Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 430: Send?

"I rely! How does this thing actually work?"

The two globe-like things that we have been staring at closely followed the operation of the zombie girl, and the suspected earth model at its center suddenly began to rotate, and then we found that as the thing turned, a white aperture Gradually appeared around this pyramid, and then the zombie girl urged us to quickly stand in the aperture, of course, her sisters did not fall, all were carried in.

The zombie girl in our team was still a little alert, but the little crocodile guide never said anything, indicating that her words are still credible, so we will follow suit.

After we all entered the large aperture, we found that the world outside the aperture gradually became blurred, and then the entire aperture became a milky opaque barrier, wrapping us all In this huge aperture, the outside environment is now invisible to us. Except for the fact that the ground beneath us has not changed, we have found that all the perception methods we can master have lost the ability to perceive the world outside the aperture.

Although this phenomenon is strange, fortunately, this process is relatively short. Just ten seconds later, we found that the surrounding aperture began to slowly dimmed, and then ...

"My aunt! Is this a horse situation?"

Before the original aperture appeared, we were all standing on a prominent platform on a cliff, and because this platform was higher than the ground, we could basically see the whole situation in the entire valley. But now, although we don't know where we are, one thing is certain: we are no longer in that valley.

"I rely on your grandpa. Is this a teleporter?" I looked back in surprise at the pyramid behind me. The gadget is still standing there. It is obviously with us through time and space, but just out of this thing and this small piece of ground under our feet, the environment around us has completely changed.

Now our location is a fairly flat ground, but this area is only about a dozen squares, but in terms of our current volume, this area is actually very large. However, although this place is flat, we now feel very insecure, because in front of us is the floating white clouds, and from here, we can still see the vagueness not far away. mountain peak.

I ran to the ceiling of the pavilion at the top of the pyramid in surprise, and then turned around to observe the surrounding environment, and found that our location was actually the peak of a mountain peak, and a large group of mountains below us. And it's not a direction, but any flat ground can't be seen in all directions, all are one mountain after another extending to the horizon.

"What the **** is this place?"

"A place of permanent exile." The zombie girl suddenly stood under the pavilion and shouted at me.

"Is our next task here?" I asked loudly.

The zombie girl nodded, and then watching me jumping from the pavilion said, "Your first task is to take us to the foot of the mountain, where there is a temple that can be used to lift the seal."

"You're talking about getting all our strength back to normal?" I asked out loud.

The zombie girl shook her head and said, "No, this unsealing can only restore you to normal body size, and can restore 10 attributes for each of you. For those who have fully recovered, you will temporarily increase the attribute by 10, until you leave this The place of exile. Of course, the more important task of this temple is to remove the seals of the sisters. Their current appearance is not a normal reaction, but they are only partially sealed by the sage, so this will always be the case. "

I nodded and beckoned everyone to go down first and asked, "Your sister is sealed. Why are you okay?"

"My situation is special, and I will explain it to you later. It's better to send us to the temple over there now."

"Where is the temple you said? Why can't I see it?"

"It's right there," said the zombie girl, pointing in one direction. "Have you seen the mountain peak? The temple is behind the mountain peak, it's all embedded in the mountain body, and you can only see it if you walk around."

"Can fly be used?"

"of course."

"That would be fine."

I was anxious when I heard that I could fly. Although the distance from this place to the mountain peak is not close, because of the difference in altitude, if it can fly, you can just glide and land all the way. Fortunately, this place can fly. Otherwise, due to the complex terrain of this place, we are only a little bit small now. If you walk past it, I do n’t expect to walk for three or five days.

Fortunately, the plague was used as a means of transportation, gliding along the way to the side of the mountain with ease, and then used the inertia to make a semi-circle around the mountain and land directly at the temple gate behind the mountain.

To tell the truth, if we did n’t know the location in advance, 80% of the temple would be wrong if we just flew from the sky, the main reason is that the decoration of the outer wall of this temple is too great. The temple of others is eager to stick it in gold to make you feel mighty and domineering, but the outer wall of this temple is actually a layer of untreated rock, if it is not because there are two reluctantly pillars at the door. It feels a bit artificial, which basically concludes that it is a natural cave.

"Well, from here you can see the device to remove the seal ~ ~ The zombie girl pointed at the so-called shrine that looks like an ordinary cave.

"Since you have reached the place, you can quickly lift everyone's seals. It's really awful to feel so small!" I said, and walked towards the cave door in front. Speaking of which this temple is built according to the proportion of normal people, so its door is actually at least five meters high. Thanks to the door without a door, otherwise it is definitely a trouble to open the door with our current volume.

The process of entering the temple was very smooth, but after entering, I encountered trouble. I don't know if it's been too long, this cave is 诶 ... the temple should be the temple. Anyway, the interior of this temple has now become a huge pond, and the ground is completely flooded. When we stood at the gate, we could only see a stone statue standing far away, and the ground in the middle was a large pond. In our current shape, a naval battle in it is enough.

"There shouldn't be any monster guards in this, right?" I asked the zombie girl with some uncertainty, but the other person shook his head and told me a very unfortunate news.

"Do you think there will be no guards in this kind of place?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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