Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 305: Sad urgency

Although Rose knows my combat effectiveness, I came here to investigate the situation this time, and suddenly noticed that she had occupied a city for her to send someone to receive. This was really a bit of a surprise. Fortunately, after a brief explanation, Rose also understood why I wanted to occupy it.

In fact, the occupation of this city has multiple considerations. On the one hand, it is naturally because the situation in South Korea is obviously chaotic and requires our guild to intervene. Therefore, we need a front-line supply station. After all, it is a little far from home to this side. of. It is acceptable for the player to have a spear speed, but the problem is not. And transferring back and forth those war supplies is also a hassle. Because of these nasty problems, it is necessary to move forward to the base.

Is this the second ... actually for the benefit. The city is now controlled by a low-level guild, which is equivalent to a child holding a diamond with a large duck egg. The so-called guilt, this guild does not have enough strength but bought a fortified island at the junction of the three sea lanes. What is this concept? If you do n’t have the strength, you can hide to one side. Naturally, no one will bother you, but you not only jumped out, but you also nailed it to the battlefield of the soldiers. Didn't you say it was a fight? To be honest, even if I do n’t come to grab this island, this place will never be held in the hands of this guild for a long time. After all, this place is so incisive that anyone who has ever been here will notice it.

As for my third consideration, this is mainly due to the expansion plan that Masamoto Matsumoto arranged in the future.

Before that, we worked out a set of expansion plans with Matsumoto Masaka, which will guide the Japanese players' battle north. Let them not always stare at the Chinese mainland, guide their fighting power to the South Korean side, and then let the Japanese players occupy South Korea, and then go all the way north to find trouble for the Russians. In this way, the combat effectiveness of Japanese players has a vent, and Matsumoto's so-called curve rescue plan has been confirmed, which can be said to do more than one thing. Of course, the more important thing is that from now on Russian players will not be able to focus on our troubles. After all, there is still a jealous Japan next to watch out for.

Of course, the above are long-term interests, as far as the third reason for occupying this city. My purpose is to arrange a visible goal for Matsumoto Masa.

Earlier, Matsumoto Masahiro told Japanese players that turning the battle direction to South Korea is to temporarily accumulate strength in the future of Japan. Not against us, but in the final analysis this is a big cake painted on paper. Some senior members of the Japanese guild did believe in this big cake by Matsumoto, because they have a longer-term vision and can see the temptation of this big cake. But relatively speaking. Those ordinary Japanese players don't fully understand the significance of this strategy. Although these players had to follow the plan because the presidents of their respective guilds agreed with the plan. But this is not a long-term solution after all. If none of these bottom-level players agree with this plan and rely on the orders of the top-level players above to forcibly reverse their behavior, it will inevitably generate resistance over time. It even led to rebellion. Therefore, the mass foundation is very important in any country.

I occupied this island just to let Matsumoto Masa conquer the hearts of those Japanese players. You asked Matsumoto Masa to talk to the bottom Japanese players about a big strategy that people do n’t understand at all. Besides, can this strategy-level thing be promoted everywhere? So Matsumoto is congratulating them and they can neither explain nor explain them clearly. Then the easiest way is not to explain it, just to take out what ordinary players can understand at a glance, so as to be able to conquer the hearts of the bottom players simply and effectively.

This island is such a thing now. According to my plan, we will now begin to intervene in Korean affairs, and this island will serve as our forward base, and after we have completed the adjustment of the Korean power, Masamoto Matsumoto can take Japanese players to attack this island. No matter where the island is, he is ultimately something of our Frost Rose Alliance, and Matsumoto Masagu made Japanese players attack this island to prove to the guild presidents: "You see, we are destroying the Frost Rose Alliance's Korean theater . "And for the Japanese players at the bottom, they are indeed fighting with our Frost Rose Alliance, so that they can realize that they are rebelling against our Frost Rose Alliance, they will think that Matsumoto Masa is indeed taking them towards Moving forward on the road against China will not produce any resistance, but will also increase the prestige of Masamoto Matsumoto.

Therefore, the occupation of this island is of great significance. Even if I do not beat it down today, it will inevitably require someone in the guild to capture it. But now that I'm here, there's no need to be so troublesome. Getting the island on hand is a lot easier.

