Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 112: Dig 3 feet

I made a few rounds around the red dragon skeleton and didn't see anything bright. The only feature of this skeleton except for the red color is that it is big, and the other features are not. I really do n’t know why I approached it Your armor will glow!

After researching for a long time, I couldn't find anything wrong. I suddenly thought that there might be something in the skeleton? Just think of it. Climb all the way up to the giant dragon head along the dragon's forelimb bones, stick your head in from the eye socket of the dragon bone and look at it, it seems nothing special. As I was trying to stretch myself forward, I suddenly slipped under my feet, and I jumped through the big hole in the eyes of the dragon skull. This is not easy to fall, if not the helmet is estimated to have flattened the nose!

The release climbed up and looked around. This is the inside of the dragon skull. Compared to my size, this is a small house! The horizontal and vertical internal structure of the skull has been very powdered, and I became gray as soon as I touched it. These bones, which are not used for support, have no surface bones, so they were put shortly!

Posting searches for any useful information along the bone gap, but the results are disappointing and there is nothing to attract attention. Climbing out of the hole behind the skull, and walking to the chest position of the dragon, there are huge ribs and that super spine on top! Nothing abnormal! What exactly is causing this?

Post I contacted Ling and Xiaochun outside with my heart, and told them what I have here, let them think for me! Xiaochun first answered, "Did you get misled at the beginning?"

Post "Misleading? Who misled me?"

Post "That skeleton!" Xiaochun affirmed: "You noticed that the skeleton color was different from the beginning, so your attention was focused on that skeleton and other details were ignored!"

Post "You mean maybe the key item is not this pile of bones, but something else?"

Post "I'm just guessing, it's possible! You look for it!"

It ’s true that I heard Xiaochun ’s words. This huge skeleton is indeed likely to be a deliberate obstacle, intentionally misleading others to this bone and ignoring more important things! With this knowledge, it is easy to handle. The first is observation, except for the top of the cave, which is the skeleton and the ground. The top of the cave is not possible. If there is a problem with the top of the cave, the induction should be stronger when it starts flying, and it will only respond when it falls down! As for the bones, although very skeptical, they have been carefully checked. If something is found, I won't be without clues! Then the biggest suspect is the ground! As I approached the bone, and the reaction became violent, the induction source should be directly below the keel!

The release has just been looking up at the bones, not paying attention to the ground, this will be changed to careful exploration along the ground. After a while I crawled back into the dragon's skull, and finally, I found it! There is a small protrusion on the ground under the dragon's skull. This protrusion is only one centimeter higher than the ground. The area is not as large as the bottle cap. If you don't pay attention, who will find such a small thing!

Release carefully lay down beside this protrusion, blow off the falling dust with his mouth, and a small object with a delicate pattern appeared on the ground. There seems to be a large part of this stuff underground, so I had to dig carefully with my fingers. Fortunately, the ground is dirt, not too hard! After digging a large hole in a bowl, I found out that this thing is actually a lid of a bottle, and the protrusion is just the handle in the middle of the lid! According to preliminary estimates, this bottle is not small, so I had to start to enlarge the pit! Really today, I have been digging since I was on the island!

The opening of the release hole was quickly enlarged by me, and the structure of this bottle gradually emerged, and it took a long time to finally get it out. The appearance of the bottle finally came out after washing the dirt on the surface with a little water magic! This is an extremely delicate craft vase with a big belly, a narrow waist and a narrow mouth. There are also two symmetrical handles on the bottle waist. The bottle is more than seventy centimeters tall, with a dragon-shaped bottle cap on the top, and complicated magic patterns and fire marks on the bottom. The outer wall of the bottle is based on blue, and many pictures are drawn on it with golden positive text. It looks like a series of stories, about an ancient genocide! There are precious stones and precious items such as emerald agate next to the golden Yangwen. If it were not too big, I would think it was a royal egg. Now it should be a luxuriously decorated luxurious vase in general! If there is such a thing in reality, I don't think it is strange to sell one billion yuan!

