Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 109: Farewell to Europe

"How's it going?"

Post "You'll know if you tried it!" The warrior squeezed a bottle of essence in his hand, and the bottle mouth was broken as soon as his thumb was pressed hard. Without hesitation, he raised his head and put the bottle in his mouth!

Release: I look at him, looking at the bottle in my hand, and breaking the bottle with a hard press. Smell before you get your nose, and quickly remove your nose. "Wow! This thing is so rushing?" What was steady just now was a strong **** smell, and my scalp was tingling!

Post "Relax! It's okay to drink it!"

Release: I hesitated for a while, then slammed my head and filled the red liquid all over. The taste of this thing is really the same as the smell. It not only has an abnormal smell but also has some bitterness. In short, it is extremely difficult to drink! But it is strange to say that the various attributes of a bottle are filled up instantly, and then it is an impulse from the heart. I always feel that I am very excited and have endless power to make it! This thing is definitely a stimulant, and it is a premium product! The increasing hotness and thirst on my chest made me feel uncomfortable. It felt like a traveler in the desert who hadn't been drinking water for a long time!

Post I think my eyes are starting to heat up, it is estimated that they are now red like two bulbs! However, the words of the soldier suddenly appeared in my ears. "Use your new skills!"

Release While I'm not completely out of control, I found new skills. The first time you use the skill, you must find it in the attribute, and you can just shout the name later. There is only one skill in the new skill column-Wild Rage, choose to confirm execution! My whole body suddenly felt a strong agitation again, and I couldn't help raising the sky, but it was howling wolf! The warrior next to me also had the same situation as me. It seems that his skills are synchronized with me!

The opposite of the release may think that we can't move now, the two fighters rushed to the opportunity and wanted to take the opportunity to solve the two of us! Just when the two swords were about to fall on our necks, suddenly a red light flashed, neither of us was in place.

Release: I and the soldiers are standing on the two sides of the hall separately, and I said to the mage, "Entangling that sacrifice!"

Post "Understand!"

Released the Master Mage chant and started chanting. The fighter and me started at the same time, one fighter per person. When I rushed in front of the soldier, he hadn't reacted yet. What happened, but a merciless one kicked him and flew him up, grabbed his feet and kicked him before he flew completely Pulled down. I didn't use my fist this time, but my tooth decay. There was a mouthful behind his neck. I would n’t have bitten people. After all, how can I become a player? I have n’t had the habit of biting people since I was young. He saw his skin through the cracks in his armor. Under that snow-white skin, I can actually see red blood vessels and blood flowing inside. A voice from nowhere has been saying, "Look, that is blood, which can relieve your hunger!" So I just Suddenly bite down!

Release Although I finally decided to quit, but hesitated and delayed the time, the other's arm turned and punched me on the left face, hit me out! However, I don't feel any pain, I'm just thirsty! It was almost instinctual that drove me up again, and the soldier immediately tried to kick me off with his sword, but was bitten on the sword by me. When I heard a crisp sound, the long sword was bitten by me, and I spit out the half-cut sword in the mouth. I opened my mouth again and bit it down against the neck with the richest blood vessels and no armor protection.

But I didn't succeed. A wand appeared suddenly in front of me, and I bit it on the wand. With a click, the wooden staff was bitten into a pile of wood chips like sugar cane, but the soldier in front of me seized this opportunity and left my attack range!

He released the rotten wood chips in his mouth and looked back at the situation. The mage actually lay beside the pillar with his feet on the sky, there was a big bag on his forehead, and his eyes were blue! Strange, didn't he let him hang on to the sacrifice? How does it look like it was physically attacked? On the other hand, the fighter's clone is fiercely fighting with another soldier. It seems that the mage's clone is not stunned by that soldier, it should be sacrificed. Is this ritual physical attack?

Post Anyway, I have now become a one-to-two, obviously disadvantaged! Regardless, find a good bully first, concentrate on killing the sacrifice first! I'm drooling, I don't know if the blood of Little MM is more delicious! Strange, what am I thinking!