Although the occupation of a large city requires a lot of people to get it done, the initial occupation will certainly not take many people. Rose also knows that I can't stay here for a long time, so I sent some people to come first and replace me. Anyway, the city has been suppressed, the rest is just watching the city do not make any trouble, and it does not require much fighting power.

After the people arrived, I left the city after a few brief explanations, because while I was waiting for them, I had asked about the situation of Tianji League from several players in the city who were willing to compromise.

The current Tianji League, like the president of the Promise Society, has been rushed to the mountain, but the exact location is not clear. It is said that they have offended many people because they were relatively strong in Korea before. Now the guild is chaotic and wants to take advantage of it. There are certainly not a few who come to avenge. Park Yin also knows this situation, so even those transportation towns with better incomes have given up and moved decisively into the old forests of the mountains. Although the city in that place has a small income, it is also because the flow of people is small and the income is small, so it is not easy to attract the attention of enemies.

The news I heard from players willing to compromise is the specific location of the mountainous region where the Sky League is located, but I don't know where the specific city is in the mountain. But I think I can go to the place and inquire about it slowly. The other party is relocating the entire guild. With so many people and so many things, it's impossible to be silent, just ask the people nearby and it's not difficult to find them.

Soon after flying in the sky on a flying bird, I directly put away the flying bird and replaced it with night shadow. Although the speed of flying birds is fast, but because he is too fast, he can't use it to find things. The speed of flying birds on the ground is almost a flash. Although that city should be relatively easy to find, it is a mountain city after all, in case the mountains or trees are blocked by mistake, it will be troublesome. So I chose to give up the speed of that bird and use Night Shadow instead.

Although Night Shadow's flight speed is not as good as that of a flying bird, in fact, his speed is not slow. Just can't fly supersonic. After riding the night shadow to the mountain, I first found a small village. From the sky, this should be the only way to enter the mountain. Because the roads on the mountain seem to converge here.

After landing outside the village, I rode into the village with a night shadow. There are not many players here. I only encountered one player who came out of the village when I came in from the outside, and there were not many players in the village. After all, the reason why Tianjimeng moved here was because of the small population here. So if I see a large number of players here, it proves that their enemies are coming. But now this only shows that the other party has not found or said that they have not planned to find trouble with Tianji League.

Of course, players who can hang around in such a small village are certainly not great people. In fact, players in such inaccessible places are generally those who do not pay much attention to leveling, of course, it does not rule out that occasionally some people stay in such places for special reasons. However, under normal circumstances, most players in this place are more easy-going than players in big cities. After all, most of the people who like this place like the quiet environment here, and those who like the quiet environment are naturally good-natured.

"Excuse me, has anyone seen people from Tianjimeng here?" Because the village is small, I didn't ask someone to ask for it alone, but shouted at the crossroads in the middle of the village. There are only two roads in this village, and the place where they meet is this intersection. Because this is the most crowded place in the village, my throat immediately caught the attention of many people around me. Of course, this so-called many people actually add less than twenty people, and only five or six of them are players, most of them are.

With my shout, an old man who seemed to be at least sixty years old suddenly asked: "Are you here to avenge them?"

I looked up and down the old man, and then jumped off Ye Ying's back. Anyway, it's impolite to talk to others on horseback. If the enemy doesn't matter, this is just a passerby, and he is so old, naturally it can't be too impolite.

"Hello, I'm President Park Yin's friend. I'm not here to trouble you. Do you know where they are? I know they're in the mountains nearby, but I don't know where they are!"

"You are President Park Yin's friend?" The old man looked at me up and down, apparently not convinced, and then asked, "How can you prove that you are not in trouble?"

"This ... if I'm in trouble, do you think I'll talk to you so politely? Should I have stepped up and kicked you down and stepped on your chest to ask them where they are?"

The old man thought for a while but shook his head and said, "Even if you are in trouble, you will not be so rude to me. After all, I am also an elder!"

The etiquette of the Koreans is similar to that of the Japanese, and they are inherited from ancient China. However, in the later period, we lost a lot of etiquette ourselves. On the contrary, the Koreans and the Japanese kept them intact, although they developed a little out of shape.

