Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 435: Disguise and break

"In fact, it's very easy to see the dragon." The queen looked at us very seriously, and then waited for a while before continuing: "You just need to walk to the gate and knock on the door."

When this answer was spoken, Kristina and I were in a state of complete stagnation, because ... we his grandpa had been tricked.

"You mean ... that dragon wasn't sealed at all?" Kristina thought she had made a mistake, so she asked again.

The queen said very politely: "No, no, no, he is indeed sealed, but the role of the seal is only to limit his ability to move, and cannot really block others from approaching him, so if you want to see him You just need to knock on the door. "

"So what did we do before?" Kristina asked with a slightly angry voice.

The queen's face is really not comparable to other people. She said nothing if she said, "I just said that you would help us complete the maintenance of the magic circle, and then I will tell you how to see the dragon. Now you have completed the request, and I Is it perfect to fulfill my promise? "

"I ..." Chris Dinah seemed to say something, but I was held down as soon as I shouted a word.

"Go see the dragon to complete the task first, and then say that everything else is not important, we are in a hurry now!"

In fact, I'm also very angry about this kind of thing, because we were already very anxious to hurry, but the other party actually used this reason to deceive us and let us worship by wasting so much time to help them repair this magic array. Although their nationals were cursed, it was really pathetic. But we must not help because they are pitiful, right? Besides, even if we really play emotional cards, it should be after we tell us that we really want to decide whether to promote the spirit of friendship, not the situation of being a white worker after being deceived. However, angry and angry, now that is the case, we are powerless, and time is very short, I have no time to care about them, simply pull Chris Dina to get things done and rush away. Anyway, the latter part of this mission needs to come to this island again. So there is really something to hate. It's not too late to come back then. The so-called monks ca n’t run the temple. People ’s countries are all here. Can they still be removed collectively?

Watching Chris Dina pulled me away, the queen said nothing wisely. The more she said at this time, the more angry we became. So she simply explained nothing. Kristina and I were angry and took the children to see the dragon. Fortunately, the children were not with us when the Queen said about the dragon. Otherwise, it must be noisy now.

"Do you know how to see the dragon?" As soon as Kristina and I left the magic circle, the aunt of the regiment came up and asked.

Kristina wanted to tell the truth, but I was held back. At this time, one thing is not as good as one thing. After simply nodding my head, I took Kristina and ran over to the hole there. The head aunt saw that our expression was not right, and I was so bored that I just ran forward and thought that the dragon's interview method was more difficult Well, she is not good at saying anything, she can only tell the children to keep up, not to make noise, and to reduce our burden as much as possible.

Everyone quickly rushed to the cave entrance there and saw a huge stone gate standing on the cave entrance, but there was no keyhole or any magic array on the door. It was a simple stone gate. What's worse is that there are no cracks in the door, obviously a block gate.

In the face of such a door, it is also a hassle to want to knock on the door. Fortunately, there are many large magic pets here. We directly summoned the tank and knocked twice. After waiting a few seconds, we found no response. The tank looked at me and didn't know whether to continue knocking, and Kristina said directly: "Keep on."

I know that Kristina's belly is on fire, so this kind of thing is hard to say, only let Kristina's vent. Fortunately, the tank just knocked twice and heard a sound of metal impact. Immediately following this gate, the gate began to rise slowly, and soon opened a wide passage. However, although the door is open, the inside is also very bright, not as dark as imagined, but there is no sound in it, and we do not know whether it should be entered directly.

After hesitating at the door for a while, I planned to go in directly, but the little crocodile that had always made me doubt before jumped out at this time. Because we were n’t told by the Queen before, he did n’t tell us in advance, so now Kristina and I are very skeptical about the role of this guy, although he did help us a little, but the problem is this He didn't disclose any serious news to us, so we are now cold treating him, that is, ignore him at all.

