Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 79: Who can I help?

Even the snowy charcoal and the icing on the cake came out, and the fool knew how to choose.

"Then you can only blame the opposite." Zhenhong said.

Although Rose understood what I meant, she didn't start fighting immediately, but asked the assistant first. "Do you have any reference opinions over there?"

"I can't help with this, this is limited information."

"Then there is nothing to do." I said, "Let ’s lift off first, do n’t approach the warships on both sides, let them fire at first, and check their general armaments before they start fighting. Although their cannons do n’t look good, they are difficult to guarantee Not a particularly powerful weapon, I don't want to be damaged as soon as I enter the mission. "

"Difficult tasks, caution is necessary." Christina agreed with me.

Everyone started to take off in accordance with my requirements. Although they did not leave the sight of the fleet on both sides, the meaning of non-harmony was already obvious. In fact, our actions made the captains on both sides relieved, because when they found out that we were flying, we knew that we were all very powerful figures, and both sides were worried that we were each other's people, so they were all worried. of. However, our current behavior at least shows that we are not the person of the other party, so their mood is slightly better, but anyway, we are here after all a hidden danger, but under the current circumstances they have no time to take care of us.

After our posture, the warships on both sides gradually entered the range. Neither side adopted any tactics such as seizing the upper air vents, but each set up a long snake array, and then moved closer together in a zigzag manner at sea. I didn't know they thought they would merge into a fleet. However, in fact, this is not to merge the fleet at all, but to shoot into two columns and start the confrontation.

Because the cannons of sailing warships are mainly concentrated on both sides. Therefore, if you want to attack, you must use the side to point at the enemy. This mode of battleships on both sides can discharge the maximum firepower. Of course, our own firepower is the largest, and the enemy is also the firepower. So this tactic usually happens when both sides have enmity. And the position of both sides is not suitable to grab the upper hand. If the t-head position can be grabbed, most fleets will consider grabbing it. After all, such a position can ensure that their own firepower is the greatest, but most of the enemy's artillery cannot fire.

The fleets of the two sides were obviously of the type that resembled the sea, and when they met, they started the decisive battle, and even the transport ships did not fall. Although those transport ships are engaged in transportation. But the transport ships in these sailing ships are not armed. They were only half less than the cannons of the warships, and not completely unarmed, so at this time the transport ships also entered the battlefield.

"Hurry up, fire a few shots and let us see your firepower." Zhen Hong muttered in the sky a little can't wait.

The two sides seemed to have heard the words that were really red, and started fighting as soon as she finished speaking. The battleships on both sides almost seemed to be engaged, firing at the same time, almost within a second. At a distance of only 70 or 80 meters, the warships of the two sides fired side-by-side guns one after the other, and in the blink of an eye, the fire in the middle of the fleets of both sides flashed and the smoke filled. Accompanied by pieces of wood flying around.

The battleships of the two sides are basically similar in structure. The main ships are equipped with three layers of gun positions on one side, of which the highest layer is the deck gun position, and the lower two layers are in the cabin. There were slightly fewer gun positions on the deck. The lower two floors are a row of twelve cannons, which means that there are more than thirty artillery pieces on the side of this battleship, which is more than the number of cannons of modern battleships. Of course, modern warships can only abuse one fleet here with just one gun.

Both sides seem to use solid bullets, because although the hit rate is surprisingly high, the damage is very ordinary. After each round of bombardment, each ship ate at least one or two dozen shells, less than 80 meters. Even with this type of front-mounted cannon, there is very little deviation, and the hit rate is as high as 80%. For modern warships, hitting one or two dozen shells by the opponent is basically useless. After all, modern shells are too scary, but the solid shells here are obviously not so powerful. Although one or twenty rounds of shells were hit, most of the warships did not show obvious changes, except that there were many holes in the side of the ship.

After a round of artillery, the two sides turned tacitly to each side, and then the whole fleet fell in a different direction to form two columns again, and then started using the artillery on the other side. However, this time the shelling was not so neat. Everyone started firing randomly, some were fast and some were slow, and the fire density was not the same. Some ships even fired a few rounds. Of course, there are still tough types.

The two rounds of artillery bombardment seemed unremarkable. This is exactly the era-standard naval warfare mode of sailing warships with front loading. After confirming that, we are going to start shooting. However, just when we started and did not fly a few meters away, the biggest ship in the fleet that we originally planned to help gave us a shocking appearance.

Originally, this flagship was only a little bigger than the other ships in this fleet, and there were only a dozen more artillery pieces. It didn't look too exaggerated. However, just after the two fleets had completed firing on the other side, the flagship suddenly turned to the other side of the fleet. This action was quite strange.