I thought about the etiquette in South Korea, and it was really rude to do to the elderly, so the old man was right, but he had to prove that it was difficult for me. How can this friend prove? A husband and wife can still issue a marriage certificate, but friends haven't heard of such a thing.

"So what ... you let me prove that I can't prove it. This friend is a friend, how can I prove it?"

The old man also seems to realize that it looks like it ’s really hard to prove, but he thinks for a moment and says, “It ’s okay if you ca n’t prove. If you ’re a president ’s friend, just wait here for a while. I have a way to know if you ’re President's friend. "

"How long will it take?"

"Just a few minutes."

"That's okay, you quickly prove it."

The old man didn't act immediately. But first asked: "What's your name? What's the origin of your identity?"

"My name is Ziri, and I am the chairman of the Frost Rose Alliance." I pointed to the three-dimensional sign of the frost rose on the lower left chest. "You should know this monogram. Only the president's sign is three-dimensional. The management is embossed, and ordinary members are flat. "

The old man first glanced at my name, then looked at me twice more, and finally asked, "Can you remove the helmet and let me see your face?"

When I heard this, I suddenly reacted. When I was flying in the sky, the air flow was too cold, so I put the mask down. However, because the Dragon Soul suit is too comfortable, and the mask has a visual aid system, I forget to bring the mask down with the wine. Now when I hear the other person asking, I remember that my head is really all wrapped up. Quickly lift the mask. Then I took the helmet off and took off the long hair behind my head. I looked back at the old man and said, "Sorry, I forgot it before!"

The old man looked at me with a stunned look for two seconds before he suddenly responded and said, "No need to prove it. I know you. You are the Ziri. Sure enough, it's the same as my son said. It is more beautiful than my daughter-in-law!

When I heard the old man's words, I couldn't help but think of black lines. What is more beautiful than your wife? Is there such a comparison?

The old man couldn't hear me, and continued, "I didn't expect you to come. But I know you, your guild is indeed an ally of Tianji League. I can take you into the mountain."

When it comes to business, I will not worry about the old man's words, and said directly: "That's great, let's go into the mountain quickly. I have been looking here for a long time!"

The old man nodded and said, "Yes, yes, but I'm afraid not now."

I looked at the old man in wonder and asked, "Why?"

The old man pointed at the sky and said, "It's completely dark this day. Now monsters in the mountains will be more active. We will be attacked when we enter the mountains!"

"Is there more than five or six thousand ss in this mountain?"

"Classes of five or six thousand?" The old man exclaimed exaggeratedly. "If there are such powerful monsters here, how dare we build a village here? The most powerful thing is a monster of two thousand, which is very powerful."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Isn't the two-thousand-level monster worth worrying about?"

"Is it necessary to be afraid?"

After the two of us stared at each other for a while, I suddenly raised my hand and a red light flew out. There was a loud noise on the mountain road outside the village, followed by a creaking sound, A dozen giant trees fell neatly in one direction, leaving an open passageway.

"That should be all right, right?"

Seeing the newly opened passage outside the village, the old man finally took me into the mountain. He was nothing more than worried about monsters before, but after seeing what I just hit, he knew that I was much better than monsters, so there was no need to be afraid of monsters.

As we chatted along the way, I learned that this old man is not actually a person of Tianjimeng. At least according to the system, he is not a person of Tianjimeng. Of course, if according to human circumstances, he is actually a person of Tianjimeng, but he has not joined the club. .

The old man actually has a son in Tianjimeng, and the boy is also a full member of Tianjimeng, and after Tianjimenu's rebellion, his son still follows Park Yin and they run here. After that, Tianji League found a deserted city in the mountain and renovated it, and then regained its own guild city, which is currently the only guild city of Tianji League. However, it may be caused by the previous rebellion. Park Yin and the people under her felt that it was not completely safe even if they hid in the mountains. So after thinking about it, these people decided to set up a similar road junction. Exist like a sentry.