After I released the original place, I had reached the sacrifice MM, and her claws were easily pressed on her shoulders, and she opened her mouth and bite at the delicate pink neck that kept me drooling. But when I saw the delicious meal in my hand, I took off again, and a shield hit me from the side and knocked me out!

Hun Ji jumped angrily from the ground, his arms trembled, and the blade claws slipped out of the sheath. Rushing up again, my speed is no longer comparable at first, flashing off the soldier's shield attack, flashing body has come to the sacrifice again, but just when I want to get out of the mouth again! She suddenly called out "Warrior Armed!" Suddenly white light flashed on the sacrifice MM, and a set of golden armor suddenly appeared and completely wrapped her inside. Sacrificing MM throws away the damaged staff in his hand, and touches a long sword from the back. A sacrifice turned into a warrior in a blink of an eye, and I now know how my mage clone was stunned!

The sacrificed MM who released the whole body of gold armor actually rushed to the front, raising his hand was a straight stroke, and I quickly held her sword with the blade claw. The little girl is not too weak, she almost shakes my hand! It seems that she is not just as simple as changing equipment. Even if a sacrifice wears armor, regardless of occupational discord and no attributes, that is, if attributes are added, the attack power of this MM should not be so high! This is basically a high-level warrior with a level of 600 or more. It is definitely not as simple as a sacrifice in armor!

Released the sacrifice MM to pierce and chop all the way without letting up the air, the sword and I slammed into it, there was no hope to avoid it, she has been holding a life-for-life play. Suddenly, I remembered one thing. Where did the original soldier who sacrificed MM participated in the war?

Publish 瞄 hurriedly glanced at the two sides, and suddenly found that the soldier could not be found, and the room did not know when there was a female mage! I suddenly noticed that the mage's wand tip was glowing, which was a sign of the end of magic preparation. Sure enough, a fire dragon burst out from the wand. Fortunately, I noticed in advance that several consecutive backflips flashed outside the attack range. As soon as I stood still, I saw that the female mage suddenly flashed white light, and the armor that appeared suddenly wrapped her up! "That warrior?" Mage MM turned into a warrior who started fighting with me, but that's not right! Although both soldiers have helmets to cover their faces, but I have heard them talking, obviously two men?

The release was so delayed, the soldiers who worshipped MM and the female mage turned in front of me. Both were desperately choppy and choppy without any rules. I now know what it means to fight with two fists. Two people hacked, I could hardly resist, and I was chopped with several swords!

The release suddenly found an opportunity. The warrior who became the mage was about to drop the sword, and the sacrifice MM just carried the sword to prepare for the next attack. The thirst in my mouth made me make a decision that I would never have, and I jumped up and slammed a knife, biting down on the neck of the sacrifice MM. The sacrifice to MM is just over his head, the chest is wide open, and the attack of Mage MM just arrived.

Post _________________________________________________

Post a click! I bite on the neck of Sacrificial MM accurately. Although her armor has a collar to protect the neck, but because of my angle, the obstructing collar bit directly on the neck. Almost as soon as I got the mouth, there was a heat flow on my back. I knew that I had a sword in my back, but I didn't feel any pain. On the contrary, the heat flow in my mouth made me feel comfortable!

The armor that released the sacrifice MM slammed and recovered her back, and she became sacrifice equipment again, and the long sword slid from her hand to the ground to make a crisp impact. I turned and stood up. How could a petite sacrificial MM be as big as a werewolf who was more than two meters long? When I stood up, her feet immediately left the ground, relying on the neck that I bit into my mouth to support my body weight.

The warrior who released the mage mage turned back a few steps, and I shook my head and tossed the sacrificial MM in my mouth aside. Sacrificial MM fell like a ragdoll without a skeleton on the ground, her original fair skin became whiter! I licked my lips, then licked the blood from my paws, and then I looked at the soldier with satisfaction.

I released a little force on my body, and the long sword that penetrated my body was forced out of my body. The wound healed quickly, as if nothing had happened! I did not expect that after the wild rage was launched, blood can be healed, which is really convenient!