Release This bottle is gorgeous and gorgeous, but it obviously contains something terrible, even more than the value of the bottle! The reason I'm so sure is because of that lid! Generally speaking, vases are not covered, even if they are, they should not be like this! This cover has eight ultra-luxury version chains each week. These chains are connected to the other end of the cover but fastened to eight hooks under the bottleneck. These hooks are made into the shape of a protruding faucet, the end of the chain is biting in the dragon's mouth, and the shape is exquisite.

Release: I originally wanted to open the bottle, but after thinking about it, I decided not to move it. If there is nothing like a lamp **** like Aladdin, if you make a monster and don't go back, it will be troublesome!

After I confirmed that there was nothing else, I went back to the entrance. I tried the bottle first, but it can be put in the inventory. It seems to be a kind of equipment. Close the bottle and send it out quickly. Hurry to take everyone back to the ground, while telling the dark iron riders to dig the other end of the passage blocked by the collapse, and take out the bottle.

The bottle was recognized at the first sight of the release of the plague. "Long exquisite crystal bottle? How did the owner get this thing?"

Post "Do you know? That's great! I found it below! There is a graveyard of dragons, and about 10,000 dragons' bones are stacked into a dragon picture!"

Posting Plague Plague Road: "Willn't this be the abandoned Dragon's Graveyard?"

Post "Obsolete?"

Posting "It's like this!" Crystal helped explain: "Before, the dragons were one, but later they split because of one thing. One dragon was divided into five Asian dragons, European dragons, African dragons, American dragons, and free dragons Part. This island was the original dragon cemetery, but after the split, the island happened to be in the intersection of Asian, American, and free dragons. "

Post "That means it's the San Regime Zone?"

Post "Almost! So the five dragons are separated, and each has its own cemetery. This former cemetery has now been abolished! There are not many dragons who know this thing except the dragon royals of previous generations!"

Post "What's up with this exquisite crystal bottle?"

Release "That's it! Isn't the Dragon family always good at making advanced weapons?"

Post ________________________________________

Published "Yes, I've heard! Dragons are said to have a strange temperament. Compared to them, the dwarves are so amiable, so everyone dare not find dragons to cast weapons!"

“The early Dragon Clan was extremely powerful when it was released. At that time, Hou combined the best founders of Dragon Clan to create three weapons and this bottle. Seal those three weapons with the bottle! "

Post "That means there are still three things I didn't find, right?" The dragon's baby can't be lost!

Post "Exactly two more, or countless more!" Plague began to play word games with me!

Post "What do you mean?"

"Two of those three weapons are integrated, and the other one can be divided into six. But these three weapons are sealed in the remains of 9,999 dragons here. If you want to take it, you must attach those bones! "

Post "I am fainted with the bones of 9,999 dragons, do you want my life?"

Post "Isn't there a lot of space in the space door?"

Post "I'm not talking about the place, I mean how to move? Those bones are too big and the Dark Iron Rider can't carry it, just when will you guys get it?"

Post "Master! Didn't you go to see the attributes of those bones?" The plague asked in surprise.

Post "What? Properties?"

"Yes! Those bones are the carrier of three weapons, so they are weapons, and they can be counted as equipment. Maybe your bracelet can be put down. Doesn't that thing automatically gather the equipment? No need for us of!"

Post "Really? Then I'll try it!"

