Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 62: The best sculpture

In the end, the silver-white sculpture has become a huge task reward, and its attributes can be directly seen as long as the appraisal is used. However, it is quite surprising that although this thing is a reward, the result is not a simple reward, but a choice needs to be made.

Item Name: Monument to the Heroes

Current status: Unshaped

Level points: Intermediate level 2

Optional status: Yes

This is the entire content of this sculpture with a roughly human-shaped structure in front of it. It doesn't even have a detailed content introduction, and some of these attributes are displayed. I really do n’t know what this kind of content means, so I used the hand to touch those status texts, because the player ’s own attributes, if there is such an unclear thing, just touch Expand more instructions.

Sure enough, the usage habits in the game are the same. The monument's attribute text is also touchable.

The name of the item need not be touched, but the current status below is not quite understandable, so I touched the unshaped three characters, and the expanded content was soon displayed.

After seeing this new explanation I understand the meaning of this property. The humanoid sculpture that looks like an unfinished sculpture is not really so ugly. The reason it looks so abstract now is because I haven't set the shape of this thing. As long as I imagine the shape I want it to be while in direct contact with this thing, the sculpture can automatically simulate the imaginary shape. And size can also be adjusted.

In this way, the thing in front of you is not so unacceptable. Although it is ugly now, as long as I set a beautiful shape, it is just a problem of the program, and there is not much trouble.

After reading this attribute, I looked at the next integration level. I did not understand this item. Although I know the meaning of intermediate level 2, I don't understand what this intermediate level 2 represents.

Fortunately, the explanation given this time is also very detailed, and I can understand it after reading it.

The sculpture in front of me turned out to be the last mission reward given in the buff mission. That is a buff carrier. As long as this sculpture stands there. The buff attribute it carries will take effect, otherwise it will be invalid. But this kind of sculpture is every guild. In other words, the ownership of each country is fixed. It's not infinite. and so. There is a problem here. What if you set up some sculptures with very bad attributes, and you don't have the opportunity to set up more advanced sculptures later?

Here, this property plays a role in solving this problem. The system also sets attribute levels for these sculptures. Then, if the number of buff sculptures in a certain guild, or in a certain country, is full, it cannot continue to increase. At this time, the guild can still obtain sculptures, but the way of obtaining sculptures will change.

Before the number of sculptures reaches the upper limit, they can be obtained by performing buff missions and clearing customs. Once the number of sculptures obtained reaches the upper limit, continuing to complete the buff will only have attribute rewards and will not directly generate such sculptures. What should I do at this time? In fact, it is very simple, that is, to grab the buff sculpture of other countries or guilds, and then bring this sculpture back to merge with the sculpture of your own. When one's sculpture absorbs the other's sculpture, part of the attributes carried on the other's sculpture will be inherited by our buff sculpture, and after merging the other's sculpture, our sculpture will generate a voucher from it. The next time you do a buff mission, you can get a new sculpture again with this voucher. Of course, the new sculpture still has no place to put it, it can only be merged with the old one, and no new certificate will be given. If you want to continue to obtain sculptures, then you must continue to grab others and bring them back to fusion.

To put it simply, as long as the guild's sculptures are full, the sculptures of other countries must be replaced with sculptures of other countries. One sculpture of another country corresponds to one voucher, and one voucher can allow one to take one more sculpture. Moreover, this new sculpture is also used for fusion, after all, the total amount of sculpture is limited, and it cannot be changed at will.

In my opinion, this setting is even worse than the national war, because this is forcing players to kill each other!

Based on the analysis of the various situations I have now, I can understand that whether it is a buff mission or this buff sculpture, it is ultimately a use-forcing players from different countries to attack each other.

The guild of the buff task can only be the hegemon's guild or ruling guild of a certain country. In other words, the buff sculpture must be the hegemon's guild or the ruling guild. There can be one, which generally exists as the leader of this country.