Release: I kept approaching this soldier, she retreated all the way until she hit a pillar in the hall. Suddenly a flash of white light on her body turned into a green archer equipment! It looks like it was wrong at first, this archer is still a girl! She quickly climbed up the roof along the stone pillar, and then began to shoot arrows at me. I didn't do it intentionally, waiting for her to climb to the top to get ready for an arrow, and I raised my hand and a crossbow hit her right leg. Little MM slipped off the pillar and fell off the post. I reached out and caught her accurately, and then ... hehehehehe! Don't get me wrong, just **** some blood!

I posted two young MMs who had just had their blood sucked, one by one, and walked towards the fighter who was fighting with the fighters. Both of the small MMs were not dead. I left them a few drops of blood for the purpose Is used as a hostage! "Hey! Your two companions have been captured by me, you still surrender! Otherwise ..." I made a move to bite.

Released the soldier who saw me as a fighter and immediately stopped the attack and walked to my side. The soldier pulled the helmet off his head and was actually an MM! "Wait a minute!" Halo! It's actually a male voice! Little MM also realized that there was something wrong, she pushed it around her neck, and then she spoke soft and feminine voice! "Wait a minute!" She pursed, very persuaded, "I confess!"

Post "Hahahaha ... wow ...!" I am so proud of myself! The warrior MM suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in my hand, but the sacrifice MM appeared at the place where she stood! Space transposition? The warrior MM changed herself into my hand, then turned around and gave me a sword at an unimaginable speed!

Released "Mercury Barrier?" The female warrior was surprised to find her sword stuck in a mercury. I smiled and clamped the sword body with two fingers, and with one hard, biting, the sword broke into two pieces! "Ah! Oh! ..." Warrior MM's neck was suddenly bitten by my warrior clone, and her exclaiming soon changed from screaming to a comfortable moan. In fact, it shouldn't have been this reaction, mainly because I have a quarter of vampire bloodlines, so that's what happened!

The three beauties were soon turned into three soft noodle beaches on the ground. I put them by the wall without killing them. Anyway, they are not in this guild. It does n’t make sense to kill or not to kill. It ’s better not to hate. Holding up the mage's clone, we swayed from the front of the three beauties into the passage leading to the basement. What we didn't notice was that when we went in, the three beautiful women's faces inadvertently showed scheming smiles.

Post bang! A loud noise came from the channel we just entered, followed by a flame and the three of us! There was actually zha medicine on the stairs in the passage. The soldier who walked in front stepped on the stairs with the organs and then saw a group of flames surrounding us all!

The three beauties in the release hall were happy when they first heard the explosion, but soon the smiles were gone, because the amount of zha medicine didn't seem to be calculated well! A crack appeared at the bottom of the central beam and pillar, and then the crack climbed up the ceiling along the pillar, and soon all the pillars in the entire hall were covered with cracks, even the walls!

Post three beautiful women glanced at each other. "It's a big game now!" Boom! The whole hall fell down in a cloud of dust!

Post "呸呸呸!" I spit out the black ash in my mouth, and crawled out of a pile of rotten wood and shredded tiles. The avatars have been recycled, so I'm better out alone! Fortunately, the ceiling materials of the hall are relatively inferior. They are made of wood and plaster. It is estimated that the stone was not used to reduce weight. Fortunately, otherwise, they would have to be lucky to come and dig!

After the release of just climbed out of the ruins, I found that the battle outside the hall was over, my magic pets successfully killed the enemies outside the hall, and they all looked at me in a daze there! Suddenly I heard a faint cry for help. Looking for the sound to find the past, and finally found the sound source in the corner. As soon as I heard this, I knew that these three beautiful women were probably not crushed because I put them in the corner! I beckoned, fortunately, I came to the side of the pillars and walls pressed like straw, and all three beautiful women became black faces!

Post "Hahahaha!" I couldn't help laughing!

The MM and Mage MM were released and they looked at the sacrificial MM in the middle after hearing my laughter. The sacrificial MM quickly waved their hands: "Sorry! The zha medicine has been put a bit more! I really don't know this house is so easy to collapse!"