The release hurried back to the channel and came to that dragon's grave again. Extend the bracelet directly and open the function of automatically absorbing equipment. Immediately in the huge dragon graveyard, a gust of wind blew, all the bones floated up and rushed towards me, and the momentum scared me back continuously It took a few steps to stand firm, but fortunately, the skeleton just got in front of me and quickly became smaller and rushed into the bracelet. After the skeletons were all flying, I was about to put away the bracelet, and suddenly a strange vibration sounded around me. The blue light curtain that has been supporting the compressed space suddenly materialized, and the light curtain that was originally invisible without anything passing through actually showed a dark blue color. The light curtain flashed and suddenly began to shrink. Before I could react, a light curtain shrank into a small black ball and appeared in front of me, and then it quickly flew into the bracelet. After the blue light curtain entered, I found that the surrounding light curtain did not disappear. It flashed again, and another light curtain became a ball. This process was repeated six times until the sixth black ball was put into the light curtain around the bracelet and it really disappeared! It turned out that the light curtain was a six-layer light curtain overlay! After the light curtain disappeared, I really saw the appearance of this cave. Without compression space, this cave is obviously very small. It is estimated that a dragon's bones can fill it up!

Back to the place where the passage collapsed. My dark iron riders have dug the opposite passage, Bai Lang immediately got into it, and I followed up to see what was here. The passage at this end is shorter than the other side, and there is no door at the end, and it directly enters a warehouse-like room. The stuff here is really good, it is actually four dragon statues. The dragon's volume is already huge and fatal. These statues are even bigger than the dragon, which makes people feel amazing. Standing in front of the statue like the skyscraper really has a feeling of rapid heartbeat!

Release: This room is obviously also hyperspace, otherwise the height of these statues is estimated to be visible outside the island! Walked to the statue closest to the door, and found that the huge base turned out to be hollow, and there was a door on its front! This door is actually a frame without a door panel. Behind the door is an upward staircase, which goes down the stairs and enters the statue's interior. Inside the base is a large hall, somewhat similar to the one inside the tower, but this one is smaller. This hall is also four doors. I just entered the front entrance. There are also entrances in the other three directions. The hall was very empty, and there was only a circular altar in the middle. At this time, the altar was spraying red flames more than one meter high.

Hun Xun carefully approached the altar, only to find a halo floating around the flames. When I approached, it was not a halo but text. The golden text meets end to end to form a glowing light band suspended outside the flame, and has maintained a slow rotation.

Post "Phantom? Know these words?"

Post "Know! It's the cipher of the Dragon!"

Post "What did it say?"

Post "Wait a minute, I can't find where is the beginning! Oh! Found!" Phantom began to read slowly. "Death to the land under your feet with the oath of the dragon, expel enemies from afar! Nothing!"

Post "What does this mean?"

Published "It seems that this statue can provide long-lasting phobia to the place where it is owned, which is used to threaten the enemy to dare not approach and affect the enemy's combat power!" After all, the phantom is a spiritual body, and all ethnic cultures are proficient. What this idol does! "However, I remember that the Dragons do not have phobia, probably using dragon power, not phobia! That magic is more effective than phobia, and it is much more powerful!"

Post "So this statue can provide a certain magic effect like the statue of our goddess of life in Isinger?"

Post "Almost! It's just that the statue of the goddess of life is to speed up the recovery of life. This is the scope of the dragon power to deter the enemy!"

Post "Good thing! Be sure to move away! Let's go and see other statues, they should all have similar functions!"

The release of really made me guess, all four statues have special magic. In addition to the dragon power just now, there are separately: forbid any dragons from attacking the city (including the player's pet); use the dragon's seal to suppress the magic release of all enemies to reduce their casting speed and increase the magic demand; guaranteed by the dragon's friendship, Allows the city to have two types of city guardian beasts.

Post oh oh ha ha ha ha! I ca n’t think of it this time! The city guardian beast is a combat system, the main thing is to encourage everyone to join the guild. The main city of each guild can have a kind of city guardian beast. In the future, all players in the guild will get a companion of the guardian race. For example, the guardian beast is a thunderbird, then all players in the guild can get a thunderbird. The level of this guardian beast will change with the owner's level. It can't die by itself. Its level will always remain the same as the owner's level. Until the owner exceeds its level, it will be fixed at its own level. The guardian beast does not occupy the position of the demon pet and the demon servant. After death, like the demon pet, it can be summoned after a certain period of time. As for its experience value, it is completely dependent on the owner, and the experience value it gets will be fully added to the owner. There are two such good things in our guild. What a great thing! Think about it, do not occupy the position of the magic pet! It should be noted that this guardian beast is a kind of guild welfare. Those who join will immediately get a guardian beast of the same level as themselves. If they retreat, the guardian beast will disappear immediately!

