Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 53: Why did it come out?

Although I haven't seen the giant soldier, and I don't know what this thing looks like when attacked, but the first time I think of the flat x-shaped change from blue to red is the attack response. The reason for this judgment is from three directions. The first is pure feeling. Blue represents tranquility, which is the normal mode. Relative red is more passionate and enthusiastic. Therefore, compared to blue light, red is generally a very violent and exciting state, and the attack mode means violence. As for the second one, this is mainly summarized from the movies and animations I have seen before, because in the film and television works involving robots, as long as the robot's eyes become red, most of them are going to attack. Although "Zero" is not a movie or anime, it is a game and a kind of cultural work woven by a group of designers. Therefore, the setting should normally not deviate from conventional habits.

In addition to the above two points, there is one last thing, which is the real experience. Unlike most players, as the core of the artificial Tenjin plan, the master of the Longyuan Group, I have really seen combat robots, and the eyepieces of real combat robots will indeed turn red before the attack. This phenomenon is not for the sake of beauty, but there are two kinds of one. First, when the robot enters attack mode, the eyepiece turns red, which is equivalent to turning on the warning light. The purpose is to tell all nearby people that it is in attack mode and may launch an attack at any time. If the eyepiece is not red, it means that the robot is currently Being locked in the weapon system is equivalent to activating a safety device. Means peace of mind. As for the second reason, this is mainly due to the need for laser sighting.

Before the attack, the combat robot needs to irradiate the target with an active infrared emitter to confirm the target, and then it needs to irradiate with multiple weak lasers for the purpose of ranging and providing continuous locking. Both of these behaviors must be done before the attack, but the infrared searchlights and red lasers in fact do not emit light outside the pure visible light band, and the extended spectrum will include the visible red band, so as long as these systems Once activated, the eyepieces will naturally turn red.

Based on the above three cognitions, the robot's eyes turning red almost represent the precursor of attack, and although this giant soldier should be called a build creature according to the settings in the game. But this thing looks more like a robot. So the eyes that saw this thing suddenly turned red. Of course, I thought that this thing was going to attack the first time. In fact, my guess was right.

Just as the shouting sound came out on my side, the eyepiece of that giant soldier suddenly emitted dazzling glare from the four corners of x. Then the four bright light optoelectronics quickly moved towards the center point of x. And finally merged into a huge red flare at this center point. After about 0.1 second. The red flare seemed to be a little darker, but at the same time a red light beam suddenly shot out from the center point of this guy's eyepiece.

Because I got my reminder in advance, everyone responded very quickly. It almost flashed out in all directions, but the place where we just stood was blown up suddenly. Even if we flew far away, we still did not completely avoid the power of this thing. The huge shock wave blows us all out, and it feels as if an atomic bomb exploded behind us.

After the huge and terrible explosion passed, we turned back and saw that the place where we had just stood on the ground turned into a brand new big pit, and there was a lot of magma at the bottom of the pit, and it was bubbling. According to the power of this thing, if we hit it directly, it is estimated that few people here can really carry the attack of this kind of thing.

"Damn, isn't this stuff too fierce?"

"Don't talk nonsense, quickly tear it down!" Seeing that there is still time to complain, I just shouted and ran to the top of the mountain. I discussed the countermeasures with you before because we thought that the temple was sealed, and when we went up and down, it was completely up to us, but now it is different. The temple itself was originally, and it was not immovable at all, but it was too lazy to move before. Now that everyone is out, let's stop and discuss the countermeasures. Isn't it a death hunt? So, we can't stop at all, we can only talk before we talk.

Speaking of such a large thing, although it is an advantage, isn't it a disadvantage to turn it over? It's like an elephant can be afraid of a lion, but a mouse. Once it's too big, it can become quite strenuous to deal with small things. The size of this giant soldier is absolutely beyond imagination, the size of a mountain, we stand in front of it is not as high as this guy's feet. For such a big thing, we are the mouse to it.

Of course, this is not to say that large creatures are not lethal to small creatures. The elephant is afraid that the mouse is only afraid of the mouse getting into its own nose. If it is really hit, the elephant will still be trampled when the elephant steps down.

The place where we can deal with the giant soldiers now is that we can rely on the high flexibility of the body to prevent being hit, but once it is hit, the attack power of this guy is mostly the result of the spike. We simply do n’t exist and this The strength of such things.

It was found that we actually ran up the mountain, but the giant soldier did not continue to attack, but suddenly looked up and looked at the sky, then put his hands and fists on the waist side to do something like martial arts training in the horse step, follow this The guy began to squat, with his legs bent, apparently charging.

