Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 116: Acquisition plan

"But ... but ..." The representatives of the Inagawa Society and the Black Dragon Society did not say a word for a long time. So, I made it clear at the beginning that I was selling a boat, and I never said that I would sell a crew. what!

Seeing that they couldn't say anything, I began to say, "This one is actually easy to handle! My crew are all ready-made. They are not my slaves. It is not good to sell them to you, but if you just help to get the boat back That ’s no problem! When you get to the port, can you hire a crew yourself? ”After hearing what I said, Little Japan immediately rejoiced, but they did n’t laugh for a long time, and I continued:“ Of course, these are all born and die with me Brother, I will not let them do white work! So you must pay a certain fee! "

The guy at Heilonghui looked at me with a smirk, and now he has the most ships, don't worry about being fake! "Excuse me, how much do we need to pay?"

"Don't worry, I won't ask for more. It's not easy for everyone!" I turned around and pretended to discuss with the eagle, then turned around: "Let's go! The crew responsible for sailing rents 20 crystal coins per person!" I said that the expression of 20 crystal coins alone for Japanese and Americans has been significantly eased. Anyway, if there is no war, a boat can sail with only 70 or 80 crew members. A 20 crystal coin per person is also a reasonable price! . But then I said three more words: "Every minute!"

"What?" This time, not only the little Japan and the Americans, but even Feng Yinmiao cried out. "You rob?"

"NO! NO! NO! It's you who want to rob, I'm just a businessman!" I quickly used a private chat to catch the airy Yin Xiaomiao. "Act for me, how much do I want you to take, and I will return it to you!"

Yin Feng Yin Piao Miao immediately understood that I wanted to fish for foreign exchange, nodded slightly and no longer spoke.

"You are extorting!" The American cried first. "We don't accept this price!"

Little Japan immediately followed up: "We don't accept it either! Your price is just robbery!"

We opened an indifferent movement with both hands. "It doesn't matter. I just tell you my service and price. Buying or not buying is your thing. I have no right to force you!"

"Just know!" Little Japan arrogantly thought that I had surrendered!

But, Yin Piao Miao, who is passing through with me, immediately began to sing with me. "That! Our guild wants to rent!"

哦 "Oh! That's great, finally a savvy businessman understands me!" I deliberately made a very exaggerated expression. "Your guild bought a total of 129 warships. If you are just sailing, one can have 75 people. That means you need a total of 9,675 seafarers. Then you need to pay 193500 crystal coins per minute. I do n’t know if you need to hire. How much time?"

Howling Yin Piaomiao smirked: "Don't talk about time first, I want to ask if you can rent some sailors for me?"

I am surprised. "What do you want so many crew members? With these, you can sail the boat back!"

Feng Yin Piao Miao laughed and said, "That's it. You see, I have 129 strong combat ships, but there are so many empty ships floating here. What do you say I bought a boat for? It ’s not because others do n’t have a warship. Hurry up and grab a comparison? Look, there are so many unmanned warships parked here, am I a bit silly not to fish? "

This said that the little Japanese and Americans next to me understood it! Buying a charter crew with this Chinese is not to return the warship to China, but to grab all the ships he bought! The American veteran immediately jumped up: "Wait, I want to rent!"

Little Japan also jumped up immediately. "I want it too!" Hehe! Who does n’t charter the crew for a while, and who dares not to charter?

老 Old American: "Look at how much our ship requires?"

I said slowly: "You have 16 large ships. To maintain basic sailing, a ship needs at least 100 people, that is 1,600 people!"

"OK!" Not many 1,600 people, Americans don't care.

Howling wind, Yin Piaomiao, said: "Can I rent a combat sailor? They don't even have a guard on their boat. I just need to break its mast and drag it back to repair it right away!"

The Americans were dumbfounded when they heard this, and quickly called out, "You still help me complete the crew! There are no fewer combat sailors!"