I posted a smirk and laughed: "You didn't put too much, but you tied the zha medicine to the central support column of the hall! When we stepped on it, the load-bearing column of the hall was blown off. "

The release sacrifice MM immediately got excited, staring desperately at the soldier MM next to it. "Let's just say! I won't buy too much zha medicine. You misplaced it!"

The release fighter MM immediately countered: "Although I can become an assassin, but I have not read the assassin skill book, how do I know that the zha medicine trap cannot be placed there!"

Post I stood on top of them and watched them quarrel, these three were really fun!

Post "Three ladies, if they are noisy enough, would you mind if I pull you up?"

Post "You shut up!" The three people spoke in unison!

Post "Okay! You are noisy slowly, luckily, bury this for me first!"

Post "Ah! Wait, wait! We're done!" The three reacted quickly to know that good girls don't suffer from losses!

Post __________________________________________________

I do n’t need to say it, I was lucky to stick my big tail in and let three people crawl out. The female warrior first came up, and she walked directly to her and said, "To be honest, the three of you are very interesting to me. The fighting method just now is very strange and the cooperation is perfect! I have never seen anyone who can reach this kind of combat cooperation. Team! "

The release of the sacrifice MM finally climbed up. "Hey! It's you! Let me see your face!"

Post "Don't you want to find me out later?"

Post "I want to see what the people who can beat me look like! By the way, are there two of you?"

Release: I quickly summoned two avatars, and the three opposite MMs all pointed at me in surprise. "you you……!"

Post "I can be a double, is there anything strange?"

"I have seen a lot of people who can be separated, but not like you ..." Master MM paused for a long time and added sacrifice to MM: "Special!"

Post "Yes! Special! How can you do this clone? Is n’t the clone creating your own illusion? One of your clones looks different from yours, and the two are wearing different equipment. The strangest thing is that you actually Still talking to them, isn't the avatar unconscious? "

Release In the surprised eyes of the three MMs, I eliminated the animalization and returned to the original. The soldier came to help me explain: "You see, he is the main body, and can be transformed into a werewolf, and has wings, so the race is more mixed! Our type is not simply a copy of the body, but the body! I am a warrior clone, possessing all the physical strike capabilities of the body, and have always been in the form of a werewolf. Even my character has inherited his brutal but upright side, basically a good clone that is easy to excite but kindhearted! "

Release: I quickly interrupted the soldier's clone: ​​"Hey! Pay attention to your words!"

The soldier's clone came to the mage's clone without hesitation and continued to explain: "This is a mage's clone. He has almost no physical attack ability, but his magical strength is very strong. As for his character! He completely inherited the appearance of the ontology gentleman and The dark and cunning heart, don't look at him like a gentleman, he is actually more dangerous than me! "

Finally, I can't help releasing the master's clone. "You're a pervert, so the old man just shakes you out! Haven't you seen a woman?"

The soldiers who were released as fighters quickly explained: "My character is straightforward, and of course I will not hide when I see beautiful women. What looks like you, everything must be looked forward to!"

Post you two avatars, and in one encounter, I exposed my boss, and I finally put the two guys back together again. "Don't listen to the two of them talking nonsense, in fact, I'm full!" Khan came down!

Release "now formally introduce." Offering MM to break the deadlock. "Miss Ben like Snow White in front of you is the beautiful defender Kasha! Whoops ..."

The female soldier next to the release cricket gave Kasha a look. "Hello, my name is Jay! That's Mina."

Post "Hello, my name is Ziri! I really want to know what the three professions are. I haven't figured out what happened for a long time! You seem to be able to change careers at any time!"

When it was released, "In fact, it is true!" When Jiya wanted to explain further, suddenly there were many troops of the Mist Regiment on the street next to it. It turned out that the entire city had been completely occupied, because there were no players in the bank, so the city attacked and defended The battle is over!

Release Ashford ran over on his white horse. "Zi Ri!" He suddenly saw the three next to me. "Is it you?" Ashford suddenly took out the sword. The three MMs quickly hid behind me.

Post "What's going on? Something to say!" I quickly stopped Ashoford.

The release of Ashford left and right burst out, and he finally stopped and said, "They are very famous gold assassins in Europe. Originally, they belonged to three different countries, but I do n’t know why the three came together What a super mission. It turned out to be like this! "

Post "What?"