I do n’t know if this place belongs to his mission, or if he intends to perform well, anyway, the little crocodile bounced out at this time, and then stood in front of us and said, "This passage is called the no return road, and you should listen to it Can understand the general idea. To enter this passage, two things must be noticed. First, after you enter this passage, you will see a door opening at the end of the passage, that is the end point. Before you go through that door opening, no matter what You ca n’t back up, you can only move forward, or stop in place, you can move left and right, but you ca n’t back up. Once you go back more than a floor tile distance, the person who is backed up will be completely thorough by the rules in this passage. Destroy it, according to your adventurer, it's 10 levels at a time, and the next resurrection requires an interval of 24 hours. "

"Heavy punishment!" I asked again, "What about the second consideration?"

"The second thing to note is that many creatures will appear here as you walk through this passage. Those are actually all illusions. Do n’t worry about them. Their purpose is to force you to go back. In fact, these guys have nothing in the least. Attacking ability. It will not cause any kind of harm to you, so you ca n’t retreat anyway, as long as you do n’t retreat, they will do the same for you. ”

I nodded and said, "Is it the two?"

The little crocodile nodded and said, "Yes, these are the two. But I'll go before you act and show you."

Obviously, the little crocodile is atonement for not telling us that scam before. After all, he is only a guide, not an engineer, and he should not do such things as trip mines. Therefore, he is now able to do so obviously for atonement. However, since he did remain silent in the previous scam. So this sin is also redeemed. So we did not stop him.

After speaking, the little crocodile jumped into the passage directly, and then moved forward.

In fact, this passage is not very long, at most it does not exceed 200 meters. The width of the channel is about ten meters, and the height may be slightly smaller. But there are always seven or eight meters.

The walls, floor and ceiling in the passage are made of a white stone. The only difference is that all the tiles on the ground are of 66% specifications. It is a floor tile with a length of sixty centimeters on the side, and the wall and ceiling are monolithic or spliced ​​stone. Anyway, there is no gap or anything.

In fact, this passage is not only wide. It's also very beautiful. There are pillars on the walls on both sides of the passage every other distance, and the ceiling is not flat, but an arched dome. Not only are there many beautiful pictures embossed on it, but they are also painted with colored paint, which looks very beautiful. gorgeous. If it weren't for the lines painted with gold paint hook lines, it would be exactly the same as the palace-style decoration popular in Europe. Of course, even without using gold, the colored reliefs are already exaggerated.

At first, this kind of channel can almost be regarded as a national-level welcome channel, but after listening to the words of the little crocodile, none of us felt that there was anything good in this kind of place. It can be called a channel that does not return, no matter how beautiful it is, few people are willing to walk on it, right?

Because the white stone building is used for the passage, and there are a lot of magic crystal lighting lamps in the passage, the light is very sufficient. The little crocodile stood at this end of the passage, took a breath, and then rushed forward.

Originally we thought that it would only be in danger in the middle of the passage. Who knew that it would just touch the authorities as soon as it entered. Almost immediately when the little crocodile stepped on the corridor floor, a large number of strange creatures poured out of the doorway opposite to them. Some of these creatures were very huge, as long as they stood there, they could give people a kind of horror Oppression. Some are very small, but there are a lot of them, and they are crowded together so that the scalp feels numb at a glance. Some other creatures are extremely disgusting, making people instinctively feel that they do not want to touch these things. In short, the creatures here are weird. As long as you can think of shapes that can make you fear or hate, you can almost find them here.

With so many creatures appearing together, the scene is indeed spectacular, but when you see a creature that almost fills the entire channel, looks like a rhino, lowers its head, and then uses the hoof to plan the ground, then When the storm comes, most people may instinctively turn around and run? What's even worse is that this channel is actually like a 5d movie theater. Not only can you see three-dimensional illusions, but even more terribly, even sound, airflow and vibration are simulated. When the glance at the glance that there might be more than a dozen tons is coming, we can feel that the ground is indeed shaking with each other's steps even if we stand outside the passage. This shocking shock made people want to turn around and run.

In the exclamation of the children on our side, the little crocodile rushed up to the thing without unavoidable, and then when the two met, nothing actually happened. As the little crocodile said, all living things are illusions. Although the rhinoceros is heavy and amazing, the thing is really an illusion. As long as you ignore it, there is no problem at all.

