Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 343: Broken Strongest Artifact

"Don't you want the president to use that thing?" Unexpectedly, after Porsecione said she had a way, several deities from the Olympian Protoss turned their eyes in surprise She, obviously they all knew what Porsefogne was talking about, but they deliberately avoided this at first and didn't tell me.

Poursefeneer looked at the questioning Aphrodite and said, "I also know that there are many problems with that thing, but the president is not a child. We are now advising him. I believe the president has himself. Judgment. So, if there is anything, just tell the chairman. I did not say that it must be used by the chairman! "

"What did you say for a long time?" I looked back and forth between Persephone and Aphrodite and didn't figure out what the two of them were talking about.

Poseidon explained at this time: "Porsecione is talking about an artifact, and it is one of the most powerful artifacts I have seen so far."

Hades also nodded: "If you don't consider the side effects, it is indeed the strongest existence of all the artifacts I know. There is no one. However, considering the instability of that thing, its practical value is not even as good. One of the worst artifacts, and even some Holy Spirit-level gear, may be more useful than this one. "

"Like Persephone, I have my own judgment. You can introduce this thing, and I will decide whether to use it or not."

"If you say that, it's nothing to tell you. In fact, that thing has been kept in our hands," Poseidon said.

"Do you mean that thing is in Isinger now?"

"No, it should be in Yin Cao Di Fu. In our temple of the Hades." Hades said, "The equipment has been kept by our Hades before, and we also joined the Protoss of Chaos and Order. Bring them together. "

"What are you waiting for? Show it to me first."

Hades thought about it and said, "If you don't plan to use it, I suggest it's better not to watch it."


"This ... how do you say that!" Hardis said after organizing the language a bit: "The artifact was indeed very powerful, but before this one battle with the Odin Protoss, Zeus used This artifact has fought against Odin, but in the battle that artifact was hit by Odin's Solomon's Sword, although it was not directly split. But it was seriously damaged. Although the level of the artifact itself is very High, but it is not a weapon or armor after all, so it is not very strong. Odin's sword caused the internal strength system of the artifact to change. As a result, instead of invalidating the artifact, it became It is more powerful, but at the same time, the artifact also becomes unstable. It will absorb the positive energy from the surroundings, and then modify the lucky values ​​of the surrounding people in a disorderly way. Because this modification is completely irregular, it is unfortunate that Modify it to be negative, but it will really die! So after that Zeus didn't dare to use that thing anymore, so he could only put it in the underworld and soak it in the sea of ​​silence. , Negative energy sea with sea silence prevents the absorption of positive energy. Only then can we suppress the attributes that let things calm down. "

"Do you mean that the characteristic of this equipment is that it can modify one's lucky value?"

"No, no, modifying the lucky value is just one of the side effects of its energy disorder. It is not itself used to change the lucky value."

"Then what does this thing do?"

Hades and Poseidon looked at each other and nodded. Then Hardis said as if he had made a decision: "I know that once I say the function of that piece of equipment, you will definitely take the risk to use it, so I really don't want to let you know. But since you all do Asked, then I can only say it. But I still want you to stay calm, no matter what you hear, I will decide whether to use that thing after I have said it. "

I nodded and said, "Rest assured, my self-control is not yet rotten to the point of being completely uncontrolled."

Hades seemed not to trust my promise. But he still sighed and said, "The damaged artifact is called 'Little Naughty Broken Handkerchief'. Although the name is weird, its function is really very powerful. Its real ability is to deceive, but not to deceive someone, but Is the law of deception. "

"The law of deception? What is it?"

"It is to make things that were taken for granted temporarily non-existent." Poseidon succeeded Hades and explained: "Take the simplest example. When your life is exhausted, you should be dead for granted. , But if you bring a little naughty broken handkerchief you can deceive the law, the law of letting life run out will die temporarily. That is to say, although your life has become zero or even negative, you still Just like people who are okay, you ca n’t die completely. All you have to do is to replenish your health to above zero as soon as the deceptive effect of the naughty handkerchief ends, so that the rule will only find your Your health is still above the death line, so you don't have to die. "

"I rely on it, so bull?" This is the first time I heard that a prop that can make negative health values ​​never die ~ ~ This attribute is simply too bullish. If that deceptive effect can support the end of the battle. Then this ability can be used as invincible, anyway, no matter how much health is lost, you can wait until the end of the battle and then slowly make up, how can it still hang? It is nothing more than a little medicine.

Poseidon continued at this time: "The deceptive effect of the original naughty handkerchief can only last for ten minutes, and it can only deceive one attribute at a time. But even that is a very powerful ability. And, After that accidental hit by Odin, this ability became even more terrible. Now the little naughty handkerchief can not only cover your multiple attributes at the same time, but also can last up to an hour. This effect It is almost equivalent to being absolutely invincible within an hour. You can imagine how excited Zeus was at the time. However, the side effects of this thing appeared afterwards. As a result, Zeus couldn't hold it after two days of misery. We can only give this little naughty broken handkerchief to our seal. If the side effects of the thing are not so strong, how can a greedy guy like Zeus give up on it based on its properties? "

"It sounds really terrible, but I still want to see that thing." I added and said, "Don't worry, I can go with you to the quiet shore to watch, as long as I do n’t bring the thing from the underworld Shouldn't it take effect, right? "To be continued.

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