Although the sentry is well arranged, it is actually very difficult to be found, so I thought of this method after thinking about it. The old man's son pulled his dad to stay here, and then served as a secret whistle by the way. Because the old man was not a combat player, and he did not belong to a guild. It is quite normal to live in such a small village. In fact, because the game "Zero" has a sleep assistance system, many elderly people will use the game system to assist sleep. After all, this thing does not have side effects like sleeping pills. This assistance system will not harm the human body. These old people go to bed to play. Naturally, there must be an account, and once you have an account, it is not possible to go to bed every time you go online, you always look around and walk around. And because in the game, although the bodies set by these old people are still old people, after all, they are game characters, and their physical strength is much better than in reality. In addition, the environment in the game is also better than reality. Stationed. They don't fight, but they often travel around and sometimes settle in places like villages for a while. There are many such old people in the game, so it is normal to run into one in this village. No one doubts at all. And if anyone passes here. And showing hostility to the Tianji League, the old man will immediately go offline to tell his son directly in reality, and then his son can tell the Tianji League people to prepare. This method is impeccable, after all, the old man is a non-combat player. As long as you don't leave the village. No one else can influence his downline decision. After all, non-combat players do not have a battle status determination. Unlike normal players, only the consciousness is disconnected in the offline state, and the body of the game character is still in the game. It can still be killed and robbed of equipment, so ordinary players are afraid to go offline in combat, non-combat players do not worry about this, they will not lose much anyway.

Of course, this does not mean that non-combat players can use their special identities to interfere with the normal battle of combat players. The system has restrictions on this. If you deliberately rely on yourself not being a combat player, go to be a spy to spy on intelligence. Yes, the other party still has a way to deal with you. However, such a problem of being a secret whistle is indeed unsolvable, and its concealment is extremely high. As long as the non-combat player does not show himself, it is generally impossible to be found.

In the chat with the old man, we soon entered the depths of the mountain. It's night, and the forest is even darker. Anyway, there is a bit of moonlight. In this forest, there are really no fingers, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to walk here without the aid of lighting tools.

The old man knew that the forest was dark, so he had prepared a torch, but it was turned off at my suggestion, but he replaced it with my devil pet lamp.

Ghost lights are the kind of blue and red lights that we have encountered at the demon king before. They are a kind of monsters. However, now the ghost lamp is not supporting me to fight, calling him out is used as a street lamp.

Compared with the torch, the light of the cyan and red light is slightly dim, and it will not shine brightly around you, but this light will not produce any shadow. In fact, as long as the blue and red lights appear, all the places within your immediate vision will be in the same brightness state. The ice will not be bright like a torch, and it will still be dark at a distance. The light of the cyan light can even cover a range of several kilometers in the open area, and the area within all the range is a brightness, there is no light and dark change at all. The advantage of this feature is that you can clearly see the position of the enemy without revealing yourself. After all, holding a torch is basically a target. Others can see the light on your torch from a long distance. The torch can't see any enemies outside the torch's range.

However, although the cyan and red lights are much better than the torches in terms of lighting range and visibility, it also has the disadvantage of not being painful or itchy, which is more infiltrating.

It can be seen from the name I gave this magic pet. Ghost lights, listening to the name make people think of the dark clouds covering the moon, the lone grave by the tree-lined path, and the little shining ghost fire. In fact, the blue and red light is a monster formed by the combination of ghost fire and Yin Qi, so it is not wrong to say that it is a ghost fire. However, because the cyan and red lights are ghost fires, his light is the blue and green feeling, and it is spooky, especially in the forest at night, let alone seeing ghosts, even normal people By this light, as long as you don't have an expression on your face and have a stern face, others will think you are a ghost at first glance.

Because this light is more infiltrating, most people do n’t dare to use it as a lantern, even if there is a ghost lamp, except me. Of course, given the rarity of green and red lights, it is unlikely that most people will have such a magic pet.

The old man loves and is afraid of my magic pet. Although he doesn't have much fear because he knows that this is my magic pet, the old man is actually a little scared. However, the old man still likes the effect of this light while being slightly scared. In fact, in addition to the gloomy color and low brightness, this light effect is almost the same as the daytime feeling. This stable and large range of light is definitely 10,000 times better than a torch. If it weren't for this thing to be easy to get, the old man would have planned to get one himself.

