds! "

Post "Okay, ok! Dad! Since we can make dragons with dragon fate, what other creatures ...?"

Post "Like what?" I know Dad knows what I say, but he just let me say it.

Post "Like people?"

The post "Know your kid will think of this." Dad suddenly whispered: "Tell you, in fact, we have made a few, but I have never dared to start! There are still many things to be done in social ethics. We do n’t object to making a dragon, but creating people ... Even the people in the central government are divided, the public will not accept it! But rest assured, it is only a matter of time! Because we already have a solution! "

Post "What is the plan?"

Post "I will tell you when this is officially started, you do n’t know much about it now! By the way, do n’t let Chu Rong and your mother know about this dragon thing first. The fewer people know about this thing, the better!"

Post "I know that! By the way, is the mission to start immediately?"

Post "Oh! It's almost time! You go quickly! Come, follow me!"

Released Dad took the lead to walk out, I beckoned to be lucky to keep up. We went directly into the cargo elevator, from here to the middle floor of the base, and then switched to a special transport elevator directly into the mountains. This is the base's flight test base. Generally, some aircraft experimental items that are not intended to be known to outsiders are tested here, so it is very suitable for lucky take-off. The B1 troops are already waiting for us here.

The release site has been emptied in advance, except for the 35 members of the B1 unit, where only a few management personnel were present. Fortunately everyone, including B1, stayed out! Several soldiers in charge of the security guards on the ground sat on the ground in shock, but they were not sharp enough, but a creature that only appeared in legend and dream suddenly stood in front of you. Lucky body is so huge again, everyone feels breathless!

Post "Li Zheng!" The tactical commander who followed us shouted the password to make the B1 troops stand upright!

Release: I went to the front of the team to salute everyone. "It's not the first time I have cooperated with you, but this time the task is more difficult, so we need your full cooperation. This guy will be our partner in the future, and he is also our transport aircraft, armored vehicle, and even radar! This The success of this mission depends on your cooperation with him, so you better get to know him right away. His name is lucky, and you introduce yourself to him, and give you twenty minutes. We will start on time at ten! "

After the announcement, I took over the B1 special combat clothing handed over by the security personnel next to me. After I finished wearing it, I roughly researched the combat briefing I just got ~ ~ It was just ten o'clock after reading all!

Release: Even 36 people, including me, climbed up the lucky back together. His needle-shaped dorsal fins just made it easy for us to fix ourselves. Everyone used a special safety rope to firmly fix themselves on the lucky back. I ordered the communicator: "Lucky, take off!" In order to uniformly command the lucky receiver, a communication receiver was also installed, but he There is no way to use the throat communicator!

The release lucky takeoff can only be described with the words savage. He slammed the ground into the blue sky with horrible acceleration. If it were not for me and B1 who have undergone the enhancement transformation, it is estimated that the takeoff just now has killed us!

After the launch, we have been flying upwards until we took off until we passed through the clouds and reached the top of the clouds. Fortunately, the speed is really fast, I can hear the strong wind with the integrated helmet! However, although the wind is strong, we don't feel bumps at all. Fortunately, it is more stable than an airplane. His more than 30 meters long tail provides extraordinary stability!

Post I hurry up and B1 people to talk about the situation. "We will arrive at an uninhabited island on the high seas. It should not encounter civilians, but this mission is highly confidential, so the order requires that all civilians are shot and killed! Our mission this time The highest priority is to collect samples of biological weapons on Japanese aircraft. The incidental task is to search for possible survivors of the Marine Corps and the 82 Special Service Battalion before us! I want you to make sure that this task is not a simple search task. It is speculated that Japan Human biological weapons have been individually activated in the crash. Moreover, the information just received shows that the United States, Britain, and Japan have sent search teams to the island. It is estimated that they are now on the island! We are likely to be with them Fight for samples, conflict is almost inevitable, you better be clear! "

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