Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 458: I can't beat you, I'm exhausted

"How could you ...?" Qiyue Huihun was obviously quite surprised that my attack actually hit him. Although it did not cause any actual harm, the hit was already very surprising.

Although Qiye returned to the soul in seven nights, I am quite depressed now, not because I missed it. After all, I have confirmed that I have hit. What really depresses me is that I didn't get the death attribute.

The arrow of destiny says that there is no actual attack power. Unless the death attribute is drawn, a 100% spike can occur. However, this probability is actually very low. Therefore, no draw is actually normal. I feel very lost in my heart. After all, the arrow of fate can only cause one attack to a player in a battle. If it is not the death attribute, then no direct damage will be caused. If the opponent's attack power is strengthened, it will make me more passive. Already.

But it's not bad, the attribute selected this time is disease, and the effect is that all skills fail and cause the attack power and movement speed to drop by 20%. This sum attribute is quite useful to me now, because now I have been passively beaten, and Qiye Huihun ’s attack ability after this disease attribute will definitely decrease greatly, this will give me avoidance and Blocking provides great convenience. However, this actually only slightly reduced the difficulty for me to dodge the attack, and it did not have much impact on the outcome of the battle, because if I have been unable to hit the Seven Nights Back to the soul, it will not be possible to cause damage.

Of course, running out of time on the other side ’s super mode is also a way to do it, but I ’m not sure at this time how long this super mode can be maintained. In case, unfortunately, the other side ’s super mode is really a type of super long standby. That would be a big deal!

Although I was depressed for no death at this time, the Qiye Huihun on the opposite side was also frightened. He dared to be arrogant with me because he knew I couldn't take him. And once I can fight him normally, then all his abilities will be useless. After all, he should have found out from the recent fights. My attack on him can be almost completely blocked, except for the mandatory blood deduction for each hit, he can hardly hurt me. As for saying that relying on forced blood deprivation to kill me ... it will not happen when he is exhausted. After all, I will automatically return blood, and the frequency of his hits is not very high. Every time a little bit, my automatic blood return is n times faster than this speed, even if it has been playing for 10,000 years, it is impossible to be burned to death.

Despite being frightened by this arrow, Qi Ye returned to his soul nervous for a while and found the problem. Because I did not launch a subsequent attack. This is obviously abnormal. If, according to general reasoning, I could not hold him by one finger, now I suddenly found a way to deal with him. It should be used immediately to get him to death. But the fact is that not only did I lose the follow-up attack, I even dissipated the bow.

Although I don't know what is going on, Qiye Huihun is keenly aware that my skill may be one-off. Anyway, it can no longer be used for a short time, and from the effect of this skill, it is actually a curse system, without actual lethality. This inference surprised Qiyue Huihun, because if this is true, it means that he can still abuse me without fear of being killed by me.

Looking at the opposite Qiyue Huihun again and eager to try again, I knew that he must have discovered that my skills could not be continuously attacked, and had no lethality. So I gave up my plan to continue confrontation with him, and began to play with the rogue. Of course, I ca n’t be a rogue, after all, the ability of Qiyuehuihun is more rogue than me.

Pap, with one of my ring fingers, a large number of black whirlwinds suddenly appeared around me. This whirlwind seemed to be surrounded by a large amount of sand and dust. With my fingers, these black whirlwinds quickly gathered and began to condense. In the blink of an eye, there was a large piece of monster standing nearly two meters tall with a wolf head and a heavily armored monster.

"Master, what's the order?" The closest member of the Death Guard just called out turned to me and asked.

I pointed forward easily. "Let's get together, just trap him."

"Understood." The death guard immediately bellowed his head. Then he raised his weapon and waved forward, all the Death Guards around suddenly moved, and rushed to the completely dumb-eyed Seven Nights Back to the Soul, and then a monster pile piled up beside him. Seven Nights Back to Spirit The guy was surrounded by my Death Guard three layers inside and three outer layers, all of them were my Death Guard, and even climbed several layers above, there is no way to see the existence of Seven Nights Back Spirit from the outside .

Suddenly surrounded by seven nights back to the soul, he also fisted a few death guards with his fists, but soon he discovered the problem. Although the Death Guard is a summoning creature, it is not as easy to deal with as he imagined. First of all, the combat effectiveness of these death guards is actually very good. Generally, players need to work hard to get these guys. And even if Seven Nights is more powerful, then it is impossible to kill all these guys one by one. In fact, he couldn't kill the death guard every time he attacked. He had to attack several times to kill one. The number of Death Guards around him was too large, and he was completely wrapped in the blink of an eye. Although he could occasionally hit one or two, more Death Guards would rush forward and stop up, so regardless of him He flew a few, anyway, he would surely be wrapped firmly in the center of this huge monster pile, and he couldn't get out at all.