According to the content written on this buff sculpture, all these buff sculptures have a wide-area attribute. This attribute is not targeted at a certain person, but the guild to which the buff sculpture belongs, and even some of the entire country. The improvement of the collective attributes of such a large group of people will definitely have a great impact on the results of battles such as the National War. Therefore, this kind of thing is simply a thorn in the eyes for the players of the enemy country, which is not uncomfortable.

But bad is bad here. The system actually sets the requirements, that is, this buff sculpture must be set in the most famous city in the country, and it is not allowed to hide it. It must be set up in a place where people roam to a certain scale, and it is open to free players Place of exposure.

According to these settings, these buff sculptures can only be placed in the ground city of Isinger, and can not be in the closed area of ​​the guild, only in the public area, or in the downtown area, not too remote.

Such precious things can't be hidden, so they must be set up in a public place. Isn't it the same as hanging a "please grab" signboard? As for why it is to rob, not to destroy, this is mainly related to the attributes of this sculpture. According to the attributes of the buff sculpture. This thing should be invincible, that is, a type that can never be destroyed. Therefore, the enemy can take it away, but there is no way to destroy it.

In addition, the characteristic of this buff sculpture is that once brought to any city with buff sculptures, the two buff sculptures are brought together, and the buff sculpture in the erect state can absorb some of the attributes of the buff sculpture in the moving state and Let yourself upgrade.

This mode is similar to a popular gun battle game in the past. Players are divided into two camps and rob each other of a special item in the headquarters of the other camp. Then as long as you bring this thing back to your base camp, you can add money. Then you can use this money to buy weapons and enhanced ammunition, and then kill the players in the other side.

Now this buff sculpture is actually the same as that special item, but it is not used to exchange money, but it can directly generate attribute bonuses. In this way, both sides must spend great efforts to protect their own buff sculpture. At the same time, he also desperately tried to grab the opponent's buff sculpture. In addition, the location of this buff sculpture is actually limited to areas where there is no way to set up security. So even if I just got the first buff sculpture in the world. I already mind predicting the grim situation of the future buff sculpture battle. This simply does not make people live!

"It seems that Essinger's defense forces will be strengthened in the future. This level is not enough!"

In fact, in order to facilitate the grab of the buff sculpture by both sides, the buff sculpture has many special hidden attributes. For example, as long as it is taken off the set base, it will shrink in size and become a small sculpture about half the size of a person. This attribute determines that the other party can easily carry this thing with it, and it also determines that it is not easy to hide, and because this thing cannot be transmitted in space and put into storage space, the robbers must keep quiet. Stealing this thing by sound is absolutely impossible. It can only be robbed in front of everyone, and you must endure the pursuit and **** this thing to escape. This is a design that intentionally let the players on both sides die.

In addition to the above settings, the last property left is the optional state. The currently displayed attributes are: Yes. This word only means confirmation, but I don't know what to confirm at all, so I opened it and looked at it, but it turned out to be a more terrible setting.

This optional state actually refers to an optional task.

All buff sculptures will be displayed as selectable and yes when they are first handed, but in this state, this buff sculpture will only be for a guild buff sculpture. However, if you take advantage of the options on this sculpture to accept a special task, you can upgrade this sculpture to a national buff sculpture. This national buff sculpture will be effective for players all over the country at the same time, but it will only have 80% of the attribute effect on players who are not members of the guild but belong to their own country, that is, it will be weaker than support for guild players. However, even if only 80% of the attributes are provided, that is better than nothing. Besides, a guild, even if it is a hegemon guild, the number of guild players generally does not account for as much as half of the total number of players in the country, and it can be quite exaggerated to have one or twenty percent. Especially a country with a large population like our country is even more impossible.

Just because the number of players in a guild will not be too large in the country, once the attributes of this buff sculpture are radiated from the guild to the whole country, the added attributes will definitely be more than that of the guild. This is the real weapon of the kingdom. Once you have it, you can comprehensively strengthen the combat power of players across the country, and this attribute will be radiated to your country. Even the protoss of this country can benefit. This is simply a super buff. So, any National players will not ignore the importance of this thing. In other words, the more important this gadget is, the more fierce they will be in the future.