Post _____________________________________________

Release However, although this feature started after the establishment of the first player city, no one will ever get this feature. Because the conditions for establishing a city guardian are too harsh, it is more troublesome than establishing a magic pet! First of all, if this kind of creature is social, at least there is a certain social order, such as the Dragons, but the Dragons cannot yet serve as city guardian beasts, because the rule is that city guardian beasts cannot be creatures of grade 900 or higher. The Dragons are obviously more than 900! Secondly, after finding creatures with social order, we must find the gathering place of this kind of Warcraft, such as Dragon Island of the Dragon Race! Although there will be a single World of Warcraft activity in the wild, but catching them is useless and must be gathered. Wolf caves and eagle nests are typical gathering places.

Release: Finally, after finding the gathering place, someone must be found to negotiate. Because they ca n’t fight, the negotiators must be extremely charismatic, otherwise it will be difficult to negotiate with each other! Generally good Warcraft will be easier to negotiate, such as unicorns, but extremely aggressive Warcraft like the dragon is not the same! Under normal circumstances, the guild president asks the NPC manager in the city how to establish the guardian beast. The NPC manager will give the guild task, and tell the XX in the city to communicate with Warcraft, and then you can find this. The NPC went to the Warcraft gathering place together, and was brought by the guild's most attractive person to negotiate. Generally, the ruler of Warcraft will give specific requirements. As long as it can be completed, the city guardian beast can be established, but this task is often extremely complicated. So far, there is no guardian beast mostly because this task is not completed!

Release I ca n’t help but feel a bit lost here. It ’s good to have two Guardian series, but that will mean that our guild must complete two tasks, and it is a task of the highest level of difficulty! However, it is always good to have it all together! As the saying goes, mosquito legs are also meat, which is better than nothing!

Although the release 决定 decided to take it away, the colossus was too big, so they had to go back to the ground to find the lucky one to dig the tunnel. I managed to dig into this warehouse, and finally brought the four statues into the space door one by one with the help of my magic pet and the large army. Such a huge statue is really heavy. If not, my magic pet might not be able to carry it. !! Fortunately, the size of the space door can be expanded and contracted freely, otherwise Wang Bao can only sigh!

After all four statues were released into the space gate, the magic crystals in the crater were almost transported. The Dark Iron Horse was collecting scattered magic crystals for final cleanup. The rose vine is constantly turning the rubble of the ground to make sure that no one is pulled down. I don't want to lose any of these treasures.

About two hours after the release, I was checking how much raw ore we dug in the space gate, and Scotia suddenly came over. "report!"

Post "What's up?"

Release "The outside of the magic spar has been completely shipped, and finally the dragon girl used a large range of magic detection to confirm that there are no more fragments nearby."

Post "Okay, let everyone come back!"

The release force quickly returned to the space gate. I only left the plague, crystal, luck, and the little dragon girl and Ariana, and the rest returned to the space gate. It will be launched in a while, and it is inconvenient to bring too many people. !!

The release cricket quickly withdrew from the crater and then moved along the forest towards the periphery of the island. When I left the crater just by the way, I looked at the situation on the sea. Although it is not very clear, I can see that there are less than a thousand warships remaining, and they are all smoking. There is a large shadow walking on the surrounding sea. It should be the wreckage of the warship and the equipment exploded by players on the ship!

The release badger was just beside the asphalt pool we encountered when we were old, and suddenly we heard a scream, which sounded like a monster call. Because a lot of time was delayed in the crater, we didn't plan to go to the asphalt pond again to find diamonds that may not yet exist. Therefore, we directly found a way to bypass the asphalt pond, but now we actually hear the monster's cry .