Secondly, although Qiyue Huihun's combat effectiveness is very good, but this guy has just hit the arrow of fate and is now in a state of illness, so his attack power and movement speed have dropped by 20%, which is more difficult to threaten in this case. Death guard security. And, even if you can successfully kill the Death Guard, that's useless.

The death guard is different from my unicorn warrior. Although the unicorn warrior can die again, but the speed is very slow. It is not bad to resurrect at most once in a battle. However, the speed of the death guard's replenishment is very exaggerated. In a large-scale war, the death toll of the death guard may be very large, and it is too late to add. But in the face of Qiyin Huihun alone, his killing speed could not keep up with my replenishment speed. Therefore, it is impossible for him to kill all my death guards, so unless I am willing to release him, he can only stay at ease inside.

Seeing more and more death guards around. Qi Ye Huihun, who had been blocked and could not see even a little outside space, finally realized that he could not go out, so he simply stopped entangled with these death guards, and gave up the attack and started to go out.

When Qiye Huihun launched his attack, his attack site could actually be substantiated. I found this out a long time ago. The best proof is that I can stop his attack before. So if he keeps attacking. There is no way to escape from the death guard's siege, because his attack area will drag the entire body and make him unable to move. However, once Qiyue Huihun gave up his attack, his entire person could enter a state of nothingness, and at this time, my death guard could not block his actions, because they could not touch him at all.

Qiyue Huihun, who completely gave up the attack, rushed out of the siege of the death guard. But ... the Seven Nights Returning Soul that just rushed out was dumbfounded immediately.

The Seven Nights Soul, which had just rushed out of the dense death guard, saw a large area of ​​mist as soon as he restored his sight. That's right, it's the fog, and it's the fog of death. This is one of the skills that comes with my Dragon Soul Ring—Death Mist. The most important role of this skill is to shield the opponent's line of sight, and there are several auxiliary effects. The more useful is to slowly poison the creatures in this mist, and our undead creatures in this mist. Will be strengthened, and my death guard is just the undead system.

It would have been a little mist. The problem is not big, after all, the players in the game are all skilled, as long as you can summon a wind system skills to blow away the fog. However, the biggest difference between my death fog and ordinary fog is that it is almost not afraid of wind.

This fear of the wind does not mean that my death fog will not be blown away, it will also be blown away by the wind, but the problem is that as long as it is not a typhoon of large area, the ordinary small wind will not blow me at all. Death fog. The death fog itself has considerable stability, and the stability of the death fog cannot be affected under the condition that the wind is not strong enough. Moreover, the death fog has two characteristics: the replenishment speed is very fast and the coverage area is particularly large.

Because the Fog of Death covers a large area, if you can't disperse it all at once. Then you can only recover the visibility of a small area around you at most, and in most cases it will be of little help to combat. And this fast recovery makes the Fog of Death a thing that will keep regenerating unless blown clean once. If it only dissipates the death fog in some areas, the surrounding death fog will soon be replenished again. Spells such as cyclone, which can be used by most mage players, can disperse smoke or fog, and can make the surroundings clean up to ten seconds at most. Then it will be covered again by the thick mist.

Now Qiye Huihun is facing this situation. As soon as he rushed out of the encirclement of the Death Guard, he immediately found himself surrounded by a lilac mist. The visibility in this mist was only within two meters in front of him. As long as the distance was more than two meters, it was simple I can only see the outline of a figure, and if the distance is more than three meters, basically nothing will be seen except a faint ghost. As far as three meters and five meters away ... that's basically not even a mountain there.

Such a thick mist made Qiyue return to the soul for an instant, and then he was surrounded by the death guards around him before he responded, because he found that the death guards who surrounded him just now There is actually a group of death guards waiting outside the pile. As for how many ... Anyway, there is fog around, but nothing can be seen except for some faint shadows.

In this case, it is obviously impossible to count on Qiyue Huihun to find me, but unlike him, the fog of death has zero effect on my sight, and the fog of death itself can actually replace the eyes. If someone enters the coverage of Death Mist, even if he is invisible, I can sense his specific location. This is the power of Death Mist, and this ability determines the inequality of information. I'm actually standing less than a hundred meters away from Qiyue Huihun now, but it's impossible to see me at Qiyehuihui with the fog concentration here. But I can see him clearly.

Under my command, the large group of Death Guards around him would just spin around him. As long as he used the ability to run out of the encirclement, a large group of Death Guards would immediately rush up to bury it again, and if he resisted. The death guards around will continue to fill up, anyway, he can't keep up with the death guard's resurrection speed, we can pile him up with people.