However, in fact, there are workarounds, but I just couldn't think of it for a while.

After reading these attributes, I can roughly understand the purpose of this buff sculpture, but I still don't know the specific capabilities of this buff sculpture in front of me, because the ability of this thing cannot be viewed directly here. It must be brought back into the city and installed in a suitable location as described in the properties. This will allow you to view its properties. In addition, this permission to view attributes is actually not limited, but completely open, which means that anyone who can see the buff sculpture with the naked eye can directly view the attribute content of this thing. This is simply to prepare others to start snatching, because it can save others the trouble of stepping on the point, and can directly confirm the value of each target and start snatching.

Kristina, they have gone through both of sorting out their attributes. Looking at this huge weird sculpture in front of me, they were curious and asked me what this thing was doing. I simply introduced them to this thing. Attribute, and then arrange for Zhenhong to directly carry this sculpture back. Anyway, she has strength. This weight is nothing at all.

After returning this buff sculpture directly to Isinger. I simply took it to a large square built in Isinger Central Avenue. There is a huge fountain in the center of the square. At the center of the fountain is a huge sculpture base of eight meters high with a diameter of two and a half meters at the bottom. On top of this thing stood a huge statue of death, of course, according to the consistent style of this guild. This statue of death is not really a statue. It was a golem guard. Even the level of this thing is not low. Encounter battle words. This sculpture can be moved directly into the war.

Now that I have this buff sculpture, I plan to change it directly to that golem guard.

When Zhenhong carried this buff sculpture and walked to the side of the huge fountain, there were still many laymen's players nearby.

Although Isinger is a fortress city. However, because our guild has been using it as the guild headquarters for a long time, many traders and administrative staff of lay guilds often run here, and over time, this has become a trade distribution center. After all, Essinger ’s transnational transport array system is currently the fastest transnational transportation method in the world. Although the charges are not cheap, some high-value and small-volume items can also be transported from here, and the player personnel no longer care about this. Some money. After all, taking a plane is actually more expensive than this.

Because Isinger has become a cosmopolitan city, even if we have just fought a war on the periphery of the city, the city is still singing and dancing, which is mainly due to the strength of our guild. Many players are convinced that Isinger can't attack, so they don't care even if they fight outside. Now that the battle is over, they naturally have little reaction.

When Zhenhong carried the buff sculpture and walked to the square, many players from the guild were staring at it. After all, there were not many opportunities for the large group of senior players in the guild to appear together. Thanks to the setting of the equipment shape setting and the level of equipment in "Zero", the equipment on our group of senior personnel is called gorgeous. Those laymen who felt that they were wearing well, after seeing all the elite troops here in our guild, instantly felt like they were savages coming out of the mountains. This equipment level was completely incomparable!

"I am, is that purple sun?" A player distant exclaimed, pointing at me.

The person next to him exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Look at it, it looks like it's blood red roses, I heard it's from Ziri's wife. He's so beautiful!"

"Hey, hey, the group next to it will not be the Frost Rose League elite group, how do I feel that the top ten of the battle list are almost here?"

"I don't seem to see gold coins!"


The surrounding discussions hummed, but I didn't care about them. It is good for people to come to our guild city. The city in "Zero" is plainly like a huge supermarket. Here you can provide players with a variety of services and goods. Therefore, as long as Others enter your city, of course I am not talking about coming in to fight. As long as they enter the city in a normal state, they are actually creating wealth for the city and sending money to city owners. Therefore, we are always very polite to laymen in the city. Those who are extremely arrogant to their customers in their own stores are definitely those who have pits on their heads. Will normal people not do that kind of idiot? Harmony and wealth, smiling faces to welcome customers, this is the basic common sense of doing business.

