Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 114: too busy

"Ahem! Ahem!" It took a lot of effort to pull the eagle down. "You tell me what we are missing, I will write it down and look for it!"

The release eagle said to the list: "You have solved the magic spar, and both the magic silver and gold have been solved. The sale of all kinds of iron is lack of money. I calculated it and bought all of them. It takes about ...! "Eagle flicked his finger for a long time. "The 13 million crystal coins should be almost there! Also, the glitter stone is a special mine that is produced in two places across the country. Because the demand is relatively large, the other party said that it can be cheaper, but in the end, it will also cost about 3 million crystal coins. There are also some messy small materials. We count about 5 million crystal coins. There are three things that you can't buy with money. The first one is cryolite, which requires 30 kg. There is no place to sell this stuff. , But it is said that this thing is produced in the northern region. The second one is mica film. We can process it by ourselves, but the original ore ca n’t be bought, even if it is not produced! If you find it, it is best to get 10 This cube comes back to prevent excessive loss during processing! The third is to strengthen magic silver, which requires a total of 30 tons. We only know that the thing is processed by adding ordinary magic silver to magic crystal powder. The problem is that we do n’t know how Processing, I don't know who has this technology! "

I calculated what I wrote down, and then said, "So we need a total of 80 million crystal coins, 30 kg of cryolite, at least 10 cubic mica, 30 tons of enhanced magic silver! Gosh! I have It feels like burning money! "

The Eagle said: "Speaking of which are just the prices of special buildings, our city spends more money than this! Our magic crystal cannon needs maintenance, and in some places we need to add more magic crystal cannons. These I do n’t even count! Also, many of the buildings in the city have not been completed, and the post-work has not been completed, which requires money. The workers you hire are also the same. At the time, we only gave a deposit, and immediately after the end of work It ’s money, it ’s not worth it! ”

Post "Wait a minute! Let me think about it! When we went to Germany, we took 23 million crystal coins out. We originally planned to go to Germany to buy technology, but the last penny was useless. When Rose comes back, you first Take the emergency, let's talk about the rest! By the way, the fleet, I intend to sell the fleet! "

Posting "What?" Eagle cried as soon as he heard it. "Zi Ri, killing chickens for eggs is not a good way!"

"Who said that I killed the chickens and retrieved the eggs? This time I went to Europe and felt that their technology was a lot more advanced than ours. There were basically chaos of iron armored ships across the ocean. Our side is still using wooden ships. The gap is too great. Big! I want to quickly dispose of these ships while Asia is still in the era of wooden ships! We brought back the ironclad construction technology from Germany this time, which is just a direct replacement! And, now we can definitely sell for a good price! "

Post "Why?"

Post "Because the warships of all countries in the world have come together to rob the treasure of that treasure island!"

Post "Did you not evacuate the treasure island mentioned in that forum?"

"Treasure Island was indeed evacuated by me, but the problem is that others do n’t know! Those battleships have all gone together for the treasure! Now in the world except Germany, we are the only fleet we have built! Three weeks There will not be any fleet in the world that can compete with our fleet, which means that our fleet is now trying to fight who and who, and no one is stopping us! Such a unique fleet, in such a period To sell, how much do you think others will pay? "

Post "I don't know how much it is, but it must be higher than the cost price!"

Released "Yes! Now everyone buys not a battleship, but time." I opened the chairman's deposit account and dialed 10,000 crystal coins to the eagle. "Take this money for propaganda, the whole world needs to know, oh no, as long as Asia and South America and Africa know! Europe and North America have entered the era of armored ships, and our ships can't sell for good prices!"

Post "What time is it? How about the transaction?"

"This cannot be delayed, it wo n’t sell well for a long time, the faster it gets, the more valuable it is! Forget it, you can do Asian propaganda, and the other continents are too far away, I ’m afraid it ’s too late. The time is set in Beijing Time starts at 12 noon on the 27th. You decide where you are, just find a place on the high seas, don't rely on Isinger being too close. Of course, the transaction method is auction, apply for a system notarization, so insurance! "

Post "Is time running short?"