"Oh! Then! Wait a minute!" I pretended to calculate, in fact, all this was planned long ago, and I even calculated the price in advance. "If the 16 ships are full, they need 3,000 people each, for a total of 48,000 people. You need to pay 960,000 crystal coins per minute for labor costs. I wonder how long you want to rent?"

老 The old beauty counted up with her fingers. "It takes more than two days from here to the mainland, but we can send local people to pick them up halfway, so as long as they are not attacked for the first 24 hours. 24 hours is 1440 minutes. A total of oh! Ah! 1.382 billion! More than buying a boat! "

Hey hey! Why do you think I sold the warship so cheaply? My name is to hang big fish! Lao Mei thought about it for a long time or signed the contract, ha ha, 1.382 billion yuan into the account! After I collected the money, I looked at the Little Japan of the Black Dragon Club. "How about you?"

家伙 The guy is basically dead. "Troubleshoot it for me. My head is a bit messy, just follow the method of an American friend! Also, the boat of the Inagawa Club has already given us the Black Dragon Club, and you can count it together!"

"Okay! You have a large battleship and 300 medium battleships. Each medium battleship requires 2600 people, 300 ships for a total of 780,000 people, plus that large battleship for 3,000 people, a total of 783,000 people. That means you We need to pay us 15.66 million crystal coins every minute. The flight from here to Japan is 8 hours. If you are looking for someone, you only need to rent 4 hours. 4 hours is 240 minutes, which means you need to pay 3.758 billion crystal coins! Hey! What about humans? "I counted that when I looked up and found that the person was gone, I looked around and didn't see it, but when I looked down, I found that the guy was lying on the floor and spit foam!

It does n’t matter if he pretends to die or jumps into the sea, anyway, I finally signed the price, and the two countries paid a total of 5.408 billion crystal coins, plus the money from the auction, and the 1 billion that had been removed from Red Moon had not been given. I got 8.235 billion crystal coins into the account, hehe, I sent it! According to China's system, about 18.6% of things like business tax are removed, and export tax rebates can be partially refunded. The final tax rate is about 11%. In other words, I can actually get 7.329862 billion crystal coins. Then remove the handling fee and some miscellaneous things at this auction, which is about removing the odds. The last remaining 7.329 billion crystal coins! As for Red Moon's 1 billion, slowly calculate with her in the future!

I called Ariana and said, "Go to Atlantis and talk to the Atlantis the Great for business. Just say that I am willing to give out 500 kg of magic spar and let him send more mermaids to follow those warships. , Wait for the hire time to let the mermaids bring my crew back! "

"This is no problem, he must do such a cost-effective business!"

After I left, I told the representatives of the two countries: "You can leave with a boat, and my seafarers will come back when the time for employment is reached. You don't need to worry!"

拍卖 My fleet is finally over. Hey, now that I have money, my mood is different! Now Essinger's development is not a problem, but the new fleet does not know what to do. It is impossible to sell magic spar for money. Of course, that is the next strategy. There is no other way to consider it!

I waited for people from other countries to leave, and the Bi Ling slowly set sail and sailed back to Isinger, and Feng Yin Piao Miao and Hong Yue's ship were next to us! Both men ran up to Bi Ling. Feng Yin Piao Miao patted my shoulder and said, "You really have a way. At this time, you can sell a boat and earn money! I really envy you!"

"Hey! I have nothing to envy, those battleships were also added by my hard work, a gun and a board!"

说 "Seriously!" Feng Yin Piao Miao said doubtfully, "Aren't you afraid that Little Japan will buy a boat and come back to you?"

"Do it to me? Why did they fight me?"

"Only the warships they bought! You now have a Biling, you can't deal with so many warships!"

"Haha! Do you look down on me too much?" I pointed at Hongyue and said, "Sometimes you really should learn more about your sister!"

"Ah?" Feng Yin Piao Miao did not expect that I would speak for Hong Yue.

