Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 352: Experiment harvest

The mutated monster already has a length of more than 120 meters. Its body shape is similar to the evolution direction of the monster that was previously killed by Mira. The forelimbs have shortened to a relatively short state, but the proportion is actually slightly reduced. It doesn't really get smaller, and it still looks very deterrent.

The hind limbs of the monster are obviously increased a lot compared with the previous ratio, not only more sturdy, but also elongated a lot, so that the creature that approaches the crocodile or lizard has now become upright like an ostrich, and the four The claws have obvious signs of enlargement and lengthening. The most important thing is the sharp barbs on the claws.

Except for the changes in the limbs, the monster's scales also disappeared, replaced by a layer of wrinkled skin, which looks rougher than the skin of an elephant, and the surface is severely keratinized. Although there is no calcification, it looks like Know that defense is not low.

The monster's body has not changed much, except that the abdomen has been slightly enlarged in order to adapt to those two long legs, but it can be said that there is not much change, but there is an inexplicable extra longitudinal fin extending from the head to the tail. It looks sharp and has completely turned into an amphibious creature. In addition, the tip of this guy's tail seems to have mutated, and a bone spike has grown, which should look very aggressive.

When it comes to change, this guy's head should be the biggest change. The original guy ’s head is between a crocodile and a lizard. It can be said that the head is a flat triangle, but now the triangle is still a triangle, but it is no longer flat, but it has been erected and turned up. Long state. This change gave this guy more occlusal muscles. It also means that its attack power has increased. Also, this guy ’s eyes were protruding, which is common in lizards, but now the eyes have become sunken into the orbit. This variation helps protect the eyes from damage during a fight, and of course reduces the range of sight. However, as a predator, you only need to stare at the target, and always observe the actions required by the surrounding prey.

The newly completed monster can be said to be similar to the monster base that was previously killed by Mira, except for the increase in volume and the addition of spikes at the tip of the tail, that is, small changes in head proportions and appearance. but. Now the key part is not to watch the monster's fighting power change, but to watch its intelligence change.

The monster that was killed before was completely unable to communicate and was extremely irritable, so I ran through the ceiling of the laboratory and ran out. Then I was hunted. The biggest improvement of the new drug is the addition of drugs that protect the brain. Hope this thing can keep a certain sense. There is nothing violent, as long as it can be domesticated.

As I watched the monster's reaction carefully, the monster gradually adapted to its own changes. It slowly rose from the ground, and then suddenly roared to the sky. The huge sound wave bounced back and forth in the confined space, almost like a sonic boom, and the pharmacists climbing the stairs over there almost immediately released their hand holding the railing and changed it to cover their ears. Few people stumble and roll off. It caused a lot of confusion. Fortunately, no one fell off the escalator, but just fell over.

After a five-second roar ended, the monster immediately turned around and looked at the spiral ladder over there. After all, I stood there quietly and said that the escalator was more attractive than me in terms of volume and sound, so the monster took a big step towards it without hesitation. past.

When the pharmacists over there saw the monster rushing up, they screamed and climbed up. As a result, the situation where you pushed me was even more confusing. But they can't blame them, after all, they are just pharmacists. Fighting is not their specialty. It's normal to be weak in what you don't do well.

Even though the monster didn't charge towards me, I still wanted the method of formulating the medicine, so these researchers must not be in trouble. After watching the monster stride across my side, I snapped a finger directly, and the sickle suddenly appeared beside me, followed by two spider silks jetting out, hitting exactly one leg of the monster. But a little troublesome is that the monster ’s power is obviously too much beyond expectations. Although the sickle has eight legs, the difference in volume is too obvious. The guy ca n’t be pulled at all. It almost only affects the guy ’s balance and is dragged. Passed.

Seeing the sickle being dragged away, I quickly summoned Lucky and Plague and Milla together. This time, the killing form was not used for annihilation, and the three dragons all jumped directly at the monster.

Although the monster was very large and powerful, the three dragons and one piece were not able to be carried by ordinary creatures. As a result, the guy fell to the ground without accident, and finally when it fell The tip of the mouth is less than two meters away from the spiral staircase. Some pharmacists in the lower position even felt that the hot air from the nostrils of the monster fell over his body.

Although scared to death for a while, the gang quickly realized that they were saved, but they did not dare to stay here because the monsters below were too close, and the thing was just thrown over, and Not subdued.