"If there wasn't a little crocodile in front of the thunder, I would definitely turn around and run." A child said wistfully as he watched the little crocodile passing through the illusion.

Kristina said, "I guess I will use magic to blast the entire channel!"

"Don't talk, pay attention to the actions of the little crocodile guide, and pay attention to what needs to be watched." I interrupted the discussion between the children and Kristina, and let everyone focus on the little crocodile. . What this guy looks like now makes me think this channel may not be that simple. The name of no return is overbearing. Secondly, if it is only an illusion, the little crocodile need not say so seriously. After all, after seeing him passing through the illusion, we only need to know the situation, and we can close our eyes when a monster rushes up. However, the little crocodile actually needs to be emphasized once more, so there must be something to pay attention to.

Sure enough, as soon as I finished talking, everyone's attention was focused on the little crocodile, the rhinoceros monster in the channel in front had disappeared, but a saw wheel about two meters high suddenly popped up on the ground. This fast turning saw wheel is like a sawing machine for woodworking. The floor of the aisle is the bed of the saw, and the saw wheel is the chainsaw for cutting. Of course, if you just eject a chainsaw wheel from the ground, of course, it is not a big deal, anyway, just pay attention not to hit it. but. The key issue is when this thing rises from the ground. After turning, he suddenly rushed forward.

Seeing the saw wheel shoot fast. The little crocodile immediately jumped to the side, and the saw wheel rushed past it with a slight difference, almost not cutting off its tail.

After seeing this situation, I finally understood. No matter whether there are illusions in this channel. There are institutions. Those creatures are illusions, but the institutions are real. On the one hand, you must pay attention not to be scared back by illusions, on the other hand, you must also avoid these institutions, because although illusions cannot directly hurt you, the institutions can.

After the little crocodile successfully dodged the first saw wheel, the saw wheel appeared on the ground several times in succession, but my eyes and Kristina were very poisonous, and I soon discovered that the saw wheels were actually all It is moving along a straight line along the gap of the floor tiles, that is to say, when the saw wheel appears, as long as it immediately leaves the straight line in front of it, there is no problem. Although these things are fast, they do not turn themselves, so the problem is not big.

In fact, these things do not really hurt anyone, their main role is obviously to disturb the sight. In addition to these things, as the little crocodile progressed, a huge blade that oscillated left and right like a pendulum appeared in the passage. This blade was several meters long, the head was like an anchor, and the blade was opened on all sides. You are a little bit unconscious that being paired is the result of a blood splatter on the spot.

With these huge pendulums swinging back and forth with the whistling wind, the cutting saw wheels on the ground are still appearing randomly and disorderly, and even worse, **** appear from time to time on the nearby ground. These **** do n’t have the No. 4 problem if they do n’t step on them, but they will collapse as soon as they are touched. The flame below is the tiankeng. Anyway, there is no good result. And with the appearance of these flaps, there are still Even more terrible flamethrowers, spear arrays, flying nail channels, and other institutions, and these institutions are not simply placed there one by one, but appear in conjunction with each other, making people invincible, accidentally will Stroke. What's more terrible is that in the process of these institutions desperately trying to hang you, those pesky illusions are always with you, not giving you the slightest chance, as long as you are not careful, you will be disturbed by them and missed An institution.

"I rely, will the children pass by this passage?" Cristina asked in surprise, looking at the little crocodile who had arrived safely at the end. In fact, I have the same idea with Chris Dina now. Let ’s not talk about children in this channel. I ’ve changed to a regular player. I ’m thankful for the last two. However, this channel should not be afraid of going backwards. If you accidentally step on the central organ and get killed, it is only one death, but once you step back, you will be obliterated by the rules and you will be dropped by ten levels. Therefore, it is better to die than to retreat.

Although I also think that 80% of the children can't get through, but this task is that everyone must pass, so I am here to think about how to get through this channel.