In fact, the old man did not know that the ghost lamp was actually not shining. That's right, the cyan light is actually black, it doesn't emit any light at all. The reason why he now feels a large area around him is because I let the blue and red lights open to him the soul perception. The light of the red and blue lights is actually a kind of built-in ability called soul perception. This turquoise light is actually the light of the soul, and what we see is its energy essence, not the reflection of the entity. This is why looking at things under the light of blue and red lights will make many things feel a little white, just because those things are "glowing" themselves. So the brightness is brighter than the empty place around it. of course. The old man hasn't discovered this secret so far. The main reason is that there are no high-level creatures nearby, otherwise he will definitely find a huge light group appearing within his sight.

Under the fire of flexible fire, the stronger the power, the higher the energy level of the object. The higher its brightness. This is a bit like an infrared night vision device. But the characteristic of infrared night vision is that the hotter things look brighter. And this soul fire is the thing with higher energy level looks brighter. As for why I didn't brighten the old man's eyes, it's all because I let the blue and red lights shield me out, otherwise the old man will find that I look like a human-shaped sun in his sight.

After a long walk like this, the old man suddenly made me wait. Then I walked to a big tree next to it and knocked a few times. After that, I seemed to hear two taps coming from the big tree. Then the old man knocked a few times and felt like it was generating electricity. Report.

After the old man knocked, he led me to a large tree on the side of the oblique side, and then rounded to the back of the trunk. This tree is facing a hole in the direction of the road, because the trees here are tall and ridiculous, so the hole in the trunk does not look very obtrusive. However, when the old man took the lead to climb in, I realized that this was a secret entrance.

The new city of Tianjimeng is indeed in the mountain, but it is not the mountain that everyone usually understands, but it is really as described in the text. It is inside the mountain and inside the mountain. To put it simply, this is an underground city, and its main part is completely inside the mountain, just like the air-raid shelter. Don't say such a city is in the sky. Even if you pull a wall on the ground to search, you may not find it. After all, no one would think that there is an authentic entrance in a common tree hole!

"I rely, are you going to play an authentic battle?" While climbing down the tree hole, I said to the old man below.

Surprisingly, it wasn't the old man who answered me, but a younger voice. "We can't help it! Now we have offended too many people in Tianjimeng. If we don't hide it, we don't know how many times we have been pushed!"

I was thinking who was talking below, and suddenly I felt that I had reached the ground, but the upper body was still in the vertical hole. At this time, the person below made me turn again. I had to turn around, and then squatted down a little to find that there was a horizontal passage here, but the height was only about one meter, and I had to squat down to crawl inside. Fortunately, this horizontal passage is not long. I climbed to the exit in a few clicks. After drilling out, it was a normal tunnel structure. The height here is a little over two meters, and it doesn't feel too depressed, at least it doesn't affect my height.

After standing up again, I looked at the person who spoke. This is a very ordinary male player. It belongs to the type that you will soon forget him after a glance. There is no special sign, basically it can be said to be the public face. After the other person found me looking at him for a moment, he nodded suddenly, and then I was surprised by his reaction, but I understood when I saw him holding the old man.

It's said that habit becomes natural, and I can't avoid this feature. There is no light at all in this underground passage. Before I came down, I took away the ghost lamp according to the old man's request. After entering the tree hole, even if there was light, it was useless because the passage was very narrow and you could not look down. , Can only rely on the feeling of the body to find a place to use the force to crawl down a little bit. But because I have perfect dark vision, I habitually forget that there should be nothing visible here. After the old man came down, he had been holding the wall still, just because I had already come down. The opponent prepared to take the old man together to help him, but he obviously had dark vision, otherwise it would be impossible to notice that I was staring at him. He was just surprised and then eased down. I guess he wanted to understand that people like me have normal night vision.

The other party didn't say much, just waved my hand and motioned me to follow. Less than five meters forward from this place was a thick curtain. The outer layer of the curtain seemed to be made of thatch, and it didn't know what was jammed inside. It felt soft and heavy. After passing through this curtain, the second curtain was separated by two meters in front, and after we passed through three curtains, we finally entered a more open passageway, and this passageway was not the same as the black and rumbling passageways in front. . There is light here. It's just that the brightness here is really low, and it barely allows you to see if there are any obstacles in front of it.