Release "They have the ability to exchange professions at will, and can change professions with them. Last time, the three of them sneaked into our guild base and stole our artifact!"

Post "No!" Feel free to swap professions? That's not cheap! There is obvious professional restraint in the world of "Zero". All professions can form a circle. The professions in this circle are one to restrain one, just like the rules in Colosseum. But if the three of them can change professions arbitrarily, that is to say, they will always restrain others, no matter what profession they are in, they only need to change to the profession that the other party is most afraid of! Like in the battle with me just now, because of my avatar, I have actually become a group by myself, and they immediately changed the group to a profession to become our group! My combination is high in attack power, and their mission is to delay time, so they have come up with a combination of double soldiers and sacrifice. The two meat shields have blood in front of them, and they have blood to the back, so I and the two avatars played against them for so long and they didn't win!

Post "Hum! Quickly return my artifact!"

Post "But we've sold it!" Mina was purely stimulating Ashford.

Seeing that Ashford was about to get stunned, I quickly stopped him. "Wait a minute! How much is your artifact worth?"

Release Ashford paused and said, "About 30 million crystal coins!"

Release: I turned to the three witches and said, "Hear? What about money?"

The three people posted their heads together immediately and exchanged a bit, then Jie Ya came out and said, "We took the money and bought a lot of equipment. You also know that we can change occupations, so we must prepare a set of equipment for each occupation system. Although there are five major occupations in the game, we all buy better equipment, so ... "

Post "How much is left?" As soon as I heard them, I knew they meant that the money was almost spent!

Announced Jijie Ya whispered: "1 million left!"

Post "You ...!" Ashford wanted to rush forward again and was pressed by me.

Post "Take out all the equipment you bought!" I ordered loudly! Seeing the three MMs exchange eyes, I added loudly: "We are still at war, you can't teleport! Don't consider forcibly going offline, I'm sure to strip out the equipment before your body disappears, so as not to wear I will pick up the equipment next time. "I brightened the ring and showed them the attributes of the star pupil. When they saw the attribute that detects the coordinates of the specified person above, they were all good. Actually, I lied to them. Here is Germany. All the coordinates related to me are displayed with a row of question marks, but if I would like to lend the ring to a local German, then say something else! Fortunately, the three MMs don't know that I can't use Xingtong to track them now.

Post "Okay!" The three MM replied grievously.

Post "Lucky! Help them stop!" Lucky immediately surrounded them with his own wings. Although there are underwear in the equipment, it is not good for three girls to wear only that point in front of tens of thousands!

Released soon, everything they bought with stolen money was taken out. Ashoford asked someone to estimate the value. These things were obviously less than 30 million crystal coins, and the difference was still far away! I said, "Three, how do you plan to pay the rest?"

Release three small MM shook his head immediately. "We are really out of money!"

Post _______________________________________

Post: I summoned the spirit. This is actually a contract, a service in the game, because the currency in "Zero" can be exchanged with the real currency, so some game things also affect the flow of funds in the real world, so a contract authentication system has appeared. Two players or two organizations can apply for signing a contract, which will be notarized and proved by the system. The illegal contract will be assisted by both parties to the contract. Because "Zero" uses one account per person and the real-name authentication system, even if you sign a contract and do not play the game, Long Yuan can still find you! (Don't blame me for being verbose, if you don't write clearly, someone will ask tomorrow: "Isn't it invalid if someone renames the contract?")

Post "I have a suggestion!"

Post "What's the proposal?"

Post "We three parties will sign a contract!" I pulled Ashford in front of the three MMs.

Post "Contract?" The four of them looked at me without understanding.

As I posted, I explained: "Now it's three of you that owe Ashford, and you are not able to pay it! I'm right, right?" After seeing four people nodded, I continued: "Now I come Give money and pay for the three ladies! "

Post "Well! Zi Ri, you are so great!" Kasha pounced directly and gave me a fragrant kiss, and it was much more open than the Chinese!