Ignoring the sounds of discussion around us, our party quickly reached the center of the square. There is also a group of players here. It's all one-on-one, as for the reason ... weird to say. The fountain in the middle of the central square has a legend for no reason, saying that a couple wishing together here can get happiness. I really do n’t have any clue as to how such rumors appeared. Of course, it ’s romantic to make a wish in front of the fountain, but please look up a bit, please? Didn't see a skeleton wearing a robe and a sickle standing in the middle of the pond? Shouldn't the little lover make a wish to find God of love? What's going on in the face of death? Does this mean to live and die in the same year, on the same day, and go to Huangquan?

Although this strange rumor is completely incomprehensible, it is not a big deal, so we are a joke.

After the team reached the side of the pool. Those wishing couples naturally all stopped. Each one looked at us curiously. Although our group of people has amazing fighting power, everyone knows that we will definitely not mess around in our city, so no one is afraid of us, just curious.

no way. Seeing that the group stood there in a daze didn't mean to move the place. I had to step forward and cough. I woke up and said, "I'm sorry, we're going to make a little renovation to this fountain, so ... can you please give us a place for the time being?"

Those people heard that they were blocking their way. Hastened aside. Don't be afraid that we will not be afraid of us, but they have no intention of opposing us. However, after they gave way, they did not go far, but looked at the side of the pool to see what we were going to do.

This buff sculpture is supposed to stand on the square anyway, there must be no secrecy in the future, so I will not drive the crowd, just see it.

First let Zhenhong put down the buff sculpture, and then I looked up at the ten-meter-high death sculpture above and shouted, "God guard, start."

Hum ... after a loud roar rang, in the surprised eyes of those couples around, the eyes of the death **** flashed red suddenly, then looked down at me, then collapsed directly from the high platform. . A bang slammed into the pool, splashing the sky with water, causing the surrounding ladies to scream, of course, the men were happier, because they could take the opportunity to hold the beautiful woman by the way to stop the oil.

The golem guard who stepped off the high platform stepped out of the pool again, then stood on the shore and asked me, "Are you ordered, President?"

"You wait here first."

After I said it, I nodded my head toward True Red, who really carried the buff sculpture and jumped onto the eight-meter-high base, then put the buff sculpture up. In fact, this base is ten meters away from the pool, not as close as you think, but the power of Real Red is really scary now. I felt that she jumped up without much effort.

Put the buff sculpture in the hand on top of the high platform, then Zhenhong looked back at me and asked, "Is that all right?"

I nodded, preparing to make Zhenhong come down, and suddenly Christina next to her asked, "Does this buff sculpture need to be placed in such a place?"

I nodded and said, "It's just written on the horoscope, I can't help it!"

"Isn't it obvious that someone will grab it?" Hongyue said on the other side.

"Do n’t you understand this?" Shura Ziyi said, "The system is to deliberately let players fight against each other in guilds! This thing is the bait, and it is the kind that you know is bait. Fishing bait. "

I smiled and nodded towards Shura Ziyi, and then said to Christina: "Aren't you trying to hide this thing?"

Christina nodded and said, "I thought so before, but now that you've said that, it won't work. But I want to know a question."

"You said."

"Apart from the location requirements, is there any requirement for the base?"

"Pedestal?" I asked Kristina in surprise. "What do you mean by this? The attribute just says that there must be a plinth for this buff sculpture to take effect, but nothing else is said."

When Christina heard it, she said, "Why do you want the Golem to guard?"

"Ah?" I still didn't understand what Christina meant.

Kristina probably also knew that I didn't understand her meaning, so she quickly explained: "Since there is no requirement for the base. And this buff sculpture is placed here again to show that someone will grab it, so it will not be placed. Some guards are definitely not working? "

I nodded and said, "This is of course, but what does this have to do with the Golem Guard?"

Christina said with a smile: "The relationship is very big. You think! Since the buff sculpture has no requirements for the base, why do we have to use this stone stand as a base? Use the Golem Guard as a base directly Is it bad? "

"Take the Golem Guard as a pedestal?" Kristina's words gave me a stun, and then she suddenly reacted. "Yeah! Why didn't I think of it? There is no stipulation on what shape the buff sculpture must have, so we can make a special one."