"Don't you! You have never doubted her before!"

Yin Feng Yin Piao Miao looked towards Hongyue, but Hongyue just smiled. Feng Yin Piao Miao said in a hurry: "Do you really know?"

Hongyue nodded. "Maybe not comprehensive, but I did notice! Although the crew would be ordered to attack Isinger during the employment contract, they would also do it, but you have to consider their capabilities! Didn't you notice the sails of those ships? "


笨 "Stupid! When did the Rose League ship sail?"


After all, Yin Fengmiao is not a simple character. "Oh! Did you remove the thruster?"

"More than that!" Hongyue continued: "We have watched the battleship before the auction. Didn't you pay attention to the shells?"

怎么 "What happened to the shell?"

"There are only 100 rounds per gun!"

"That's a lot!"

"But all of them are coaches!"

"Ah? All coach bombs? Really? I really didn't notice it! Wait, will our warships not be coach bombs?"

I take it for granted: "Of course! I don't know who bought it, and all the pre-installed are coach bombs! Don't expect me to change it back for you, it already gives you a lot of discounts!"

"Hey! Your kid is so dark!"

I took the remote control crystal from my arms and said, "The darkest you haven't seen the house yet! This is my final insurance!"

"What is this?"

"Initial crystal! As long as I enter magic, the zha medicine associated with this crystal will detonate."

"Zha medicine?"

恩 "Well! All warships sold today are loaded with zha medicine. As soon as I detonate, all warships are up!"

"Is there on my boat?"

废 "Nonsense! How do I know which one you buy? For security reasons, I have installed all the warships. I will tell you where you go when you go back, and you just dismantle it!"

"You are scary enough!"

I said, "Isn't this just to guard against the Japanese! By the way, do you want? If you want 500 million, I will sell you this detonating crystal!"

"I don't want it! You traitor! Really treat me as a naked lamb?"

"How dare you! I have always regarded you as a tiger, but I am a hunter!"

"Yes, my sister's 1 billion? ... What do you think?"

I thought for a long time and still don't know what to do! Don't be impossible, return is not good, I want the battleship and useless! But if you really want to, 1 billion is not from the goddess alliance!

玫瑰 Just as I was thinking, Rose came over suddenly. "Certainly the money must be allowed to stand, and the age of debt repayment is the same!"

Su Sumei followed up. "A guild is an enterprise, the president is the president, and you have to take responsibility for exercising your rights!"

I don't know what to do! Rose and Sumei do n’t know how to do it today. The tone is so aggressive, it is really aggressive! Although both of them can calculate, they are not so mean! Hongyue kept her head down and said nothing. I can see from the side that her entire face is red, even her neck is red! Although Feng Yin Piao Miao felt sorry for her sister being counted, after all, it was Red Moon who made a mistake, and he couldn't say anything!

Rose doesn't seem to plan to let go of the red moon. "A guild is an enterprise, and you are responsible for exercising your rights. Do you agree?"

Wu Hongyue nodded, then kept her head down looking at the ground and did not dare to look up. Su Mei took the topic. "Since you acknowledge this truth, now your corporate debt is high, and in accordance with normal procedures, our guild hopes that you apply for bankruptcy protection!"

"Ah?" Hongyue finally lifted her head, and even Feng Yinmiao was startled!

"You want the Goddess Alliance to dissolve?"

Rose said in a voice without any emotion: "It is not dissolution, the dissolution of the League of Gods is not good for us! The ultimate solution to bankruptcy protection is asset reorganization, so ..."

"You want to merge the Goddess League?" Hongyue and Feng Yin Piao Miao cried almost together.

"Although it's inappropriate, that's what it means!" Su Mei nodded!

越 The more I listen to it, the more interesting I am. The three women are in a show, and it is not fake at all. Su Mei and Rose and Red Moon are really fun! I'm going to see how they decide in the end!