Post "Stop!" Hurrying to stop, it seems that not only the other two beautiful women, even Ashoford is going to come and kiss me! "Don't be in a hurry, I have the conditions!"

The enthusiasm of the four people who posted "Conditions?"

Post "Ashford, you originally got what you deserve, but after all, I did my best for you. Even if I found something to return to the owner, the owner still had to thank him?"

Post "I understand!" Europeans are not like Chinese. Their culture is not the same as us. Helping people find lost things is also a kind of labor. It is normal to get paid. This is the income from labor! As a German, Ashford is certainly not surprised by this!

Published "My requirement is that the Iron Cross Alliance and Frost Rose Alliance establish a strategic partnership and sign related agreements!" My requirement is actually to materialize what has been initially established as soon as possible and add insurance, Ashoford Of course I won't feel embarrassed, I promised immediately. I then said to the three MMs: "You are not the same! I can't help you in vain. Besides, this is not a small amount. Exchanging more than 10 million crystal coins into German marks is enough to feed many people, right?"

Released: As soon as the three MMs heard, I knew that I was going to kill them! Mina actually exaggeratedly clasped her collar: "We don't do that!"

Post "Your imagination is too rich! I want to sign an employment contract with you!"

Post "Cut! Say it!" Mina relaxed her collar.

"I signed a life-long contract with you. Unless this game is stopped, you are my life-long employees. You must join the Frost Rose Alliance and complete the work I specified. You must not be passively idle, otherwise you will be fine! Your online time I do n’t care, it ’s okay even if you do n’t go online, but as long as you come up, work for me! Of course your time is free when there is no task! ”

Release: The three MMs got together again to discuss for a while, and then Jie Ya came forward. "Okay, we accept! It is better to help you work than to be killed back to level 0, and you are also full of fun!"

Post "Hey Hey! Attention, I have a good name!"

Release We detailed the contract and made it concrete, then opened the Spirit System, confirmed the validity of the Spirit, and then it was OK! Hehe! I lied to three experts to join the club! In fact, the reason I asked them was to facilitate the management of cities in Europe. We are going to return to China soon, Tianyu City can't help but stay here! Although the Iron Crusaders promised to help us take care of Tianyu City, I am ashamed that no one in charge will leave it!

Release: Everything is ready, the people of the Iron Crusades left to clean up the city ruins, and I took the big troops back on the road to the port. We must return home as soon as possible. On the way, I confirmed that the three MMs officially joined the guild, and then said to them: "First of all, you are welcome to join the Rose League. At this stage, your mission is to guard Tianyu City. When you ask Ashoford, he will take you Our guild is currently undergoing major strategic adjustments, so we will not be able to spare time, but you can rest assured that you can see our own cross-country teleportation team early next month! This is a secret, and you should not let anyone know for now People of the Iron Crusaders! When the teleportation formation is completed, I will take you to see our famous mountains and rivers in China! "

Released "Okay! I already wanted to travel to China for a long time!" All three MMs jumped up excitedly.

Post "Don't be too excited, it's only 21 today, and it will take more than ten days!"

Posts Jie Jiya excitedly said: "It is now 11 o'clock, and it will be 22 soon!"

Post "China is already on the 22nd!"

Release tweeted all the way, until two o'clock in the morning, the three MM finally could not stand up to go offline to sleep. Anyway, I have explained everything I need to pay attention to, and nothing should happen in these ten days. Besides, if something really needs to happen, Ashford will help me! That strategic partnership agreement was not signed in white, and that thing had practical effects. If Tianyu had an accident, the reputation of the Iron Cross guild would decline!

Release: I took my troops all the way to dawn, and finally arrived at the port. After a night of hard work, it didn't help me, at least let me know a feature. The Misty Legion can actually get attribute bonuses at night. Not only does the speed increase a lot, but other attributes also change. But this is also normal, after all, are we dark forces!

At 8:30 in the morning on the 22nd, the Mist Regiment arrived at the port. Because Noah couldn't dock, and other warships couldn't hold so many people, he had to use the warships to sail to Noah. The whole port is basically messed up, millions of troops are on board, and even if there is discipline, it is also chaotic. Me and Rose and their players have become coordinators! Although the Iron Crusade's fleet later helped transport a lot of people, it was still one o'clock in the afternoon when the final shipment was over!