Sure enough, the monster was struggling to stand up immediately after being thrown out. Without the impact of the flutter, the weight of the three dragons couldn't restrain the guy, and it was gradually lifted up. Milla turned straight and earned the guy's front kick on the back wall, then her forelimb clasped the guy's head and pushed it down desperately, while luck and plague were left and right to hold the guy's two The hind legs prevented it from standing up.

A monster trapped in this way can only desperately swing its big tail to swing left and right, but unfortunately when the body is controlled, the tail alone does not have enough rotation angle, in fact there is not much power at all, and luck and plague are actually Already in its dead end position for attack. As for the guy ’s forelegs, although it is also relatively scary, the target that can be reached is Mira, but Mira is a gem dragon, and his whole body is the same as diamond. No effect.

"Oh ..." The suppressed monster sent out that sonic attack again. But immediately after making a sound, she was hit back with an elbow by Mila. But the guy didn't give up, he actually struggled to shake his head to barely break his mouth, and then took a breath.

The three people present were all dragons. Although Mira was a material dragon, not a giant dragon, they were all dragons after all, and they knew very well about dragon inflammation. The action of the creature in front of them instantly made them think of the preparation of Longyan's jet, scaring Mila to quickly force the guy's head to the side, followed by a bright white pillar of fire. Instantly, a large hole was penetrated through the wall on the right side of the experimental area, and the soil and rocks inside were directly dissolved into magma.

"I rely, why is this guy's Long Yan fiercer than ours?" Lucky said while squeezing the guy's legs.

Mira cried, "Master, I can't stop it!"

"Wait a moment."

Mira and lucky they actually pull out one of them much more than this creature, really want to fight. Any of them can get this monster in a minute, but now it's controlling or killing, which is more difficult. Controlling a target requires pure strength, so Mira they need to limit this monster to spend more physical energy than fighting.

Seeing that Milla couldn't control the guy's head alone, I beckoned directly, and the controlling spirit appeared next to Mira, and when he went up, he hit him with a punch. Then he pinched the guy's head with Mira to keep it from moving. The sickle that was thrown aside by the guy quickly rushed up, and then climbed up the guy's mouth to highlight a spider silk and started to run up and down, and soon the monster's jaws were covered with a thick layer of spiders The silk was tightly tied together.

Although the sickle is not as big as this monster, his spider silk is definitely the strongest rope. Don't talk about this guy, even if it's a tank, don't want to pull off even a sickle's spider silk. Besides, the spider silk on this guy's mouth is not as simple as one or two, but the whole is wrapped in a blanket like a blanket. Same thick gossamer. Even if that guy's power instantly increased by a hundredfold, don't expect to crack such a thick gossamer.

After the mouth was closed, the guy couldn't spit anymore. Mila simply controlled the guy's head to not let it go out of control. King Kong began to pull the guy's legs backwards in conjunction with luck and plague, and finally concentrated with the tail and was wrapped in sickle silk again. Soon the guy's tail and legs were fixed in a gossamer tube, and I signaled that Mira could let go.

The released monster immediately struggled to stand up as soon as the control was released, but because its tail and hind legs were fixed together, it couldn't stand up. In the end, it only tried to crawl with its front limbs. However, the proportion of its forelimbs shrinks after it mutates, and its ability to move is very poor when crawling. In addition, his mouth was blocked, and he could not bite or spit fire. Now this guy is completely deterrent.

Those pharmacists who have used this time to climb back to the observation room at this time saw that the monsters outside were controlled and started to run down, but the speed was much slower than before. After all, the observation room was more than forty from the ground. He was 50 meters tall, and he ran back halfway down before. Even climbing the stairs to frighten this group of researchers who had little physical energy consumed too much physical energy. Now, one by one, like the old man in his 70s and 80s, holding down the railing.

The monster below was tied like this, and after struggling for a few times, he finally realized that he couldn't get rid of his roots, so he started to run toward the corner while twisting while supporting with his forelimbs, apparently he began to know that he was afraid.

Those researchers seemed very excited about this reaction from the monsters. After they came down, they began to talk about the monster's character shrinking in the corner. From their conversation, I probably understand that the monster now knows that the animal can be normal. , So that there is the possibility of domestication. The monsters tested by them before had no normal biological response at all, so they could not be domesticated.

"Is this successful?" I asked, looking at Nine Princes who had just run down.