Seven nights back to the soul, who rushed out of the encirclement several times in a row, finally realized what I was going to do, but he constantly used various methods to rush out of the encirclement, but no matter how he ran, as soon as he left the encirclement, he would be immediately changed Many death guards surrounded. What's worse is that even if it comes out, all he can see is a big fog around him, and he can't see anything at all.

Qiye Huihun could not play his strength at all without me. The attributes of his body are almost tailored to deal with me. That is to say, all his abilities were developed specifically for me. In the face of a large-scale group attack tactics such as Death Guard, he has no Ways to deal with it. Because he lacked the large skills of the soldiers. Of course, I think he definitely has large skills, but he definitely won't waste them here. After all, in addition to high energy consumption, there is a universal limitation that is that the cooling time is super long, and some skills even have The week is given only once, and most large skills can only be used once or twice a day. If such skills were not found in my deity. Seven Nights Return Soul is definitely not wasted on these miscellaneous soldiers, not to mention he actually knows that I have a super miscellaneous soldier like Death Guard.

I guessed right before. Qiye Huihun has a thorough understanding of my attributes. Basically, he has read all the information that can be found outside. Of course, there is also a description of the Death Guard, but this information is, after all, information gathered by other players out of curiosity, and of course the property panel shown to me is very different.

According to the actual attributes, the number of death guard summons is 100 after my level is squared, and I now have more than 2,200 levels, which means that the number of death guard summons is actually close to 50,000. However, although this value is many, I have rarely summoned them all up. In other words, no one knows that my Death Guard can summon up to 50,000.

In fact, the content of the number of death guards summoned from outside forums only mentioned that the number may be over 10,000, but there is no specific data. As for the subsequent response speed, it is even impossible to check. After all, I never let the Death Guard appear in a state of extreme calling. Of course, there is no question of recovering the number of summons.

However, even if there is only such incomplete data, Seven Nights Return Soul knows that my Death Guard is definitely incapable of killing him, so he cannot use a big move to clean up this kind of cannon fodder, which can almost be said .

However, although Qiyue Huihun knew that he could not use a big move to clear up the miscellaneous soldiers, he soon found out that it would not work without cleaning up, because the containment of the death guards was too thorough. No matter how he ran, he couldn't escape the encirclement of these Death Guards, and the surrounding fog was endless, just like Ben couldn't find an exit. In fact, what Qiye Huihun didn't know was that he didn't move far away at all. The reason why he felt endless was because he couldn't see the distance, which was an illusion.

If everyone has the conditions, you can try it yourself. Just look for a large playground, then stand in the center, then blindfold your eyes and start looking for the edge of the playground. You will find this is a very painful process because you cannot see There is no way to guarantee that you are walking in a straight line, and even if you think you are walking in a straight line, there will still be a certain amount of radian, so even if you always go in one direction, people with a good sense of direction are usually better than those with eyes When walking a few meters more, if the direction is not good, you may simply make a circle in the playground.

This is just a simple playground test. If the area continues to enlarge, getting lost will become inevitable. The area where Qiyue Huihun is located is a rare plain area, the area is very open, and because you can't see the outside, now Qiye Huihun has completely lost its sense of direction. As for the system's positioning coordinates or something ... that gadget is a large map, it is impossible to guide you like gps, and now that this situation Qiqi Huihun also need to have time to look at the map.

After being blocked for a long time, Qiye Huihun, who was completely unable to come out, finally began to use his brain. He first used common sense to try to dispel these fogs. But the result is conceivable, except for blowing away a small area of ​​the death fog and discovering the hundreds of death guards waiting for him, there is nothing to see. Moreover, his spell just ended the surrounding fog of death and immediately resumed, the environment just seen in the blink of an eye became a chaos. Although this guy's combat effectiveness is still okay, unfortunately he is not a mage. The ability to release wind-based spells has made me look amazing, something more advanced can never appear on him.

The wind spell was invalid, and Qiyue Huihun began to try to run out of the fog area by running straight, but unfortunately, the scope of this death fog is not fixed, but it is centered on me. Therefore, he moved me and moved, even if he did not take a detour and kept moving forward, as long as the speed was not as fast as me, he did not want to break out of the fog of death. And ... this guy looks like a idiot. At first I was worried that he was too fast and the Death Guard could not keep up. It turns out that under the double ties of Death Guard and Death Fog, he actually only runs laps in one area. Because he couldn't see it himself, he thought he was running straight, but what I saw nearby would be that he was running in a circle. Although the center of the circle is always moving in a general direction, but because he has been in a circle Therefore, the speed of movement can only be said to be faster than that of a snail, maybe not as good as a turtle. It will take at least a few days for him to leave this relatively open area at this speed.