Because the little crocodile has already reached the opposite side, and we have not entered the passageway, there is currently no target in the passageway, and those agencies will obviously detect whether anyone has passed, so now everything has been closed and the wall or floor or ceiling Well, anyway, the channel looks as good as before, no one can think of it as a death channel a few seconds ago.

Without those institutions, there are no illusions. In addition, the stone wall echoing ability in the passage is good, so we and the little crocodile can also talk to each other more easily. I stood here thinking for a long time or asked: "Hey, if the agency in this passage is broken, it won't be punished by the rules?"

"Ah? Broke it?"

Normal people who pass this kind of place are worried that they will not be hurt by these things, and I am probably the first to worry about whether these institutions will be damaged, so the little crocodile on the opposite side said after a short stint: "It doesn't matter It is also possible to break the organs, as long as you don't get hurt by them, don't step back, you can come over any way. "

"Oh, that's easy!" Kristina heard such an answer and stepped into the passage with a smile without me talking. Just because she hasn't entered the agency area yet. So none of these things turned on.

Kristina's purpose was to come forward to destroy these things, but I was pulled back after only two steps. "What are you a mage rushing forward? Stay behind, I'll get this thing done."

Those children's combat effectiveness is obviously weaker than ordinary players. The game of "Zero" is not the same as those of clicking the mouse. It's not that if you react quickly, you must be strong. So the children are a little bit disadvantaged in playing this game. Normally, you can only play this game after the age of fourteen to play the normal combat power. As for the age of fourteen ... unless you are born tall or have a special talent for a child prodigy, you ca n’t expect to be an overpowering adult. therefore. Those children behind me in these institutions will not be able to get through, so the only way I can choose is to smash the entire channel with violence. As long as all the equipment in those institutions is scrapped, there will be no problem if only illusions are left.

Immediately after returning Chris Dinara, I entered the aisle and walked straight forward. When entering the passage, the phantom appeared for the first time, and then it was the same as before. The rhinoceros-like thing took the lead in launching the charge.

It used to be two things to stand outside and look at the impact of this creature now. Although we felt the deterrence coming from behind at the time, but now that we are standing here ourselves, the feeling is completely changed. It is a feeling that we will die next second. . The other person's heavy steps on the ground almost seemed to have all stepped on my heart, and my heart was beating with its pace.

As the illusion rhino got closer, I suddenly felt a bit wrong. Although the phantom rhino was really very realistic before, all kinds of sound and light effects were simulated to scam people, but now I do n’t know why, I always feel that this thing has become more than just now. There is momentum.

In fact, it wasn't just me who discovered the problem. Kristina also noticed the subtle changes in this thing, but she hadn't come to remind me that this thing was almost before me. As the gadget approached, the sense of crisis in my heart became more and more serious, and the moment the thing rushed in front of me, I finally discovered the problem. Almost immediately, I suddenly stretched out my hands and slammed against the one-horned rhinoceros-like creature's nose, while my legs tensed behind me.

With the loud noise, I only felt my arms sink, and the floor tiles under my feet suddenly cracked. My legs fell directly into the ground an inch deep, and I was pushed so hard by the huge force. Taxiing all the way back, until I slammed me to the gate, it was not completely stopped.

After the dust spread, looking at the huge creatures close by and the two big ditches on the ground, Kristina and the children around her were almost dumbfounded. The situation at hand has fully illustrated the fact that this thing is not an illusion.

Illusions ca n’t really push me so far, they ca n’t even blow my hair, but the thing in front of me actually pushed me back, so this thing is definitely not an illusion, at least not an ordinary illusion.

"Huh, fortunately, I found it in time!" As I was talking, the huge rhino creature in front of it suddenly collapsed like a hill, and then smashed on the ground, re-igniting the fumes of the sky. However, what made Chris Dina more surprised was the ghost worm crawling from the creature's eyes, ears, and mouth. In fact, this big guy was killed by me after hitting me, and the reason why he can push me all the way is mostly because of inertia. Actually, the moment we contacted, I released a ghost worm. Taking advantage of the opportunity that I and the thing were on top of each other, they let them directly into this guy's mouth, and then directly knocked off this thing's brain, so this big guy directly turned into a pile of dead meat. When the inertia was exhausted, it fell down.