After the second round of artillery, the subsequent fleet turned outwards, and most of the ships in this fleet also turned outwards. Only the flagship turned inward and let its bow. Pointed at one of the other battleships. Then, in our surprised eyes, the dragon-head-shaped bow of the flagship bow actually opened the dragon's mouth, followed by a dazzling white light shot out of the dragon's mouth. And at a speed no less than the speed of a cannonball, across the distance between the two directly hit the targeted, turning warship.

If it just emits a white light, it's nothing, the key is that this beam, which looks three or four meters long, into an olive-shaped beam, exploded violently after hitting the warship. Not a general violent explosion, but as if a large-caliber blaster with a diameter of more than 400 millimeters directly hit the middle of the hull. With a bang, the battleship was completely blown into a large number of blue and white flames. After the sky was broken, even the two warships near it were ignited by the flames.

"I rely, what the **** is this?" We were startled as we were preparing to fly forward.

Rose looked at Christina and asked, "Did you feel any magic?"

"Lightning magic, but I have never seen this wave. I don't know what magic it is." Christina said: "Maybe it's something like a ball lightning."

"But what I just saw was a beam of light!" Zhenhong said.

"Some spherical lightning bolts will be very bright, leaving an afterimage on the retina when moving at high speeds. It's like you can still see a white spot even if you close your eyes after staring at a strong light for a few seconds Same. The beam of light is just an afterimage. In fact, it is just a light ball moving at high speed. "

"But this power is too scary, isn't it?" Gold Coin asked.

"It shouldn't be a question of power." Rose said, "Of course. The power of that thing is great, but the effect is mainly because the sailing ship itself is not strong. So it will be blown up once. If the steel of our guild This will not be the case for battleships. "

"As long as the ammunition and magic crystals on the ship are not ignited by electromagnetic induction, in fact, steel warships can shield spherical lightning." Christina said. "The metal shell of the battleship shields the current on the surface of the hull and then introduces it into the sea like a Faraday cage. There is only voltage and no current in the ship, so there will not be any electric shock. But those sensitive equipment may not be."

"Hey hey. Who are we helping now?" Zhenhong asked: "The fleet here looks weak, but this secret weapon ... if it can be fired continuously, the opponent's fleet will not play with it at all. Right? "

The two fleets here are actually only two dozen ships each. The side we originally intended to help, which was just suddenly out of power, had a total of 23 ships, nine of which were battleships, and the remaining fourteen were transport ships with only two rows of gun positions. The other side has fewer warships. There are only twenty ships, three less than this, but fourteen of them are capital ships, and the remaining transport ships seem to be more powerful than the transport ships here. So I really have to say that the warships over there are actually taking advantage.

However, if this lightning weapon can be used multiple times, even if it is not a continuous-fire type, as long as it comes one after another, the opposite side will definitely not hold up. After all, as long as this thing is aimed, it is completely to solve the opponent one by one. Moreover, if the other party is dense enough, there may be more than one ship at a time. At that moment, the warships on both sides were ignited. Although the fire was extinguished afterwards, because the sails were burned out, the two ships have now basically lost their combat power. Sailing warships are annoying at this point. Without sails, they can't move. If they can't move, they can't fight, and they will become living targets. In other words, the attack of the secret weapon just now is equivalent to reimbursing three ships. Fortunately, the two injured and immovable ships were transport ships. If the two main ships were paralyzed there, the other side could now run straight.

Some of us were hesitant after Zhenhong asked. According to the previous statement, we should be helping people to send charcoal in the snow, but now we don't know who is better. So whoever needs charcoal is unsure. In this way, we are at a loss.

"Or look again?" Rose suggested.

Because we did n’t know who we were helping, we all agreed to take a look again.

The flagship turned around and merged with its formations after starting to kill the other battleships, and then began to set up a snake array, but it looks like they are going to grab the wind this time, because one of the ships in the opposing fleet was completely destroyed Two fires caused the sails to become ineffective, which made it impossible to move. Therefore, the opposing fleet began to hesitate whether to rescue the two ships first. As a result, the opportunity was missed and the opponent ran to the front.

Sail battleships rely on the wind to sail, so there is no way to determine the course at will like a mobile battleship. If you miss the opportunity, you immediately lose your advantage. If you have lost a battleship, the opponent will be robbed to the upper position. But it's really about to die.

In the face of this situation, the opposite fleet decisively chose the same tactics as the other side-to do a trick.

I saw one of the fleet that was previously used as a transport ship suddenly opened the stern part of the back, and then saw a lot of unknown creatures about the size of a calf jumping from the open door over there Into the sea.