Post I stand by the port and say goodbye to Ashford. "I will be back in half a month at most!"

Post "Rest assured, Tianyu City will be fine no matter when you come back!"

It took a long time to say goodbye to the announcement. Rose and Meister actually became friends. When they were separated, they had tears and a nose. Fortunately, Meister was not a man, otherwise I would desperately be with her!

The release of the Iron Crusaders was originally intended to send us troops to cross the Strait of Gibraltar, but the relationship between France and Germany is getting more and more tense, I am really embarrassed to let Ashurford use his family to take risks for me. And now that there is plenty of time, there is no need to go to Gibraltar, so we decided to choose another route! But there are a lot of routes to choose from, but I don't know how to go!

Post _________________________________________________________________

Posting Rona took her chart out for us to analyze, and Rose and I gathered around the table to listen to her one by one introduction. "Without Gibraltar, we have four routes to go. The first and the second are the same at first. They first go around the sea off the British coast, and then go south, without going to Gibraltar, directly south to Cape of Good Hope. From here, there are some changes in the route, one is to bypass the Cape of Good Hope and return from the Indian Ocean. The other is to replenish supplies at Cape of Good Hope, and then head west, cross the Atlantic Ocean to Buenos Aires, resupply, and then bypass from the south of South America. You will be home as long as you cross the Pacific! "

Posts 这两 "Are these two far away?" Rose exclaimed.

Post Lona look at the picture and then measure it. "It's okay! About eleven thousand nautical miles! If you can get closer to the Cape of Hope, you can nod your head!"

The release of 大锅饭 turned on the map for a long time and said, "Are there any other routes?"

Post "Yes!" Rona redrawn a line again. "There are two routes that go northward all the way from the Arctic Ocean! But one is from Russia and one is from Canada. The distance from Russia is about 7,300 nautical miles, although the route is much closer, even It ’s closer than walking Gibraltar, but it ’s going to cross the Arctic Ocean! If not necessary, I suggest it ’s better not to walk this line. Icebergs are more scary than government forces! ”

The drug addict pointed at another route: "What if we go from Canada?"

The "Canada route is even worse. It is not the iceberg but the whole is frozen. It cannot pass unless it is opened by an icebreaker. Also, the fleet cannot have vessels of less than 3,000 tons, otherwise it will be easily squeezed by ice. Going ashore is harder than the Russian line! "

Post "That's it!" I pointed to the Russian line. "Get off with Bi Ling. Behind Noah, the iceberg shouldn't hit a ship as big as Shen Biling?"

He released the cauldron rice and called out, "Is the Titanic so big that it has been sunk? We still don't want to go round from Russia!"

Sue Sumei countered: "How can that kind of broken ship compare with our Bi Ling!"

The release of Shura Ziyi also supports the cauldron meal: "Although the Bi Ling is much stronger than the Titanic, have you considered it, our speed is much faster than the Titanic! The broken ship is only 22 knots The speed has crashed into a pile of ferrous iron. Our speed is more than 70 knots? This speed does not smash ourselves! "

Released ruthless support Sumei said: "Don't forget, we have a bumper horn! Biling is a warship, not a passenger ship. Our bow has been specially reinforced for impact! Besides, we still have a cannon! The iceberg is gone! "

The poison releaser objected: "The Bi Ling has never been to such a cold place. The world of" Zero "is completely simulated, and the objects will become very brittle due to the cold. You can guarantee that we will have enough collisions in the Arctic Ocean. How strong is the iceberg? The magic crystal cannon has not been tested in cold regions. Do you know if it can turn at that time? Will its gear deform due to low temperature? "

Release The current situation has become three to three. When we look at Rose, we send her this crucial vote!