"I see, but this golem guard still doesn't work," I said directly.

"Ah? Why?" Kristina was confused this time.

I intentionally smiled and didn't explain, then I started the communicator to contact the army **** and started to order them to get ready.

Thanks to the strong industrial production capacity of the bank, in less than 20 minutes, a newly cast super Golem guard was completed.

In fact, the time to produce a Golem Guard is certainly not only twenty minutes. But our guild already had a lot of golem guards. There are not many things that really need to be processed, as long as some things are processed according to my requirements, we can meet the requirements. After all, the biggest difficulty in the production of golem guards is the collection of materials and the carving of magic arrays. In fact, it does not take much time to make them.

The newly completed Golem was contained in a large box and hoisted by an airship until the box was opened. Christina, they're all guessing what I got here. And until the moment the box opened. They finally discovered the true face of this thing.

In fact, I didn't get anything weird. On the contrary, it is quite ordinary, because this is just the shape of a horse. A whole body is black and looks unusually tall. And very beautiful Devil 魇 horse. This horse is a kind of demon creature, and its combat power is quite good, but this thing is mainly used as a high-level mount of the demon army to be issued to the senior demon knight. Of course, this one is the guard of the golem, and the only thing they have in common with the horse is the shape, but the two have nothing to do with it.

Of course, the Golem Guard in the form of a steed is not as big as a real steed. The real stallion is actually only taller than the actual horse, which is not really exaggerated. After all, the nightmare itself is not too big. Yeying's height is only one-half the size of the average horse. As a descendant of the hybrid breed, the reminder of the horse is probably in between, and it is more biased towards the horse.

However, the golem guarding the horse is a real big guy. At this moment, this guy is using a two-legged standing posture. The two horseshoes in the front are hung high, and the heels are standing on the ground, making a standing posture. In general, horses only make this action when the reins are pulled hard by the knight, but they usually do not stay for long, and they will be released soon. However, the guards of golems are different from ordinary things. They are solid, and when they are not activated, they are not much different from a sculpture. They are just one more layer of magic and a core of energy than a sculpture, plus an artificial soul. Therefore, the standing Golem Guard in front of him will not lower his front legs, as long as it does not activate, this posture will be maintained forever.

Christina, they are not stupid. When they saw this sculpture, they knew what I was going to do.

Since this buff sculpture must be placed in public, and it cannot be hidden or isolated, it can only strengthen security. But how can a thousand-day thief be a thief? No matter how good security is, there are loopholes. So I simply changed my approach. Since this buff sculpture cannot be hidden, nor can it be isolated, and the guard may not be able to see it, then I simply equip this buff sculpture with a movable base. At that time, as long as there is any action the enemy wants to take on this thing, the golem guard can start directly, and then there is no need to fight, just run quickly with the buff sculpture. As long as this golem guard guarantees that the enemy will not get this buff sculpture in a short time, we can control the situation. After all, this is Isinger. Who are we afraid of on our own site?

"I trust, boss, you really have an idea!" Looking at this huge horse-horse golem, shouted with excitement.

I smiled proudly and said, "How is it? I have a good idea, right? Tell you, this golem guard is added."

"Feeding?" Christina asked, puzzled, "What did you add?"

"Small defensive force field generator."

"I rely, did you put the protective cover on the city?" Zhen Hong shouted again.

I said with a smile: "Yeah. Attributes say that you can't usually protect this buff sculpture with a protective cover, but there is no limit when buff sculpture contention occurs. Besides, I didn't put a protective cover on the buff sculpture, I just My golem guard has a protective cover, but this protective cover is slightly bigger and a little bit. "

"You really can hide."

"Haha, how did Pippi protect this thing?"

"But the energy consumption of city-level protective covers is terrible. How long can this thing support?" Asked Bingbing.