"Isn't this an illusion?" The head aunt asked, surprised at the creature in front of her.

Cristina said angrily: "Have you ever seen an illusion you can touch?"

The head aunt shook her head, then suddenly remembered and asked, "Yes, before we guide ..."

"That guy is not a guide." I said flatly: "If I guess correctly, the little crocodile should be one of the mission levels. His mission may be to accompany and mislead us. Although he gave a lot of tips before, But these things can be accomplished by our own hard work. It's just a matter of time. But the things it doesn't say are all about life and death. So this guy is basically a task ss, and his existence is for us to die. "

"But we obviously chose him before?" The head aunt still didn't understand.

Cristina said angrily: "That was just a guise. Even if we didn't have a choice at the time, it would definitely follow up with excuses such as hidden rewards. Anyway, rewards are what he said. We can only Just listen. "

"That's not right!" Said the head aunt, "He did give us a lot of rewards before. If it really comes to kill our monsters, he should not improve our strength, why should we restore us? Strength? "

"This ..." Kristina did not expect so much. Therefore, the head aunt said such a problem and she didn't understand it.

"It's actually very simple. Although this guy may be an ss that hinders us from moving forward, it is actually subject to rules. This task must have a real task, but I don't know why this little crocodile is responsible, but Although it is harming us as much as possible, but some rules restrict the dead thing, but it cannot move, so we ended up here and got a lot of rewards. "

After hearing my explanation, Kristina nodded: "This is more credible."

"But what do you do now?" The aunt commander pointed at the passage in front of him and asked, "Those things are blocking the road, plus the authorities or something, we can't get through at all?"

"This is not something you need to worry about, just follow us." I said to Chris Dina. "You are responsible for helping me clean up those phantom creatures. I will deal with those institutions, pay attention to keeping distance, don't rely on too close."

Kristina nodded and said, "No problem, I promise not to go into danger."

After the decision was made, Kristina and I first dragged out this meat mountain in front of me. After all, such a large figure blocked the passageway strictly. If we didn't get out, we couldn't even get in.

After there were no obstructions, we again stood at the entrance to that side, except that the little crocodile on the other side was no longer there. That guy is a scourge in itself. After the appearance of the real rhinoceros monster, it has been completely exposed, so this guy ran directly and wisely, there is no point in staying anyway.

This time when we re-entered the passage, the opposite door immediately flooded with monsters like floods. Before, I thought there was nothing phantom. Now that we know that these are really monsters, we have a lot of pressure. Okay. The long-range magical support in Kristina is quite powerful. It feels as if an artillery regiment behind me is supporting it. The monsters that rush over basically will be hit by magic as long as they leave the entrance without meters or more. Although there are a lot of monsters there, and they are desperately rushing forward, Kristina still uses her powerful magic ability to create a large area of ​​battlefield interruption in the entire channel. Anyone who enters this range All the monsters were blasted into **** without exception, no monster can completely pass through this range. What can come over is part of their body, anyway, it won't come all over.

Without the trouble of these monsters, the rest of it is much simpler for me. When the first saw wheel emerged from the ground, I immediately took out eternity. Watching that sawing wheel suddenly rushed in front of me, I turned sideways and swept eternally. I only heard a rustling sound of metal friction, followed by a half flywheel, the saw wheel on the ground was cut off by the eternal sword directly, and the remaining half could not be recovered because of deformation. It was actually stuck there and moved back and forth, but there was no lethality at all.

Just after I killed the first saw wheel, the subsequent saw wheels came out one after another. Obviously, this thing will also make some appropriate adjustments based on the combat effectiveness of the people who enter here. Before this, the little crocodile himself was that thing. The water is released, or the combat effectiveness is relatively low. So not all saw wheels are activated. This time my entry made this system fully activated, almost all the saw wheels bounced out, and then began to charge, but it was a pity because of the material problems of the saw wheel itself. After I used eternal cheaters. All the saw wheels are tragedy.