Post "It doesn't matter! Those who buy boats will rush to buy because there are no boats in other guilds. It will be worthless when everyone builds a new boat!"

Post "Okay, I'll arrange it!" The Eagle turned to do propaganda, and I hurried to the dungeon part below Isinger. The reinforcements of the Mist Corps were coming. I had to find Vinda to arrange it first. The reorganization work!

After publishing it to the dungeon, I found that this place is very different from when I left. Many buildings were originally built with only a few walls, and now they have been completed, except for the more deserted that Isinger has been able to count as the previous one. Very complete city!

There was a sweet call behind the release of "Purple Sun!", And as soon as I turned around, I saw a beautiful figure fluttering into my arms.

Post "Vena? How are you?" Wena was injured in a coma to protect me during the last siege. She didn't wake up until I left Isinger and went to Europe. Recovery!

Posting Wei Na jumped from me and turned around in front of me. "You see, I'm fine! How can people say that they also have the supreme power of the Lord God, as long as their consciousness is restored, this hurts me!"

Post "Just blow it!" Ai rubbed her hair. "Where's your brother?"

Post "Vida is visiting the front door!"

Published: "Front door?" Isinger has three walls, and the outer wall has only one waterway entrance and one land entrance. We call it the No. 1 ship lock at the entrance to the waterway, and the entrance on the land, that is, the one where Su Mei installed a huge lift gate, we all call it the front door. There can be dozens of miles away from here! I hurried Wina to the nearest teleportation team. The city is really too big, which is not good!

Release When we arrived at the front door, the guard said that Vinda heard me coming back and hurried back to Juling Tower! Really, actually running a fork! Fortunately, he did not leave when we returned to the Juling Tower. When Vinda saw me, the first sentence was: "What about the army?"

Release: I look at the system time, it is exactly eleven o'clock. "It will be up to another hour! You'd better go to the port to receive it right away! By the way, are the barracks of those troops ready?"

Post "Master of the city, rest assured, Isinger is nothing but a place!"

Post dizzy! Even the NPC knows it is a joke!

Post ___________________________________________________

The release Vida simply assigned a few tasks with several other men who have evolved into acting death, and then quickly followed us to the port. We waited silly for more than an hour at the port, and the fleet didn't even have a shadow. As a result, we didn't see the fleet until four o'clock in the morning, and it was strange that the whole fleet seemed to be a bit wrong. When I got closer, I realized that there was something wrong. The decks of these warships were all on the water, as if each ship was loaded with a lot of things!

After releasing the Fleet Fleet into the port, Noah stopped outside the city. The port of Isinger was built-in. The connection channel was too narrow and Noah could not enter! The other warships docked quickly, and then it surprised us! Groups of foggy legionnaires are lifting large wooden boxes one by one from the ship! The battleship is so deep because these boxes are packed!

Post Seeing Rose disembarking, I hurried over. "rose……!"

Posting Rose raised my hand and interrupted me. "Listen to me, my exhaustion is coming up, the system has warned twice, and the system will not be forced to kick people. I have two minutes. First, we came back late because we were passing along the coast of Japan along the way. In one lap, three cities were ransacked! Because the main fleet was all run out on that island, these cities had only small tonnage gunboats, we just killed them casually. Then I ransacked the city with my troops .The first two cities only got some equipment, but the third city found these things! These are ... "

After posting the rose words, it suddenly disappeared, it is estimated that the system kicked people! Anyway, things are almost explained, I will know what is in the box! After all the boxes were unloaded, I asked Vinda to arrange the reorganization of the Mist Regiment, and I went to see what was in those boxes!