When I saw this action, I suddenly felt that this picture seemed to have been seen before, but before I remembered it, the giant soldier demonstrated it to me. Just listening to the bang, the guy suddenly unfolded a pair of huge metal wings, and at the same time, the backpack-like thing on its back also stretched out, exposing four huge thrusters. Along with a louder engine starting sound, the four jet thrusters gradually emitted four thick flames at the tail end, and the laminated spoiler of the flame spout was slowly retracting, gradually gathering the flames into a bundle shape.

"I depend!" When I saw this, how could I not know what this thing was going to do? Quickly turn around and run back. Then I hugged the rose to hold her down, and I squatted down and spread my wings to wrap the two of us. At the same time, I was flipped over and inserted directly into the ground to form a huge fixture.

At the same time as I completed the action, my magic pets also approached each other and used their own abilities to fix themselves on the ground, and the nearby unicorn warriors and death guards were completely helpless because of too many numbers. , Can only let them find a place to hide as much as possible, how much can survive!

In fact, my guess is pretty accurate. Just after our side was ready for work, the four propellers behind the giant soldiers at the same time issued a deafening roar, accompanied by this roar. There were two haloes at each of the four spouts behind that thing. This is actually because the high-speed jets in the jet cause the light to distort and form the apertures. As the thruster further increases the output, those apertures even have a tendency to be gradually blown away from the injection port.

It is said that there are less than five seconds before and after that, and the ejector behind the giant soldier suddenly hits the limit. Followed with a sudden kick on the ground. That huge body rushed into the sky with a terrifying airflow. The mountain below seemed to be hit by an atomic bomb. A huge shock wave swept across the mountain like lightning, and then rushed down the **** to reach our location. The villages around us were like paper models in front of the typhoon, and they were blown into pieces of flying wood. The power of terror is not something that ordinary people can resist at all.

The shock wave has been raging on the ground for seven or eight seconds before it can be completely stopped, and when I open my wings and release the rose and me, the surroundings have completely changed. The mountain peaks, which were originally all tree spirits, not only collapsed because of the departure of the giant soldiers, but more importantly, there were no tree spirits left on the mountain. This has completely turned into a barren mountain, and there is really no hair left.

Such a terrible impact is really immortal that most people can bear.

As I put up my defense, beside us, Lucky and Plague, and the three dragons of the three of them have each folded their wings, and underneath their wings are protected in addition to my magic pet. Listina, these people, and even a lot of Death Guards and Kirin Warriors have been protected together, but compared to those loss of Death Guards and Kirin Warriors, it is only nine cattle and a hair. .

This terrible shock wave is not an attack from the other party, but a cascade of reactions when people take off, but it is such a thing that almost killed my death guard and the unicorn warrior. The fighting power of this giant soldier The horror is already visible.

"I rely, what about that thing?" Zhenhong started looking around after she came out from under the dragon wings, but she could not see the thing at all within her eyesight.

Christina looked at the sky in confusion, looked around, and frowned, "Isn't this place saying that all sides are closed? If that thing can't be separated from the area around the mountain, it can only fly upwards. Now. But how high does it have to fly so that we can't see it? "

Rose closed her eyes and thought for a moment, then said, "With the volume of that thing, even if it enters the geosynchronous orbit, we should be able to see a rough outline with our eyesight."

"This is too exaggerated, right? That thing can fly out of the atmosphere?" Zhen Hong was surprised.

Kristina interrupted Zhenhong and said, "The problem is here. Not to mention how high the thing can fly, even if it can really fly to the moon, but the question is, does space exist here? "

When a normal person asks this kind of words in normal mode, she is purely committing the second crime, but in this case, Kristina is very reasonable to ask such questions. Let's think briefly. This mission map is a mountain, plus a circle of villages below the mountain and the villages that extend a distance of tens of meters outwards. It cannot be passed any further, and is blocked by an invisible wall and cannot be moved at all.

Inferring according to this situation, the surface area of ​​the mission space we are currently in is actually a circular area with a radius of no more than 13 kilometers. If the surface area of ​​this mission space is only so large, then it can have How high is it?

For a mission where most combatants operate on the ground, creating space upwards is completely meaningless. After all, the game system is more powerful. Processing these extra spaces of data also requires a certain amount of calculation. Therefore, the system will definitely not set such unused maps. Since the system can add an invisible wall to limit the active area even on the ground, why can't it also set up such a wall in the sky? Anyway, players generally don't fly that high, do they?

According to this idea, most of the area where we are located should have a fixed size. That is to say, although the blue sky above seems to be high, in fact, it is all an illusion. There must be a layer of separation wall blocking us Let fly too high.