These saw wheels shuttle back and forth between the seams of the floor tiles. Therefore, the action channel is very narrow. It is fine when the saw wheel is intact, but as long as the saw wheel is deformed. After the saw disk is not on the axis, the saw wheel will be caught by the floor tiles on the ground, and then the entire saw wheel will be scrapped. Therefore, these things don't have much deterrent, but there are too many, and other things cooperate with each other, so it will be very dangerous. These saw wheels alone are actually very easy to solve.

Without the interference of these things, the giant tomahawks in the form of pendulums that appeared later were much simpler. I directly turned Eternity into a long 7-shaped spear, and then cut the roots of these swinging pendulums directly with the horizontal blade. Immediately after the pendulum broke, these giant axes lost their support, then flung out along the inertia, crashed into the wall, and fell down completely, losing any deterrent.

Although these things fell down, I didn't plan to give them up because I cut them out to be useful. Originally, if the deterrent power of these things was needed to be destroyed, it would only be necessary to cut off the knife edge under them, or break the bearing above, as long as it would not rotate, there would be no danger. However, instead of choosing a simple method, I simply cut the root of the thick pendulum above, which is all useful.

My purpose is actually very simple. It is nothing more than waste utilization. I use these huge pendulums as a bridge material. There are many **** under the passage of the pendulum, and they change positions at indefinite time. In some places, people can stand for one second, and they will fall when they step on the next second, and there is something that just fell off. You'll be fine again when you stand up again. Therefore, the ground in this place is very dangerous, and we must find a way to get a bridge out. These pendulum-like things are made very thick in order to increase the inertia when swinging, so they are very thick. The swing arm itself is a long metal with a width of at least one meter and a thickness of at least seven or eight centimeters. This thing is wider than the slab bridges erected on the canals in many villages, and children can walk over it.

With these things, I easily erected a long bridge, and then there is no danger to these replicas. Although the floor that supports the bridge itself can also be turned into a flap, the problem is that this thing is seven or eight meters long and one meter wide. Therefore, a large area of ​​floor tiles is required to completely drop this thing. It can be done by opening it, which is absolutely impossible. So these bridges are said to be very safe.

With these bridges all that remains is projection weapons. The exit of that flamethrower was directly smashed by my eternal blow, and then there may have been an explosion inside. Anyway, I saw some gaps in the wall emitting smoke and flames coming out, but the passageway was wide anyway. That ignition seedling is not yet in any danger.

The equipment behind the flamethrower is also not bad. I directly use eternal to deform the launching openings of these things, and then the contents of the spraying openings cannot be sprayed out. Without these launchers, those nails would be gone.

However, although these launchers were destroyed, I finally encountered a broken dragon stone at the end of the passage. This is a ten-meter-long passage. The ceiling of the entire passage is a whole rock. When I reached the center point here, the stone fell directly. Because this thing suddenly fell without any buffer, I had no time to dodge. After all, this thing is ten meters long. Even if I stand at the center point, it is obviously unrealistic to run a distance of more than five meters before it falls. Besides, this channel is not allowed to retreat. Although I do n’t know if it was made up by a little crocodile, but I would rather trust it if it is not credible, so I still dare not move back. As for rushing forward ... the situation is unknown, it may not be safe to rush out.

Because of hesitation, it was too late when I wanted to move. Anyway, I'm not afraid of this thing either. I just crouched down and turned eternity into a cone and wrapped myself in it. The falling stone hit the eternity and was immediately destroyed, and then directly gave up a conical space to let me and eternity stand in the middle of the stone. After the stone stabilized, I used Eternal to dig a passage in it and ran to the opposite side of the stone. As for the direction behind it, I didn't need to control it. By the time I dug the hole, Kristina had cut through the latter half.

In fact, when I passed from the stone side to the opposite side. A lot of monsters have gathered there. When the Broken Dragon Stone came down, not only smashed me underneath, but the stone blocked the entire passage. Kristina had no way to attack the monster on the opposite side, so the monster there was no suppression. All of a sudden the passage was full. but. In fact, there is only a section less than ten meters in length. So when I came over, I summoned Ling directly. A big move emptied the ten-meter-long aisle, and let Ling and the king cooperate to block the entrance. Then I checked the walls. After confirming that there were no new institutions, he and Ling came across the gate of the passageway.