After running for ten minutes in a row, Seven Nights' Return to Soul was completely stopped. And this time he allowed the death guard to surround him without moving, not because he gave up, but thinking. Previous experiments have made Qiyue Huihun understand the general characteristics of this fog of death, and the interference of the death guards around him has also adapted to it. What he was sure of now was that he couldn't break out of this mist of death at all, and the death guard looked very annoying, but he couldn't hurt him at all. The only role of the surrounding Death Fog and Death Guard is to cover his sight.

Although I have figured it out, the Seven Nights Soul is already in a disadvantage at this time, because what he didn't know is that when he rushed out of the siege of the Death Guard twice in a row, he was dumpling dumplings. Since then, I have exited the Divine Fit mode. In other words, I have no burden now.

My magic power began to slowly recover after exiting the Divine Conformity, and because the magic pets were liberated, I also received Xiaochun and Ling's magical assistance, and the skill punishment time is gradually shortening, and I will soon be fully status. The Seven Nights Soul Super Mode is still being maintained. Even if his skill is extremely long, I believe it is impossible to have unlimited time, but my normal state is not consumed. So, what I have to do now is wait until his invincible state disappears, and then I can go up and abuse him.

Although I can't see Qiye Huihun's skill time, Qiye Huihun himself knows it, so-he is anxious.

The Seven Nights Soul that has been trapped in this mist cannot come out at all, and he dare not exit this super mode, because although his super mode looks like invincible, it actually has weaknesses, and this Weaknesses are still very obvious.

In fact, I also summed up a little bit of information about the weaknesses of Qiyuehuihun. One of the more obvious points is that this guy's skill seems to have a prerequisite that he needs to sacrifice the corpse.

At present, this guy is all around my Death Guard, and Death Guard is a summoning creature. They are the product of the combination of dark energy and sand. Once dead, they will turn into a pile of black sand and then dissipate with the wind. In other words, the dead guards will not see the corpses, and the only effect they can have on the creatures after their death is probably to use sand to captivate their eyes!

Qiyue Huihun is now surrounded by the Death Guard, that is to say, he will immediately be attacked by the masses once he is released from this state. Although he is definitely much better than Death Guard even if he doesn't enter Super Mode, what about it? The number of Death Guards is not known for seven nights, but he knows at least 10,000 or more, which means that after killing these Death Guards, he is estimated to be exhausted. And his enemy is not death guard, but me. What's worse is that the death guard will not leave a body after death, so he can't enter this mode again. And if he can't enter this almost invincible mode, then he can only be killed alive by me.

Seven Nights Back to the Soul, who understands his situation, is now in a hurry to get angry and has no idea what to do. However, he is useless in no hurry. The absolute advantage of the number of Death Guards is definitely a skill that is more buggy than his invincible mode, and it seems to have no solution. Unless you have the super skills of a large range of soldiers, you will encounter the sea tactics of Death Guard, even many high-end players only cry.

"Ah ..." Seven nights later, Huihui finally broke out after insisting for almost five minutes. Seven Nights Souls, who have been trapped by the Death Fog and the Death Guard for nearly 20 minutes in a row, saw their countdown to the super mode that was about to return to zero and finally broke out. At this point, he already knew that he was completely planted, so what he wanted now was to make a big move before he left the super state. Even if it doesn't hurt me, at least clean up my miscellaneous soldiers, so I can be a little more comfortable in my heart.

The mad seven nights returned to the soul with a roar, and his hands suddenly held up, I immediately felt that I had a tendency to hang.

"I rely, what a big move? The scope is too wide, right?"

Because before seven nights back to the soul, I ran blindly, and now I have a straight line distance of at least 150 meters with him, but even I have been entrusted ~ ~ This shows that his radius of skill is at least More than one hundred and fifty meters. In other words, the actual range of this skill is at least a circle with a radius of more than 150 meters. As for why it can't be a straight line ... His grandma's Seven Nights Back to Soul can't see where I am now, OK? He ca n’t be so shit, he just hit me in any direction, right? Therefore, his skill is definitely a circular coverage area, otherwise it would be impossible for me to be involved.

With the launch of Qiyue Huihun's skills, not only me, everything around me that was not fixed on the ground slowly floated, feeling as if I had entered space. However, I know that this is definitely not the whole skill, so I immediately asked Ling He Xiaochun who was helping me to recover and set me up and ran out. As long as you pull away, you won't hurt me in any big move.

However, as soon as we moved, we found ourselves imprisoned. Although we have wings, they can move even if they float, but no matter how we fan them, our bodies are as if they are fixed by something, and they cannot fly at all. In desperation, I could only send Xiaochun and Ling back to Fenglong Space. As for myself ... then I had to wait and see. The ghost knows what type of follow-up attack of Qiyuehuihun is, so there is no way to defend it now, after all, I don't know what kind of attack it is!

"I hope this kid's big move is not as perverted as his invincible mode!" (To be continued ...)

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