I explained to Red Moon before I said, "How long it doesn't need to support. This is our own site. When will it be here in minutes. It will be more than one minute as long as this shield can support it."

Rose added: "We can also make a little modification to this thing. Set up special charging interfaces in some hidden areas in the city, and then sculpt a charging interface under the hoof of your golem guard, so as long as Golem guards can easily find a place to recharge if they can get rid of the enemy's tracking a little. Even we can set up a charged magic array directly on the road. In battle, as long as the golem guards step on from above, they can recharge a little energy. Can support more A few seconds is a few seconds. And as long as you go through the charging interface one by one. You can ensure that the replenishment is not interrupted. Anyway, the charging port is produced without any trouble. Our urban power pipelines are all ready-made, and it can be installed directly. . "

Everyone you say to me, it quickly adds some places that I didn't expect. But this thing is going to be the case for the time being, those are the things that the rose is going to prepare.

With the Warcraft Guard in the form of a horse, the next step is the buff sculpture. Since the horse below is a mule, the buff sculpture above must be matched, otherwise it will be too ugly. Fortunately, this thing can be changed in shape, and it can also be adjusted in size, so I directly set this buff sculpture into the shape of a death knight, and made it match the volume of the guardian horse statue.

When both the guardian of the horde and the buff sculpture were placed, the sculpture above the pool became a death knight holding the reins with one hand, and the other hand held the sword of Damocles on one person. On the back of the standing **** horse, the shape is really quite visually striking. Moreover, because the two sculptures are both standing, the height is much higher than the original death. Now the total height of this sculpture is nearly 25 meters.

For such a large sculpture, the base and the pool below are a little bit inadequate, but this is to make up temporarily, and then the rose will be renovated when laying the charging port. The pool and the base will be sure by then Must be reset.

In fact, there are still some things I didn't say, that is, the **** horse is actually not a complete golem guard, because the guy's belly is empty. It also contains a high-level mobile angel, which is used to intercept intruders and facilitate the escape of the buff sculpture.

This strange setting inspiration is of course derived from Trojan horses, but they are used for siege, and ours is used for anti-theft.

In fact, there are many settings that can be made here, but it is not convenient to say them here. I actually already thought about it. I went back and started a big project under this square. I put a golem guard or a mobile angel under each floor tile on the square, and then set up a lot of soldiers nearby. Dare to move our buff sculpture, I dare let him become meat sauce in minutes.

Immediately after the basic setup was completed, we noticed that there was a slight change in the buff sculpture above. To be honest, the design of this thing is really good, after it takes effect, it will automatically set special effects according to the shape. When it was not started, I just made this buff sculpture into a death knight on a horse, but. When the attributes of the buff sculpture took effect, the eyes of the death knight lit up, and a blue icy flame lit on the magic sword in his hand. It felt as if the death knight had come alive. Standing in front of him, you even felt like the head would be cut off immediately by the other party.

"It looks good," Rose said.

"The key is to integrate with the surrounding environment." Hongyue said.

Kristina said, "No matter how disguise is useless, this thing is destined to be exposed. The system is for everyone to grab, what we can do is to guard against death, everything else is useless."

"No." Rose said: "Although it is impossible to keep the secret of this thing, we do not need to disguise, at least our camouflage can deceive many people who do not know the inside. As long as they can't figure out our The specific settings can allow us to take advantage. So camouflage is necessary. Besides, this is a sculpture repaired on the central square after all. Whatever it takes, it must be worthy of Isinger's cityscape! "

Isinger's architectural style has always been a lot of player cities want to emulate but have never been able to do, because the buildings here are really too huge. These hundreds of meters of huge buildings and dark-colored urban scenes make Essinger look like a huge city of undead, and the large number of undead creatures here really shows that this is the city of undead. This image of the city is actually similar to the idea of ​​a theme park. Your city has some characteristics. Will attract others to come and see. And whenever someone comes, they need to consume, which is good for us.

After installing the buff sculpture on this side, the buff attribute can be regarded as completely magical. Only then did I see the specific data of this buff sculpture.