Wu Hongyue thought for a long time, and then said, "May I know what you think?"

Su Mei said: "Of course you can! We want you to announce the guild failure in the guild first, and then tell the players in the guild that you do not want to be a member of the non-guild to enter the **** union." "You will take it, right? Your sister's help will always help?"

Xiao Feng Yin Piao Miao nodded immediately.

After receiving a reply, Su Mei said, "That's good! Letting you do this is to clean up the guild. People can only be tested in adversity. In the face of the guild being forced to dissolve, the unwilling people will be separated. You know, although the League of Goddess is very powerful, but in terms of the quality of our membership, the Rose League is absolutely world-class. Those who can leave our country and enter our guild for conviction are all highly literate people who can fight for their ideals. We You need the strength of the League of Goddess, but you don't want to absorb your shortcomings together, so this little test is inevitable! Our standard is better than lack! "

Rose continued: "The League of Blood is the first guild in China. Many people of the League of Gods value the relationship of the League of God and the Blood. Most of them know that the League of God and the Blood are actually one family. Now the League of God suddenly When things go wrong, there is a cliff on one side and a bright avenue on the other. In this case, it is the true friend who is willing to follow you on the cliff! "

Xi Sumei picked up the words again. "This is the first step. After that, you will lead the guild into our Rose League. The dedication city must be sold. Our guild is still a small city, and you have been to Isinger, even if the goddess The alliance merges, we still lack people, so we don't have the ability to defend two cities at the same time! "

插 I interjected: "Wind Yin is misty, should that city be sold to you or not? It seems that there is only one city in the Blood League, isn't it good to add another one?"

"How much do you want?"

伸 I pointed my finger at the rose. "Sorry, I don't care!"

Rose directly said: "3 billion, don't bargain!"

成交 "Deal! Dedicated City is already a Level 4 town. This is not expensive and it is more cost-effective than building it by yourself! But I do n’t have so much money now, and the liquidity has drained you out. Can you do it in two days?"


Su Sumei continued: "If Big Red Moon can accept our plan, our payment will be settled. We can even row those ships in your personal name!"

Wu Hongyue looked at me and then smiled. "I agree!"

The whole thing I saw was not right. She was laughed after being merged. Was it irritated? and many more! It seems something is wrong! After the merger of the League of Goddess, wasn't Red Moon a guild? Then I wo n’t see her every day? "Wait! I object!"

"No objection!" Rose and Su Mei answered me together!

gosh! Good things are so complicated! Isn't it just paying off a debt? How did it become a merger? According to the strength of the League of Goddess ~ ~ the valuation is more than 10 billion! I don't know how the roses and Sumei dare to speak. What's even more strange is that this obvious loss of voice Hongyue accepted and smiled!

The next time is to discuss some details, and we will be at the port when the discussion ends. It is now more than 4 pm, Feng Yin Piao Miao has already taken the fleet away from us, and they will have their own port. When she disembarked, Rose deliberately pulled me to the end, and when everyone went down, she reached out and took off my helmet.

She stretched out a hand and touched my face, making me feel like she was teasing me. "what are you doing?"

"I didn't expect my husband to be so valuable?"


Rose didn't answer me, took back the hand and returned the helmet to me and left, and said aloud in his mouth, "You are the perfect man. I am very happy to be your wife!"

I stood on the pier with a helmet in a daze. What is going on one by one today? It feels that these women are not normal today, especially Hongyue and Rose! At this time, Rose, who had gone far away, suddenly turned back and shouted at me: "I love you!" Then she turned and ran away quickly!

gosh! Completely confused! How do I feel so confused?

"Don't you really understand?" A soft voice appeared behind me, and I didn't need to look back to know that it was Wei Na.

"I didn't understand it, but I seem to understand it now! Don't tell me the answer. Some things are better for me!" I ran quickly, there are still many things about Isinger, and I will talk about my emotional problems later. Right! I do not have time right now!

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