Nine prince nodded with excitement: "Basically, it was a success, but this can only be said to be a successful drug test. It is not clear whether this kind of biological energy can be used by us. After all, even if the biological energy is saved, it is not necessarily domesticable Come for our use. "

I nodded, but I was thinking about the use of this thing in our guild. Although the nine princes said that many monsters could not be domesticated even if the normal animal energy was retained after mutation, but that was for them. This is actually not the case for us. Because the darkness of our guild is more serious, the guild's research on the magic of undead is very developed. Although our guild did not produce large groups of undead creatures, in fact, the application of our guild to undead magic is very common. Not to mention, these are the mobile angels of our guild. Their artificial soul is actually a branch of the undead magic. Although it is now planned into the alchemy laboratory, the quality of that thing is actually the undead slave magic and the lich The fusion product of the technology of making the life box, so although it seems to be alchemy technology on the surface, the quality is undead magic.

It is because of our guild's research on undead magic that it is very well developed. So the use of such creatures is actually not a big problem in our guild. As long as we can catch powerful creatures alive, we can use a special device to control them. I have seen this kind of equipment in the experimental area of ​​the New World before, but no one has ever thought about using that thing to control Warcraft to fight for himself, because the capture of Warcraft body is a laborious and unpleasant thing. It's more cost-effective to make a magic pet. Naturally no one would think of using that kind of biological controller. But it's different now. If I can get this potion, it means that we can produce high-level monsters, and if there are enough monsters, it will not be cost-effective to capture them as magic pets. After all, although the magic pet can be upgraded and resurrected, the number of magic pets is limited, and it needs to be cultivated slowly. The most important thing is to occupy the magic pet position. Can't change yet. In contrast, if I could bring a large group of these monsters out to fight ... I think it would be very exciting.

"By the way, do you have any other laboratories? This creature can't take root here, and I don't have time to wait for you to domesticate this thing slowly, so you better have another laboratory to let us start the next organism Try. "

"No. We only have this large laboratory." Nine Prince followed immediately after saying, "But we don't have to complete experiments in the laboratory, do we?"

I hesitated for a moment when I heard the words of Nine Princes, and then came over. They previously built such a laboratory because monsters will become very violent after mutation. In order to avoid monsters getting out of control, they need a sturdy laboratory to trap the monsters in case they prove that the monsters cannot be used. They can also easily kill monsters. But after seeing my previous performance. This restriction is actually unnecessary.

The difference between the combat effectiveness of those monsters and mine is obvious, and there is no need to hold them any more. Just let me directly hold the original sample to instill the potion, and after the monster starts to mutate, I will throw the monster out. Once the monster changes are completed, I can immediately go up and test whether this creature has use value. If there is no value, it can be killed directly. If it is valuable, it can be bundled like the one just now. So, if I am there, the laboratory is no longer necessary.

At the order of Nine Princes, the pharmacists left only a few assistants to continue to analyze the monster here. The others gathered around me and Nine Princes to the ground, then ran outside the village to find an open area. I plan to experiment here. Of course, due to the previous situation, after they explained the situation, they all ran to a long distance and stood, and each of these pharmacists had a kind of bear monster rider to protect and ride on the bear monster, in case this The monsters on the side are crazy, they can turn and run. With my restraint, even if the monsters are mutated, it is absolutely impossible to catch up with those bear monsters.

Because I already had an experiment, I probably knew what the experimental steps were. After the other person told me about the precautions, he ran to a long distance and started watching me.

The goal of this experiment was a furry, hamster-like creature, originally a working pet kept by natives. They act a bit like human cats in the homes of the locals, except that cats are mainly used to deal with mice, while this creature is used to deal with bugs. This kind of small hamster-like creature is actually larger than the hamster, probably about the same size as an ordinary house mouse, but their ability to move is much stronger than a mouse, and its bouncing ability is almost comparable to a kangaroo. Their huge and prominent eyes can see small insects flying in the air at night and prey on them to kill pests. If put in reality, this is just a biological mosquito coil.

Because this thing is small. Moreover, the body is very docile, so I directly made Mira into a human shape and hugged the guy with both hands and started pouring the potion. The taste of this medicine is obviously very bad, so those being infused with medicine are struggling very hard. Fortunately, this little thing has little power, so even if I have no experience, I quickly finished the medicine.

After the potion was poured, Mira was still holding the little thing, and I stepped back slightly to watch the thing waiting for its change. Although my defense is very high, the ghost knows the mutated attributes of this thing, so I dodged some. As for Mira ... I do n’t have to worry about that diamond-like body root?

The pharmacy test responded quickly. We only drank small things here, and they changed in less than five seconds. The little thing grew three full circles after a twitch in Milla's hand. The body, which was only the size of a house mouse, has now grown to the same size as a medium-sized dog, but its shape has hardly changed except for the increase. In the end I asked in confusion what the pharmacists over there would do. I didn't expect the other party to run lightly and take away the bigger thing.