Published the rose researched for a long time: "Let's go to Russia! Although I don't know if the cannon can be used, but at least Zi Ri's pet can be used! Even if the three-headed dragon can't push the iceberg away, help the Biling to turn urgently Shouldn't there be a problem? And we have a lot of people! Let the archers of the Mist Regiment stand by the side of the boat, they have good eyes and night vision ability, and don't know tired! The iceberg has no propeller, as long as it is found early, avoid it Still no problem! "

Post "That's it!" I turned to the second mate who was waiting aside: "Go and tell the surveyor and helmsman, let's walk from the Arctic Ocean and return to the sea north of Russia!"

Release "understand!" The second officer quickly ran away.

The fleet that released the Iron Crusade has always sent us out of Germany before returning to the sea. Our fleet is lined with a mighty team pulling the unpowered Noah to the Arctic Circle!

Release With our backs, the temperature is getting lower and lower. Although the magic dragon suit has good thermal insulation, the wind is still cold on the face. I had to put the mask down, otherwise my face would look like a knife was cutting! This bird does not shit, and the turtle does not lay eggs, let alone the enemy, even a monster cannot see it! Although Rona said that there are also monsters in the Arctic Ocean, the density is very low, and the possibility of encountering them is no less than that of the Chinese lottery!

It was originally released that Rose and Su Mei both planned to stand on the bow to experience the feeling of the heroine of "Titanic", but since the cold wind that entered the arctic ocean, they have not driven out of the room! Only me and Shura Ziyi on the deck can walk freely. No one else dares to come up. There is no artifact suit. We must wear warm clothes if we want to move in the Arctic, but we do n’t have that thing, so they have to be depressed in the cabin and dare not come up. !! Seeing that everyone is very depressed in the cabin, I let everyone not go online for the time being, anyway, the fleet is all NPCs, no players are needed.

Released Shu Xiu Zi Yi persisted, after all, she is also an artifact and not afraid of cold! However, she only persisted for one day, and she was killed the next day! On the afternoon of the 22nd, I let her sit on the command tower in front of the deck and found that she couldn't stand up when changing shifts. Her entire leggings, including skirts and boots, were frozen on the chair, and her back was glued to the back of the chair. In the end, there was no way, we simply saw the four legs of the chair fixed on the ground, and then brought the chair into the cabin with people, waiting for half an hour to melt away!

The release of a few days of sailing did indeed reveal a lot of problems. The first was to confirm that the magic crystal cannon was working well in the Arctic, and the second was to find that the artillery could not be launched in the Arctic! Even the samples of the long-range cannon bought from Germany were tried, and all the cannons using fire could not be fired! Except for the cannon, we found that the collision angle also failed, and the unlocking mechanism of that thing was completely frozen, and there was no way to retract it! Fortunately, the thrusters of Atlantis have not been frozen ~ ~ Otherwise, it will be troublesome, and sailing back to estimate that Essinger will be gone!

The release was over in a few days. At noon on the 25th we finally reached Cape Dezhinov. Bypassing here we can sail south and the temperature will rise. Everyone was happy to think of not having to be frozen anymore. In the Arctic Ocean, I have to clean my helmet every day. The water vapor formed by breathing always turns into a whole ice shell outside the helmet and affects my breathing. I have to clean it often!

The release just passed us around Cape Dezhinov. Soon after, we encountered a fleet, and it was not an ordinary fleet. There are almost more than a thousand battleships in the entire fleet, small and large. Although there is no large battleship of the Biling class, judging from the number, if we fight, we will definitely lose both!

Posting Everyone is not online at this time, I must face it alone! "First mate, notify the ships to slow down and increase the fleet clearance. To make the ships ready for battle at the same time, all the gunners are in place! We may need physical negotiations!"

Release "Understand!" The chief officer quickly ran away. I flew up to the top of the mast and glanced at the opposite fleet with Star pupil. It's a huge and gigantic expanse, and almost all of them are European armored ships. Although the speed is slow, the firepower and defense are very good! Find a nearest ship and look at its flag. It's hard to believe that they are Americans! What does such a huge fleet come here to do? Although Alaska is also U.S. territory, it makes no sense for Americans to transfer such a huge fleet here? What kind of fleet is this? What is it doing here? Could it be that the Americans know that we are going to pass through here, and that they purposely stopped us? Not right! I don't know how to think about it, I don't know what this sudden fleet is doing!

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