However, the situation now is that the giant soldier of the great **** suddenly took off. Then it disappeared. To say that it was the state of heavy rain before. It is understandable to hide in the clouds, but now the rain has stopped and the sky has become extremely clear. In this state, the giant soldier is gone. How high does it take to fly out? And follow the previous analysis. That thing should have hit the defensive wall long ago, right?

"The task space is limited. That thing should not be out of our sight in the space. But the fact is that the thing is missing." Rose analyzed the situation in front of him and said, "According to the principle of existence is reasonable, since the thing is missing Then, there must be a reasonable explanation. Reverse inference. If the giant soldier is gone, then there are only two possibilities. First, the thing is too far away from us, so we can't see it, and second, it is invisible. "

"Invisible?" I turned and shouted after I heard, "Emmies!"

Aimenis also heard the conversation on our side, so immediately stood up and looked around at the sky, then shook his head at me again: "That thing is not here, is it really not."

Rose heard the report and said immediately: "If the thing is really not there, it means that it flew out of our sight. If this is the case, then there are two possibilities. One, the mission world is really The height is very high, which allows the giant soldier to fly up. Second, this place really has an enchantment shield, but the giant soldier has a way to penetrate the defensive wall to reach outside. "

Of course, Rose's analysis makes sense, but we don't know what to do now. Even if that thing really broke into space, can we still beat it down? Not to mention now, even in the normal space outside, we actually don't have such ability.

Although the speed of the flying bird is fast, he does not have the ability to carry oxidants. He needs to inhale the air and produce special biogas in the combustion chamber to burn it, and then produce a jet propulsion effect. This mode is a common mode of a typical aircraft in the atmosphere, because the oxidant itself is very heavy, and the atmosphere is full of air, even at high altitude, it is only thinner, but not completely absent. Therefore, the oxidant is completely unnecessary. However, if you want to fly out of the atmosphere, the oxidant becomes necessary, because after leaving the atmosphere, no, it should be said that when it is about to leave the atmosphere, the oxygen content in the surrounding air has been reduced to a very low level. In this mode, it is impossible to ignite the combustion chamber in this mode, so once the bird reaches that height, the thruster will gradually lose its power, and eventually the thrust will be reduced to be equal to the gravity of the earth, so no matter how hard you try Rise, even if the ceiling is reached.

The flying bird ca n’t fly up, and my other pets ca n’t even go up, so even if the giant soldier is really on top, we can only watch from below. Unless it wants to come down, we will take him at all Nothing wrong.

"What can we do now?" Zhen Hong asked, looking at Christina and Rose.

Christina thought about it and asked Rose: "Rose, what do you say if we go to test the environment above?"

Rose was a little confused when she first heard the proposal, but quickly responded. "Do you think the sky is a layer of camouflage?"

Christina nodded without denying: "Think about the volume of that giant soldier, and then think about the volume of this mission space. Does it feel like you have a person in a large elevator? As long as there is Several giant soldiers can even touch the two sides of this space at the same time hand in hand. Such a large space is definitely not a combat attack for the giant soldiers. "

"Do you suspect this is just a storage room?" I now understand what Christina meant.

Zhenhong said aside, "How come there are so many ghosts in the storage room?"

"I don't know about this, it's just me. The 80% of the giant soldiers have already drilled to the upper level. Anyway, we can't see it here anymore."

Although what Christina said was just a kind of her guess, it is really the only way to verify it if she is not sure now. After all, if not, we do n’t even know what we are doing now Already.

It was easy to find out. As a result, this guy gave us each and every one of them, and then turned around and ran, without giving us a chance to fight at all. Not even now, what are we going to fight?

Now that this is the case, we have to do as Christina said. Rose actually agreed with Christina's idea, so we quickly started the search. of course. This operation is not just about searching the sky. It is more to search the ground and surrounding walls of this mission world.

If that giant soldier can go out from the top wall, it can only mean that any wall in this place can pass through him. In this case, of course, we can't just search the sky. As for the problem of the ground, this is mainly to see if the Japanese players who are pursuing it are dead.

The shock wave when the giant soldier took off was quite huge. My Death Guard and Kirin Samurai are almost wiped out. And my magic pet and I live well. But we all have different degrees of blood loss. Only those magic pets and Christina who are protected by us are really unscathed, because they don't need to bear the shock wave by themselves. Well. Based on this inference, since even my and my pet's pets carry this shock wave hard, can those Japanese players easily resist it? Therefore, it is very necessary for us to check whether the Japanese players are completely extinct. If they are all extinct, then we can let the Sakura Rain chicks hiding on the other side of the mountain and the Blazing Dragon Dragon come together. After all, they are also powerful fighting forces. Now they dare not use them because they are afraid of being exposed. It is really a waste.