While the pharmacists were preparing for the next research target, I learned from Nine Princes that the situation just now is actually quite common. Mutations like the original giant monsters are actually very rare. About one fifth of the creatures tested will die directly, and one fifth will become deformed creatures that have no way to survive independently, and usually It will die soon. The remaining three-fifths are living creatures, but half of these three-fifths will not be completely mutated, that is, the drug will not work on them at all. The remaining half can be roughly divided into three parts, one of which is a violent beast that is completely irrational and cannot be domesticated like the first monster. One of the other two is just a small change that just happened to the little thing. Either it is not used after the change, or the ability to mutate is useless. The last one left is the type that has domestication value after mutation, but also has sensibility but cannot be domesticated because it is too strong. The monster I just bound is probably one of them. As for the useful variants that can be domesticated, the root need not be classified separately. Because they are few in number, it is almost by chance that they can run into one. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so long before the research institute of Nine Princes discovered three kinds of usable creatures.

The creature that failed to turn into a monster was sent away soon after the follow-up test. We first received a creature that looked a bit like a pig, but it was much smaller and probably about the same size as a small fragrant pig. This creature turned into a meat ball directly after feeding. Not to mention fighting, it can starve itself alive if no one feeds.

Below we got another worm. This time, it was more thorough. The worm hanged immediately after eating the medicine. After that, we tested six worms in succession, except that one of them turned into a deformed waste, and the rest were hanged. Already. According to those pharmacists, the test success rate for worms seems to be the lowest, but it seems that few dangerous organisms appear.

Then they gave me more than a dozen animals, including a creature that looked a bit like a two-headed snake. However, although the main body looks like a two-headed snake, it has four snake-necked dragon-like fins. Of the dozen or so creatures, except for the useful mutation of the two-headed snake-necked dragon, the others either hang up or become waste, and one actually exploded directly, which is simply irregular. Speak. However, the creature with a two-headed snake-necked dragon was a pleasant surprise.

This creature has changed specially after taking the potion. After its volume increased to nearly one hundred meters, it suddenly began to grow its head outwards, and finally turned into a nine-headed snake-necked dragon shape, and this time it is not a small snake-necked dragon toy, but rather than a snake neck in reality. The dragon is even bigger. To be honest, if this guy had four fins instead of a normal retreat, he could be posing as a Hydra. But unfortunately, this guy's fin limbs are not as good as Hydra's moving ability, but it seems that this thing should be able to be used as a water fighting creature. After all, its nine heads have sharp teeth and are also large enough. Big. The most important thing is that the intelligence level of this thing is quite good, and it is not very violent. Although it is aggressive, it can still communicate.

Because of the appearance of this creature, those pharmacists became very excited. They were very happy to take away this huge experimental body and then sent me the next batch of experimental bodies.

The first experimental sample sent this time was a turtle, not like a turtle, but really a turtle. This thing is an ornamental animal in the game, not Warcraft, just a part of the game environment, similar to scene props.

I do n’t know if it ’s luck. This time, the harmless turtle was infused with a potion. It turned out to be successful again ~ ~ After taking the potion, the turtle turned into a giant move of 70 to 80 meters. The fortress, the sturdy tortoise shell, caused us a lot of trouble during the capture control. In the end, I even had to rush up with Eternity to barely suppress this big turtle.

In fact, in addition to the larger size of this turtle, its ability has not changed much. The main reason for this difficulty is that the defense of this thing is too strong, and because the limbs and head can be retracted into the turtle shell, so It really makes us feel a bit out of mouth. In addition, compared with the small turtle, the mutant turtle's defense ability has been significantly strengthened. Not only does the hard armor scare people, but also the head and limbs have grown similar to the shell of the shrimp body. The first thing is that my whole body is protected. In addition to my eternity that can easily hurt this guy, even fortunately, their dragon teeth are very bad. They need to stare at a place for a long time to bite. Fortunately, although this super tortoise is strong and outrageous, its character is still similar to that of ordinary tortoises. Anyway, it is shy, and it is not aggressive. If you do n’t attack it, it will not resist, and it will be a super chronic child.

Because of the success of this superb experiment, those guys don't plan to test new creatures today, and it's almost dawn now. Today's results are enough for them to study for some time. However, when they happily studied the big turtle, I called the nine princes aside. Helping them live all night, it's time to charge some labor.

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