Publish walked to a box and looked at it. The wooden box is carved with beautiful patterns and it is estimated that the contents are very valuable! I grabbed the edge of the box and lifted the lid firmly, all of a sudden, I was dumbfounded! The full box is a kind of light-emitting stone. The blue **** are different in size. The big ones are as large as volleyballs and the small ones are as large as cherry. Wei Na picked up one and looked at it. "Hydrofluorite with high purity, which is a good processing material, can be set on equipment or used to build buildings and ships!"

Release: I quickly opened a box next to it, this box is also hydrofluorite, but all are white. After that, he also found blackwater fluorite, silverlight fluorite, and purplewater fluorite! I saw a lot of fluorite in the United States on the forum, but I didn't expect it to be in Japan!

Release: Su Mei suddenly appeared at this time. "Why didn't you go offline?" I went on the boat after the rose disappeared, and everyone was not there. I was estimated to have gone offline at first. I didn't expect Su Mei to be there!

Released Su Mei shook her head. "I went offline for a while and slept for a while, and the fatigue was not enough to get offline!"

Post "Yes, these things, you know?"

Su Mei looked at the release and said, "I know! It was found in the Japanese city we attacked. This city was owned by the Black Dragon Society. At that time, there were several American ships in the port, and we felt weird to look at it. After seeing it, I don't know if the Japanese port actually fired at us first, so we simply ransacked the city without stopping! "

Post "How could there be so many fluorite in the Black Dragon?"

Published "This is the Americans transported! The Black Dragon Club and a guild in the United States did a better job than the American Guild wanted a crystal, and Japan produced this crystal! Then the Black Dragon Club and this line The deal was traded for crystal fluorite. "

Release "Isn't this battle bringing Americans in too?" I don't want to contact Americans prematurely yet, especially with hostility!

“The transaction was over when we arrived, and we lost no cost to them with hydrofluorite, so they would not be against us! When we ransacked the city, everyone on the escorting warships next to the American merchant ships Looking at the excitement, no one said that they would help the Japanese. They later took advantage of the fire and robbed some things and ran away! "

Post "Americans really have the highest interest! Just throw people away after you finish your business!"

Su Mei jumped on a box and patted the box with his hand and said, "These fluorite is the material necessary to make ironclad ships. Japan does not have a hydrofluorite mine, so there is no way to make ironclad ships except for imports. Thanks to We brought these things back by the way this time, or else Japan would have been hit by an iron armored ship! "

Post "How much is this?"

Release "Enough to build 10,000 iron ships as large as Biling!"

Post "Can't we use that much?"

"Excess can be sold! Hydrofluorite is very versatile, and you are not afraid to sell it! A conservative estimate is that a box is worth 1,000 crystal coins. How much do we want to keep?"

"There are too many warships and we can't make them. There should be 5,000 ships!"

Release "Then leave the usage of 5,000 warships, half of which is Sheng, and the remaining 20,000 boxes, which can be sold for 20 million crystal coins at a time. We will not worry about money in this guild!"

Post I quickly interrupted her, and then showed her the list copied from Eagle. Su Mei looked at it and jumped up from the box. "What? 80 million crystal coins? Robbery?"

Released "What can I do! Selling these hydrofluorite will get 20 million, and our guild still has 23 million, so we still have 37 million crystal coins! I plan to sell this wooden fleet."

Post Su Mei immediately understood what I meant, she nodded. "Good way! Now that everyone doesn't have a boat, it's a good price! It's a great idea!"

I added: "Of course, you can't just sell it like this! First of all, the propellers must be removed, and all of them must be replaced with sail power. The removed propellers can just be used on iron armored ships, so you don't need to make new ones. It will cost you money! I will not sell the speedboat on the ship. That thing cannot be sold to others, and the waterproof door bought from Atlantis cannot be sold! The magic crystal cannon must not be left. Yes, as for artillery ...! "

Post "Keep it!" Su Mei quickly helped me decide. "People who buy ships want to use this period of time. Everyone has a boat for a while. How can you sell the guns after dismantling them? The magic crystal cannons can be dismantled, and the guns should not be dismantled. By the way, make a big comparison! By the way, do you sell Bi Ling? "