I guess the function of those curtains and these channels is sound insulation and shading, because although the tree hole itself is very hidden, if there is sound coming out of the hole. And there is light. The fool knew that something was wrong. So the other party set several curtains here. Blocking the light makes the bottom look dark, on the other hand, it also blocks the sound over there, avoiding people with better ears to judge from the sound that there is an entrance.

This channel with dim light is not long. However, it turned around like a Jiuqu Bridge in the south, and it turned around several turns, and the brightness increased by one point after each turn, and by the end of the turn, it was almost the same as the brightness of normal lights. .

It was the young man who spoke to this place for the first time. He first stretched out his hand to shake hands and said at the same time: "President Ziri is so exciting to be here. The president will be very happy to see you."

I shook hands with him and said, "I went to the island where the Promise would occupy before I knew you had such a big deal. I remember that I had left a communicator for you, and more than one, why do n’t you use that Does the communicator contact us? "

The young man shook his head and said, "I don't know about this either. I'm not a high-level player in the guild. I just knew that there was a rebellion in our guild. Then we were forced to run here, and it seemed that we couldn't contact anything after that I went to you, but I do n’t know why I could n’t reach you. ”

I think about it too, this guy is obviously a gatekeeper. Although the work of guarding is very important, no matter where it is, the status of the gatekeeper is actually not high, so this guy is definitely not the leadership of Tianjimeng. It is normal that he does not know the important information.

Since he couldn't ask anything here, I asked him to take me to see Park Yin. The other person nodded and agreed, and then asked the old man to go to his son and take me forward.

From the passage where we are located, there is a fairly wide underground passage. Basically, a lot of people can be seen running around here. It still looks very busy. From here, turn into another passage and enter. Not far away is a human lift. After sitting down this elevator and descending vertically for a long time, we reached a new passage. There are many people waiting in the queue at the entrance to the elevator. Obviously, it is also very busy here. My arrival made these people in the queue pay attention. After all, my equipment was too exaggerated. Compared with those gray-faced people around me, my body was like wearing an evening dress standing in an African refugee camp. It was called a Out of place. Fortunately, I was accustomed to watching, I didn't care, and followed the player to move on.

This place is actually a place similar to an elevator. From here we walked out less than one hundred meters and we got out of the aisle. Then I found that we had entered a very huge underground space. This is obviously the underground world. Although the huge space is not boundless, it is very spectacular. At the bottom of this huge underground space is a city that looks a little dusty. Of course, although the city looks very old, it is full of vitality. A large number of people move back and forth during the period, and it looks like a busy scene. Obviously, Tianjimeng hasn't moved here for a long time. Everyone is busy with the restoration of the city. I estimate that the construction of this place may not be completed yet, because I find that many kinds of primitive wooden Cranes and various people are busy. It seems that Park Yin first restored the city's main facilities to make it work, and then began to restore the other parts one by one.

I can understand this repair method, after all, they encountered an internal rebellion. And it was pushed down by the crowd, and there was no other way to be chased. Of course, there is no way to move in slowly as the establishment of a new city is completed step by step. The situation at that time was that they would face the guild relegation penalty if they did not find a city to station in, so they had to do so.

The guild in "Zero" is a very important watershed without its own guild. If you don't have your own city, no matter how strong your guild is, it is useless. You wo n’t have many things, the system will put a lot of restrictions on you, and you will not get many guild benefits. Such guilds without their own cities are generally called free guilds, but in fact freedom is free. But there is no place to stay. Generally strong guilds will strive to build their own city. At least find a system city to be one of the guardian guilds.

The guy who showed me the road saw me looking at the city at the bottom of the pit, and when I was in a daze, he knew I was surprised that the city was ruined, so he said, "Do n’t you think this city is broken, there is such a city in this It was discovered at all times that we already felt like a great luck. If we hadn't found such a city suddenly. Our guild would almost become a free guild! "

I nodded and said, "I can understand your situation at the time. But to help you still need to know the specific situation. OK. Hurry and take me to see Park Yin, I need to ask a lot of things."