The search was carried out quite quickly, but far less fortunate than expected. I checked the sky myself with a few magic pets, and it turned out that I could find the wall by flying up a little distance, just like on the ground. I can see the situation on that side through the wall, but I can only see it, basically I can't get over, even those may be nothing more than projection.

Although the expected top of the sky was found, we searched it for a long time. I didn't find any gaps or passage openings. This is mainly because according to our speculation, the calculation of this kind of wall was broken. There will be no obvious traces, because the dome itself is completely invisible, and a hole appears in an invisible object, then the hole is likely to be invisible. It's really not easy to find this hole in this case.

In this situation, we can only use our greater patience to find it slowly on our own, but the ground search team on the other side confirmed the fact that all Japanese players had died before we did.

The number of Japanese players who entered here was quite a lot. Except for those who were killed by us before, when the Giant Soldier took off, there were actually not many Japanese players killed. Although they are not as powerful as me and Christina, they are players. After all, they cannot be as powerful as my Death Guard and Kirin Samurai, so the heavy losses of Death Guard and Kirin Samurai do not mean that Japanese players also carry it. Can't stop that attack. However, holding back and holding up, such shocks even me and fortunately they have been harmed to varying degrees, and those Japanese players are even less likely to be immune. Therefore, when our search team went out to search, we found some players who were seriously injured and could not get up on the ground. Under this circumstance, of course, it is impossible for the people on our side to soften their hands and make up for the wounded directly, letting them die completely.

With the failure of the inspection of the sky part, and the last Japanese player has been killed on the ground, the cherry rain **** and the blazing dragon Ji finally successfully joined us.

The eyes of Sakura Yushin and the Blazing Fire Dragon Ji were very strange when they saw ice and other surviving guild players. All of them knew that Matsumoto was concentrating on breaking into Japanese players and acting as a high-level spy, but. Unlike our true core personnel, Ice Grab and several other high-level players in the guild, although they have a good status in the guild, are all just combat players. That is, the main energy is concentrated in combat. This kind of player is the most important kind of person in each guild, because they determine the fighting performance of the guild. However, in addition to being able to fight, these people do not really understand politics or conspiracy. They just fight, which does not mean that they are also good at thinking.

It is because these people have a high status in the guild, but they are not good at it, or have no interest in guild leadership. So these players usually don't know this super secret in the guild. The reason this group now knows is because the news that Matsumoto was congratulating them as our guild's spy had expanded during the last meeting. That's why they were fortunate to know the news. However, sometimes people's minds are not so easy to change. The enemies who had been killed and killed before were suddenly told that they were their own. In this case, at most, they could no longer be rivals with each other. But you want them to be enthusiastically welcomed like old friends. That was really difficult for some strong men.

Although these players look weird. But the cherry rain **** and the blazing dragon Ji did not care about this thing. After returning to our side, both of them looked at me and asked, "Boss. Where did the huge robot just go?" ? "

Because when we discussed the issue of the giant soldiers, the cherry rain **** and the blazing dragon Ji were not here, so they did not have any knowledge of this, and we will naturally ask them when we see it.

After hearing the two people ’s inquiries, Christina took the initiative to explain to them, and then, to our surprise, after Yingying, the chick was directly excited and said, "Say it early! I have a way! "

"Do you have a way?" I asked in surprise, looking at Sakura Yu.

Sakura Yu nodded and nodded: "Of course, I won't talk nonsense. Just wait a bit, and I'll let you know where that guy is right away."

Although I believe that the Sakura Rain God will not joke with us on this kind of thing, we are still curious watching the Sakura Rain God Happiness waiting to see how she will find the missing giant soldier who many of us have not found.

Under everyone's attention, Sakura Yuchi quickly ran to the top of the mountain, and then everyone followed. She first looked at the big hole left when the giant soldier left, and then started casting, but before that she asked us for a few bottles of magic potions that can be used here to add a lot of magic, which is obviously this skill. May be demanding for magic.

After the cast was completed, the Sakura Yujin didn't make anything earth-shattering, but just released a large piece of glittering powder from her hands. These powders look like crystal dust that glows and floats in the air, and they are constantly shining with strong and weak light, which feels pretty beautiful.

After releasing these crystal dusts, the Sakura Rain chicks no longer care about these things, so we can be sure that the cast is over, but it seems that these things do not indicate the whereabouts of the giant **** soldiers, we can only watch there Just it. However, in the end, it was really red, and I went to ask how the cherry rain **** chicks found the giant soldier.