"To be honest, I don't want to sell! But in the future, they will be iron armored ships. Such a wooden shell warship will be useless! And in the future, iron armored ships can also be made very large. This time you also saw that some British warships in the Empire fleet It's almost as big as Bi Ling, which means that Bi Ling will not have a volume advantage in the future! "

"So keep it!" Su Mei said decisively: "Even if it is a memorial! This ship is not bad anyway! What if we want to use the ship before the Iron Armored Fleet is not built? Always keep one ! "

Post "All right! Bi Ling stays!"

Post ___________________________________________________________

Published Su Mei turned to look at the fleet behind: "With the Biling and Noah, we have a total of 537 regular warships. The boats of the pirate family brought back this time in the Mediterranean are too small, so don't sell them Keep it for future entertainment! The 537 warships can be divided into three levels and sold separately when sold! This will make more money back! "

Post "Okay, it's so decided. Go to rest! It's up to me!"

Post "I'm offline! 88!"

Post Su Mei left me alone! First ran to our guild warehouse in the Rose League, then summoned the space door. First, put the magic spar ore and gold and silver jewelry returned from the Death Mountain into the warehouse. The guild warehouse is similar to a bank, only in cities established by players. If you do n’t buy a house in the city, you can save what you ca n’t put in your system to the system bank. The bank in "Zero" can not only save money, but also items, but there is a charge for storing items. Generally, the cost is calculated according to the space occupied by the item. The charge is the same for how long it is stored. Put it in again, it's expensive. However, the cities established by players are different. The guilds that build cities can have a guild warehouse. Players in this guild can store items here, and it is completely free!

After opening the space door, I brought out the magic pet and the demon servant, leaving the dark iron rider and other summoned creatures to carry things to the warehouse. Anyway, there are many pieces of magic crystals, even the crystal beetle can move. !! I arranged a few large magic pets to carry the Babel Tower and the four large sculptures. I took the demon servant and the remaining magic pets to the dock to work. The demon knight is responsible for directing and transporting the fluorite, and Ling helps the Vinda coordinate the shore work of the Mist Regiment. Millions of skeletons are also a big stand up. I ca n’t unload it tomorrow night! Asana is very water-based, she is called to direct water traffic to avoid accidents. Xiaochun's task is to count the ships with Aimenis. The two of them will sort the ships by tonnage to prepare for the tomorrow (now on the 26th) noon auction. In order to facilitate their work, I sent Night Shadow to both of them. Night Shadow will fly, allowing them to quickly move from one boat to another!

Release: With more and more troops ashore, the terminal is obviously not large enough. Had to let Vinda go to the camp with a unit of troops first, so that the port could be vacated and the troops behind would disembark! There was no one around, so she had to come up to help. Trouble she helped to guide the troops to the barracks on the road, because she was too busy to go alone, I had to summon the avatars, and then let both avatars go with her! Thanks to my skill, otherwise, so many things are really messy!

Release I am going to ride Xiaoxue to go back and forth in various places now and again. Where is the problem? This night, as in the New Year, various sounds were mixed together and messed up. Magic lights were set up on the sea. Even the sky over the city was not safe. The lances after Babel Tower was transported out of the space door also followed. It came out, but because the towers have not yet been erected, they just hover over the city blindly!

It was released at 9 o'clock in the morning and everyone was online. Shura Ziyi first arrived. As soon as she got off the ship, she ran directly to the port. I happened to direct the dispatch at the port. She ran over quickly. "Zi Ri! It's so lively here!"

Post "Hilarious? You haven't seen it last night! That's called Hilarious! Now most of the troops have arrived at the camp, and it's already vacant here. Last night it was full of people, and I had a big head to watch. ! "

Post "Haha! You are wrong! The Legion of Mist is an undead, not a human, it should be said to be all undead. Besides, the most frequently come this time are skeletons, it should be a blank expanse!"