The creatures are strangely shaped. At first glance, they look like wolves without hairs, and their bodies are all black. However, in fact it was not hairless, but a layer of fur in a very dense room. It's like the fur of an otter. Moreover, this thing is obviously an amphibious combat elite, because their tail proportions are a bit long, and the upper and lower ends of the tail have longitudinal fins that can be erected and lowered at will. This thing just needs to be erected. Together with the tail swing, it can become a good underwater thruster, so the underwater movement ability of these things should be quite good. and. These guys also have a very good characteristic, that is, they can either hold their breath or have gills, anyway, this guy didn't come out after entering the water anyway.

Immediately after launching these things, they spread out and swam towards the fleet over there. The opposite warship fired a machine gun, and then these guys dived down and couldn't see where it was going. These sailing warships are still in the pre-armored era. Of course, no anti-submarine weapons are possible. Besides, even modern anti-submarine torpedoes, it is almost impossible to hit dolphins. Aquatic creatures are moving too fast and very flexible. So it's hard to aim.

These guys lost their targets after launching and couldn't fire, but they still decided to continue to grab the wind. As a result, they just got in position and started to line up to come back. Those launching creatures finally came near these warships.

Just as those battleships were lined up, the side of one of the ships suddenly exploded, and a creature jumped directly from the sea two or three meters high, and then its sharp and powerful claws clasped on the board. Climbing directly on the ground, he climbed directly to the position of the bottom gun window, and then dexterously lowered his head into it.

As the first sea beast came out of the water, sea beasts started to climb up to the nearby warships, and then the interior of the warships began to mess up. At first, there were only screams and fighting sounds, but soon one of the warships suddenly exploded. A side of the hull was directly opened with a hole several meters wide, and the situation inside was clear. With the explosion of this ship, another ship also suddenly turned to leave the formation. Although it was later intended to turn back, it had to wait for the entire fleet to pass to the end of the line because it missed the position, otherwise it Forcibly pushing in will cause the following battleships to lose their positions, and the fleet will then be broken in two.

The chaos continued. Although the fleet eventually successfully returned, the gunfire was sparse after passing near the fleet. Many warships only fired a few guns, and there was another one just after the shelling was completed. The battleship exploded, and this time it was even worse, and it completely disintegrated.

Although the visual effect is not as exaggerated as that of the thunder and lightning weapon, it has to be said that these sea beasts are actually very powerful, especially it seems that the sea beasts are still in battle, and it may not be possible that the opposing fleet can be directly tossed. However, people are not bullying. After the fleet passed, the flagship turned out to point the bow again to a main battleship over there, and then a decisive electric light shot. This time is exactly the same as the last time, only one of the opponent's battleships was completely blown up in just one shot. However, because they learned the lesson this time and separated the fleet, it did not cause joint damage.

After the two fleets separated, they started to circle again, and then re-searched for positions and then planned to engage in battle. At this time, Christina looked at me and asked: "President, it seems that their strength should be similar. Which side do we help?" "

"I think it's the same on either side, because the casualties on both sides are not small now, and it helps everyone be a charcoal in the snow." Rose analyzed: "However, I think it is likely that this has an unplanned benefit to choose from."

"Unplanned benefits?" I looked at Rose in doubt, because I didn't expect any unplanned benefits.

Rose saw that we did not understand and explained: "Obviously, the party we originally intended to help has some kind of energy technology ~ ~ that is the lightning attack. The other party has a training method for sea beasts. . So, if we help the original party, maybe we can get the principle of this energy weapon, and if we improve it with our technology, it should be a good weapon. After all, their technology is so bad that they can make this powerful weapon. Are we inferior to them, right? As for the other party, helping them should get a new sea beast as a new weapon for our navy. Although our weapons are now very advanced, we have to admit that these Sea beasts are actually very useful. Their method of submerging into the interior of a warship to kill the crew is equally useful for modern warships. After all, the more advanced the warship, the people inside are still the same. "

"It makes sense. So how do we choose?" Cristina looked at me and asked.

I'm also a little hesitant about Christina's question. Energy technology is indeed a good thing, but I also like sea beasts. After all, I am a summoner! However, the two seem to be both! Wait, have both? It seems not impossible!

As long as the lightning weapon is provided with medicine, we may be able to use reverse engineering to research it. As for the training of sea beasts, it seems that this only needs to capture a captive. Of course, the premise is that the sample cannot be damaged, and the captive must know the domestication method. There are risks on both sides, but both are feasible, which is really difficult! ()

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