The Sakura Rain God who has completed the spell has nothing to do now, so I will explain it to us. "Actually, this is a little magic that I accidentally learned from a Japanese female player. The other party likes to use this magic on himself when flying, because it will leave a long flash behind him during the flight. It looks so beautiful. "

"Do you mean that the function of this magic is beautiful?" Zhen Hong asked incredibly.

Sakura Yushin said with a smile: "It wasn't like this, but the other person really used it this way, and I learned this magic because it was beautiful and quite fun."

"Then how can this magic find the whereabouts of the giant soldier?" Cristina asked the key question.

Sakura Yumi explained: "The search for the giant soldier relies on the side effect of this magic. The crystal dust released by this magic has a very special characteristic, that is, it will be attracted by strong energy, plus they are very Light, they can be lifted up by the air, so when they are diffused into the air, they will naturally flow to energy-intensive areas, and if there are high-energy objects passing through a certain area, they will leave an energy in this place. The pipes that flow through. This kind of trace is very faint, and we can't feel it. But the crystal dust can move along this high-energy channel toward the direction of the energy body. "

"Do you mean that these dust-like things will drift along the other's moving route?" Zhenhong asked.

Sakura Yushin nodded and said, "This is roughly the case, but there is a problem with these crystal dusts, that is, they will always exist unless they are actively released after the show, and they will continue to absorb your magic. Do n’t look at these things Floating there, it has been draining my magic. "

"I'm relying on these things to float so slowly. Can your magic support them?" Looking at the powder that is still moving slowly in the sky, we are all very worried about the magic of the cherry rain **** before this thing finds the passageway. Bottom first.

Not bad. Although everyone is anxious to go up behind the crystal dust to help them speed up. But both of us also know that if we really do that, there will be no benefit other than a waste of time, so we can only worry about it in the end. Fortunately, the thing finally found an exit, and the location of this exit was quite strange.

Those crystal dust would have risen higher in the sky. And we are worried that our energy fluctuations will affect the detection of those crystal dust. So I dare not approach. Only a small flying pet could be sent to stare. According to the special magic we released on this magic pet, we have all seen those crystal dust flying in the air and disappearing suddenly, that is to say, there is a passageway in this place. You can't see it when you go in.

Immediately after finding the entrance, we all took off and rushed up, and then directly found the entrance through the positioning of that magic pet. This entrance is near the point of contact between the ceiling and the side wall of this mission space, but it is actually located on the wall. That is to say, it is placed sideways. When we checked the sky before, we didn't find this entrance at all, but the inspectors on the ground just searched around the height of the wall and did not expect to exist at this height. Entrance.

Now that we have found the entrance, we certainly can't wait here. After arranging the order of entry a little, I rushed out on the first bird.

Immediately after entering the entrance of the passageway, I felt a sudden darkness around me, and then didn't wait for any response from me, and then suddenly felt a bright light in front of me, and immediately followed me to see a wall rushing towards me.

"I am ..." With a loud noise, Asuka and I struck the wall directly without the brakes. Fortunately, the wall was not very thick, so we just opened a hole in it, and Flew out.

After coming out of that wall, we didn't stabilize, but stopped after hitting another wall. Fortunately, the impact is not strong now, so it's not bad. However, thinking of my companions in the back, I quickly rushed over and climbed up and wanted to remove the entire wall so that the people in the back could pass through, but I found something wrong when I came together.

"Hmm ...?" When I first got up, I suddenly felt that my body became very powerful. This feeling is obviously not the feeling of being suppressed before, that is to say, the state of suppression on my body has disappeared ... ?

"Hey ... flash away ..."

I felt the change on my body ~ ~ So I walked to God, and when I came back, I was already standing in the big hole on the wall I ran through, and this time it was really red The second one comes out. Like me, she found me in front as soon as she came out, and then hurried out.

Although I heard the sound, at this time I flew away, two people crashed into a ball and flew out of the room, then smashed into the building opposite.

"Boss, what's the matter with you? What's the matter doing at the exit?" Zhenhong complained as soon as she got up.

Instead of answering her question, I asked, "Look at your own attributes."

Although really red and wondering why I asked her to look at the properties, she looked at it, and then stopped. "Huh? How did my attributes recover? Didn't it mean that the attributes in the entire buff mission will always be suppressed? Do we ...?"

Although Zhenhong has never loved her mind, she has to say that her intuition is really very accurate, because we are really out now, and why do I know this? Of course, because the system prompts! But ... we didn't kill that one in the end, how could this task be completed suddenly? (To be continued ...)

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