Post "Don't say it! You are here right now! Hurry up and go to Juling Tower to find the eagle. I asked him to help me with the propaganda. I don't have enough hands. My magic pet can't go to the forum and can't help!"

Post "Then I helped!"

After the release of the Xiu Luo Ziyi, Biling entered the post again. This is the seventh time it has run. It wasn't the Legion of Mist that came down after the boat stopped, but a group of beautiful blond MMs. gosh! Forget the female players from Germany! They haven't been online these days, and there is nothing fun on the boat anyway, so I asked them to wait until today!

Post "President? Is this Isinger?" A very beautiful female player came over and asked.

Post "Well! This is the magic capital Isinger. How do you feel?"

Post "You can't see the outside here, but just looking at this port is full! It seems that we are almost catching up with our city area!"

Release Woma suddenly ran up from behind. "Chairman, can we visit it?"

Post "Of course! This is also your city in the future, you must be familiar with the environment! Right!" Pop! I snapped my fingers.

Post Bisgoth ran over. "Master, what is it?"

Post "You go to the camp and ask Vinda to pick 100 soldiers who were originally stationed in Isinger as a guide to take them to the city to get familiar with the environment!"

Post "Understand!" Scarlett walked to Woma and said, "Come with me!"

After releasing a large group of MMs, he followed Skott and left, and I still have to face the troops behind! There are too many Misty Legions!

The release of the ship unloading continued until noon, and the regular army of the Mist Regiment was arranged to the barracks, while the Skeleton Corps was all piled into the warehouse behind the barracks. The skulls did not occupy any place, and the layers were not used for stack How much space!

The release of the Misty Legion is finished, and the work of Xiao Chun and Aimeness is also over. The bows of all large warships were hung with red flags, medium warships were hung with blue flags, and small things were not hung! When selling this way, it will be priced! According to the inventory, we have a total of 37 large warships, 371 medium warships, and 129 small warships. The troops were unloaded, and the warships no longer needed to leave the port. All the NPC technicians in the city were summoned to start the shipbreaking.

Posting things have been arranged, I can go and do other things myself. First ran back to the Ju Ling Tower, Rose happened to be both of them, and hurry up to discuss the auction reserve price. The final auction reserve price is 1 million crystal coins for large battleships, 700,000 crystal coins for medium battleships ~ ~ one small crystal for 500,000 crystal coins. currency. In addition, Su Mei gave us a more detrimental move-crew rental. Although the warship was sold, the crew was my pirate brother. These cannot be sold, but they can be rented out. People who bought the boat would not be able to drive the fleet back by themselves. At that time, we can hire the crew to help them bring the boat to the port. We can make the rent a bit more expensive, anyway, I'm not afraid that the buyer will not do it, unless he doesn't ship it!

When the release of the consultation results came out, the eagle happened to come down from the forum. I quickly asked him about the news release. Eagle calmly replied: "Don't worry, you have successfully spread the news!"

Post "Really? That's great!"

Published Eagle Road: "I have posted a lot of posts on the forum myself, and then hired people from other countries to post messages in the forums of their respective countries. Dozens of guilds in more than a dozen countries have expressed interest. Now. Some people even want to trade in advance and say they are willing to pay a big price! "

Post "Haha! We are getting rich this time!"

"Do n’t hurry, please. Although many guilds say they want to buy, almost everyone asks if they can only buy a portion! Everyone is not stupid, knowing that we must sell a boat at this time. But we got the boat The guild can immediately attack the ports of other guilds to get the money back, so everyone doesn't feel bad about the money. But the problem is that our fleet has too many ships to buy at one time, and no guild can afford it! "

The release of the Rose to listen to the eagle also said: "It is really a problem. According to our price, it is sold at the base price, which is also worth 361.2 million crystal coins. No other bank can afford such a lot of money. ! "

Post "Then open it up for sale!" Su Mei suddenly uttered such a sentence!

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