Under the guidance of this player, I was quickly taken to the bottom of this underground world, which is the location of the city. After entering the city, I was watching the situation nearby. It can be found from observation that this is exactly the half-completed state as I just saw above. Many houses are under urgent construction, and even some of the functional buildings in the city are not completed, and even the houses that have already been used have only a rough frame, which is not renovated at all. Among them, there is a occupation hall we passed by, and the exterior wall. There are actually a lot of holes on the top. There is only a frame at the gate, and there is no door panel, but there are still many players and in and out, which is obviously already running. Such a hasty building, you can imagine how urgent the situation was at the time.

In fact, although the buildings inside this city are broken, many of them are actually high-level functional buildings. From this point of view, although Park Yin and the men who followed her were forced to escape during the rebellion, their preparations were actually very good. Not bad.

The identification of guild cities in Zero is achieved through the core of architecture. Unlike the buildings in reality, the buildings in "Zero" all have a materialized object as its core existence, which is actually equivalent to this building. If a player wants to destroy a building, what he needs to do is not to destroy the building itself, but to destroy its core. Of course, this refers to functional buildings, that is, those buildings with additional attributes recognized by the system, and ordinary houses have no core.

Just like the World Library in our guild, the buildings in the city have levels. This level is piled up by the various war values ​​and development levels in the guild, and the money is a little bit piled up. The attributes of high-level buildings are often quite awesome, such as the World Library in our guild, that attribute is simply a bug. same. Can you imagine a mage player learning a full set of mage skills? In other guilds, it is impossible at all, but in our guild, because the World Library exists, as long as you have enough money and guild contributions, you can finish it, because the World Library has such attributes. You can go beyond the general system limits and let you do things that others can't.

Because the role of high-level buildings is so huge, the protection of high-level buildings is also very important. The people of Park Yin apparently robbed most of the architectural core of the guild main city before evacuating, and then brought it here. As long as these building cores are not damaged, they can be taken out of the building and placed in the buildings of other cities. If the rebuilt building is a blank building, it will become a functional building corresponding to the core after being put into the core, and if it is a functional building itself, as long as the functions are the same, the core will merge and the building core will automatically upgrade. If the function is different, it cannot be placed. This is a bit like the martial arts master passing power to others. The core is a master's internal force. Pass it to someone, and someone can become a master. However, if the internal force is not the same, it cannot be absorbed. People with the same internal force or no internal force are all Can be absorbed.

However, there is a limitation in this. That is, although the core can be taken out of the building, the first is that the structure that is taken out of the core will immediately lose its function and become an ordinary building, no longer possessing any attributes, and the second is that the core cannot exist independently for too long in the core state.

Generally speaking, the core of a building starts from being taken out and can only exist for a maximum of twenty-four hours. Once the time limit is exceeded, the core will continue to be downgraded. If after the core is downgraded to a first-level building, it is still not placed in any building, the core disappears automatically, which is equivalent to the building being destroyed.

Some of the dilapidated buildings in Tianjimeng started to run without decoration ~ ~ Some of them even have holes in their walls or no doors because they can't wait for the core of their buildings. If they slowly repair the building, the core will eventually be downgraded or disappeared. This loss is too great, so Tianjimeng can only put a building shell around and quickly put the core in. Anyway, no matter how simple the building is, it does not affect the attributes. As long as the necessary magic materials are complete, the magic array has been painted. There are four walls plus a roof. Even if there are no doors, even if there are wind leaks on all sides, that is not a problem. Just as people can only think about the quality of life after they can guarantee their survival, Tianjimeng can only ensure that these buildings exist first, as to whether they look good or not ... that is a future problem.

"President Ziri, this is where our president works." I was thinking about the run-down building here, and the player suddenly stopped in front of a building and said to me.

I turned to look at the building he was pointing at, and almost didn't laugh. Which is the guild headquarters building? I didn't know I thought it was a caveman's house. The whole building is just a frame made of several large slabs, let alone doors and windows, is it simply a tent built of stone! This is too miserable, right? (To be continued ...)

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