Because it is a buff for a large range of personnel, I had expected that the attributes added by this buff sculpture would not be too exaggerated. After all, this thing is added to the attributes of tens of thousands of players and hundreds of millions of troops. If it is added, Too powerful, that would be terrible. So, the attributes of this thing are definitely not much.

Of course, although there have been estimates before, I didn't see the specific attribute before with a certain fantasy, so I finally looked at this attribute with a kind of nagging mood.

Surprised. After seeing the attributes, I want to be surprised, because the attributes of the buff sculpture are not just one line, but several. This is really a bit unexpected.

"So much?" Kristina called out for the first time, because they had already estimated that this attribute would not be too much in advance, and the added value was certainly small. However, everyone was taken aback after seeing this actual result.

There are actually four additional attributes added to the buff sculpture, which is definitely beyond imagination. I originally thought there were at most two, and most of them should probably be one, but now I see four, which is more than double the maximum I expected.

All four buff attributes are simple. The first attribute: a city of people.

The name of this first buff is strange, but when you look at the content, you will find it very appropriate. This united city is actually an attribute that depends on the number of people. According to the introduction, as long as it is a unit of our guild, we do not use siege weapons such as angels, but calculate all units, such as the protoss, army, Fighting creatures, as long as they belong to our guild.

As long as the affiliated units of our guild appear on a battlefield and the number exceeds one hundred, this united city will begin to play its role. When the number reaches ten times that of one hundred, that is, one thousand, the attack power of all personnel increases by 10%.

When the number of our people gathered has reached one hundred and one hundred times, that is, 10,000 people, the attack and protection of all our combatants increased by 10% each.

When the number of our people gathered has reached a thousand times of one hundred, the attack, protection, and health of all our combatants have increased by 10% each.

When the number of our personnel gathered together reached 10,000 times that of one hundred, the attack, protection, life, and agility of all our combatants increased by 10% each.

When the number of our personnel gathered together reached one hundred thousand times, the attack, protection, life, agility, and magic value of all our combatants increased by 10% each.

When the number of our personnel gathered together has reached one million times one hundred, the attack, protection, life, agility, and magic value of all our combatants have increased by 15% each.

When the number of our personnel gathered has reached 10 million times, the attack, protection, life, agility, and magic value of all our combatants will increase by 20% each.

There is no end to this attribute. As long as our personnel can continue to increase, the five attributes of attack, protection, life, agility, and magic value will increase by 5% at a rate of 10 times the number of people, without capping.

However, this number is fixed. In addition to this number, in addition to the siege weapon, there is a lower limit for the minimum combat effectiveness of the participating personnel, which means that too many arms are not counted. Therefore, if you want to use a large number of undead mage to summon any dead swarm or low-level skeleton soldiers to fill the number is definitely not working.

According to my calculation of the number of people in this bank ~ ~ that one hundred thousand times, that is, the situation of 10 million people participating in the battle is relatively easy to achieve. Of course, I am not saying that we will have 10 million players, but that our troops have tens of millions of people. It is possible to invest more than 10 million troops in a battle.

However, the standard of the one hundred million people at the upper level is obviously a bit laborious. According to my calculations, if our guild came out of the nest, we could barely reach 100 million troops, but if we really attacked with this amount, all the overseas colonies of our guild would be empty. So this situation is unlikely to happen.

Although it does not reach the scale of 100 million people, that 10 million people is equivalent to an increase of 10% in the five data of attack, protection, life, agility, and magic. This ratio is actually quite scary. Therefore, when a large corps fights, the more people there are, the more advantage we have. It is a pity that this data is only for the guild. If you bring the whole country together, it will be easy to break through billions. Even if one billion people participate in the war, it is not impossible. After all, this data is to be counted, and the army has always been more than the player, so one billion is really achievable. It's a pity that we can't do it alone.

After looking at one attribute, I looked at the second attribute again, hoping that this was as powerful as the first one. (To be continued ...)

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