The release of the plague stopped. "How does it sound like Long Yin?"

Post lucky nod! "Probably a sick dragon, it sounds strange, it's really bad!"

Released the last crystal: "How do I sound like a minotaur?"

At this time, a strange noise came from the plague, and the plague immediately said: "Really aquatic head! Not a dragon!"

Post I heard the sound of Goku for the first time. "Is it really a Hydra? Don't know how this thing is? Is it terrible? It's good to say that you don't have a custom magic pet!"

The Plague Plague was released immediately and said: "You better not! The Hydra is a deadly enemy of the dragon. You will fight when you meet. If you collect the Hydra, you will definitely not fight with him!"

Post "That's it! Then forget it! But how can there be a minotaur here? Let's check it out!"

Post lucky nodded. "I haven't seen a real Hydra! Have a look at it?"

Release: I took a few dragons and a mermaid to approach the asphalt pond carefully, and finally reached the asphalt pond. I carefully reached out and weeded out the weeds blocking the realization. "Red Moon?" I couldn't help but scream! A total of ten heads of the two sides at war turned their heads and looked at me at the same time.

Seeing that I had exposed my position, the dragons behind couldn't hide it anymore, and they crawled out of the grass!

"紫 日?" Hongyue shouted excitedly, "Hurry up and help me out!"

Release: At this time I noticed that Hongyue's half body was trapped in the asphalt, and she continued to sink. At first, the asphalt that was solidified by us became very viscous because of geothermal melting. Hongyue obviously followed in our footsteps and fell into the asphalt! And the nine-headed monster in the center of the asphalt pond is obviously the owner of this pond, and Red Moon is a dessert for it. It seems that the bones found in the asphalt pool at the beginning were not as simple as falling into the asphalt. They were eaten by the Hydra!

Post "Plague, Lucky, Crystal! Go entangle it, Little Dragon Girl, and pull Red Moon out! Ariana, Battle Assistance!" Quickly issue a battle plan, and then start to rescue Red Moon!

Release Although the nine-headed monster is a 1000-level Warcraft ~ ~, but it is one VS three, which is obviously a loss, not to mention there is a troubled Ariana! Taking advantage of its lack of time to separate, I quickly went up with the little dragon girl to pull Hongyue from the asphalt pool. The sticky asphalt strength is not small, but fortunately the little dragon girl is strong!

Post "Why are you here?" After saving Red Moon, the two of us asked the same question at the same time!

Post "You say first!" Hongyue said a little tough!

Post "I have the same purpose as you! But I move faster!"

Post "So ...?" Hongyue pointed at the crater and waited for my answer.

Post I look at the direction of the volcano. "You guessed it, I was evacuated! You don't have to go over!"

Release "Hum!" Hongyue pushed back a little bit, and stood up and turned to the beach. I quickly got up and wanted to catch up, but I thought about it and stopped again. I couldn't leave my magic pet behind!

After returning from the release, I found that the worry was superfluous. Almost all three dragons rode on the body of Jiuguai to fight with it. Jiuguai had no time to fight back! The joining of the Dragon Girl quickly tilted the balance of the war, and the Hydra could no longer resist the attack and quickly sank into the pond. The dragons didn't know what to do at once. If the pure water was okay to say, the asphalt tank was not entered casually. The dragons dared to hover on the water and not attack!

It ’s useless to release, it ’s not easy to deal with it, and it ’s not good to fight with it. You ca n’t afford to consume it! Hurry up and let the dragons come back and run quickly outside the island, hoping to catch up with the red moon ahead! It turned out that my thoughts were superfluous. When I went to the beach, I only saw Red Moon standing alone at the beach and watching the sea in a daze. I immediately followed her line of sight, and for a while I understood why she was in a daze!

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