I don't know if it is what we guessed. Although the little crocodile hurts us, it is also restricted by the rules, so when we pass through the gate, it really is the same as the little crocodile said. The monster in the passage immediately stopped and did not reappear. However, when Chris Dina cut open the stone over there, the monster on this side actually started to blow out again. At this time, I was at the gate of the aisle, and I thoroughly understood the source of this monster. It turned out that there was a teleportation magic array on the top of the hole. Although I don't know where the teleportation array is connected, it must be a monster nest, and the monsters in the channels were teleported from this magic array.

Because I had seen the location of the thing, and I was in the gate at this time, the monsters couldn't seem to come over, so I directly used an eternity to become a long spear to poke a magic circuit in the magic circle. The destroyed magic array instantly became unresponsive, and the monsters naturally disappeared. After killing all the remaining monsters, the channel was finally completely quiet.

"Chairman, are you cleared over there?" Cristina asked as I looked at the door.

I nodded and said, "Tell them to hurry up, let's see if the epic dragon really exists below."

Because the previous little crocodile wizard has been confirmed to have intentionally pitted our ss, so the previous information can not be trusted. Kristina and I can only move forward a little bit, first check the inside Not really the seal of the epic dragon.

In fact, although we identified that little crocodile as a hostile ss, we have great confidence in the existence of this epic dragon. This confidence is certainly not because we believe in the little crocodile, but because we believe in our own judgment. It can be seen from the previous situation that this little crocodile is limited by certain rules and can only mislead us to stay within a certain range. It still has to tell us some real situations, and it ’s like this final task. Information such as the target location is very important information in the task, and it should be impossible to distort it. And, apart from this speculation, we can indeed sense that there is a huge energy fluctuation in the front, so even if there is no epic dragon in the front, at least there is a super creature, it is impossible to have nothing at all.

In fact, our guess turned out to be quite accurate in the end, because it was only after the children came over that we went not far and suddenly heard a roar.

This roar was clearly not directed at us, but because the narrow channel gathered the sound together, and the echo of the wall, the sound was really loud and unacceptable. The sudden roar shook the whole passage, and we almost sat on the ground without a butt.

"I rely, what is this thing calling?" Kristina said after the voice disappeared.

I rubbed my buzzing ears and said, "Unsurprisingly, it should be the epic dragon. This is the roar of the dragon, and I won't hear it wrong."

"Listening to this guy's voice doesn't look like a seal! You're so full of gas!"

"This is a confined environment, and the volume will be enhanced by reflection. If the other party is really an epic dragon, if it is in full physical condition, it will roar deliberately ~ ~ We can directly harm with sound waves. We now It's just that the ears are uncomfortable, which means that the guy must be very weak. "

After listening to my explanation, Cristina suddenly changed her eyes, then looked at me and said quickly: "A creature that is already very weak, why do you say he has to work hard to roar?"

As soon as I heard Kristina's words, I understood, and then quickly turned around and ran forward, while shouting, "You take the children to follow, I'll take a step."

That dragon is already obviously weak, otherwise this roar can definitely turn ordinary people into idiots, but now this guy's voice is not lethal, it just makes us feel uncomfortable. Already extremely weak, but it still roars in this case, only to show that something has stimulated him. It ’s been a long time before that little crocodile before us, so if I'm not mistaken, the cause of that epic dragon roar is probably that little crocodile. In other words, that little crocodile may be hurting our target creature, at least it is also a verbal stimulus, otherwise the other party will not be irritated. Epic dragons are not ordinary dragons. The heart of this guy is extremely tough. Even this guy can't help roaring, it must be a very serious stimulus. So no matter what the other party is doing, I have to be fast. It was so difficult to get here, but the crocodile couldn't ruin the mission. (To be continued ...)

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